Q-Bank (Be Mech Sem II) M - J - 2016

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a) b) a) b) a) ») a) » a) ») a) b) a) » seated Pages:i] CODE NO:. 2-284 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING B.E (Mec ) Examination - June— 2015 Automobile Engineering Three Hours} (ieee . [Max. Marks: 80] ‘Please check whether you have got the right question paper” 9 Solve any three questions from each section i) Assume suitable data wherever found . . SECTION-A Give the detail classification of automobilists, as per the automobile authority. % Draw neat layout of a vehicle with front cross mounted engine and front wheel drive. Briefly state the 7 function of the main components on the vehicle. Draw a neat sketch and explain the construction and working of mubiple plate clutes. Explain why these 07 clutches are used in two wheelers? ‘What is a torque converter? Explain the working of the torque converter stating the reason,why it is used in 06 automatic transmission. Explain the considerauton of the following factors in the design and performance of the vehicles. 06 i) Resistances — Gradient, Rolling and acro dynamic or wind resistances. ti) Tractive effect. ‘What is a synchromesh gear box? Explain wih neat sketch the synchromesh arrangement used in an o7 automobile gear box. ‘Whar is a rigid axte suspension systenr? With neat sketch explain a rigid axle suspension system used inthe 07 tront axle of a 4 wheel drive vehicle. ‘What is an air suspension system? How 1s 1t used im the active suspension in the vehicles? 06 ‘Write short note any wo 14 Selection of an engine in the auromobite ii) Automatic transmission in the automobiles Differential used in automobile iv) Telescopic suspension used in the 1wo wheeler SECTION -B With neat diagram, Explain steering geometry ~tursing circule caster, caniber, 1oe-in —10¢ out. K.P.1. included 06 angle, scrub radius and state sheir effeas. ‘What is the function of steering gearbox? With neat sketch explain construction & working of any one o7 steering gear box? What is antilock brake system? How does it differ from conventional brake system” 06 With neat sketch explain the hydraulic power steering, What are its advantages and limitation? 07 Draw neat sketch of drum brake system and explain us construction and working. 07 Draw neat sketch and explain construction & working of master cylinder & slave cylinders 06 What are the different starter motor drives? Explain with neat skerch the bendix drive, 07 Explain the central locking and the power windows used in the automobiles. List the components used in 06 each of them. ‘Wnite short note on any two . 14 1) Tube less tyres & conventional tyres ii) mechanical brake system & parking brakes ) Leading and trailing dram brakes iv) Safety system in automobile 8308 1efc7a7a0d8a86c60262680121¢} Total No. of Printed Pages:2 SUBJECT CODE-14 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY B.E. (Mech) Examination Nov/Dec 2015 Automobile Engineering (Revised) [Time: Three Hours] [Max. Marks: 80] ‘Please. check Whether. you have-got the right.question paper.” NB i) Solve“any three question’ in each section. jl) Assume suitable data, if netessary, SECTION-A Q1. a) Give the complete classification of automobile. 5 b) Draw neat sketch of layout of an automobile with front mounted engine and rear wheel drive 8 Q2. a. Whatare the different types of clutches used in the automobiles? State the advantages, disadvantages and 6 applications of each of them b) With neat sketch explain the construction and working of a single plate clutch with helical (coil) springs. 7 Q3. a) With neat sketch explain the epicyclic gear arrangement used in the automobiles. state the different 7 conditions gear ratio’s in this gear train, which enable its use in the gear Box. b] What are the different types of universal joints used in the propeller shaft? With neat sketch explain 6 working of each in brief. Q4. a) With neat sketch explain construction and working of a Macpherson struct front independent suspension. 7 b] What is the function of an anti roll bar? Explain with neat sketch its construction and application in an 6 automobile, 5. Write a short notes any two. 14 i) Synchromesh gear box ii) Centrifugel clutch. iii) Air suspension. iv) Springs used in suspension. SECTION-B Q6, a) Explain with neat sketch the full floating,3 quarter floating & half floating arrangement of axlein the final 7 drive. b) What is wheel alignment? In the details explain the steering geometry and angles pertaining to the geometry 6 applied in the suspension. Q7 a) Drawa near sketch of a recirculating ball nut & screw type steering gear box and explain its working. 7 0833, icabl 9498d26077729ac9 85eb b) Explain, 6 i) Under steer & over steer ii) Steering effort and steering ratio . ili) Wheel balancing Q8. a) Drawa neat sketch showing the layout of hydraulic break system in the four wheeler using tandem master 7 cylinder. b) Differentiate between 6 1) Disc brakes and Drum brakes 2} Conventional brake system and antilock brake system. Q3) a) What are the different starting systems used in the automobile starts motor drive? With neat sketch explain 7 the over-run clutch drive, b] With neat sketch explain the alternator used in automobiles. State its advantages over the dynamo: 6 Q10. Write short notes any two. 44 i) Power steering. ii) Rear axle arrangement in the live rigid axle system. iil) Brake shoes and brake pads. iv) Automobile Tyres. 0084335 9cabl 9498d26077729ac985eb bv. of Printed Pages:1] CODE NO:- 2-322 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY B.E(Mcch) Year Examination-June-2015 Automobile Engineering (Old) hime: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 10¢ ___ “Please check whether you have got the right question paper.” i) Solve any three questions from each section. ii) Figure to the right indicates full marks. SECTION-A Give the classification of clutch in detail. Enumerate the various types of vehicle resistance and explain their variation with speed. What is the need of a shock absorber? Discuss two types of shock absorbers that are commonly used. Explain the construction and working of Diaphragm spring type single plate clutch and mention its advantages. Enlist various types of gearboxes and explain the working of a synchromesh gearbox. Explain with neat sketch the sliding mesh gear box. Enlist different types of rubber spring and explain any with neat diagram. ‘What 1s mean by automate transmission system? What are its advantages? ‘What arc the advantages of independent suspension over the rigid axle ‘suspension? List out the various independent suspension for front axle. Discuss with neat diagram the Macpherson strut front suspension system. Write short notes: (any three) Vacuum operated clutch. Over drive, Hydra-prismatic suspension. ‘Types of leaf springs. Clutch trouble shooting. eeee eee8 SECTION-B Explain with neat diagram the types of stub axles? Explain different types of factors that affect whee! alignment. What is mean by tubeless tyres? Explain with neal diagram the torque tube drive? 0: Describe in detail construction of the tubed and tubeless tyres for automobile use. 0: What is the need of a universal joint in the transmission system? How many universal joints are used? 0: Explain the weight transfer phenomenon. How it 1s taken care of in brake system design. 4 Differentime between hydraulic and air braking system. What is the function of the follow ng m a stecring system:~ " 1) Ball joints 2) Pitman arm 3) Tie rad 4) Selector rod 5) Steering arm Write short notes on (any three) i Dash hoard instrument. ‘Centre point steenng. Starting system. Final drive. ‘Scrub radius. 83d8 Lefe7a7u0d8a86c60262683 13506 Total No. of Printed Pages:2 SUBJECT CODE:- 52 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY B.E. (Mech) Examination Nov/Dec 2015 Automobile Engineering {oLD) [Time: Three Hours] [Max. Marks: 100] “Please check whether you have got the right question paper.” N.B i) Solve any three questions from each section iiJFigure.torthé right indicatesTUll marke Section-A Qi. a) What isa fluid flywheel? How it works? 04 b) What is the need of a gearbox atall? Explain sliding mesh gearbox with neat sketch 08 c)_ Discuss in detail the requirement of a good suspension system. 04 Q.2 a) What types of clutches are used for automatic transmission system? Explain the working of any one of them. og b) What is the meaning of tractive efforts? Explain the total resistance and tractive effort curve for different gears, 08 Q.3 a) What are the types of gear selector mechanism? Explain with neat diagram the operation of interlocking 08 mechanism in detail? b) Explain the antiroll bar suspension with neat diagram. 08 Q.4 a} Write shartnote on torque converter. How it differ from fluid fiywheel? 06 b) With the help of nest sketch describe the construction of a leaf spring. Discuss different types of eye constructions 10 used for leaf springs. Q5 Write shartnote on(any three) 18 i) Shock absorber ii) Centrifugal clutch ili) Performance curves iv) Air suspension v) Clutch trouble shootings SECTION-B Q.6 a) Explain with neat diagram the power steering mechanism 08 b) Explain the wheel balancing method in detail 06 c)_ What are the functions of tyre? 02 Q.7 a) Explain with neat diagram Hotchkiss drive, 08 b) Enlist different types of steering gearboxes. Also explain recirculating type steering gearbox 08 ac4fd94faaab640f27 302 Lebf8010909 as as Q.10 a) b) a) b) Draw a neat sketch of a typical differential unit in the back axle of a vehicle and explain its working? 08 Give the comparison between battery and magneto ignition system. 08 With the help of neat diagram explain Ackermann steering mechanism and derive the relation of correct steering 06 What is the meaning of servo braking system? How the vaccum from the engine inlet manifold is utilized to actuate 10 the vehicle brakes? Write short notes on(any three) 18 a) Master cylinder b} Under steer and over steer c) Charging system dj Air brakes e} Semi floating rear axle. K-52 ac4fd94faaab6401273021ebi8010909 5 a) by a) b) a) b) a) b) +Printed Pages Explain Therbilgs in detail ls wth the belp of Define work measurement resets. "and explain baste time study procedure, Explain Two H: landed process chart with sutabl Define work st nord 'udy. Enlist & explain ihe steps in work study procedure. Write short note on (Any threey a) SIMO Chart b) Merit raung © Micro motion study 4) Work content SECTION -B Explain various methods of improving material productivity, Enlist & explain stages im SMED. Explain Business Process Recngmecring. Explain PDCA cycle in detail. Explain JIT Philosophy with the help of suntable example. What is Kaizen? Explain kaizen Umbrella. Define Allowances. Explain types of allowances. Differentiate between Push and pull system. Write short note on (Any three) a) Kaizen and TQC b) PMTS ©) JIT and Automation 4) OTED 83d8 lefc7a7a0d8186c602626898b7a8 S82 28 88 8 08, 08 08 08, 18 Total No. of Printed Pages:2 SUBJECT CODE:- 149 CULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY B.E.(Mech) Examination Nov/Dec 2015 Elective-II: Industrial Engineering (OLD) [Time: Three Hours] [Max. Marks: 100] “Please check whether you have got the right question paper.” NB i) Solve any-three.questions from each-sectionA’and Bx Assume data/if required. ) Figures to the right indicate full marks. ‘Section= A Q.1 A “Productivity is a means for increasing the welfare of the nation”. Justify the statement 08 B_ Whatis basic work content, excess work content, and total wark content? os Q.2 A List out steps followed for conducting method study. Explain in detail, step namely “examine criticall 08 8 List out various charts used for recording activities in method study. Explain multiple activity chartin detail 08 with suitable example, Q3 A Explain (any two) 08 i) String diagram ii) Travel chart iii) Selection of worker 8 What are primary and secondary questions? How are they useful? 08 Q.4 A Explain the following in correction with time study 09 i) Breaking the job, into elements ii) Number of cycle to be timed iii) Selection of worker B What are the principle techniques of work measurement? State their uses and typical type of jabs that canbe 09 measured by each of these techniques. Q.5 A Whatis job evaluation? What objectives can be served from scientific jab evaluation studies? 08 B Whats point system of job evaluation? Explain briefiy the steps involved in classification of jobs by this 08 method Section- B Q.6 A Explain any two of the following, 08 i) Westinghouse system of rating ii) Basic timing methods in time study iii) synthetic rating 8 Whats necessity of allowances? Explain its different types. 08 Q.7 A Explain the general procedure for a work sampling study to determine the extent of delays and personal time. 08 8 Explain methods of improving materials productivity and list down the factors affecting materials productivity. 08 Q.8 A Explain the Kaizen Umbrella for quality improvement, 06 B Explain the following in connection with Kaizen 10 i} Innovation ii) Process oriented management versus result oriented management, K-2015 acdfd94faaab640f27 302 LebfR61 1442 utkattda.com Q.9 A Explain the SMED steps with an example, 08 B Explain the concept of internal and external setup with the help of suitable example. 08 Q.10 Write short notes on the following (any three) 18 i) JIT and automation ‘Customization of manufacturing One minute exchange of die iv) Workplace control through the Kaizen, Utkatta.com K-2015 ac4fd94faaab640f273021lebi8611442 ime: Three Hours] B a) ‘b) by 3 a) b) a) ») of Printed Pages?) CODE No:- 2-412 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TI ECHNOLOGY BLE (Mechanical) Year Examination - Junc- 2015 EL-I- Industrial Engineering (Revised) “Please check whether you have got the right question paper” uns Mar 01 ¥ Solve any three questions from both the section, 4i) Figures to the right indicate Full marks " 4ti) Assume suitable dota wherever necessary and stale it clearly SECTION-A Define productivity. How would you measure producti ity? Explain with suitable example’ 06 e ity? Explain wit Explain the concept of work content. What consti Whi ie techniques 07 wor tutes excess work content? What are th State the benefits of increasing productivity to 06 i) Management ii) Employess iii) Society, Explain the produce for method study, 07 Outline the appropriate process chart for the following process. “writing a letter and posting t” 07 Discuss in details with definition and suitable ilfustration “man and machine chart” 06 Critical examination forms the basis for methods improvement. Explain. 06 ‘Why the work content is divided into elements? What are the different types of elements? 07 Write short note on (Any two) a) Job analysis, job description ane job specification. b) Merit rating methods ©) Various allowances considered while building the standard ume SECTION -B Outline the general procedure for a work sampling study to determine the extent of delays and time. the westing house method of performance rating. Define predetermined motion time analysis (PMTS). Also explain factors to be considered while using PM TS. the following related to man-machine system Design of visual display ii) Design of controls Define anthropometry and explain its importance. What are the advantages of pull production over push production in trying to establish a lean production system? Is push always better” List and explain five techniques for reducing setup ume. Explain the working of Kanban system. 8308] efc7a7a0d8a86c6026268989500 ~~ evev co sel2e 4 08, 0s 04 03 0s 04 04 9 a) Explain how converting setup activities from internal to external can improve the performance of a production system b) Explain teh following related to KAIZEN i)TQC ii)PDCA Cycle iii)Mea 10 Write short notes on the following a) Aspects of setup activities on SMED b) Toyota production system c) kaizen umbrela for quality improvement Total No. of Printed Pages:1 SUBJECT CODE :- 142 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY B.E. (Mechanical) Exa jon Nov/Dec 2015 Industrial Engineering[Elective-l] (Revised) [Time: Three Hours] [Max. Marks: 80] “Please check whether you have got the right question paper.” NB i) Solve any three questions from both the section. Figures to.the rigift indicate full marks. ill) /ASsume suitable data, Wherever required and state ittiearly, SECTION-A Q.1 AWhat are the benefits and expectations of various stakeholders from productivity? 05 B Define work study. What are the components of work study? 04 C Describe the various ways ta improve productivity. 04 Q.2 AWrite down the relationship between 06 i) Work study and the management. _|i) Work study and the workers 8 How is the job selected for method study? 07 0.3. ADescribe briefly ‘SIMO Chart’ and state its application 04 B explain in brief i) Flow diagram and i) Two handed process chart 06 Define micro motion study and state its objective. 93 Q.4 A State end explain the various allawances te be considered while estimating the standard time 07 B Describe the point method of job evaluation with its advantages. 06 Q.5 Write short note on the following (any two) 14 i) Differentiate between job evaluation and merit rating ii) Principles af motion economy related to use of human body il) Breaking the job into elements SECTION-B Q.6 A Explain method time measurement (MTM) technique for work measurement. Also discuss conventions for 07 recording MITM data. & Why itis required to rate the worker? What are different rating methods? 06 Q.7 A Explain synthetic rating and analytical estimating techniques 06 B Describe the seven types of waste that can be costly to a production system. 07 Q.8 A What do you understand by a ‘man-machine system’? How these systems are classified? 06 8 Explain Toyota production system. 07 Q.9 A Compare the working system of JIT and MRP. 06 B How set up time can be reduced by using single minute exchange of dies (SMED) technique? Explain. 07 Q.10A What are the implications of quality control for kaizen? Discuss. 04 8 Highlight the Japanese perceptions of job function by involving kaizen and innovation. 05 C Explain the concept and functions of Kanban system. 05 K-2015 acdfd94faaab640f27 302 LebfR642402 Total No. of Printed Pagas:4 SUBJECT CODE :90 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY B.E. (Mech) Examination Nov/Dec 2015 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (Revised) [Time: Three Hours] [Max. Marks: 80] “Please check whether you have got the right question paper.” N.B i)Attempt any three questions from each section ii) Use of refrigerant tables, p-h charts, steam table and non-programmable calculator is permitted ili) Figure to’the righthand Margin indicates full/farks, iv) Assume Suitable data it necessary ‘SECTION-A Qi. a) Why itis necessary to modify Carnot cycle? Explain 03 b) Explain the effect of suction superheating and liquid sub-cooling on the performance of simple Vcc. 04 Cc] Arefrigerating system operates on the reversed Carnot cycle. The higher temp of the refrigerant in the system is 05 40°C and lowers is -15°C. The capacity of the machine is 15 tonnes. Neglecting all losses find coefficient of performance. i) Heat rejected from the system/hour. ii) Power required for driving the machine. Q2 AVCC Refrigerating machine is used to produce 10 TOR at -20°C When operating in the environment at 40°C. The 13 Refrigerant is R-12. A minimum temp. Difference of 10°C is required for heat transfer in the condenser and evaporator. The adiabatic efficiency of the compressor is 85%. Assuming dry saturated condition of refrigerant at the entry to the campressor, calculate i) Power of the compressor. i) COP, iil] Heat rejected in the condenser, Q.3 — Ina20TOR ammonia plants, compression is carried cut in two stages with water and flash intercooling and water 13 subcooling. The particulars of the plant are a follows Condenser pressure=12 bar Evaporator pressure=3 bar Flash intercooler pressure=6 bar Limiting temp. for intercooling and subcooling 20°C K-2015 acdfi04faaab640f27302 1 ebf&$2fce7 Estimate: i) The cop of the plants ii) Power required for each compressor iii] The swept volume for each compressor If nv of both comp. is 80% Q4 — Abootstrap evaporative air refrigeration system is used fer an aeroplane to take 25 TOR load. The ambient 13 conditions are 15°C and 0.8 bar. The pressure of air is increased from 0.8 bar to 0.98 bar due to ramming action The pressure of the air leaving the main compressor and auxiliary compressor are 3.8 bar and 5.45 bar respectively, The isentropic efficiency of both compressor is 90%, 60% of the total heat of the air leaving the main compressor is removed in the First heat exchanger and 35% of the total heat of the air living the auxiliary compressor removed in the second heat exchanger. Assuming that ramming is isentropic and cabin pressure is 1.03 bar. Find the followings. i) Power required to take cabin load, il) Copof the system Temp of air leaving the cabin should not exceed 27°C 5 Write short notes on the following (any three) 14 i) Methods to improve cap of Vee il) Cascade refrigeration method iii) Compare vapour compression cycle with air refrigeration cycle iv) Bell coleman cycle vy Necessity of air coaling in aero plane. SECTION-B Q.6 a) With the help of neat sketch, explain practical vapour absorption system 07 b) Distinguish between vapour compression refrigeration system and vapour absorption refrigeration system. 06 Q.7 a) Explain the procedure for designation of refrigerants. 07 b) Explain the necessity of finding alternatives to CFC’s, What are the better options available for CFC’s? 06 Q.8 a) Define the following terms, 06 i) RSHF ii) Relative humidity iii) Specific humidity b) The pressure and temperature ef air is 720 mm of Hg and 21°C(WBT) respectively . The dew point temperature of 07 ‘the mixture is 15°C. Find the following by using stem table K-2015 ac4id94faaab640M273021ebf82fcc7 i) Partial pressure of water vapour ii) Relative humidity iil) Specific humidity iv) Enthalpy of moist air Q9 —_ Anair conditioned has is to be maintained at 27°C DBT and 21°C WBT It has a sensible heat load of SOkwand = 13 latent heat load of 19KW. The air supplied from outside atmosphere at 40°DBT and 30°C WBT is 25m?/min directly inte the room through ventilation and infiltration outside air to be conditioned is passed through the cooling coil where ADP is 15°C. The quantity of recirculate air from the hall is 60% This quantity is mixed with the conditioned air after the cooling coil, Determine. i) Condition of air after the coil and before the recirculate air mixes with it ii) Condition of air entering the hall (after mixing with recirculate air iii) Mass of fresh air entering the cooler iv) Refrigeration load on the cooling coil Q.10 — Write ashort note on (any three) 14 i) Summer air conditioning ii) Window air conditioning iii) ICE plant iv) Cascade refrigeration system vy) GWP and opp K-2015 acdfi04faaab640f27302 1 ebf&$2fce7 utkattda.com T ETT T T POT TTT TTT SRE REEARE GES eP ees eo ERE AO Wl ME NOAWA WELW 40 aS utTkatta.com K-2015 ac4id94faaab640M27302lebf2f2ce7 2 3 4 ' amed Pa 3 CODE No:. 2-360 ACULTY OF FNGINEERING & TECIINOLOGY B.E (Mech) Year Examination - June ~ 2018 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (Revised) m Three Hours| IMax. Marks: 80] “Please check whether you have got the right question paper.” Attempt any three questions from each section. Hi) Use of refrigerant tables, p-h charts, steam tables and electronic non-programmable calculator is permitted. Gti) Figures to the right hand margin indicate full marks. iv) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION-A id sub cooling on the pertormance of simple 03 4) Explain the effect of suction super heating and vec. b) Differentiate between refrigerator ond heat pump with skeich. 04 ©) A reversed Camot eycle working as a heat pump 1s delivering 600K J/mm 10 heat the conditioned 06 space and maintain it at 27°C when the atmosphere temp. is 17°C. Determine heat transfer in the conditioned space from atmosphere and power required to operate the cycle. A vapour compression machine is used to mamtatn 3 temp of 250K is sated space. The, 13 ambient temp is 310K. The compressor takes is dry saturated vapour of R-12. A minimum 10°C temp difference is required at the evaporator as well as at condenser. There 1s no sub cooling of liquid. if refrigerant flow rate is 2ky/min. find i) Tonne of refrigeration. }) Power requirement. i) Ratio of cop of this cycle to cop of Carnot cycle. The following data reter to a two stage compression ammonta refrigerating system with water 12 cooler. Condenser pressure = 14 bar. Evaporator pressure = 2 bar. Inter cooler pressure = 6 bar load on the evaporator = 3 TOR. It the temp of the desuperheated vapour and sabcooled liquid refrigerant are limited to 30°C. find 1) The power required to drive the system ii) COP of the system. iple eyele, The cockpit 1s to be 1B An air cooling system for a jet plane cockpn operates on a maintained at 25°C The ambient pressure and temp are 0.35 bars and -15"C respectively, The pressure ratio of yet compressor 1 3, The plane speed 1s 1100 km hr. the air is passed through a heat exchanger after compression and cooled to its original condition entering into the jet plane. The pressure drop through the cooler for cot! 1s 0.1 bars. The pressure of arr leaving the cooling turbine 1.06 bars and that of cock pit is 1.01325 bars. The cockpit cooling toad ts 6Okw. Calculate i) Stagnation temp and pressure of entering the compressor. ii) Mass flow rate of air circulated iii) Volume handled by comp and expander. 1v) Net power delivered by the engine to refrigeration unit. v) C.O.P of ihe system. Assume compression and expansions of air are tsentropic. Take Cp ( 1K kg" 83d8 1 efc7a7a0d8a86c6026268H0bce | Write a short note on the following (any three) é a) Caseade refrigeration system ur compression cycle ; 3 eeipare simple ‘apour compression cycle with multistage vapour compression eyele 4) Limitation of simple VCC RT op SECTION -B Explain lithum-Bromide water vapour absorption System with neat sketch, 06 Distinguish between vapour absorption refrigeration system with vapour compression refrige 06 system. Explain the procedure for designation of refngerants 07 Discuss the factors considered for the selection of retngerant for a refrigeration system. 06 06 Explain shng psychomotor wath neat sketch For a dry bulb temperature of 30°C and a relative humidity 50% calculate the following fer aur when O7 the barometric pressure 1s “40mm of hy - Parttal pressure of water vapour and dry air SP humidity in) Relative humidity ty) Enthalpy An air conditioned auditorium is to be mamtamned at 25°C diy bulb and $5% RH. the ambient 15 conditions 18 42"C DBT and 32°C WBT 60% of the return aris recirculated and med with 40% of makeup aw ater the cooling coil. The total sensible heat loud 1s 1200U0K he_and the total latent hreat load is +4000 KJ br The condition of aur leas ing the cooling cotl 1s at 1N"C. determine iy RSHF hn) The conditions of air enterng the auditorium iii) The amount of makeup airy) Apparatus dew pom v) By pass factor of the coolmg cou. Write short notes on any three, a) Domestic refingerator b) Window air conditioning system ©) GWP & ODP Jan comfort, B38 Lefc7a7AOd8ak6c602626R60bce | c Ons BUn.WH3EH3. BS A ose \* lene eecite an cd te yee BId8 Lefe7a7a0d8u86c602626860bce| (py us po) aug HELO Hameed aaron JBVHD WABWOYHIASd M3 LavHO eg Be F® 0 Subject Code : 15 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY B.E. (Mechanical) (Old) Examination NOVEMBER/DECEMBER, 2015 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning ‘Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100 “Please check whether you have got the right the question paper” QNo. 5 ts compulsory. Solve any two questions from Q.No. 1 to4 from Section A. Q.No. 10 Is compulsory. Solve any two questions from Q.No. 6 10 9 from Section B iii) Atempt any three questions from each section. iv) Use ofrefrigerant tables, p-h chart, steam table is permitted. v) Assume suitable dato, if required. SECTION-A QI @)_—_ How does the increase in condenser temperature affect CoP? Also 08 explain the influence of evaporator temperature on CoP. Which of the ‘two temperatures have more influence on CoP? (b) A fish freezing plant requires 40 Tons of refrigeration. The freezing 08 temperature is -35°C while the ambient temperature is 30°C, If the performance of the plant is 20% of the theoretical reversed carnot cycle Working within the same temperature limits, calculate the power required. Q2 (a) Explain the importance of super heating vapours before suction to 06 compressor. How does it affect CoP of the system? (b) A simple saturation cycle using R-12 is designed for taking a load of 15 10 TR. The refrigerator and ambient temperature are OC and 25°C respectively. A minimum temperature difference of 5°C is required in the evaporator and condenser for heat transfer. Find ‘Mass flow rate through the system Power required in KW CoP Cylinder dimensions assuming L/D = 1.2 for single cylinder, single acting compressor, if it runs at 300 rpm with volumetric efficiency of 90% Q3 A refrigeration system using R-12 as refrigerant consists of three 16 evaporators of capacities 18 TR at -5°C, 27 TR at 0°C and 9 TR at 5°C. ‘The vapours leaving the three evaporators are dry and saturated. The system is provided with individual compressors and multiple expansion valves, The condenser temperature is 40°C and the liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser is saturated. Assuming isentropic compressor in each compressor, determine Mass of refrigerant flowing through each evaporator ‘The power required to drive the system CoP of the system. P.T.O. K-2015 €08a3559cab 194986260777 29ac9 1320 . @ © or nat jun 201 Indi triat ng ny weoring(t L-I Ho (Olay " Subject Code : 15 2 Q4 An sir cooling system for a jet plane cock- te ) DART. (©) __ Improvements in simple saturation cycle (@) Advantages of multistage compression system (©) Components of simple vapour compression system. SECTION-B Q.6 (a) _ Explain the factors considered for selection of refrigerants, 08 (b) Explain the designation of reftigerants with chemical formulae for 08 08 (RAL Gi) R12 Gi’) R22 (iv) R-717. 7 (@)_ With neat sketch explain the working principle of Electrolux 10 refrigeration system. | b) Explain with the help of neat sketches, vapour absorption cycle for 08 refrigeration. How is it different from vapour compression refrigeration | system, 8 (@)_Define the human comfort and explain the factors which affect human 06 comfort. (b) For a dry bulb temperature of 25°C and a relative humidity of 50% 10 calculate the following for air, when barometric pressure is 740mm of He. ({) Partial pressure of water vapour and dry air Gi) Dew point temperature Gi) Specific humidity Gv) Specific volume (v) Enthalpy. Contd...3 K-2015 ©083559cab19498426077729ac9 1320 ‘cenaeation System Used ¢ 0° oo Subject Code : 15 ined at 28°C dry bulb 6 is mai 0 An ir conditioned a i ee ature, It hasa sensible heat foad temperature ad 2 heat load of 17 kw, The air supplied from eur side oF a6 Ky an tae dey, bulb. temperature and 27°C. wen bulb atmosphere as m/min directly into the room through ventitation and Cnfieration. Outside air to be conditioned is passed through the temperatu cooling coil and 60% of the return air mixes with conditioned air afer the cooling coil. o se condition of sr after the coil and before the recirculated air mixed with it Gil) The quantity of fresh air entering the cooler Gi) Condition of air entering the hall (iv) By pass factor of cooling coil (6) Reffigeration load on the cooling coil (vi) Appartus dew point of cooling coil is 15°C. G10 Write short note on following (Any three) 6x3=13 Necessity of alternative to CFC's (a) (©) Role of absorber and generator in vapour absorption system () Sling psychrometer @ Ice plant (2) RSHF and GSHF see K-2015 0823554. Yeah) 9498426077729509 32a crmonoy . I § g S He 3 : — : : Be 2 ae : a + 2 i 3 3 # = a 3 i Is mw om uP 180 (60 ww to no uycut CUUE 2 fee RF cagasssycal9498U26077729.40 91328 -— sHs oy EO SE Ose'0 og PAU, BHM TON 3IsIDad5 528-0 9, BUNLVU3dW31 Bone ie ge St |SLNOD 3UNLSIOW oe douynne ay ein ge ees eae aeegeas 008-0 aaa \ di I ™ 40 Unssaug Lvs 984260727294-91394 0823559 cab 104 No. of Printed Pages:3] CODE NO:- 2.285 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY B.E (Mech) Examination - June — 2015 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning i Time: Three Hours} co 8 IMax. Marks: 100] “Please check whether you have got the right question paper.” Attempt any three questions from each section. ‘) Use of refrigeration tabtes, p-h charts, steam table and non-programmable calculate is pernitted iti) Figures to the Tight hand margin indicate full marks, iv) Assume suitable data if necessary. 1 QUNo.5 and 10 are compulsory. SECTION-A 2) State the unit of refrigeration & prove that | ton = 3.517KW, 04 b) Explain the. difference between heat pump & refrigerator, 04 ©) Accold storage is 10 be maintained at-S” C. while the ‘Surroundings are at 35°C. The heat leakage 08. from the surroundings into the cold storage is estimated to be 29 KW. The acto! cop of the refrigeration plant is one-third of an ideat plant working between the same temperatures, Find the power required to drive the plant. A vapour compression refrigeration machine, with R-12 as refrigerant, has a capacity of 20 tonne of 16 refrigeration operating between -28°C & 26"C the refi igerant is sub cooled by 4°C before entering, the expansion valve & the vapour is: superheated by $°C before leaving the ‘evaporator. The machine bas a six ~cylinder single acting compressor with stroke equal to 1.25 times the Bore. It hes» Clearance of 3% of the stroke volume determine:- i) Theoretical power required ai) CoP. ui) Volumetric efficiency iv) Bose & stroke of the cylinder. ‘The speed of the compressor is 1000rpm. Specific heat of hquid refrigerant = 0.963 Kivkg k, Specific heat of superheated vapour = 0.016 Ki/kg k. A refrigeration installation using R-12 comprises. One compressor, one condenser and three 16 Cveporsior of capacities 15TR, 25TR. & 30TR respectively. The temperature to be maintained in the evaporators is 5°C, 0°C& -5°C respectively. Each evaporator is fitted with an individual expansion falve: The condenser pressure is to be maintained at 10 bars. The exit condition from the evaporator to be dry rated and the liquid is sub cooled by 5°C in the condensers, Determine i) Refrigerating effect in cach evaporator Mass flow rate in each evaporator i) Compressor power 1) COP of the system 8348 Lefc7a7a0d8286c6026268016dc0 BH OP 08 18 6 a) b) a) b) a) b) For a DBT 30"C and WBI of 18°C. observed to be 756mm of Hy (without making use of psychometric chart ) oe s aa “The following data refer to a boot strap air eycle evaporator refngeration system used for an < Aeroplane to take 20 tonnes of refrigeration load: mS 1) Ambient air temp. 15°C & 2) Ambient air pressure= 0.8 bar 3) Mach number of flight = 1.2 % 4) Ram Efficiency = 90% 5) Pressure of air bled off the main compressor = 4 bar 6) Pressure of air bled otf the main compressor = 90% 7) Isentroprc efficiency of the secondary compressor = 80% 8) Isentroptc efficiency of the sceondary compressor = 90% 9) isentropic efficiency of the cooling turbine = 80% 10) Temperature of air leaving the first heat exchanger = 170°C. 11) Temperature of air leaving the second heat exchanger =155'C 12) Temperature of air leaving the evaporator = 100°C. 13) Cabin Tempt. = 25°C. 14) Cabin pressure = 1 bar. Find: - 1) Mass of air required to take the cabin load 2) Power required for the refrigeration system and. 3) COP of system Write short notes on the following (any three) Is i) Bell Coleman eyele ii) Actual vapour compresmon cycle iii) Reduced Ambiem air cuohing system iv) DART, Vv) VCC with superhesting & sub cooling of retigeram. SFCTION -B State the advantages of vapour absorpsorption refigenation ‘over Vapour compression 08 refingeration 5 08 ‘stem With neat sherch. Explain the moditied vapour absorption s ctants? Explam in detail. 08 What are the essential proportions or requirement while sclecning the re 8 Why most of the currently popular halo carbons refiigerants are phased out” Define > 06 i) Specific Humidity ) Dew point Temperature it) Wet Bulb Temperature iv) Enthalpy of moist arr v) Dry Bulb Temperature ) Relative Humidity. metric pressure was 10 te the following for air. when "C Relative Humidity Specific Humidity iii) Dew point Temperature iv) Enthalpy of aur per ky of dry air, ¥) Volume of minture per ky of dry ane. 83d8 I ele7a7aGd8a86c60262680 LodcO an air conditional hall is to be maintained at 27°C dry bulb t rature operature. It has a sensible heat load of 46.KW and Tatent heat load eva THe supplied "6 from outside atmosphere at 38°C dry bulb temperature & 27°C wet bulb temperature is 25 cubic Meters per minute directly into the room through ventilation and infiltration Outside air tobe caeditioned is passed through the cooling coil and 60% of the Sarum sir mixes with conditioned sit ‘efter the cooling coil. Deter 3) Condition of ai after the coil & before the recatcutated air mixed with it. 2 Condition of air entering the hall i.e. after mixing with recirculate air. ii) The quantity of fresh air entering the cooler. iv) By pass factor after cooting coil and ¥y Reffigeration Jond on the cooling cowl, Apparatus dew point (ADP) cooting coil is 15°C. Write short notes on following. (any three) ie i) ODP & GWP ) Cold storage ii) Hurnan comfort parameters ane comport Chars iv) Applications of refgeration in feed processing. ¥v) Year round air conditioning system g3g8 efe7a7a0dBa86c0026268016dc0 ed Pages:3] CODE NO:- 2-321 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY B.E.(Mech,) Year Examination-June-2015 Project Management & Operations Rescarch Re o «bice Hours (evised) “Please check whether you hi “evra Nani ; whether you have got the right question paper.” i) Attempt any three questions from each section, ii) Assume suitable data if / 1ii) Figure to right indicates full marks. . SECTION-A. 2) Explain the phases of O.R study b) A dealer wishes to purchase a number of fans & sewing machines. He has only Rs 5760 to invest & has space for 20 items only, A fan cost Rs,360 & a sewing machine cost Rs.240, he ean sella fan at a profit of Rs.22 and a sewing machine at a profit of Rs18, Assuming that he can self all items that he buys. formulate the problem as a LPP and solve graphically. Solve using Big-M method, the following LPP Minimize z = 3x, + 8x, subject to x, + xz = 200 x < 80 2 = 60 8X4,%2 20 3 Solve the following LPP using two phase method Maximize 2 = 5x, — 4x2 + 3X3 Subjected to 2x, + x2 — 6x, = 20 6x, + 5xz + 10%; < 76 Bx, — 3x2 + 6x3 < 50 &xy, X2.%3 20 Table below shows unit transportation cost from various go-dow ns to market arca with their capacity & requirements, Find [BES using Vogel's approximation method & also find the optimum solution MM: Ms My G [45 [20722 [24 7] 100 G: {is [17 [12 [10 | 200 G [ar Jo Ts 13} 250 Requirements 75 75 215 125 Capacity 1) Solve the follow ng assignment problem for maximization yobs hob w, [ia_[27 Ts [2a D4 - w, [s__|27 [10 [a1 [32 workers hi 6 tis [4 |27 [32 we [22115 [16 [30 [40 w, [14 [24 [20 [27 [36 ‘83d8lefc7u7a0d8086c60262683ef02c 80 QR ve ’ b) A manufacturer, fi i ; finds from hi ¢ purchase pricsct Re aoe Ns past econ tha the costs per year associated with a machine witha ot Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Malntoanes cos 15000 | 16600 | 18000 [21000 [25000 | 29000 | 34000 | 40000 s ‘Scrap value 35000 | 25000 | 17000 | 12000 | 10000 | 5000 | 4000 | 4000 Determine the optimum policy . SECTION-B 6 a) The arrival rate of a customer ata service window of « cinema hall follows a probability distribution Ot with & mean rate of 45 per hour, The service rate of the clerk follows Persson disinbution with a mean of 60 per hour. Find 1) Avcrage number of customer in the system (Ls) 2) The average queue tenth (Lq) 3). The average waiting time in the system (Ws) 4) ‘The average wang time in the queue (Wa) by Sex jobs are to be processed on nwo machines. A & B. The me in hours taken by each job on cach 0 machine is given below Job 10. 2 6 S|=! B 3 3 1 1 7 Determine the optimum sequence of jobs that minimize the total elapsed time to complete the jobs & idle time for both machines 4) Explain how the value of 2 x 2 game with pure strategy & mixed suateyy is obtained by b) Find the value of the following game wing demmance property ot B By B- Ba AL -l 2 3 a Player A A 4+ ot 0 Ad <1 ! ! oO Ad 4 -t 207 a) What is inventory? Explatn the classification af inv entortes. o b) Alpha industry estimates that it will sell 12000 units of ts product for the torh commg year, The ordering cost is Rs. 100 per order and the carry my cost per unit per year ts 20% of the purchase priee per unil, The purchase price per unit is Rs, 50. Find a) Economic order quantity b) No. of orders per year ¢) Time taken hetween successive orders 83d8 Lefe7a7abd8akc60262683e102c Activity Time Cost (Rs) Normal | Crash” | Normal | Crash (days) | (days) 9 4 1300 2400 15 B 1000 1380 7 4 7000 [1540 7 3 1200 1920 12 6 1700 2240 12 HW 600 700 6 2 1000 [1600 6 ‘900 1200 Proycet schedule has the tollowing el Activity 1-2 2-3 2-4 3-5 4S AG 5-7 6-7 78 7-9 8:10 9-10 afurfen feo] fea] ig) w)—le[nlalefols[ol=fofole ueyelelele sfalala allete 1) Construct the project network 2) Find expected durations & variance tor each activity. 3) Find the critical path & expected project length. 4) What is the probability of compleung the project m 30 days 83d8 Lefc7a7a0d8a86c60262683ef02c Total No. of Printed Pages:3 SUBJECT CODE :- K-51 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY BE, (Mech) Examination Nov/Dec 2015 Project Management and Operations Research (Revised) (Time: Three Hours] [Max. Marks: 80] “Please check whether you have got the right question paper.” NB i) Attempt three questions from each section. ji) Assume Suitable data if necessary ii)FighP@s to the right indicate full farks SECTION-A. Q1. a) Define ‘operations Research’ & give its applications 05 b)Anaere plane can cerry = maximum of 250 passengers. A profit of Rs.1500 is made on each executive class ticket & a profit of Rs. 08 ‘900 is made on each economy class ticket. The airline reserves at least 30 seats for executive class. However at least 4 times as many passengers prefer to travel by economy class then by executive class. Formulate this problem as 2 LPP & solve graphically a2 Solve the following LPP using Big. M Method 13 Minimize 2=2xa+3x2 Subjectto xitk: 2S Xd 26 xe 20 3 Solve the following LPP using two phase simplex method 14 Maximize zexet2urt4e Subjectto 2x:+k2+4:58 Bute 3Ke 21 Xe Dee+dns>25 &x1,x2,02 0 a4 Find the optimum solution to the following transportation problem in which the cell contain the transportation cost in rupees. Find IBFS using lowest cost entry method Wa Wi Ws We We available Fe 7 6 4 5 9 40 Fa z 5 6 7 3 30 Fs 6 8 9 & 5 20 Fe Ey 7 7 8 6 10 Required 30 30 as 20 5 5 a) Find an optimal solution to assignment problem with the following cast matrix 06 i E & de Mi 10 5 5 z Mz 2 a a 3 Ms z 7 6 acdfi04faaab640f27 3021 ebfR00f08 1 bp a6 a) by a7 aj bp Qe a) bp Ma & 7 5 5 ‘The cost of equipment is 62000 & its scrap value is Rs. 2000. The life of the equipment is 8 years. The maintenance costs for each O7 year are as given below. Year L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Maintenance | 1000 2000 3500 5000 8000 11000 16000 24000 CostiRs, When the equipment should be replaced? Section B Customers arrive at one person barber shop accarding to @ Poisson process with 2 mean inter-afrival time of 20 minutes. og customers spend an an average of 15 minutes in the barber's chair, Find i ‘The probability that a new arrival need not wait for the barber to be free ii) The expected number of customers in the barber shop iil) The time that 2 customer is required to wait for his turn iv} The time that @ customer is required to spend in the shop Five jobs are performed first. on machine M1 and then on machine M2. Time in hourstakenby each jobsoneach machineis 06 given below M1 5 2 1 6 9 7 8 4 olo}a|> 3 E 10 Determine the optimum sequence of jobs & find the minimum elapsed time & idle time for both machines. Explain the dominance property to find value of game with an example 05 Reduce the following game by dominance & find the game value. og layer B i iv U 3 2 4 o Player A 3 4 2 a a 2 4 Oo oO 4 0 & Explain the various costs associated with inventories 05 annual demand for an automobile component is 24,000 units. The carrying costis Re 0.40/units/year, the ordering costis OS, Rs.20.00 per order & the shartage cost is Rs.10.00/units/year. Find i Economic order quantity ii) Maximum inventery iii] Maximum shortage quantity iv) Cycle time ac4fd94faaab640f273021 ebf8001031 utkatta.com 9 Table below shows the normal duration & cost and crash duration & cost of the various activities in # project. Find the optimum duration &minimum project cost, assuming the overhead cost of Rs.200 ger week ‘Activity Normal Crash Time weeks Cost Rs Time weeks ‘Cost Rs 12 2 200 1 1400 13 5 1000 2 2000 14 5 1000 3 12000 24 1 500 1 500 25 5 1500 3 2100 34 4 2000 3 3000 35 6 1200 4 1600 45 3 300 2 ‘1600 Q.10 The table below shows the activities & their three time estimates. Draw the network & find the critical path. ‘Activity to tm ty 12 2 5 8 23 7 20 23 24 15 16 2B 25 3 i 12 34 0 0 0 36 10 i 2 a7 13 15 7 ST T 7 T G7 1 2 3 78 7 10 13 Zz 16 7 18 Q P% 944 96.5 96.9 50 i What is the probability of work completion in 50 days? ii) Which duration assures the 95% probability of work completion? utkattda.com acdfi04faaab640f27 3021 ebfR00f08 1 Total No. of Printed Pages:3 SUBJECT CODE:- 269 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY B.E.(MECH] Examination Nov/Dec 2015 Operation Research (OLD) [Time: Three Hours] “Please check whether you have got the right question paper.” N.B i) Solve any threé question fram each section. iif Use of nonéprogranimablé calculator is permitted iii) Assume suitable dataifinecessary. Section A Q.1 a) _ Define operations Research. Briefly discuss the techniques and tools of operations Research. [Max. Marks: 100] 06 b) A firm manufactures three products A, B, & C time to manufacture A is twice that for B and thrice that for C. if 10 the entire lab our is engaged in making product A ,1600 units of this products can be produced. These product are to be produced in the ratio 3: Q.2. Solve by simplex method the following linear programming problem. Minimize 2 = x2 - 3x2+ 3x3 Subject to 3xy— X24 2x35 7 2k1+ 4x22 - 12 4, + 3x2 4+ 8x35 10 Kay May Maz 0 0.3. Solve the following mixed integer problem by Branch & Bound technique Maximize Z = x; + xz Subject to 2x1 + Sus 16 6x1 + 5x25 30 X2= 0 X.2 O and integer. Q.4. Find the optimal solution to the following transportation problem. Cells contain cost in rupees wi] w2[w3 [wa [WS | Available Fl 7 6 4 5 3 40 F2 a [5 |6 |7 |s |20 FB fe [a [so fe [5 |20 Fa 5 |7 |7 |e 6 jo Required=> [39 30 15 20 5 | 100(total] K-2015 ac4fd04faaab640f27 302 1ebfsb406eb 5, There is demand for at least 300,250,& 200 units of praduct A, B, &C. ‘The profit earned per unitis Rs.90, Rs40, and Rs.30, respectively. Formulate the L. P. P. 16 16 16 Q.5 a) Acompany has a team of four salesmen and there are four districts where the company wants to startits 12 business. After taking in to account the capabilities of salesmen and the nature of district the company estimates that the profit per day in rupees for the salesman in each district is as bellows Salesman oan D Find the assignment of salesmen to various districts which will yield maximum profit District 12 3 4 16 [10 [a4 Ju a [ii [a5 [as as [15 [a3 [12 13 [a2 [a4 [15 b) Discuss the limitations of O.R. 06 Section = B Q6 a) Amachine operator has to perfarm three operations: turning threading and knurling on number of different 12 Jobs. The time required to perform these operations (in minutes) for each jab is known. Determine the ‘optimum sequence in order to minimize the total time required. Also find the idle time for the three ‘operations Job__|Timeforturning | Time for threading _| Time for knurling 1 3 8 13 2 12 6 aa 3 5 4 3 4 2 6 12 5 3 3 8 6 iL 1 23 b) Explain briefly the Monte Carlo methad of simulation 06 Q7 a) Define and explain the terms safety stock and €.0.Q, with the help of ideal inventory model. 06 b) A particular item has a demand of 9000 units / year. The cost of one procurement is Rs.100 and the holding 10 ‘cast per unit is Rs.2.40 per year. The replacement is instantaneous and na shortages are allowed. Determine Economic lot size Number of arders per year Time between orders. ili, iy. Total cost per year if cost of one unit is Rs.1 3 a) Aperson repairing radios finds that the time spent on the radio sets has exponential distribution with mean 08 20 minutes, if the radios are repaired in the order in which they come in and their arriv approximately Poisson with an average rate of 15for 8-hour day, what is the repairman's expected idle time each day? How many jobs are ahead of the average set just brought in? b) Solve the following game 08 Player A Al A2 PlayerB B1 [30 [2 | az [a [a4 a fe [s K-2015 ac4fd04faaab640i273021lebf8b406eb Q.9. The time estimates (in weeks) for the activities of a PERT network are given below Activity [to [tm [tp 12 1 1 7 13 1 4 7 4 2 |2 |8 25 a ja fa 35 2 [5 faa 46 2 |5 |s 5-6 3 [6 is a) Draw the project network b) Determine expected project length c} Calculate the standard deviation and variance of project length d) What is the probability that the project will be completed at least 4 weeks earlier than expected time? Q.10 The following table gives data on normal time and cost and crash time and cost for a project Activity Normal Crash Time (days) | Cost (Rs) | Time (days) | Cost (Rs.) 1-2 6 60 4 100 1-3 4 60 2 200 24 3 50 3 150 25 3 45. 1 65 3-4 6 30 4 200 46 & 80 4 300 5-6 4 40 2 100 67 3 45 2 80 The indirect cost per day is Rs.10 i. Draw the network ii, Find the critical path iii. Determine minimum total time and corresponding cost. K-2015 ac4fd04faaab640f27 302 1ebfsb406eb 16 16 ~ ‘Total No. of Printed Pages:3} CODE NO:- 2.24 Time: Three Hours FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY B.E(Mechanical) Year Examination - May- 2015 Operations Research (Old) IMax. Marks: 100) “Please check whether you have got the right question paper” i) Solve any three questions from each section. fi) Assume suitable data if required, SECTION-A 8) What is necessity of operations research in industry? 04 DY A firm manufactures two products A & B on which profits earned per unit are Rs:3 and Ret resp. Each 12 Product is processed on two machines My and My. Product A requires one minute of processing time on My and two minutes on Mp, whale B requires one rminute of M, and one minute on Mz. Machine MI is available for not more than 7 houts 30 mine While machine M2 is available for 10 hours during any working day. Find number of unite of products A and B to be manufactured to get maximum profit, Max. Z = x, + 2xy + 3x4 — x4 18 Subject to, x, + 2x2 + 3xy = 15 Oxy + x2 + Sxy = 20 XM + 2x, $y +X4 = 10 Xy #X2,%3,%4 20 Maximize Z = Sx, + 7x), 16 Subject to, -2x, + 3x, <6, 6x, + < 30, %.%p 2 0 and integer Write short note on Gomory’s cutting plane method. 06 A company has a team of 4 salesman and there are 4 districts where the company want to star its 10 business. After taking into account the capabilites o salesman and nature of districts, the eompany estimates that the profit per day in rupces for each salesman in each district is as below, District 1 2 3 4 A 16 10 14 u Salesman: [B 14 i 15 15 c 15 15, 13 12 D 13 12 14 15, Find the assignment of salesman to \anous district which will yield maximum profit. 93b0165d | abe61613 | 96ddd85afe67d7 a) b) A product is produced by four factories A,B,C and D. the unit production costs in them are RS2,Rs3 16 Rs.t. and Rs.5 resp. Their production capacities are Factory A -50 units, Factory B-70 units Factory C-30 units Factory D-S0 units. ‘These factories supply the product to four stores, demands of which are 25, 35, 105 and 20 units resp. Unit transport cost in rupees from each factory to each store 1s given in table below. factories. 5 2 3 Determine the extent of delivenes from each of these factories to each of the stores so that total production and transportstion cost is mimmum, SECTION-B A and B play a game in which cach has three coms a 5 paise, 10 parse and 20 pase. Each player selects 06 @ coin without knowledge of others choice. If sum of coms is udd amount A win B's coms. If the sum 1s even. B win A’s coins. Find the best strategy for each player and valve of the game A branch of Panjab Nation Bank has only one typist. Since typing werk vanes im length (number of 1G pages to be typed). Typing rate ts randomly distributed approximating a potsson distribution with mean service rate of § letters per hour. The letters arnve at u rate of 5 per hour during the entire 8 hour day. If the type writer is valued at Rs. 1.50 per hour. determine i) Equipment utitizauon ii) the percent time that an average letter has to wait, ii) Average system time iv) Average cost due to waiting on the part of type writer ic. it remaining idle. J with the following relationships. Draw the 16 A project consists of series of tasks labelled A, B network diagram. A

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