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Mentor teacher Mrs. Killpack

Other teachers in the school
o Kindergarten Mrs. Hale
o Kindergarten Mrs. Cohler
o 1st grade Mrs. Brinton
o 1st grade Mrs. Ramos
o Aide Mrs. Johnson
o Aide Mrs. Tollman
Principal Mrs. Orme
Rimrock resources
o Library
o Computer lab
o Teacher workroom
o Smart board
o Elmo
o Brother Bryan
o Brother Marshall
o Professors of other classes
Fellow BYU Idaho students
o Students also in ED447
o Students who have taken ED447 previously
o Other Education majors
BYU Idaho
o Handouts from ED447
o Copy center
o Lesson plans, binders, and resources from past classes
o Text book, books, big books, posters, and other resources in the
third floor of the library
Other sections of materials in the library
Rexburg Public Library
Personal friends that are teachers or have degrees in education
o Teachers pay teachers
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