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Planning Form

Name of Activity- Fingers and Toes

Originating Idea- Babies discover their body parts and become very interested in their
feet and their hands
Curriculum Area
Choose 1: Social and emotional Development
KDI- C-14 moving parts of the body
B-5 Attachment
A. Approaches to Learning
B. Social and Emotional Development
C. Physical Development and Health
D. Communication, Language, and Literacy
E. Cognitive Development
F. Creative Arts
Materials- Baby and the Rhyme
Fingers and toes, fingers and toes. Here are your fingers, And here are your toes. Wiggle
your fingers, Wiggle your toes. Here are your fingers, And here are your toes. Wave with
your fingers, Wave with your toes. Here are your fingers, And here are your toes.
Appropriate Age group: Infant and toddlers
Beginning of Activity
Opening statement Sing the rhyme fingers and toes to the infants
Middle of Activity
Your ideas for scaffolding children at different developmental levels
Early: Sing the rhyme fingers and toes and point to the infants fingers and toes

Middle: Sing the song and see if the children can wiggle their toes with the caregiver
pointing to them

Later: Sing the song and see if the infant can point to their fingers and toes.

End of ActivityAsk the child where is your toe? Help them point to it and say here it is and kiss it.
Ask he child where their fingers are. Hold their hand and say there they are! Help them
wiggle them and then kiss them

Follow-up Ideas
1. Sing the song head shoulders knees and toes- help them point to their body parts
and sing with them
2. Put some music on and let them move their body parts to the music

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