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One day workshop

Last Planner training

with Alan Mossman
Welcome to a one-day workshop with Alan Mossman
where you can develop your planning using the Last
Planner. The day is devoted to training in accordance
with Lean philosophies and principles, through simulations
using the tool Villego. The workshop, which is taught
in English with a Swedish facilitator, aimed at people
who already have a basic knowledge of Lean in the
construction and development of their Lean Work by
improving their skills in planning.
Good planning matters because it leads to effective actions that
produce desired results. Thats why it matters how you plan. Many
organizations have found that Last Planner (LPS) is an effective
way to manage the range of planning conversations that together
create safer and more predictable project delivery, on-time and
within budget.
LPS enables delivery teams to concentrate on what is important:
improving the process of production so that it is ever safer, more
reliable & creates just what the customer wants.
Villego is a simulation, designed to train individuals and teams
in the key elements of LPS. Used as part of the induction for a
project team it helps get them off on the right foot. It enables
senior managers to understand why LPS is a better way and
has helped them understand what they need to do to nurture it
across their organization.
This workshop is aimed at two different and complementary
Those who want to know more about Last Planner and how
it works
Experienced LPS users who want to evaluate Villego as a way
to train others in LPS

Last Planner med

Alan Mossman
Gteborg 17 april 2015

Ansk p

Antal deltagarplatser: 40

Workshopen riktar sig till
yrkesverksamma p alla
niver och funktioner inom
alla delar av byggprocessen.
Ssom leverantrer,
entreprenrer, arkitekter,
konsulter, tekniker,
inkpare, personal- och
ekonomifunktioner samt
fretagsledning inom
svl sm som stora
fretag inom bygg- och
Grundlggande kunskaper
inom Lean r ett krav.

Pris 5 800 SEK exkl moms

Lean Forum Byggs partnerfretag utgr
en rabatt om 10 procent. Rabatten gller
fr anstllda hos Lean Forum Byggs
partnerfretag och partnerskap i Lean
Forum Bygg mste anges vid anmlan
p Chalmers Professional Educations
hemsida fr att rabatten ska erhllas.

In this one day workshop you will:

Learn about the five crucial planning conversations in the Last Planner System.
Understand the benefits of using the Last Planner System in its entirety.
Develop awareness of the value of creating a system change in project transformation.
Learn how Villego can help you and your project teams deploy Last Planner.
The structure of the day:
Brief introductions are followed by a first round of Villego simulations. Afterwards you will have
a small focused conversation about the role of the system in creating results and a discussion of
reliable promising.
A Parade of Trades simulation will be followed by a description of Last Planner and thereafter a
second round of Villego simulations take place.
The final part of the day is a discussion of roles and responsibilities in relation to the successful
operation of the Last Planner System.

About Alan Mossman

Alan is interested in who makes money out of (process) waste
in construction and the issues surrounding lean transformation
at the level of the project and the organisation in construction.
He has coached design and construction teams implementing
Lean and Last Planner for clients all over Europe and in South
Africa, New Zealand and Australia. He is currently coaching
organisations engaged on lean transformations in Denmark and
the Netherlands.
Based in UK, Alan trained as an architect and then in management
and organisation development. He is an industrial mentor for
a number of doctoral students researching in the area of lean
construction and has taught lean construction at MSc level at
Loughborough University and in the emerging MSc program in
Lean Construction at Nottingham Trent University.
As a member of the LCI (US) Education Committee Alan is involved in the development of Last
Planner, Lean, Integrated Project Delivery and other training packages and is a co-developer of the
Villego Last Planner simulation the only simulation that allows participants to experience all five
key LPS conversations.
Last Planner is a registered trademark of the Lean Construction Institute
Villego is a registered trademark of BOB bv

Om du har ngra frgor kring workshopen med Alan Mossman r du vlkommen att kontakta
Karin Frnevik, +46 705 21 13 66 eller

Fr mer information om vra ppna och fretagsinterna utbildningar inom

omrdet Samhllsbyggnad, besk

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