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INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD ‘OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS. 900 Seventh Steet, NV ‘Woshington, DC 20001 202.833.7000, wornbeworg LONNIE R. STEPHENSON International President SAIL CHILIA Intemational Secrtary-Tresuter Form 200 —- June 7, 2016 To: All [BEW Local Union 1260 Members Dear Sisters and Brothers: ‘As you know, on May 6, 2016, the IBEW International Office placed Local Union 1260 under trusteeship for a number of reasons. A summary of the decision to continue the trusteeship is attached. During this trusteeship, the International Office has discovered serious improprieties with respect to last year’s vote to increase local union dues. As a result, | have made the decision that Local Union 1260 must refurn the amount ofthe dues inerease to those . paid i, and thit the focal xstion must revert tothe dues rte prior tothe 2015 increase. It is my hope thatthe prior dues rate will be reinstated by July 1, 2016. It will take adsitional time to determine the amount owed to each applicable member, but it will be paid back as soon as possible. The return of the increased dues isa significant expense. Local Union 1260 is not currently in financial position to reimburse the dues. Therefore, the international Office, \with the approval of the International Executive Council, will provide the local union with a Tine of eredit 1o accomplish this task. I have directed International Vice President John J, O'Rourke and International Representative Harold Dias to take the actions necessary to return the increased dues portion to those who have paid it. In addition, I have asked them to put together a financial plan for Local Union 1260 that will include a recommendation on a dues increase from the rate i place before last year’s vote. This will be necessary to enable the local union o operate in & responsible manner and fo repay the fine of credit. Once the plan is finalized, it will be presented and thoroughly explsined to mernbers, and a proper vote will be conducted tegarling the dues increase. | want to assure you that [am commited to correcting the problems facing Local Union 1260 so that when the trusteeship is lifted, the local union wil be well positioned forthe future, withthe financial strength and solidarity necessary to see that your rights are protected, ad thatthe best agreements possible are negotiated on your beat ‘With best wishes, I am Fraternally yours, as Stiphene— Lome R. Stephenso International President LRS:kw Enclosure Copy to John J. O'Rourke, International Vice President IBEW Ninth District Harold Dias, Trustee, IBEW Local Union 1260 IBEW Local Union 1260 Officers

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