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->What is domain.

Domain is a group of weblogic server resources like

admin server, managed server, jms, connection
pool, data sources etc or whatever the resource
you know of weblogic server since domain is the
basic unit you have to create after installation and
everything created and configured under a
It can be possible to create multiple domains from
a single installation and each domain has it's own
resources but this is recommended only on
development environment where you may want to
test different applications or different customer
applications on different domain. All domains are
independent of each other.
->Domain installation and domain installation
To configure a domain, is the script file
which we have to run. Location for this file is
Domain installation has three types.
1.GUI mode:
Command: $./
2.Console mode:
Command: $./ mode=console
3.Template mode:
->Domain installation modes.

Domain installation wizard will have two modes.

Either development mode or production mode.
Generally we prefer development mode for DEV
ENV and production mode for PROD ENV.
->Difference between development mode and
production mode.
Development mode:
The default jdk for development mode is sun jdk.
You can use the demo certificate for SSL.
Auto deployment (only to admin) is enabled.
Server instances rotate their log files on start-up.
Admin server uses an automatically created during start-up.
The default maximum capacity for JDBC
Datasource is 15.
The debug flag which is used to start the weblogic
Workshop Debugger is enabled.
Any configuration change being done by a user
user doesnt need him to take a Lock and Edit
Availability of Web Service test client.
Nodemanager username and password: Default
Admin credentials.
Availability of classLoader analysis tool: yes
Default start parameters when using Sun Jdk and
the default startWeblogicScript : java client Xms
256m Xmx 512m XX:compileThreshold=8000
XX:PermSize=128m XX:MaxPermSize=256m.

Production mode:
The default jdk for development mode isJRockit.
If you use the demo certificate for SSL a warning is
Autodeployment (to admin server) is disabled.
Server inatances rotate their log file when it
reaches 5MB.
Admin Server prompts for username and password
during start-up.
The default maximum capacity for JDBC
Datasource is 25.
The debug flag which is used to start the weblogic
Workshop Debugger is disabled.
The user need to procure a Lock and Edit session
before trying to make any configurational changes.
No availability of Web Service test client.
Nodemanager username and password: Randomly
Availability of classLoader analysis tool: no.
Default start parameters when using Sun Jdk and
the default startWeblogicScript : java server Xms
256m Xmx 512m XX:MaxPermSize=256m.
->what is Admin Server.
Admin server is a central unit which is used to
configure and monitor a domain resources. it
provides a browser or GUI based console called
admin console for configuration and monitoring of

the domain resources.

Admin server is also a server instance which have
all the capabilities just like the managed servers,
but since it's a central repository for the domain
configuration so it's not recommended to used it as
a managed server but you can use it as a managed
server on non_production environments for testing
->what is Managed server.
A managed server is an instance of weblogic server
which is used to host (deploy in terms of weblogic)
your applications and associate other domain
resources with that. For example you create and
deploy jar, ear, war etc. files and deploy on
managed servers and after that create connnection
pools, data source and associated with your
managed server to let your application connect
and get connection from database.
When you start a managed server it connects to
admin server to get configuration and other
deployment settings.
A domain can have multiple managed servers (no
upper limit of managed servers, you can create as
many as you want only considering your hardware
configuration). They all can be independent servers

or can be grouped into cluster to get scalability,

availability, maintainability etc.

->domain directory structure

autodeploy: In development mode, WLS
automatically deploys any applications or modules
that you place in this directory. This directory
provides a quick way to deploy applications in a
development server. When the Oracle WebLogic
Server instance runs in development mode, it
automatically deploys any applications or modules
that are placed in this directory.
bin: This directory contains the scripts that are
used for starting and stopping the Administration
Server and the Managed Servers in the domain.
These scripts are generally provided as .sh files for
UNIX and .cmd files for Windows. The bin directory
can optionally contain other scripts of domainwide
interest, such as scripts to start and stop database
management systems, full-text search engine
processes, and so on.
config: The current configuration and
deployment state of the domain is stored into the
configuration repository, represented as the
config.xml. All configurations in WebLogic are

stored as xml files in this directory. When the

Admin Server boots, it reads this file and knows
how its domain is configured. Managed Servers
also use this configuration for their part/role within
the domain.
console-ext: This directory contains extensions
to the Administration Console, which enables you
to add content to Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console, replace content, and
change the logos, styles, and colors without
modifying the files that are installed with Oracle
WebLogic Server. For example, you can add
content that provides custom monitoring and
management facilities for your applications.
init-info: This directory contains files that are
used for WebLogic domain provisioning. You should
not modify any files in this directory.
lib: Any JAR files that you put in this directory are
added to the Java system CLASSPATH of each
server instance in the domain when the servers
Java Virtual Machine starts.
security: This directory holds the securityrelated files that are same for every Oracle
WebLogic Server instance in the domain:
SerializedSystemIni.dat.It also holds the securityrelated files that are needed only by the domains
Administration Server: DefaultAuthorizerInit.ldift

servers: The servers directory that contains the
subdirectories for the Administration and Managed
Servers is created the first time the servers are
started. This directory contains one subdirectory
for each Oracle WebLogic Server instance in the
domain. The subdirectories contain data that is
specific to each server instance.

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