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Our Spectacular Solar System

Have you ever thought about what its like in outer space? Are the stars close enough to touch? Can I
float from one planet to another? If I have to go to the bathroom, what do I do? Through the use of rovers,
probes, specialized cameras, and other technology, scientists and astronauts have been able to discover
more and more information regarding the mysteries of our solar system without actually traveling into
For hundreds of years, scientists have been interested in finding out new information about the solar
system, and have rigorously examined it, in order to learn as much as possible about the uncertainties of
what may lie beyond planet Earth. Until 2006, we believed that there were nine planets orbiting the sun.
These planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. In 2006,
scientists created two new terms in order to distinguish the difference between planets and other round
objects in space. The two terms that were created include major planets and dwarf planets. The
scientists informed us that, while the other planets are considered to be major planets, Pluto is now
considered to be a dwarf planet. In recent years, scientists have found several other dwarf planets,
besides Pluto, within our solar system.
Our knowledge of the solar system is continuing to grow thanks to the innovative technology used in
space exploration. Thousands of years ago, scientists believed that the Earth was the center of the
universe, and that all other space objects traveled around it. We now know that the sun, the closest star to
the planets, is the center of the solar system. We have also learned that planets and stars are not the only
objects in space. Among these objects are moons, comets, and meteoroids. Our solar system contains many
moons, but only one belongs to the planet Earth. Comets are large chunks of rock, ice, and dust. While a
comet may only be a few miles in length, the tail of gasses that follow it may be millions of miles long!
Meteoroids are bits of rock and metal that glide through space. If you have ever seen a shooting star, then
you will be pleased to know that you have actually witnessed a meteorite falling towards Earth!
While our knowledge about the solar system has greatly developed over time, there is still much to learn!
Scientists and astronauts continue to explore and discover new information about the solar system.
Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _________________________

Date _________________

Our Spectacular Solar System:

Task 1 Preview Vocabulary

Directions: Complete the vocabulary diagram below using the definitions provided for each word.


Made by Miss. Pakosz










Name _________________________

Date _________________

Our Spectacular Solar System:

Vocabulary Detective

Directions: Complete the vocabulary diagram below using context clues to determine the meaning of each


Made by Miss. Pakosz










Name _________________________

Date _________________

Our Spectacular Solar System:

Task 2 Annotating the Text

Directions: Read the text again, with a pencil in your hand. While you are reading, make notes to record your
thinking. The annotations of your thinking may include parts that are interesting or important, a question that
you may have, vocabulary that you are unsure of, or any connections that you can make. Record one idea in
each of the boxes below.
What is the topic of this passage?

What is something that you found interesting?

What is one question that you have?

What is one connection you can make?

Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _________________________

Date _________________

Our Spectacular Solar System:

Task 3 Gist ReaDING

Directions: With a colored pencil in hand, reread the text. Use the colored pencil to underline the central, or main idea,
in each paragraph. Record the authors central idea and three examples to support that idea in the boxes below. Then,
choose your own important idea about this topic. Identify three examples to support your idea.

Central Idea:

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

My Central Idea:

Example 1:

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Example 2:

Example 3:

Name _________________________

Date _________________

Our Spectacular Solar System:

Task 4 Show me the Evidence!

Directions: Read the following questions. Using your text, identify the exact spot where you found the
answer. When answering each question, you must incorporate evidence from the text and write your
answers in complete sentences.

How many planets were originally thought to make up our solar system?
2. Is there more than one dwarf planet in our solar system?
3. Why do comets appear millions of miles long when they are actually much smaller?
4. What is one way that technology has assisted in space exploration?

Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _________________________

Date _________________

Earths Twin
Each planet in our solar system exhibits distinctive characteristics in order to earn a special nickname.
Neptune was named the Stormy Planet because of its extreme high winds and constant storms. When
people talk about the Red Planet, they are referring to Mars because of its reddish color. Saturn is known
as the Ringed Giant because of the thousands of large rings that surround it. While Venus is often
referred to as the Hot Planet because of its temperature, or the Masked Planet because of its thick
surrounding clouds, it is also referred to as Earths Twin because it is so similar to Earth in many ways!
Of the eight planets in our solar system, Venus and Earth are the two planets that are most similar.
Venus and Earth formed next to each other as the second and third closest planets to the sun and are
made up of similar materials. While they are relatively the same size, Earth is slightly larger. Both are
considered to be terrestrial planets, with land and air. In addition to these similarities, the gravity on Venus,
as well as its density and mass, are comparable to that of Earth. Scientists hope that studying Venuss
weather will also teach them about Earths weather as well.
It is accurate to say that Earth and Venus exhibit similarities on many different levels. Nevertheless,
like human twins, there are also many differences between these planets. Atmosphere is a feature that
both planets possess, but the types of atmosphere that surround each planet are significantly different.
Earths atmosphere is what helps to keep our planet from becoming scorching hot or glacially cold. It is
strong enough to store heat from the sun, but not nearly as strong as the atmosphere on Venus! Venuss
atmosphere is comprised of mostly carbon dioxide, a greenhouse-like gas that traps heat from the sun.
Because of this, the air on Venus is tremendously thick which makes it exceptionally heavy, and creates
extreme pressure. Venuss air pressure is about 90 times the air pressure on Earth and trying to walk on
Venus might feel like walking on the bottom of the ocean. The feeling of Venuss air pressure is equivalent to
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the feeling of about 3,000 feet of water on top of you. Thats a lot of pressure!
While the planets atmosphere is a substantial difference between them, there are other
noteworthy dissimilarities as well. Another major difference between these terrestrial planets is the
weather. The weather on Earth is relatively unsurprising. We know the type of weather to expect from
each season, as well as when the seasons will change, and we are able to adapt to these conditions. On
occasion, there are extreme and unpredictable weather conditions that take place. Tornados and
earthquakes are among these weather phenomena, which vary in frequency as well as intensity. In
contrast to Earths comfortable weather conditions, the weather on Venus is dreadful. The orangecolored sky is covered with thick, spinning clouds that flash with powerful lightning. Some clouds are filled
with sulfuric acid, turning them a shade of yellow. These thick clouds trap the suns heat, deeming it
impossible to sustain life. The average temperature on Venus is 870 degrees Fahrenheit!
Both Earth and Venus rotate on their own axis, creating day and night. One day is the amount of
time it take for a planet to complete one full spin on its axis. A day on Earth lasts for 24 hours, while a day
on Venus lasts 5,832 hours, or 243 Earth days. The time it takes a planet to completely orbit the sun is
considered to be one year. While the Earth rotates at a quicker rate than Venus, Venus orbits the sun at
a quicker rate than Earth. It takes Earth 365 days to orbit the sun while Venus only takes 225 Earth days
to do so. Earth, like the majority of the planets, rotates on its axis in a counter clockwise direction, while
Venus rotates in a clockwise direction. The direction of the planets rotation does not impact the rotation
speed, however, it adds to the list of differences between these planets.
There are many similarities, as well as differences, between the planets of our solar system. While it
is possible to find commonalities among all of the planets, each one is unique in its own way. Among the
eight planets, Venus has been called Earths twin, due to the many characteristics that they share. While
there are some similarities, the distinguishing differences between Earth and Venus greatly set them

Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _________________________

Date _________________

Earths Twin

Task 1 Preview Vocabulary

Directions: Complete the vocabulary diagram below using the definitions provided for each word.










Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _________________________

Earths Twin

Date _________________

Vocabulary Detective
Directions: Complete the vocabulary diagram below using context clues to determine the meaning of each










Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _________________________

Date _________________

Earths Twin

Task 2 Annotating the Text

Directions: Read the text again, with a pencil in your hand. While you are reading, make notes to record your
thinking. The annotations of your thinking may include parts that are interesting or important, a question
that you may have, vocabulary that you are unsure of, or any connections that you can make. Record one
idea in each of the boxes below.
What is the topic of this passage?

What is something that you found interesting?

What is one question that you have?

What is one connection you can make?

Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _______________________

Date _____________

Earths Twin

Task 3 Gist ReaDING

Directions: With a colored pencil in hand, reread the text. Use the colored pencil to underline the central, or main idea,
in each paragraph. Record the authors central idea and three examples to support that idea in the boxes below.
Then, choose your own important idea about this topic. Identify three examples to support your idea.

Central Idea:

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

My Central Idea:

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _______________________

Earths Twin

Date _____________

Task 4 Show me the Evidence!

Directions: Read the following questions. Using your text, identify the exact spot where you found the
answer. When answering each question, you must incorporate evidence from the text and write your
answers in complete sentences.

Why does each planet have a special nickname?


2. Between Earth and Venus, which planet is large?


Identify two similarities between Earth and Venus.



What do you think the word accurate means in paragraph 3?

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How is Earths atmosphere different than the atmosphere on Venus?


6. Based on the information provided regarding air pressure on Venus, how would running in a race
on Venus feel different than running a race on Earth?

In what way is the weather on Venus different than the weather on Earth?


What do you think the word commonalities means in the last paragraph of the text?
Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _________________________

Date _________________

Gas Giant or Terrestrial?

Wouldnt lunchtime be pretty boring if all of our food was made from the same thing? Dont you think
life would be lackluster if all of our clothes were made of the same dismal grey hue? Wouldnt the radio seem
monotonous if every song included the same lyrics? Luckily for us, these scenarios are not a reality.
Similarly, the study of planetary science would also seem pretty lame if all planets were made of the
same material. Scientists have categorized the planets of our solar system into two different clusters.
The first group of planets are identified as terrestrial, while the second group of planets are classified
as gas giants. How did scientists come up with these peculiar titles, you ask? Keep reading to find out!
The planets classified as terrestrial planets are ones that are smallest in size, and closest to the
sun. Terrestrial planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The term terrestrial comes from the
Latin word for Earth. The planets included in this category are made of solid, like Earth, and are very dense.
Because of their weight, the terrestrial planets rotate slowly. All terrestrial planets are basically
comprised of the same materials. The central core is made of metal with a solid outer surface of hard rock.
Earth is unique in many ways, however, one attribute that sets it apart is that over 70% of its surface is
covered with water. The other terrestrial planets may have, at one time, been comprised of water, but
they are now either too hot, causing the water to evaporate, or too cold, which has caused the water to
The four outer planets of our solar system are classifies as gas giants, and include Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune. These planets were established to be gas giants, not only because they are massive,
but also because they are primarily made of gas, rather than a solid. The main gasses that make up these
planets are helium and hydrogen. The atmospheric pressure of these planets is extremely strong, which
causes the gases to become so dense at the core that they transform into a metallic liquid. The average
temperature of Uranus and Neptune, the furthest planets from the sun, is between minus 350 degrees
Fahrenheit and minus 370 degrees Fahrenheit! They are so cold that much of their gasses have frozen,
allowing them to acquire a second classification: ice giants.
Each planet is unique in its own way. We are able to classify planets based on their similarities, but
their differences are what make them so interesting. Scientists are always looking to discover new
information about the planets, stars, and galaxies. By learning more about what lies beyond our planet,
scientists hope to gain information that will be beneficial in expanding their understanding of Earth.
Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _________________________

Date _________________

Gas Giant or Terrestrial?

Task 1 Preview Vocabulary

Directions: Complete the vocabulary diagram below using the definitions provided for each word.










Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _________________________

Date _________________

Gas Giant or Terrestrial?

Vocabulary Detective

Directions: Complete the vocabulary diagram below using context clues to determine the meaning of each










Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _________________________

Date _________________

Gas Giant or Terrestrial?

Task 2 Annotating the Text

Directions: Read the text again, with a pencil in your hand. While you are reading, make notes to record your
thinking. The annotations of your thinking may include parts that are interesting or important, a question
that you may have, vocabulary that you are unsure of, or any connections that you can make. Record one
idea in each of the boxes below.
What is the topic of this passage?

What is something that you found interesting?

What is one question that you have?

What is one connection you can make?

Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _______________________

Date _____________

Gas Giant or Terrestrial?

Task 3 Gist ReaDING

Directions: With a colored pencil in hand, reread the text. Use the colored pencil to underline the central, or main idea,
in each paragraph. Record the authors central idea and three examples to support that idea in the boxes below.
Then, choose your own important idea about this topic. Identify three examples to support your idea.

Central Idea:

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

My Central Idea:

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Made by Miss. Pakosz

Name _______________________

Date _____________

Gas Giant or Terrestrial?

Task 4 Show me the Evidence!

Directions: Read the following questions. Using your text, identify the exact spot where you found the
answer. When answering each question, you must incorporate evidence from the text and write your
answers in complete sentences.

What is one requirement for a planet to be considered terrestrial?


2. What characteristic does the author explain to suggest that Earth is unique?

Why are Uranus and Neptune also called ice giants?



Where can you identify the authors opinion in this text? Explain your thinking.
Made by Miss. Pakosz

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