Module 2

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The skills being learnt today are different tactics to try and score in touch
football as in previous lessons we have learnt how to pass
The aim of the lesson is to enable students to take control of their team on
the field and initiate set plays in order to try and score.
Through the skills and tactics learnt throughout the lesson the finale
modified game will allow students to demonstrate what they have learnt with
their peers.
Safety requirements; be aware of any injuries amongst the class.
** ask students if anyone has played touch football before and ask for their
past history with the sport so that you are given an idea of the range of skill
level there may be amongst the


1. As shown in the diagram set up

one set of cones e.g. blue cones
at one end of the oval and set up
another set of cones 10 meters
apart e.g. red cones
2. Instruct students to line up next
to each other which sufficient
room (about one meter between
each student) at the blue cones
set up prior to the lesson.
3. Each student will then be given
the opportunity to select a
moderate cardio movement and
the rest of the students will follow.
4. One at a time a student will tell the class the movement they have
chosen and the class will proceed to do that movement to the red cone
and the turn around and do the same movement back to the blue cones.
E.g high knees, side steps, squats.

*** if the students are struggling to come up with movement give them a
muscle they should try and work so they can then come up with the
movement themselves rather than telling them what to do.
5. If there are not many students in the class then instruct the students to
pick another movement and go around again.

Arrange the class in a circle, and one at a time each student as well as the
teacher will chose one joint mobility exercise and the class with copy.
*** encourage students to work the upper, middle and lower areas of the
After everyone has contributed ask if everyone is ready to go and make sure
everyone is warm.

1. Using the cones set up for the warm up, instruct students to find a
partner and stand with one partner on the blue side of the cones and the
other person on the red side of the cones.
2. Instruct the partner on the red cones to take 4 big steps towards their
partner so that they are now around 5 meters apart.
3. (stand in the middle so you can be seen easily and make sure students
arent looking into the sun) ask students to place the ball at their feet to
ensure minimal distraction
4. Ask students who knows how the touch football should be held when
a. Hold the middle of the ball with fingers lightly spread
b. Swing the ball across the body with both hands, elbows
slightly bent
c. Release the ball and follow through in the direction of the pass
5. Why do we want the ball to spin?
A: its easier to catch.
6. Instruct students to stand on their side when passing (so that their
shoulder is facing their partner), simulating their positioning when
theyre playing in a game
***ask the reason why we arent standing this way
A: to ensure a backwards to sideways throw
7. Instruct the students to practice their passing
**walk around and give feedback to all students
8. After feedback has been given, get classes attention and ask them to
know throw from the other side of their body

***why is it important to know how to throw from both side?

A: because in a game the ball is passed and received from both
**walk around and give feedback to all students.
9. once you can see everyone understands how to pass and is doing it
successfully call class in for discussion


Introduce the terms of a switch and a wrap.

They are two basic example of tactics that help result in a try.
*** ask why in touch, is fast ball movement more important than running
***demonstration ask for 1 volunteer
This demonstration is to show the fast ball movement is quicker than
running with the ball
Referring to the diagram, the green face is the volunteer (student)
and the yellow and blue faces are the teachers.

When the teacher say go the ball with be passed to the other teacher,
instruct the student to run to the other teacher as fast as they can.
Do this 3 times
What you will see is that the ball will be passed and received before the
student runs to the other side.
The idea of this demonstration is to show students that the ball can move
faster than a person running. Therefore you are trying to encourage fast
ball movement rather than running with the ball.
***This exercise is done to show the students the purpose behind fast ball
movement rather than just telling them that fast ball movement is better
than running around players.
Now, with taking this new knowledge distribute the students into the two
station. There needs to me a minimum of three students per station. If there
isnt enough for everyone at a station then make the groups larger.

If weather permits the stations should be done on the oval, if raining it can
be modified to be done in the gym
**walk around to the stations and observe students progress
**ask what the point of the activities are and incorporate defenders into
scenarios so they can see how it can be beneficial in a game

Initially walk through the steps to familiarise yourself with the steps
As you get more confident, start moving quicker
1. allocate a colour to each
member at the station
2. Set up into the position that the
diagram shows. (allow 5 meters
between each player)
3. Orange starts with the ball on the floor, simulating what happens in a
game after a half has rolled the ball

4. Orange player picks up

5. Try to still keep a similar

the ball and passes to yellow


6. Once yellow has received the ball start moving forward with the ball
7. Blue also runs forward whilst keeping the same formation
8. Orange stays in the same formation making sure they are behind the
player with
the ball

9. Yellow then starts to veer left simulating drawing a defer

10. Blue continues to run forward and the dodges right so
that they are almost behind yellow

11. Just before blue passes yellow, yellow releases the ball on the inside
12. Blue continues to run past yellow from behind

13. The new


formation should be like displayed in the diagram to the

14. The ball has now switches sides and the blue player is in the middle.

Repeat steps at pace.

Rotate players into different positions (different colours)
Continue until instructed to move stations


Initially walk through the steps to familiarise yourself with the steps
As you get more confident, start moving quicker
1. Allocate a colour to each member
at the station
2. Set up into the position that the diagram shows. (allow 5 meters
between each player)
3. Orange starts with the ball on the floor, simulating what happens in a
game after a half has rolled the ball

1. Orange player picks up the ball and passes to yellow

2. Try to still keep a similar formation

6. Once yellow has received the ball start moving forward with the ball
7. Blue also runs forward whilst keeping the same formation
8. Orange stays in the same formation making sure they are behind the
player with
the ball

9. Yellow passes the ball to blue

10. Blue continues to run forward
11. Yellow then wraps around the back of the blue player

12. Blue then passes the ball to yellow who has wrapped around blue
13. Yellow continues to run forward.

Repeat steps at pace.

Rotate players into different positions (different colours)
Continue until instructed to move stations


Instruct students to come back together in a group

**ask what the main purpose of these two activities was?
A: to draw defenders in and therefore make gaps in their defence to
make it easier to score
**which tactic did you find the most effective and why?


The concluding activity enables the students to try and use the tactics learnt
today to get past defenders and score.

1. The activity is set up with cones to simulate a try line

2. The aim of the attacker (yellow) is to get the ball past the defender
(blue) using a wrap or a switch
3. The attacking team will receive one point if they get the ball past the
cones without getting touched by the defender
4. However, if the attacker get the ball past the defender using a wrap or
a switch, they will receive 5 points.
5. If the attackers are finding it too simple, introduce another defender.
** ensure that the players are passing the ball backwards and
encourage wraps and switches to be used

**what was the main message in todays class

**how can you incorporate the principles into other sports

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