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Importance of Ergonomics

Types of Injuries

Ergonomics is the study of workers connecting with their

working environment. The importance of ergonomics is when
youre doing a job and your body is stressed by sitting in an
awkward position.

The most common injury is musculoskeletal injury. These

injuries are called as repetitive strain injuries and copulative

to stay comfortable
prevents injuries and
Health problems
improves productivity
lowers absenteeism

Improving your Workstation

Some ways to improve the working space is that you should

be adjustable so that when you are keyboarding the elbows

are comfortably beside your body and bent at a 90 degree
Have good furniture
Have adjustable chair
Proper monitor
Have a backrest

Eyestrain, headaches and backaches

Shoulder soreness
Carpal tunnel syndrome is also an injury
Chronic neck and tingling numbness

Exercises and Other Good

Some good exercises your can do while you are
sitting are shoulder rolls:

Head rolls
Take 1-2 min breaks
Hands spreads
Neck stretches up and down
Back straight, feet flat on the ground and
Correct posture

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