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Final Exam Study Guide
Part 2: Unit 4, 5, 6, and 7

Unit 4 - Polynomials
1) Like terms represent the same variable raised to the same exponent. Like terms
in algebra tiles represent the same size and shape.
2) To add and subtract polynomials algebraically, combine like terms. Remember, if
you have a polynomial in brackets after a subtraction sign...all the terms switch to its
opposite. Show this step in your work!
3) Perimeter is a great application to illustrate adding & subtracting of polynomials.
4) The distributive property states that all terms in the brackets are multiplied by
the term (including the sign) in front of the brackets.
5) In division, remember the denominator is the denominator for all terms in the
6) Thinking about groups of tiles is a great way to illustrate multiplication & division
of polynomials with a constant using algebra tiles.
7) Area is a great application to illustrate multiplication & division of polynomials
with a monomial. Multiply tiles that are listed vertically and horizontally
togetherdraw lines across and down between the tiles to find the missing tile
(area). For division, the numerator is placed in the middle of the chart and the
denominator can go on the horizontal or vertical axis of the chart. Draw lines
between and up or across to find the missing tiles on the axis. Be sure to find the
correct sign and shade if positive or do not shade if negative.

Unit 5 Linear Equations


Unit 6 & 7 - Solving Equations & Inequalities


1) To solve a simple one-step or two-step equation - think about the inverse
operation in order to isolate the variable.

2) If an equation has brackets...remove the brackets by applying the distributive

3) If an equation has the same variable on both sides of the equal sign - then group
like terms together. For example, group the variable terms together on the Left
Hand Side and group the number terms together on the Right Hand Side...then solve
for the variable.

4) If an equation has a variable in the denominator - multiplying both sides by the
variable in order to create an equivalent equation to solve.

5) If an equation has fractions - multiply every term by the common denominator to
create an equivalent equation to solve.

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