Outline - The Price of Inequality

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The price of inequality

1. Introduction
a. Hook
These days, rich people become a richer and poor people become a poorer.
Middle class has become hollow, stop becoming upper class or low class. Also the
gaps between income levels of different classes is getting wider and wider
specifically between middle class and upper class.
b. Thesis statement
These facts affect the Democracy, Constitutionalism and Education. The most
important thing is income.

2. Body
a. Education
Topic sentence : Weight of private education is bigger to receive a admission from the private
elementary school, international middle school, science high school, foreign language high
school and famous university, which are called Success Course
Support1. SNU entrants information about their class
Support2. SNU admission of high school and region freshman lives.
Support3. About the SNU law school

b. Democarcy
Topic sentence : Deatons interview
Support1. Poor people dont vote than upper class
Support2. Use data.
Support3. Parliamentarians receive funding from political entrepreneurs or rich people
c. Constitutionalism

Topic sentence : The core of rule of law is presumption of innocence until proved guilty and
is that all men are equal before the law. Right rule of law must protect the weak. Invalid rule
of law can function to maintain and intensify inequality.
Support1. There is a privilege, which is granted the privileges of ones former post.
Support2. It costs a lot of money and time to use justice system. So some companies are
exploiting it
Support3. Shows real example.

3. Conclusion
a. Restated thesis statement
Economic inequality can make many bad things in Democracy, Constitutionalism and
b. Suggestion
First one is narrowing the income level.
Second thing is improving access to education and especially improving quality on public
Third thing is to facilitate the access of ordinary people to justice system and give up their
own privilege by themselves.
Forth thing is to expand the passage of information or oblige vote.
Fifth thing is to change the economic policy

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