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Lord of the Flies

Video Diary
This summer you will be reading an allegorical masterpiece called Lord of the Flies by William
Golding. It is an entertaining, yet deeply meaningful, book about young boys who have to learn
to become men too quickly. They face adult sized problems and confront enemies that rage
from wild animals to each other. The first thing you must do is look up the definition of an
allegory. Watch as you read to see if you understand this use of figurative language.
As you read the book, create a video diary to share with your teacher. You will record an entry
at the end of three chapters. As you finish each set of chapters, grab your phone and talk to me.
Upload all of your videos into a folder in your google drive and share the entire folder with Mrs.
Barnes at
a. Entry 1-- This entry should be you introducing yourself to me and
telling me why you want to be a part of my advanced class. Tell me what extra
curricular activities you do at BHS and what your hobbies include.
b. Entry 2-5-- In each entry you should give a quick summary of the
chapter, mentioning at least one vital use of figurative language used in those
chapters, and tell me what form of figurative language it is and why you think the
author used it. Then, tell me what you are looking forward to finding out in the
next chapters. Make some predictions. This entire video diary entry should only
be about three minutes long. Record each entry separately and put them all in
one folder clearly labeled by chapter.
Entry 2 is chapters 1-3
Entry 3 is chapters 4-6
Entry 4 is chapters 7-9
Entry 5 is chapters 10-12
c. Entry 6-- The final entry should be a reflection on the book as a
whole. Why do I say that the book is allegorical? What does that mean? Explain
the allegory.

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