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Interview your friend. Write their answers neatly and quickly.

 How are you? __________________________________________________

 Are you super genki?_____________________________________________

 What’s your first name? (Write in romaji and kanji)


What does your name mean?


 Where are you from? ____________________________________________

 What something famous to eat in your hometown?


 What is something you can’t stand?


 What do you do on the weekend?


 Do you like to read? _____

 Who’s your favorite author? ______________________________________

 Have you read a book in English? _____

 What’s your favorite English word or phrase?


 Have you been to an English speaking country? _____

Where did you go?


 Do you like to write in English? _____

Why or why not? _______________________________________________

 Have you ever written an English essay? _____

 How often do you write in English?


 Have you sent email or chatted online in English? _____

 What’s the most difficult point about writing in English?



 What ‘s one of your 1st year goals?


 What’s your question for Godfrey sensei?


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