An Open Letter To Bangladeshi Muslims

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Muslims open letter to Bangladeshi Muslims

Dear Muslims in Bangladesh,
Although we are separated by Radcliffe line, enclaves and barbed wires, there is also
a language barrier as we speak Hindi and you speak Bangali, yet we Indian Muslims
call you Bangladeshi Muslims as brothers and sisters in Islam. Because Allah has
tied us to the relationship of mutual brotherhood.The Holy Quran says

Those who believe are brothers to one another.
Our brotherhood is because of Islam.Islam means a religion that is complete. And
Allah also asks us to enter into Islam completely.
The holy Quran says

O you who believe, enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of
shaitaan , he is your avowed enemy.

Now, my dear brothers in Bangladesh, think about your decision to kill an unarmed
Hindu, who is a minority in your country. Is it brave to kill a person who cant
protect himself ? Someone who has not declared war on you, someone who is
seeking protection from you , what Islam do you practice ?
We as Muslims are supposed to love our prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him )
more than ourselves. Do you know what the Prophet(PBUH) says about killing
humans? He(SAW) says the one who killed an innocent human being is as if he has
killed the entire humanity.
After your act of disobedience to Allah and his messenger, how would you face them
on the day of judgement?
What is your logic behind killing unarmed citizens of your own country ? Is it
because you are more in number ? Is it because they dont follow your religion ? Is it
because you want to grab their lands and businesses because they cant defend
Or is it because RSS does the same with Muslim minority in India ?
None of your reasons are valid in the eyes of Islamic laws.
I advise you all to read the history of Islam, read the SEERAH of our
prophet(PBUH), read and practice Quranic injunctions. No where in Islam is it
justified to kill an unarmed civilian just because he doesnt practice your faith.
There were many who didnt enter into Islam when Mecca was conquered by the
prophet(PBUH).Did he punish any of them because of their refusal to enter into the
deen of Allah ? Did the prophet(PBUH) order to kill the minorities ? Victory in a land
doesnt give you the licence to kill.Respect the rules of Islam, respect the
commandments of Allah and the holy prophet(PBUH).
Whoever is motivating you to kill unarmed, innocent minorities is evil. Let me tell
you with full Islamic authority by Allah and his prophet, its prohibited in Islam to
kill innocent humans , there is no justification for such inhuman acts. By Killing
Hindu minority in Bangladesh you are not serving Islam, you are simply promoting
fasad,you are simply following the footsteps of shaitaan, that Allah has warned you

If at all you are interested in pleasing Allah and his messenger (PBUH), set examples
of Islamic peace, love, respect, faith, care, ekhlaq, and sacrifice so that people get
attracted to your way of life.
I want to end my letter to you by citing another verse of the holy Quran, which says

There is no compulsion in religion
We the Muslims of India love you for our brotherhood in Islam.Please follow the
Islam of the holy Quran and the true traditions of our beloved prophet (Peace be
upon him ).
Please dont kill innocent Hindus.
Best regards

Arshad Mohsin
(An Indian Muslim )

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