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by Pear

Students and parents miss

activities due to lack of good
communication. - Pear
Throughout the school year, there are a
lot of activities. These activities are very
interesting, and many students and
parents are looking forward to
participate. However, the problem is
that the school does not have good
communication system. The lack of and
late announcement make a lot of
students and parents miss out on good
activities that they are supposed to
know. When the school announces
something, it is either not clear or only
a few students and parents are
informed. An example is the parent and
teacher conference held this semester.
It is not announced clearly enough for
parents to know if it would benefit
them to come because they have
already received their childrens grades.
In my opinion, school should announce
these activities after national anthem is
played or send direct SMS message to
both parents and students. The school
should also send forms to parents in
updating their contact information.

Minds of Milds
Unclear School Calendar
By The Milds

There are a lot of holidays

this semester. In the school
calendar, there are some no
school days,
but when the
marked holidays are near, the
school make some changes.
Sometimes, even teachers are
confused with the sudden
changes. There were times when
we were told that we needed to
attend schools on the days when
were not supposed to.

These changes affect our family

and personal plans. We were
told that these changes were
due to unexpected schedules on
the university admission system
of our senior students, and
some important events that our
school needed to attend to, but
we hope that these many sudden
changes will never happen again
next school year. We also think
that our school should finalize
our school calendar now, and
announce any changes at least
three months in advance.


Thailand faced
with worst
drought ever

by Nancy
Now, Thailand is faced with the worst
drought ever and it might last longer.
Even though rain visited some parts of
Thailand, there is a high chance of
longer drought because the water
from rain isnt enough to fill the empty
main dams. The average rainfall each
year is 732,975 million cubic meters,
but Thailand is able to store only
79,890 million cubic meters or 10%.
In my opinion, we should use water
wisely to save water as much as we
can such as turning the faucet off
while we are brushing our teeth, taking
short showers, and reusing wastewater
for watering our plants. Our school
should emphasize the need to
conserve and reuse to students in that
way we can contribute in saving water.

with a
Ventilation, and Air
Conditioning of the School
By Stamp
Hello everyone! This is my first
column, I would like to give my two
cents on one of school issues which is

about our air conditioning and

ventilation system. Thailand is one of
m a ny c o u n t r i e s t h a t h a s h i g h
temperature and obviously the heat is
a problem in studying in our school. I
find being inside the hallway (outside
the classroom) really hot. This is
because of the ventilation of the
building. There is no free and open air
flow in our building. Moreover, the air
conditioner in each classroom cant
be easily adjusted to suit the teacher
and students,
and everyone has
different preference about the
temperature. The gym structure is
also unsuitable to the weather
condition of Thailand. There really
should be air conditioners installed as
soon as possible. In my opinion our
schools HVAC system should be
prioritized. I think we should talk to
the people who are responsible for
these things and find out the solution
for this issue.

Building Alert!
by Mimi

MUIDS has been opened for nearly

three years, and we just moved to a
new building, but there is a serious
issue to worry about. From what I
noticed during break time while I
was walking to the library from the
4th floor on the opposite side on the
main giant stairs is that as I was
stepping down the stairs, I
accidentally saw large cracks. It
really shocked me. Also the pillars or
columns connecting the main
building and gymnasium has cracks.
occupying the new
buildings in just one year, and there
are some damages to the buildings
already. In my opinion, the school
should look into this matter and start
repairing the cracks and damages as
soon as possible.

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