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Streptococcus lastis: CSB 2011


The following questions are multiple choice,

each question consists of four choices, one of
which is correct.
Q1. The term Species was coined by
a) John Ray
b) Aristotle
c) Linnaeus
d) Lamarck
Q2. The correct hierarchy of taxonomic categories
a) SpeciesorderFamily Class
b) SpeciesClassorderFamilyPhylu
c) SpeciesFamilyorder Class
d) SpeciesFamilyClassOrderPhylu
Q3. Man belongs to order of taxonomic category
a) Carnivora
b) Primata
c) Diptera
d) Homonidae
Q4. The Classification based on evolutionary
relationship between the various organisms is
a) Natural classification
b) Artificial Classification
c) Phylogenetic Classification
d) Phenetic Classification
Q5. The characteristic of kingdom protista is:
a) It is prokaryotic
b) Chloroplast is absent
c) Mitochondria is present
d) Autotrophic mode of nutrition.
Q6. Vitamin B2, Riboflavin is produced from:
a) Escherichia cell
b) Bacillus megatherium

Q7. Tobacco mosaic virus is a tubular filament of

a) 700X30nm
b) 300X10nm
c) 300X5nm
d) 300X20nm
Q8. Quartan Malaria is caused by
a) Plasmodium malariae
b) Plasmodium vivax
c) Plasmodium falciparum
d) Plasmodium ovale

Q9. Red algae belong to class:

a) Chlorophyceae
b) Phaeophyceae
c) Rhodophyceae
d) None of the above
Q10. Simplest land plants with undifferentiated
plant body, no vascular tissues and sex organs are
muticellular and jacketed and known as:
a) Pteridophyta
b) Bryophyta
c) Gymnospermae
d) Angiospermae
Q11. In green algae meiosis occurs in
a) sporangia
b) Gametangia
c) Zoospore
d) Zygospore
Q12. Ulothrix can be described as a
a) Filamentous alga with flagellated
reproductive stages
b) Non motile colonial alga lacking zoospores.
c) Filamentous alga lacking flagellated
reproductive stages.

d) Membranous alga producing zoospores.

Q13. Shark is
a) Ovo-viviparous animal
b) Oviparous animal
c) Viviparous animal
d) None of the above
Q14. Which phylum of animal kingdom is known
for stinging cells:
a) Porifera
b) Coelenterate
c) Platyhelminthes
d) Aschelminthes
Q15. Flame cells are:
a) Respiratory cell
b) Nervous cell
c) Excretory cell
d) Reproductive cell
Q16. The worm which causes filariasis:
a) Ascaris
b) Enterobius
c) Ancylostoma
d) Wuchereria

Q17. The phylum of animal kingdom having

metameric segmentation, nephridia for excretion is
known as
a) Mollusca
b) Annelida
c) Nemathelminthes
d) Arthropods

b) Macropus
c) Balaenoptera
d) Echidna
Q21.Cartilaginous fishes differ from bony fishes in
a) Uncovered gills
b) Heterocercal tail
c) Ventral Mouth and nares
d) All the above
Q22. Mammary glands are modified
a) Salivary glands
b) Sweat glands
c) Sebaceous glands
d) Lacrimal glands
Q23.The modification of tap root in which the tap
root becomes thick and fleshy but do not assume
any definite shape is:
a) Fusiform
b) Conical
c) Tuberous
d) Napiform
Q24. A stem modified into leafy structure is
known as:
a) Phyllode
b) Phylloclade
c) Tendril
d) Bulb

Q25. Name the parts marked (1) and (2) in the

given floral diagram

Q18. Statocysts is
a) Reproductive cell of annelida
b) Nervous cell of platyhelminthes
c) Body cavity of cnidaria
d) Balancing organ of annelida

Q19. The smallest bird of India
a) Sun bird
b) Humming bird
c) Condors
d) Albatrosses
Q20. The egg laying mammal is
a) Manis
a) (1) Bract

(2) Mother axis

b) (1) Mother axis

c) (1) Mother axis
d) (1) Bract

(2) Stamens
(2) Bract
(2) Petals

Q26. To which family would you assign the floral

+ 0 K(S) C(S) A(S)G(2)

a) Fabaceae
b) Solanaceae
c) Liliaceous
d) None of the above

Q27. Nucleated cells of phloem are

a) Phloem fibres
b) Sieve element
c) Companion cells
d) All the Above
Q28. Lignin occurs in
a) Sieve tubes
b) Companion cells
c) Collenchyma
d) Tracheids
Q29. Bone farming cells are:
a) Osteoblasts
b) Ostoclasts
c) Chondroclasts
d) Chondroblasts
Q30. What used to describe as nissl granules in a
nerve cell are now identified as:
a) Mitochondria
b) Cell Metabolites
c) Fat granules
d) Ribosomes
Q31. The motile reproductive structures of algae
and fungi, which directly give rise to new
individuals are called
a) Buds
b) Zoospores
c) Cysts
d) Conidia
Q32. A bundle in which xylem is sand witched by
phloem on both the side is
a) Concentric

b) Radial arch
c) Bicollateral
d) Collateral
Q33. 50 primary spermatocytes give rise to
a) 200 spermatocytes
b) 50 spermatocytes
c) 200 spermatozoa
d) 50 spermatozoa
Q34. The phases of menstrual cycle in humans that
lasts for 7-8 days is
a) Follicular phase
b) Ovulatory phase
c) Luteal Phase
d) Menstruation
Q35. Haemoendothelial placenta occurs in :
a) Man and Ape
b) Cow and Goat
c) Deer and Camel
d) Rat & Rabbit
Q36. The largest invertebrate animal is
a) Whale
b) Gaint Squid
c) Shrew
d) Python
Q37. A typical example of cleistogamous self
pollination is
a) Wheat
b) Rose
c) Cotton
d) Maize
Q38. When the anthers and stigmas mature at the
same time, it is known as
a) Xenogamy
b) Homogamy
c) Dichogamy
d) Allogamy
Q39. A ovule which becomes curved so that the
nucellus and embryo lie at right angles to the
funicle is
a) Campylotropous
b) Anatropous
c) Orthotropous
d) Hemianatropous

Q40. A method of birth control is:

b) HJF
Q41. Nucleus in the cells of orchid root was
discovered by:
a) Robert Hooke
b) Robert Brown
c) Lamarck
d) Leeuwen hook
Q42. The smallest known cell i.e. Myco plasma
laidlaivia measures above:
a) 0.1-05 m
b) 3-30 m
c) 170X135 mm
d) 90-100 cm
Q43. The cell organelles responsible for formation
of astral poles and flagella
a) Mitochondria
b) Ribosomes
c) Golgi apparatus
d) Centrioles

Q47. The prosthetic group present in Rhodopsin of

retina is:
a) Chlorophylls
b) Vitamin A
c) FMM
d) Fe

Q48. The distance between two adjacent

nucleotides in the structure of DNA is
a) 1.2 nm
b) 2.2nm
c) 2.0 nm
d) 3.4 nm
Q49. The enzymes that join a non protein
prosthetic group to form a functional enzymes is
known as:
a) Apo enzymes
b) Holo enzymes
c) Co enzymes
d) Pro enzymes
Q50. Crossing over occurs during:
a) Leptoten
b) Diplotens
c) Pachytene
d) Diakinesis

Q44. The type of chromosomes, having centromere

close to its end forming one extremely short
and one very long arm.
a) Acrocentric
b) Telocentric
c) Metacentric
d) Sub-Metacentric

Q51. Number of mitosis divisions required to

produce 128 cells from a single cell is:
a) 14
b) 7
c) 16
d) 32

Q45. Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane state

that it has lipid bilayer with
a) Proteins on both the surfaces
b) Proteins on the outer surfaces only
c) Proteins embedded in it only
d) Some proteins embedded and some on the

Q52. The motile reproductive structure of algae

and fungi which directly give rise to new
individuals are called:
a) Buds
b) Zoospores
c) Cysts
d) Conidia

Q46. Sucrose is a type of carbohydrates.

a) Monosaccharides
b) Derived Mono saccharides
c) Oligosaccharides
d) Polysaccharides

Q53. The amount by which the water potential is

lowered due to the presences of solute is called:
a) Water potential
b) Solute potential
c) Pressure potential
d) Chemical potential

Q54. Stomata of CAM plants:

a) Never open
b) Are always open
c) Open during the day and closes at night
d) Open during the night and close during the
Q55. In Plants a common symptom caused by
deficiencies of P, K, Ca and Mg is
a) Bending of leaf tip
b) Formation of anthocyanin
c) Poor development of vasculature
d) Appearance of dead nacrotic areas

Q56. C4 plants differ from C3 plants with

reference to this
a) Substance that accepts CO2 in carbon
b) Type of end products of photosynthesis
c) Type of pigments involved in photosynthesis
d) Type of intermediates during carbon
Q57. Respiratory quotient will be loss than one:
a) When carbohydrates are respiratory
b) When fat or protein are respiratory
c) When organic acids are respiratory
d) When CO2 is produced during anaerobic
Q58. The gene controlling the seven pea characters
studied by Mendel are now known to be located
on how many different chromosomes.
a) Four
b) Seven
c) Six
d) Five
Q59. The NAD+ found in Krebs cycle function as
a) Acceptor of hydrogen Ion.
b) Oxygen acceptor
c) Oxygen donor
d) Donor of phosphate ions.

Q60. Prolonged deficiency of nicotinic acid in

human diet leads to:
a) Osteomalacia
b) Rickets
c) Pellagra
d) Xerophthalmia
Q61. The foetal membrane which provides a fluid
medium to the developing embryo, prevent
desiccation and also act as shock absorber is:
a) Chorion
b) Allantois
c) Yolk sac
d) Amnion
Q62. After ovulation the structure formed by
rupture of follicles is known as:
a) Corpus albicans
b) Corpus luteum
c) Corpus callosum
d) Corpus mammilare
Q63. The causative agent of syphilis STD is
a) Trichomonas vaginalis
b) Herpes simplex
c) Treponema pallidum
d) Chlamydia trachomatis
Q64. Progesterone present in contraceptive pill is
meant for:
a) Checking ovulation
b) Preventing implementation of Zygote
c) Preventing fertilization
d) Preventing Cleavages
Q65. Mendelian Monohybrid ratio is
a) 1:2:1
b) 1:1:1:1
c) 3:1
d) 1:2:3
Q66. A pregnant woman underwent amniocentesis.
An extra bar body is present in the embryo
likely to occur in child is:
a) Klinefelters syndrome
b) Downs syndrome
c) Edwards syndrome
d) Pataus syndromes

Q67. Termination codon is

a) AUG
b) GUG
c) UAG
d) AAU
Q68. The process of translation is
a) Ribosome synthesis
b) Protein Synthesis
c) DNA synthesis
d) RNA synthesis
Q69. Muscles of ear pinna in human body is
a) Homologous organs
b) Analagous organ
c) Vestigial organ
d) None of the above
Q70. Continuity of germ plasm theory was given
a) Devries
b) Weisman
c) Darwin
d) Lamarck
Q71. Incubation period of Hepatitis-A is
a) 15-45 days
b) 30-180 days
c) 20-90 days
d) 30-50 days

Q72. Among the following a viral disease is:a) Small pox

b) Tuberculosis
c) Tetanus
d) Malaria fever
Q73. Humoral immunity system is mediated by:
a) B-cells
b) T-cells
c) NK cells
d) Plasma cells
Q74. Marijuana, Ganja and LSD are:a) Narcotics
b) Hallucinogens
c) Stimulants
d) All the above

Q75. The technique of obtaining large number of

plantlets by tissue culture method is called :
a) Plantlet culture
b) Organ culture
c) Micropropogation
d) Macropropagation
Q76. Which one of the following is produced
during water stress and causes closure of stomata?
a) Auxin
b) Abscisic acid
c) CytoKinin
d) Gibbrellin
Q77. The microorganism used in the production of
biogas is:
a) Chlorella
b) Methanobacterium
c) Saccharomyces
d) Nostoc
Q78. Which of the following is referred to as
molecular glue?
a) DNA-ligase
b) DNA-polymerase
c) Restriction enzyme
d) Topoisomerase
Q79. Identify the plasmid
a) Eco RI
b) PBR 322
d) Hind II
Q80. Bt in popular crop Bt cotton Stands:
a) Biotechnology
b) Bacillus foments
c) Bacillus thuringiensis
d) Best type
Q81. The pigment chlorocruorion is found in:
a) Annelida
b) Mollusca
c) Arthopoda
d) Coelentrata
Q82. About 1000ml of air is always known to
remain inside the human lungs it is described as:
a) Inspiratory reserves volumes
b) Expiratory reserve volume.

c) Residual volume
d) Tidal volume
Q83. Heart beat in mammals is initiated by a
pacemaker called,
a) S-A Node
b) A-V Node
c) Purkinje fibres
d) Carotid labyrinth.
Q84. The Barr body is observed in
a) Basophil of male
b) Neutrophil of female
c) Basophil of female
d) Eosinophils
Q85. Mammalian kidney is
a) Mesomephric
b) Pronephric
c) Metanephric
d) None of the above
Q86. Major nitrogenous waste product in ureotelic
animals like rabbit and other mammals is
a) Uric acid
b) Urea
c) Ammonia
d) Amino acids
Q87. The first vertebras in man is known as
a) Axis
b) Atlas
c) Thoracic
d) Sacral
Q88. Shoulder and Hip are of :
a) Gliding joint
b) Hinge joint
c) Bad and socket joint
d) Pivot Joint

b) Hepatitis
c) Diabetes insipidus
d) Diabetes mellitus.
Q91. A mutually beneficial association which is
necessary for the survival of both the partners is
a) Commensalisms
b) Amensalism
c) Parasitism
d) Mutualism
Q92. Logistic growth of population is given by
a) dn/dt=rn
b) dn/dt=(b-d)XN
c) Nt=Noert
d) Dn/dt=rn(K-N)
Q93. Individuals of the same species inhabiting a
particular locality form:
a) Community
b) Population
c) Flora
d) Fauna
Q94. DetritusEarthwormsparrowFalcon is
an example of which kind of food chain:
a) Grazing food chain
b) Auxillary food chain
c) Detritus food chain
d) Terrestrial food chain
Q95. In ecological succession from pioneer
community to climax community, the biomass:
a) Decreases continuously
b) Increases continuously
c) Is maximum in the middle
d) Is not related with the ecosystem

Q89. Cell of Deiter occurs in

a) utriculus
b) Retina
c) Organ of Corti
d) Sebaceous gland

Q96. Which of the following is one way flow

rather than a two ways or cyclic flow?
a) Carbon
b) Nitrogen
c) Potassium
d) Free energy

Q90. Failure of release of antidiuretic hormone

(ADH) leads to:a) Coronary thrombosis

Q97. Animal that has extinct in India is:

a) Hippopotamus
b) Snow leopard

c) Cheetah
d) Wolf
Q98. Communities more vulnerable to invasion by
outside animals and plants are:
a) Temperate forests
b) Mangrooves
c) Tropical evergreen forests
d) Oceanic islands
Q99. Gas leaked in Bhopal tragedy was:
a) Potassium isothiocynate
b) Sodium isothiocynate
c) Ethyl isthiocynate
d) Methyl isocyanate
Q100. Protein helping in opening of DNA double
helix in the form of replication fork is
a) Topoisomerase
b) DNA gyrase
c) DNA ligase
d) DNA polymerase

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