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Hinduism, Islam &

Dr.Zakir Naik


Dr Zakir Naik’s Fraud Exposed ...................................................................................................3
Do Hindu scriptures contain any Divine revelations? .............................................................8
Why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so much? ................................................................................... 10
Zakir Bhai, MBBS Defends Halal Meat ...................................................................................... 15
EATING NON-VEGETARIAN FOOD (Page 18-21) ......................................................... 16
DO PLANTS FEEL PAIN? ..................................................................................................... 20
PLANTS’ INABILITY TO FEEL PAIN ..................................................................................... 21
Why is Zakir Naik so scared? ..................................................................................................... 26
Dr Naik’s Introduction to Hinduism (edited with comments) .................................................. 30
Dr Naik’s “Concept of God in Hinduism” ................................................................................ 40
Dr Naik’s “FAQ on Hinduism” ................................................................................................. 45
A. WHAT IS PLAGUE? ........................................................................................................ 46
B. HOW TO TREAT ONE FROM FLIES? .............................................................................. 46
C. FATE WRITTEN IN WOMB ALREADY! .......................................................................... 47
D. SNAKE AND PREGNANCY ............................................................................................ 47
E. HOW TO KNOW LOOKS OF BABY? ............................................................................... 47

F. WHY BABIES CRY? ......................................................................................................... 47
G. SPIT IS HYGEINIC .......................................................................................................... 48
Prophet in Hindu Scriptures – An analysis (Part 1) ............................................................... 57
Prophet in Hindu Scriptures – Bhavishya Puran (Part 2) .................................................... 60
Prophet in Hindu Scriptures – Vedas (Part 3) ....................................................................... 68
2. Battle of the Allies described in the Vedas. ........................................................... 77
Polygamy in Hinduism ............................................................................................................. 83
Zakir Naik refuses to debate Arya Samaj ................................................................................... 91

While I have always
a beenn critical of
o his apprroach and conclusion ns, I alwayys
admiired Dr Zak kir Naik’s sincerity and
a loyalty to Muslim
ms. I was immpressed byb
his gigantic
g effo
forts in stu
udying thou usands of pages
p of sc
criptures annd selectin
es that could be used to deriive whatever crazy in nterpretatio
ons he ha as
ved to provve Muhamm mad in all world scrip ptures. I always
a usedd to wondeer
how he could gain all the time an nd energy to do so despite su uch a bus sy
schedule off lecturing world
w arouund!

But sudden
B nly I camee across a book “Muh hammad in
World S
Scriptures” ” by Maulan na Abdu ul Haqu ue
Vidyarthi w
written in 1936. And I was shoc cked to finnd
that Dr Za
akir Naik has
simply cop
pying-pastinng from this book, mostly
m wordd-
to-word annd cooked up his ow wn ‘originaal’ research
which he uses to claim
c that he is an n expert in

‘Comparati ve Reliigion’. T
This is blatan
plagiiarization! And
A that to
oo from a so
ource that his
h followerrs considerr worse tha an

So all
a Dr Zak kir Naik ha as done iss copying from work ks of anoth her person n,
memmorizing thoose and claiming all the fame for himsellf! And he did this so s
dly that he did not bo
other even see
s the bacckground ofo the originnal writer or
w he has baackstabbed
d his follow
wers in the process.

cause Mauulana Adbu
ul Haque Vidyarthi
V w
was not an
dinary Musllim.

Onn contrary, he belongged to a cult

c which almost thhe
enttire Muslim
m world, and
a especiially the sects
s which

believe in ide
eology of Dr
D Zakir Na aik conside
ers as nonn-
Muuslim. Theyy are in fact bann ned in Pak kistan an nd
maany other countries.
c Ask any Muslim
M scho
olar, and he
woulld start hurrling abuse
es on them for disgrac
cing Islam and
a Muhammmad.

Yes, I am referrring to the e Ahmadiyy

ya or Qadiyyani cult. Maulana
Abdul Haquue
arthi was a disciple of its founde
er, Mirza Ghulam
G Ahm med who is
s considere
se than a Ka afir by all Muslims
M wh
ho are fan of
o Dr Zakir Naik.

The reasons why

w Muslimms hate Ah hmadiyyas and refuse e to consid
der them asa
Musllims are be
ecause theyy hold certtain beliefs
s that no Muslim
M andd follower of
Dr.Zakir Naik would
w dare to agree. Some
S are ass follows:

a Ahmadiy
a. yyas believ ve that Mirza
M Ghulam Ahmed d was a Prophet or o
Messeng ger, and this is ’shirk’ – unpardon
nable sin as
a per Muslims
b. Ahmadiy yyas believee that Mirzza Ghulam Ahmed con ntinued to receive new
c. Ahmadiy yyas believee Mirza Ghu ulam Ahme ed to be a Messiah
d Ahmadiy
d. yyas believve that Ra am, Krishn na, Buddha a, Ashoka and Guru u
Nanak were
w also Prrophets


e. Ahmadiyyas believe that Kalki Avatar would also be the final Prophet

and most importantly, the founder of Ahmadiyya cult had hurled abuses and
even cursed to Hell those who refused to believe in his prophethood!

The concept of Avtar is a ’shirk’ as per Islam. All Islamic Madarsa teach
books of Maulvi Md Ismail which specifically states that anyone believing in
Avtars or further Prophets or Avtars as Prophets is doing ’shirk’.

Dr Zakir Naik knows all this – that is why in FAQ on Hinduism, he refused to
accept that Vedas can be revelations.But he forgot that the material he has
used to write other articles are directly lifted from Maulana Abdul Haque’s
writings who agrees that Vedas are revelations. Thus proving Prophet in Vedas
or Bhavishya Puran is fine with Ahmadiyyas because that is how they justify
prophethood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad also.

But for all other Muslims, on whose faith popularity of Dr Zakir Naik rests, this
is ’shirk’.

While these writings do not affect Hindus or even Buddhists, Christians etc
much, they definitely backstab a devout Muslim.

In summary, Dr Zakir Naik is guilty of :

a. Copying directly, even word to word, from works of Maulana Abdul

Haque Vidyarthi, an Ahmadiyya without even quoting his references
b. Using his own name instead to falsely proclaim that he is expert on
comparative religion
c. Cheating with other Muslims who consider Ahmadiyya and their beliefs
to be worse than those of Kafirs
d. Backstabbing his blind followers who quote his works without realizing
that Dr Zakir Naik has made them a sacrificial goat at mercy of
Qadianis/ Ahmadiyyas.

e. Trying to prove Vedas and Puran contain revelations of Muhammad but
also refusing to clear admit Vedas as revelations. Thus he has
deliberately not made clear whether in reality Dr Zakir Naik is a Qadiyani
or not

It seems obvious that Dr Zakir Naik is actually a Qadiyani/Ahmadiyya in

disguise trying to fool common Muslims. But why does he need to put this
disguise? is it because Ahmadiyyas are persecuted in all Muslim countries? Or
is it that he is a spy with some other hidden agenda. Or perhaps, the way he
claims to have discovered new researches in Quran that even Allah,
Muhammad, Ali et al could not discover, he is laying foundation of his own

Only Dr Zakir Naik knows what is the real truth and what is his true mission.
But his backstabbing has left his blind followers nowhere. Either they will have
to admit to Ahmadiyya beliefs, which is the complete foundation of his writings
and ‘research’ or regret their faith in Dr Zakir Naik being a Muslim.And as per
Islamic Criminal Law, that Dr Zakir Naik is such a great fan of, he himself can
decide what should be the most appropriate punishment for him. Sharia says
that a thief’s hands should be chopped off. Hadiths say that one who deserts
his faith
fa or com
mmunity sh
hould be kiilled. This is
i time to teest how sin
ncere are Dr
Zakirr Naik and Muslims who
w have foollowed him m so far, to
o the teachiings of theiir
own divine texts.

m attaching the scan of

I am o the book with this post
p so tha
at everyone
e can see Dr
Zakirr Naik’s fra
aud with his
h own peo ople themseelves. You can download originaal
at - http://ww Zakir-Naik-s-Qadiyanii-source-forr-

You can view (not-so) original

o artticle(s) of Dr Zakir Naik at IR RF website
http::// n=com_con ntent&view=
d=1228 to compa are with th
he original.

To know more
e about Qaadiyanis, please
e visitt:
http:://en.wikip ethood_%28Ahmadiyy
wiki/Prophe ya%29 &
wiki/Ahmaddiyya_Musllim_Commu unity

or an
ny Qadiyan
ni site for th
hat matter.

Here I provide compariso
c on of work
k of Dr Zak
kir Naik and
Maula ana Vidyarthi, as explained
e by a Qaddiyani Zah

1. Z
Zakir Naik’s s article giv
ves various propheciess under fou
ur headings
s. Under th
first headinng (I) are th
hree prophe ecies from the book Bhavishya
Purana. Thhe
first of thes
se is given as
a follows:

“A malecha
m (be
elonging to a foreign country an nd speakin ng a foreiggn language e)
spirittual teacheer will appe
ear with his
s companion ns. His namme will be Mohammad
M d.
a (Bhoj), afteer giving thiis Maha De
ev Arab (of angelic
a disp
position) a bath
b in the
Panchgavya and the Ganga water (i.e. purifying him of all sins), offered him the
present of his sincere devotion and showing him all reverence said, I make
obeisance to thee. O Ye! The pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia, Ye have
collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from
the malecha opponents.”

This is also the first prophecy in Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi’s book. It is
identical with the quotation in Zakir Naik’s article. Except that in the
Maulana’s book the word malecha is spelt as malechha, and his quotation
has the following extra words at the end: “O Ye! The image of the Most Pious
God, the biggest Lord, I am a slave to thee, take me as one lying on thy feet.

2. After quoting the prophecy, Zakir Naik’s article draws out six points from it.
The Maulana, after quoting the prophecy, lists ten points. We find that
Zakir Naik’s first three points are the same as the Maulana’s first three
points, and his points (4), (5) and (6) are the same as numbers (10), (7) and
(6) respectively of the Maulana. The wording is also very similar.

For example, point (3) in both begins with the words: Special mention is
made of the companions of the Prophet”.

3. Following these six points, there are two further comments in Zakir Naik’s
article. The first is in answer to the objection that Raja Bhoj lived in the
11th century C.E. The objection and its answer as given in this article are
exactly as in the Maulana’s book, namely, that there was not just one Raja

The article says: “The Egyptian Monarchs were called as Pharaoh and the Roman
Kings were known as Caesar, similarly the Indian Rajas were given the title of

while the Maulana’s book has: “Just as the Egyptian monarchs were known as

Pharaohs and the Roman kings were called Kaisers, similarly, the Indian rajas
were given the epithet of Bhoj”

4. The second comment relates to the part of the prophecy about giving the
promised one a bath in the Ganges, and the article says:
The Prophet did not physically take a bath in the Panchgavya and the water
of Ganges. Since the water of Ganges is considered holy, taking bath in the
Ganges is an idiom, which means washing away sins or immunity from all
sorts of sins. Here the prophecy implies that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was
sinless, i.e. Maasoom

The same comment is found in the Maulana’s book in the following words:
“Another point which requires elucidation is the Prophet’s taking bath in
‘Panchgavya’ and the water of the Ganges. This did not, of course, actually
happen as it was only a vision; so we give it the interpretation that the Prophet
will be purged of and made immune from all sorts of sins.”

5. The second prophecy from the book Bhavishya Purana in Zakir Naik’s
article is also the second prophecy in the Maulana’s chapter. It begins with
the words:

The Malecha have spoiled the well-known land of the Arabs. Arya Dharma is
not to be found in the country.

The wording of the entire prophecy (of which about one-tenth is given
above) is identical in the article and the book.

6. Following the prophecy, Zakir Naik’s article makes ten points about it, while
the Maulana’s book makes twelve points. Naik’s first two points are the
same as the Maulana’s first two points. His 3rd to his 10th point are the
same as the Maulana’s points (5) to (12), in the same order.

7. The third and final prophecy from the book Bhavishya Purana in Zakir
Naik’s article begins as follows:
Corruption and persecution are found in seven sacred cities of Kashi, etc
In the Maulana’s book also, this is the next prophecy, and is given in
almost the same words.

8. We now reach the second heading (II) in Zakir Naik’s article. Under this are
given three prophecies from the Atharva Veda. In the Maulana’s book also,
these are the prophecies that occur next.

Each and every point noted in the article about these prophecies is to be
found in the Maulana’s book, in the same order. Below I list the chief
aspects of these prophecies as mentioned in Zakir Naik’s article and place
in parenthesis the page number in Muhammad in World Scriptures where
the same is mentioned:

Kuntap, which is the name of some chapters of the Atharva Veda, stands for
Bakkah, a name of Makkah. The word Narashansah means ‘the praised one’
and refers to the Holy Prophet.The Holy Prophet is prophesied as the camel-riding
rishi.He is called Mamah Rishi and given certain signs such as a hundred gold
coins, ten chaplets, etc.He is called Rebh, which means the same as the name

‘Ahmad’.The battle of the Allies of the Holy Prophet’s time is described and the
word karo refers to the Holy Prophet.The conquest of Makka is prophesied and
the Holy Prophet is termed as an abandhu, meaning a helpless man.

9. Coming now to the third heading (III) in Zakir Naik’s article, under it one
prophecy is briefly mentioned, to the effect that the Sanskrit word sushrava
in the Rig Veda applies to the Holy Prophet. The same is in the Maulana’s
10. The fourth and final heading in Zakir Naik’s article gives one prophecy,
which is from the Sama Veda, and it is translated as follows:

Ahmed acquired from his Lord the knowledge of eternal law. I received light from
him just as from the sun.

This prophecy is found in similar words in the Maulana’s book.

11. Zakir Naik’s article then makes three points about this prophecy. The first
of these is that the word ‘Ahmad’ here has been read by previous
translators not as a name but as Ahm at hi and therefore they translated

the mantra as alone have acquired the real wisdom of my father”. These
three points under this prophecy are found in the Maulana’s discussion.

12. At this point Zakir Naik’s article comes to an end — and so does the chapter
‘The Prophet in the Hindu Scriptures’ in Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi’s

It can be seen that the article by Zakir Naik is nothing at all more than a greatly
compressed version of certain parts of the Maulana’s treatment of the
subject, following exactly the same order as in the Maulana’s book.

No doubt a later author can make use of the work of an

earlier one, but if he benefits substantially from it then
integrity requires that he must acknowledge the source.

In this case, the later author has merely repeated the results of the earlier work
without any contribution at all by himself, and with no mention of the earlier

Do Hindu scriptures contain any Divine revelations?

The research by the Maulana was based on the teaching of Islam that prophets
from God had appeared among all nations before the Prophet Muhammad.
Muslim scholars had generally limited this to the Israelite prophets and a few

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad revived and laid stress on this unique teaching
and concluded from it that the great sacred persons of the Hindu religion must
have been true prophets and its scriptures must have been Divine revelations
originally. It was on the basis of this belief that the Maulana found prophecies

about the Holy Prophet Muhammad in Hindu scriptures. This is why, in
explaining the second prophecy given above, the Maulana writes:
The coming prophet will attest the truth of the Aryan faith.

However, Dr Zakir Naik has stated, in a different place, that the Vedas may not
be revealed scriptures. Answering the question, whether we can consider the
Vedas and the other Hindu Scriptures to be the revelations of God?, he replies:

There is no text in the Quran or Sahih Hadith mentioning the name of the
revelation that was sent to India. Since the names of the Vedas or other Hindu
scriptures are no where to be found in Quran and Sahih Hadith, one cannot say
for sure that they were the revelations of God. They may be the revelation of
God or may not be the revelation of God.

If nothing at all in them was revealed by God, then how

did prophecies about the advent of the Holy Prophet come
to be in these books? If they may not be revelations at
all, then it is also possible that the quotations from them


given by Dr Zakir Naik may not be prophecies about the

Holy Prophet Muhammad revealed by God.

Interestingly, in his article Dr Naik has actually copied the Maulana’s statement
above: The coming prophet will attest the truth of the Aryan faith, which means
that the Holy Prophet confirmed that those scriptures were originally revealed by
God. Perhaps Dr Naik did not realise that this contradicts his own belief
expressed elsewhere.


Zakir Bhai MBBS aka Dr Zakir Naik has been among the most hated public
figures of today. Deoband recently issued a fatwa against him. There is no
doubt that Zakir Bhai is among the most smartly marketed religious celebrity of
last few years. He claims to represent and propagate Islam. He considers
himself a servant of Muhammad (pbuh). Yet it is the Muslims and Islamic
clerics who hate Zakir Naik the most. In this post, I shall
briefly list out reasons why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so
much that many claim that he would be the first person
to enter Dozakh (refer “We Hate Zakir Naik” at
5. Let me provide a brief background. Most people
consider Islam to be the religion propagated by Prophet
Muhammad and narrated in Quran. On surface it
appears all so simple. Quran proclaims that one who
submits to the word of final messenger of Allah shall
achieve Heaven. But things are not so simple for a layman, and even a scholar.
Because while there is only one Quran and one Prophet Muhammad, there is
tremendous variety in the types of interpretations that so-called Muslims make
out of this book and this great social-reformer.

In short, Islam is not as monolithic as it appears to be. The number of sects in

Islam are more than 72 and they are as different from each other as dry is from
wet and cold is from hot. All these sects have different customs, different levels
of tolerances for non-Muslims, different food habits, different interpretations of
Quran, different level of importance given to Muhammad and his associates and
different descriptions of Heaven and Hell. The Shia-Sunni war is clearly known.

What makes the things even more confusing is the belief that of these 72+ sects
only one is on path of truth and hence only one will go to Heaven. Rest go to
Hell. Thus it is not sufficient to just be a Muslim to achieve Heaven, you need to
follow only the right sect. Now each sect fights to prove that they are the
genuine sect. Some sects are liberal enough to allow even non-Muslims to
Heaven. Some Muslims are even promoters of vegetarianism. Some consider
nation ahead of everything else. But there are some who believe that all except
those who fully believe in their sect and its practices without questioning
anything, alone will go to Heaven. Rest of all will be in Hell forever.
Among the most fanatic of these cults is the Wahabi cult. This is supposed to
be the producer of largest number of terrorists including Osama and Al
Qaeda since its inception in 18th century and has been a cause of disgrace for
rest of the peace-loving Muslims. Dr Zakir Naik belongs to this Wahabi cult,
believes that only this Wahabi version of Islam can bring anyone close to
Heaven, and rest of all will go to Hell. And things are not as simple. Further, he
mixes his Wahabism with material from other scholars of different sects to
create his own Zakirism, that in the process blatantly insults and disgraces the
vision of Islam as per other sects, including the more tolerant ones. His


Zakirism goes to such extent that he does not even spare Wahabis from
humiliations. Let us see how:

A. Zakir Bhai MBBS claims to be an expert of comparative religions. In his

site, he has put lots of articles on comparative religions under his name.
But in reality, they are merely word to word copy of texts from
Qadiyani/Ahmadiyya sources. So what is wrong if one refers to Qadiyani or
Ahmadiyya sources? Perhaps nothing, except that:
a. Qadiyanis/ Ahmadiyyas are considered Kafirs and are prosecuted by
most Muslims for their radical beliefs.
b. Wahabis have been greatest enemies of Qadiyanis
c. The content of the Qadiyani writings that Zakir Bhai MBBS has swindled
under his own name are blatantly against core beliefs of rest of the
Muslims including Wahabis. For example, Zakir Bhai MBBS tries to
prove that Vedas prophecize about Muhammad. (This has been
completely refuted in a three-part expose starting with this article -

Now this belief gels with the Qadiyani belief that Vedas were also revelations.
But Wahabis and other sects refuse to believe so. Hence even Zakir Bhai MBBS
writes in another article that he is not sure if Vedas are revelations. He
conveniently forgets that he himself has proved that Vedas reveal Muhammad
in another article! (Perhaps because he forgot to read it before asking his
henchmen to copy from Qadiyani book and paste under his name in his site
and books)

In summary, Zakir Bhai continues to use Qadiyani source to show his scholarly
capabilities but refuses to accept Qadiyanis because he claims to be Wahabi
and is funded by Wahabi militants.Or is he a Qadiyani spy in Wahabi disguise?
Only Zakir Bhai knows the reality, but his acts suffice to invite hatred of

Qadiyanis as well as other Muslim sects.

B. Zakir Bhai justifies non-vegetarianism as a scientific Islamic trait. While he

does acknowledge that even a Muslim can be vegetarian, he attempts to
justify meat-eating on crazy arguments including research by some farmers.
(read the rebuttal here: This catches ire of
several progressive Muslims who refuse to believe that meat-eating has any
association with religion. Many progressive Muslims have even started a
Muslim Vegetarian Society that is among the most powerful protagonists of
Vegetarianism and opponents of Halal meat. They have severely condemned
Zakir Naik and his spurious research for disgracing Islam to justify the lust
of his own tongue. (You can visit their site
C. Being a Wahabi he has a soft corner for Osama Bin Laden. When someone
questioned him on his views on Osama, he replied that he admires him
because he has terrorized America! He shied away from criticizing terrorist
activities of Osama. This created a lot of furore among Muslims and
Deoband even issued a fatwa against Zakir Bhai for his tacit support for
Osama Bin Laden. (Deobandi Fatwa against Zakir Bhai-

zakir-naikalso-denying-fatawa-against-cow-slaughter/)Reasons are obvious
– the money that funds Osama and money that funds Zakir Bhai have
allegedly the same sources. Many terrorists caught in past few years have
admitted that they were inspired by rhetoric of Zakir Bhai MBBS.
D. While on surface he claims to be a conservative Muslim, he wears a non-
Islamic dress which has per Islamic hadiths would lead one to be treated as
a non-Muslim during Judgment Day. Many devout Muslims thus consider
their dress very seriously and hate Dr Zakir Naik for setting wrong
examples by wearing Kafir dress of tie, suit and coat.
E. Wahabis have destroyed many Sufi shrines and even house of Prophet
Muhammad because they believe these to be signs of idol worship. They
killed many Muslim men, women and children in their campaigns to
destroy tombs and holy places. (Refer wikipedia on Wahabism) In the same
footsteps, Zakir Naik severely condemns these practices to be anti-muslim
and hence is hated by those who worship graves, Sufis and tombs.
F. Shias obviously have a reason to hate Zakir Bhai MBBS because of his
staunch anti-Shia stance, being a Wahabi. But his admiration of Yazeed,
considered to be culprit for massacre of Karbala has been a strong point of
contention for other Muslims. So much is the hatred against Yazeed that
many curse by name of Yazeed.
G. Zakir justifies the ban on worship of other religions in Muslim countries. He
however also justifies that Muslims should be allowed in other countries to
promote their religion. The logic is curious – as per Zakir Bhai, in matters of
religion, Muslims are the best. So they should be allowed everywhere –
Muslim or non-Muslim countries. But non-Muslims should not be allowed
to build places of worship in Muslim countries because their religions are
inferior to Islam! Watch this video at -

Such ultra-fanaticism irks the more progressive Muslims who want to integrate
with rest of the world and rise above religious dogmas and hatred.

H. Being an ultra-conservative he propagates that despite a person being as

much good or noble, unless he unconditionally accepts his version of
Islam, he will go to Hell and Hell alone and forever. This goes against
beliefs of more progressive Muslims who believe that all who act with
genuineness, regardless of their religion will go to Heaven and not Hell.
I. Muslim women obviously have all the reasons to hate Zakir Bhai because
in name of pseudo-science he is simply restricting their freedom that has
been ordained by the Creator. For example, he states that Muslim
women should always wear Hijab and Burqa and cover their entire body
always. Medical researchers are worried that such unreasonable
practices cause dreaded diseases due to lack of Vitamin D in Muslim
countries which enforce such beliefs on women. More liberal Muslims see
such insistence as dangerous dogma harming the cause of Muslims and
Human Rights.

He further states that Muslim women should not work in offices because they
may have chance to be alone with men even for a second. The only men that a
woman is allowed to be alone with are her husband and those who have
suckled her. Taking this crazy dogma of Zakir Bhai further, the Head of Hadith
Department of the most reputed university of Islam in world recently issued a
fatwa that Muslim women should allow their male colleagues to suckle them
five times. This will allow them to work with these men, even when alone!

Zakir Bhai debars women from being any doctor except gynecologists because
that is haram as per his version of Islam. Women should not take part in sports
as well!

He further defends polygamy by furnishing false data on population but

disallows polyandry. Read his views on polygamy -

He justifies the belief that women are less intelligent than men and hence
evidence of two women equal that of one man! He thus also justifies that
women cannot inherit equal to their male counterparts!

No wonder, he would agree to dogma that to prove a rape, a woman should

bring ample number of witnesses who have witnessed actual penetration!

The list can go on and on. So much that now even Wahabis have started calling
Zakir Bhai a Shaitan. Read this-

And other sects who do not receive as much funding as Osama or Zakir Bhai
try tooth and nail to debunk his fraud through all means. Watch

The process of seeking truth demands process of elimination. One may not be
sure and continue to debate on which of the 72 or more sects of Islam would

lead one to Heaven, or whether Quran itself is the authentic Quran and not the
new Quran as created recently. One may not be sure whether a permanent Hell
or Heaven, or Fairshtas or Jinnas exist in first place. One may doubt if
Muhammad was a great non-divine social -reformer or actually a Messenger of
Allah’s word. One can debate if Quran deserves to be final word of Allah and
what should be its interpretation or what new good thing Quran provides which
was not there in previous books. But one fact is sure, there is not even a scope
for debate, and certain persons should be out-rightly banished to Hell or hell-
like place for benefit of rest of the civilized peaceful society.

They include

i. people who dare not condemn terrorists like Osama

ii. who consider that all except their sect will burn in permanent Hell
despite how-so-much good they do in their lives
iii. who cannot tolerate others but want themselves to be tolerated
iv. who believe that women are inferior or bereft of intelligence
v. who justify inferior rights and curtailment of freedom for women

vi. who refuse to change their stands despite presence of factual information
proving the opposite

vii. who do not clear their stand and purely use material prepared by
someone else to claim scholar status for self and yet condemn the

Such terrorism sympathizers are threat for any civilized society.

Progressive and even conservative Muslims have showed the right way by
criticizing Zakir Naik so severely. The first and foremost religion of humans is
humanity. The way noble-minded Muslims have shown courage and mettle to
condemn the dangerous frauds of Zakir Bhai that are detrimental to entire
humanity is warmly welcomed. Such steps in right direction pave way for right
direction for seekers of true knowledge.



Islam definitely means ‘peace’ in Arabic. However fake Islamic representatives

like Zakir Bhai, MBBS (Dr Zakir Naik) are bent on proving the contrary. We
have already seen how Dr Zakir Naik, who claims to be a Wahabi, is actually a
Qadiyani with an agenda of his own. Refer the expose on his fraud writings -

It is not a surprise that the world sees a brutal history in Islam, if people like Dr
Zakir Naik continue to remain its representative. We shall not dwell into the
historical part, but would review another extract from a book claimed to be
written by Dr Zakir Abdul Karim Naik – “Answer to Non-Muslims’ Common
Questions About Islam”.

I am not sure from where Dr Zakir Naik has lifted the material for this book,
now that we already know that all he does is to copy-paste from previous books
from copyrighted Qadiyani sources without acknowledging the author (since
Qadiyanis are considered non-Muslims by most Muslims especially Wahabis)

But very honestly, if one replaces Dr Zakir Naik’s name with some other non-
Muslim name, this books appears to be a book of dark humor to humiliate
Islam written by an enemy of Islam. When I first got the copy of the book, I
thought it was created by an anti-Muslim to denigrate Islam and Zakir Bhai,
MBBS. But when I searched on internet and found this to be actually written to
promote Islam, I was shocked!

But now that we know the hidden agenda of Zakir Bhai, MBBS, I would request
my Muslim brothers and sisters to ensure they are not sharing this
book “Answer to Non-Muslims’ Common Questions About Islam” and
promoting defamation of Islam – which means peace.

We have already briefly seen how Zakir Bhai, MBBS has made mockery of Islam
by giving funny reasons to justify polygamy in this post.

In present post, we shall discuss another topic from “Answer to Non-Muslims’

Common Questions About Islam” and see why with friends like Zakir Bhai,
MBBS, who needs enemies.

Dr Naik starts with usual details of ayats from Quran permitting non-vegetarian
food and stating that even a vegetarian can be a Muslim. Then he goes to
discuss typical health benefits of non-vegetarian food which have been debated
and contested for long. We shall not dwell into those and recommend to go
through a variety of resources available on internet.
(The purpose of this article is not to debate vegetarian food vs non-
vegetarian food, but to see how Dr Zakir Naik is humiliating Islam).


Suddenly Dr. Zakir Naik gets bizarre. He claims, “One may ask, if Almighty
God wanted humans to have only vegetables, why He provided us also
with pointed teeth? It is logical that He expected us to need and to have
both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food.”


1. I am sure Zakir Bhai, MBBS who claims to be an MBBS knows at

least that there are large number of vegetarian food that require
tearing and hence use of pointed teeth (canines). A simple example is
sugarcane. In fact almost all vegetarian food that are hard require use
of pointed teeth!

2. The pointed teeth (canine) in humans are not as large and pointed as
in case of carnivorous animals. In humans, they are of same size as
other teeth. In fact, it is the vegetarians who give this argument
to justify vegetarianism!

3. Thus I am not sure if Zakir Bhai, MBBS actually wrote this to support
Islamic non-vegetarianism or make of mockery of it…


He goes further berserk and states,

“If Almighty God wanted us to have only vegetables then why

did He give us a digestive system that can digest both
vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food?”


1. I now sincerely doubt if Zakir Bhai, MBBS is an MBBS in first place.

Maybe he followed Munna Bhai is getting the degree. Or perhaps he
does not check the content before copy-pasting. Or perhaps he is
doing it deliberately, being a Qadiyani.

2. Our digestive system can digest even human flesh and blood. In fact
many parts of human bodies can provide large amounts of nutrients.
Does it mean we should start eating dead bodies instead of burying
them and drinking their blood?

3. Even if humans eat their own excreta, the digestive system would
process it one more time. Do we start eating that?

4. Now some followers of Zakir Bhai, MBBS have started quoting from
Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, to justify that even saliva is good
for health!


Muhammad used his saliva to soften a date, and then gave it to an infant to
suck…(Sahih Bukhari, 25.5340, 5341, 5345)

When Anas’s son was born Muhammad fed him with dates mixed with his
(Muhammad’s) saliva and gave him the name Abdullah…(Sahih Bukhari,

Muhammad’s saliva is good for children. He used to spit into the mouth of
suckling children, and his saliva would satisfy them until nightfall…(Ash Shifa,

If a baby sucked Muhammad’s tongue, the baby became quiet…(Ash Shifa,


He gave al-Hasan and al-Husayn his tongue to suck. They had been weeping
from thirst and upon sucking Muhammad’s tongue they became quiet…(Ash
Shifa, p.184)

People rubbed Muhammad’s spittle on their faces…(Ash Shifa, p.237)

Muhammad recommended that you can spit on your cloth and then fold it and
rub it…(Sahih Muslim, 4.1121)

Spit three times to the left when someone questions who created Allah…(ibn
Ishaq, p.270) “

So perhaps, Zakir Bhai, MBBS is soon going start suggesting consumption of

each others’ saliva on same set of arguments and proofs from Hadiths, as he
does to support non-vegetarianism! Or maybe selling his saliva along with his
books, on same logic that he is using to justify meat here.)


Zakir Bhai, MBBS goes further beyond senses when he starts quoting from
Hindu Scriptures that they contain permission to eat a variety of meat. He says:

“There are many Hindus who are strictly vegetarian.

They think it is against their religion to consume non-

vegetarian food. But the true fact is that the Hindu
scriptures permit a person to have meat. The scriptures
mention Hindu sages and saints consuming non-
vegetarian food.” He goes on to cite evidences from Hindu
Scriptures – Manu Smriti and Mahabharat.”


1. I do not understand why suddenly Hindu scriptures emerge in a book

on Muslims. Its a common theme in his copy-pasted plagiarized
material that in a ‘research’ on Hinduism, he would quote more from
Quran and Hadiths; and in a ‘research’ on Islam, he would quote
from Hindu texts! Perhaps because, being a Qadiyani he believes that
Hinduism is the oldest religion and Islam is only a revision! But then
what about his Wahabi claim?

2. With regards to Manu Smriti, it clearly prohibits meat in 5.51 which

says: “Those who permit slaying of animals; those who bring
animals for slaughter; those who slaughter; those who sell
meat; those who purchase meat; those who prepare dish out of
it; those who serve that meat and those who eat are all

Its an open fact that almost half of Manu Smriti is either adulterated or
misinterpreted. That is why no Brahmin involved in rituals ever resorts to
meat-eating. If indeed Manu Smriti allowed meat-eating, Brahmins would
have been the biggest meat-eating class in India! One should refer to
Manusmriti by Dr Surendra Kumar available from to evaluate this in detail.

3. The Mahabharat evidence is also irrelevant because Mahabharat is

not considered an authentic scripture in matters of Dharma in

Hinduism. Mahabharat itself states in Shantiparva 265.9.4:

“Suraa Matsyaa Pashormaasam Aasavam Krisharoudanam

Dhurtaih Prvartitam Yajne Naitad Vedeshu Vidyate
Avyavasthitamaryaadaeh Vimudhairnaastikaeh Naraeh
Sanshayaatmabhiravyaktaih Hinsaa Samanuvarnitaa”

Meaning: Alcohol-drinking, Fish, Meat eating, aasava consumption – these are

not present in Vedas. These have been propagated by fraud people. They have
fraudulently added these uncontrolled, reckless, atheist descriptions in our texts.

Further Mahabharat states “Mansaharinah Kuto Daya” – How can you

expect compassion from a meat-eater!

The only authoritative text for Hinduism is The Vedas. So if one has to prove
meat-eating, he has to show it in the Vedas. And for Vedas, refer to to see beyond doubt that
Vedas severely condemn meat-eating.)



In next point, Dr Naik claims that Hindus adopted

vegetarianism from Jains!


1. How is this point relevant in a book explaining logic of Muslim practices

is best known to Zakir Bhai, MBBS.

2. Hindus and Jains both have origin from same basic humanistic ideology
as presented in Vedas. The traits of Dharma as presented by both is
almost similar. Jains are an integrated part of the society that is
nowadays called Hindu. Zakir Bhai, MBBS attempts to deliberately
create differences between them by providing statements out of context
which is utterly deplorable.

3. Or perhaps he is trying to feed his Qadiyani agenda!


Next he goes on to prove that Plants also have life and that Plants also feel pain.
He states:

“If a person can survive without killing any living creature,

I would be the first person to adopt such a way of life. In
the past people thought plants were lifeless. Today it is a
universal fact that even plants have life. Thus their logic of
not killing living creatures is not fulfilled even by being a

pure vegetarian….There was research done by a farmer in
U.S.A. who invented an instrument which converted the cry
of the plant so that it could be heard by human beings. He
was able to realize immediately when the plant itself cried
for water. Latest researches show that the plants can even
feel happy and sad. It can also cry.”


1. Look at the source of research of Zakir Bhai, MBBS: a FARMER in USA!

No scientist, institution, or university, but a farmer best known only to
Zakir Bhai MBBS! What more one needs to see if he is defending or
defaming Islam!

2. No such research has ever been conducted, nor it is possible to conduct.

While researches have been done to establish similar electrochemical and
biochemical reactions in plants as in animals, there is nothing to suggest
that plants cry or feel pain. Opinion is divided among theists on whether

plants have soul or not, but all agree that plants do not feel pain in the
manner animals feels.

3. Incidentally, all Muslims are not as fanatic as Zakir Bhai, MBBS would
want the world to believe. There is a growing population of Islamic
vegetarians who interpret the Quran to justify vegetarianism. Many
among them refuse to consider the Quran in current form as final word
of Allah and are much progressive. Some even believe that part of Quran
is correct and the rest is adulterated or misquoted by followers of Prophet
Muhammad to present an Islam which is completely against the true
concept of Islam. Some are approaching Vedas to understand original
Dharma. We shall discuss the views of these rational Muslims who
submit to reason in another article.

But here, let me reproduce reply to Zakir Bhai, MBBS by a leading Muslim
vegetarians society (


Some Muslims have been misled by Internet discussions indicating that plants
feel pain. This argument is used by those who wish to justify their meat
consumption by claiming that because both plants and animals feel pain, there
is no ethical or religious difference between killing plants for food and killing
animals for food.

Not Taking “Life”

One argument begins by explaining that plants have “life,” presumably just the
same as animals and humans, and thus, this argument claims that one cannot
avoid taking life simply by consuming plant foods. The concept of life used in
this argument is nebulous and general, and the argument does not make a
moral or religious distinction between the life possessed by plants and that

possessed by animals.

One author claims that if it were possible to eat a diet that did not involve taking
life, he would adopt that diet immediately, but since, according to the author, a
vegetarian diet also takes “life,” he states that he may as well carry on eating
meat. In addition to the lack of clarification about the concept of life and the lack
of distinction between animal life and plant life, the author failed to note that a
diet that meets his criteria does exist. Many people follow a “fruitarian” diet,
meaning that they eat fruits, some vegetables that have seeds, and nuts.
Fruitarian diets do not require the taking of “life,” as plants produce fruits, seeds,
and nuts so that they can be eaten. The plants neither suffer nor die to provide
these foods. While we do not recommend this diet, it does meet this author’s
criteria, and if the taking of “life” really is so important, this is the diet for him.

Supporters of this view of “life” also claim that since both plants and animals
have life, it is better to take the life of one animal, who might feed 100 people,
than to take the life of 100 or more plants to feed the same number of people.
The fallacy of this argument will be investigated in more detail below.

Supporters of this theory also claim that plants feel pain and that one farmer
used a device to “scientifically” catch the sounds of plants “crying out” and
“screaming” in pain. They state that our limited range of hearing cannot pick up
the “screams” of plants but that machines can. The truth is that plants, when
stressed, release a chemical called ethylene. This chemical indicates that the
plant needs to increase cell growth or take other measures against the
perceived stressor. Scientists measured levels of ethylene released from stressed
plants by “listening” to them using lasers until a certain frequency was

While this research shows that plants might have a stress-
avoidance response, it is quite a stretch to refer to this as “pain.” It is even more
erroneous to equate this response with the pain suffered by animals and
human beings. Plants lack nerve endings, brains, hormones, and other
structures that would allow them to experience pain. They also lack the ability
to move away from sources of stress, an evolutionary trait linked with the
ability to feel pain.

Even those who argue that plants feel pain and suffer should support a
vegetarian diet because the number of plants that must be fed to an animal to
produce enough meat for one human is greater than the number of plants
required to feed that same human if he or she ate the plants directly. Meat-eaters
are responsible for “killing” 10 times more plants than vegetarians, and they
also kill and cause suffering to animals. The argument that plants feel pain and
suffer and that killing them is as bad as killing animals is weak and illogical.
Those who use this argument to justify their continued consumption of meat
should attempt to approach the debate in a more logical, scientific manner.

Such claims have fooled many well-intentioned Muslims into perpetuating these
falsehoods on the Internet. This is harmful to our Ummah, as it makes us
appear ignorant and ill informed.

We ask that all Muslims who have put forward such unfounded claims remove
these claims from their Web sites and other public forums and cease spreading
these fictitious claims at conferences and debates. For more information
regarding plants’ inability to feel pain, see Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation.”


Zakir Bhai surges ahead in his mission to defame Islam by stating another
peculiar reason:

“If every human being was a vegetarian, it would lead to

overpopulation of cattle in the world, since their
reproduction and multiplication is very swift. Allah (swt) in
His Divine Wisdom knows how to maintain the balance of
His creation appropriately. No wonder He has permitted us
to have the meat of the cattle.”



1. By now, one would have no doubts that Zakir Bhai, MBBS is merely
cracking jokes on shoulders of Islam.

2. Despite his claims of MBBS, he seems to have no clues about natural

ecological cycles that automatically takes care of overpopulation of
certain breeds.

3. Most importantly, he conveniently ignores stating that there is already

an overpopulation of cattle due to human demand for meat! Cattle are
specifically reared for meat consumption who consume 4 times more
resources than humans, and are way above natural limits as per
ecological requirements.

4. Either Zakir Bhai, MBBS has given this argument because he did not
read the material that he stole for his book, or he is on a mission to
denigrate Islam. Because this again is a big argument in favor of
vegetarianism, that meat-eaters cannot answer.


He ends up this section with a silly joke:

“I do not mind if some people are pure vegetarians. However

they should not condemn non-vegetarians as ruthless. In
fact if all Indians become non-vegetarians then the present
non-vegetarians would be losers since the prices of meat
would rise.”


One cannot understand what he means by this statement. Is he defending

vegetarians or non-vegetarians. The para is quite confusing, but one thing is
clear – He is demeaning Islam in any case. Perhaps because being a
Qadiyani, his vision of Islam is different from the more rational ones among

Zakir Bhai, MBBS missed certain other arguments in favor of vegetarianism


i. environmental conservation in raising vegetarian food compared to

animal food

ii. resource optimization by minimizing food resources used to feed

cattle reared to feed humans

iii. feeding more people through vegetarian food that can feed at least 10
times more people

iv. plants can be regrown, animals cannot be

v. the number of disease that non-veg foods make one vulnerable to etc.

You can visit any vegetarian site like or PETA or etc for more on this.

As I emphasized, the purpose of this article was not to get into veg vs non-veg
debate, but show how Zakir Bhai MBBS uses this as a ploy to demean Islam.

I would however like to emphasize that Vedas, where Zakir Bhai sees the
source of Prophet, strongly condemns any practice that is based on
killing innocent creatures, degrading environment and wasting valuable


In next part of the article, he addresses the following issue:

Islamic method of slaughtering animals appears ruthless (page 22)

He explains the method and then provides following set of ridiculous

arguments to justify it:
a. It is more hygienic
b. It keeps meat fresh for longer time
c. Animals do not feel pain


Instead of putting my personal views, I would like to share that it is the

progressive Muslims of today who are demanding ban on meat and

especially the form of Halal meat that Zakir Bhai is recommending. They
have provided ample material to prove that this is an extremely loathsome
method in current context and goes against teachings of original Quran of
Prophet Muhammad (and not Zakir Bhai).

They deplore the fact that fake people like Dr Zakir Naik are claiming to be
sole representatives of Islam and presenting a distorted Islam to world that
makes lives of an average educated Muslim miserable.

Here are certain points from which

is dedicated to promoting Vegetarian Islam.

i. They quote from New Scientist, the premiere research journal on

how Animals F eel the Pain of Muslim

ii. They provide several reasons why so-called Halal meat is not actually

iii. They claim that “Vegetarian foods and ingredients, not counting
alcohol, are halal by nature. Eating vegetarian is the best and easiest
way to ensure that you are keeping halal.”

I hope the Muslims misled by like of Zakir Bhai MBBS, would reject the fake
Qadiyani, and embrace the rational approach of Vedas as welcomes by
progressive Muslims. In Vedic approach, one does not kill innocent animals for
taste-buds and hence the question of slaughter does not arise in first place.)

The next topic he takes is



Science tell us that whatever one eats, it has an effect on one’s behaviour. Why
then, does Islam allow Muslims to eat non-vegetarian food, since eating of
animals could make a person violent and ferocious?


Only eating of herbivorous animals allowed I agree that,

what a person eats has an effect on his behaviour. This
is one of the reasons why Islam prohibits the eating of
carnivorous animals like lion, tiger, leopard, etc. who are
violent and ferocious. The consumption of the meat of
such animals would probably make a person violent and
ferocious. Islam only allows the eating of herbivorous
animals like cow, goat, sheep, etc. that are peaceful and
docile. Muslims eat peaceful and docile animals because
Muslims are peace loving and non-violent people.”

He then goes on to quote from Quran and Hadiths on the kind of meat that is
haram and halal based on whether the animal is peaceful or violent.


1. Nothing could be more obvious can this concluding part of the topic of
food, on true motives of Zakir Bhai, MBBS. He is simply writing all this
to ridicule Islam on pretext of Veg-non-veg debate!

2. Let us analyze: First he admits that food has an impact on one’s


Next, he says that Muslims are peaceful because they eat peaceful animals. By
this logic, why are not carnivorous animals also considered peaceful? After all a
carnivorous animal like lion, tiger or leopard also eats docile animals like
Muslims. So either one considers lion, tiger etc also to be peaceful like Muslims
or should consider Muslims to be violent and ferocious like carnivorous

3. And if we consider carnivorous animals to be peaceful because they eat

same food as Muslims, then Quran should not prohibit eating of
carnivorous animals also. Because it is hence proved that even
carnivorous animals are peaceful and Muslims are permitted to eat
peaceful animals!

4. Going further, even eating of peaceful humans should be justified

because eating peaceful humans will make one loving and non-violent!

5. Zakir Bhai is perhaps creating grounds for defense of terrorists who kill
innocent people. He would thus argue in court, “These terrorists are
peace loving and non-violent people because they kill peaceful and
docile people!”

Muslims, especially followers of Zakir Bhai, MBBS should introspect and decide
if they can afford to allow fake scholars like him to continue to be representative
of Islam. If yes, Muslims are bound to face ridicule and humiliation. If not, they
should promote more progressive Muslim movements, who evaluate Islam more

I was happy to listen to Abdullah Tariq, eminent Muslim scholar from Rampur
who admits that true Islam is based on foundation of Vedas. I would welcome
the rational and peace-loving Muslims to take this progress further and return
back to the roots of Vedas, their original source.


His fans hail him ass the next big
b thing to o come afteer
Muhamm mad. To th hem, if onne has to understan nd
Islam and Muhamm mad, it has s to be thrrough Zakiir
Naik. Ju ust as Muhammad
M d is claim med to be b
messenge er of Allahh, Zakir seems
s to be
b the new w
messenge er of Muh hammad. AndA anyonne browsin ng
internet can
c come through
t am
mple numbe er of zealotts
who attemmpt to be the messen nger of thee messenge er
of the messenger
m of Allah. Its
I a differrent matteer
though that some Muslim cllergies issu ued a fatw wa
o Islam through intern
that publicity of net is ‘hara

Ever since I wroote first few

w articles exposing
e the fraud of Zakir
Z Naik and level of
his medical
m ex
xpertise, I have
h been getting ha ate mails and
a hate comments.
c I
knoww that I am
m destined for perman nent Hell foor proving that the messenger
m o
messsenger of Allah
A aka Zakir
Z Naik should hav ve his han
nds chopped off as pe er
mic shariat.. (Refer my article httpp:/

But before the messengerrs of this new

n messen
nger of the
e messenge er of Allah (I
admiit its soundding confus
sing!) decid
de to send me to Helll, as per Qu
uran 2.1911,
9.123, 9.5, 66.9, 47.4 etc etc, as interp preted by Zakir Naiik and hiis
ved Osama Bin Laden
belov n, I would like to prresent a su
ummary ch hronology of
events till date:

It is not that I got

g a bout ofo epilepsy one night and an ang gel revealed
d to me tha at
I sho ould start questionin ng methodss and desiigns of Za akir Naik. The
T article

writtten by me are milesto ones of a process
p thaat started much befo ore and tha at
woulld continue e until I am
m sent to Hell
H as perr verses meentioned ab bove, or thhe
sh concept of such a Hell and Heaven
H andd their prom
moters aka Osama Bin
Lade en, see theirr doomsdayy.

1. In 2004, at height of
o his popuularity amoong semi-litterate fanattic Muslimss,
he sent a mail to Sri
S Mahend dra Pal Aryaa, a leadingg member of our team
with a photo
p of him
mself holdiing Quran in front an nd Vedas ini back. Srri
Mahendrra Pal replied back in nviting him
m for a deb bate on ho ow Quran is
considered superiorr to Vedas by Zakir Naaik.

e then Zak
Since kir Naik has
h been extremely
e e
elusive. Wee have bee en trying to
act IRF thrrough mail and phone, but they refuse
r to ac
ccept the in

2. In 2006, again a de
etailed lette
er was written to Zakiir Naik que
estioning hiis
fraudulent negative
e publicity of Vedas annd other Hindu
H texts.. He ignore
as usuall.
3. On 27 March,
M 20077, we organnized a debaate between
n Pandit Mahendra Pa al
Arya andd Tariq Mu
urtaza, a prrofessor of Aligarh Muuslim Unive ersity and a
core memmber of Zakir Naik’s team.
t The debate was s recorded on video asa
well. Wh
hen Tariq Murtaza
M waas forced to
o turn speeechless, he e gave lam
excuses for the sam
me. He thenn suggested
d that his te
eacher, Abd
dullah Tariiq
of Rampuur would be able to de
ebate bette

Now this gentleman Abdu ullah Tariq

q is anotheer right-haand of Zakiir Naik an nd
suppposed to be the expertt on comparative religiions. His Taqiah
T ef (search on
google to discover yourseelf what is Taqiah) is that Veda as are first message of o
h and Qura
Allah an the finaal one. So all shouldd go by the e latest eddition of Hiis

4. On 8 February,
F 2008, afte er a tires some man nagement of o logisticss,
considering the busy schedulle of both Mahendra
M P Arya an
Pal nd Abdullaah
Tariq (booth are invoolved in con nversion acctivities primmarily and hence kee ep
travelingg), we could d finally scchedule a public deb bate in Bullandshaharr,
UP. Abdullah Ta ariq, very confidentt about his conve ersion an nd
conversa ation skills,, claimed inn very beginnning that he would be b willing to
come eac ch day to explain
e aboout Quran if he gets such a cro owd to hearr.
But as the debate progress sed, one could
c see droplets of o sweat on
forehead d of Abdulla ah Tariq. By
B the time e debate wa as over, hee had to crry
foul thatt Mahendra a Pal Arya deviated frrom core to opic. The deebate endeed
on a pea aceful note though an nd Abdullah h Tariq reitterated hiss willingnesss
to come for discuss sions again and again..
5. That was s the last we
w saw of Abdullah
A Ta
ariq. Meanw while we continued ou ur
efforts too contact Zakir
Z Naik directly and
a invite him
h for a debate. Bu ut
Islamic Research
Foundation (IRF) woulld simply not
n respond d. Sometimme
in mid of o 2008, we w uploaded d videos of
o Pandit Mahendra
M P Arya on
youtube.. You can check
c themm at http:/// om/truthw wisdom2008 8.
The qua ality is bit dismal because it is s difficult tot get fund ds for such
s from Hind dus who are
a more bu usy wastin ng time and d money on
lavish ya ajnas, con nstructions,, festivals and costly y idols. Buut that diid
create an n impact. We started d getting hate
h mails and abuse es, and als so
voices off support. Many
M discip
ples of Zakir Naik cam me to intermmediate annd
stated thhat we hav ve never ev ver issued an invitation for deb bate in firs

place. IRRF also de enied havin ng receivedd any such h invitation
n from an ny
person ever.

6 Meanwhile two fana

6. atics filed a petition inn Court to put a ban on Satyarth
Prakash,, the book by Swami Dayanand
D Saraswati that is seveerely critica
of the neeo-Islamic beliefs. It was a mattter of surp prise that our secula ar
court admitted suc ch a petition n in first pllace. And while
w rest of
o the Sama aj
was busyy holding protest
p rallies and hold ding press conference es, we filed a
counter-petition in High Courrt challengin ng the authhority of lowwer court to
even takke up this case. We presented a detailed d petition highlightin ng
importannce of Satyyarth Praka ash and ho ow the poinnts made in i this boo ok


regarding Islam are authentic and without malice. High Court had to use
its special powers to bring the case to High Court for hearing. In second
hearing, the Court dismissed the case warning the petitioners to not file
such frivolous cases in future.

This added to our notorious fame in eyes of the Zakir cohort.

7. Many ignorant disciples of Zakir Naik, unaware of our previous

invitations, claimed that if we ever come to face Zakir Naik, we would be
crushed like anything. Others said that Zakir Naik is too big a
personality to accept challenges from every Tom, Dick and Harry.

We humbly admitted to the size of our erstwhile personality and to check out
how that crushing might appear, we issued another invitation in November
2008 on behalf of “Sarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha” – the apex body of Arya
Samaj. You can review a copy of the invitation letter at

8. There was an even greater silence from Zakir team after this. Because
now, even Abdullah Tariq and Tariq Murtaza refused to come forward for
another round of public discussions. They have now a standard stand -
“If you want to discuss something, let us meet close doors and
personally. We shall not discuss these things in public.”

Our team members spent most of 2009 debating select groups of Muslims, neo-
converts and old timers. We held many face to face debates, debates on phone
with their prominent leaders and then on internet forums. This was when we
realized how strong their network is. They have even priests of temples in their
gang. In western UP, we became quite popular in this circle. We thus received
huge number of dawats (invitations) to embrace Islam which we countered with
our dawats to come back home to Vedic Dharma.

Many did indeed accept and 2009 was a fruitful year in terms of success of our
Shuddhi (purification) movement to bring our family members back home. We
also continued our debates on Zakir Naik and his tactics on internet forums
like orkut and facebook.

No surprise that we had turned even more notoriously popular in their circle by

9. Then sometime in July or August of 2009, Abdullah Tariq addressed

Peace TV and declared that in 5 years, they would make India an Islamic
State. This was the last straw to break everything. We replied him back
with a counter-challenge that in 5 years, truth-seeking Muslims would
escape from their grips of falsehood like sand.

In August 2009, we sent another invitation to IRF to come up for a debate on

behalf of Paropkarini Sabha – the apex intellectual body of Arya Samaj and
caretaker of original Satyarth Prakash. We expected to receive no response as
usual. So this time, we posted the invitation all across the web and email lists.
You can view that simply by searching for “zakir naik paropkarini sabha” on
We also called them up and we came to know that Zakir Naik is busy in Dubai.
After lot of efforts, we finally got a response from IRF asking us about what is
the strength of crowd that we can pull. I have attached this letter with this
article as a pdf along with my reply.

In my reply, I invited IRF experts to be present at Rishi Mela between October

23 and October 25, 2009 where thousands of people and famed personalities
are expected to be present.

10. That was the last ever communication we could make with IRF.
Meanwhile the blabbering of Zakir Naik continued and I could see his
messengers simply copy-pasting his writings to sway non-Muslims. We
were thus left with no recourse but to prepare rebuttals to Zakir Naik’s
demagoguery so as to prevent both Muslims and non-Muslims to fall in
trap and develop completely wrong notions about Islam and Hinduism.

Ever since then, Abdullah Tariq has even refused to take calls if they come from
our phones. IRF is dead silent as usual. But the covert activities are going in
full pace.

Its obvious that Zakir Naik does not want to debate us publicly. At best, he
would allow outsiders to ask a question to which he could reply by a one-liner
and have his followers clap to their heart’s content. Or he would deliberately
choose debaters who he knows are not trained in his covert methods.

He refused written debate with Al Sina because written debates expose

everything. He knows that his Qadiyani source of plagiarism is already exposed.
And he knows that Arya Samaj has been a thorn in eyes of Muslim evangelists
for last 125 years. He knows that this group is thoroughly well-versed with
Quran, his ways and the blatant loopholes. He knows that to give a stage show
among semi-literate blind followers scared of Hell is not same as debating with
those whose history lies in Shuddhi movement.

Yes, Zakir may have access to petrodollars and funds sourcing Osama Bin
Laden. Yes, another bomb blasted in Pune killing innocents. True that Osama
brand of terrorism ably supported by Zakir Naik continues. But Aurangzeb was
scared of Shivaji despite his massive army and Ravan was scared of Ram
despite he being Lankesh. After all, truth is more powerful than the strongest


Therre is a prove
erb in Sans skrit whichh states thaat if one mix
xes even a little poison
in th
he food, the entire platte has to be
e rejected.

We shall
s underrstand the implicationns of this proverb
p thro ough a case study. We
shalll take one of the artiicles of Dr Zakir Naik k, the self--proclaimedd scholar of
compparative relligion for this.
t We ha
ave already y seen in previous
p serries how Dr
k has ably y proved that
t Proph
het Muham mmad was s predicted d in Hindu u
ptures, even
n if meant accepting
a t
that the Pro
ophet was a ghost, de emon, mass s-
murd derer. You u can re eview thee analysis s of Dr Naik’s research at a
http::// as a three part series s.

Todaay, we shalll take the excellent research

r arrticle: “Intro
oduction too Hinduism
by Dr Zakiir Naik. You caan review
w the original article att
n=com_con ntent&view= =article&id==145&Item

What we shall do here is to edit the article by strikethrou ugh of certaain portion
and providing replacemen nt in red color.
c By th he end of the
t article,, you woulld
realizze how a liittle poison
n makes th he entire foood deadly. You shall also realizze
this further when we analy yze his nex
xt article on
n Hinduismm in future.


So here we BEG

H M by Dr. Zakir
Z Naik
k (Commen
nt: We sha
ew his mediical knowle
edge in a later post on
n Science in
n Quran and Vedas)




“The most popular among the Aryan religions is



1. Very smartly, he has started by sowing doubts that Aryan and

Hinduism imply different things. Later he says that Hinduism is
based on Vedas.

2. Can Dr Naik or his IRF Team name few other religions which are
Aryan but not Hinduism? Can they prove that the word Arya did not
originate from Vedas? The strategy was Divide and Rule by sowing
seeds of differences among smaller groups)


‘ Hindu’ is actually a Persian word that stands for the

inhabitants of the region beyond the Indus Valley.
However, in common parlance, Hinduism is a blanket
term for an assortment of religious beliefs, most of which
are (which is) based on the Vedas, the Upanishads and
the Bhagavad Gita. “(as final authority and Upanishads
and Geeta as other guiding texts)


Even Upanishads and Mahabharat claim Vedas to be the Supreme authority
and clearly state that all other texts including Purans are to be interpreted
in lines with Vedas. This is important because, what IRF will do is to twist
and try to manipulate the meaning of verses to suit their own agenda of
proving Muhammad left, right and center!)



There are several sacred scriptures of the Hindus. Among

these are the Vedas, Upanishads and the Puranas.


1. The word Veda is derived from vid which means to know, knowledge par
excellence or sacred wisdom. There are four principal divisions of the


Vedas” (although according to their number, they amount to 1131 out of

which about a dozen are available)


1. This sentence was deliberately put to prove that complete Vedas are not
available and hence Hindus should accept Quran as full and final
message of God.

2. But the fact is that there are only 4 Vedas and ALL are available in
exactly same format as they were first given.

3. The 1131 number of branches being referred is those of explanations/

variants of original Veda Samhitas. The original still remain intact
without change of even a single pronunciation or pitch) .


“According to Maha Bhashya of Patanjali, there are 21

branches of Rigveda, 9 types of Atharvaveda, 101
branches of Yajurveda and 1000 of Samveda).

2. The Rigveda, the Yajurveda and the Samveda are

considered to be more ancient books and are known as
Trai Viddya or the ‘Triple Sciences’. The Rigveda is the
oldest and has been compiled in three long and different
periods of time. The 4th Veda is the Atharvaveda, which
is of a later date. ”


1. All Vedas are considered to be of same age. They were revealed at

inception of human civilization. There is no proof whatsoever to conclude
that Vedas were written over a long period of time and some Vedas are
older, some of later date.

2. Dr Naik has brought forth the baseless conjecture of western indologists

and communists to suit his own agenda.

3. Fact remains that there is not one single evidence to support his
hypothesis except that it suits the agenda of invaders to prove that even
Aryans were invaders and Vedas are not revealed.

4. Dr Naik has been openly challenged officially to come for a debate on

this, but he prefers to remain in hiding.)


“3. There is no unanimous opinion regarding the date of
compilation or revelation of the four Vedas. According to
Swami Dayanand, founder of the Arya Samaj, the Vedas
were revealed 1310 million years ago” (1.97 billion years


1. This is not Dayanand’s calculation but as given in Manu Smriti and

Surya Siddhanta and accepted by most traditional scholars irrespective
of their philosophical beliefs.

2. Modern science cannot refute this estimate and admits that this is near
to their estimates of evolution of life on earth.

3. Swami Dayanand was specifically mentioned to emphasize that he gave

such ridiculously large number as age of Vedas.

4. This is because Arya Samaj and Swami Dayanand have been the
strongest critics of Islam for last 125 years, starting Shuddhi or
reconversion movement to come back to Vedic Dharma and a prime force
to combat Islamic Jehad. Even today, Dr Naik and his IRF is scared of
facing Arya Samaj directly, despite several official challenges for debate.)


“According to other scholars, they are not more than

4000 years old.”


1. These other scholars are none other than Christian indologists and their
followers who have not one single proof to support their claim except that
they believe Biblical genesis to happen few thousand years ago!

2. Again this is emphasized to prove Hindus that Vedas may not be as

important as they believe, and that Quran is most perfect voice of God.

3. The fact is that Vedas are the only texts in world to have oral traditions
running till date and a mechanism to ensure that not even a single
syllable or pronunciation can be altered through 10 different Paath
Vidhis. Refer this article -

4. On contrary, Quran was written 20 years after death of Muhammad by

those who were fighting against each other and killing each other to
prove Islam to be a religion of Peace.

5. A large number of sects of Islam refuse to accept Quran to be perfect or

even Muhammad to be final Prophet. Many have thus also developed new

Qurans and new Prophets. Click this link to refer to this list for 73
divisions of Islam since its inception - http://www.real- Further Islamic hadiths say that only one of them
is true and rest will go to Hell! I am not sure where Dr Naik will go!)


“4. Similarly, there are differing opinions regarding the

places where these books were compiled and the Rishis
to whom these Scriptures were given. Inspite of these
differences, the Vedas are considered to be the most
authentic of the Hindu Scriptures and the real
foundations of the Hindu Dharma.”


1. The first part of the sentence was put to emphasize that Hindu Dharma
is on a very shaky foundation, and thus justifying his appeal to come to
Islam. But truth is that these differing opinions come from foreign
intellectuals and communists alone who have their own agendas.

2. And most importantly, they cannot cite one single evidence in support
of this claim except names of certain places in Vedas. And this amounts
to saying that Mahabharat has been written in last 10 years because it
contains words like Lal, Krishna, Atal, Vihari, Rahul, Arjun, Manmohan,
Rajiv, Laal, Prasad and even Naik!



1. The word ‘Upanishad’ is derived from Upa meaning near,

Ni which means down and Shad means to sit. Therefore
‘Upanishad’ means sitting down near. Groups of pupils sit
near the teacher to learn from him the secret doctrines.

According to Samkara, ‘Upanishad’ is derived from the root

word Sad which means ‘to loosen’, ‘to reach’ or ‘to destroy’,
with Upa and ni as prefix; therefore ‘Upanishad’ means
Brahma-Knowledge by which ignorance is loosened or

2. The number of Upanishads exceeds 200 though the Indian

tradition puts it at 108.There are 10 principal
Upanishads. However, some consider them to be more than
10, while others 18. ”


Again the same ploy to seed doubts over authenticity of our beliefs. Fact is
that there are 10 Upanishads considered important, but even these are
accepted to be authentic so far they agree with Vedas. This is because only
Vedas have a mechanism that ensures they cannot be altered, and all
knowledge started from Vedas.)


3. The Vedanta meant originally the Upanishads, though the

word is now used for the system of philosophy based on the
Upanishad. Literally, Vedanta means the end of the Veda,
Vedasua-antah, and the conclusion as well as the goal of
Vedas. The Upanishads are the concluding portion of the
Vedas and chronologically they come at the end of the Vedic

4. Some Pundits consider the Upanishads to be more superior

to the Vedas.


These must be Dr Naik’s gang of Pandits. Otherwise, even Upanishads

declare that Vedas are final authority. This forms the foundation of Sanatan
Dharma which needs to shaken to get more converts to IRF brand of Islam!)



Next in order of authenticity are the Puranas which are the

most widely read scriptures. It is believed that the Puranas
contain the history of the creation of the universe, history of the
early Aryan tribes, life stories of the divines and deities of the
Hindus. It is also believed that the Puranas are revealed books
like the Vedas, which were revealed simultaneously with the
Vedas or sometime close to it.”


1. Very smartly he has inserted ‘tribe’ with Aryan to demean it. Truth is
that if one reads through Hadiths, he would realize what a tribe actually

2. No one considers Puranas to be either revealed like Vedas or as old as

Vedas. Puranas themselves repeat innumerable times that Vedas are

ultimate authority and revelation of God, and Puranas are to be
interpreted only as per Vedas.

3. Further, most scholars agree that Puranas contain significant

adulterations and/or misinterpretations. That is why, in matters of moral
conduct, Puranas are not considered to be the benchmark for Hindu
society. And that is why, despite stories of Radha-Krishna, the norm of
Hindu society is to emphasize self-control and Brahmacharya in youth.
These stories are either rejected by certain scholars or reinterpreted to
mean something mystical. But no one takes stories of Puranas literally –
this is an important aspect of Hindu Dharma.

4. The reason why Dr Naik wants to emphasize on Puranas being revealed

is obvious – He wants to prove Muhammad in Puranas later. But if you
read my article on Prophet in Bhavishya Puran, you would realize that
it means Muhammad was a demon, ghost and a great nuisance! This
may be 74th sect of Islam that would go to Heaven!)


“Maharishi Vyasa has divided the Puranas into 18

voluminous parts. He also arranged the Vedas under
various heads. Chief among the Puranas is a book known
as Bhavishya Purana. It is called so because it is believed
to give an account of future events. The Hindus consider
it to be the word of God. Maharishi Vyasa is considered
to be just the compiler of the book.”


1. This crazy hypothesis was put to prove Muhammad – the ghost and
demon – in Bhavishya Puran later!

2. But neither do Hindus take Bhavishya Puran seriously nor does it

predict anything. It is a forged Purana that continued to be written till
late 19th century. Apart from Muhammad – the ghost and demon, it also
contains stories of Shivaji, Aurangzeb, Mughals, Queen Victoria, her
Parliament etc etc. This is the least authentic book of Hinduism and
contains lots of stories with questionable authenticity.

3. Most people have not even heard of this Purana, and none consider this
important for any religious activity or reading. Far from a word of God, it
is considered fake by most.

4. The only word of God Hindus believe in are the Vedas. And Dr Naik
should be thankful for this, because Bhavishya Puran calls Muhammad
a demon, a ghost and a nuisance!)




The two epics of Hinduism are the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

A. Ramayana:

According to Ramanuja, the great scholar of Ramayana, there are more than 300
different types of Ramayana: Tulsidas Ramayana, Kumbha Ramayana. Though
the outline of Ramayana is same, the details and contents differ. ”


1. Ramanuj was a communist who insulted Ramayana characters by bringing

insulting descriptions from different folklores, most known only to him. The
daughter of Manmohan Singh, our PM, introduced his chapter in Delhi
University. That caused a big uproar and the matter went to Supreme
Court. It is still being contested but the chapter has been withdrawn by
Delhi University because the Dean got thrashed for defending this insult of
Ramayan characters.!

2. Suddenly, this Ramanuj, who is unknown to all except communists,

becomes ‘great’ for Dr Naik for obvious reasons.

3. All consider only Valmiki Ramayan to be authentic. Further, even in

Valmiki Ramayan, all verses are not considered authentic and many seem
to have entered later. Thus, scholars conclude that episodes like Sita’s Agni
Pariksha and entire Uttar Ramayan that contains stories like Sita’s exile
and Shambook’s death are later era figments of imagination having nothing
to do with original Ramayan. We shall review this in a separate research.)


“Valmiki’s Ramayana:

Unlike the Mahabharata, the Ramayana appears to be the

work of one person – the sage Valmiki, who probably
composed it in the 3rd century BC.


There is no evidence to date Ramayan to 3rd BC except tales of communist

historians! Valmiki is mentioned in several works which are dated much
before that!)


Its best-known recension (by Tulsi Das, 1532-1623) consists of 24,000

rhymed couplets of 16-syllable lines organised into 7 books. The poem

incorporates many ancient legends and draws on the sacred books of
the Vedas. It describes the efforts of Kosala’s heir, Rama, to regain his
throne and rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon King of Lanka.

Valmiki’s Ramayana is a Hindu epic tradition whose earliest literary

version is a Sanskrit poem attributed to the sage Valmiki. Its principal
characters are said to present ideal models of personal, familial, and
social behavior and hence are considered to exemplify Dharma, the
principle of moral order.”


At last! finally so many lines without significant blunders!


“B. Mahabharata:

The nucleus of the Mahabharata is the war of eighteen days fought

between the Kauravas, the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra and
Pandavas, the five sons of Pandu. The epic entails all the circumstances
leading upto the war. Involved in this Kurukshetra battle were almost
all the kings of India world joining either of the two parties. The result
of this war was the total annihilation of Kauravas and their party.
Yudhishthira, the head of the Pandavas, became the sovereign monarch
of Hastinapura. His victory is supposed to symbolise the victory of good
over evil. But with the progress of years, new matters and episodes
relating to the various aspects of human life, social, economic, political,
moral and religious as also fragments of other heroic legends came to be

added to the aforesaid nucleus and this phenomenon continued for
centuries until it acquired the present shape. The Mahabharata
represents a whole literature rather than one single and unified work,
and contains many multifarious things.

C. Bhagavad Gita:

Bhagavad Gita is a part of Mahabharata. It is the advice given by

Krishna to Arjun on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. It contains the
essence of the Vedas and is the most popular of all the Hindu Scriptures.
It contains 18 chapters.

The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most widely read and revered of the
works sacred to the Hindus. It is their chief devotional book, and has
been for centuries the principal source of religious inspiration for many
thousands of Hindus.

The Gita is a dramatic poem, which forms a small part of the larger epic,
the Mahabharata. It is included in the sixth book (Bhismaparvan) of the
Mahabaharata and documents one tiny event in a huge epic tale.

The Bhagavad Gita tells a story of a moral crisis faced by Arjuna, which
is solved through the interaction between Arjuna, a Pandava warrior
hesitating before battle, and Krishna, his charioteer and teacher. The
Bhagavad Gita relates a brief incident in the main story of a rivalry and
eventually a war between two branches of a royal family. In that brief
incident – a pause on the battlefield just as the battle is about to begin –
Krishna, one chief on one side (also believed to be the Lord incarnate), is
presented as responding to the doubts of Arjuna. The poem is the
dialogue through which Arjuna’s doubts were resolved by Krishna’s


As a smart covert hypnotist, Dr Naik ends up the article without seeding

further doubts so that it all appears unbiased and normal. This also gives
time to plant the ideas that he has previously introduced subtly:

a. Aryans were tribals

b. Authenticity of Vedas, the primary texts of Hindu Dharma, are


c. Vedas are not as old as they are assumed to be

d. Swami Dayanand and Arya Samaj make ridiculous assumptions

about Vedas

e. Bhavishya Puran is most important text of Hindu Dharma

f. Other texts apart from Vedas are also considered equally authentic

g. Ramayan and Ram may not be authentic

Now these subtle suggestions are to serve his future agenda, as also obvious
in his research on Prophet in Hindu Scriptures!)

This is nothing but a variant of a technique permitted in some schools of Islam

which allows you to use deceit and confusion to defeat the enemy. But I hope
everyone shall accept truth and truth alone! Because a little poison is a
dangerous thing!


In th
his article, we shall briefly
b anallyze the res search artiicle by selff-proclaime
expert on com mparative religion, Dr D Zakir Naik on “Concept
“ of God in
Hindduism”. YouY can review
r th
he original article by clickiing here -
p:// on=com_con ntent&view w=article&idd=146&Item m
id=1229 . This is
s his second
d article in this series
s. (The first was “Introoduction to
Hindduism” whiich we have e already analyzed.)

The bulk
b of this
s article go
oes to proviide evidenc
ces from Hin
ndu texts that
t there is
only one God. I sincerely thank Dr Naik for collecting
c th
hese refere
ences at on
e which are
e pride of not
n only Hin ndus but enntire humanity.

But the motive e of Dr Na aik in puttiing this reeferences was

w quite different.
d H
startts his articcle falsely assuming
a t
that bulk of
o Hindus do not believe in on ne
God. And then n goes ahe ead to prov ve that thiis is wrong and Hin ndus shoulld
eve in one God only. In previou
belie us article, he
h has alrready plantted seeds of o

doubbts over Vedas
V and basis of Hinduism,
H and estab
blished immportance of o
Bhav vishya Pura an. After th
his article, he would go for the final kill – by provin ng
that Hindu scriiptures talk k of Propheet only and hence imp ply that Hinndus shoulld
e other textts and acce ept only Quuran! You can
c review the rest off the article
in th
his site itsellf.

For present, wew shall crritically com

mment on the first part of his s article on
ncept of God” and try to understtand the tru ue Hinduis sm and mo otives of thiis
e performerr in processs. As in prrevious artticle, I shalll cite excerpt from Dr
k’s articles followed
f by comments s in red.

Lets begin:


Comm pt of God in Hinduism:

mon Concep

duism is commonly
c perceived as a polyytheistic re
eligion. In
ndeed, mos
dus wouldd attest to this, by professing
p belief in multiple
m G
Gods. Whille
some Hindus believe in the existence of three gods, some believe in
thousands of gods, and some others in thirty three crore i.e. 330 million
Gods. However, learned Hindus, who are well versed in their scriptures,
insist that a Hindu should believe in and worship only one God.


1. English has only word God to mean All-mighty Omnipotent whom

Hindus call Ishwar and other human-like creatures who act smart –
like one who sends Angels, gets angry, sits on a throne or creates
Heaven and Hell.

2. In Hinduism, the word to describe All-mighty Omnipotent is Ishwar.

Thus Ishwar = God. But writers take God to mean Devata. Now
Devata does not mean Ishwar. Devata means any entity – living or
dead that gives us anything or benefits us. In English, I would call
Devata to mean “Helper”.

3. While Vedas believe in one single Ishwar and 33 types of non-living

Helper Devatas, even the average Hindu does not consider these
Helper devatas to be Ishwar.

4. Thus Hinduism is essentially monotheistic and Quran has derived its

concept of monotheism basically from Vedas

5. The three Gods are symbolic description of 3 functions of Ishwar –

Creation, Maintenance and Destruction. Different Hindu sects may
differ with regards to the importance one should be attaching to these
various symbols or importance of Helper-Devatas, but all
unanimously agree that there is one and only one Ishwar/God. Dr
Naik has no new USP of Islam to sell here)


“The major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim

perception of God is the common Hindus’ belief in the
philosophy of Pantheism. Pantheism considers
everything, living and non-living, to be Divine and
Sacred. The common Hindu, therefore, considers
everything as God. He considers the trees as God, the sun
as God, the moon as God, the monkey as God, the snake
as God and even human beings as manifestations of


1. Dr Naik speaks this sentence with a slight smirk in his face in his video
shows so that the audience feels humorous. But either he is mistaken or
deliberately acting humorous.

2. Because Hinduism basically represents a school of thought believing in
Law of Karma. The rest of the details are left to individual interpretation.
All Hindus do consider functioning of each object – living or dead – as a
gift of God, but they DO NOT consider the tree, sun, moon, monkey,
snake, human as same as God/Ishwar.

3. Even the Advait believers, also admit that even if these things are
considered to have origin in Ishwar or Brahma, currently there is a layer
of ignorance or Maya separating them.

4. For rest of Hindus, they worship these objects, to show their

thankfulness to Ishwar/ God to have created and gifted such wonderful
things! Different sects do take this thankfulness to different levels, but
none would consider everything to be God in present state, as IRF
foolishly believes or wants the world to believe. Thus the crux of this
article and its prime agenda become outrightly baseless.

5. The problem is that the Islam which Dr Zakir Naik wants all Hindus to
embrace does not have any philosophy or need for subtle thinking that
demands finesse of mind and intellect. It would want us to believe that
polygamy is right because there are more women in USA than men
(Although there are far less women than men in marriageable age!). Or
that had Islam been brutal in India, why would there be only 15%
Muslim in India after so many centuries of rule? (And he would
conveniently ignore 33 crore Muslims in Bangladesh and Pakistan which
were originally part of India. Not to talk of Afghanistan!

But we need to beware of designs of those who openly support Bin Laden
and ban on other religions in Muslim countries or have a vision to make
India a Muslim country in 5 years!)


“Islam, on the contrary, exhorts man to consider himself and

his surroundings as examples of Divine Creation rather than as
divinity itself. Muslims therefore believe that everything is God’s
i.e. the word ‘God’ with an apostrophe ‘s’. In other words the
Muslims believe that everything belongs to God.

The trees belong to God, the sun belongs to God, the moon
belongs to God, the monkey belongs to God, the snake belongs to
God, the human beings belong to God and everything in this
universe belongs to God.

Thus the major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim
beliefs is the difference of the apostrophe ‘s’. The Hindu says
everything is God. The Muslim says everything is God’s.”


1. As mentioned before the analogy of apostrophe ’s’ is good for stage shows
but is actually baseless. The major difference between the Hindu and the
Muslim belief or Dr Zakir Naik is that Hindus believe in freedom of
thought and analysis and do not curse anyone to Hell permanently. Or
contrary, Dr Naik’s Islam would demand not only belief in God, but also
belief in following:

a. Muhammad as final Prophet

b. Quran as final and only acceptable word of God beyond any

doubts or questions

c. Permanent Hell for those who refuse to believe in above and

Heaven only for the rest

d. Existence of angels like one who came to Muhammad to narrate

him the Quran, that was compiled 20 years after Muhammad’s
murder/death, by his followers who were fighting like beasts to
kill each other.

2. Incidentally, Islam is not as uniform in its belief as Dr Naik wants us to

believe. There is a Hadith of Muhammad’s times that Islam has 73 sects
and Prophet has said that only one of them will go to Heaven and rest
will go to Hell. Today, some sects have written their own new Quran as
well! Many of the sects doubt authenticity of present Quran. Here is a

a. Hashamiya – They believe that Prophet disobeyed Allah

b. Azraqiah – They do not believe that revelations happen any more

c. Nazzamiyah – They refuse to believe in miracles of Quran or

d. Ibriyah – They refuse to accept Muhammad as Prophet

e. Tanasikhiya – They believe in reincarnation of soul as Hindus

You can read the complete list here - http://www.real-

Many other sects of Islam also exist who have their own Qurans and
Prophets. Search Wikipedia or google on “sects of Islam”)

The rest of the article only emphasizes the point that Hindus already know. In
the end, Dr Naik adds a para claiming that Vedas call Muhammad the Prophet.



“The Prophecy confirms:

1. The name of the Prophet as Ahmed since Ahmed is an

Arabic name. Many translators misunderstood it to be
‘Ahm at hi’ and translated the mantra as “I alone have
acquired the real wisdom of my father”.

2. Prophet was given eternal law, i.e. the Shariah.

3. The Rishi was enlightened by the Shariah of Prophet

Muhammad. The Qur’an says in Surah Saba Chapter 34
verse 28 (34:28):

“We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to

men, giving them glad tidings and warning them (against
sin), but most men understand not.”


1. An analysis of this foolish claim can be found at -

2. If Allah himself says that most men will not understand, then it is fault
of Allah and not of men that their lack of understanding was already pre-
decided by Allah!)

I hope, after reading these articles, Dr Naik and IRF would go into an
introspection and would be honest enough to embrace their original roots – the
Vedas. Or at least, accept our invitation for an open-house debate that is long


he concludiing part of Dr Naik’s research on

In th o Hinduism m, the selff-proclaime
expert on reliigions prov vides an FAQ – Frrequently Asked Qu uestions on
Hindduism. Its a relativelly longer article
a and bulk of itt is devoteed to eithe
esent the debates
d bettween vario
ous schools
s of though
ht in Hindu uism for hiis
own Islamic endd, or to narrrate wisdo
om of Quran

ead of analy
Inste yzing the enntire article
e, I shall prrovide revie
ew of selectted portions
To te
est if the riice is cooke
ed or not, wew just tak ke a few graains out off cooker annd
test. This is an establishe ed way of re ejecting fraaud as per Darshan
D Shastras.You u
can review the en
ntire article a
http x.php?optio on=com_con ntent&vieww=article&idd=200&Item m
id=1334 and laugh to your heart’s con ntent.


“When I was discussing
d with a Swami
S in IRF.
I He sa
that when ourr child asks a us, “Why do oes the sky
thundder?”, we reply
r that “aaee ma chakki pe ees rahi ha
the gr
randmothe er is grind
ding flour in
i the hea
aven; becauuse
he is too young g to undeerstand. Similarly in the inittial
s people re
equire an idol
i for concentratio

In Isla
am we do on’t believe e in tellin
ng a lie, even
e if it’s
s a
white lie. I will never giive such a wrong answera to my
child because
b la
ater on wh hen he goe es to schoool and learrns
that the
t thundeering soun nd after liightning isi due to the
expannsion of rap
apidly heatted air, he e will eithe
er think th hat
the teacher is lyying or later on whe en he undderstands the
fact he
h will con nclude thaat the fath her is a lia
ar. If you feel
that the child d may no ot understtand certa ain difficcult
thingss you shouuld simpliffy the answ wer ratherr than giv ve a
wrongg fictitiouss reply. Iff you, yourself do not
n know the
answe er, you shoould have the guts to be truth hful and say


‘I don’t know’. But many children nowadays will not be
satisfied with this answer. If this answer was given to my
son, he would say “Abba (father), why don’t you know?’
This will compel you to do your homework and thus
educate yourself as well as your child.”


1. While I agree that children should not be misled, this is a disease that
came only after advent of foreigners. Before that most people used to be
in gurukuls and used to learn sciences systematically.

2. But if in Islam, they do not believe in telling a white lie or giving wrong
answer, Dr Naik should either re-read the very books he wants to
establish as final version of God’s message, or admit that he himself has
committed a sin by lying in this article, or admit that Allah himself lies. I
shall now provide excerpts from Islamic texts on how they explain
various phenomena.

Bukhari Volume 8, Book 77, Number 616:
Narrated ‘Aisha : I asked Allah’s Apostle about the plague. He said, “That
was a means of torture which Allah used to send upon whom-so-ever He
wished, but He made it a source of mercy for the believers, for anyone who
is residing in a town in which this disease is present, and remains there
and does not leave that town, but has patience and hopes for Allah’s
reward, and knows that nothing will befall him except what Allah has
written for him, then he will get such reward as that of a martyr.”

Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 628: Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah’s Apostle said, “(Death from) plague is martyrdom for every Muslim.”

Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 629: Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, “He (a Muslim) who dies of an abdominal disease is a a
martyr, and he who dies of plague is a martyr.”

Thus plague is a torture that makes you martyr!


Pharmacies can sell the fly wings which has cure.

Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 673 : Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah’s Apostle said, “If a fly falls in the vessel of any of you, let him dip
all of it (into the vessel) and then throw it away, for in one of its wings
there is a disease and in the other there is healing (antidote for it) i e.
the treatment for that disease.”

Bukhari Volume 1, Book 6, Number 315: Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet said, “At every womb Allah appoints an angel who says, ‘O
Lord! A drop of semen, O Lord! A clot. O Lord! A little lump of flesh.” Then
if Allah wishes (to complete) its creation, the angel asks, (O Lord!) Will it
be a male or female, a wretched or a blessed, and how much will his
provision be? And what will his age be?’ So all that is written while the
child is still in the mother’s womb.”

Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 430: Narrated ‘Abdullah bin

Mus’ud: Allah’s Apostle, said, ” a human being is put together in the
womb of the mother inforty days, and then he becomes a clot of thick
blood for a similar period, and then a piece of flesh for a similar period.
Then Allah sends an angel who is ordered to write four things. He is
ordered to write down his (i.e. the new creature’s) deeds, his livelihood,
his (date of) death, and whether he will be blessed or wretched
(in religion). Then the soul is breathed into him..”


Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 527: Narrated ‘Aisha:
The Prophet said, “Kill the snake with two white lines on its back, for it
blinds the on-looker and causes abortion.”

Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 528: Narrated ‘Aisha:

The Prophet ordered that a short-tailed or mutilated-tailed snake (i.e.
Abtar) should be killed, for it blinds the on-looker and causes abortion.”

Volume 4, Book 54, Number 529: Narrated Abu Mulaika:

Prophet said, ‘Do not kill snakes except the short-tailed or mutilated-
tailed snake with two white lines on its back, for it causes abortion and

makes one blind. So kill it.’


“Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Gabriel has just now told me of the answer. If a
man has sexual intercourse with his wife and gets discharge first, the
child will resemble him, and if the woman gets discharge first, the child
will resemble her.’”


Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 506: Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, “When any human being is born. Satan touches him at
both sides of the body with his two fingers, except Jesus, the son of Mary,
whom Satan tried to touch but failed, for he touched the placenta-cover

Bukhari Volume 1, Book 4, Number 188: Narrated Ibn Shihab:
Mahmud bin Ar-Rabi’ who was the person on whose face the Prophet had
ejected a mouthful of water from his family’s well while he was a boy,
and ‘Urwa (on the authority of Al-Miswar and others) who testified each
other, said, “Whenever the Prophet , performed ablution, his companions
were nearly fighting for the remains of the water.”
You can review some more superstitions of islamic science by clicking
this -

The limited point to made by these examples is that Islam of Dr Naik is

not as truthful or scientific as he would want us to believe. And as far as
truth is concerned, Truth is considered the foremost virtue in Hinduism –
be it any sect or school of thought. Hindus also do not have the concept
of Taqiah as in Islam, which permits one to spread false in certain
situations like destroying an enemy.)


“Hinduism is not the oldest of all the religions. It is Islam

which is the first and the oldest of all religions. People have a
misconception that Islam is 1400 years old and that Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) is the founder of this religion. Islam existed
since time immemorial, ever since man first set foot on this
earth. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was not the founder of Islam.
He was the last and final Messenger of Almighty God.”


Any proofs for this? Do we have any literature of Islam prior to Quran? Is
there anything before ths Vedas? Are there proofs to conclude that
Muhammad was a messenger in first place, forget the case of his being last?
Except what Muhammad is alleged to say in a Quran that even many
Muslims refuse to accept as authentic, and was written 20 years after
Muhammad’s death by his followers who were killing each other to prove
Islam to be a religion of Peace!


“For any religion to be pure and authentic, its scriptures

should not contain any interpolation, addition, deletion or
revision. Moreover the religion’s source of inspiration and
direction should be Almighty God. The Qur’an is the only
religious scripture on the face of the earth which has been
maintained it its original form. All the other religious
scriptures, of all the other religions have interpolations,
additions, deletions or revisions. The Qur’an has been in the

memory of a multitude of people, intact in its original form
ever since its revelation, and now there are hundreds of
thousands of people who have preserved it in their memory.
Moreover, if you compare the copies made by Caliph Uthman
from the original Qur’an which is yet present in the museum
in Tashkent and in Koptaki museum in Turkey, they are the
same as the ones we possess today.”


1. I agree with the first two sentences. But rest is hoax. No text apart from
Vedas can claim freedom from any scope of interpolations. This is not
merely based on memory of people who mugged it, but also by a
mechanism of 10 different ways of reciting it, which exactly match even
today. The gurukuls teaching these Paatha vidhis are thriving till today.
Even the Christian indologists who studied Vedas thoroughly, could not
cite one single evidence to claim any kind of interpolation in Vedas. For
more on this, please read Unchangeable Vedas at -

2. No all sects of Islam believe Quran to be authentic. Many have even

written their own Qurans. Some believe that original Quran was
mutilated. Others believe that some verses in Quran are written by Satan
who came in Muhammad once and narrated a few Ayats.

3. When was the original Quran made? Much after death of Muhammad.
Further Quran did not reveal in one go. It was revealed throughout the
life of Muhammad. And for first fifteen years, Muhammad had no
resources to even write the Quran. Even the Ayat 2.106 of Quran itself
admits that not everything can be remembered. Even the Arabic script
was not developed that time and no Quran of Muhammad’s time exists.

4. Quran is supposed to be written by Muhammad’s followers after his
death. Now these followers were killing each other for power, and
included his beloved wife Aisha, whom he had married when she was 6
years old, and in whose company most Ayats were revealed. Many
Muslims refuse to respect Aisha as an authentic person. How can one
consider such people to have had capability to transmit Allah’s message
of Peace without distortions?

5. Read this article for more details on the Authenticity of Quran -


“A religion is best, if it has the solutions to the problems

of mankind. For a religion to be considered the best, it
should have the solution to all the problems of mankind.

It should be the religion of truth, and should be
applicable to all ages. Islam is the only religion which
has the solution to all the problems of mankind. e.g. the
problem of alcoholism, surplus women, rape and
molestation, robbery, racism, casteism, etc.

Islam is the religion of truth, and its laws and solutions

are applicable to all the ages. The Qur’an is the only
religious book on the face of the earth, which has
maintained its purity and authenticity proving itself to
be the word of God in all the ages. i.e. previously, when it
was the age of miracles, literature and poetry and in
present times when it is the age of science and
technology. Moreover, Islam is not a man-made religion,
but a religion revealed and inspired by Almighty God. It
is the only religion acceptable in His Sight.”


1. I thought this was a FAQ on Hinduism. Anyways, before making such

far-fetched claims, Dr Naik should decide which of the 73 sects of Islam
is actually true Islam. Because rest will go to Hell as per Islamic hadiths.
Refer 73 Sects of Islam and One True Jamaat at

2. Also he should explain why Islam was revealed in a language which was
neither the most popular language of world when Quran came, nor is it
so today, nor it has been ever. In fact when Quran was revealed, even the

script was not yet standardized and Muhammad had no resources to
even document the Quran. The claim of authenticity is already
debunked. Also why is it that any reference to the faith of more than 50%
of population of world – Eastern philosophies not even referred to?

3. Can he cite one single country that follows version of Islam that Dr Naik
wants us to believe as true islam, and then assess whether indeed Islam
has solutions or not? Because all Islamic countries have an adverse
gender ratio, non-tolerance for other faiths, issues of human rights etc.
Science of islam has already been explored to some extent.

4. How does Dr Naik know that Islam is the only religion acceptable to God?
If that be so, why could not God give Quran in a less confusing and more
systematic manner than giving it to someone in bits and pieces
throughout his poverty and then war-torn life, where it could not be even
documented? And does not completely debar evils like marriage in close-
family, marriage with small babies, slavery, polygamy etc which are
proven to be disastrous from social and medical standpoint? Also the
language was among least popular of world, and also not original
language of world. I can well understand Quran to be a step towards


progress of barbaric Arabic society. But can Dr Naik provide evidences to

prove it final version of Allah’s message for all ages to come? (When even
many sects of Islam refuse to believe so!)


“The land used for burying a dead body can be reutilised

for burying another body after a few years since the
human body gets decomposed and mixed in the soil.”


If that be so, why do Muslims create a permanent structure around the

burial? Why do they constuct Kabras, Makbaras and memorials on places of
death that remain unused for ages to come? The fact is that practice of
burial permanently wastes land space. The practice of cremation ensures
that neither does decaying body spread disease nor it occupies further


“Wearing a bindi or mangalsutra is a sign of Hindu

women. The Islamic dress code does not permit a Muslim
to wear any sign, symbol or mark which is specially
significant of a non-Muslim.”


Bindi or Mangalsutra is not a necessary sign for all Hindu women. It is of

much recent origin and is not mentioned in ancient texts of rituals. It
became famous as an aesthetic concept later. In fact it became more popular
because of Islamic invasions. The evils of Purdah system and Sati also
started from times when Muslim invaders would kill men and rape women.

Even today, plight of Hindus in Bangladesh is well known. Thus Bindi and
Mangalsutra became signs of married women to at least spare them from
torment of invaders.

As far as Islamic dress code is concerned, that has been medically proven to
cause Vitamin D deficiency in women of Muslim countries due to emphasis
on covering all parts of body and staying indoors. Please refer to one of
the several such medical research reports by clicking at



“Islamic Criminal Law is Most Practical”

The Muslims in India alone cannot separately follow the

Islamic Criminal Law without involving the Non-
Muslims… Islam besides pointing out a crime, it also
gives you a solution showing how to prevent the crime
e.g. chopping the hands of a robber, death penalty for
the rapist. The punishment is so severe that it is a
deterrent for the criminal to commit the crime. He will
think a hundred times before committing a crime.

Thus if crime has to be reduced or stopped in India the

best solution is to implement ‘The Common Islamic
Criminal Law’.”


1. Any student of Law and Social studies would know how practical are the
Islamic laws, especially those relating to slavery and women rights.

2. Dr Naik has deliberately chosen to highlight those aspects of Islamic law

which may not cause that much dispute. Let him answer why even most
Muslim countries refuse to implement Islamic Criminal law?

3. Would Dr Naik agree to have Islamic Criminal Law implemented when

both the parties involved are Muslims? Forget about actual
implementation, would he himself and IRF agree to punish themselves as
per Islamic Criminal Law by their own choice? If that be so, a large

number of lies stated by them have been exposed. Would they agree to
punish themselves by chopping their hands off or other punishments for
telling lies to public at large?

4. Islamic Law has been stated to be most practical. Could Dr Naik suggest
what is so practical about stating that (evidence of two women = evidence
of one man)?

5. Could he suggest what makes it so practical for a divorced couple to

reunite without the wife having intercourse with another person and
then taking Talaq from him?

6. Could he also enlighten what makes Islamic Law so practical that a rape
victim will have to provide one male or two female eye-witnesses who
have seen the act of organs by their own eyes. It sounds disgusting, but
that is what Islamic Criminal Law states. Circumstantial evidences and
testing do not count in case of rape!

7. Could he also guide why it is practical for a father to marry her baby-girl
as per his wishes and it is legal to have relations if girl is above 9 years?


Visit on more on Islamic Criminal Law and Women.


“Which prophet was sent to India?

Regarding the question of which prophet of God was sent to
India, and can we consider Ram or Krishna to be prophets of
God, there is no text in the Qur’an or Sahih Hadith mentioning
the name of the prophet that was sent to India. Since the
names of Ram and Krishna are nowhere to be found in the
Qur’an and Sahih Hadith, one cannot say for sure whether
they were prophets of God or not. Some Muslims, especially
certain Muslim politicians who try to appease the Hindus, say
Ram Alai-his-salaam, i.e. Ram, may peace be on him. This is
totally wrong, since there is no authentic proof from the Qur’an
and Sahih Hadith that he was a prophet of God. However, a
person may say that perhaps they may have been the prophets
of God.

Even if Ram and Krishna were prophets, today we have to

follow the last Prophet of God i.e. Muhammad (pbuh)
Even if Ram and Krishna were prophets of God, they were only
meant for people of that time and were to be followed only for
that particular period of time. Today, all the human beings
throughout the world, including India should only follow the
last and final prophet and Messenger of God – prophet
Muhammad (pbuh).”


1. No text in Quran mentions Ram and Krishna because Muhammad was

too ignorant of the traditions of the East in same way as Europe was
ignorant of America before Columbus. Or else how could Allah have
forgotten to mention about beliefs of more than 50% of world population

2. This is religious fundamentalism at peak. Only Prophet Muhammad is

final Prophet and if you do not believe so you will burn in Hell forever!
And if you believe, you will get 72 virgins and lot of fun in Paradise
forever! But as I proved earlier, out of 73 sects of Islam, only one will
reach Paradise, and rest will in any case burn in Hell, not to talk of non-
Muslims. It seems that Allah has already decided that 99% of people
would be in Hell. So let those loving humanity share the troubles of their
fellow humans in Hell than enjoy the luxuries of Paradise alone!

3. As proven earlier, neither can Quran claim authenticity, nor can there be
any way to assert that Muhammad and Quran are to be taken so
seriously as Dr Naik would want us to take.
4. On contrary, Vedas do not force anyone to believe in Vedas or anything.
One is given the liberty to explore, discover and only then accept
anything. Blind faith and fear of Hell and lure of Heaven are not tactics
employed to attract followership. Also one need not believe in any agent
of God to achieve bliss.)


“The question that arises is “which revelation of God was sent

to India and whether we can consider the Vedas and the other
Hindu Scriptures to be the revelations of God?” There is no text
in the Qur’an or Sahih Hadith mentioning the name of the
revelation that was sent to India. Since the names of the Vedas
or other Hindu scriptures are no where to be found in Qur’an
and Sahih Hadith, one cannot say for sure that they were the
revelations of God. They may be the revelation of God or may
not be the revelation of God.

Even if the Veda was the word of God today you have to follow
the Qur’anEven if the Vedas and the other scriptures were the
revelations from God, they were only meant for people of that
time and were to be followed only for that particular period of
time. Today all human beings through out the world including
India should only follow the last and final Revelation of God,
i.e. the Qur’an. Moreover since all the previous revelations were
not meant to be followed for eternity, Almighty God did not
preserve them in their original form. There is not a single
religious scripture of any of the major religions which claims
to be the word of God and has maintained its pure original text
and is free from alteration, adulteration and interpolation.

Since the Glorious Qur’an is to be followed for eternity, Allah
(swt) has taken upon Himself to maintain its original purity
and guard it from corruption. Allah says in Glorious Qur’an.”


1. Here his hypocrisy is finally caught. And Dr Naik should either chop his
hands or get himself lashed after consulting Islamic Criminal Law. He is
suddenly in doubt whether Vedas are revelations or not. But larger part
of his entire thesis rests on proving that Vedas prophesise Prophet
Muhammad. If Vedas give revelations about Prophet Muhammad,
population of Mecca, companions of Muhammad, and even number of
leaders he fought against, what remains to have doubt on Vedas being
revelations and being Prophetic by prophesising Prophet Muhammad?

2. If we accept Dr Naik blindly so far, we should agree that Vedas contain

such detailed Prophecies about Muhammad that even Quran does not
have! Thus obviously Vedas are more prophetic and revelation than
Quran. Can Dr Naik provide a similar detailed prophecy from Quran? As

per his previous logic, role of Vedas ended with Quran. So vedas
predicted Quran and Muhammad. Why could Quran predict nothing of
that sort?

3. Obviously two points emerge – one, that Vedas have been proved by Dr
Naik to be more prophetic and revelations than Quran. And hence Vedas
must be followed and not Quran. Two, since Dr Naik has committed a
crime by showing hypocrisy in his own statements by doubting the very
Vedas whom he himself proved to be prophetic, he should have his
hands chopped off or hae himself lashed or whatever as per Islamic
Criminal Law. This would ensure Paradise for him, because Allah is

4. And if he does not get himself punished as per Islamic Criminal Law, he
is a Kafir who has ensured Hell for himself more than anyone else. In
that case, he is not to be taken seriously. Quran says that one should
not believe in words of hypcrites and Kafirs who are there to deceive and
fool you.)


“Allah” in Rigveda Book 2 Hymn I verse II

Even in the Rigveda which is the most sacred scripture of

the Hindus, one of the attributes given to God Almighty in
Book no 2 Hymn no I verse II, is ‘Ila’ which if pronounced
properly is the same as Allah.

Allo Upanishad: Amongst the various Upanishads one of

the Upanishad is named as ‘Allo’ Upanishad in which

God is referred to as “Allah” several times.”


1. One does admit that Muhammad did not discover a new language (He
was illiterate by the way). So he used words of the prevalent language.
And Arabic definitely is derived from Vedic Sanskrit which is the mother
of all languages. So Allah can derive from ‘Allah”. We are happy to see
Dr Naik finally accepting his Vedic roots. So he should come back to the
basics and start using ‘Ila’ to worship ‘Allah’. Further he should also
come back to roots of ‘Naik’ which is ‘Naayak’ of Sanskrit and accept the
Vedic language and worship in totality. We would be glad to teach him
and help him forget his hypocritical ways.

2. Allo Upanishad is a well-known fraud Upanishad. One hundred years

ago Muslims used to call it a part of Vedas. But now after Vedas became
easily available, they now call it a separate Upanishad! This entertaining
book contains mix of Arabic and Sanskrit and seems to be concocted
during our long Muslim rule. The grammar is completely out of place


and no one can trace this upanishad to any original root – either in
Vedas or Brahmans or any branch of Vedas.)

A more critical analysis of Quran and such spurious claims are found here:

Having concluded this commentary on Dr Zakir Naik’s research into Hinduism,

we come to following conclusions:

a. If Muhammad is in Hindu Scriptures, he was a ghost, demon and mass-

b. Dr Zakir Naik and IRF is proven to have committed hypocrisy and
falsehood, and hence should punish themselves as per Islamic Criminal
Law (cutting off-hands, lashing or whatever)
c. The authenticity of Quran is questionable. Its is also not as prophetic as
Vedas. So Dr Naik and IRF should embrace the Vedas and change their
and Allah’s name as per vedic traditions.
d. In any case, challenge to Dr Naik is still open.
e. The basis of Dr Naik’s logic is Poison=Death=Rest=Peace=Islam, hence
Poison = Islam

All truth-seekers are appealed to reject the path of falsehood and embrace truth
and truth alone. Or have their hands chopped off as per Islamic law.


Prophet in Hindu Scriptures – An
analysis (Part 1)

A relatively new propaganda seems to be on rage these days – that

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has been prophesised in Hindu Scriptures.
This seems to be a great hit in major Islamic websites over last few years.
It is also very useful in increasing the effectiveness of conversion
programs driven by vision of making India a Muslim country within next
5 years (as resolved by Maulana Abdullah Tariq recently on Peace TV).

And why shouldn’t it be effective. First, it is proved that the Kalki Avatar
mentioned in Bhavishya Puran is none other than Prophet Muhammad.
Second, it is also demonstrated that Vedas, the final authority in
Hinduism, themselves sang praise of Prophet Muhammad.

Now the entry barriers for a Hindu in embracing Islam has suddenly

All that a devout Hindu is doing now is accepting the directions of his
own religion with further sincerity.

Thus, when a close friend of mine, who is an expert in Islam, visited a
prominent temple in the heart of Lucknow, he was greeted by the head
priest. He could see marks on forehead of the priest. When discussions
continued on matter of religion, the priest explained to him how Prophet
is the final goal for every Hindu and how Islam alone can save humanity.

Now my friend realized that the mark on the head was out of 5 times of
daily prayer in submission to the legend who has been prophesised in
Hindu Scriptures! And this is the new direction of Islamic conversion
techniques that he has been witnessing.

In this series, we shall critically analyze the claims of this propaganda

and bring truth to the fore.

The founder of this hypothesis is none other than the stage-performer Dr

Zakir Naik who can recite page number, chapter number and verse
number for any book on earth. His style is so hypnotic and entertaining
that the audience no more has the space to check relevance of his

references. The same style is evident in his writing as well, which form
the basis of his memorized speeches.

And now, the confused Muslim youth has found a new passion that
confirms their seat in Paradise. They would simply copy-paste from his
articles and spread the good word around on internet forums, blogs and
social networking sites. The print outs are circulated in colleges and
schools. This is often very effective against certain less-well-versed
Hindus who fall under the ploy.

I hope this article will at least serve as a ready reference for answering
this propaganda through a similar copy-paste if nothing more. However if
this induces an attitude of questioning among the readers to seek the
truth, and at least reject the obvious falsehoods that come in this
journey, I would consider my efforts to be fruitful.

This series is based on the original article written by Dr Zakir Naik and
published on Islamic Research Foundation website. You can review the
same here:

Before we get into a more detailed analysis, let us argue a few more

Muslims have been in India for around 1000 years now. And for majority
of the time, they were ruling this country. Why is it that Muslims could
not discover this obvious fact in so many years? In fact, study of
Vedas and Purans were more popular in those times than it is today!
Why is it that no commentary on Vedas written by anyone since Vedas
were first authored (they are considered the oldest books) could ever
discover such an important fact which is to decide the fate of the world?

After all, as per Dr Naik and Quran, the only way to book a ticket to
Paradise is by believing in Prophet Muhammad to be the last Prophet
and his message being the only authoritative message of God! Thus no
message of Vedas can be more important than this message, if it is
indeed a true fiction!

If indeed Vedas could prophesise coming of Prophet Muhammad, why

not consider Vedas to be work of another Prophet? Is it not a miracle that
the oldest book on earth could predict arrival of the last Prophet! So, why
not accept Vedas as book of God? The usual answer to this perplexing
question is that Vedas may have been the first book, but Quran is last
and hence only Quran has to be followed. Now my counter-question is
that is God perfect or not? If yes, which is what Quran wants us to
believe, then why could not God give his first book as final edition? If
God knows everything, what made him change his own theories? This
means that God is imperfect. Here, when trapped, the proponents weakly
argue that God’s knowledge is same but the application changes from
time to time. If that be so, should not a new Quran come now when the
world order has completely changed from barbaric middle ages when

Quran had to accept evils like slavery, polygamy and gender

Further, Vedas talk of rebirth. They talk of monogamy. They talk of Law
of Karma and refuse belief in Heaven or Hell. They believe that nature,
God and soul are beginning-less and endless. Creation and Destruction
happen in continuous cycles. These are completely opposite to Quranic
view of polygamy, one birth, permanent Heaven or Hell and this being the
first and last creation of God that happened in few days a few thousand
years ago. I can agree to some extent to future plans being modified by
God as part of some grand strategy, but how can even God change the
history of universe that had already happened even before Vedas came in
Quran, his revised edition of message? Is God so forgetful of what he has
already done? If that be so, what is the guarantee that he will not realize
some more mistakes and send another edition of his message?

Secondly, if indeed Vedas could predict about Prophet Muhammad, and

Dr Zakir Naik sincerely believes so, should he not consider Vedas also as
a book by Prophets? If not last, at least the first one? This is where Dr
Naik’s corrupt tricks get exposed. He fears that any admission of any
other books apart from those followed by believers (Jews, Christians and
Muslims) being given by God may put him in Hell forever, as per
instructions in Quran. So in another article of his, he flatly refuses to
admit that Vedas are indeed books of revelation. He conveniently forgets
that he himself has proved that Vedas gave the biggest prophecy of all
times – the advent of Prophet Muhammad and claims that
“ There is no text in the Qur’an or Sahih Hadith mentioning the
name of the revelation that was sent to India. Since the names of
the Vedas or other Hindu scriptures are no where to be found in
Qur’an and Sahih Hadith, one cannot say for sure that they were
the revelations of God. They may be the revelation of God or may
not be the revelation of God.”

You can check it out on his FAQ on Hinduism in his IRF site

We should also scrutinize what qualifications Dr Zakir Naik possesses to

interpret Vedas? Is he a Sanskrit scholar or a Vedic Pandit? Or has he
referred to works of any scholar? No! He simply lists names of some
commentators on Vedas in his articles whom he has referred to. Most of
these are either western indologists who are not considered authentic in
first place, or some others whom only Dr Naik knows. Further he does
not provide exact translation by any of the scholars and only writes out
the commentary that suits his pre-drawn conclusion. Even the western
indologists did not hint on even remotest reference to Muhammad! Thus
all Dr Naik has done is following the old art of marketing, “That a lie
shouted thousand times becomes a truth!”

In next parts of the series, we will analyze the prophecy of Muhammad in

Bhavishya Puran and Vedas respectively.




Dr Naik provides a very detailed analysis of verses of Bhavishya Puran along

with references. The only mistake he made was that he presented a completely
opposite picture of Prophet Muhammad compared to what Bhavishya Puran
actually writes. Refer
d=131) provides an excellent analysis of the

relevant portions of Bhavishya Puran with scans of original texts and dictionary
meanings of the key words.

In summary, the actual meaning of the verses is as follows:

“Shri Suta Goswami said that a demon called Tripurasur who was earlier burnt
to ashes by Shiva has taken birth again in form of Mahamada (Muhammad)
and his deeds are like that of an evil ghost. The ghost was rebuked by Kalidas
as “O rascal, you have created an illusion to bewilder the king, I will kill
you, you are the lowest…”

Further, the ghost called Mahamada comes in dream of King Bhoja and says,

“O king, your religion is of course known as the best religion among all.
Still I am going to establish a terrible and demoniac religion by the order
of the Lord . The symptoms of my followers will be that they first of all
will cut their genitals, have no shikha, but having beard, be wicked,
make noise loudly and eat everything. They should eat animals without
performing any rituals. This is my opinion. They will perform
purificatory act with the musala or a pestle as you purify your things
with kusha. Therefore, they will be known as musalman, the corrupters
of religion. Thus the demoniac religion will be founded by me.”

It is amply clear that contrary to Dr Naik’s claims, Mahamada (Muhammad) is

being condemned here as a demon and not as a spiritual person. Far from

being a Kalki Avatar, Muhammad is being foretold as a devil harbinger of

Having analyzed the verses, let us analyze a few more points regarding
Bhavishya Puran:
1. Bhavishya Puran is not considered an authoritative religious scripture. It
is amply clear that the book continued to be written till late
19th century. Because it also contains stories of Jesus Christ, Akbar,
Sawai Jai Singh, Alha Udal, Tulsidas, Surdas, Guru Nanak, Shahjahan,
Aurangzeb, Shivaji and even Queen Victoria and her Parliament. Bulk of
the material seems to be written during foreign rule. Thus, Bhavishya
Puran does not even come in category of evidence, when it comes to
Hindu religion.
2. Still if Dr Zakir Naik has infallible faith in Bhavishya Puran, he should
also admit that Muhammad was a devil and reincarnation of Tripurasur.
3. Also, if Dr Naik has so much trust on Bhavishya Puran and considers
the book so prophetic, why does he not admit other advices of the book –
the fastings on specific days and their benefits, worship of different idols,
avoidance of meat, celibacy, shraadh, prohibition of marriage among
close relatives, agnihotra, holy places, cow protection etc. And
accordingly, he should refuse to believe in those verses of Quran which
are against the precepts of Bhavishya Puran.

In the next part of the series, we shall critically examine the claim of Prophet
Muhammad in Vedas.


More on Bhavishya Puran:

Extracted from

Bhavishya Purana : The Prediction of Islam And Muhammad

According to Bhavishya purana

Mahamada (Incarnation of Tripurasura the demon) = Dharmadushika (Polluter

of righteousness)

Religion founded by Mahamada = Paisachyadharama (demoniac religion)


Original Sanskrit Version: Bhavishya Puran: Prati Sarg: Part III:3,3 5-27


Translation source:


[From the third part of the Pratisarga Parva.]


Shri Suta Gosvami said: In the dynasty of king Shalivahana, there were ten
kings who went to the heavenly planets after ruling for over 500 years. Then
gradually the morality declined on the earth. At that time Bhojaraja was the
tenth of the kings on the earth. When he saw that the moral law of conduct was
declining he went to conquer all the directions of his country with ten-thousand
soldiers commanded by Kalidasa. He crossed the river Sindhu and conquered
over the gandharas, mlecchas, shakas, kasmiris, naravas and sathas. He
punished them and collected a large ammount of wealth. Then the king went
along with Mahamada (Muhammad), the preceptor of mleccha-dharma, and his
followers to the great god, Lord Shiva, situated in the desert. He bathed Lord
Shiva with Ganges water and worshipped him in his mind with pancagavya

(milk, ghee, yoghurt, cow dung, and cow urine) and sandalwood paste, etc. After
he offered some prayers and pleased him.

Suta Goswami said: After hearing the king’s prayers, Lord Shiva said: O king
Bhojaraja, you should go to the place called Mahakakshvara, that land is called
Vahika and now is being contaminated by the mlecchas. In that terrible country
there no longer exists dharma. There was a mystic demon named
Tripura(Tripurasura), whom I have already burnt to ashes, he has come again
by the order of Bali. He has no origin but he achieved a benediction from me.
His name is Mahamada(Muhammad) and his deeds are like that of a ghost.
Therefore, O king, you should not go to this land of the evil ghost. By my mercy
your intelligence will be purified. Hearing this the king came back to his
country and Mahamada(Muhammad) came with them to the bank of the river
Sindhu. He was expert in expanding illusion, so he said to the king very
pleasingly: O great king, your god has become my servant. Just see, as he eats
my remnants, so I will show you. The king became surprised when he saw this
just before them. Then in anger Kalidasa rebuked Mahamada(Muhammad) “O
rascal, you have created an illusion to bewilder the king, I will kill you, you are
the lowest…”

That city is known as their site of pilgrimage, a place which was Madina or free
from intoxication. Having a form of a ghost (Bhuta), the expert illusionist
Mahamada(Muhammad) appeared at night in front of king Bhojaraja and said:
O king, your religion is of course known as the best religion among all. Still I
am going to establish a terrible and demoniac religion by the order of the Lord .
The symptoms of my followers will be that they first of all will cut their genitals,
have no shikha, but having beard, be wicked, make noise loudly and eat
everything. They should eat animals without performing any rituals. This is my
opinion. They will perform purificatory act with the musala or a pestle as you
purify your things with kusha. Therefore, they will be known as musalman, the
corrupters of religion. Thus the demoniac religion will be founded by me. After
having heard all this the king came back to his palace and that
ghost(Muhammad) went back to his place.

The intelligent king, Bhojaraj established the language of Sanskrit in three

varnas – the brahmanas, kshatriyas and vaisyas – and for the shudras he
established prakrita-bhasha, the ordinary language spoken by common men.
After ruling his kingdom for 50 years, he went to the heavenly planet. The moral
laws established by him were honored even by the demigods. The arya-varta,
the pious land is situated between Vindhyacala and Himacala or the mountains
known as Vindhya and Himalaya. The Aryans reside there, but varna-sankaras
reside on the lower part of Vindhya. The musalman people were kept on the
other side of the river Sindhu.

On the island of Barbara, Tusha and many others also the followers of Isamsiha
were also situated as they were managed by a king or demigods.


Note This

Lord Shiva said: O king Bhojaraja, you should go to the place called
Mahakakshvara, that land is called Vahika and now is being contaminated by
the mlecchas. In that terrible country there no longer exists dharma. There was
a mystic demon named Tripura(Tripurasur), whom I have already burnt to
ashes, he has come again by the order of Bali. He has no origin but he achieved
a benediction from me. His name is Mahamada(Muhammad) and his deeds are
like that of a ghost.

According to Bhavishya Purana Muhammad was the rebirth of

Tripurasura the Demon.
Tripurasura was killed by Shiva in his(Tripurasura’s) past life.


Tripurasura’s Past life [Mythology(not from bhavishya purana)]


Tripurasur was the son of Sage Gritsamad. One day the sage sneezed and from
this was created a young boy who the Sage brought up as his own son. The
sage taught the boy the Ganana Twam, Ganesh Mantra. Equipped with this
mantra the boy meditated intensely on Lord Ganesh who ultimately blessed
him. He was given three pura-s of gold silver and iron. Since he was the owner
of these three pura-s he was given the name Tripur. Ganesh also bestowed on
Tripur to be the most powerful, who none but Lord Shiva himself could destroy
and after being destroyed by Lord Shiva he would attain mukti-salvation.

This boon made Tripur proud and he brought havoc in the entire world. He
conquered the Nether world and then proceeded to takeover Heaven. He
defeated Indra the king of heaven. His aggression made Lord Brahma hide in a
lotus and Lord Vishnu in the Shirsagar. He soon also took over Lord Shiva’s
Kailash Parvat and thus became the King of all the three worlds. The gods
wondered on how to vanquish Tripurasur. Lord Narada told them that, since he
had been granted a boon by Lord Ganesh himself it would be very difficult to
vanquish him. He advised them to meditate on Lord Ganesh. Pleased Lord
Ganesh decided to help the Gods.

Disguised as Brahmin he visited Tripurasur and told him that he was a very
enlightened Brahmin and could make for him three flying planes. Riding these
he would be able to go anywhere he wished within minutes. The planes could

only be destroyed by Shiva.In return Lord Ganesh asked him to get him the
statue of Chintamani which was at the Kailash Mountain. Lord Shiva refused to
give the statue to Tripurasur’s messenger. The angry Tripurasur himself went to
get the statue. A fierce battle started between him and Lord Shiva. He destroyed
everything that belonged to the Lord Shiva who too retired to the Girikandar.

Lord Shiva too realized that he was unable to destroy Tripurasur because he
had not paid his respects to Lord Ganesh. He recited the Shadaakshar Mantra
to invoke Ganesh. On doing so from his mouth emerged Gajanan to grant Shiva
a boon. Shiva continued his invocation of Ganesh who ultimately directed him
on how Tripurasur could be killed. Lord Shiva was asked to recite the
Sahastranam and then direct an arrow at the three pura-s of Tripurasur.

Lord Shiva followed these instructions and finally vanquished Tripurasur.

The place where Lord Shiva invoked Lord Ganesh he also created a temple for
him. The town surrounding this temple was called Manipur. The village

Ranjangaon is considered to be the place where Lord Shiva himself sought the
blessings of Ganesh and ultimately destroyed Tripurasur.

This prayer (chalisa) praises the Lord Shiva (Related to Tripurasura killing)

Tripurasur sang yuddha machayi,

sabahin kripa kari leen bachayi.

By fighting and killing the Demon Tripurasur,

You forgave everybody and saved the Gods.


Mlechha (meaning)

(from Sanskrit dictionary)


1 A barbarian, a non Aryan ( One not speaking the Sanskrit Language or not
confirm in to Hindu or Aryan institutions),a foreigner in general

2 An Outcast, a very low man, Bodhayana thus defines the word:

gomAmsakhAdako yastu viruddhaM bahubhAshhate | sarvAchAravihInashcha

mlechchha ityabhidhiiyate |

He who eats cow’s meat, and speaks a lot against shastras and he, who is also
devoid of all forms of spiritual practice, is called a mlechha.

3 A sinner, A wicked person, A savage or barbarian race



Paisachya (meaning)

(from Sanskrit dictionary)


Demonical, Infernal




Asura (meaning)

(from Sanskrit dictionary)


1 An evil spirit,demon
2 A general name for the enemies of Gods,


In the next part of the series, we shall critically examine the claim of Prophet
Muhammad in Vedas.



Let us now critically examine the claim of Muhammad in Vedas. You can read
the original article

Let me declare at outset that Vedas contain no history or geography whatsoever

and contain description of fundamental principles governing life and universe in
a variety of manner. There are indeed names of several historical persons in
Vedas. But that does not mean that Vedas prophesise those people. It only
means that those words were popular and people chose to adopt these names.
If we find mention of word “Krishna” in Mahabharat or Vedas, it does not mean,
they prophesise about Lal Krishna Advani! By that logic, Bible prophesises
about all people born with name George and Islamic texts about people named
Muhammad, Ali etc!

I shall not dwell into the concept of Vedas being beyond prophecies, history and
geography in this analysis. On contrary, we shall prove that even if we assume
Vedas to contain prophecies, that can no way be associated with Prophet
Muhammad, unless IRF believes that Prophet Muhammad was a mass
murderer and protector of cows, as we shall see later. And if indeed they believe
so, let them issue a world-wide fatwa to start donating cows, stop eating beef
and admitting that Prophet Muhammad killed the entire population of Mecca!
Just as they would be issuing a fatwa that Prophet Muhammad was a
ghost/demon incarnate in name of Tripurasur (as per Bhavishya Puran). Going
further, they should also then accept the theory of rebirth!

I shall quote the text published at IRF website as “IRF:” and the analysis of the
same as “ANALYSIS:”

The actual meanings of the mantras will be quotes as “Actual:”

1. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Prophesised in Atharvaveda


In the 20th book of Atharvaveda Hymn 127 Some Suktas

(chapters) are known as Kuntap Sukta. Kuntap means the
consumer of misery and troubles. Thus meaning the message of
peace and safety and if translated in Arabic means Islam.


1. By this logic, all books of spiritualism and self-help and their

content would mean Islam! Because Peace and removal of misery
are the primary goals of any spiritual text on self-help book.

2. Considering that Vedas came way before Muhammad founded

Islam, this only means that whatever peaceful or good was brought
by Muhammad in Islam was actually already a part of Vedic
traditions. And that the word Islam was already existing way before
Muhammad adapted it to name his cult.

It is welcoming that Muslims are now acknowledging that they owe their
peacefulness to Vedas. I hope they would take this journey of seeking truth
even further and completely embrace the Vedas to reach their original roots.


Kuntap also means hidden glands in the abdomen. These

mantras are called so probably because their true meaning was
hidden and was to be revealed in future. Its hidden meaning is
also connected with the navel or the middle point of this earth.
Makkah is called the Ummul Qur’a the mother of the towns or
the naval of the earth. In many revealed books it was the first
house of Divine worship where God Almighty gave spiritual
nourishment to the world. The Qur’an says in Surah Ali-Imran
chapter 3, verse 96:

“The first house (of worship) appointed for men was that at
Bakkah (Makkah) full of blessings and of guidance and for all
kinds of beings”. Thus Kuntap stands for Makkah or Bakkah.


1. Which dictionary states that Kuntaap means hidden glands in the


2. Further, even if it means so, as researched by Dr Naik, how does it link
with navel? In abdomen, all other organs are hidden inside – liver,
stomach, intestine etc. It is only the navel which is not hidden!

3. The third line of IRF quote obviously refers to Islamic belief of earth
being flat, and Muhammad being born in centre of the earth! But as
per Vedas and modern science, earth is almost spherical and hence all
points on it can be considered middle point.

4. Had Mecca (Makkah) been on Equator, perhaps some credibility could

have been attached to IRF claims. But as per modern science, in a non-
flat world, Mecca lies at 21-29 N. It is not even on Tropic of Cancer!

(The importance given to Mecca in Islam is because of historical reasons

dating prior to advent of Islam. The worship of Mecca was so popular that
Muhammad could not have spread Islam by opposing it. So a religion that
claims to worship only the shapeless, omnipresent Allah would still seek to
face Mecca and visit it at least once to get passport to Paradise. As per some
historical researches, there was a Hindu temple in Mecca. The story of
Mecca being navel of earth seems to indicate that there was a grand statute
of reclining Vishnu there with Brahma coming to from his navel, as
indicated by certain researches. This is a popular Hindu image and may
have led to story of Mecca being navel of earth, in dark ages.)

But no way, can Kuntaap be implied to mean Mecca!

5. The logic of IRF is fabulous:

Kuntaapa = abdominal glands = navel = center = center of the earth =

hence, Kuntaapa = Mecca

Let’s use IRF logic on Islam itself and see where it leads us:

Poison=Death=Rest=Peace=Islam,hence, Poison=Islam

So from IRF evidence itself, there is cold, hard proof that Islam is


Several people have translated these Kuntap Suktas like M.

Bloomfield, Prof. Ralph Griffith, Pandit Rajaram, Pandit
Khem Karan, etc.


1. Of the translators mentioned by IRF, two are western indologists who

had their own Christian agenda. They can no way be considered relevant
for understanding of Vedas.

2. But interestingly, even they talk of nothing even remotely related to
Muhammad or Mecca in the alleged verses. The only common point
perhaps is the word camel. It seems that IRF team frantically searched
for various mantras referring to camel in Vedas, and chose to interpret
them, as per their own agenda, as would soon be evident. Readers can
review the Griffith translation of these mantras at http://www.sacred- and decide themselves. They can review
translations of other scholars mentioned by IRF and check truth
themselves. We shall provide excerpts from translation by Pandit Khem
Karan as illustration. You can check them at

3. In their pursuit of searching mantras with reference to camel, IRF made

another blunder. The Kuntaap Sukta appear at end of Atharvaveda and
are not considered to be part of Veda Samhita, but merely an addendum
(Khil Bhaag or Appendix) by many scholars. This is the only portion in
entire Vedas that have such a difference in opinion among scholars. Had
IRF chosen any other Sukta/Hymn in more than 20000 mantras of
Vedas, they would have been much safer. Thus Kuntaap which IRF
proved to mean “safe” is not that safe to defend their claim of
Muhammad in Vedas!


The main points mentioned in the Kuntap Suktas i.e. in

Atharvaveda book 20 Hymn 127 verses 1-13 are:

Mantra 1

He is Narashansah or the praised one (Muhammad). He is

Kaurama: the prince of peace or the emigrant, who is safe,

even amongst a host of 60,090 enemies.

Mantra 2

He is a camel-riding Rishi, whose chariot touches the


Mantra 3

He is Mamah Rishi who is given a hundred gold coins, ten

chaplets (necklaces), three hundred good steeds and ten
thousand cows.

Mantra 4

Vachyesv rebh. ‘Oh! ye who glorifies’.


Mantra 1

Actual Meaning (Pandit Khem Karan): Narashanshah or the praised one shall
be praised. O Kauram – one who dwells happily on earth, we shall receive
60090 kinds of gifts from those brave ones who have destroyed violent ones.

Mantra 2, 3

Actual Meaning (Pandit Khem Karan): His chariot has twenty fast-moving
camels and she-camels. He donated 100 gold coins, 10 garlands, 300 horses
and 10000 cows to deserving people.

Mantra 4

Actual Meaning (Pandit Khem Karan): Keep preaching in the manner a bird
chirps on a tree laden with fruits till death comes.

So far, nothing seems odd about the meanings given by IRF or other scholars.
The only differences is that certain terms have subtly been introduced to set the
context for proving Muhammad in these mantras. In modern parlance, this
technique is called covert persuasion. Note that so far nothing hints at
Muhammad except that there is a mention of camel!

Now let us enjoy the IRF research magic!


The Sanskrit word Narashansah means ‘the praised one’,

which is the literal translation of the Arabic word Muhammad



1. The Arabic term b-ismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm which is uttered before

every verse of Quran is literal translation of “Dayanand ki Jai”. Does it
mean that Quran sings glory of Dayanand? Now Dayanand has been the
strongest critic of Quran ever. So does it mean that Quran admits that
Dayanand is right?

2. Again this is nothing but Poison = Death = Rest = Peace = Islam, hence
Islam = Poison ( we shall keep revisiting this logic wherever IRF uses the
same logic as well)


The Sanskrit word Kaurama means ‘one who spreads

and promotes peace’. The holy Prophet was the ‘Prince of
Peace’ and he preached equality of human kind and

universal brotherhood. Kaurama also means an
emigrant. The Prophet migrated from Makkah to
Madinah and was thus also an Emigrant.


1. Kaurama means ‘one who dwells peacefully on earth’. Now history is

evident of how peaceful has Prophet’s life been, how many peaceful battles
he waged, how peacefully he conquered Mecca and how peaceful is Islamic
concept of brotherhood for non-believers in Quran/Prophet.

2. The way Prophet migrated from Makkah to Madinah, has been replicated
by millions throughout the history. One can hardly name a historically
famous person who becomes famous without moving around! Krishna
migrated from Vrindawan to Mathura and then to Dwarka. Also Krishna
has several meanings which mean ‘promoter of peace’ and ‘praised one’. So
this verse equally applies to him as well!

3. Again the logic is same: Poison = Death = Rest = Peace = Islam


He will be protected from 60,090 enemies, which was the

population of Makkah.


From which census did IRF find out this population figure? Or is yet
another revelation?


The Prophet would ride a camel. This clearly indicates that it

cannot be an Indian Rishi, since it is forbidden for a
Brahman to ride a camel according to the Sacred Books of
the East, volume 25, Laws of Manu pg. 472. According to
Manu Smirti chapter 11 verse 202, “A Brahman is prohibited
from riding a camel or an ass and to bathe naked. He should
purify himself by suppressing his breath”.


1. The mantra says allegorically that the chariot of the king will have
twenty male and female camels. Even if we take it literally, did

Muhammad ever travel on such a camel-chariot? And is Prophet the
only camel-rider on earth ever in history?

2. The mantra talks about a king who is a Kshatriya and not a Brahman.
So the relevant excerpt from Manu is not applicable in first place.

3. Vedas nowhere prohibit camel-ride for anyone.

4. Manu Smriti has been written much after Vedas. So evidence of Manu
Smriti is not applicable in first place. Also the particular shloka from
Manu Smriti is considered a later day interpolation by many scholars.
In fact half of the Manu Smriti is considered interpolated because it is
against the Vedas, which Manu himself declares to be most supreme.

5. But even if we agree to this shloka of Manu Smriti, it is not applicable

or relevant in context of given mantras of Atharvaveda. Further the
shloka simply states that if a Brahman has to ride on a camel, he can
purify himself by doing Pranayam. It does not say that Brahman is
banned from riding camel. And the mantra or the entire Sukta has no
reference to Brahman whatsoever. It talks about battle and war, which
is prerogative of Kshatriya and not Brahman, as per traditional Manu


This mantra gave the Rishi’s name as Mamah. No rishi in

India or another Prophet had this name Mamah which is
derived from Mah which means to esteem highly, or to
revere, to exalt, etc. Some Sanskrit books give the Prophet’s
name as ‘Mohammad’, but this word according to Sanskrit
grammar can also be used in the bad sense. It is incorrect to
apply grammar to an Arabic word. Actually shas the same

meaning and somewhat similar pronunciation as the word
Muhammad (pbuh).


1. The word “Mamahe” is used in the 3rd mantra of 127th sukta of

Atharvaveda and not “Mamah”. There is a world of difference as we will
see in next point. The derivation as given by IRF is their own independent
research not corroborated by any text on grammar.

2. The word ‘Mamahe’ has been used as a verb here, meaning “We give” and
NOT a noun.

3. Further the word has been used in plural and not singular. So it can not
denote a singular person by wildest stretch of imagination.

If the word ‘Mamahe’ has to mean a noun ‘Muhammad’ in this

mantra, the mantra becomes meaningless. Because ‘Mamahe’ is

the ONLY verb in the entire mantra. And no sentence can have
any meaning without presence of even a single verb!


He is given 100 gold coins, which refers to the believers and

the earlier companions of the Prophet during his turbulent
Makkan life. Later on due to persecution they migrated
from Makkah to Abysinia. Later when Prophet migrated to
Madinah all of them joined him in Madinah.


1. Suddenly, gold coins have turned into believers with Prophet in his
Mecca times!

2. No text of Islam states that his followers were 100 in number initially.
Some biographers do hint at 40 followers, but 100 seems to be another
new revelation. Refer

Thus this is the Prophetic imagination taken too far!


The 10 chaplets or necklaces were the 10 best companions

of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) known as Ashra-Mubbashshira
(10 bestowed with good news). These were foretold in this
world of their salvation in the hereafter i.e. they were
given the good news of entering paradise by the Prophet’s
own lips and after naming each one he said “in Paradise”.
They were Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talha, Zubair,
Abdur Rahman Ibn Auf, Saad bin Abi Waqqas, Saad bin
Zaid and Abu Ubaidah (May Allah be well-pleased with all
of them).


1. What made IRF think that necklace can mean companions? Merely the
fact that 10 companions of Prophet are very famous in Islamic
folklores? Almost all Prophets of Islamroamed in desert and hence were
camel riders.

2. So why can’t this mean Ten Commandments of Moses, by same logic!


The Sanskrit word Go is derived from Gaw which means ‘to

go to war’. A cow is also called Go and is a symbol of war as
well as peace. The 10,000 cows refer to the 10,000
companions who accompanied the Prophet (pbuh) when he
entered Makkah during Fateh Makkah which was a unique
victory in the history of mankind in which there was no
blood shed. The 10,000 companions were pious and
compassionate like cows and were at the same time strong
and fierce and are described in the Holy Quran in Surah
Fatah: “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those
who are with him are strong against unbelievers, (but)
compassionate amongst each other.”
[Al-Qur'an 48:29]


1. This is yet another research of Dr Naik that ‘Go’ means ‘to go to

war’. ‘Go’ indeed means a lot of things in various mantras depending on
the context – Cow, Earth, Moving Body etc. But in the current context,
where the subject is of donation, the obvious meaning is ‘Cow’.

Donation of Cow has been a longstanding Vedic tradition still practiced

and respected. All Vedic legends were preservers and protectors of cow.
All noble Vedic kings were known to donate cows. Cow forms the
backbone of Vedic civilization and Hinduism.

This is where IRF comes in tight spot. Because contrary to donating

cows, Muhammad and his followers till today are known to be the
biggest tribe of cow-killers. They take pride in killing cows in Id. Thus,

this reference to donating 10000 cows is sufficient enough to prove the
most sceptic mind that these mantras have anything even remotely to
do with Prophet Muhammad or any of his predecessors or successors.

2. It is even more hilarious to see the comparison of 10000 companions of

Muhammad with cow. If they mean cow, then cow cannot mean ‘to go at
war’ in this mantra. Because the same word cannot mean two
completely different things in same context.

3. If indeed Muslims consider cows to be compassionate and pious, as

described in IRF article, what makes them kill these cows in name of
Allah? What makes Muhammad a cow-killer if that be so?

4. In fact in this mantra, to make sense in lines of IRF propaganda, Go has

to mean three things – to go at war (a verb), symbol of peace and
symbol of war, all at the same time! It has to be a verb and a noun at
the same time! Because ‘Mamahe’ the only verb in the mantra has been
deliberately interpreted as a noun in this mantra by IRF experts. Thus
this would have to be the only sentence of its kind in history of language


where a word is a verb and two nouns at same time, and another word
which is supposed to be a verb is now a noun.

Sounds confusing, right? But then confusion alone can

breed such blinded theories!


This mantra calls the Prophet as Rebh which means one who
praises, which when translated into Arabic is Ahmed, which
is another name for the Holy Prophet (pbuh).


1. Again the same logic of

Poison = Death = Rest = Peace = Islam

=> Poison = Islam

2. b-ismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm is another way of saying “Dayanand

ki Jai!”

2. Battle of the Allies described in the Vedas.


It is mentioned in Atharvaveda Book XX Hymn 21 verse 6,
“Lord of the truthful! These liberators drink these feats of
bravery and the inspiring songs gladdened thee in the field of
battle. When thou renders vanquished without fight the ten
thousand opponents of the praying one, the adoring one.”

This Prophecy of the Veda describes the well-known battle of

Ahzab or the battle of the Allies during the time of Prophet
Muhammed. The Prophet was victorious without an actual
conflict which is mentioned in the Qur’an in Surah Ahzab:

“When the believers saw the confederate forces they said,

“This is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us and
Allah and His Messenger told us what was true.” And it only
added to their faith and their zeal in obedience.”
[Al-Qur'an 33:22]

The Sanskrit word karo in the Mantra means the ‘praying
one’ which when translated into Arabic means ‘Ahmed’, the
second name of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh).

The 10,000 opponents mentioned in the Mantra were the

enemies of the Prophet and the Muslims were only 3000 in

The last words of the Mantra aprati ni bashayah means the

defeat was given to the enemies without an actual fight.


Actual Meaning (Pandit Khem Karan): “O Protector of Truthful! You have been
pleased by those brave ones who produce bliss, by acts of bravery and noble
passion in wars against the enemies. Through smart action oriented zeal, ten
thousand enemies have been defeated without resistance.”

1. If indeed it means Battle of Ahzab, why is the number of soldiers in

Prophet’s army not given?

2. The phrase Dash Sahsra or its variants are used in several places in
Vedas to signify a large number or limitlessness.

3. There is no word as ‘Karo’ in the mantra. The closest sounding word in

the mantra is “Karave’ which DOES NOT mean praying one’. It means ‘for
the action-oriented’. NO name of Muhammad means ‘action-oriented’.
So any connection with Muhammad is categorically ruled out.

4. The mantra refers to spiritual battle where the mind destroys

innumerable varieties of negative thoughts through practice and
meditation of positive things in life. And hence the victory is bloodless.

The sukta can also be interpreted to explain strategies of war. But no
way does it, or any mantra in Vedas refers to any kind of history.

IRF team is advised to consult the Vedic experts to understand

the hidden treasures and deep essence of Vedic mantras and
come back to their original roots, rejecting the falsehood.


The enemies’ defeat in the conquest of Makkah is

mentioned in Atharvaveda book 20 Hymn 21 verse no 9:

“You have O Indra, overthrown 20 kings and 60,099 men

with an outstripping Chariot wheel who came to fight the
praised one or far famed (Muhammad) orphan.”

The population of Makkah at the time of Prophet’s advent

was nearly 60,000. There were several clans in Makkah

each having its own chief. Totally there were about 20
chiefs to rule the population of Makkah. An Abandhu
meaning a helpless man who was far-famed and ‘praised
one’. Muhammad (pbuh) overcame his enemies with the help
of God.


1. There is no census data to validate that Mecca had a population of

60,000 in Muhammad’s era except IRF research based on their own
revealed sources.

2. Literal translation of this mantra means that 60000 plus enemies and
their 20 kings were crushed under the chariots. By this logic, there
should be 60,000 soldiers in the battlefield. If that be so, it means that
entire population of Mecca fought against Muhammad and were killed
by him. If that be so, if this mantra be a true Prophecy,Muhammad
cannot be a symbol of peace. On contrary, it proves that Muhammad
carried out a mass genocide of entire Mecca population because they
refused to accept him as their dictator! Then, Islam remains a religion of
peace only in Arabic dictionary, and not in reality!

3. In reality, this Balttle of Mecca was as small tribal battle where 900-
1000 soldiers and 300 soldiers of Islam have supposed to have fought
for a few hours, as per Islamic experts. And not more than 10 leaders
are known to have participated from Meccan side.Thus neither the
number 20, nor 60000 in mantra has any reference to this tiny battle.

4. This sukta actually details spiritual battle in the mind as is evident from
other mantras in the sukta. The same strategies can be extended to
external war as well. But it has no inkling of relation with any tribal


And if still, it is assumed to have so, it only means Muhammad was a

mass-killer. IRF experts can decide what they want to accept.

3.Muhammad (pbuh) prophesised in the


A similar prophecy is also found in Rigveda Book I, Hymn 53

verse 9:

The Sanskrit word used is Sushrama, which means

praiseworthy or well praised which in Arabic means Muhammad



1. Literally translated, the meaning is similar to previous verse, implying

Muhammad carried a mass-genocide of 60000 plus people to rule Mecca

2. Sushravasa means a good listener or a reliable friend in this mantra,

nothing to do with Muhammad.

3. Even if its means well praised, it only means that Muhammad was well-
praised by his men for carrying carnage of 60000 people of Mecca!

It is in best interest of IRF to not harp on such attempts to

discover Muhammad in Vedas which only denigrate him.
Their research of Muhammad in Bhavishya Puran has
already proved him a demon and a ghost Tripurasur!

4. Muhummad (pbuh) is also prophesised in the



Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is also prophesised in the Samveda

Book II Hymn 6 verse 8: “Ahmed acquired from his Lord the
knowledge of eternal law. I received light from him just as from
the sun.” The Prophecy confirms: The name of the Prophet as

Ahmed since Ahmed is an Arabic name. Many translators
misunderstood it to be Ahm at hi and translated the mantra as
“I alone have acquired the real wisdom of my father”.
Prophet was given eternal law, i.e. the Shariah.
The Rishi was enlightened by the Shariah of Prophet
Muhammad. The Qur’an says in Surah Saba chapter 34 verse 28
“We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men,
giving them glad tidings and warning them (against sin), but
most men understand not.”


This is laughing Jehad at its best. The aim to kill infidels by making
them laugh like anything.

1. I tried my best to locate this mantra in the Samaveda but could not.
Maybe if they can provide the exact mantra, that would help.


2. ‘Aham At Hi’ is authentic Sanskrit way of expression. And in joining of

words, ‘t’ becomes ‘d’. For example, ‘Sat’ + ‘Aachaar’ = “SaDaachaar”. ‘Hi’
means only.

3. If indeed Vedas predicted word ‘Ahmad’ which is Arabic word, does it

mean Arabic is older than Vedic Sanskrit?

4. If Vedas could predict upto ‘Ahmad’ and number of his armymen and
companion, what prevented Vedas from predicting his actual name
“Muhammad”? Why did Allah create so much of confusion? Had he
simply put the biography of Muhammad in a few mantras clearly
spelling his name, crores of people would have been convinced of
Prophet’s coming and would have prevented themselves from going to
Hell! Allah must be crazy as per IRF research, then!

1. If indeed Vedas have prophecy on Muhammad, why are they not in one place.
In an ocean of 20000 mantras, there are only 7 mantras about Prophet, the
most important topic of the Vedas who would change the entire structure of
Vedic concept topsy-turvy! These too are distributed randomly and none
clearly spelled the name of Muhammad. They only mean Muhammad in same
way as Islam means Poison. Was it that Allah was still confused about the
name of his last Prophet?

2. If indeed Vedas predict that Muhammad would kill so many people and make
10 his companion, it means that Allah had already decided that these people
would be killed by Muhammad and dispatched to Hell. He had pre-decided the
fate of these people millenniums before he gave them birth on earth! Does it

not make Allah unjust and biased?

3. If indeed Vedas could predict Muhammad and his life, why is IRF and Muslim
world shy about embracing Vedas as Books of God? Why he has to write in
FAQ on Hinduism that Vedas may or MAY NOT be book of God?

4. And if Vedas can predict Muhammad, and they talk of concepts which clearly
contradict Quran, which one should be believed?

After all Quran was written 20 years after Muhammad’s death, there was no
oral tradition of memorizing and protecting Quran in Muhammad’s times and
his favorite followers were fighting of each others’ lives after Muhammad died!
So how can we trust Quran to be authentic?

But Vedas have an oral tradition since its inception and inbuilt mechanism to
prevent any interpolation of even a syllable. So they are definitely the most
protected books of the world. So should not IRF, Dr Zakir Naik and his
followers return to their roots which are so accurate, unchanged and so
strong in predicting future?


Further, they predict Muhammad as nothing but mass-murderer, by IRF’s

own research in Vedas! Their research in Bhavishya Puran proved him to be a
ghost or demon called Tripurasur who is supposed to bring lot of nuisance in
the world! (Kindly refer to previous part of this series)

They say that lie has no feet! Hence it gets you trapped!

I appeal to all my lost friends – IRF, Dr Zakir Naik, his friends and his followers
- to explore the real praiseworthy, the real Narashansah in the Vedas, the
Ishwar and reject false prophecies about false prophets. Such falsehood can
only trap you in your own mistaken notions in same way as this falsehood has
trapped you logically without any room for escape.

I appeal to them to stop believing in and spreading myths and return back to
their original path – the path of Truth and Reason!

Only then can peace be on him (pbuh)!




Immediately after I published my analysis of Dr Zakir Naik’s views on

Hinduism, I started receiving hate mails. However I also received a soft-copy of
another book of his “Answers to Non-Muslims’ Common Questions about
Islam”. This is another masterpiece of his sophism. I have already glimpsed
through videos of his lectures where he recites this book line by line. Many
rebuttals of this book are already available.

However what perturbed me, was another set of misconceptions he attempts to

breed regarding Hinduism through his self-proclaimed research. I can
understand why Dr Zakir Naik has to spend so much space discussing
Hinduism in an article on Muslims, and so much space discussing Islam in an
article on Hinduism (See in FAQ on Hinduism at! This apparent confusion

emerges from the fact that in current political, social and cultural situation, 80
crore Hindus form the most ideal conversion ground for Islamic Research
Foundation. Peace TV managed by Dr Zakir Naik even announced this a few
months ago that they would make Hindustan a Darul-Islam in next 5 years.

Further, many Muslims believe in a prophecy that once India is conquered, only
then would Jesus Christ come again and will bring end of the world. After that,
Judgment Day would happen and they will go to Paradise to have their virgins
and luxuries forever! The lure is too tempting for the uncultivated mind to drop
all sense of reasoning!

In this article, I shall cover the first question he addresses – POLYGAMY.

Dr Zakir Naik has tried to prove that Hinduism is inherently a polygamous




He states on Page 4 of the book: “The Qur’an is the only religious

book, on the face of this earth, that contains the phrase ‘marry only
one’. There is no other religious book that instructs men to have only
one wife. In none of the other religious scriptures, whether it be the
Vedas, the Ramayan, the Mahabharat, the Geeta, the Talmud or the
Bible does one find a restriction on the number of wives. According to
these scriptures one can marry as many as one wishes. It was only
later, that the Hindu priests and the Christian Church restricted the
number of wives to one.

Many Hindu religious personalities, according to their scriptures,

had multiple wives. King Dashrat, the father of Rama, had more than
one wife. Krishna had several wives.”


He continues giving some census data from sources best known to him alone
that polygamy is more popular among Hindus than Muslims.

I shall not dwell into what Polygamy means in Islam – whether marrying 4
wives in total in entire life, or keeping the total number of existing wives at 4
by divorcing old ones as one marries new ones, or having special provision of
9/11/16/++ for those having revelations, or permitting marriage with babies,
or whether keeping unlimited slaves and not counting them as legal wives and
thus skewing census data. These issues have been dealt with by a large
number of people including women-rights organizations and ex-Muslims

worldwide. Internet lists a large number of such reference sources that you
can google upon.

The focus of this article would be explode the myth that “according to
Hindu scriptures one can marry as many as one wishes.”

We start with the Vedas because Vedas are considered the foremost authority in
matters of Dharma.

1. There is no single mantra in the entire 4 Vedas that even give a hint of
supporting more than one wife or more than one husband.

2. Three mantras of Rig Veda, 1.124.7, 4.3.2 and 10.71.4 contain “Jaayeva
Patya Ushatee Suvaasaah”. This means that knowledge comes to the
scholar in same manner as a dedicated joyous wife comes only to her
husband. “Jaaya” means wife and “Pati” means husband. Both appearing

in singular implies that only one husband-one wife relation is considered

3. Rigveda 1.3.3 states that God is like a dedicated wife with high character
and purity. This also implies that monogamy alone is considered ideal.

4. Rigveda 10.149.4 compares love between God and devotee like that between
dedicated wife and husband. Both “Jaaya” meaning wife and “Patim”
meaning husband are used in singular number implying strict monogamy.

5. Rigveda 10.85.20 appeals a bride to expand happiness for her husband.

Again both husband and wife are referred in singular.

6. Rigveda 10.85.23 appeals to wife and husband to always have self-control.

Its obvious from reference to self-control and singular numbers for both
wife and husband that monogamy alone is recommended.

7. All mantras relating to marriage are addressed in dual number to a couple

of husband-wife implying one wife for husband and one husband for wife.
Some examples are Rig Veda 10.85.24, 10.85.42, 10.85.47 and almost
entire 14th Chapter of Atharva Veda which deals with subject of marriage.
Most mantras pray for faithful relation for entire life-time.
Please note that Sanskrit has a dual number apart from singular and
plural, specifically to remove this confusion that people may have.

8. In Atharva Veda 7.35.4 both husband and wife state that, “You establish
me in your heart so that our minds become one and same.”

9. In Atharva Veda 7.38.4, wife says that “You should only be mine. You
should not even discuss about other women.” What can be a more clear

prohibition of polygamy than this!

10. Atharva Ved 3.30.2 and 14.2.64 also appeal husband and wife to be
devoted and faithful to each other.

11. Perhaps Veda provider Ishwar knew that despite all this, some self-
proclaimed experts may still find reasons to justify polygamy. Thus certain
mantras in Vedas describe demerits of Polygamy.

- Rig Veda 10.105.8 compares existence of multiple wives with multiple

worldly miseries.

- Rig Veda 10.101.11 states that a man with two wives is pressed from both
sides and weeps like a horse that neighs when pressed from both sides by
spokes while driving a chariot.

- Rig Veda 10.101.11 state that two wives make life aimless.

- Atharva Veda 3.18.2 prays that may a woman never face threat of another
12. The only mantra that skeptics try to give in favor of polygamy in Vedas is
Rig Veda 8.19.36 that contains “Vadhoonaam” and “Satpati” words.
However, “Vadhoo” does not mean bride here and instead means powers
that provide happiness. “Satpati” means protector of good, just as
“Bhoopati” means protector of earth. This is also evident from the Devata or
Key subject of the Sukta in which this mantra comes – prayers for charity
and donation (Daanastuti). The mantra means that Ishwar gives variety of
powers to those who protect truth and good.

While it is admitted that Dashrath practiced polygamy, but the essence of entire
Ramayan is that polygamy leads to troubles. The polygamy of Dashrath is
considered to be the cause of trouble and grief that everyone faced. Ram is
considered “Maryada Purushottam” or the “Ideal Man” because he re-
established the Vedic norm of monogamy. Same was followed by all his

By the time of Mahabharat, the moral values of society had declined a lot. Thus
none of the characters, apart from Krishna, is considered exemplary in
Mahabharat. And that is exactly the reason why Krishna has been targeted the
most for character assassination by a variety of forces.

Mahabharat is an extremely adulterated text and is not taken as authentic in

totality. The original text was much smaller and over a period of time it
expanded to include a lot of things. Unlike Vedas, there was no mechanism to
stop adulterations from it. However a close analysis easily exposes that certain

popular stories in Mahabharat are pure myths. I give a list here:

Krishna was wedded to none except Rukmini. The myth of 16000

wives came from a story where he liberated 16000 captive girls from
Narkasur. The story itself is questionable. Further the story never states that
Krishna married 16000 girls. It says he protected them, which is true if story
is correct. had Krishna married 16000 of them, it would have taken him
more than 10 years even at rate of 4 marriages a day as per the prevailing

Krishna was so strictly disciplined that he observed complete

Brahmacharya for 12 years before planning to be a father. That is
why Krishna is such a role model for entire society. The narrator of Geeta
had no time for anything except nation-building in those testing periods.

Krishna never had any love-games with any Gopi. These are figments
of imaginations which got popular during dark age of foreign rule when
rulers of small states indulged in wasteful enjoyments after accepting
supremacy of foreign rulers.

Further the whole story of Radha is a figment of imagination.It exists

only in Brahma Vaivart Puranwhich is another unscrupulous book like
Bhavishya Puran that insults legends like Krishna and Ram. The concept of
Radha grew popular only in very recent times during dark age of India when
rulers of princely states were busy only in considering themselves Krishna
incarnate and indulging into lustful activities by demeaning just a legendary
Brahmachari character! Mahabharat does not contain these.

Please read this excellent article by Dr Satya Pal Singh, Police Commissioner of
Pune: Lord Krishna – an enlightening personality at

While polygamy was practiced by certain rulers at various points in time, it was
restricted only to ruling class and never became a mainstream in larger
population. That is why Hindus had no discomfort or objection to formal
introduction of monogamy as a law after independence.

All the great legends of Hinduism, whom many consider to be near God, were
purely monogamous or brahmachari- Vishnu, Shankar, Ram, Lakshman,
Bharat, Shatrughna, Hanuman and Krishna.

Thus it is a gross myth that Hinduism accepts Polygamy.

On contrary, Vedas are unambiguous over recommendation of monogamy
alone. The same has been the trend for general population and our role models.

If there is any philosophy that condemns polygamy and

specifically demands monogamy, it is the Hindu Dharma based on
noble precepts of Vedas.

On an additional note, I would like to address a few sophism that Dr Zakir Naik
indulges into to justify polygamy:


Average life span of women is more than that of men.



By this logic, polyandry (one wife- multiple husband) should be allowed.

Because, on average, one wife would require more than 1 husband to cover
her entire life!


World female population is more than world male population.


This contradicts previous point. If one looks at 2008 data of World

Population as published by UN Statistics Division, there are 2% more
males than females in the world! The same is also true for marriageable
age discarding children and elders. Does he recommend Polyandry now?

Before we get further, let us also look at the countries with worst gender
ratio. You can view t he list

The table has facility to sort by fields. What we observe is that the top 9
countries with more men than women are all Muslim countries. Stricter
the Islamic Law, more adverse the gender ratio. There are 2.74 times more
men in UAE and 2.46 times in Qatar. India and Pakistan are also is not far
off with their significant Muslim population!


Muslim women in due faith could bear a small personal loss

to prevent a greater loss of letting other Muslim sisters
becoming ‘public properties’.


We just saw the data above. Does Dr Naik recommend the inverse now?

In civilized societies like Vedic Dharma, each women apart from one’s wife
is viewed as mother, by default. The basic rule is “Matrivat Paradaareshu –
All except wife are like my mother”. That is why the question of someone
becoming public property does not arise. In wars, legends like Shivaji
would bow to imprisoned women and call them mother! And in a society
that respects women, the question of adverse gender ratio does not arise
as is happening in conservative Muslim countries.


What is important is use of word “property” for women. Dr Naik

recommends that polygamy enables women to be private property rather
than “public property” at small personal loss. This small loss is a great
insult to entire womanhood. If sharing of husbands is haram, why is
sharing of wife merely a small personal loss? Vedas do not discriminate at
all between men and women and provide them equal rights and privileges
in all matters including marriage.

Next he lists 4 reasons why polygamy is permitted but polyandry is not



This will help identify father of the child!


But now we have DNA testing available!


Man by nature is more polygamous!


What is the proof for this except that polyandry is stoned to death? Is this
not a ploy to insult entire womanhood by justifying polygamy?


It is biologically difficult for women to be polyandrous and

rear children!


This is again another shameless reason to justify keeping multiple wives

and concubines, in name of religion and social service!



High chance of acquiring sexual disease!


On contrary, medical science proves that it is women who are more

susceptible to contract such diseases from polygamous men than vice
versa. Being a medical student sometime, Dr Naik should have verified at
least this much before publication. Or perhaps he never got a chance to
practice or get back to medical books!

Wise can decide themselves the mentality of this admirer of Osama Bin Laden.

In summary, Polygamy is a malpractice, quite aptly condemned by the Vedas.

Hinduism guided by Vedas and its role models has always emphasized on
monogamy and self-control as the only way for humans.

Efforts to justify polygamy, through whatever reasons, is an insult to

entire womanhood.

May such deviant minds introspect and come into the shade of Vedas. May they
inculcate feeling of respect for entire Matru-Shakti.



Abduullah Tariq, the guru of Zakir Naaik on matters of commparative re

eligions ha
a debbate with Mahendra
M Pal Arya, an
a Arya Sa amaj scholaar in Bulan
ndshahar on
Febrruary 8, 20
008. While he was ex xtremely eaager to spe
end days after
a days to
ain the variious conceppts about Islam,
I thing
gs changedd immediately after thhe
ate. Now he e refuses too have even a dialoguue publicly
y. He suggeests that he
woulld discuss only
o in com
mplete priva

Why this happ pened wouuld be obvious after going thro

ough the debate tha at
happpened. It has been up
ploaded on
n Youtube and
a can be
e viewed by
y clicking at
m/watch?v==lQw7iEphD D74)

As you
y all kno
ow, we havve been puursuing Zak kir Naik fo
or a publicc debate fo
severral years no
ow. You can review th
he details on
n Why Zakkir Naik is so
s scared?

We gave
g him several offfers, agreeiing to acccommodate his sched dule at anny

locattion and ev
ven invited him for Rishi
R Mela in
i Ajmer. First
F he ke
ept ignoring
then we got mails
m from IRF
I seekingg further details
d and
d now the secretary of
Zakirr Naik hass categorica
ally stated that Zakirr Naik will not debate with Aryya
Samaj, so we shhould not pursue
p him
m any furthe er.

The reasons
r are
e pretty obv

Zakirr Naik knows that Ary h been defending Hinduism

ya Samaj has H an
nd exposin ng
mic designss for last 125 years and
a that haas been ins
strumentall in shapin ng
somee significan
nt direction
ns of our hiistory. For example th
he Shuddhii movement,
adopption of Deevanagari Hindi
H as national
n anguage, brreakdown of Nizam of
la o
Hydeerabad etc etc. He kno ows that while
w he can
n fool semi-literate Mu
uslim youth
and enslave fakke Shankarracharyas and a fake Arya
A Samaj presidents s, tackling a
true Arya Sama aji would bee too muchh for him.

But now
n that he has refus
sed to deba
ate, we have
e also taken
n certain re

a We woulld also not debate witth common

a. n Muslims apart from
m scholars of
level of Zakir
Z Naik
k or those whose pho otos are pu
ublished in
n website of
Islamic Research
R Fooundation (IRF). Thes
se common Muslims are
a merely
b. being guinea pigs in hands of fanatics like Zakir Naik and we have full
sympathy with them. We do not want to hurt their sentiments and would
request them to refer any doubts with their experts and scholars,
because our writings are primarily based on Islamic texts themselves.
And if they want further discussions, kindly provide us details of their
scholars’ qualifications who would like to debate us.

This is exactly what Zakir Naik also demands, so we are not being unfair. We
are simply being equal and just. In fact while he has categorically refused to
debate us, we still look forward to debates.

People can still debate each other through and

comments features on the site, but they should not expect response from
Agniveer henceforth unless we feel that the person has sufficient calibre/
competence. This again is as per Zakir Naik’s policy.

c. Now our mission is to equip an average citizen of Bharat with sufficient

ammunitions in form of arguments and facts, that he or she alone is able
to tackle such misleading propagation by frauds like Zakir Naik.
d. It was announced in Peace TV in 2009 that in next 5 years, they would
make India Darul Islam. Accordingly the conversion activities and
propagation of distorted facts about Hinduism has intensified. We are
aware of such designs in various parts of the country. We have also
accepted the challenge and would put our utmost efforts to spoil any evil
design to damage the culture of Ram and Krishna.
e. Our objective is not to hurt anyone’s sentiments or denigrate anyone’s
belief system. Our objective is merely to defend and propagate truth and
expose whatever is false. So if someone feels we are guilty of spreading
hatred, we are only as much guilty as Galileo or Copernicus who
questioned the false beliefs of Church.
f. We have deepest love for all human beings. If we criticize Islam, it is only

out of compassion for our Muslim brothers and sisters. Our arguments
are purely based on facts and logic, and we are completely against use of
any violent or deceitful means of influencing anyone. So while we
severely condemn the violent means in which Islam was spread in Indian
subcontinent, we also do not want to avenge it through violent means.
g. We consider our Muslim brothers and sisters to share the same ancestry
as us. So there is no way we can think of harming them. But to provide
them with true perspectives of their true Dharma and the false trap in
which they have fallen is our highest Dharma, because it has strong
impact on future of humanity.
h. We believe in Freedom of Belief. So while we provide strongest reasons
and facts to Muslims to switch back to the original Dharma, we respect
their freedom of belief and are against use of any illegal, violent,
threatening or unethical means to convince them. Our motto is
Satyameva Jayate.

i. We understand that Zakir Naik is merely a stooge and what lies hidden
behind him is the whole cartel of sinister designs. We say so because

many terrorists swear in name of Zakir Naik, and Zakir Naik openly
defends Osama and states that all non-Muslims will burn in hell forever.
Thus our enmity is not against Zakir Naik or his followers. Our enmity is
against those forces who promote terrorism, non-tolerance and blind
faiths through threat of Hell.

We shall continue to keep exposing all that is false, not only in modern Islam of
Zakir Naik, but also in other dogmas in time to come.

And hope that truth shall prevail, with peace, unity and brotherhood!

Kindly review the debate here.-


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