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Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

About this Document

This document is available for all project employees via the project network. We
regularly revise this document and the latest version is always available
electronically. Once printed, the document should no longer be considered to be the
latest version. It may be distributed to Highway Department and/or the Supervising
Officer on the understanding that any such document may not be the latest version
or it may be distributed to Highway Department and/or the Supervising Officer as a
controlled document in which case the front cover is to be stamped Controlled
Copy in red and a copy number added.
The Project Safety Manager is responsible for updating and maintaining the plan
including the original hard copy, which should be signed by the Project Leader to
indicate approval.
The status of this plan is identified by a revision number and date on each page.
Changes to the document are identified by yellow colour highlighted. On revision, the
plan will be uploaded as a whole to the project server or within the Leighton Asia,
India and Offshore (LAIO) Document Management System Technical Documents
Module. The Project Safety Manager maintains a record of the revision status of the
plan, which is available on request.
If you have any enquiry relating to this plan, please contact the Project Safety




Prepared By

Approved By


31 Mar 2016

Revision 25

Leo Hung

Colman Wong

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 9
SECTION 1 HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY............................................. 10

Health and Safety Policy Statement ........................................................... 10


Project Health and Safety Objectives......................................................... 11


Distribution and Display of Policy Statement.............................................. 12


Review Procedure ..................................................................................... 12


Appendix .................................................................................................... 13

SECTION 2 SAFETY ORGANIZATION ...................................................... 14


Safety Organization Chart ......................................................................... 14


Safety Management Committee ................................................................ 15


Site Safety and Environmental Committee ................................................ 16


Individual Responsibilities ......................................................................... 17


Lines of Communication ............................................................................ 30


Appendix .................................................................................................... 31

SECTION 3 SAFETY AND HEALTH TRAINING ......................................... 32


Advance Safety Induction Training (ASIT) ................................................... 32


Safety Induction .......................................................................................... 32


Induction Training Test ............................................................................... 33


Re-induction Course ................................................................................... 33


Safety Training for Special Activities ........................................................... 33


Tool-box Meetings....................................................................................... 33


Safety-management Training ...................................................................... 35


Green Card ................................................................................................. 35


Silver Card .................................................................................................. 35


Blue Card .................................................................................................... 36


Construction Workers Registration ............................................................. 36


Confined Space Certified Worker Certificate ............................................... 36


Crane Appreciation Course ......................................................................... 36


Safety Leadership Training ......................................................................... 37

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Incident Causation Analysis Model (ICAM) Training .................................... 37


Scaffold Appreciation Course ...................................................................... 37


Electrical Appreciation Course .................................................................... 37


Training Records ......................................................................................... 37


Appendix ..................................................................................................... 38



In-house General Safety Rules ................................................................... 39


Permit-to-work............................................................................................. 41


Construction Method Statement .................................................................. 46


Site Activity Safety Rules ............................................................................ 48


Safety Standard .......................................................................................... 49


Strive for L.I.F.E. Essentials ........................................................................ 51


Class One Practices .................................................................................... 51


Disciplinary Procedures............................................................................. 100


Appendix .................................................................................................. 101



General ..................................................................................................... 102


Conduct of Meetings ................................................................................. 102


Agenda, Minutes and Actions .................................................................... 102


Membership .............................................................................................. 103


Frequency of Meetings .............................................................................. 103


Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee ........................... 104


Safety Management Committee ................................................................ 105



Safety and Health Inspection Programme ................................................. 106


Appointment and Responsibilities of Competent Persons ......................... 113


Analyzing Results of Safety Inspections .................................................... 114


Follow-up Action and Monitoring ............................................................... 114


Records, Certificates and Registers .......................................................... 114


Preventive Maintenance ............................................................................ 115


Specific Safety Inspections to Area / Plant / Equipment ............................ 115

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan



Construction Risk Assessment .................................................................. 118


Job-hazard Analysis .................................................................................. 118


Construction Risk Assessment Reports .................................................... 122


Risk Register............................................................................................. 123


Change Management ................................................................................ 123


Appendix ................................................................................................... 123

SECTION 8 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ............................. 124


Legal Reference ........................................................................................ 124


Identification and Selection of Personal Protective Equipment .................. 124


Use, Storage and Maintenance ................................................................. 125


Instruction and Training ............................................................................. 126


Common Personal Protective Equipment Used on Site ............................. 126

SECTION 9 ACCIDENT/INCIDENT INVESTIGATION .............................. 130


Accident Investigation, Recording and Statistics ....................................... 130


Appointment and Responsibilities of Competent Person ........................... 131


Follow-up Actions ...................................................................................... 131


Accident Statistics ..................................................................................... 131

SECTION 10 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS ........................................ 133


Accident / Incident Reporting Procedure ................................................... 133


First Aid and First-aid Facilities ................................................................. 140


Tropical-cyclone Procedures ..................................................................... 141


Rainstorm-warning Procedures ................................................................. 143


Follow-up Action........................................................................................ 146


Fire Procedures......................................................................................... 146


Flooding Procedures ................................................................................. 147


Emergency Procedures Release of hazardous materials ....................... 147


Traffic Accident / Incident Reporting Procedures ....................................... 148


Emergency Procedures Damage to Underground Utilities ...................... 148


Accident Emergency Procedures .............................................................. 149


Emergency-procedures Training ............................................................... 151

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Emergency/Rescue Teams ....................................................................... 152


Programme for Testing Emergency Procedures ........................................ 154


Air Quality Health Index............................................................................. 154


Appendix ................................................................................................... 155

SECTION 11 SAFETY PROMOTION ........................................................ 156


Safety Information Communications .......................................................... 156


Safety Award and Incentive Scheme ......................................................... 157


Site Safety Cycle ....................................................................................... 159


New Comer / Probation Workers Management System ............................. 160

SECTION 12 HEALTH-ASSURANCE PROGRAMME .............................. 163


Noise Monitoring and Control .................................................................... 163


Dust Monitoring and Control ...................................................................... 163


Control of Hazardous Substances ............................................................. 164


Pre-job and Regular Medical Examinations ............................................... 165


Display-screen-equipment Health and Safety Measures ........................... 165


Implementation of Control Measures ......................................................... 165


Housekeeping ........................................................................................... 166


Lighting ..................................................................................................... 166


Welfare Facilities ....................................................................................... 167


Management of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Atypical

Pneumonia)............................................................................................... 168


Management of Avian Flu and Swine Flu ................................................ 170


Prevention of Mosquito Breeding/Dengue Fever ..................................... 172


Prevention of Heat Stroke ........................................................................ 174


Alcohol, Drug and Smoking Control.......................................................... 175


Rodents Control ....................................................................................... 176


Red Imported Fire Ants ............................................................................ 176


Work Rehabilitation Program ................................................................... 176


Fire Safety Plan ....................................................................................... 177


SUBCONTRACTORS................................................................................... 178
Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


General Subcontractor Assessment ......................................................... 178


Policy ....................................................................................................... 178


Evaluation and Selection Procedure ......................................................... 178


Pre-contracting Meeting ........................................................................... 179


Subcontract Agreement............................................................................ 180


Control of Subcontractors ......................................................................... 180


Weekly Coordination Meeting ................................................................... 181


Subcontractors Listing ............................................................................. 181


Safety and Health Information to Suppliers .............................................. 181

SECTION 14 PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAMME ................................ 182


Traffic Control and Transportation ............................................................ 183


Fire-prevention Measures and Fire-fighting Equipment ............................ 188


Excavation ............................................................................................... 189


Working in Confined Spaces .................................................................... 195


Hot Work .................................................................................................. 198


Electrical Equipment and Installations ...................................................... 199


Welding/Cutting Operations...................................................................... 200


Personal Protective Equipment ................................................................ 204


Lifting Operations Involving Cranes and Hoists, etc ................................. 205


Manual Handling ...................................................................................... 212


Scaffolding and Working Platforms........................................................... 214


Ladders and Accesses .............................................................................. 217


Hand Tools and Portable Power-driven Tools .......................................... 218


Use and Storage of Hazardous Substances, including Chemicals............. 232


Working Over Water or Adjacent to Water................................................. 234


Working at Height.................................................................................... 236


Floor and Wall Openings and Stairways ................................................... 237


Lighting ................................................................................................... 238


Protection Against Falling Objects ............................................................ 238


Protection Against Lightning ..................................................................... 239


Sheet Piling .............................................................................................. 240


Working in Vicinity of Utilities................................................................... 241

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Housekeeping ......................................................................................... 243


Occupational Health and Safety in Offices ............................................... 247


Temporary Works..................................................................................... 247


Electrical Power Supplies ......................................................................... 248


Plant and Equipment ................................................................................ 249


Wood-working Machinery ......................................................................... 250


Noise at Work........................................................................................... 251


Structural Steel Erection ........................................................................... 251


Demolition ................................................................................................ 252


Electrical Safety........................................................................................ 254


Drainage/ Sewerage Works ...................................................................... 257


Landscaping Works .................................................................................. 258

SECTION 15 MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS ................................ 259


Site Security ............................................................................................ 259


Construction Design Management (CDM) ............................................... 260

APPENDIX .................................................................................................... 263


Definition of Project Health and Safety Objectives ..................................... 263


Contact list of members in Safety Organization ......................................... 265


Register for First Aiders, Competent Persons and Examiners ................... 266

3.19.1 Structure of Induction Training Course ...................................................... 267


Applicable Regulations .............................................................................. 269


Summary of Risk Assessment................................................................... 273


Site Layout Plan ........................................................................................ 276


Typhoon and Rainstorm Checklist ............................................................. 277

10.16.1 Summary of Emergency Procedures ........................................................ 279

10.16.2 Emergency Contact List ............................................................................ 281

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Project Description
The works under this Contract comprise mainly the superstructures of West
Ventilation Building (WVB), Middle Ventilation Building (MVB), East Ventilation
Building (EVB) and Administration Building (ADB) and E&M Works in the Central
Wan Chai Bypass (CWB).
Scope of work
Road pavement;
Tunnel cladding works;
Traffic signage and road marking;
Thermal barrier on tunnel interior surfaces;
Construction of superstructures of CWB Tunnel Buildings (including WVB,
MVB, EVB, East Vent Shaft (EVS), ADB, Satellite Control Building (SCB) and
Satellite Control Point(s) (SCP(s));
E&M Works, including:
- Tunnel Ventilation System (TVS);
- Air Purification System (APS);
- Tunnel and Approach Road Lighting System;
- Central Control and Monitoring System (CCMS) and Extra Low Voltage
(ELV) System;
- Traffic Control and Surveillance System (TCSS);
- Electrical System (including Electrical System for each of the Tunnel
Buildings, tunnel and approach roads, and other areas);
- Building Services System (Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning
System in Tunnel Buildings, tunnel cross passages and egress passages, Fire
Services System, Plumbing and Drainage System, Irrigation System, Lift
System and Petrol Filling Station at ADB) excluding Electrical System for each
of the Tunnel Buildings;
- Plumbing and Drainage System in tunnel and approach roads; and
- Fire Services System in tunnel and approach roads.
Enabling work for fire service inspections, Testing and Commissioning (T&C)
of the E&M Works;
Efficiency Test for APS and Operability Test for TCSS after tunnel
commissioning and road opening;
Landscape Works; and
Other works detailed in the Drawings and/or Specification or ordered in
accordance with the Contract.
The work is commenced in March 2014 and is anticipated to be completed by the third
quarter of 2017.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 1 Health and Safety Policy


Health and Safety Policy Statement

Class 1 Incident refer an incident with potential to permanently alters a

persons future e.g. death, paraplegia, amputation, permanent back damage.
Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Project Health and Safety Objectives

The objective of the implementation of this Project Safety Plan is to create
a safe working environment which will give a measurable deliverable of:
Output Objectives
Safety Lag Indicators

HK&M Target

Total Fatalities

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate


Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate


Class 1 Damage Frequency Rate

Incident Rate


Average Lost Time Rate


Severity Rate


Input Objectives
Safety Lead Indicators

HK&M Target

Project Safety Reviews


% of Project safety Review conducted to schedule.

Significant Near Miss Reporting Frequency Rate


No. of Significant Near Miss events x 1,000,000 / man-hours worked.

% Close out of Incident Alerts



% Strive for LIFE walks conducted to schedule



Health & Safety Audits & Reviews

% of Statutory, Certification & Internal Audits & Reviews conducted to

Class 1 Risk Management


% of Actions from Class 1 Risk Management Reviews vs No. of Actions

closed out.


Safety Leadership Training


% of Staff attending Safety Leadership Training programs.

Incident Investigations
% of incident investigations closed out within the required timeframe.


Return to Work Success Rate

Number of successful return to work cases / number of actual & potential
LTI cases.


*** Existing lead indicator to be replaced with new enhanced metric in Q3 2016

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

The definition of the project health and safety objectives is referred to

Appendix 1.5.1.
The management of Leighton Joint Venture will work to achieve these
objectives by:
Developing safe work system and methods
Use of appropriate plant and equipment
The provision of personal protective equipment
Adequate training
Requiring all accidents to be reported
Maintaining a high standard of occupational health and hygiene
Maintaining a high level of security to the project
Provide appropriate training and equipment to minimize fire hazards
Comply with safety responsibilities and loss performance standard set
for individuals
The management will actively seek support of all operatives engaged on
the project to look after their own health and safety, as well as that of their
colleagues, by working within the spirit of this plan.
The Management will also actively seek the support of all subcontractor
engaged on the project to abide by the plan, site rule and regulations.


Distribution and Display of Policy Statement

The health and safety policy statement shall be displayed at a prominent
place on safety notice boards within the site office and
worker/subcontractor facilities areas. Such policy statement shall be
notified to all staff through safety newsletters, safety handbooks, tool-boxmeetings and induction training.


Review Procedure
The policy statement will be reviewed at least yearly according to the
following procedures:

The Leightons Safety Management Committee will issue a

memorandum to the project requesting ideas and opinions for a
review of the safety policy.


On receipt of that memorandum, the project will discuss the content

of the existing Health and Safety Policy Statement with personnel on
site, including subcontractors, via a Site Safety Committee meeting
and tool-box meetings to collect feedback.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


The Project Director will then collate the feedback received and
report any recommendations to the Safety Management Committee.


The Safety Management Committee will decide whether to revise

the Health and Safety Policy Statement at a formal Safety
Management Committee meeting. The draft revised policy statement
shall then be distributed to all sites for further comment.


The finalized Health and Safety Policy Statement will be signed by

the managing director and adopted by the project.




Definition of Project Health and Safety Objectives

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint

Section 2 Safety Organization


Safety Organization Chart

Leighton outline safety organization chart is shown in Figure 2.1. Refer to
Appendix 2.6.1 for the contact number of members in Safety

Figure 2.1: Leightons Safety Organization Chart

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Safety Management Committee

Safety Management Committee will monitor the safety performance of the


Structure of Safety Management Committee

The Safety Management Committee comprises the following members:
Executive General Manager, Leighton Contractors (Asia) Limited,
General Manager (Human Resource);
General Manager (Operation);
Project Directors / Leaders;
Business Partner Safety;
Corporate Safety Manager (secretary);
Construction Managers;
Plant Manager;
Works agents (who act as the employees representative), and
Other staff members as appointed by the chairman of Safety
Management Committee
It is noted that as required by the Factories & Industrial Undertakings
(Safety Management) Regulation, at least 50 per cent of the members
shall represent employees interest in health and safety issues.


Terms of Reference
The functions of the Safety Management Committee include:
the development of a Health and Safety Policy and the monitoring of its
on-going evaluations of hazards and arrangements to implement safety
studies of accident/incident statistics and trends so that reports can be
made to senior management on unsafe conditions and practices and
recommendations made for corrective actions;
studies of safety audit reports;
scrutiny of health and safety reports and direction on appropriate
monitoring the adequacy and effectiveness of employee health and
safety training;
monitoring the adequacy of health and safety communication and
publicity in the workplace;
organizing health and safety promotion activities;

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

providing links with external sources for health and safety advice;
evaluating health and safety performance, ie, health and safety
performance indicators;
reviewing/revising Safety Management Procedures, and
arranging for Safety Management Committee members to monitor
project health and safety performance by conducting Strive for LIFE


Frequency of Safety Management Committee Meetings

The Safety Management Committee will hold meetings at monthly
intervals in respect of projects being undertaken by Leighton Contractors
(Asia) Limited, including joint-venture projects.


Site Safety and Environmental Committee

The management of Leighton believes that accident prevention and
efficient production go hand in hand. All levels of management have, as a
primary responsibility, the safety and personal well-being of all employees.
That responsibility shall be met by the promotion of safe working practices
among all employees and in the maintenance of plant and equipment in a
safe operating condition.
It is the responsibility of the Project Director to establish on site a Site
Safety and Environmental Committee to monitor the implementation of
Leightons Health and Safety Policy and the Project Safety Plan.
Membership of that committee comes from as many levels as practicable
and shall include:
Project Director (chairman);
Project Manager / Deputy Project Manager (deputy chairman);
Construction Managers;
Section Site Agents / Sub agents, superintendent and supervisors;
Project Safety Manager;
Safety Officers (secretary);
Safety Supervisors;
Environmental Officers;
Subcontractors safety representatives;
Workers representatives;
Highway Departments Representative; and
Other site staff, as appropriate.
The Site Safety and Environmental Committee will invite representatives
from relevant government departments, such as the Labour Department,
Fire Services Department and Hong Kong Police Force, and utility

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

undertakings to attend as required.


Individual Responsibilities
This Project Safety Plan describes the project organizational structure for
health and safety and outlines the responsibilities of key personnel who
have been assigned with specific duties to control, coordinate and monitor
health and safety matters.
Significant contributions to health and safety are key elements in the
successful implementation of this Project Safety Plan.


Director / Executive General Manager

The Director / Executive General Manager shall:


establish a Health and Safety Policy;

make sure that the Health and Safety Policy is implemented;
promote awareness of relevant legislation;
incorporate safety objectives and targets into Leightons Business
report to their managing directors on safety matters, and
coordinate management reviews of safety management system.

Project Director / Manager

The Project Director / Manager shall:

implement the Project Safety Plan;

understand Leightons policy and appreciate the responsibility
allocated to each level of project management and make sure that
those responsibilities are clearly defined in writing;
determine at the planning stage:
- the most appropriate order and method of working;
- the allocation of responsibilities with subcontractors and others;
- those hazards that may arise on this project (from overhead or
underground power lines, geological features, tunnelling, etc) that
may lead to unnecessary improvisations on site; and
- facilities for welfare and sanitation.
check working methods and precautions before work starts and
approve method statement prepared by the site agents;
make sure that work, once started, is carried out as planned and that
the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations and other legislation on
safety, health and welfare are observed;
make sure that all project management staff understand that injuries,

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

equipment damage and material wastage are taken into consideration

when deciding the overall performance of the site personnel
establish and maintain a direct line of communication between himself
and the Project Safety Manager and appoint adequate Safety Officers
and safety supervisors;
chair Site Safety Committee meetings, and
set a good personal example.

Site Agent/Deputy Site Agent/Construction Manager

The Site Agent/Deputy Site Agent/Construction Manager shall:

understand Leightons Safety Policy and appreciate the responsibility

allocated to each grade of staff;
organize work so that it is carried out to the required standard with
minimum risk to personnel, equipment and material and, if required,
issue work method instructions in written form;
know the requirements of the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations
and other relevant legislation;
implement arrangements with subcontractors on site to avoid any
confusion about areas of responsibility;
investigate any accident that occurs in their area and remind
subordinates/colleagues to take all necessary steps to prevent
accompany the Labour Departments Occupational Safety Officer on
site visits and respond to his recommendations;
release supervisors and operatives, when necessary, for on- or off-site
safety training;
cooperate with safety personnel and act on their recommendations;
liaise with the Fire Services Department on fire prevention; particular
in tunnel;
consider safe-working methods at the planning stage, and review the
method statement prepared by sub agents;
attend the Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee;
act as the emergency coordinator;
report any safety related issues to his superior;
provide necessary facilities and resources to carry out daily cleaning
and weekly tidying according to contract,
Check and inspect the overall cleanliness and tidiness of the site with
Engineers Representative on the day following the Cleaning Week
Attend or assign a senior staff on his behalf to lead the pre-work

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

exercise and safety meeting,

Carry out daily safety inspection in person or by his appointed
representatives, record any unsafe act or unsafe conditions observed
in dairy and arrange for rectification,
Chair or assign a senior staff on his behalf to chair the daily and
weekly safety coordination meeting, and
set a good personal example.

Business Partner Safety

Business Partner Safety shall:


reporting to Leightons Executive General Manager on the

implementation and effectiveness of the Safety Management System
at the Project;
ensuring that the Safety Management System requirements are
established, implemented and maintained across the Project;
reporting on the performance of the Safety Management System to
senior management;
promoting awareness of relevant legislation;
coordinating safety management activities;
giving advice and assistance to the project on safety management
issues; and
Coordinating reviews of the operations and effectiveness of the Safety
Management System and providing feedback to senior staff

Corporate Safety Manager

Corporate Safety Manager shall:

reporting to the Head of Health, Safety and Environmental on the

implementation and effectiveness of the Safety Management System
at the Project level;
ensuring that Safety Management System requirements are
established, implemented and maintained across the Project
reporting on the performance of the project with regards to Health,
Safety and Environmental management
reporting on the performance of the project with regards to Health,
Safety and Environmental management
promote awareness of relevant legislation;
coordinate safety-management activities;
giving advice
and assistance to the Project team on safety
management give advice and assistance on safety management to
training personnel in the use of the Safety Management System; and
conducting safety compliance audits

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Project Safety Manager/Safety Officers/Safety Officer

In compliance with the requirements of the Factories and Industrial
Undertakings (Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors) Regulations and
contractual requirements, Leighton will appoint one full-time Safety
Manager and an appropriate number of registered Safety Officers.
For Contracts HY/2011/08, Leighton will employ fulltime through out the
duration of the project a Project Safety Manager and at least one Safety
Officer. The Project Safety Manager will supervise the works of Safety
Officers and the safety team. Additional Safety Officers will be employed
as the workforce increases, as shown in the following table:
Average Workforce on Site

Number of Safety Officers

201 - 700
701 1200
1200 or above


The Project Safety Manager, Safety Officers, Safety Officer Trainees and
Safety Supervisors are empowered to order any person working on the
Site to suspend any unsafe operation or to take urgent action to make
safe the Site or the Works or to disallow any practice which mat infringe
the Safety Plan or any statutory safety requirement.
The Project Safety Manager shall:

coordinate with the Engineers Representatives, Contractor

Representative at management level and other government
department on occupational safety and health matters;
prepare and submit for approval, supervise and monitor
implementation of the Project Safety Plan;
supervise the works of Safety Officers and their team;
attend the Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee,
Site Safety and Environmental Committee Meetings and other meeting
as required by the Engineer;
participate in Weekly Safety Walks with Engineers Representative;
carry out internal safety audits for the Project Safety Plan at intervals
of not less than once every three months;
advise management on:
- preventing injury to personnel and damage to plant and equipment;
- legal requirements related to safety, health and environmental

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

- changes in legislation and safe codes of practice, and

- further improvement to existing sound-working methods;
carry out site inspections, liaise with the person in charge of the works
and superintendents to see that safe methods of working are in
operation, and that all statutory regulations and Leightons rules are
being observed;
carry out accident investigations, determine the causes of any serious
accident or dangerous occurrence and recommend corrective or
preventive measures;
review the overall safety performance of subcontractors and analyze
information on injuries and damage to identify any particular hazard or
determine and design safety training for all levels of employee;
keep contact with official and professional bodies;
promote safety to all levels of employee by holding safety promotion
activities, safety campaigns, etc;
notify the Highway Departments Representative, either directly or by
telephone, immediately on becoming aware of any serious accident
likely to result in, or actually resulting in, the death or hospitalization of
any personnel on site;
promptly, and in any event within 24 hours, notify the Highway
Departments Representative of any incident that has occurred on site
in which any personnel on site has been injured;
prepare a monthly safety report to project management and, among
other things, include:
- a report of all accidents/dangerous occurrences during the reporting
- the results of Labour Department or other bodies inspections;
- a training summary for the reporting period and training proposals
for the next period;
- a list of all competent persons;
- a summary of all examination and test certificates required by
legislation or the Contract, and
- a report on follow-up action taken on irregularities identified during
safety inspections and weekly safety walks and safety audit reports
on the implementation of the Project Safety Plan;
review and update the Project Safety Plan on a monthly basis
according to the progress of construction;
suspend the works with the consent from the agent if work either
violates legislative requirements or could cause severe loss to
arrange and attend mandatory safety audits not less than every six
months; and

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

set a good personal example.

The Safety Officer(s) shall:

carry out comprehensive safety inspections on all activities on the site

at weekly intervals and prepare inspection reports;
supervise and monitor implementation the Project Safety Plan;
ensure that subcontractors and all persons working on the site are
made aware of and comply with the Project Safety Plan;
carry out internal safety audits for the Project Safety Plan at intervals
of not less than once every six months;
advise management on:
- preventing injury to personnel and damage to plant and equipment;
- legal requirements related to safety, health and environmental
- changes in legislation and safe codes of practice, and
- further improvement to existing sound-working methods;
participate in Weekly Safety Walks, liaise with the person in charge of
the works and superintendents to see that safe methods of working
are in operation, and that all statutory regulations and Leightons rules
are being observed;
carry out accident investigations, determine the causes of any serious
accident or dangerous occurrence and recommend corrective or
preventive measures;
review the overall safety performance of subcontractors and analyze
information on injuries and damage to identify any particular hazard or
conduct safety training for all levels of employee, and keep records of
such training for reference;
keep contact with official and professional bodies;
promote safety to all levels of employee by holding safety promotion
activities, safety campaigns, etc;
keep up-to-date with recommended codes of practice and new safety
literature and circulate information applicable to all levels of employee;
notify the Highway Departments Representative, either directly or by
telephone, immediately on becoming aware of any serious accident
likely to result in, or actually resulting in, the death or hospitalization of
any personnel on site;
promptly, and in any event within 24 hours, notify the Highway
Departments Representative of any incident that has occurred on site
in which any personnel on site has been injured;
collect and supply information for preparing monthly safety report;
update the site safety statistics and information board;

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

suspend the works with the consent from the agent if work either
violates legislative requirements or could cause severe loss to
prepare and submit prescribed Form 2A under the Factories and
Industrial Undertakings (Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors)
Regulations to management or the Project Safety Manager at the end
of each month;
review and update the register of all first aiders and competent
persons on site and display that register in relevant locations;
attend the Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee;
Site Safety and Environmental Committee Meetings and Independent
Safety Audits;
report any safety related issues to his / her superior; and
set a good personal example

The safety officer trainees shall:


assist the Safety Officer in carrying out his duties;

supervise worker observance of safety standards;
advise management or the Safety Officer as to worker observance of
safety standards;
promote the safe carrying out of work on site;
report any safety related issues to his / her superior; and
set a good personal example.

Safety Supervisors
Site safety supervisors shall be appointed to assist the Safety Officer in
safety and health for the project in accordance with the Factories and
Industrial Undertakings (Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors)
Regulations. At least one Safety Supervisor will be appointed by Leighton
to be present full time on site. Number of safety supervisor to be
appointed will be increased by one for every additional 50 workers. Any
subcontractor engaging 20 persons or more on site will be requested to
appoint at least one full-time safety supervisor.
The site safety supervisors shall:

assist the Safety Officer in carrying out his duties;

supervise worker observance of safety standards;
advise management or the Safety Officer as to worker observance of
safety standards;
promote the safe carrying out of work on site;

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

prepare and submit prescribed Form 3A in accordance with the

Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Officers and Safety
Supervisors) Regulations to management or the Safety Officer at the
end of each week,
report any safety related issues to his / her superior; and
set a good personal example.

Temporary Works Coordinator

The temporary works coordinator shall:


overviewing the safety and constructability matters of the project;

establish, review and update of Safety and Constructability Plan;
establish, review and update of Temporary Works Management Plan;
administer traffic management and geotechnical matter;
administer internal system assurance audits and report results to
project management, and
coordinate method statement audits.

Risk Manager
The risk manager shall:


establish project risk committee;

coordinate develop, review and maintain of project risk register;
organise regular risk review meeting with respective parties and follow
up recommendations; and
review and endorse method statement of site operations.

Administration Manager
The administration manager shall:


administer registration and distribution of project safety plan; and

administer document control and record keeping of safety related plan
and documentation (controlled copy).

Commercial Manager
The commercial manager shall:

administer budgeting and cost monitoring for safety related matter;

administer purchase of safety equipment and services;
implement the subcontractor evaluation and selection procedure in
tendering stage; and
notify bidders the Leightons safety requirements during the tendering

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan



Section Site Agents / Sub Agents

The section site agent / sub agents shall:


prepare method statements and carried out the work in accordance

with the approved method statements;
organize work so that it is carried out to the required standard with
minimum risk to personnel, equipment and material and, if required,
issue work method instructions in written form;
know the requirements of the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations
and other relevant legislation;
give all trade foremen and gangers precise instructions on their
responsibilities for proper working methods so that they do not require
or permit personnel to take unnecessary risks;
implement arrangements with subcontractors and other contractors on
site to avoid any confusion about areas of responsibility;
investigate any accident that occurs in their area and remind
subordinates/colleagues to take all necessary steps to prevent
accompany the Labour Departments Occupational Safety Officer on
site visits and respond to his recommendations;
cooperate with the safety personnel and act on his recommendations;
liaise with the Fire Services Department on fire prevention,
conduct group communication meetings to discuss safety issues with
all employees of their areas and management representatives from
each subcontractors at least twice a years;
act as the team leader under the Team Management Program and set
a good personal example;
report any safety related issues to his / her superior; and
be familiar with emergency procedures

Engineers/Superintendent/Site Supervisors
The engineers, superintendent and Site supervisors shall:

organize work so that it is carried out to the required standard with

minimum risk to personnel, equipment and material and, if required,
issue work method instructions in written form;
know the requirements of the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations
and other relevant legislation;
make sure that periodic tests, inspections and maintenance of plant
and equipment are carried out;

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

give all trade foremen and gangers precise instructions on their

responsibilities for proper working methods so that they do not require
or permit personnel to take unnecessary risks;
arrange delivery and stacking of material to avoid risks by double
position plant effectively;
make sure that the electricity supply is installed and maintained
without endangering personnel and equipment;
plan and maintain a tidy site;
implement arrangements with subcontractors and other contractors on
site to avoid any confusion about areas of responsibility;
make sure that all plant and equipment, including power and hand
tools, are maintained in good condition;
make sure that suitable protective clothing is available where
appropriate and that it is used;
investigate any accident that occurs in their area and remind
subordinates/colleagues to take all necessary steps to prevent
accompany the Labour Departments Occupational Safety Officer on
site visits and respond to his recommendations;
cooperate with the Safety Officer and act on his recommendations;
conduct group communication meetings to discuss safety issues with
all employees of their areas and management representatives from
each subcontractors at least twice a years;
set a good personal example;
report any safety related issues to his / her superior; and
be familiar with emergency procedures

Plant Manager
The plant manager shall:


administer purchase and hiring of plant and equipment in compliance

with legislation and company safety requirements;
establish and implement preventive maintenance programme for plant
and equipment owned by Leighton;
monitor and comment preventive maintenance programme of
subcontractors plant and equipment; and
implement and enforce critical part and pre-work inspection
programme for plant and equipment.

Trade Foremen and Gangers

Trade foremen and gangers shall:

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

be familiar with the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations applicable

to the work on which their gangs are engaged and insist that those
regulations are observed;
incorporate safety instructions in routine orders and see that they are
restrain personnel from taking unnecessary risks;
make sure new personnel attend the induction course;
make sure that new employees, particularly apprentices, are trained in
and follow all necessary safety precautions;
transmit safety knowledge and Leighton requirements to fellow
maintain a tidy site;
commend personnel who, by action or initiative, eliminate hazards;
discourage horseplay and reprimand those who consistently fail to
consider their own well-being and that of others around them, and
arrange re-training for those offenders;
report defects in plant or equipment,
report any safety related issues to his / her superior; and
set a good personal example.

Operatives shall:


use the correct tools and equipment for the job: use safety equipment
and protective clothing supplied, eg, safety helmets, hearing
protection, goggles, belts and harness;
keep hand tools in good working condition and report defects to the
make sure that the site is maintained in a safe and tidy state;
develop a personal concern for safety for themselves and for others,
particularly newcomers and younger people;
avoid improvising which entails unnecessary risk;
warn new personnel of known hazards;
refrain from horseplay and the abuse of welfare facilities;
report any safety related issues to his / her superior; and
suggest ways of eliminating hazards.




The safety representative/subcontractor safety representative shall:

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

make sure work is carried out in a safe manner and that all safety
regulations are adhered to;
make sure work is carried out in accordance with the approved
method statement and safe system of work;
attend Site Safety and Environmental Committee meetings so as to
discuss and review safety aspects or future improvements;
arrange for all newcomers to attend safety-induction training on their
arrival on site;
immediately respond to all shortcomings identified by supervisory staff
so as to maintain a healthy and safe working environment for the
workers, and
set a good personal example.

Safety representatives shall be appointed from subcontractors, labour

groups, etc. They shall be responsible for ensuring that the directives from
project management, Safety Officer and safety supervisors on safety and
health matters are duly carried out, safety practices are adopted and
protective clothing and equipment provided are at the relevant time.
Safety representatives shall attend monthly Site Safety and Environmental
Committee meetings, which serve as the major communication channel
with the site management team and other subcontractors. A subcontractor
that does not send its safety representative to a Site Safety and
Environmental Committee Meeting without a valid reason may be


Healthcare Officer
Healthcare officer shall:


Conduct the pre-employment medicals as set out on the Employees

application forms and facilitate further medical checks as required for
particular roles;
Respond to site outcall emergencies/accident, giving pre-hospital care,
first aid treatment to the victim;
Make immediate decision at accident scene on the severity of victims
condition for conveyance by ambulance or immediate transport to

First Aiders
First aiders shall:

make sure that the contents of the first-aid boxes are regularly
inspected and replenished promptly and record the details in First-aid

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Box Monthly Checklist;

on receipt of the notification of an accident or injury, proceed to the
accident with the necessary first-aid equipment;
in the case of a minor injury, administer appropriate first-aid treatment
and, if necessary, arrange to transport the injured person to a hospital
by site transport;
if the injury is severe, request an ambulance and administer first aid to
the injured until the ambulance arrives;
make sure the injured has attended the hospital or clinic, as required,
record the details of the injured and treatment in the Work Injury
Record Book.

Emergency/Fire Coordinator
The emergency/fire coordinator shall:


understand the Project Emergency Plan and rescue procedures;

arrange the whole operation of emergency rescues and fire fighting;
determine the seriousness of an emergency or fire and take
appropriate action to handle that emergency or fire;
assign personnel in the rescue team to assist him in carrying out the
rescue procedures in the case of a emergency or fire;
immediately notify the Project Director, Site Agent and the Project
Safety Manager/ Officer of the details of emergency or fire and the
rescue procedures in the case of a serious accident;
make sure that all evidence should not be distributed before consulting
the Project Safety Manager/ Officer;
review the emergency procedures periodically with the safety
personnel and monitor the system and its implementation;
arrange necessary rescue or fire-fighting equipment appropriate to the
nature of the project;
re-organize the rescue-team members from time to time to make sure
that the system is effective and the members are competent, and
regularly arrange trials and drills to assess the efficiency and
effectiveness of the rescue team.

General employees
General employees shall:
Observe at all times all safety regulations, rules, codes of practice & in

house safety rules and of the project which are in effect;

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Co-operate with management, so far as it is necessary, to enable any


duty or requirement imposed upon management by law for securing

the safety & health of all persons employed;
Take reasonable care for the safety & health of themselves and of their
co-workers and / or other persons who may be affected by their acts or
omissions at work;
Always use the correct tools and equipment for the job they are doing,
use safety equipment and personal protective equipment diligently
wherever required;
Keep all tools in their charge maintained and in good working condition;
Report promptly to direct supervisors defects in plant machinery &
Report any and all accidents or incidents immediately to their
supervisor, management or safety officer;
Avoid any improvising during the execution of your duties which
involves deviating from Method Statements and which may entail
unnecessary risk;
Identify and bring to the attention of management any hazards which
he or she cannot rectify themselves;
Suggest to management ways of eliminating re-occurring hazards
through the employees hazardous conditions reporting system.
Refrain from the taking of alcohol or drugs, engaging in horseplay,
gambling, using threatening or abusive behaviour or fighting while on
Do not abuse welfare facilities provided for your use;
Attend Safety Training when required to do so;
Conduct yourself in a correct, safe and proper manner at all times
when on site;
Ensure you carry your site security pass, closed area permit and Green
Card at all times when on site; and
Actively participate in the sites safety promotional activities.

Lines of Communication
The line of communication between safety personnel, construction
personnel, subcontractors and others are identified in the project safety
organization chart.
On site communication between construction personnel and/or
supervisory staff shall be provided by means of mobile telephone, pager
and radio facilities.
Safety bulletin boards will be erected that will carry as a minimum

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

appropriate safety information, such as the Safety Policy, emergency

telephone list and first-aid facilities.
Feedback from workers or others in relation to safety will be collected
during tool-box talks and from a suggestion box that shall be fixed at the
entrance of the site office.
The importance of good communication will also be discussed at:
weekly safety coordination meetings;
Site Safety and Environmental Committee meetings, and
pre-work activity meetings.
Each month, the site agent and the Safety Officer shall meet to discuss
the Safety Officers report (Form 2A).
A register of competent persons, such as competent person and certified
workers for confined spaces, will be kept and updated regularly by the
Safety Officer.




Contact list of members in Safety Organization

Register for First Aiders, Competent Persons

Copyright Leighton. 2015



H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 3 Safety and Health Training

Safety training plays an important role in improving safety performance by imparting
new skills and knowledge as well as improving attitude and behaviour.
The Site Safety and Environmental Committee will identify the training needs and
prepare a training programme for individual trades and workers engaged in specific
activities in accordance with the master programme, method statements and Riskassessment Records.
Moreover, a detailed Training Plan, including objectives, syllabus, target attendees,
trainer, duration and frequency for each training topic will be prepared by the Safety
Officer. That plan, which will be reviewed every six months or when there is a change
of activity/regulation, shall include details of:

Advance Safety Induction Training (ASIT);

Safety Induction;
Re-induction Course;
Safety Training for Special Activities (e.g. working in deep shaft);
Tool-box Meetings;
Safety-management Training;
Green, Silver and Blue Cards,
Confined Space Certified Worker Certificate,
Crane Appreciation Course,
Safety Leadership Training,
Incident Causation Analysis Model (ICAM) Training,
Scaffold Appreciation Course,
Electrical Appreciation Course, and
Training Records.


Advance Safety Induction Training (ASIT)

Compulsory attendance is required on the ASIT program by all Leighton
monthly and daily paid workers, as well as our sub-contractors workers (to
include operators & equipment). No worker will be permitted to on a
Leighton site without first attending the ASIT and subsequently being
issued a valid attendance card from the training center, which will be valid
for a period of 2 years.


Safety Induction
On arrival on site for the first time, each worker, including subcontractors
personnel, will attend a safety induction course conducted by a registered

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Safety Officer, this must be completed before any personnel commences

work in the construction area. Refer to Appendix 3.14.1 for the structure
of the induction course.
Particulars of all attendees will be recorded in the Safety Training Record
from which a Summary of Safety Inductions will be prepared and updated


Induction Training Test

Before the employees are permitted to start work on site, each employee
will be requested to attend a site safety induction course and pass a
requisite test. In the event that a subcontractors employee fails to pass
the induction test, that employee will be given a further opportunity to re-sit
the test. Failure to meet the necessary standard at that second attempt
will result in that employee being refused permission to work on the site.
That employee will not be permitted to restart the induction process until a
further six months have elapsed since re-sitting the test.


Re-induction Course
As the project proceeds, site conditions and the nature of works may
require safety procedures and associated emergency preparedness to be
revised. In such cases, a re-induction course shall be held as required.
However, re-induction will, in any case, be held not later than six months
after the initial induction to refresh safety consciousness and
understanding of the relevant changes to the project safety system.


Safety Training for Special Activities

Special safety training will be arranged for relevant personnel required to
work on special activities and/or under special working environments, eg,
gas welding, confined space works.
Special training needs and an appropriate training programme will be
developed according to such site activities and work progress. The special
training needs and the programme will be reviewed and updated in the
Contractors Monthly Safety and Environmental Report, which will be
forwarded to the Highway Departments Representative.


Tool-box Meetings
The purpose of tool-box meetings is to make sure that safety information
relevant to trade and hazards arising out of the construction of the works
are disseminated to all levels of site personnel. Competent trainers, i.e.
Safety Officer, Safety Supervisors or gangers, who have received training

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

on safety training techniques organized by the Hong Kong Construction

Association Ltd., CICTA OSHC or other approved training organizations,
will hold weekly tool-box meetings to be attended by all workers on site.
After each meeting, the presenter will complete the Tool-box Meeting Record
and send it to the Safety Office for records. The Safety Officer will prepare a
Summary Record of Tool Box Meetings on a monthly basis.

The topics of Tool Box Meetings will be included in monthly training

programme to be submitted for Highway Departments Representative,
which include but not limited to the followings:

Falling objects
Fire prevention
Electrical Safety
Lighting, Ventilation, Welfare
Pre-work check
Hand Protection
Manual Handling
Lifting Appliances
Lifting Gear
Rigging Safety
Pre-stressing Safety
Loadshifting machinery
Temporary work
Working near live traffic
Powered hand tools
Woodworking machinery
Abrasive wheel
Air compressor & vessel
Other machinery
Material storage
Inflammable liquid & gas


Hazardous substances
Work near public facilities
Working platform
Aerial Platform
Confined spaces
Public work
Work over or near water
Arc welding
Gas welding & flame cutting
Metal formwork
Site transport
Tree felling
Accident news
43. Heat Stoke

The content of Tool Box Meetings will be based on the training kits
published by Hong Kong Construction Association, Occupational Safety
and Health Council or developed by the project to a similar standard.
For workers undertaking scaffolding work including truss-out scaffolds,
demolition work and work in confined spaces, suitable Tool Box Meetings
will be conducted prior to their commencement of these works on site.
Tool Box Meeting on Prevention of Dengue Fever will be provided to the
frontline workforce and site supervisory staff on monthly basis.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Safety-management Training
Such training is aimed at equipping site personnel with supervisory and
managerial responsibilities with the necessary knowledge and skill to
tackle safety-management situations likely to arise on site.
It is important that senior site-management staff possess adequate safety
knowledge and have a high degree of safety awareness so that they are
able to:

recognize the importance of safety and assign sufficient resources to

handle it;
give proper consideration to safety during planning and design stages
to eliminate/reduce safety problems during later stages of the project;
take into account potential safety problems during preparation/vetting
of method statements;
avoid performing unsafe acts;
avoid creating unsafe conditions, and
identify unsafe acts/conditions and arrange for rectification.

The Project Director will identify appropriate management and supervisory

staff to receive safety training commensurate with their duties, which
include but not limited to follows:
Managerial posts such as project director, site agent, sub agent,
superintendent and engineer
- Occupational Safety Management Course
- Basic Accident Prevention Course
Supervisory staff such as foreman and ganger including subcontractors of
all tiers
- Foreman Safety Training Course or Construction Safety Supervisor


Green Card
All workers on site shall hold a valid Green Card, which can be obtained
from the Construction Industrial Training Authority or any other Labour
Department-authorized training institution.


Silver Card
Skilled workers of the following specific trades will be requested to attend
the relevant Specific Advanced Safety Training Course for Construction

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Workers, the Silver Card course, which is organized by the Construction

Industrial Training Authority:
painter and decorator;
building-demolition worker;
bar bender and fixer;
plasterer and tiler;
bamboo scaffolder and metal scaffolder; and
construction materials rigger.
Leighton will prepare and submit to the Highway Departments
Representative, for information, a monthly statement of workers who have
completed a Silver Card course.


Blue Card
All workers involved in cargo handling, ship-repairing and ship breaking
shall hold a valid Blue Card in order to ensure compliance with the new
Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (Works) Regulation (Cap 548). A blue
card can be obtained from the Vocational Training Centre (Seaman
Training Centre) or any other training institution authorized by the Marine


Construction Workers Registration

All construction workers shall be registered with the Construction Workers
Registration Authority.


Confined Space Certified Worker Certificate

No worker shall be allowed to work in any confined space without first
obtaining a confined space certified worker certificate in accordance with
the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulations.


Crane Appreciation Course

The course is aimed at providing key operational personnel, from all levels
of our organizations, with a better appreciation of cranes and their
associated lifting operations so as to give us some level of assurance that
these individuals posses the required level of knowledge and
understanding to actively ensure that all lifting operations are carried out in
a safe and well planned manner. The target audience for this course will
be all persons involved in the planning and execution of lifting operations,
to include Project Director, Engineers, Superintendents, Supervisors,
Crane Operators and Signalmen.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Safety Leadership Training

The course aims to provide participants, from management to construction
related staff with an understanding as to the specific roles they play within
the LCAL Strive for LIFE program, the desired Safety Leadership
Behaviors required to support the program, our Class 1 Risk Management
approach, and the Strive for LIFE Culture they need to build and support.


Incident Causation Analysis Model (ICAM) Training

The course aims to teach participant how to apply the ICAM process to
any incident so as to determine root causes by applying a structured
investigation process. The target participants for this course will be
determined by projects, but strongly recommended from PDs down to
Frontline Supervisors.


Scaffold Appreciation Course

The course aims to raise awareness, levels of understanding and provide
confidence for Supervisors / foreman / engineers and safety staff in the
scaffold works such as the relevant risks and controls, considerations for
design / planning and execution, erection / alteration & dismantling, and
overseeing of the scaffold works.


Electrical Appreciation Course

The course aims to provide participants with a better appreciation and
understanding of electrical risks so they can make informed and
knowledgeable decisions and apply the appropriate controls and practices
as part of their involvement in safety managing or using electricity onsite.
All persons directly involved electrical works, i.e. electrical workers and
strongly recommended for other persons, Leighton or Subcontractor, who
are responsible for the onsite management, supervision and monitoring of
electrical works, i.e. Project Directors, Construction Managers,
Superintendents, Supervisors, Engineers and others at the discretion of
the project, are required to attend the training.


Training Records
Records of all safety training given to all direct or indirect employees,
including those on a re-induction course, will be kept by the Safety Officer.
A monthly summary of all training (safety induction, specific training, toolbox meetings, etc) held in that particular month will be included in the
Contractors Monthly Safety and Environmental Report and submitted to
the Highway Departments Representative for information.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

General Structure of Induction Training Course
1. Emergency Arrangement inside the training room
2. Declaration and job description
3. Site Layout Plan
4. Safety Slogan
5. Objectives
6. Accident
7. Emergency Procedure
8. Company Policy
9. Safety Legislation
10. General Duties
11. In-house Safety Rules
12. Opportunity for Improvement and reporting of near miss
13. Class 1 Risks
14. Safety Standard
15. Public Safety
16. Disciplinary Action and Recognition
17. Safety Behaviour
18. 5 Pillar Process
19. Risk Management Flowchart
20. Take 5 Process
21. Security Control
22. New Comer Management System

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 4 In-house Safety Rules and Regulations


In-house General Safety Rules

Work safety rules provide employees with a common understanding of
their obligations and responsibilities with respect to the achievement of
safety-management objectives.
The in-house safety rules, including specific rules, will be documented,
reviewed, amended and communicated to all levels of personnel on site.
The frequency of review shall be conducted by Safety Management
Committee every two years.
The written safety rules will be posted in prominent places around the site.
All personnel will be informed of the written safety rules and regulations
through induction training and a Safety Handbook.
Employees who break those rules may be disciplined in the manner to be
determined by the Site Safety and Environmental Committee.
The general safety rules include:


When on site all employees must carry their valid site specific access card, the
Leighton Advanced Safety Induction Training Certificate, Green Card &
Construction Workers Registration Card (where applicable). These must be
produced upon request.


Entering a Leighton construction site shall be at the designated security control

points where all employees shall register upon entering and leaving the site.


All employees shall complete the Leighton Advanced Safety Induction Training
(ASIT) and Project Specific Safety Induction prior to commencing work on site
and shall attend Morning Exercises, Take 5 (Task Specific Briefings), Safety
Briefings and Tool-box meetings as and when required. (Please refer to the
ASIT policy for details of the ASIT exemption).


Appropriate personal protective equipment shall be worn at all times when on

site (e.g. safety helmet, safety boots, reflective vest, etc). Personal protective
equipment shall be kept in good condition. Any defects shall be reported to
your immediate supervisor.


Alcohol or illegal drugs shall not be consumed during work hours or

immediately prior to commencing work and smoking is prohibited except in the

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint

designated smoking areas. Employees, when asked to take an alcohol breath

test, are required to comply.








competencies, such as rigging, lifting, scaffolding, plant operation, electrical

works etc, shall have a valid recognised qualification / certificate and obtain
authorisation from the site staff or from their direct employer (in the case of a
sub-contractor) before commencing such activities.

All plant operators are responsible for carrying out daily Pre-Use Checks of
their equipment and shall be responsible for displaying the valid statutory
certificates in a prominent location on the item of plant in use.


Persons driving vehicles on site shall hold a valid driving licence, which shall
be carried with them at all times and observe all traffic control measures and
speed limits.


The site shall be kept clean and tidy: unobstructed access ways must also be
maintained. A high standard of personal hygiene shall be maintained and site
amenities shall be respected.


Appropriate, correctly functioning equipment and tools shall be used for each
task: seek guidance from your immediate supervisor, or the employer (in the
case of a subcontractor), on how each task is to be performed safely.


Working platforms and means of access & egress shall be constructed to meet
statutory requirements. The use of ladders should be restricted and used only
for access purposes.


All incidents must be reported to your immediate supervisor without delay.

Resulting injuries, damage and defects shall be recorded in the Incident/Injury
Book. For minor injuries seek assistance and go to the health care officer/first
aid station for initial treatment. You must advise your immediate supervisor
prior to leaving site for any treatment related to an injury sustained on site.
Employees are encouraged to report any Near Miss events and
Opportunities for Improvement.


No employee shall undertake specialised work for which a Permit-to-Work

system applies, without the required Permit-to-Work being in place, e.g.
Electrical Works, Confined Space, Arc & Gas Welding, Excavation Works,
Lifting, etc.


When working at height, and where there is a potential risk of falling from
height, a full body safety harness, fitted with double lanyards, shall be worn,

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

with one lanyard attached to an adequate life-line (system) and / or fixed

anchorage point, at all times.

No overhead work shall be carried out directly on top of lower level works,
unless adequate risk control measures have been effectively implemented and
all affected persons have been briefed as to the applicable risk controls and


Eye protection shall be worn for any work with the potential to cause eye
injury. Eye protection is mandatory when conducting overhead work where
there is a risk of falling objects (tools, material etc), which could potentially
result in eye injury.


All employees shall fully comply with the requirements of both the Leighton
Essentials and Site Activity Safety Rules at all times when planning and
executing works.


Control of Visitors
Visitors are defined as those persons who are not employed to work under
the project.
Visitors are prohibited to enter into the site boundaries without the
permission of Leighton and accompanied by an authorized person.
All visitors will be issued with a visitor card for identification, entering and
leaving the site through the smart card system. Visitors will be requested
to wear safety helmet, safety footwears and reflective vest at all times
within the site boundaries.


A permit-to-work system will be established for all high-risk activities,
including confined-space work, hot work, electrical work, release of
flammable/toxic liquid or gas, operate of crane or piling rig at high risk
area and excavation on streets.
All established permit-to-work systems will be devised and properly
documented by the Safety Officer and other relevant staff. The procedures
and methodology of that system will be implemented by all relevant
The Safety Officer will arrange those supervisors and workers to attend
specific training for the permit-to-work system of each particular high-risk
activity. No one will be authorized to adopt a permit-to-work system and to

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

carry out specified tasks or activities until they have attended appropriate
The permit-to-work system will be managed by the Safety Officer. Any
error or deficiency observed in complying with the set procedures will be
result to a review of the respective system and all those involved will be
The permit systems apply to the site according to client, statutory and
company requirement. The following are the brief summary of the permit
systems currently active:

Hot Work Permit

The purpose of hot work permit is to provide a systematic procedure
to manage the hot work e.g. arc welding, flame cutting, etc. being
carried out on site. The person to carry out the hot work and his/her
immediate supervisor are required to complete a prescribed Hot
Work Permit before the hot work. The supervising and safety
personnel are responsible to monitor the implementation of the
For gas welding and flame cutting, a daily equipment check will be
carried out by a licensed welder prior to commencing work. Then,
his/her immediate foreman / supervisor are required to verify the
check result and issue a Hot Work Permit.
For electric welding, a daily equipment check will be carried out by
the welder, his/her immediate foreman / supervisor are required to
verify the check result and issue a Hot Work Permit.
The supervising and safety personnel are responsible to monitor the
implementation of the permit. All copies and the original permit will be
returned to safety department for record.

Confined Space Work Permit

A permit-to-work system will be properly designed according to the

nature of the confined-space activity and site conditions. Generally,
the system shall include a risk assessment, the gas detection result
of toxic or explosive gases or oxygen deficiency, the provision of
necessary personal protective equipment and rescue equipment, a
Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

checklist of recommended safety measures and checking on training

received by workers entering the confined space. The periods of time
that the Certified Workers are allowed to stay and work in a confined
space will be specified in the permit. The permit-to-work system will
be communicated to all personnel involved in a confined-space
activity. Implementation of the system will be closely monitored by
the responsible supervisor, with regular reviews to ensure

Permit to Dig

Permit to dig is a system to ensure that the excavation work carried

out on site complies with the requirements concerning protection of
underground services prescribed by the Electricity Supply Lines
(Protection) Regulation, Code of Practice on Working near Electricity
Supply Lines and other relevant codes of practice.
Only Leighton authorized competent persons are delegated the
power to issue the permit to dig for excavation work on site. The
direct or subcontractor supervisor who is required to carry out
excavation work on site must identify and demarcate all underground
utilities that may be affected by excavation work. Furthermore, the
direct or subcontractor supervisor is required to conduct a pre-work
briefing to all workers involved by using the Toolbox meeting record
and obtain the permit from Leightons authorized person before
commencing any excavation work on site.
The procedures in applying the Permit to Dig are:
1. Prior to the excavation works, the applicant shall obtain a Permit
No. from the project office and complete PART A - Application
for Dig with the drawings showing the details of the excavation
area to the construction manager. The excavation works shall not
be commenced until the permit is approved by the construction
2. If the application is accepted, the construction manager shall
appoint a competent person approved by Electrical and
Mechanical Services Department to conduct a detail cable/pipe
location and pass the Permit to him.
3. The competent person shall obtain the most updated
underground utilities plans. When the plans of underground
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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan
utilities are not available, in case of an emergency or unforeseen
works, contact the relevant utilities company for assistance.

4. The competent person shall provide a detail cable/pipe location of

the excavation area indicated on the drawings attached with the
Permit, even there is no utility showing on the underground
utilities plan. The cable/pipe location shall include the alignment
and the depth profile of all underground utilities in the area,
irrespective of the excavation depth.
5. The competent person shall complete the PART B Cable/Pipe
Location together with the cable/pipe location report and submit
to the site agent.
6. The construction manager shall review the cable/pipe location
report and approve the trial hols excavation first by completing
PART C1. While the competent person shall supervise the trial
hole excavation and check and identify the exposed utilities, if
7. Then, the permit shall be issued by the site agent by completing
PART C2 Approval for Excavation and state all necessary
safety precautions including in the permit.
8. Before commencing the excavation work, the competent person
has to give site briefing to the personnel involved in the work and
recorded the briefing information and attendance in PART D
Site Briefing Record.
9. When a new member is involved in the excavation work, site
foreman shall give the briefing to him/her and use company form
Toolbox meeting record to record the briefing.
10. Then the Permit together with the cable/pipe location report shall
be acknowledged by the applicant by completing the PART E Receipt of Permit to Dig. The applicant shall ensure that all
safety precautions stated in the Permit are carried out and inform
the Engineers Representative before starting the excavation. The
Permit-to-Dig shall be displayed at the prominent place within the
excavation area and a copy shall be sent to the safety office for
record purpose.
11. After completion of the excavation, the applicant shall inform the
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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint

construction manager and the construction manager shall inspect

the work areas by him or his representatives. When the
construction manager accepted the works as the required
standards, he shall complete the PART F Completion of
Works and send the original copy to the safety office for record.

Electrical Work Permit

A permit-to-work system will be established to control the

energisation, inspection, repair and maintenance of temporary
electrical installations. A specific permit will be designed to ensure
only authorised persons can access the switchboards and live
electrical system on site and proper isolation/ lock-off measures are
taken to protect respective operatives. The system will be
implemented by Registered Electrical Worker appointed by Leighton
and monitored by Electrical Engineer.

Permit to Operate

Permit to Operate for use of crane or piling rig in high risk area will be
implemented in compliance with requirements of HY/2009/18
contract. High risk areas in the site refer to those area which the
operation of a crane and/or piling rig may affect the safety of
members of the public and which include, but not limited to area
adjacent to schools, public footpaths, roads, highways, railways,
overhead power lines, public area and premises. A site layout
drawing highlighting the high risk areas will be prepared, reviewed in
Site Safety and Environmental Committee, displayed at site entrance
and copied to respective parties involved in such operations.
Lifting Supervisors will be employed directly under Leighton to
administer the lifting operation in high risk areas and issuing of
Permit to Operate following below procedures.



The area foreman or subcontractors supervisor shall notify the

Lifting Supervisor the location of cranes or piling rigs to be
operated in high risk area.
The Lifting Supervisor, area foreman/ subcontractors supervisor
and operators of piling rig and/or crane shall conduct joint
inspection to the proposed location and complete the specified
Permit to Operate.
If all parties have agreed that the requirements listed on the
Permit to Operate have been satisfied, they shall sign on the

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint




A copy of Permit shall be kept in driving cab of the crane or piling
rig for inspection and shall be retained for at least 7 days following
the operation.
The validity period of the Permit shall not over 2 working days.
If the Permit is intended to cover a number of operations within a
shift, all the crane or piling rig operations shall be separately
assessed and details of each operation clearly stated on the
All Permits shall be cancelled automatically upon a tropical
cyclone signal No. 8 or above, a red/black rainstorm signal, or
heavy rainfall for a long period of the site. A re-assessment shall
be made and new Permit shall be issued after all the requirements
are met.

The Permit to Operate system will be communicated to all crane and

piling rig operators by special Tool Box Meetings.


Construction Method Statement

The Construction Method Statement (CMS) is the main document that will
describe how the works will actually be carried out. The development of
the methodology and the method statement should be carried out with the
involvement of the specified participants. It is essential that the
participants (especially subcontractors) fully involve themselves in order to
bring their expertise, experience and competency to managing the Class 1
risks associated with the works activities and tasks.
Refer to Appendix 1 of Class 1 Risk Management & Control
Procedure for further information on Work activities considerations.
Refer to Appendix 2 of Class 1 Risk Management & Control
Procedure for further information on Considerations: Hazard
The leaders and participants are responsible for ensuring the following
activities and actions are carried out:

Making strict reference to the relevant essentials for particular

works activities and Class 1 risks, specifying and recording the
control measures to be implemented
Developing the construction methodology and its sequence of

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint

Completing contents as stated in the template, adding or deleting

sections as necessary for specifics of work.
Referencing OFI and incident data relevant to the activity planned.
The personnel required to review, approve and sign off the
construction method statement will be determined and specified by
the project leader.
Ensuring no activity commences without the completed reviewed
and approved CMS/CRA and JHA).

Individuals must always be informed directly of their responsibilities as

detailed within the CMS/CRA/JHA and provided with all suitable
information before commencement of relevant activities. This should
be carried out as a minimum during the task launches and / or field
control briefings for the relevant activity.
Criteria for reviewing issued construction method statement reports

Any major changes to works (work method, sequence,

environment, materials, plant and equipment or works team)
e.g., affecting Class 1 risk and its control.
After accident/incident occurrence, relevant to the works or
related risks.
After issuance of a Stop Works order associated with the
concerned site activity or operation.
Every six months until the concerned site activity or operation
is finished.
On instruction by the project or related process leader.

The Construction Method Statement programme

The CMS programme should include the following items:
Title of activity.
Start date of activity.
Due date of CMS for activity and status.
Details of the appointed leader and participants.
Dates for initial and subsequent review of CMS.
The programme status should be reviewed at monthly review of risk
register meeting.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Site Activity Safety Rules

The site activity safety rules shall provide employees with a common
understanding of their obligations and responsibilities with respect to the
achievement of the safety management objectives.
A survey of overall prevailing activities will be conducted to identify the
need for written safety and health rules through the risk review meeting
held monthly.
The following 30 site activity safety rules have been established by
Leighton for common site operations and machines:

Form No.



Pedestal Drilling Machines


Bar Bending Machines


Handling of Chemical Substances


Erection & Dismantling of Scaffolding


Electric Arc Welding


Prevention of Heat Stress




Abrasive Wheels


Manual Handling


Mobile & Crawler Cranes


Circular Saws


Work at Height


Use of Ladders


Crane Lorries


Lifting Gear


Hand Held Electric Tools

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Form No.



Cartridge Operated Tools


Working with Compressed Air


Gas Cylinders


Gas Welding & Flame Cutting


Excavations and Underground Services






Forklift Trucks


Confined Space


Safe Use of Hand Tools


Electrical Installations


Mobile Elevated Working Platforms


Builders Lifts (Passenger Hoists)


Pedestrian & Traffic Demarcation

In addition, site activity safety rules will be established for high risk
operations of the project with reference to respective method statement
and risk assessment reports. The following site activity safety rules are
pre-determined to be produced by the project.

Working under inclement weather

Prevention of dengue fever

Those site activity safety rules will be displayed on site where related
tasks are being undertaken for the attention of those involved. Each of the
items listed above is depicted on adhesive labels to promote awareness of
the rules governing the use of the equipment involved or the activity.


Safety Standard
Safety standards were issued to ensure that the safety features required

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

for critical activities across all Leightons projects are consistent and well
defined. Total 42 standards had been issued to cover following items and
the company will continuously review and issue new standards as
1. Requirements for Signalmen & Banksmen
2. Safety Harnesses & Double Lanyards
3. Control of Slewing Plant & Equipment
4. Control of Reversing Plant & Site Vehicles
5. Electrical Distribution Boards
6. Electrical Tools and Equipment Inspection & Tagging
7. Edge & Slope Protection
8. Covering / Protection of Floor Openings
9. Safe Access to Tower Cranes
10. Scaffold & Working Platforms
11. Tagline & Push-sticks for Lifting Operations
12. Excavators / Backhoes
13. Tracking / Slewing Cranes
14. Access Gondolas
15. Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (MEWPS)
16. Bench Saws
17. Safe Stacking of Materials
18. Aquasep Equipment
19. Protection to Lift Shaft Openings
20. ARC Welding Works
21. Pedestrian and Vehicle Demarcation
22. Lifting Gear
23. Fire Prevention
24. Excavations
25. Crane Lorries
26. Mobile Cranes
27. Working with Re-bar
28. Site Pedestrian Crossings
29. Emergency Equipment Stations
30. Man Riding Cages
31. Material Handling Baskets
32. Hand Protection
33. Electronic Information Signboards
34. Workers Rest Areas
35. Personal Access Platforms
36. Excavators Used for Mechanical Breaking / Scaling
37. Edge Protection Detail for Falsework Platforms
38. Management of Fatal Zones
39. Protection of Wall Openings
40. Competent Person Safety Helmet Identification
41. Protection of Scaffold / Falsework at Site Entrances
42. Safe Use of Step Platforms and Hop-up Platforms
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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Strive for L.I.F.E. Essentials

Leightons Strive for L.I.F.E. Essentials provides clear direction and criteria
for the management of critical risks which are compulsory on this project.
The Essentials (1st Edition) covered seven Class 1 Risk activities that the
project management and subcontractors shall adhere to during planning
and carrying out relevant Class 1 Risk activities.

Working at height
Plant & equipment
Tunneling & excavations
Temporary works
Cranes & mechanical lifting and lifting gear
Confined space work
Working with live services

Written approval shall be obtained from project leader for granting

exemption to Strive for L.I.F.E. Essentials which are impracticable to this


Class One Practices

Class One Practices are a set of Standardized Operational Requirements
and Health and Safety Standards for the Management and control of
specified Class 1 Risks and/or activities involving Class 1 Risk.

Electrical Works
Driving Safety Standard
Lifting Operations
Working at Height
Isolation & Hazardous Energies
Vehicle and Mobile Plant Movement
Temporary Works

The Class One Practices are mandatory for implementation on all

Leighton Asia Projects in all geographical areas in which we operate.


Electrical Works
The requirements for Class One Practice for Electrical Works are listed in
the following table:


Work on live electrical systems, installations and equipment are undertaken by a

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

competent and authorised person for the purposes of fault finding, testing /
commissioning work or where the electrical supply cannot be interrupted.

Effort has been made to eliminate the risk associated with electricity by relocating
the service(s) and where this is not practical by de-energising (isolating) the
service(s). When approved, the works is carried out strictly in accordance with the
requirements of the Permit-to-Work.


All electrical installations (panels, cabling, outlets, switches, lights etc.), generators,
fixed or portable electrical plant and any other electrical appliances are purchased
and installed to company specification.


All electrical equipment has correct safety guarding and protective devices in place
(e.g. weatherproof materials, cover plates, earthing, RCDs etc.).


RCBO or MCB together with RCD are provided and functional for all electrical
distribution installations, generators and portable panels.


RCBO or MCB together with RCD are installed on all permanent lighting circuits.


All electrical supply points are provided with a means of effective isolation and lock


Electrical substations, distribution boards and panels are weatherproof and locked to
prevent interference or unauthorised operation.


All temporary distribution boards are externally earthed and adequately secured in


Portable electrical tools are double insulated and powered by 110v or below.


Precautions are in place to ensure there are no electrical sources of ignition in

flammable atmospheres caused by the presence of flammable liquids and vapours
(i.e. use of intrinsically safe equipment in high risk locations).


Electrostatic earthing are provided for all situations where sparking may present a
hazard, (e.g. explosives magazines and when receiving or pumping diesel fuel into
or out of bulk storage tanks), or for steel and tall structures which may be subject to
a lightning strike (e.g. radio towers, steel sheds etc.).


Overhead cable is eliminated wherever possible, especially over routes of vehicular

or pedestrian access.


All underground and overhead cables are located or arranged so they are not in the
way of activities on site (i.e. redirected, buried with sufficient ground clearance).


Where cables are buried, they are at a safe depth (at least 0.5m below final ground

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Underground cables are adequately protected and insulated (warning

signs/pegs/maker tape, and also clear symbols so that anyone who cannot read will
understand the danger below, compacted sand/indicator material, PVC / conduit,
etc.) and their routes surveyed, clearly marked on site (marker posts) with site
service plans updated.


All cables are suitably designed for the duty and expected load.


Cables are sufficiently insulated, sheathed, or armoured, have protection from

chemical damage and where necessary additional protection, e.g. guarding, to
prevent mechanical damage.


Socket outlets for distribution cables are located as close to the working point as
possible to prevent the need for long trailing wires.


Power and lighting circuits are keeping separated.


Cables are hanged up at work stations whenever practicable to reduce trip hazards
and damage to cables.


All temporary electrical leads are secured off the ground by insulated hooks and/or
lead stands.


Joints in cables are made in purpose-built housing.


No handheld breaker is used within 500mm in any direction from any underground
power cable or other services installation, e.g. gas lines, telecom or other data
installations except when breaking out paved concrete where a horizontal clearance
is required.


All welding machines are installed with voltage reducing devices.


Welding machines are connected to the power supply by heavy-duty cables, and an
efficient isolating switch, together with protective fuses or circuit breaker.


Properly constructed and insulated electrode holders are used.


Battery-driven hand tools are used as much as possible to minimize the need for
110V tools.


Where welding power sources are installed close to each other or where welders
using the power sources are required to work in close proximity to one another,
either the power sources are connected for similar polarity of electrode holders or
screens / barriers are provided to maintain a minimum distance of 2.5m between
welders in order to prevent any physical contact.


Electrical works and supervision of electrical works are carried out by competent
licensed electrical workers (e.g. installing, testing, tagging, maintenance and

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

repairing of equipment).

All electrical workers have the appropriate governmental licences and/or relevant
certifications as required.


All electrical workers are trained in expired air resuscitation and cardiac pulmonary
resuscitation (CPR), the work permit system, isolation procedures and specific site


All electrical workers had undergone specific medical check-ups in line with
regulations and licensing requirements.


Only Leighton nominated and appointed electrical workers are assigned to carry out
electrical works, such as installing, testing, tagging, maintenance and repairing of


Buddy System for competent persons is implemented while performing potentially

hazardous work.


JHA in place for all activities involving Electrical Works.


Electrical equipment is locked out and isolated and the LOTO procedure is verified
by a competent person before any electrical works, including repairs or


A test before touch (not live) is completed prior to, or recommencing work on any
electrical equipment; following any time away from the work; or, following changed


All exposed electrical parts and conductors, including earthing conductors, are
treated as live until proven otherwise.


A Permit to Work is in place when working adjacent or below overhead power lines;
any electrical installation, testing, commissioning, repair or maintenance work is
done; when working with high voltage switching or in proximity to power sources e.g.
inside electrical switch-rooms; where digging / breaking of excavation works are
carried out in close proximity to underground electrical cables.


Permit-to-Dig / Excavation Permit includes requirement for verification of electrical



All services are accurately located by a designated competent person using the
relevant services drawings and the location verified by a secondary means such as,
but not limited to electronic detection of horizontal and vertical location; ground
penetrating radar or trial hole.


When working near live Overhead Line Equipment (OHLE) or live electrical parts,
regulated safe working distances/exclusion zones are maintained.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Appropriate type of fire extinguisher (non-water/foam type) is provided at the

workplace with electrical works.


Site services plans, schematics, distribution diagrams and other appropriate records
are kept for all electrical installations and are updated when alterations are made.


The location and type of all electrical installations and services are visibly marked
and identified in compliance with statutory requirements, for example, via signage,
markers and / or line marking, including on walls, floors and ceilings.


Height markers, signs, sacrifice cables, floating markers, goal posts etc. is
installed/provided for vehicle crossings under overhead power lines.


Floor and wall demarcation are in place to prevent obstruction to main DBs and


All electrical panels, enclosures, control centres, substations, electrical circuits,

breakers and equipment are provided with statutory signage, equipment/location
identification numbers, and wiring diagrams kept on file.


Isolation points for electrical equipment and power outlets are clearly labelled.


All circuit boards have RCDs or RCBOs labelled and listed on a location
map/diagram placed in the panel door or nearby for easy reference when fault
finding or isolating circuits.


All outlets and switches are labelled to correlate to distribution panels and where
required specific voltage indicated (e.g. 110V in all circumstances).


Power generation sets (Gensets) and other temporary power supplies are inspected
before use and as per the agreed schedule, such as weekly or quarterly, by a
competent person with records kept of inspections on all sites.


All RCBOs, RCDs and MCBs are tested every three months with records kept of
testing (amperage and trip out time).


For portable RCDs, push button tests are conducted prior to use and recorded every
three months.


Earth continuity of all circuits, apparatus and where required earth grounding for
structures are tested and results recorded (measured resistance level not exceeding
1 ohm)


Portable electric tools and extension cables are inspected and tagged every three
months by a competent person in compliance with colour coding requirements.


Pre-use checks (PUC) are conducted for the power generation set and welding

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


All testing equipment are properly selected, inspected, tested and calibrated at
regular intervals as recommended by the manufacturer.


Power outlets or extension cables/cords are not overloaded.


The electrical tools and extension cables are checked for damage before use.


All repairs are carried out by suitably qualified / competent persons.


Faulty electrical equipment or equipment without a tag are taken out of service and
labelled with an out of service tag and reported to a supervisor and where possible
put into quarantine.


No person use or operate a piece of portable electrical equipment if it shows visible

signs of being unsafe due to damage, has been put into quarantine or if it does not
have a valid inspection tag.


Electrical appliances are kept away from water or moisture.


Electrical workers wear correct PPE when doing electrical works. For example, the
appropriate insulated footwear, eye protection and gloves where required.


Adequate lightning protection is provided to structures (earthing) and lighting surge

protection to structures and cranes (mobile and tower types so as to protect the
onboard sensitive electronic detection and warning systems.


Weather data and warning and alarms systems are used to anticipate heightened
electrical storm activity.


During heightened electrical storms, workers seek shelter in an enclosed building or

vehicle and keep away from high ground.


All plant with booms is lowered where possible.


Crane operators and operators of other equipment with extendable booms or

platforms stand down during electrical storm activity and remain in the cabin until the
threat has passed.


Mobile equipment operators park away from high and open ground (e.g. away from
dumps) and remain in cabins. No person exits a cabin or hides under equipment
during electrical storms.


If caught out in the open, all person keep in a low crouched position away from other
people or tall objects (e.g. keep away from trees).


Driving Safety Standards

The following standards will be applied where specified tasks associated

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

with driver Safety and the risks associated with speeding are identified as


GPS shall be fitted to all vehicles working within the Scope Location and identified
within the Scope Vehicles section of this standard and risk based assessments.


Road designs, which include traffic calming measures such as lane dividers on fast
bends, speed bumps etc shall be considered and risk assessed for necessity on all
site and haulage roads at locations specified within the Scope Location of this


Fingerprint recognition systems shall be assessed for necessity for all vehicles,
which are required to be driven in 24hr shifts so as to ensure drivers are not logging
excessive working hours.


All vehicles will be subject to comprehensive maintenance programs, to include as a

minimum the checking of all braking, steering, vehicle lighting, directional indicators
and rear view systems.


All projects, facilities and mines will actively support, implement and promote the
LAIO Speed Kills campaign, which will include an approved LAIO promotional
poster and require driver focused toolbox talks, which will cover the main messages
contained within the poster, these being;
Always wear a seatbelt.
Never consume drugs & alcohol when driving vehicles.
Always adhere to posted speed limits.
Never make phone calls or send text when driving vehicles.
Always get plenty of rest and never work in excess of your designated shift.


All projects, facilities and mines will carry out random checks to identify drivers who
may be committing any of the offences stipulated within the disciplinary measures
section of this standard. The method of checking is to be determined by the
respective projects, facilities and mines.


All projects, facilities and mines will enforce disciplinary measures, which will be
applicable to those drivers identified within the Scope Personnel section and in
accordance with the requirements stipulated within this standard.


Any drivers found to be speeding, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, making
phone calls, sending text, failing to wear seat belts or working excessive hours,
whilst operating vehicles, will be subject to the following disciplinary action;
1st offence - recorded verbal warning.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

2nd offence - loss of 1 full shift accompanied with a written warning.
3rd offence - dismissal.


Lifting Operations
The requirements for Class One Practice for Lifting Operations are listed
in the following table:





Assessment and planning are in place for all lifting operations, competent person is
involved to ensure hard controls have been identified and applied wherever possible.
Effort has been made to eliminate lifting related risks. i.e. reduce the frequency of
lifts, the number of people involved, or select safer types of lifting equipment to be
All hired or purchased services and equipment associated with lifting operations,
including training and competency assessments, are thoroughly assessed and
verified to ensure they are fit for purpose and meet all necessary Leighton and
International specifications and standards. All such matters are consistent with the
requirements of the COP and comply fully with all relevant local legislation.
Only LA and LG that are designed and fit for purpose are to be used. All LA and LG
are used / operated as per the designer and / or manufacturers requirements,
inclusive of all aspects relating to SWL.
All relevant LA are fitted with performance limiting devices
Automatic Safe Load Indicator (ASLI) is installed to prevent overloading.
Over Hoist Limiting Device is installed to prevent lifting of hook into jib.
All crawler cranes with jibs are fitted with back-stops or other devices to prevent
over hoisting of jib.
Over Hoist of Jib Limiting Device is present to prevent jib pulling back beyond safe
operating radius.
Independently Acting Brake Systems (emergency) based on relevant crane
specification is in place to hold the load in cases of main brake or other failure.


Overspeed Cut-out Devices based on relevant crane specification is in place to

prevent uncontrolled overspeed lowering.


Anti-collision is present to prevent the jibs of tower cranes coming into contact with
each other.


Anti-free fall is present to prevent uncontrolled lowering of load. All loads are lowered
by means of power lowering or positively engaged drive down system.


Manual Emergency Stops are fitted and functioning in relation to assessed and

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

required controls systems.

Stability Control is fitted on cranes where feasible, to prevent overturning moments.


Counterweights are fitted with finger warning probes.


To avoid collisions when multiple cranes are working in overlapping zones;

- Tower crane jibs are set higher than ground based crane jibs,
- Ground based crane jibs are shortened / retracted and set lower than the tower
crane jibs,
- Tower cranes are locked out to prevent its use when mobile crane is operating
within the area.


Tower crane masts are designed with landing platforms at a height of no greater
than 9m apart. Each section of the ladder has safety hoops and is offset horizontally
from adjacent sections or the landing platforms have trap doors.


Other plant used for lifting, e.g. excavator, is by design being suitable for the
purpose. In addition, a designated and designed lifting point is available from the
original manufacturer on its arm or boom for attaching LG.


Wherever possible, moving parts are fitted with suitable guarding to eliminate
potential crushing / pinch injuries.


Jacks used to raise loads, and supporting stands to hold them, have sufficient SWL
and have positive locking devices.


All hooks on cranes and LG (if design requires) are fitted with positive safety latches.


All cranes have physical means to enable lock out of controls.


Crane setup locations and lifting zones have fixed continuously connected barriers to
prevent access from unauthorised persons. Such zones can only be accessible to
operators, signalmen and persons as necessary to guide loads.


Barriers are set back at least 600mm from the counterweight swing radius of cranes
or other slewing equipment.


Cranes are travel and be set up on approved and suitable firm level ground. A
designated engineer, of a geotechnical discipline or equivalent, has assessed the
ground conditions and advice on precautions to be taken.


All outriggers or crane tracks are fully extended as per manufacturers instructions
and, if necessary, pinned into position.


All outriggers, and where relevant crane tracks, have adequate means of support
through the provision of suitable packing, i.e. pads / mats, that are appropriate for
the loading required and proper placed.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

- Pad / mat sizes are of a minimum of 3 times the size of the outrigger float.
- Calculations are conducted by a competent person.

Power lines are isolated or insulated by the relevant authority when they are located
in dangerous proximity to the crane operational area.


Fixed barriers, e.g. non-conductive goal posts, are set up at locations to prevent
cranes or other plant / vehicles from coming into contact with overhead power-lines.


Goal posts are set up at entrances / exits and within site to ensure, during delivery or
inter site movement, permanent or temporary structures are not struck and to avoid
strikes to structures on public roads.


Where assessed as necessary, slew restrictors are installed to prevent jibs moving
into unsafe proximity of power sources or other high risk situations.


Persons involved with the management or planning of lifting operations are deemed


Crane operators and signalman have the appropriate local government licenses and
/ or relevant certifications as required specific to their LA / work activities.


Experience and training for crane operators of specific types and models of cranes
are confirmed before they are appointed as competent.


The responsibilities matrix for lifting operations is communicated to all relevant



All persons involved in assisting with lifting tasks (e.g. signalmen / banksmen etc.)
have appropriate Leighton training, and be deemed competent in their roles and
duties and wear the appropriate standard PPE.


All persons directly involved with lifting operations are confirmed as being suitably fit
to perform the work.


Lifting, inspection or maintenance are only carried out by Leighton nominated and
appointed lifting supervisors, crane operators, signalmen, banksmen, competent
persons for colour coding of LG, and inspection and maintenance personnel.


All signalmen are equipped with blue helmet with bilingual Signalman wording and
the Hook logo; orange high visibility vest with bilingual Signalman wording on the
back; whistle and leather riggers gloves; walkie talkie.


All banksmen are equipped with red helmet with bilingual Banksman wording and
the Truck logo; orange high visibility vest with bilingual Banksman wording on the
back; whistle; traffic control baton.


Where a crane is required to lift greater than 75% of its rated SWL, effort has been

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

made to find a crane of greater capacity

No crane is to lift above 85% of the rated SWL at any time. The cranes SWL
capacity is 15% greater than the heaviest load at the maximum radius.


For all basic / standard lifts:

- Task based risk assessment such as JHA, is conducted by Superintendents /
Engineers / Supervisors
- proper selection of LA & LG by designated Competent Person; considering the
weight and dimensions of loads, special operational requirements or limitations
imposed, any dynamic loads involved, number and frequency of lift (for LA only),
length of time for which the LA will be required (for LA only), ground conditions (for
LA only)
- Pre-use check of LA conducted by operator
- LG inspected each time before use by designated competent person


For all non-standard lifts:

- All specific actions required for Basic / Standard Lift are conducted.
- Permit to Lift conducted by Lifting Supervisor


For all complex / critical lift:

- All specific actions required for non-standard lift are conducted.
- Lifting plan is prepared to determine and verify the following by a designated
competent person: verify the accuracy of lift calculations, confirm weight of load to
be lifted, centre of gravity and sling positions, survey / set out crane position, mar
out radius / radii, ground bearing capacity and pads, know wind parameters and
monitor wind, taglines / restraint system, test load gauges and computer.
- The lift is approved by Project Leader or delegated person in writing.


Specific lifting plans, method statements and, where required, permit are developed
including coverage for LA erection, alternation and dismantling operations.


No lift is undertaken where a required lifting permit / plan are not present or where
the necessary competent persons, lifting supervisors or signalmen are not present.


Operators or other relevant designated competent persons have conducted pre-start

/ pre-use checks of equipment before starting work and conduct any other relevant
legally required inspections.


Load charts, procedures and operation manuals specific for LA being used are kept
in the machine.


Unless expressly designed for the purpose, cranes are not telescope in or out with
loads under suspension.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Calibrated test weights are conducted to verify the accuracy of crane load indicators
for all critical / complex lifts or calibrated load cell.


Assessment of the materials being handled and the weights for all loads are known
and determined by competent persons.


Self-weights of loads which are regularly lifted (concrete skips, drill rods, etc.) are
clearly marked to be easily visible using reliable methods (stamping / welding etc.).
Loads which cannot have markings applied are recorded and this information is
readily accessible to those involved within their lifting.


All loads are secured and loose loads are strapped before any lifts, e.g. use of
ratchet straps or other devices.


Planning in place on the material storage / lay down areas, both for specific lifts and
general storage.


Planning in place for correct stacking / storing and tie-down of loads to be lifted on or
off transport equipment, e.g. lorry cranes, low-bed trainers, etc.


Loads are always be placed within suitable storage, racks, etc. or placed on suitable
strong blocking to allow stable storage and safer attachment of LG during slinging.


Emergency procedures for foreseeable lifting operations related to emergencies,

including rescue and recovery, are developed; persons are trained in their
implementation and their effectiveness test through planning drills.


Lifting areas are always clearly barricaded and identified using warning signage.


LG are not slung / rigged or lifted an angle of greater than 90 degrees. In rare cases
where physical load shapes or lifting space does not allow, written approval from the
project leader or assigned delegate are obtained together with a designated lifting


Where specialist LG or lifting points are used, e.g. lifting clamps, eye-bolts etc., a
specific assessment is conducted to ensure they are the right type and size for the
works and persons are trained on the correct installation.


LG used for lifting of sheet piles are designed and rigged to ensure no side point
load contact between the LG and sharp edges.


For specific operations, e.g. extraction of pipes and sheet piles, guard frames are
installed to prevent swinging objects when taglines cannot be used.


All sea-cargo type containers are lifted by means of spreader beams from which
LG is attached to the bottom of the container in order to eliminate the need for
attaching the LG at height.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Test lift the load 300mm off the ground was conducted to check sling angles and
balance of load prior to carrying out the lift.


Taglines or push-sticks are provided to control all loads.


All relevant LA is fitted with additional audio / visual alarms and warning indicator
devices to indicate crane movements to operators and people proximity.


Automatic Safe Load Indicator (ASLI) Alarms at operators location and externally
visual (i.e. traffic light system).


Anti-collision Alarms at operators location in tower crane.


Slewing Alarms at operators cabin and external.


Movement Alarms for indication of longitudinal / transverse movements and lifting /

lowering of loads by Gantry / Portal Cranes.


Over-speed Hoist to alert persons of loading or lowering beyond allowed speeds

by Gantry / Bridge Cranes and Tower Cranes.


Audible Reversing Alarms, and where practicable, proximity sensors.


Mobile and crawler cranes are fitted with flashing beacons for purposes of visual
identification of their presence.


Anemometers displays at operators location within cranes.


Jib / boom Angle Indicators visible and readable to the operator to indicate actual
angle of jib.


Based on assessment, relevant cranes are fitted with CCTVs for operator to monitor
danger zones and provide operators and signalmen enhanced views of lifting


Methods of communication (signalling) during lifts are specified and agreed.

Suitable radio communication equipment, including spares, is available for use.


Whistles are used only as a means of warning site personnel of a lifting operation
commencing and / or being underway. It is not used for communicating with crane
operators to commence a lift.


Selection of communication equipment is determined by taking into account operator

visibility of load, possible frequency interference issues, overlap of channels and
number of lifting operations in vicinity. Persons are trained in proper use of
equipment and communication protocols.


For projects with complex lifting operations, i.e. numerous simultaneous lifting

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

operations in close proximity, specific communication procedures are developed to
avoid potential incidents due to overlap and miscommunication between parties.

Procedures are in place to safely manage works, taking into account adverse
weather conditions, including wind, rain and thunderstorms, etc. Such planning
includes advance weather monitoring.


During thunderstorms in close proximity of work locations, the jibs of cranes, mobile
elevated working platforms and other equipment with booms etc. are fully retracted /
lowered until such time as authorisation is given that it is safe to recommence work.
Operators are remained in their cabins or other designated safe locations until the
threat has passed.


Tower cranes are left in rotation mode e.g. free swing, when not being operated to
prevent damage due to wind.


In the absence of specific information from the crane manufacturer or agent,

personnel did not operate a crane in wind speeds in excess of 10 meters per


LA are parked in a safe condition, brakes fully applied and, as necessary, the wheels
or tracks are blocked when not in use, in line with manufacturers and Leighton


No loads, including LG, is left suspended from any hooks whilst unattended and jibs
are retracted / directed away from potential locations of risk, roads, public access
ways, building, etc.


All parts of crane and equipment, jibs, hooks, LG, are stowed and secured when
travelling unless as part of a planned travelling lift.


As relevant to crane type, slew locking pins are in place when travelling with loads
and where LA is itself required to be lifted.


All cranes used to lift man-cages / rescue cages are:

- fitted with a double acting or positively locking safety catch on the crane hook;
- equipped with drive up and down controls for hoisting and luffing motions (no freefall); and
- equipped with controls that return to the neutral position when released and this
action cause the motion to stop.


Cranes have a SWL capacity of at least two times the rated requirement for the
radius that man-cage is used.


Working speed for lifting / lowering is limited to 0.5m/s.


Man-cages and rescue cages are fitted with an LG back-up / redundancy device,
which is separately attached to the main hook of the crane, should failure in the main

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

LG occur.

Access and egress from a man-cage / rescue cage is prohibited except where
approved by the Project Leader.


Moving the crane with personnel in the man-cages is prohibited.


Personnel working in a suspended man-cage are trained and wear a safety harness,
which is connected to a fixed anchor point at all times.


Radio communication on a dedicated individual crane channel is used at all times

when using a man-cage / rescue cage. A minimum of 2 radios is used in case of
battery failure.


All LA and LG are properly designed, manufactured, tested and certified before use
by legally required competent authorities.


All LA and LG are recorded and registered for use and certification maintained with
the tested items.


All LA are inspected and commissioned by suitable competent persons, before being
allowed to be operated on Leighton site.


All LA is inspected at regular periods as stipulated for each item. Any items found
with serious defects are prevented / removed from use.


No crane is permitted to commence work until all defects identified by the companys
inspection are rectified.


All commissioned LA is issued with plant permits or Commissioning Stickers to

readily identify equipment approved for use on site.


Planned / preventative maintenance systems are implemented for all LA at specified



For all LA aged 10 years or over (except short term use lorry cranes), a monthly
condition check is conducted by independent Leighton competent person.


Maintenance of LA or LG is separated from fault corrections arising from



In addition to planned maintenance, critical parts inspections are carried out at

specified schedules.


Slewing cranes have warning signage applied at back of counterweight to indicate

crushing risk and clear chevron reflective marking.


Pinch and nip points on outriggers and other equipment are identified through

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

signage and hazard marking tape or paint.

Outriggers are fitted with clear marking to indicate their full extension points.


The design of purpose-made lifting equipment is approved by trained and competent

Design Engineer. No unapproved, modified or homemade lifting equipment is used.


Safety devices or interlocks are not being altered, modified, or disabled, unless such
modifications had been designed and approved by Original Equipment Manufacturer
and / or qualified engineers and the change management process followed.


Any LA or LG not deemed safe for use, known or suspected to have been
overloaded are removed from service, tagged or colour coded and quarantined as
appropriate. The items are not put back into use until all such deemed necessary
inspection, testing, maintenance, modification or repair and recertification were
carried out to the satisfaction of the appropriate competent person(s).


All repairs are carried out under the direction of an approved competent person.


All LA have power supply isolation points with suitable lock-out and tag-out system
applied for undertaking inspection, testing, maintenance, modification or repair


All LG are subject to regular inspection to ensure proper identification, certification,

colour coding, SWL and condition.


All LG are individually clearly marked with relevant colour coding, identification
stamps or tagging indicating traceable ID numbers and the rated SWL.


Records are retained, irrespective of equipment ownership.


Suitable locations are identified for safe storage of LG and areas for storage of
colour coded defective items into quarantine.


Lifting areas are fully barricaded, no person enter such exclusion zones.


Workers are not positioned under a suspended or unsupported load or between a

load and any fixed object.


The load, in which its weight is not known to a reasonable certainty, is not being


No lifting or lowering is conducted if persons are in close proximity, i.e. inside of

exclusion zones.


Loads are not being lifted over workers, plant and equipment operators, members of
public, public areas, buildings or temporary structures such as site office, etc.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Loads are not dragged along the ground.


Defective / unsafe LA or LG are reported to supervision, taken out of use, tagged,

colour coded and quarantined as relevant.


Edges of loads are packed to protect against damage to LG.


Loads are secured and for loose materials, double wrapping method is applied along
with load binders or ratchet straps.


Materials / equipment are not placed higher than or protruding beyond the edge
(side walls) or lifting receptacles.


Only one piece of LG is attached to LA hooks at any time, e.g. O ring or shackle.


Lifting multiple loads is prohibited at all times.


The travel speed of LA is slow enough to ensure the stability of the load.


The loads are gently lifted and cranes are operated smoothly to avoid loads


Taglines or push-sticks are used to control the loads, especially where the loads are
at risk of being affected by the wind and during pick and carry lifts.


Taglines are not attached to the LG. Workers did not use hands to push or pull
loads or LG.


Two taglines are provided at opposite corners (ends) of the load so as to avoid
swaying / rotation when lifting. The SWL of LG is not exceeded.


Blocking is placed on level surfaces at required location before the lift. If it is required
to adjust the blocking, the load is kept clear, sticks are used to move the blocking
and workers do not place hands under loads.


The load is not de-rigged until the full tension has been released from the LG and
the load, and worker has confirmed with the operator that it is safe to do so.


Equipment and loads are guided travelling at a safe distance and it is clear from nonauthorised personnel.


Appropriate signalling communication methods for lifts are used, e.g. agreed hand
signals and / or radio communications and warning whistles when required.


Designated storage was used to avoid damage to LG.


Correct PPE are used based on risk assessment / JHA, e.g. safety harness and
lifelines, life jackets, eye protection, etc.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Working at Height
The requirements for Class One Practice for Working at Height are listed
in the following table:


Always seek alternative options to avoid working at height altogether. E.g. eliminate
the need by assembling structures on the ground which can be lifted to height or use
long-handled tools instead of a ladder.


Design new plant and equipment to minimise the need to work at height. Include fall
prevention system in the design. E.g. tanks/roof tops which are accessed regularly
shall be equipped with access stairways, guard rails or permanent static lines.


Use MEWPs, passenger hoists, mobile and fixed scaffolding, closely boarded
temporary works decks complete with handrails, toe boards, safe access and
anchorage points whenever possible to provide a higher level of fall protection.


The height of a toe-board shall not be less than 200mm.


The height of the top guardrail shall not be less than 900mm and not more than
1150mm, and that of the intermediate guardrail shall not be less than 450mm and
not more than 600mm.


Scaffolds and falseworks must have suitable bracings and supports e.g. tie-ins to
structures, rakes, and outriggers extended to avoid overturn or collapse.


Portable work platform stands shall be designed to an appropriate engineering



Fixed ladders of 3m or higher must have hoops with an offset platform not more than
9m apart.


Always cover holes/penetrations/shafts etc. as soon as they are created with strong
materials of sufficient capacity which are fixed in place.


Install perimeter guardrails, temporary screens or light mesh on any leading/open

edges prior to or as soon as they are created.


Never go within 2m of an edge or fragile surface where there is a risk of falling and
getting injured.


Attach tools to safety lanyards when working at height.


Create exclusion zones below the working areas with barriers, signage and spotters.


Use fixed cover walkways supplemented with safety netting.


Use metal covered catch fans/platforms/decks supplemented with safety netting to

minimise the potential distance of a fall. Ensure that the installations and their
conditions have regular scheduled inspections.


Use catch nets and catch platforms/decks to minimise the distance of a fall.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Fully deck out scaffolds/false-works for erection and dismantling works where


The buddy system, of 2 or more persons, must be used to guide/warn MEWP

operators throughout movement and operations to help avoid trapping or crushing


Where there is a risk of material blowing off due to

high wind/prediction of storm, use of Kelly blocks is recommended to arrest any
movement or upliftment of light weight material, e.g. decking ply-boards in high-rise


Only Leighton nominated and appointed competent persons shall operate MEWPs,
man cages, passenger hoists or carry out erection, alternation, dismantling or
inspection of scaffolding, working platforms or false-work.


All persons required to work at height or operate work at height-related equipment

shall have appropriate external or internal training, be deemed competent in their
roles and duties and wear the appropriate standard PPE. The standards below for
scaffolding workers and scaffolding competent persons shall be followed.


For MEWPs, man-cages, passenger hoist, elevator systems: Only procure/purchase

standards/certifications to verify that it is fit for purpose.


Certifications to be obtained and kept up to date for all equipment categorised as

requiring certification.


All equipment to be commissioned, inspected and maintained according to site

specific pre-commisioning procedures.


The standards of fall prevention are equally applicable to any other work at height
activities, e.g. man-cages, MEWP baskets.


Persons using man-cages to attach their harnesses to appropriate anchorage points

(e.g. independent lifelines, etc.)


Specialised emergency rescue training to be conducted by Leighton or a registered

third party for at height rescue scenarios.


Use harnesses attached to designated approved fixed anchorage points.


For Scaffolding, Work Platforms, False-work Systems: Constructed according to

design/principles and built to sufficient strength rating for works being carried out.


All scaffolding/working platforms shall:

- be covered with orange flame resistant netting,
- be constructed from suitable/approved systems, and
- have suitable access, egress, guardrails and toeboards.


A scaffold that is safe to use shall be identified by a green scaff-tag through the
legally required or business defined certification system, e.g. tags, display of
inspection form/records, form 5 etc.


Scaffolding and work platforms be constructed from suitable materials - timber

handrails will not be acceptable as edge protection.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


All materials should be inspected to make sure they are in good condition before


All materials and equipment shall be safely stacked and secured at the designated
storage area.


Incomplete or unsafe scaffold must be identified as out of service and the

access/entrance barricaded or taped off with appropriate prohibitory and warning
signage indicating Not fit for use/ Do Not Use.


All scaffolds, working platforms and false-works shall be inspected regularly by a

competent person and after inclement weather or events that may have
compromised the structural integrity (e.g. storms, earthquakes/tremors, mudrushes,
etc.). Records must be kept of these inspections.


Keep walkways and working platforms clear at all times.


False-works systems must be subject to inspections by Competent Persons as

defined by temporary works procedures prior to loading and striking, e.g. Permit to


Trained scaffolding workers to wear and use harnesses, fall arrest systems and
make use of approved/certified anchorage points.


Mobile scaffolds shall:

- be built to the appropriate height to "least" base ratio,i.e. indoors/outdoors;
- have outriggers extended;
- have "castors" locked;
- are never moved with persons or loose materials on them;
- have access "inside" of the tower; and
- have any hatches closed when not in use.


Ladders should not be used to perform work only as access to working platforms.


Only use proprietary ladders that are suitable for the task and the associated risks.


Do not have items in your hands when climbing a ladder.


Apply the principle of three point contact when using ladders.


Place ladders in a secure position on solid ground before use.


Adopt a buddy system for portable ladder use.


Do not use wooden ladders - use the appropriate ladder for the task being done.


The top of the ladder should extend at least one metre above the landing point to
provide a hand grab point.


Ladders should be placed at a 1:4 ratio of setback distance to height.


Ladders must be secured from slipping by being tied off or secured by other

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

means. When this is not possible, ladders must be footed.

Do not apply more weight on the ladder than it is designed to support.


Before each use, inspect ladders for cracked, broken, or defective parts.


Stairways, hand and guard rails shall be included in maintenance checks.


Ladders, access stands and work platforms must be registered, given a unique ID
number and be inspected. The equipment shall be tagged as inspected and records
kept of these inspections.


Do not use A-frame type ladders.


Where fall prevention systems cannot be applied 100% all the time, employees must
use a range of fall restraint and fall arrest work systems attached to a suitable
anchor point/static line at all times.


Fall Restraint (versus fall arrest) systems should be the first option wherever
possible. Equipment options include static lines/life lines, adjustable lanyards, rope
grabs, etc.


Safety harnesses, lifelines, fall arrestors etc. are not to be used as primary means of
protection, other than in exceptional circumstances.


Written approval must be obtained from the Project Leader for the use of safety
harnesses, lifelines, fall arrestors etc. as a primary means of protection.


Employees should receive training/instruction from an appropriate person in the

correct fitting of a safety harness.


Limited free fall systems using inertia reels/retractable lifelines/fall limiters, etc. shall
be preferable to fall arrest systems of work.


Double lanyards with shock absorbers and snap hooks to be used for all fall arrest
systems of work. Absorbers only used at height as recommended by manufacturer.


Use designated anchor points at or above shoulder height so as to limit free fall,
except when working from MEWPs where the lowest point in the basket should be


All anchor points to be used in work at height are to be inspected and certified by a
competent person with certificates clearly displayed on the equipment/anchor points.


Lanyards and harnesses shall be from the same manufacturer to ensure

compatibility between components.


Lanyards may be secured by the use of strops, slings or other approved anchorage


Ensure regular supervision of fall protection set, harness and lanyard attachment
practices to check for backhooking and other incorrect methods of lanyard


Limit the length of the lanyard to prevent a person from having any impact with the
ground or any other surface if a fall occurs.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan



Always consider the potential of the pendulum effect when using a fall arrester
system in a non-vertical position. Methods to prevent this include careful selection of
the anchor point, use of 2 arresters from different angles, fixing temporary cross
pieces across large gaps (at right angles to arrester cable), and fixing horizontal
pieces in a way that will catch the cable and minimise the pendulum effect.


Inertia reels must be attached to a fixed anchor point or a static line using a
carabineer or a shackle. The harness connection point must be connected directly
to the line.


Anchor points and or static/safety lines must be designed to withstand the maximum
dynamic load from all persons attached to the anchor point and/or safety line.
Equipment includes static lines/life lines, adjustable lanyards, rope grabs, inertia
reels/retractable lifelines/fall limiters (also known as limited free-fall devices).


The number of persons allowed on any one section of line must be correctly
calculated, clearly communicated and enforced.


The choice of anchorage devices as a part of the fall protection system and fixed
anchor points shall be selected by a suitably qualified engineer with input from a
Health and Safety professional and a structural engineer where necessary.


Static/Safety lines:
- Cables must be at least 10mm in diameter, galvanised or stainless steel with a
minimum breaking force of 60kn.
- A suitably competent person is required to tension the cables and install the
approved static lines and cable anchor points.
- Cables must be installed so they cannot get damaged on sharp edges.
- Cables must be installed at a minimum height of 2m above the level of work, where
- Lanyard hooks should not be connected directly to the static line. A Riley Pulley or
carabineer should be used at all times.


All equipment shall be registered, given a unique ID number and be inspected by

competent person(s). The equipment shall be tagged as inspected and records kept
of these inspections.


All personal fall protection equipment purchased will comply with international
standards (e.g. EN or AS/NZS).


Fall protection equipment must be inspected by a competent person in accordance

with a defined schedule. Compliance with inspections should be clearly shown with
marks or tags. In addition, all personal fall protection equipment must be inspected
at least daily by the users of the equipment.


Personal fall protection equipment shall be maintained and stored as per

manufacturers recommendations.


A JHA and Take 5 are required for all work at height tasks.


Always work in pairs when the personal fall protection system adopted is fall arrest.


Make sure an effective communication system is in place when working at heights.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Where work at height is found to be critical and requires involvement of specialised

teams/equipment/formworks, a Permit to Work at Height can be introduced by the
Project Leader.


Where work at height is in close proximity to overhead powerlines, ensure relevant

permits are in place and the necessary electrical isolations have been made.


Do not work at height in dangerous weather conditions such as strong winds or

heavy rain.


PPE should include a helmet and non-slip footwear. Chin straps to be provided
where the risk assessment determines necessary.


A Rescue Plan must be in place when the personal fall protection system adopted is
fall arrest equipment.


Appropriate emergency response capabilities shall be designed into the work

program to ensure that personnel can be safely rescued and to reduce the potential
for suspension trauma.


Consideration should be given to the use of suspension trauma self-rescue straps

when using fall arrest systems.


All work at height rescue equipment shall be registered and given a unique ID
number. The equipment shall be tagged when inspected by competent persons
and records kept of these inspections.


Emergency drills should be conducted.


JHAs will be reviewed and updated in compliance with our risk management


Other monitoring processes described in the controls shall be implemented with

defined frequencies.


Take 5 Pre-task briefing shall be conducted prior to the beginning of a shift/specific



Workplace inspections must cover Working at Height.


Personnel performing testing, monitoring and inspections must be qualified and



Strive for L-I-F-E walks must be maintained to check that the controls within this
COP are effective and employees are working safely at height.


Audit processes shall be implemented in accordance with company procedures

which shall include an evaluation of the requirements in this COP.


Incident investigations shall be analysed to identify any additional controls required

to manage Working at Height.


Tools and equipment referenced within this COP shall be used as the minimum
requirements to monitor and manage Working at Height.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Isolation and Hazardous Energies


All energy sources which could be hazardous to personnel must be de-energised,

used or dissipated (where possible), isolated, verified as safe and locked and tagged
out before work commences.


Where achievable, a zero energy state is the desired level of control (no stored or
potential energy and all energy dissipated).


De-energising equipment and systems:

- Disconnect equipment from energy sources (e.g. temporary electrical
distribution board, battery, pipeline, pressurized vessel, etc.).
- Disconnect motors from the equipment.
- Positively isolate electrical circuits.
- Ensure articulated parts (e.g. steering systems, elevated truck bodies) are
suitably isolated through the use of safety retaining pins, slings, safety stay bars,
- Block or brace equipment parts that could move or fall due to gravity.
- Chock equipment where required.
- For pipeline systems always disconnect where possible and use
blanks/spades/spectacle blinds to isolate systems.


Dissipate stored (potential) energies:

- Ensure that all moving parts have stopped completely.
- Block parts in hydraulic and pneumatic systems that could move from the loss of
- Vent pressurised fluids until internal pressure levels reach atmospheric levels.
- Release or block tensioned springs.
- Ground or check grounding and/or earthing of electrical circuits.
- Discharge electrical capacitors by grounding/earthing them.
- Drain piping systems and close valves to prevent the flow of hazardous material.
- Purge tanks and pipelines where required.
- Dissipate extreme cold or heat.


Positively isolate stored (potential) energies:

- All plant of a type that require isolation shall be designed and supplied with
appropriate points of isolation for all energy sources to enable work on the plant
to be carried out safely.
- Positively isolate all hazardous energies through the use of proprietary locks
and accessories specifically designed for isolation purposes (i.e. physically
secures point of isolation, tamper proof and locks uniquely with only one key
under ownership of the person applying the lock).
- All isolation locks shall have a unique identification number and a register shall
be kept of the persons name and employee number to whom it was issued.
- As a minimum, two types of locks shall be implemented across all projects: Red
Personal Locks and Yellow Isolation Locks. Where there is a need for
additional locks to be used for specific projects and works, these are to be

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


documented within project-specific safe operating procedures.

Red Personal Locks - apply to an individual point(s) of isolation for the purpose
of Personal Protection.
Yellow Isolation Locks - locks for the sole purpose of an authorized person
securing isolating devices in the safe position during group or multiple isolations.
Often used when several locks need to be used to control multiple points of
isolation. These locks must be the first lock applied to an isolation device and
the last to be removed.
An Isolation Lock Box/LOTO Board or Lock Out Station shall be used for
complex group isolations or where points of isolation are not available (for
example testing and commissioning plant and equipment installations).
Where required, hasp/scissor clips, valve covers, electrical clips, isolation boxes
and boards shall be used for group or multiple isolations.
All guarding removed to work on equipment, must be done after hazardous
energy sources are isolated and reinstated once the work is complete and prior
to re-energization.
When working on wheeled mobile equipment, park the equipment on hard and
level ground, remove keys, employ braking systems and put in place wheel
chocks - release any stored energy.
Locks/Pins shall be used on points of articulation when an employee is at risk of
being injured by movement of the articulated parts. Examples are truck trays
raised, working between tray and cabin of articulated trucks, working within
wheel arches, working under raised cabins to access engine compartment, etc.
Dump Body Slings/Pins/truck bed brace brackets are to be used when the dump
or tray of a truck is raised and mechanics are working underneath the dump
Steering Locks are to be used only for certain tasks which must be determined
by the supervisor as to whether it is necessary.
Counterweight systems for conveyors, cable tensioning or other purposes shall
be provided with a means to release the stored energy (disconnect/lower weight
to ground) or pin weights in place.


Only Leighton nominated and appointed competent persons (e.g. licensed electrical
workers and mechanics) shall carry out and supervise isolation, re-energization,
installing, testing, servicing, repairing and maintenance works.


All nominated and appointed competent persons shall have appropriate external and
internal training and be trained in the work permit system, isolation procedures and
specific site procedures.


A Buddy System for competent persons should be implemented while performing

potentially hazardous work.


Tags form an essential part of communication in the isolation process. As a

minimum, two tags shall be implemented across all projects: Out of Service Tags
and Personal Danger Tags. Where there is a need for additional tags to be used
for specific projects and works, these are to be documented within relevant SOPs
(information tags, energisation tags, etc.).

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Out of Service tags are used to indicate a piece of equipment has been put out of
service and is not to be used/operated.


Out of service tags shall be applied to:

- identify and tag out faulty/unsafe equipment
- indicate equipment is under maintenance/repair
- indicate equipment is quarantined and not in service


The tag must be marked with the following:

- Name, identity number and contact number of person placing tag
- The persons company
- The equipment being worked on
- Date and time of application
- Reason for placement of tag


Wherever feasible, the tag must be placed so that the equipment cannot be operated
without the operator viewing or touching the tag.


Notify your supervisor when an Out of Service tag had been put in place.


Out of Service tags must not be removed unless:

- You are the person who applied the tag and are competent to decide that
operating the plant will not cause damage to the plant.
- You are authorized to carry out fault-finding on the equipment.
- You are authorized by your manager.


Only remove an Out of Service tag after the equipment has been repaired and
inspected by an authorized person.


File Out of Service tags after use.


Never operate plant or machinery that has an Out of Service tag on it.


Personal danger locks and tags are used to warn and prevent potential users from
starting or interfering with a piece of equipment or energizing a system that is under
installation, testing and commissioning, servicing and repair/maintenance, as it may
cause severe injury or even death to the person who placed them.


These can only be applied after the machine or equipment has been put Out of


Personnel must put a lock and then a personal danger tag on equipment before
working on it.


Locks and tags must be fixed to the main point of isolation where applicable.


The tag must be marked with the following:

- Name, identity number and contact number of person placing tag
- The persons company
- The equipment being worked on
- Date and time of application

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Reason for placement of tag


Employees must remove their locks and tags at the end of a shift or at completion of
the job whichever happens first.


If maintenance work is to continue over shifts the crews must sign onto permits and
change authority of isolations accordingly. If the equipment is not to be worked on
until the next day by the same crew, ensure that Out of Service Tags and locks are
left in place.


Locks and tags must not be left attached to points of isolation when the person they
are issued to is not on the work site, unless it is required to work on same equipment
on the following shift.


Locks and personal danger tags must only be removed by their owner.


Where an employee fails / forgets to remove their Personal Danger tag, that person
will be contacted by site supervision and instructed to return to the work site and
remove their Personal Danger tag. Should such person not be available to return to
the work site (ie. leave break, sickness, injury, etc.), the Personal Danger tag can
only be removed with the authority of the Project Leader or his designate, following
an inspection of the area of influence of the energy to ensure it is safe to do so.


Safe Operating Procedures and/or JHAs shall be in place for all activities involving
Lock Out/Tag Out.


All isolation, de-energization and energization activities must be planned and carried
out in accordance with the relevant procedure(s) for individual, group or multiple


A Permit to Work must be obtained and in place for the isolation and re-energization
of energy sources. The permit conditions must specify the safety conditions and test
requirements for the presence of hazardous materials/stored energy (e.g. Group or
isolations involving shift or work group change over).


All isolations and energizations must be completed by an authorized person.


Only authorized persons shall control group and/or multiple energy sources to
ensure they are adequately assessed and correctly controlled.


Barricade and apply appropriate signage at the work area to restrict access and to
maintain safe approach distances.


All points of isolation must be clearly identified, proven, tagged and controlled to
prevent inadvertent energizing by the authorized person.


Designated points of isolation shall be clearly labelled at all times to identify the
circuit/system/hazardous energy to which the isolation applies.


Any lost key or padlock shall be reported to a supervisor in order to obtain a

replacement from the issuing office/store.


In the event of missing personnel/lost keys, an isolation lock can only be removed/
destroyed with the approval of the Project Leader or delegated authorized person.


In the event that an isolation lock and/or Out Of Service tag has to be removed for
emergency reasons, the authorized person shall conduct a thorough investigation

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

and examination of the work area and general work site to ensure that no person or
item/area of plant is at risk if the equipment is re-energized. Only then shall the
Project Leader authorize removal of the isolation lock and/or Out Of Service tag.

Where there is no means of positive lockable isolation fitted to the equipment, then a
comprehensive JHA shall be developed to determine the best method to control
hazardous energies to acceptable levels and to prevent the equipment being
operated inadvertently whilst work is in progress.


Prior to breaking containment systems, a test for hazardous material/stored energy

must be performed with risk controls in place.


Inspect the plant prior to work to make sure all parts have stopped moving.


For all electrical isolations and whenever applicable, a test for dead (not live) must
be completed:
- Prior to recommencing work
- Following any time away from work
- Following changed conditions


The isolation status must be re-tested after any break or change in conditions.


If stored energy can re-accumulate, the authorized person is required to ensure that
all associated systems stay below hazardous levels.


Testing and Commissioning Process and Isolation will be carried out in accordance
with the relevant procedure(s) which includes preparing a JHA, adequately securing
the work area and erecting the appropriate Performance Testing Board/Lock Out
Stations, all under high-level supervision.


All safety systems, including protective guarding, must be reinstated upon

completion of the work and prior to re-energization.


Always conduct a TAKE 5 to identify potential risks before work.


Always follow the buddy system where stipulated (E.g. oil and gas isolations and
electrical works).


Wear the correct PPE for the type of isolation (E.g. high voltage gloves, face shields,
respiratory equipment etc.).


Never operate plant or machinery that has an Out of Service tag on it.


No person should tamper with or override the isolation of any locked out/tagged out
equipment or system.


Never attempt to operate any switch, valve or other energy isolating device where it
is locked or tagged out.


Loose clothing should not be worn by maintenance crews because it can get caught
in rotating or moving parts.


Maintenance crew and operators of machinery must keep their hands away from
moving parts and never start work until the machine stops completely.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Never use your hands to prevent leakage from pressured systems or equipment.


Never unnecessarily put yourself in the line of fire of equipment that could potentially


Where services could be impacted by construction activities they must be identified

and protected/isolated (as appropriate).


Every effort must be made to eliminate the risk associated with live services by
relocating the service/s and where this is not practicable by de-energising (isolating)
the service/s.


Services of which the status is undetermined shall be treated as live until the actual
known status has been confirmed.


All services (underground, embedded, concealed and above ground) must be

identified on a specific services drawing and documented in a register (or similar).


Permit-to-Dig/Excavation Permit shall include requirement for verification of

underground services.


All services must be accurately located by a designated competent persons using

the relevant services drawings and the location verified by a secondary means such
as (but not limited to):
- electronic detection of horizontal and vertical location
- ground penetrating radar
- non-destructive potholing
- trial holes


Regardless of how services are initially located ongoing verification of services must
be undertaken.


The location and type of all services must be recorded in drawings and visibly
marked and identified, for example, via:
- - Signage;
- - Markers; and/or
- - Line marking, including on walls, floors and ceilings.


Goal posts must be installed/provided for overhead services wherever applicable.


Underground services must be protected by cable covers and cable protection tape.


Vehicle and Mobile Plant Movement

The requirements for Class One Practice for Vehicle and Mobile Plant
Movement are listed in the following table:


Site vehicles and mobile plant operations have risk assessment conducted; planning
and involvement of competent persons to ensure appropriate hard controls have

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

been applied wherever possible.

Planning and assessments is the subject to continuous review, especially when the
environment changes or new risks appear.


Every effort is made to eliminate the risks associated with travel and mobile plant
operations. This should be through simply reducing the number of machines on site,
frequency of people and machine interaction, or physically separating the people
and machine working zones.


All hired or purchased vehicles or mobile plant are selected to be fit for purpose, preinspected and approved for use prior to commencing full operations. All such
arrangements are consistent with the requirements of this and other COP and
comply fully with relevant local legislations.


All vehicles and mobile plant are fitted with suitable and well maintained safety


Plant safeguarding systems is provided and working for all moving, rotating and
hazardous parts where possible all safeguarding systems are interlocked.


Where practicable, automatic proximity warning devices are fitted to machines in

areas with multi plant operation to minimize the risk of collisions.


Fingerprint recognition or similar systems are assessed for necessity for all vehicles
which are required to be driven in 24hrs shifts, so as to ensure drivers are not
logging excessive working hours.


All vehicle and mobile plate movement is managed to avoid potential collision and/or
personal damage particularly in relation to multiple plant movement, reversing
plant and the presence of personnel on the ground.


Where possible every effort is made to eliminate the need for personnel to work in or
access the area of operating mobile plant adjacent to, or in close proximity to
vehicular traffic. This also applies to members of the public who are exposed to such


Crossing points are constructed under or over the traffic routes, if applicable.


Where it is not practicable to eliminate the risk associated with man machine
interface, water ballast type, concrete profile type or similar type barriers is provided
to physically protect persons from the movement or travel of mobile plant and


Water ballast type barriers are filled with water and linked together as per the intent
of their design.


Mill type barriers are used to separate slow moving track type vehicles or mobile


Crossing points are established in all site areas where there is a high volume of site
traffic and a regular need for personnel to cross traffic routes, suitably constructed,
highly visible and designated pedestrian crossing points are established.


Pedestrian routes allow easy access to work areas and be wide enough to
accommodate the number of people likely to use it.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


On-site traffic routes including site entrances and exits are properly planned and
managed to eliminate risks of vehicles collision or personal injury.
Whenever practicable, the following measures are adopted as HARD controls to
prevent traffic incidents:
- Site IN/OUT entrances are separated.
- Separate site entrance points are established to keep pedestrians and vehicles
- Designated and protected pedestrian walkways are provided.
- Common work areas are kept away from vehicle routes or heavy equipment, e.g.
fabrication, steel work, etc.
- Storage and loading areas are located away from areas of frequent pedestrian
- Loading and offloading areas are large enough to allow for the movement of the
vehicle without striking obstructions or creating a hazard to pedestrians.
- Light and heavy vehicles are separated where practicable.
- Speed limiting devices is fitted to site vehicles and mobile plant where practicable.
- Reversing operation is eliminated as much as possible by using one-way systems
designated approved turning points.
- Central dividers are provided on access routes with two-way traffic.
- Goal posts are installed in front of locations with height restrictions with prominent
warning signs.
- Access routes are properly designed to avoid steep inclines or sharp bends, etc.
- Plant, equipment or vehicles are prohibited to be parked on inclines.
- Physical measures are adopted to reduce vehicle speed e.g. speed humps, at
critical locations.
- Weighbridge or similar devices is installed at site entrances/exits to monitor and
stop overloaded vehicles.
- Vehicular accesses of adequate grip and width with well compacted surface are
provided and maintained, to support loading and suitable gradient.
- Portable/permanent wheel stoppers are provided on locations to prevent vehicles
driving onto un-compacted ground.
- Crash barriers are installed, where practicable along slopes/water front areas and
other high-risk locations.
- Where vehicles are used for tripping materials into an excavation, well-anchored
stop blocks or other suitable measures are used to prevent the vehicle overrunning
the edge, a trained banksman is in attendance.
- Designate parking locations established and small concrete berms or sufficient
wheel chocks are provided for proper parking.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is established and implemented.


The traffic management plan has covered, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Road and intersection design, maintenance and inspection including delineation,
windrows/berms, islands and bunds,
- Traffic control including signage, traffic lights, speed limits, separation distance and
right of way rules,
- Layout maps showing positions of site compound, traffic cones, mirrors, additional
lighting, speed bumps, traffic lights, parking/turning areas, storage areas, etc.
- Vehicle interactions and vehicle/ pedestrian interactions,
- Selection, maintenance, testing and inspection of vehicles,
- Vehicle visibility and vehicle identification,
- Environmental and road conditions,
- All light vehicles and surface mobile equipment are complied with the minimum site
specific traffic specifications (i.e. lights on, use of fog lamps during foggy climate,
flashing warning lights, speed limits, refueling areas, park procedures, etc.),
- Training, competency and compliance.
- Commutations, e.g. radios,
- Site vehicle access/egress


The site or project TMP:

- Met all contractual requirements, environmental conditions, legislatives
requirements, and project or client road design guidelines,
- is available on site to all personnel,
- has outlined all traffic management rules,
- is reviewed and approved by the project leader,
- Included a process to manage all non-compliant vehicles and drivers,
- Included a process for the transportation of dangerous goods and oversize loads,
- Defined responsibilities, training requirements, address non-compliance and
methods of communication,
- Defined inspection and audit arrangements to ensure effectiveness of
recommended rules, process and designs in TMP.
- is covered in induction/training
- is explained to subcontractors/suppliers in advance.


All plant and equipment are legally compliant, inspected, tested and approved for
use by competent persons in accordance with the legal requirements under the
relevant legislation all statutory certificates are displayed on the plant and
equipment in a prominent location.


The following LAIO compliance checks for all plant and equipment are established :
- Pre-commissioning inspection (PCI) by appointed plant inspector before use,
- Daily pre-use check (PUC) by operator/mechanics,
- Scheduled critical parts inspections (SCPI) by plant owners or parties designated
by the project,
- Quarterly audits by independent plant inspector.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Scheduled critical parts inspections for machines are conducted in accordance with
manufacturers recommendations or at least quarterly. For those machines over 10
years old the inspection are conducted monthly.


Only plant that is clearly and conspicuously marked with a Plant Permit and
Commissioning Sticker is allowed to operate on site.


Background colour and design of Commissioning Sticker for machines over 10 years
old are different than other machines for easy distinction.


Machines found with major deficiencies during the routine inspections or audits are
immediately suspended from operation and tagged out of service, with plant permit
and commissioning sticker removed and a quarantine label displayed. Where
practicable, the concerned machines are physically locked to prevent any
unauthorised operation.


A planned maintenance program is developed and implemented to prevent any

incidents as a result of controls or safety device failure.


If HARD controls such as a footbridge or tunnel, etc. are not practicable at

pedestrian crossing locations, grade crossing points are provided with:
- Water ballast type or concrete road barriers to demarcate the area
- Prominent warning signage for pedestrians in appropriate languages
- Traffic control signage warning vehicle drivers
- Flashing warning lights for pedestrians and drivers
- Adequate location lighting
- Convex mirrors (based on assessment)
- Swing type barrier gates (opening away from traffic)

Confirm if the following requirements are followed for management of Fatal Zones involving
the use of mobile or slewing plant such as excavators, bobcats, front loaders, bulldozers,
dumper trucks, etc.

The entire operating zone is completed fenced off with RED, preferably water filled
barriers, continuously linked together.


A min. 600 mm clearances is maintained between barriers and the end of slewing
probes extended from counter-weights of slewing plant.


No entry warning signs and red flashing lights are positioned at the corner of Fatal
Zones and every 10m along the length of the demarcation barriers.


Trained, competent and appointed banksman is assigned to be the designated

person in charge of the area.


All persons are working from behind designated demarcation barriers in order to
maintain full clearance from potential tipping and overturning zones of dump trucks.


No person is allowed to enter into the Fatal Zone unless accompanied by a



Approval is only be given on the basis of the following control measures being
undertaken and applied for when working in the vicinity of vehicular traffic:
- A traffic management plan specific to the task that identifies the controls necessary
to separate site personnel from traffic, such as physical barriers, minimum

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

separation distances, speed limits etc. is developed.
- Negotiations with relevant authorities including the client, traffic authorities or
police, has been taken on road projects to either close roads or reduce traffic flow
and speed limits to as low as reasonably practicable.


Temporary Traffic Arrangements (TTAs), where identified as required, has ensure

- Truck mounted or stationary crash attenuators with flashing direction sign is
considered as preferred control for work in live traffic.
- All personnel requiring access to live traffic areas are identified by a Roadwork
helmet label and be given a pre-work briefing about working near live traffic.
- Where required, compliant, fit for purpose physical barriers are installed in
accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.
- Signage for temporary road works has included emergency numbers after normal
working hours.
- A system is in place to stop traffic where necessary such as temporary traffic lights,
stop/go sings and related communications mean e.g. radio.
- Adequate lighting in place.
- Sufficient and suitably trained Traffic Controllers, where required, are provided to
direct traffic on live traffic lanes/site entrances.


Where possible:
- The need for vehicles to reverse is eliminated by providing one-way road systems
and designated turning circles, especially in storage areas
- The need for banksman to be present to guide vehicles is eliminated


Designed vehicle reversing areas is established which:

- Allow adequate space for vehicles to manoeuvre safely,
- Exclude pedestrians and
- are clearly sign-posted with physical stops or buffers to warn drivers that they have
reached to the limit of the safe reversing area.


Multiple plant/vehicles reversing is prohibited within the sake reversing area at the
same time.


Through assessments, have specific procedures and instructions for trained and
appointed banksmen to assist drivers who cannot see clearly behind their vehicles.
- The banksman are remaining in areas protected from traffic, and if this is not
possible, are always at locations where they are able to be seen by
- On inclines the banksmen always remain on the uphill side of plant during guiding
unless they can work within suitable rigid barriers. They always remain visible to


The areas are clearly marked and that other workers are prohibited from entering
designated reversing areas by means of barriers/warning signs/ banksmen.


Drivers/operators are aware of any objects that may be in the vicinity of the swing
radius and articulation points of their plant/vehicles.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Thorough design review of the planned ramps or inclined surfaces is conducted.


Ramp does not lead immediately after a bend or a curve in the road.


The ramps/inclined surface have a suitable gripping surface, edge protection to

prevent vehicles overrunning and be subject to a designated inspection regime.


The operation areas are well demarcated by means of water ballast or other rigid
barriers with prominent warning signs to prohibit entry of personnel.


Suitable vehicle restraints such as hard barriers, safety banks or stop blocks are in
place to stop mobile plant/vehicles from moving beyond the edges.


Assessment of the suitability of the plant for the incline and task, including if the
gradient is within operating capability is conducted.


Safety devices of mobile plant/vehicle, especially the braking system, are functioning
properly before work and testing brakes prior to accessing ramps or inclines.


Banksman / traffic controllers are operating from within protected areas from traffic to
control traffic access to the ramps, e.g. use of drop gates/traffic light systems.


Parking of vehicles or mobile plant on ramps or sloped surface is prohibited. Use

wheel chocks/lowered outriggers, plant blade or bucket if possible to increase
stability of stationary plant.


Loads are properly placed and distributed with respect to weight, heights, material
types and positioning.


Design of specialized stacking/ support and lifting frames for equipment/materials.


Support requirements, e.g. blocking, stanchions is clearly designated.


Designated attachment points and outlines for placement for tie-down arrangements,
including tie-down equipment types, SWL and protection against damage to such
equipment are used.


Material does not project beyond the bed of trailer, or other transportation


Inspection is conducted prior to arrival on site and off-loading to confirm equipment

condition and adherence to standards and principles of load security.


Vehicle conditions are checked, in particular brakes and tyres (must have sufficient


Work is performed in designated loading/unloading areas with flat firm surfaces.


Only guide vehicles from safe locations (ideally 10m from the vehicle) and stay clear
of blind-spots.


Work is performed behind designated demarcation barriers to maintain full clearance

from plant/vehicles potential tipping zones.


Each plant type have a specific risk assessment and controls for self-drive loading
and unloading of plant from vehicles, e.g. from low bed trailers.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Wheel chocks are used if vehicles are loading / unloading in parked condition.


Load restraints (chains, straps, etc.) are not released / removed until the vehicle
transporting the load has reached its destination and it is safe to commence
unloading activities.


All vehicle drivers are authorized and hold a valid government license for that
country, or an international drivers license accepted by local government, along with
an Approved Operators Permit.


Only mobile plant operators who are trained and deemed competent by his or her
qualification and experience are allowed to operate mobile powered plant.


No operator of mobile plants is appointed as competent without confirming valid and

appropriate government licenses are in place.


All permanent mobile plant and equipment have a picture of the appointed and
authorized operator and the requisite operator certificate/permit clearly displayed on
the plant.


All banksmen and traffic controllers have had appropriate training, passing
examination and are deemed competent in their roles and duties. Furthermore, they
are appointed in writing by the project.


All operators are trained in emergency shutdown and other relevant emergency
procedures specific to the plant they are operating.


A driver orientation/induction is provided for long term drivers prior to entering site
boundaries, e.g. explain related site risks, layout, project rules, checking of condition
of driver/plant before proceeding.


For drivers of hired and delivery trucks for short periods, e.g. less than 3 days, the
validity of their driving license is checked and a short safety briefing on key traffic
rules is given before allowing them to enter the site.


Permits, licenses, training and briefing records, appointment letters of drivers and
operators are maintained by the project office.


Personnel always wear seat belt when on board.


Personnel without authorization and appointment in writing are not allowed to

operate vehicles or mobile plant.


Personnel always follow demarcated pedestrian routes.


Personnel NEVER climb/ walk outside of specifically demarcated pedestrian areas.


Personnel NEVER talk on mobile phones or use handheld devices whilst moving or
crossing public roads/site haul roads/site entrances etc.


Personnel do not enter into the demarcated reversing zones, loading/unloading

areas, or mobile plant operating areas unless it is necessary, agreed by the
banksman in charge of the area and all vehicles or mobile plants in their path are
completely stopped.


Banksmen do not approach plant or vehicles until positive visual contact has been

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

established and agreed with the operators.

Banksmen always confirm with operators that they are the designated Banksman
responsible for guiding their plant or vehicle agree with operators approved


Banksmen instruct / ensure that the operators turned off radios/hi-fi s and not to use
mobile phones (inc. hands free) etc. and to lower down their operator cabin windows
when Banksmen are giving signals. Windows/ windscreens to be clear and
unobstructed no newspaper sun-visors.


Banksmen always stay in the line of sight of the operators and maintain continuous
signalling / communication until the manoeuvre is complete and the plant/vehicle has
come to a safe stop.


Wherever practical, Banksmen are positioned at the front end of the equipment and
maintain an outward position to the direction of travel, with a minimum of 5m (ideally
10m) from the plant/vehicle and all other vehicles in the vicinity.


When working areas are restricted, the Banksmen are standing behind a fixed
demarcation barrier at all times when giving signals to operators.


Banksmen do not stand directly between moving plant/vehicles and fixed objects
they always in front and to the side of the moving plant/vehicle.


If the Banksmen need to move their position to the rear of the vehicle, they first stop
the vehicle/plant operation, inform the operator of their intent, and always maintain
visual contact with operators when changing position Banksmen always ensure
that they never enter operator blind spots/fatal zones.


Banksmen only guide reversing plant or vehicles on inclined surfaces if directly and
specifically approved by the LCAL supervision. When guiding plant/vehicles on
inclines, never be positioned on the downhill side of any plant/vehicle travelling up
or down an incline Banksmen are always remain uphill and to the side of the
traveling plant/vehicle.


If other equipment enters or tries to enter the working zone when Banksmen are
manoeuvring plant/vehicles, the Banksmen stop all plant/ vehicle movements
immediately. This is critical in confined areas, ramps and hauls roads.


If the Banksmen have to leave their post temporarily, they request the plant or
vehicle under their guidance to stop operating and notify their supervisor to arrange
a suitable replacement.


The Banksmen always maintain visual contact with plant/vehicle operators at all


Drivers / operators strictly follow the zero tolerance approach to drugs and alcohol.


Horseplay and unauthorized use of equipment is strictly prohibited.


Drivers / operators always follow designated construction method statement for



Pre-use inspection check/pre-start check of the unit is conducted and record on

required inspection reports.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Drivers / operators report any defects or damage of vehicles or mobile plant

immediately to direct supervisors.


No persons mount or dismount from a moving machine, and use the proper
hand/foot holds; 3 points of contact at all times.


Drivers / operators always wear a seat belt, stay within the guarded cabin area when
operating and never lean outside of this area.


Drivers / operators do not carry any person in vehicles or mobile plant unless on
designated passenger seats.


Doors, where fitted, are closed at all times during operation.


Drivers / operators never tamper with, override or disengage any plant safety related
devices or systems.


Mobile phones ae not in use while driving. If the call is urgent, drivers / operators
park in a safe place before taking the call.


Drivers / operators do not smoke in the cab of a vehicle or during re-fuelling.


Operator cabin always kept clean and tidy e.g. clear windscreen and side windows,
no item under pedals, etc.


Operators always check that the weight of the load to be lifted and carried is within
the safe capacity of the machine.


Operators always ensure that personnel are not in the immediate vicinity of the
operating area before moving.


Drivers / operators always pay attention to the position of banksmen designated to

guide the machine and follow the agreed signals. If any doubt, stop in a safe place
and ask.


Barriers are moved with equipment and regularly inspected.


Drivers / operators always pay close attention to the operational areas surroundings
when travelling. Never exceed specified safe speed limits, do not make sharp turns
at high speed or make a sudden increase/decrease in speed.


Plant/counterweight/ boom are put in positions to maintain maximum stability.


Drivers / operators always keep their speed to a minimum; ensure that the planned
route is clear and alert personnel to your presence by sounding the horn.


Vehicle / plants travel slowly on wet ground or on poor ground conditions.


All loose material has been removed along passageways before commencing
operation of the machine prior to travelling across intersections or entrances.


A safe travelling distance is maintained from other moving plant/vehicles.


Drivers / operators drive up/down gradients are at right angles and not across.


Drivers / operators test brakes before approaching inclines.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Low gears are selected for downhill travel.


Drivers / operators do not overtaking other vehicles or moving plant.


Machineries are parked only in designated parking areas.


Vehicles / plants are not park behind heavy equipment. Do not double park or block
other vehicles in parking areas.


Vehicles / plants are park with the brake set, the engine stopped, keys removed and
wheels chocked or turned into the bank or wall.


Earthmoving plant blades, buckets etc. are lowered to the ground prior to the driver
leaving the cab.


Outriggers are lowered where relevant during parking.


- have guarding to protect the elevator mechanism/scissor area.
- all boom/articulated type MEWPs are fitted, where practicable, inner grab rails or
external secondary extended guardrails (bump bars), around the perimeter of the
basket to prevent impact to hands during movement.
- have a barrier (rigid mesh/guards to all sides) fitted so as to prevent persons from
sitting/placing legs through intermediate and upper guardrail openings.
- valid testing certificates, plant permits which must include machine self-weight, and
valid PUC (Pre Use Check) permit are displayed.
- clear signage showing location and use of emergency stop & lowering devices,
Crushing Points and other relevant signage and rules are displayed.
- details of trained & appointed operators is displayed.
- the SWL/Max No. of Persons to be carried, displayed in a prominent location.
- are equipped with flashing warning lights & fi re extinguisher.
- are equipped with an audible warning device (for all movement functions).


All operators of MEWPs hold a valid training certificate issued by a recognized

training provider or the supplier manufacturer of the MEWP.


Only trained and authorised persons are allowed to operate MEWPs.


There is a designated trained banksman to assist in travelling of MEWPs and a

designated spotter (buddy system) for guarding the machine, avoid crushing risks
and, If required, operate emergency lowering devices.


Workers working on MEWPs are wearing a safety harness fitted with a double
lanyard harness lanyards are attached to the fixed anchor points specified by the


No workers are observed climb outside of the MEWP man-riding cage.


No workers are observed stand on the handrails of the MEWP man-riding cage.


No workers are observed erecting any type of additional access on the man-riding

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Pre-use inspections, including emergency lowering controls of MEWPs, are

conducted before use.


MEWPS that are damaged are not being used. All such damage/defects are
reported to the supervisor immediately.


MEWP controls are in safe operable condition defects/ damage are reported to the
supervsior immediately.


Manufactures operating instructions are being followed.


MEWPs are not operated on uneven or sloping ground.


Areas in which MEWPs are being operated are free from any type of obstructions,
which may affect its safe operation.


Adequate pedestrian demarcation and banksmen are provided when operating

MEWPs in access ways.


Hand-tools and materials are secured when working on MEWPs.


Workers do not put their hands inside the MEWP scissor lift area.


No workers are observed operating a MEWP on, or close to the edge of an

unprotected floor or staircase.


The platform is kept clean and dry.


MEWPs are kept at a safe distance from live power lines.


MEWPs are not being used or restricted use in high wind situations as per
manufacturer recommendation.


MEWPs are parking on firm level ground and immobilize the machine before leaving.


All site personnel are wearing high visibility clothing e.g. reflective vests, raincoats or
approved LAIOs uniforms with reflective stripes, while on site.


All nominated and appointed, Banksmen and Traffic Controllers are provided with
relevant equipment and PPE relevant to their position. This include as a minimum:
- Orange LED type high visibility vest with Banksman wording on the back.
- Specific colour hard hat with reflective stripes and banksman logo e.g. blue truck
- Whistle/sirens/laser pointer
- Radios
- Batons
- Illuminated wands for night work and dimly lit working environments e.g. tunnel,


For working in tunnels, all personnel are wearing a headlight at the front and a
flashing light at the back of the helmet to draw the attention of nearby drivers /

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Other PPE requirements that may be required are based on risk assessment/ JHA.
E.g. ear protection, dust mask, eye protection, etc.


PPE are purchased in compliance with the company and international standards.


Temporary Works
The requirements for Class One Practice for Temporary Works are listed
in the following table:





Construction methods are assessed, planned and competent persons are involved
to ensure appropriate hard controls have been applied wherever possible.
Effort has been made to eliminate the risk associated with temporary works. This
has been done through reducing the need for temporary works by changing methods
of construction, e.g. use of simple proprietary systems instead of traditional scaffold
type falsework to minimise the effect of human errors, to provide proper
access/egress and safe platforms for erection/alteration/use/dismantling of
temporary works or fabrication/dismantling items at ground level.
All persons involved in temporary works design, supervision and construction have
adequate experience, are suitably trained and have had their competency assessed.
The temporary works systems adopted are thoroughly assessed and verified to
ensure that they are fit for purpose and meet all necessary specifications and
standards. All such matters are consistent with the requirement of this COP, relevant
legislation and appropriate design principles.
During the design stage of the project, every effort has been made to eliminate or
reduce the use of temporary works in construction.
Where temporary works are required, simple and/or proprietary systems are
selected to minimise the risk of the incorrect set up of temporary works due to
human errors.
Suitable and safe accesses and platforms for temporary works construction are
included in design drawing/method statements.


All gaps and openings are closed to prevent falling objects at each stage of
construction and use.


Components of temporary works are designed to allow fabrication/dismantling from

ground level where practicable.


Arrangements are made for proprietary system suppliers to provide suitable training
and supervision on site at the start of temporary works erection/dismantling.


Temporary ramps are suitably designed to the purpose, type and constraint of plant
using it. This included suitable grip, strength and edge protection where required.


Ground support for plant/structures are suitably designed and provided.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


There are adequate physical protection to adjacent services, structures and

equipment to prevent damage during the erection/dismantling of temporary works,
including plant used for such works.


Suitable materials are selected with proper consideration of works environment and
duration of use, e.g. use of metal instead of plywood for external catch fans/floor
opening covers, so as to be longer lasting/less affected by environment.


Suitable plant and equipment are selected for the erection, alteration or dismantling
of temporary works.


Consideration have been given to design so as to allow safe transportation, stacking

and storing of component and the necessary tools/equipment to be used.


Proper consideration are given of potential issues with simultaneous

operations/contractors interfacing that may create additional risk and plan to work
sequence properly to avoid these situations.


Potential issues caused by weather, flooding and other natural events are taken into
account in the design.


Lifting methods, gears and rigging arrangements for temporary works components
and rebar cages are determined by competent persons and the relevant
requirements are included in lifting plans/methods statements, JHA, etc.


Proprietary or designed Lifting gears for lifting of temporary works components are
provided and used.


Approved lifting points or rigging methods and weights of temporary works

components are designated and clearly marked for the lifting crews attention. Lifting
operations are backed up by inspection and approval processes.


Designated lifting gears for temporary works components are separated from other
general purpose lifting gears to minimize the chance of damage.


As a minimum, flat and well compacted ground are provided for fabricating, storing
and dismantling of temporary works components.


The fabrication and storage areas for temporary works components are protected
from site traffic or moving plant by water filled or similar type rigid barriers.


A minimum width of 650mm is maintained for accesses in temporary works

fabrication and storage yards.


Overhead services within the reach of plant and equipment used for temporary works
construction are identified and physically protected to prevent damage or moving of
any part of plant and equipment into the danger zone of services, e.g. overhead
power lines.


Safe access equipment (MEWPs, access platforms, etc.) are provided for rigging,

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

installing and/or dismantling of temporary works components at height.


Adequate bracing are installed to hold the vertical formwork panels in position and
prevent them from toppling over.


Where practicable, temporary works construction areas are fenced off by water filled
or similar typed rigid barriers with limited access to authorized persons only.


Safe access and platforms are provided and maintained for temporary works
erection, alteration and dismantling.


Suitable toolboxes for keeping of hand tools on temporary decking are provided and
hand tools are secured by lanyards during use at height to prevent falling objects.


When fixing wall or column shutters, no one is in close proximity to the

adjacent/opposite side of the shutter.


Prior to de-rigging formwork panels/temporary panels, adequate brace supports are

installed in order to prevent them from toppling over.


Incomplete temporary works e.g. scaffolds, falsework, wall formwork panels, are
adequately tied and supported in accordance with the design drawings at all times
during construction.


At appropriate stages, designated support are added to maintain structural stability,

including where works were halted, during breaks and/or to protect from inclement
weather, e.g. monsoon, typhoon.


As a minimum, one elevation of the wall formwork, with adequate supports is in

placed prior to commencing wall rebar installation.


Rebars are overlapped and secured correctly.


Braces and ties of temporary works or rebar walls/columns are fixed in the
designated sequence as per design drawings to permanent structures or other
suitable defined structures with adequate strength to support their loading.


All rebar walls/columns are erected as per approved erection sequence and
adequately braced/supported during the construction stage.


Temporary works or rebar walls/columns are only connected to scaffold or works

platforms when approved by competent persons/designers.


All structural elements and other equipment e.g. power lines, hydraulic jacks, etc. of
the temporary support system are physically protected from any potential sources of


Any loose objects (e.g. fixing pins, dried concrete mortar, etc.) on formwork panels
are checked and removed before erecting or dismantling so as to prevent falling
objects and eye injuries during lifting, construction and dismantling.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


There are suitable demarcation and separation of working zones to protect people
from falling objects/crush by plant or equipment.


Application and exemptions,


The allocation of duties and responsibilities of competent staffs for all Temporary
works activities,

Temporary Works Designer (TWD)

Temporary Works Coordinator (TWC)
Temporary Works Design Checker/ Independent Checking Engineer (ICE)
Responsible Site Person (RSP)
Scaffold Competent Person / Inspector as relevant
Scaffold Workman (Erector)


The formal appointment procedure of competent persons,


Classification and assessment are corrected of all temporary works,


The maintenance of a Temporary Works register,


The preparation of the concept and design brief based on hazard identification and
risk assessment, including for situation of inclement weather and other environmentrelated issues.


The selection and checked all materials/equipment for adequacy, at design stage,
and prior to erection, installation, alteration and dismantling,


The formal checking of the Temporary Works design and inspection before and
during erection/alteration/dismantling and prior to loading/unloading, through hold
points inspections and permit to work systems.


The provision of and compliance with relevant Class One Practice and other safety
requirements e.g. working at height, personal protective equipment, etc.


The processes for assessing and approval before changes.


All temporary structural support systems, including falsework, formwork, back

propping, scaffolding and shoring are:-

designed by an engineer competent in the specific application,

given proper consideration of potential risk factors (e.g. overloading, struck by
plant, etc.)
designed and certified by an ICE qualified and experienced in the specific


The design has taken into account the risks and controls during each stage and
sequence of erection, dismantling and any alteration works.


For special temporary structural support systems, such as launching gantries for

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Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

bridge construction, the relevant specialist contractors/competent persons are

consulted at design and developing of methodology.

Consideration and planning with regards to interfacing works or other contractors

etc., and other temporary works are included in developing construction sequence
and method statements.


Erection, alteration and dismantling sequences of temporary works, rigging and lifting
methods of related components are shown on simple drawings, documented in
relevant method statements and kept at work fronts for direct reference.


Process controls (hold point) are utilized to provide systematic checking and
approval for next stage of work.


Any change to method, material, equipment or work sequence in temporary works

erection, alteration, use or dismantling, the related method statements/construction
risk assessment/job hazard analysis are reviewed to assess any additional /changed
risk and controls required.


TWC has issued and updated construction teams with latest designs and methods,
in addition, maintained proper distribution records.


A drawing register and all design drawings are maintained by the TWC.


Inspection schedule for temporary works is developed and implemented according to

the defined Risk Category of concerned temporary works, taking into account the
environment in which it is situated, used and exposed to.


Prior to initial loading, pouring concrete, next stage of a process or removal/striking,

a work permit e.g. permit to load/unload or striking, which either certifies installation
or removal of the temporary support system per the approved design are obtained
from the TWC, or other authorized person appointed by the Project Leader.


All temporary works components (e.g. scaffold platform, formwork panel, gantry etc.)
being lifted by crane have an ICE certificate certifying (including any relevant
standards) the lifting method and lifting points.


Lifting points of temporary works components, together with lifting gears to be used
are inspected every time before lifting so as to ensure they are fit for purpose.


Lifting plans and permits (with appropriate drawings) are developed based on
complexity of lifts to ease checking at workplaces.


Any changes to temporary works design, use or work sequence, as identified during
inspection, is properly managed and approved through Change Management


A schedule has been prepared with regular meetings held amongst personnel
involved in the management of temporary works on the project so as to ensure
proper discussion, undertaking and review of TWMS.

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Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Temporary works kick-off meeting is arranged and chaired by the Engineering

Manager. Attendees included the TWD, TWC, ICE and engineers.


Agenda items for the temporary works kick-off meeting included but not be limited to:

Temporary Works Control Procedure.

Review Scope of Temporary Works Recorded on TWMS.
Agreement of risk categories for main identifiable items of temporary works.
Allocation of TWC, TWD and ICE.
Approval dates for the main items of temporary works.


Regular temporary works design review meetings are held during the implementation
stages of the temporary works designs. The meetings are arranged and chaired by
the EM and attended by TWC, engineering and supervisory representatives involved
in temporary works, including subcontractors.


Minutes of meetings are kept as necessary and distributed promptly for follow up
actions. Objectives of the review meetings are as follow:-


All Class 1 risks have been identified.

All Class 1 risks have been eliminated, or appropriate mitigation measures
identified, assigned and clearly communicated.
The proposed design schemes and materials selected were safe, robust and
The work sequencing inspections and hold points are cleared to all parties.

Agenda items for the temporary works design review meetings included but not be
limited to:

Review of TWMS.
Design progress.
Changes to designs, loads, materials, methods including involved
plant/equipment, sequence of works and involved parties.
Review of risk categories for existing, changed and new items of temporary
Quality of temporary works designs, method statements and relevant
Confirm suitability of assigned controls.
Confirm proper assignment and implementation of inspections and approval


People involved in the design or inspection of temporary works and application of

temporary works procedures have relevant engineering qualifications and
construction experience as determined by the Business and local legislation,
guidelines or approved project temporary works procedures.


All people involved in any stage of the erection, alteration or dismantling of

temporary structural support systems, including falsework, formworks and back

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Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

propping are being trained for such work.

This includes:-

Explanation of the individuals roles and responsibilities.

Training in erection/dismantle and/or use of specific temporary works
Briefing on specific temporary works design, include methods and sequence
of erection, alteration and dismantling where appropriate.
Briefing on JHA.
Application of temporary works procedure, include inspections and hold


Head of Engineering Department has developed and communicated corporate level

temporary works procedures to projects.


Head of Engineering Department held regular meetings with EMs to ensure proper
discussion and reviewed of corporate and project temporary works procedures with
reference to latest legislation, guidelines, incident alerts, etc.


Head of Engineering Department has established schedule and has conducted

regular reviews and audits to confirm proper implementation of temporary works


Project specific temporary works procedures are developed with reference to

corporate temporary works procedures and other related documents. (e.g. contract


Overseen implementation of temporary works procedures at a site level, and

provided effective coordination between the design team and the site operations


Regular feedback is provided to the Project Leader on the implementation of the

required procedures.


The head office or external professionals are consulted, if required, any major/
complex items of temporary works are technical reviewed.


Appointed persons for temporary works are sufficient competency.


Temporary works design review meetings are chaired by project engineering



The Temporary Works Designer has always conformed to Codes of Practice and
design standards appropriate to the works and risk categories.


A safe, robust and ergonomic design with due consideration are produced to the
timescale of the programme.


Temporary Works Designer has always liaised fully with TWC to resolve any queries.

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Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Recognized specialists are consulted when required to expedite the design, as

agreed with the TWC.


Temporary works designs are checked and ICE convey any comments to the TWD
via the TWC.


Upon satisfactory response to the comments and updates to the

drawing/calculations, the approved Temporary Works Design Check Certificate is
issued and endorsed the relevant drawings.


All design changes to temporary works are reviewed and endorsed as per temporary
works procedures or on request by TWC.


For temporary works with Risk category A, temporary works are inspected and
endorsed the Temporary Works Permit to Load prior to issuance.


The Temporary Works Master Schedule are maintained and reviewed, together with
a register of all temporary works drawings and calculations, on a regular basis in
conjunction with the TWD.


Temporary Works Coordinator has always liaised with Construction Team and
determined the risk category of temporary works.


Temporary Works Coordinator has always advised the TWD and ICE of the
programme for the design and checking of the temporary works to meet the
construction targets.


The design of temporary works is checked as per defined programme.


The most updated approved temporary works drawings are checked and approved
by the ICE and distributed to the construction team on site.


The methods, materials, plant and equipment are satisfied with the requirements of
the design.


Any changes and corrections to temporary works are assessed, designed, verified
and carried out as required.


The frequency of inspections and hold points of temporary works are identified and
developed register and monitor compliance.


Inspections are carried out at the defined critical stages during construction and
before loading or unloading.


Temporary Works Coordinator has always consulted TWD, follow the temporary
works procedures and performed checking to ensure the strength of the permanent
work is adequate to permit removal of the temporary works/supports.


Temporary Works Coordinator has stopped the work and requested for suitable
rectification to comply with the requirements of the temporary works construction

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Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

drawings and agreed method statements, if any.


Responsible Site Person understands the design details, method statements and
sequencing of works.


Responsible Site Person always checks the materials/equipment is in good condition

before/after use.


Responsible Site Person always supervises the temporary works erection; alteration
and dismantling of in compliance with approved designs and method statement
exactly as sequenced.


Responsible Site Person always seeks guidance from the TWC if unsure what is


The authority of the TWC are recognized and carried out his/her instructions.


Responsible Site Person never changes the details of design, method or work
sequence as stated on approved method statements unless there is written approval
from the TWC.


Only the workers of the required competency are undertook the works.


The TWC are advised by Responsible Site Person of any unforeseeable conditions
and impractical details, if they arise.


Responsible Site Person always lead field control briefing, daily take 5 and hazard
identification processes for temporary works workers.


Responsible Site Person always carrying out regular safety inspection for the
temporary works and ensure hold points, etc. is being followed.


Temporary Works Workers has always followed approved designs, method

statements and construction sequences during temporary works erection, alteration
and dismantling.


Temporary Works Workers has always attended field control briefing, daily take 5
and hazard identification processes activities and provided feedback, if any.


Safety measures specified in JHA and Take 5 briefings are adopted.


PPE are inspected and used correctly, as required by job nature.


Problems or incidents are reported immediately to the supervisor in charge of the



Temporary Works Workers has always checked materials and equipment are in
good condition before use. Quarantine those in an unsatisfactory condition.


No personnel carry out any temporary works erection, alteration and dismantling
without authorization.

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Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Personnel always observe and follow physical demarcation instructional/warning



No Personnel enter the restricted areas for temporary works fabrication, erection,
alteration or dismantling.


No personnel climb from the outside of the temporary works structure as a shortcut
to their work locations, proper and safe access and egress are used.


No personnel remove any safety measures of temporary works, e.g. guardrails,

covers to opening, etc.


No personnel remove or relocate ties or braces of temporary works without the

appropriate authorization by the assigned competent persons.


All site personnel wear high visibility clothing e.g. reflective vest, raincoat or company
uniform with reflective straps, helmet and safety footwear while on site.


Erectors of temporary works wear suitable protective gloves during work.


Where fall protection/restraint equipment is required for temporary works

construction, risk assessment are conducted with proper reference to Class One
Practice Working at Height to determine most appropriate system to be used with
regard to nature of works.


Other PPE requirements may be required and they are based on risk
assessments/JHA, e.g. ear protection, dust mask, eye protection, etc.


Disciplinary Procedures
Criteria for Warnings
Oral or written warnings shall be issued in accordance with the criteria
listed in the following table.

Disciplinary Action

Minor contravention

Give an oral warning and keep a record of the

Give a written warning and keep a record and arrange
for the offender to attend a re-training course held by
Issue a notice to the related contractor that the person
must be removed immediately from the site
Issue a notice to the related contractor that the person
must be removed immediately from site without



repeated warning
Serious contravention

Notes: 1)
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Disciplinary action will be applied to all personnel (including


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint




supervisors) working on site.

Minor contravention refers to a substandard act/condition without
imminent danger to any person that will not result in serious damage
to property or suspension of a system, eg. failure to wear a reflective
Serious contravention refers to a substandard act/condition with
imminent danger to any person that will cause serious damage to
property or suspension of a system, eg entering a confined space
without a statutory certificate.

Any person subject to removal from the site shall have a right to appeal to
the Project Director or his delegated person for a final decision.


Record Keeping and Review

The project safety department is responsible for maintaining all records
related to the project disciplinary system, e.g. warning letters and
summaries of re-training. The status of an issued warning will be reviewed
at the Site Safety and Environmental Committee meeting.
A warning notice will be issued to a worker/subcontractor who violates
general or specific safety rules. The subcontractor shall rectify the unsafe
action/condition as stated in the warning notice and, if not, addition
disciplinary action will be imposed.
The penalty system, developed for non-compliance with safety rules, will
be applied to all direct employees and subcontractors working on site.




Applicable Regulations

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 5 Site Safety and Environmental Committee


The Site Safety Committee forms a communication channel between
project management, workers and subcontractors workers. The safety
representatives of workers and subcontractors are invited to take this
opportunity to address questions to management. Any safety matter may
be raised for discussion during these meetings.
The Project Director shall assist supervisors and subcontractors in the
implementation of the safety policy. Newly-devised safety arrangements
may be passed to committee members for consultation before


Conduct of Meetings
The Project Director will be the chairman of the Site Safety and
Environmental Committee. He will appoint and empower one designated
person, Construction Manager/Section Site Agent as deputy chairman to
chair a committee meeting when he is absent.
The chairman will be responsible for implementing the committees
The Site Safety and Environmental Committee comprise representatives
of staff and workers, the chairman and a secretary. The quorum for the
meeting shall be at least 50 per cent of those representing employees.
The chairman shall encourage staff representatives to take part in
meetings by providing an open-communication atmosphere to discuss
safety issues.
The chairman will choose the appropriate language for each meeting.
However, the language that can most-effectively convey the message to
the majority of those present shall be considered as first priority.


Agenda, Minutes and Actions

Notices of meetings and agenda will be distributed to committee members
at least one week before the date of each meeting. Each month, the
secretary of the Site Safety and Environmental Committee will prepare an
agenda for the chairmans approval. Items on the agenda will include
those listed in the Contract and required by the company as follows:

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Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Action from previous meetings;

Review of the project safety plan;
Safety organization;
Performance of sub-contractors;
Safety inspections and audits;
Government authorities inspections;
Safety statistics;
Accident / incident/ dangerous occurrence review;
Safety training;
Safety promotion;
Risk assessment;
Work coordination among subcontractors;
Site cleanliness, hygiene and anti-mosquito breeding; and
Feedback from attendees.

Bilingual meeting minutes together with an appended action list will be

prepared by the secretary and be signed by the chairman. Copies of the
minutes will be distributed to all members and attendees within 10 working
days of the meeting.
The person responsible for an action shall report progress on that action
to the Safety Officer on or before the completion date marked on the
action list.
The Site Safety Committee will review the action list at the beginning of
each meeting. Disciplinary action may be taken against any person failing
to complete remedial action allocated to them.


Membership of that committee shall come from as many levels as
practicable. Please refer to Section 2.3 for the membership of the
The Site Safety Committee will invite representatives from relevant
government departments, such as the Labour Department, Fire Services
Department and Hong Kong Police Force, and utility undertakings to
attend as required.


Frequency of Meetings
A Site Safety Committee and Environmental meeting will be held at least
once a month.

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Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee

A Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee to monitor the
adequacy of the Safety Plan and ensure its implementation on Site by
Leighton, and to enhance communication between the Engineer and
Leighton on safety and health matters. The Site Safety and
Environmental Management Committee shall be chaired by the Engineer
or his Representative and shall meet at monthly and shall be represented
on the Committee by a representative at senior management level from
Leightons headquarters or the Project Director, the Site Agent, the Safety
Officer and Safety Supervisors.
Prior to every meeting of the Site Safety and Environmental Management
Committee, Leighton shall arrange an inspection of the Site by those who
are to attend the meeting and/or any other members nominated by the
The following items shall be included in the agenda of each SSEMC
meeting:(a) Review of the Safety Plan
(b) Update of the safety organisation chart and review of the
adequacy of safety personnel
(c) Review of safety performance of sub-contractors,
(d) Any unsafe practices and conditions identified during safety
inspections/audits and any follow up action
(e) Advisory/warning letters issued by Marine Department and Labour
Department and Improvement/Suspension Notices
(f) Public concern/complaint
(g) Review of accident frequency rates and statistics of the Contractor
and sub-contractors and identification of trends
(h) Details of the Contractor's accident and dangerous occurrence
(i) Safety and health training undertaken in the previous month and
the proposed training programme for the following month
(j) Details of safety promotional activities
(k) Contractor's monthly safety report
(l) Safety co-ordination between various subcontractors including
Specialist Contractor working in close proximity to each other and,
(m) Reports on safety audits conducted by internal or external safety
auditors and action plans prepared by the Contractor

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Safety Management Committee

Safety is given a high priority among management activities of Leighton
Contractors (Asia) Limited. Realizing that it would not be adequate by
merely proclaiming the support of the safety programme, two Safety
Management Committees had been established to ensure adequate
participation by different level management in develop, monitor and
control of corporate safety programmes.


Strategic Safety Management Committee

Attendees: Chaired by the Executive General Manager (or his nominated
deputy) and attended by the Head of Safety, the Operations Managers,
the HR Manager, the Pre-Contracts Manager, the Project Directors/
Leaders and the Business Unit Plant Manager.
Meeting Frequency: Held at Head Office on a monthly basis with one site
visit/ meeting every quarter.
Function: To ensure that regular reviews are undertaken of Class 1,
Potential Class 1 and Near Miss health and safety data, in order to make
strategic business unit Safety Management Committee resolution on
required health and safety policies, procedures, Strive for L.I.F.E.
Essentials, etc.


Frontline Safety Management Committee

Attendees: Chaired by an Operations Manager (appointed by the
Executive General Manager and required to attend both committees
meeting) and attended by the Head of Safety, Corporate Safety Manager,
Senior Safety Manager, Plant Manager, Plant Inspector, and nominated
project staff (to be decided by Project Leaders).

Meeting Frequency: Held at site office on a monthly basis in accordance

with a prescribed schedule.

Function: To communicate strategic business unit Safety Management

Committee resolutions on requires health and safety policies, procedures,
etc. from Strategic Safety Management committee, to gather feedback on
frontline health and safety issues from attendees respective sites, which
will be tabled at the next Strategic Safety Management Committee
meeting (by Head of Safety) and to communicate, review the lessons
learned from recent Class 1, Potential Class 1, Near Miss and other
relevant health and safety data.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 6 Safety and Health Inspections/Audits


Safety and Health Inspection Programme

All management and supervisory staff will constantly vigilant as they go
about their day-to-day business and will take immediate steps to remedy
any defects or unsafe conditions and practices they observe. Scheduled
site-safety inspections are discussed below.


Strive for LIFE Safety Walk

The purpose that project high risk activities are identified and the
respective controls are working effectively, to communicate and engage
with workers regarding the control measures and safe behaviour.
Strive for LIFE Senior Management Safety Walk
The Safety Management Committee will develop a roster for members
to conduct safety walk of each project on monthly basis.
Strive for LIFE Project Safety Walk
Project Director / Site Agent are required to closely monitor the
frequency of the safety walk program for the project on regular basis.


Safety-officer Inspection
Formal site safety inspections designed to monitor compliance with site
safety procedures will be carried out by the Safety Officer. A written report
on the inspection will be completed as soon as practicable and in any
case not later than three working days after the inspection. A copy of that
inspection report will be forwarded to the Project Director. A master copy
of all inspection reports will be retained for the duration of the project.
The Safety Officers inspection reports will incorporate a follow-up
procedure to make sure that identified defects have been promptly and
satisfactorily remedied. The follow-up action taken will be recorded in the
inspection report and be endorsed by the Project Director.


Weekly Site-safety Walk

A checklist devised according to site activities will be used for a weekly
safety check. The superintendent/area supervisor will conduct the safety
walk with the safety personnel and subcontractors representatives to
inspect the condition of and safety precautions taken by each
subcontractor. The checklist will be completed on the same day and be
submitted to the Construction Manager for information. The checklist will
be reviewed regularly to accord with site activities. Defects or
shortcomings shall be rectified by the relevant subcontractor or

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

supervisors within the agreed timetable.


Team Area Management Program

The purpose of Team Area Management Program aims to provide a
standardised approach which:
allows the overall health & safety performance of a project to be
systematically and objectively measured and tracked;
allows the health & safety performance of individual Area Management
Teams within a project to be systematically and objectively measured
and tracked;
establishes an element of competitive scoring amongst Area
Management Teams within a project;
establishes an element of competitive scoring amongst all projects
within the LCAL business;
provides a management tool which assists Senior Management to
quickly identify poorly performing areas within their respective project
and enables them to focus their efforts / attention on specific health &
safety problematic areas / trends within their project.


Project Leader
a) Ensuring the requirements of these guidelines are fully implemented
within their respective project;
b) Defining geographically the works areas within their respective
project and allocating and appointing Area Management Teams within
the geographically defined areas;
c) Ensuring that appointed Area Management Team Members are
given their specific duties and responsibilities for health & safety within
geographically defined areas of the site;
d) Ensuring that appointed individuals and Area Management Team
Members with specific duties and responsibilities within geographically
defined areas of the site are given adequate training in the
requirements for health & safety within their respective geographical
areas of responsibility;
e) Ensuring that all Physical Conditions Scores given by both the
Area Management Teams and Project Safety Team respectively during
the weekly Team Area Management Inspections are reviewed with the
sites respective Area Management Teams on a weekly basis and that
all problematic areas / trends as identified in the Physical Conditions
Analysis Graphs are suitably addressed.

Project Safety Manager / Officer

a) Setup the Physical Conditions Scores system in accordance with
the requirements of these guidelines;

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint

b) Carrying out the weekly Team Area Management Inspection

INDEPENDENTLY and report the projects Physical Conditions Scores
to the Project Leader on a weekly basis.
c) Train the site management personnel, Area Management Team
Leaders and Members in the requirements of the Team Area
Management Program;
d) Reporting the projects average monthly Physical Conditions Scores
to the Head Office Safety Department at the end of every month;
Note: HSE site staff will not be accepted as appointed members of
Area Management Teams, such teams must only consist of line
management members.

Area Management Team Leader

a) Arrange and carry out the weekly Team Area Management
Inspection with the team members;
b) Verify the deficiencies identified from the weekly Team Area
Management Inspection;
c) Review the Physical Conditions Scores of his/her Team on weekly
basis and continuously improve the health and safety performance of
their respective works areas.

Area Management Team Member

a) Join and actively participate the weekly Team Area Management
b) Assist the Team Leader to rectify the identified deficiencies on site


Formation & Composition of Area Management Team

a) Clearly define / segregate the project into individual geographically
identifiable areas, by means of utilising colour coded Team Area
Management Drawings. (Refer to example of Team Area
Management Drawing in Section 5 of Guideline of Team Area
Management Program for details).
b) Appoint Area Management Teams to the individual geographical
areas identified within the Team Area Management Drawings and
ensure that the drawings clearly reflect both the project current
organisation and the allocated area of responsibility of individual Team
Leaders and members of his team.
c) Management Teams are to consist of Site Agent or more senior
person, who will act as Area Management Team Leaders, under them
will be the Engineers, Supervisors & Foremen etc.
d) Ensure the Team Area Management Drawings have a Legend
which names individuals responsible for geographically defined areas
within the site. (Refer to example of Team Area Management

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint

Drawing in Section 5 of Guideline of Team Area Management

Program for details).
e) Ensure the Team Area Management Drawings Legend includes
recent photographs and the contact numbers of responsible individuals
for geographically defined areas of the project.
f) Ensure Team Area Management Drawings are displayed on all site
notice boards.
g) Ensure Team Area Management Drawings are regularly reviewed
and kept up to date so as to always reflect upon the project current
organisation and allocation of health & safety responsibilities.
Note: When geographically defining works areas and the respective
responsible Area Management Teams, there should be a clear divide
and no two areas should overlap.

Allocation of Responsibility
a) Provide all Team Leaders and his respective Team Members with
specific written guidelines on their duties & responsibilities for health &
safety within their defined areas of responsibility.
b) Appoint all Team Leaders and Team Members in writing as to their
specific duties & responsibilities for health & safety within their
respective geographically defined areas.
c) Provide training to Team Leaders and Team Members in their
specific health & safety duties & responsibilities within their respective
geographically defined areas.

Physical Conditions Scoring

a) To score the physical conditions of individual Management Team,
the Weekly Team Area Management Inspection Report in Section 5
of Guideline of Team Area Management Program shall be used.
The report is not to be amended or altered so as to be made site
specific without the prior approval of the Head of HSEQ & Security.
b) Scoring of the sites physical conditions is carried out within 13 main
categories which are
Working at Height
Plant & Equipment
Tunnelling & Excavations
Temporary Works
Crane & lifting Operation
Confined Space Work
ial Working with Live Services

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint

Each main category also consists of up to 8 sub-categories. The

physical condition scoring follows a random sampling method with no
more than 10 and no less than 4 items to be inspected in each subcategory.
Note: Sites which have less than 4 items for a sub-category, i.e. a site
which only has 4 scaffolds, should check all items and score
c) The calculation for the scoring in each of the 13 main categories is
as follows:
Total number of items checked in all sub-categories (C), minus the total
number of all sub-standard items in all sub-categories (S) divided by
the total number of items checked multiplied by the variation factor (CS / C x VF) will give you an individual score in each of the 13
categories. This formula can be found on each of the score sheets,
along with the corresponding variation factor for each category.
To score the sites overall rating, simply add the scores in all the 13
main categories together and this will give you the total % of
compliance for the site.
d) The scoring for each item in each sub-category relies heavily on the
professionalism and experience of the Safety personnel and Area
Management Team Leaders / Members carrying out the inspection.
The scoring of the items should always be objective and reflect the
sites true conditions and must never in any way be influenced by
comments received from members of the frontline management or site
Note: All sites will be subject to periodical independent audit - physical
conditions score checks - so as to determine the ongoing accuracy of
the person responsible for carrying out the scoring of the site, these
audits will be carried out periodically as decided by the Head Office
Safety Department.

Physical Conditions Score Analysis

a) The Safety Manager / Officer will be responsible for producing a
weekly analysis of the sites Physical Conditions Scores and present
the information to the projects Senior Management in the form of a
simple graph showing firstly the trends in each of the 15 categories
within each geographically defined area of the site and secondly the
overall weekly scoring trends in each of the sites geographically
defined areas. (Refer to Template Physical Conditions Score
Analysis & example of Weekly, Monthly & Quarterly Physical

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint

Conditions Analysis Graph Format in Section 5 of Guideline of

Team Area Management Program for details)
b) The Safety Manager / Officer will be responsible for producing a
monthly and quarterly analysis of the projects Physical Conditions
Scores and presenting the information to the projects Senior
Management in the form of a simple graph showing firstly the individual
monthly / quarterly average scores of the projects geographically
defined areas and secondly the monthly / quarterly scoring trends of
the projects geographically defined areas. (Refer to Template
Physical Conditions Score Analysis & example of Weekly, Monthly
& Quarterly Physical Conditions Analysis Graph Format in
Section 5 of Guideline of Team Area Management Program for details)
Note: Copies of all Physical Conditions Scoring Analysis graphs are to
be posted on all site notice boards and well publicised. This will be the
direct responsibility of the site Safety Manager / Officer

a) The Project Leader, with the assistance of the Project Safety
Manager / Officer, will be directly responsible for ensuring that
appointed individuals and team members with specific duties and
responsibilities within geographically defined areas of the site are given
adequate training in both the companies and legislative requirements
for health & safety within their respective areas of responsibility so as
to be able to carry out their duties to an acceptable standard.
b) Initial training in consistent scoring methods / techniques will be
given to all LCAL Safety personnel who will be responsible for physical
conditions scoring of their respective sites. The training will cover
techniques for the sampling method of scoring, the calculating of
scores and the presentation of the data.
c) Briefings / training in the requirements of this procedure are to be
arranged for all site management personnel this will be done by the
respective Project Safety Manager / Officer.


Site after work check

Designated person will conduct site after work checking everyday. The
person shall check the safety of the site after each day's work including,

all flames and heat sources have been extinguished (particularly

for welding and hot-work operations);
keys have been removed from construction machinery and plant
and kept in a safe place;
all construction plant are parked properly on level and stable

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Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


all machinery and power sources have been turned off;

all openings are properly covered and all edges are provided with
fall protection measures;
6. all nailed timber, planks and/or sheets are piled and put aside
away from main accesses;
7. excavated surfaces on soil slopes are provided with temporary
8. all temporary works are properly maintained;
9. signing, lighting and guarding are provided in accordance with the
approved temporary traffic management scheme;
10. hoarding and/or covered walkways along the periphery of the Site
are maintained in proper condition; and
11. the Site has been fenced and guarded against unauthorized entry.
The designated person will, after completion of checking, notify the site
agent any unsafe conditions or imminent dangers that require immediate
follow-up actions. The designated person will also draw the attention of
the site agent about the minor irregularities to arrange rectification on the
following day.


Mandatory safety audits will be conducted at intervals not exceeding six
months by an auditor registered under the Factory and Industrial
Undertakings (Safety Management) Regulation and who is independent of
the project being audited. The internal safety audit will be conducted on
the Safety Management System and the physical site conditions.
Internal safety audit for the Project Safety Plan will be conducted by
Project Safety Manager and Safety Officer at intervals of not less than
once every 6 months and 3 months respectively.


Schedule of Inspections

Inspection Type


Document Used

Strive for LIFE

Sr. Mgt. Safety
Strive for LIFE
Project Safety
Strive for LIFE
Project Safety
Safety Audit


Strive for LIFE

Strive for LIFE
report required

SO, SS, Sur, F

Audit Report


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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Inspection Type


Document Used

Internal Safety
Internal Safety


Safety Walk


Internal audit
Internal audit


Weekly Team Weekly

Site after work Daily
Project Director
Construction Manager
Person in charge of the works
Project Safety Manager
Safety Officer
Safety supervisor
Registered safety auditor
SMCM Member, Safety Management Committee
Clients Representative
Area Management Team Leader
AMTM Area Management Team Member









Sup, CR



Only competent persons shall conduct site safety inspections. The Project
Director will identify appropriate persons to receive appropriate training
and appoint them as competent persons. As a minimum, supervisors and
safety supervisors will attend safety training at an external training
authority prior to conducting site safety inspections.
It is the responsibility of a competent person to conduct routine safety
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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

inspections in his assigned area. He shall promptly report defects or

shortcomings to his superior or Safety Officer. When he considers a
situation to be critical, he shall take immediate action to rectify the unsafe
conditions or dangerous situation prior to making a report to the relevant


Analyzing Results of Safety Inspections

Shortcoming identified by a site safety inspection will be analyzed.
Common deficiencies will be identified and discussed at Site Safety
Committee meetings from which an action plan to deal with particular
matters arising will be developed.


Follow-up Action and Monitoring

All site safety inspection reports will be marked with the follow-up action,
target completion date and person responsible for completion of the
action. The report will be distributed to the relevant parties for their action.
The responsible person shall take the required action within the set period
and report completion to the Safety Officer. The action taken will be
marked on the inspection report for reference.
The Safety Officer will regularly report to the Construction Manager on the
progress of the follow-up action to make sure that those actions are
implemented. The Construction Manager will be responsible for monitoring
follow-up action.


Records, Certificates and Registers

The Safety Officer will identify the list of records, certificates and registers
for easy reference. The responsible person to collect such records,
certificates and registers will be clearly defined.
Samples of those records, certificates and registers will be provided for
reference. The frequency of collection and the submission channel of each
record, certificate and register will be communicated to the relevant
The Safety Officer will maintain a file system to keep records, certificates
and registers submitted by the responsible persons. A summary list
will be updated regularly.
The Construction Manager shall take action to enforce or assist a
responsible person who fails to submit the required documents. If

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

necessary, disciplinary action shall be taken to ensure compliance with

the policy.


Preventive Maintenance
The Project Director or his delegate will conduct a survey of all
mechanical plant and equipment to be used on site. The plant and
equipment will be evaluated to determine any loss potential. A detailed
maintenance schedule will be prepared by the Construction Manager and
a representative from Leightons Plant Department for discussion at the
Site Safety and Environmental Committee meeting
Inspection checklists will be developed for plant and equipment with
high loss potential to make sure that they are properly maintained.


Specific Safety Inspections to Area / Plant / Equipment

A matrix will be produced to identify both the type and frequency of
inspections for all areas, plant & equipment according to both statutory
and project requirements.


Planned General Inspection

The Site Agent and Project Safety Manager will compile a matrix to
systematically identify all areas / items of the projects requiring a planned
inspection. The matrix will also identify the frequency of planned
inspections and person(s) responsible for carrying out such inspections.
Each area identified as requiring a planned inspection within the matrix
will have a specific checklist / report i.e. housekeeping, edges & openings,
access and egress etc.

All planned inspection checklists / reports will be specific and will identify
hazard potential, and classification for management attention. The
planned inspection system will include mechanisms to ensure the
following actions are addressed:

Items identified on planned inspection checklists / reports are

rectified in a timely manner and properly closed out.

That checklists / reports are logged and distributed to relevant


That checklist / reports are reviewed by safety department.

That positive recognition is given when above standard conditions or

practices are observed.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

That checklists / reports are kept and maintained in a central file for
easy retrieval.

KPIs for each area / item requiring planned inspections.

The Site Agent and Project Safety Manager will periodically review the
planned inspection matrix and system to ensure they are both relevant to
current site conditions.

Items requiring remedial action which are subjected to delay will be

flagged up by the Project Safety Manager in weekly team meeting. In
addition a periodic summary / update report will be produced for the
attention of the site agents, which will highlight items which have not been
closed out / rectified in a timely manner.

The Project Safety Manager will conduct an analysis and produce a

summary report of all planned inspections once in every six month period.
The findings of the report will be presented to management and will take
into account the sites compliance with the Factories and Industrial
Undertakings Regulations and Code of Practices.

Critical Parts Inspection

A critical part is a piece of equipment or a structure whose failure is most
likely to result in a major loss (to people, property, process and/or
Inspection schedule will be established to ensure the critical parts and
item are inspected in regular basis to ensure they are complied with the
relevant standards.
The details of critical parts inspection is referred to Leightons Plant and
Equipment Condition Compliance and Inspection Procedure.


Pre-use Inspection
A matrix will be produced by construction managers, plant manager and
Project Safety Manager to identify the types and frequency of Pre-use
inspection for plant and equipment.
Each construction manager will further appoint his team member to be
responsible for individual inspection. Safety department will maintain a
summary of who and what to inspection for each section.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Project Safety Manager together with managers of respective areas will

develop pre-use inspection checklists for the inspector to record the
checked items and the action(s) required for substandard items identified.
All substandard items shall be rectified and confirmed by the area-incharge. Then, the area-in-charge shall endorse the checklist and the
plant/equipment can be operated.
The pre-use inspection system will be reviewed by Site Safety and
Environmental Committee at least annually, or

whenever equipment is new, changed or modified;

following risk assessment and physical hazard assessment and

major/high potential accidents identify pre-use inspection as basic


Schedule of Area / Plant / Equipment Inspections

Inspection Type


Document Used

Person Involved

Planned General


Critical Parts Inspection


Copyright Leighton. 2015

Before use


Licensed mechanics
/ electricians
Foremen / operators

H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 7 Risk Management / Job Hazard Analysis


Construction Risk Assessment

Construction risk assessment and job-hazard analysis are important tools
in risk management to the reduction of injuries, ill health and other losses.
The majority of accidents arise because of the presence of one or more
hazards and removing such hazards is, therefore, an effective way of
preventing accidents.
A survey of all anticipated activities will be conducted to identify the need
of construction risk assessment during the monthly risk review meeting.
The risk register and risk treatment plan in which the break down of job /
task of all anticipated activities had been shown will be updated and
reviewed accordingly.
Construction risk assessment can be defined as the systematic
identification of the hazards present in a workplace. It is a tool that can be
used to help to manage work safety.
Construction risk assessment is carried out before work is undertaken,
and is reviewed regularly and when something significant changes that
substantially affects the method of work. Also, if an accident occurs, a
review of the risk assessment must be taken.
Construction risk assessment will be incorporated in the particular
construction method statement.


Australia / New Zealand Standard for Risk Management (As/NZS
4360:2006); ETWB Technical Circular (Works) No. 6/2005, ETWB Risk
Management User Manual , Leighton Contractors (Asia) Enterprise Risk
and Opportunity Management Policy 5/2009, Leightons Guide to Safety
Management System, Project Risk Management Plan, Risk Registers and
Risk Treatment Plans, etc.


Job-hazard Analysis
A successful safety and health programme comprises a process of
effective hazard recognition, hazard evaluation and a hazard-control
programme. A job-hazard analysis is one of the techniques to assist in
recognizing hazards in the workplace or hazards associated with the

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

A job-hazard analysis, also called a job-safety analysis, is a systematic

method of hazard recognition and evaluation. It supposes each work task
can be divided into a series of steps and each step may have its own
hazards. Those analyses are then used to devise measures to eliminate
or protect against those risks. Leightons risk management procedures
require job hazard analysis should be conducted for all Class 1 Risk
A written job-hazard analysis also provides the following benefits:
establishment of a planned work process and standardized work
practice by specifying individual job steps;
provision of a detailed reference for potential hazards and relevant
safety requirements for all relevant personnel involved in the specified
production of a checklist for monitoring conformance to safe work
practices, and
demonstration of compliance with legal requirements in providing a
safe system of work.


The Construction Manager or his delegate will be responsible for
developing a job-hazard analysis. The Project Director is required to give
full support by assisting him to complete those job-hazard analyses. That
support shall include assigning engineering and supervisory staff to
discuss each specified task with the Safety Officer so as to allow him to
understand the process of the task and to provide him with method
statements, related information and drawings to enable him to compile the
job-hazard analyses.
The completed job-hazard analyses will be forwarded to the Safety Officer
for his endorsement and, thereafter, to the Project Director for his final
Formal procedures shall be followed to amend a job-hazard analysis.


Risk Management Documents

There are 3 major documents in risk management processes which
Construction Method Statement (CMS);
Construction Risk Assessment (CRA), and
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA).

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint

Construction Method Statement

The Construction Method Statement is the main document that will
describe how the works will actually be carried out. The development of
the methodology and the method statement should be carried out with the
involvement of the specified participants. It is essential that participants
(especially subcontractors) fully involve themselves in order to bring their
expertise their expertise, experience and competency to managing the
Class 1 risks associated with the works activities and tasks.

Construction Risk Assessment

The Construction Risk Assessment is the key document that will identify
and specify the Class 1 risks and the related higher-level control
measures. It should be developed with the involvement of the specified
participants. It is essential that the participants (especially subcontractor)
fully involve themselves in order to bring their expertise, experience and
competency to managing the Class 1 risks associated with the activities
and tasks.
Following risk matrix shall be applied to determine the Risk Factor Number
in risk assessment.

1: Improbable
2: Remote
3: Quite Possible
4: Probable
5: Frequent
1 2:
3 5:
6 9:
10 15:
16 25:





Very High






Moderate/Acceptable with Review

Job Hazard Analysis

Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is the key frontline document which develops
and details the appropriate works information including the specifics of the
risks and control measures to be implemented. Its purpose is to provide
the necessary level of information that people at the work front really need
to know to control Class 1 risks. It will be used as the main bilingual tool to
communicate and train frontline personnel on how to do the works safely.
The JHA should be developed with the involvement of the specified
participants. It is essential that the participants (especially subcontractor)
fully involve themselves in order to bring their expertise, experience and

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

competency to managing the Class 1 risks associated with the activities

and tasks.
The JHA will also be used for designating the necessary field control
inspection checking requirements to confirm the specified control
measures are in place at the required time. The up-to-date completed field
briefing record associated with relevant JHA for a specific activity must be
kept by the works activity responsible supervisor together with the JHA at
the work front.


Risk Management Processes

There are 3 stages in risk management processes which are:
Stage 1 Identification/Assessment/Document Development and Review;
Stage 2 Delivery; and
Stage 3 Review

Identification/ Assessment/ Document Development and Review

This stage relates to the process of:
Gathering and reviewing risk data for Active Risk Management (ARM)
Monthly review and identification of Class 1 risks for specific works
Updating Class 1 risks in ARM.
Appointment of ownership, involvement and responsibilities for
processes and actions.
Confirming relevant Essentials for activity and risk, assessing Class 1
Risks, designating the specific risk control measures and persons to
Developing and reviewing risk management documents, CMS, CRA,
JHA and inspection check requirements used to manage the works
and control Class 1 risks.
Reviewing and monitoring statuses of action plans, programmes and
Reviewing findings from review reports, assigning relevant actions and
monitoring completion status.
A construction risk assessment programme shall be developed at this
stage to monitor the status of required and completed risk assessment
and reviewed in monthly risk review meeting.

This stage relates to the process of:
Task Launch: Confirmation and briefing of the works, referenced to the
key documentation for activity, method and risk control, (e.g. CMS,
CRA, JHA), with the Mandatory Participants.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Field Control Briefing: Briefing and training to all the Mandatory

Participants to communicate precisely the work activity using the JHA
detailing the methods, Class 1 risks, controls and inspection check
The check inspection of key Class 1 risk controls, prior to and during
the specific works activity (using the JHA).

All records of field control beefing and check shall be copied to project
safety department for record. The JHA shall be translated into suitable
language for briefing to site workers and a copy shall be kept in work front
for reference.

This stage relates to process of internal and external reviews of the
efficiency, effectiveness and reliability of the risk management system and
parts thereof.
It is required under Leightons risk management procedure the CRA and
JHA shall be reviewed regularly (not exceeding 6 months) and
immediately if any change to work method, major plant, construction
materials or after an major incident / accident of related activities.


The leader of each risk assessment shall ensure approved risk
assessment and job hazard analysis are distributed to the relevant
personnel. Any amendment or revision to these documents shall be
distributed to all document holders. A list of the controlled copy holders
shall be kept on site by the Document Controller.


The Risk Review Committee shall review the programme for the
preparation of all job-hazard analyses and identify critical activities that
require job-hazard analyses well before such activities start.
The project safety officer shall monitor all issued job-hazard analyses.
During their audit, Safety Management Committee members shall audit
the status of the job-hazard analyses programme and monitor compliance
to the related requirements.


Construction Risk Assessment Reports

A Construction Risk Assessment Report will be prepared for each
potentially-hazardous activity on a project to identify hazards and their
adverse effects, and to indicate mitigating controls. For all those control
measures against hazards presented in the report, title and name of

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

responsible person(s) would be written down accordingly.

The content of the construction risk assessment report, i.e. hazards,
control measures, the responsible person for implementing of control
measures and so on will be descended to the workforce before they
commence their works by their supervisor or safety representatives.


Risk Register
A risk register and Risk Treatment Plan shall be provided; and it shall
show a list of risk assessments conducted and update status.


Change Management
The change management process is intented to be used where there has
been an unexpected / unanticipated change in project conditions that
results in a required change of equipment, plant, procedures, processes,
shift patterns, raw materials, chemicals, software etc for completion of the
The Project Leader or his delegates are responsible for authorising
changes prior to the commencement of modifications. An initiator (Design
/ Construction Engineer) will be responsible for ensuring a risk
assessment is undertaken together with the person-incharge of the works
on the proposed changes.
If a Class 1 risk is identified associated with proposed change, a formal
Construction Risk Assessment, Construction Method Statement and Job
Hazard Analysis shall be undertaken / prepared as part of the approval
process prior to proceeding. All proposed changes necessitating a
Construction Risk Assessment and Job Hazard Analysis shall require the
notification to the Project Leader, who will be responsible for the
appointment of Nominated Persons necessary to participate in the
assessment process. (Refer to LCAL SMS: Class 1 Risk Management
& Control Procedure for details)
The completed Construction Risk Assessment, Construction Method
Statement and Job Hazard Analysis shall be attached to the Change
Management Form for approval by the Project Leader or his delegate.
Person-in-charge of the works shall review the approved change and the
relevant documents periodically and in case of any changes in relevant
legislations, project environment, Class 1 risk activities, use of plant and
material and following a Class 1 or Potential Class 1 incident.


Summary of Construction Risk Assessment

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 8 Personal Protective Equipment


Legal Reference
The provision of personal protective equipment is governed by the
following regulations that are related to this project:
Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations;
Factories and Industrial (Confined Spaces) Regulations;
Factories and Industrial (Cartridge-operated Fixing Tools) Regulations;
Factories and Industrial (Dangerous Substances) Regulations;
Factories and Industrial (Noise at Work) Regulations;
Factories and Industrial (Protection of Eyes) Regulations;
Guidance Notes on Classification and Use of Safety Belts and their
Anchorage systems, and
Guidance Notes on the Selection, Use and Maintenance of Safety


Identification and Selection of Personal Protective

Leighton will identify and select personal protective equipment for use
such as:
safety helmet (Centurion 1100, KOREL, DELTAPLUS);
safety harness (Protecta PRO AB102, Protecta AB1300, Ridgergear
eye protection (AO Safety 452, UVEX Ultraspec 2000, Uvex 9161.005);
protective mask and breathing apparatus (3M 8210, 3M 9312, 3M
protective gloves (Versa Gard Flex, Sol-Vex, CLIMAX);
protective footwear (AUDA MALTA SA, OTTER 93893, DAUDOU), and
hearing protection (EAR, MODEL Ulter-fit, UVEX 2300+, Centurion).
Other than the personal protective equipment selected by Leighton,
approval shall be obtained from the Project Director before purchasing
such an item.


The Safety Officer will identify the appropriate type of personal protective
equipment for each task or activity. Different types of work will require
different personal protective equipment.


The Safety Officer will select appropriate personal protective equipment

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

based on the criteria of climate, features and any other limitation. He / she
will make sure that the selected products are of the approved type
prescribed by relevant regulations.
A summary list of selected personal protective equipment will be
forwarded to the purchaser and each subcontractor. The purchaser and
each subcontractor shall purchase only the personal protective equipment
on the list to make sure that all personal protective equipment complies
with relevant regulations.


Use, Storage and Maintenance

Personal protective equipment will be issued to each employee on a
personal basis. Each employee will sign an Acknowledgement of Personal
Protective Equipment to record receipt of each piece of equipment. The
Safety Officer will keep the signed form and forward a summary to the
Highway Departments Representative monthly for information.
Each subcontractor shall provide personal safety protective equipment to
its employees for their use. A personal protective equipment
acknowledgement form in the same format as that used by Leighton shall
also be completed and copied to Leightons site office for record purposes.


All supervisory staff are responsible to make sure that those workers in
their areas are using appropriate personal protective equipment.
A checklist will be provided for checking subcontractors weekly
performance. If a subcontractor fails to provide personal protective
equipment of the approved type to its workers, site supervisory staff will
issue equipment to those workers and charge the cost to the
subcontractors account.


Maintenance, Replacement and Storage

During safety induction, workers will be instructed in the correct
maintenance of their personal protective equipment, eg, by regular
cleaning. Appropriate storage compartments will be provided to the
workers for storage of their personal protective equipment.
The Safety Officer shall make sure that adequate spares of personal
protective equipment are kept on site for new issue or replacement, and a

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

storeroom is provided for that purpose. Damaged or worn personal

protective equipment will be returned to the Safety Officer for replacement.
A Safety Equipment Record will be completed monthly to make sure that
the stock of personal protective equipment is sufficient for the size of the
Regular checks of personal protective equipment being used by workers
will be carried out by safety supervisors and each subcontractors safety
representative. The concerned parties will arrange replacement of
defective personal protective equipment if necessary.


Instruction and Training

All workers shall attend induction training, during which they will be taught
how to use common types of personal protective equipment.
For special activities, some specific personal protective equipment will be
necessary. Special training in the correct use of such special personal
protective equipment will be provided to relevant workers. The Safety
Officer will identify the needs of personal protective equipment and select
the appropriate type for each special activity.
Tool-box meetings on the topic of the correct use of personal protective
equipment will be held regularly to remind workers of the use of their
personal protective equipment.


Common Personal Protective Equipment Used on Site

Safety Helmet with Chin Strap
A safety helmet, with chin strap, of an approved type will be provided and
used by each employee.


Safety Harness
A double lanyards type safety harness will be provided to each person
working in a location where it is not practicable to install safety nets or to
provide standard working platforms or gangways, or where work is being
carried out at height. Safety harnesses will be inspected, maintained and
stored to preserve and extend their effective working life.


Eye Protection
Eye protectors (snorkel type goggles, visors, spectacles or face screens)
and/or shields will be provided when work involves specified processes
that may endanger eyes. Workers shall take care of their eye protectors

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

and use them properly. If a defect is found, it shall be reported

immediately to a foreman for replacement.


Hearing Protection
The correct type of ear protector will be provided and used so as to afford
adequate protection against excessive noise levels. The appropriate type
of protector shall suit the individual involved. An area with a noise level
exceeding 90 decibels (acoustic) will be demarcated and classified as a
noisy zone. Anyone working in that area will be provided and requested
to wear ear plugs or ear muffs with suitable noise reduction rating.


Protective Footwear
All those who work on site shall use safety footwear. For work carried out
in wet or muddy conditions or below ground level, rubber boots fitted with
steel toe-caps and reinforced soles are recommended. However, when
work involves climbing and working on structural steel, the more-flexible
rubber boots without steel toe-caps and soles may be preferred as
providing a better foothold. Wet-weather boots will be provided to all
workers when required.


Protective Masks and Breathing Apparatus

Face masks, usually consisting of a filter pad held in place by a light
aluminium frame and elastic head band, can provide some protection from
the nuisance of dust or non-toxic sprays. When the environment is dusty,
the dust shall be suppressed. Dust masks are the last resort of a defence
system. Workers shall not rely on the protective equipment, as many dust
particles are invisible. However, the first priority shall be to identify the
hazards, and to establish the extent and level of the concentration of
harmful contaminants to which an operative may be exposed.


Hand Protection
Suitable gloves can protect against injury such as cuts and splinters when
handling material and can also protect against dust, wet concrete and
solvents, which can cause dermatitis. The first consideration in the
selection of industrial protective gloves shall be to identify the hazard to be
overcome and the handling requirements. When selecting gloves, the
following factors will be considered:




Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan



Water Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Special Requirements (electrical, X-ray

Liquid proof
Dry grip
Wet grip

Suitable gloves shall be worn when:

working or handling sheet metal and other objects that have sharp
edges and corners;
cutting with a knife or other cutting edges;
operating a chainsaw;
welding and cutting;
there is a risk of electric shock;
handling oily components (suitable gloves will also provide a better
engaging in manual handling of material and equipment (suitable
gloves will provide a better grip);
there is a risk of heat burns and where there is direct contact with dyes
or other chemicals, and
working with rattan rods, water jetting hoses and other drainage

Gloves shall not be worn when there is a risk of them becoming entangled
in any moving parts of machinery.
Hands shall be washed properly with disinfectant soap and clean water
before drinking and eating. When warranted, hands shall be washed
immediately after each operation on site.


High-visibility Clothing (Reflective Vest)

Accidents may occur when workers in hazardous positions cannot be
seen. It is important to plan work to avoid placing people in such positions.
When that is not possible, high-visibility clothing (reflective vest) shall be
Each worker shall wear a reflective vest while working on site.
When wearing a reflective vest is not suitable or practicable for a particular
site activity, exemption shall be obtained from the chairman of the Safety
Management Committee through a written application submitted by the
Project Director. Notwithstanding the exemption being granted, alternative,

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

high-visibility outer clothing is deemed appropriate and necessary.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 9 Accident/Incident Investigation


Accident Investigation, Recording and Statistics

All reportable accidents and dangerous occurrences will be investigated.
Information on all accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences will be
forwarded to the Project Safety Manager/ Safety Officer for investigation,
reporting and recording purposes. Construction Site Safety Manual
(CSSM) published by DEVB and Highway Department Technical Circular
No. 3/2009, Reporting of Notifiable Accidents / Serious Incidents on
Highway Department Works Sites would be followed in investigating the
accidents. An injury report form specified in the CSSM should be
submitted to the Engineer within seven days on occurrence of accident
resulting in death or injury with incapacity for more than three days. That
information shall be included in the monthly Safety Report prepared by the
Safety Officer.
During the investigation process, the supervisor and foreman will carry out
a preliminary investigation report for an accident in their area of
responsibility and submit that report to the Safety Officer for information.
Afterwards, the Safety Officer and relevant supervisory staff shall gather
all information related to the accident/dangerous occurrence, eg,
photographs, injury or damage data and use that information to conduct
necessary interviews and tests in order to collect further information and
evidence for analyzing the possible cause of the accident/dangerous
occurrence and to establish appropriate control measures to prevent
recurrence of that accident/dangerous occurrence or the occurrence of a
similar accident/dangerous occurrence.
The investigation report, which shall be discussed at the Site Safety and
Environmental Committee meeting, will include the following sections:
Background Information;
Information Resources;
Accident Detail;
Factual Findings;
Analysis and Investigation;
Conclusions, and
The summary of the report will also be conveyed to all site personnel
through Site Safety Cycle and Tool Box Meeting.
The Project Director will provide adequate resources and fully support the

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

investigation team in order to complete the investigation. The Project

Director will assist the investigator to access all areas or personnel in
order to collect information for the investigation.
The investigation report will be submitted to relevant parties. The Project
Director has the authority to release the investigation report to third
parties. If in doubt, it should be discussed with head-office senior
For accident or incident classified as Class 1 or with potential Class 1
damage, the Safety Management Committee will appoint an independent
Panel of Enquiry lead by a senior manager to conduct a thorough
investigation and review on the incident/ accident and submit a report for
review by the Committee. The Panel of Enquiry is also responsible to
monitor the completion of recommended measures by project







The Project Director will appoint a competent person or committee to carry

out the investigation. The Project Safety Manager will arrange training for
appropriate personnel to make sure that they are competent on accident
investigations. If necessary, the Project Director may engage independent
parties or specialist to conduct the investigation.


Follow-up Actions
The conclusion and recommendations from each investigation will be
tabled at the Site Safety and Environmental Committee and Safety
Management Committee meetings for review. The committee will
scrutinize the recommendations and resolve follow-up actions as
Those follow-up actions will be closely monitored by the Site Safety and
Environmental Committee.


Accident Statistics
Accident statistics will be calculated monthly and the information displayed
on the accident statistics board.
The 2010 target incident rate for Leighton is 5 and the target accident
frequency rate of Highway Department (HyD) is 0.6. The statistics will be
reviewed by the Site Safety and Environmental Committee to monitor the

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

projects progress in achieving the targets. The accident statistics will be

used to analyze accident trends and to develop remedial action to prevent
the recurrence of similar accidents.
Incident Rate

Number of reportable accidents x 1,000 x 12

Average number of persons employed

Accident Frequency Rate (HyD)

Number of reportable accidents x 100,000

Man-hours worked

To enable the preparation of overall monthly site accident statistics,

responsible staff shall provide the Safety Officer with the average number
of persons employed and the total mandays worked.
Based on statistical summaries, the Safety Officer will carry out a
comprehensive analysis to look for trends and commonalties of
accidents/incidents and suggest to site management those areas where
improvements should be made or attention should be focused. Simple
charts or diagrams shall be prepared for easy understanding of the trends
by site personnel and such charts or diagrams shall be displayed on the
safety bulletin board and discussed and reviewed at Site Safety and
Environmental Committee meetings.
The analysis will also be compared with the Corporate/industrial data in
order to assess project performance.
All statutory reports of accident and dangerous occurrences will be
prepared by the Safety Officer according to statutory requirements and
forwarded to the Personal Department for filing and reporting to the
Labour Department.
In order to avoid the recurrence of similar accidents on site, Accident
Summary Sheets will be used as training material for workers at tool-box

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 10 Emergency Preparedness


Accident / Incident Reporting Procedure

Minor Accidents
In the case of a minor accident:


If the injury suffered is minor and does not justify further medical
treatment, the person will be sent back to work after first-aid
If the extent of the injury appears minor but is deemed to require
further medical treatment, the first aider/site-office attendant will
issue an Authorization Letter to the injured person (with that letter,
the injured person is authorized to receive medical treatment at the
appointed doctor/clinic). The injured person, accompanied by an
appropriate member of staff, will be conveyed immediately to the
appointed doctor/clinic.

The first aider in charge will record all particulars of the injury in the Injury


Serious or Fatal Accidents

A serious accident is one in which the injured person needs an ambulance
to convey him to hospital or one in which the injured person is likely to be
detained in hospital for treatment or observation. If available, a safety
supervisor will accompany the injured person to the hospital. If a safety
supervisor is not available, an appropriate member of staff will travel with
the injured person.
In the case of a serious or fatal accident, the following actions will be
carried out.

Healthcare Officer/ First Aider

The healthcare officer/ first aider shall:


Arrange to call for an ambulance and, pending the arrival of

ambulance, administer first aid to the injured person, if possible.
Not move the injured person if head, back or internal injuries
suspected until qualified assistance arrives, unless
circumstances indicate that the injured person is in danger.
Inform the Project Director of the seriousness of the accident at

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

first opportunity.

Emergency Coordinator
The emergency coordinator shall:


If rescue is required, arrange for a rescue team or seek assistance

from the Fire Services Department or Ambulance Centre.
Immediately notify the Safety Officer and the Project Director
regardless of time or day. (The relevant Construction Manager shall
be notified immediately.)
Make sure that all evidence is not disturbed before consulting the
Safety Officer.
Inform the insurance company of the accident.
Inform Engineer Representative of the accident.
Stop any work in the adjacent area that may aggravate the situation.
If appropriate, notify the next of kin.

Safety Officer
The Safety Officer shall:


Proceed to the accident location, start investigation and ascertain all

pertinent facts about the accident.
Interview all witnesses, including the emergency coordinator, and
take statements from them.
Examine all evidence at the accident scene and take photographs
as necessary.
Correlate all facts and evidence to reconstruct the sequence of
In the case of an accident involving plant, obtain input from plant
If necessary, forward a dangerous occurrence report to the Labour
Department within 24 hours.
Prepare and submit a preliminary accident report to the Project
Director within 24 hours.
Immediately notify the Highway Departments Representative of the
accident. The initial notification may be verbal and shall be followed
by a comprehensive written report.

Dangerous Occurrence
In the event of a dangerous occurrence, as defined in the First Schedule
of the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Regulations, the supervisor
directly responsible for the operation concerned will initiate the reporting

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

procedure by immediately advising his construction manager. The

construction manager will immediately report the dangerous occurrence to
the Project Safety Manager/ Safety Officer and the Highway Departments
Representative. That reporting action may be verbal but must be
confirmed by a preliminary written report. Each report will be given a
unique reference number.
The requirements of Regulation 18 of the Factories and Industrial
Undertakings Regulations apply, and the Project Safety Manager will,
within 24 hours, report the dangerous occurrence to the Labour
Department using the prescribed form.
All dangerous occurrences reported by statutory requirement to an
enforcing authority, ie, Occupational Safety Officer of the Labour
Department, will be recorded in a register maintained on the site for that
purpose. Each entry shall show the date, time, nature and cause of the
dangerous occurrence. The Project Safety Manager will check that written
reports have been prepared and correctly distributed and that statutory
reports have been submitted to the appropriate authorities.


Nearmiss is defined as an incident which, under slightly different
circumstances, could have resulted in personal injury, property damage or
All nearmiss shall be reported to Safety Officer and filed for record and
information. Safety Officer shall maintain a Nearmiss Register which
includes the information of all nearmisses. Opportunity for Improvement (OFI)

In order to learn valuable lessons from our near miss events we need to
create a cultural shift in awareness and become an organisation in which
the reporting of near misses, or opportunities for improvement (OFI),
becomes second nature and a matter of routine.
Increased reporting means that the Company has better information to
perform in-depth trend analysis and identify ways to potentially prevent
future incidents. OFIs will support a reporting culture wherein personnel
are encouraged to report incidents without fear of negative repercussions.
With an increase in the number of reports, the scope of what is being
reported will broaden and in time, with all relevant lessons learned,
incidents associated with routine tasks or unusual occurrences will be
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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint

eliminated from our business.

As Safety Leaders we need to change the thought processes of our site
personnel toward assessing what could have happened and reporting it,
no matter how trivial it may seem at the time. The collection of
constructive information will lead to improving training efforts and
improved procedures and processes.
OFI reporting, and the effective communication of OFI events, will have a
remarkable effect on an individual's perception of what is going on around
them whilst working. They will become much more aware of what their
fellow workers are doing, as well as gaining a heightened level of risk
awareness, which will in turn create a safer work environment.
Where Opportunities for Improvement have been identified it is vitally
important that we are focused on developing the correct type of control to
address the identified area of improvement.
With this in mind Project Leaders must ensure that in all cases the first
action identified to address the OFI is a HARD control, which can be
supported by lower levels of SOFT controls. Soft controls alone will not be
an acceptable means of addressing the OFI.
Leighton requires that:

Project Leaders ensure the implementation of the Opportunities

for Improvement reporting process.

Project Leaders ensure that adequate training and instruction is

given to employees in the intended use and requirements for
submission of the Opportunities for Improvement reports.

Project Leaders ensure site personnel are actively encourage with

participating in this reporting process.

Project Leaders ensure that recognition or incentive schemes for

the reporting of OFIs are introduced on site to support and drive
the OFI reporting culture.

Project Leaders ensure that lessons learned from OFIs, raised at

a project level, are communicated to Head Office for onward
communication to our other sites as well as other areas of the
LAIO business.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint


Project Leaders ensure that lessons learned from OFIs, raised at

a project level, are communicated to all site personnel and the
recommended remedial actions addressed in a timely manner.

Project Leaders ensure that the focus of their respective teams is

on the implementation of HARD controls when addressing OFIs.

Accident / Incident Reporting Flow Chart

Accident / Incident reporting shall be carried out as shown in the flow chart
in Figure 10.1.

Accident / Incident

Area in-charge
/ Site-office

Internal Rescue Team

Healthcare Officer / First

Safety Representative

Person in Charge of Project

Engineer's Representative
Labour Department


Case 2
Injured person is trapped or
unable to move

First-aid treatment given to

injured person until Fire
Services Department and
ambulance arrive

Case 1
Injured person able to be
delivered to hospital

Option 1

Inform ambulance to
collect injured person
at site

Option 2

Deliver injured person

to nearest first-aid
point and inform
ambulance to collect
injured person at site

Use site transport to

deliver injured person
to hospital

Escort by First Aider

Report situation to

Deliver injured person

to first-aid point and:
a) await ambulance,
b) send injured person
to receive health care
service provided by
joint venture

Figure 10.1: Accident Reporting Flow Chart

For the procedure of fatal / multiple causalities, dangerous occurrences,
explosion, thief, bomb threat, incidents which arouse public interest on
media concern, please refer to the Project Crisis Management Plan.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint



Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan






Leighton will notify the Occupational Safety and Health Branch of Labour
Department by telephone or in person within 24 hours of any serious of
fatal accident. Leighton will submit a Form 2 within seven days of the
accident to the Employees' Compensation Division of Labour Department;
Leighton will report orally or in writing all fatal accidents within 24 hours to
the police station nearest to the place of accident;
In the case of incapacity for more than three days, Leighton will report to
the Labour Department within seven days of the accident on a Form 2.
Where the person who got injured in an accident dies subsequently as a
result of the injury, Leighton will report to Labour Department orally or in
writing within 24 hours after it comes to the notice of Leighton.
Reporting to the Engineer's Representative
Leighton will verbally report dangerous occurrences and accidents
involving death, serious injury or serious damage to the Engineer
Leighton will deliver a brief note within 3 hours and a written preliminary
report within 24 hours of the dangerous occurrence/accident;
Leighton will provide the Engineer with a photocopy of any Form 2 or
other accident reports i.e. injury report form (in case the injured granted
more than 3 days sick leaves) he submits to the Labour Department or
Marine Department when requested by the Engineer.
For details of the reporting procedure, please refer to Construction Site
Safety Manual (CSSM) published by DEVB and Highway Department
Technical Circular No. 3/2009, Reporting of Notifiable Accidents / Serious
Incidents on Highway Department Works Sites as shown in the flow chart
in Figure 10.2.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Figure 10.2: Flowchart for Reporting Notifiable Accident or Serious



Accident Reporting for the case related to the other

interface contractor
In case of injury happened at the area under the Leightons supervision
but the worker was from the interface contractor, we will try our best to
obtain the most accurate information from the representative of interface
contractor and report back to the Engineers Representative about the
details of the case. Upon request from the interface contractor, we will
also provide some preliminary assistance such as first aid treatment and
keep communication with the interface contractor on taking care of the

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

First Aid and First-aid Facilities

Healthcare Officer/ First Aiders
The Project Director will appoint a healthcare officer and a sufficient
number of first aiders in compliance with the Projects General
Specification and Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations to take charge
of the first-aid facilities. The Personnel Department shall be advised of
such appointments.
The healthcare officer shall be appointed to look after the first-aid team.
First aiders shall be responsible for first-aid treatment on a roster basis to
be determined by the healthcare officer. If there are insufficient first aiders
on site, then management shall inform the Personnel Department to
arrange for staff to be trained.
The first-aid team shall include at least one qualified first aider when there
are 30 to 100 workers and at least two qualified first aiders for over 100
At least one member of the first-aid team will be available during working


First-aid Room
At least one first-aid room will be located in or near the site office and
additional room will be set up near the site working area where
First-aid room will be maintained by the first-aid team and will be provided
with a first aid bench, a stretcher, a first-aid box and, if possible, a means
of communication, such as a telephone or walkie-talkie. An emergency
telephone list will be displayed on entrance door for easy reference.
First-aid room shall be unlocked during working hours, with the keys for
the rooms issued to responsible persons.


First-aid Boxes
When five or more workers are employed, a first-aid box will be provided.
Number of first aid box will be increased by one for every additional 50
First-aid boxes shall be provided in easily accessible positions. The first

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

aider on duty will make sure that each first-aid box is in place and in order.
Monthly inspection and periodic refilling of contents will be carried out by
the first aider.
First-aid boxes will be marked with FIRST AID in English and FIRST
AID BOX traditional Chinese characters.
Portable first-aid boxes will be provided where necessary to suit the
circumstances of the site.
Where appropriate, site vehicles will be equipped with first-aid boxes and
site staff may use site vehicles to transport casualties to hospital should
an ambulance service not be needed.


Tropical-cyclone Procedures
Signal No. 1
When Signal No. 1 is issued, the Safety Officer will:


Inform all key personnel on site of the hoisting of the signal.

Start preparation works to make sure that necessary equipment and
machinery will be available should a higher signal be raised or in the
case of an emergency.

Signal No. 3
When Signal No. 3 is issued, the superintendent or his representative will
tour each area of work with that area in-charge to ensure compliance with
the following actions:


Securely fasten and anchor by lashing all loose material that could
blow away. Alternatively, move that material to a protected area.
Adequately anchor all items of equipment that could blow away.
Disconnect power cables and, if necessary, move that equipment to
a protected area.
Securely lash down all working platforms, hoists, hand railing and
temporary structures.
Demobilize all cranes and leave jibs in the correct position in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
Demobilize and leave in a safe location on site all earth-moving
When necessary, provide additional guy wires/lashings.
Adequately waterproof and move all electrical equipment from any

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint




Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

expected flood areas.

Additionally brace/support or securely lash down any part-completed
Securely brace and lash temporary site offices.
Carry out a final check of all existing and temporary drainage to
make sure that they are not obstructed.
On receiving a forecast for a higher signal, stop the tunnel
operations and make sure that all personnel working underground
return to the surface immediately.
Demobilize immediately all marine vessels/barges to the nearest
typhoon shelter.

Pre-No. 8 Special Announcement / Signal No. 8

When Pre-No. 8 special announcement / Signal No. 8 is issued:


Position all passenger hoists and material hoists at the bottom

landings and switch off all plant and machinery.
On completion of all temporary protection works, instruct all
remaining workers to leave the site.
Immediately after the complete evacuation of all site workers, switch
off the main power supply, but leave auxiliary power available to
essential equipment, eg, dewatering pumps, compressors and
If considered necessary, maintain a necessary number of
employees on site to deal with any emergency, eg, pumping.

When Signal No. 8 is withdrawn, the superintendent or his representative

will carry out thorough checks with each site agent for any damage to
plant, machinery, permanent and temporary structures and construction
material and equipment:


Examine all cranes, passenger hoists, material hoists and lifting

appliances for correct mechanical operation.
Thoroughly check for misalignment any part-completed structures,
etc. Notify and properly record any misalignment.
Prior to the resumption of the power supply for the site, check all
electrical equipment for damage caused by movement and/or
excessive rainfall.
Remove all bracing and temporary lashings required for tropicalcyclone anchorage prior to re-starting work.
Examine the stability of slopes and all shoring to earthworks.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Rainstorm-warning Procedures
The arrangements for employees during the period when an Amber, Red
or Black Rainstorm or Thunderstorm warning has been issued are set out


Amber/Red Rainstorm Warning

Signal Issued Before Working Hours

When an Amber/Red Rainstorm signal is issued before working hours:

Employees will observe normal working hours and report for duty as
Should employees be unable to report for duty on time due to the
rainstorm, they will report the situation to their supervisors as soon
as practicable.

Signal Issued During Working Hours

When an Amber/Red Rainstorm signal is issued during working hours:

Office staff will work as normal.

Area foremen will carry out a check of all existing and temporary
drainage to make sure that they are not obstructed.
Supervisors of employees working outdoors in exposed areas will
suspend outdoor duties if weather conditions so warrant. Those
supervisors will arrange for employees concerned to take shelter
temporarily and resume their duties when weather conditions permit.

Signal Issued at End of Working Day

When an Amber/Red Rainstorm signal is issued at the end of the working


Release employees as usual. If considered necessary, maintain an

appropriate number of employees on site to deal with any
emergency, eg, pumping.
Area foremen will carry out a check of all existing and temporary
drainage to make sure that they are not obstructed.


Black Rainstorm Warning

Signal Issued Before Working Hours

When a Black Rainstorm signal is issued before working hours,
employees will stay home until the warning has been lowered or traffic

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

conditions have improved.

Signal Issued During Working Hours

When a Black Rainstorm signal is issued during working hours:

Staff working in office will continue their duties.

Area foremen will carry out a check of all existing and temporary
drainage to make sure that they are not obstructed.
Outdoor work in exposed areas will be suspended. Supervisors will
arrange employees concerned to take shelter and resume duties
when weather conditions permit. Signal Issued at End of Working Day

When a Black Rainstorm signal is issued at the end of a working day:


Release employees as usual. However, if an employee chooses to

stay due to the bad weather, supervisors will make sure that a
suitable area on the premises remains open as shelter. If considered
necessary, maintain an appropriate number of employees on site to
deal with any emergency, eg, pumping.
Area foremen will carry out a final check of all existing and
temporary drainage to make sure that they are not obstructed.


Thunderstorm Warning

Monitoring and Reporting

The Project Director shall appoint a person to check the latest weather
forecast and report back to him and the Project Safety Manager/ Safety
Officer if a Thunderstorm Warning signal has been issued.
The Safety Officer shall inform the relevant site staff of the Thunderstorm
The person in charge of the area will inspect the workplaces and
implement the Thunderstorm Warning procedures. They shall report any
problem to Construction Manager / site agent, who will determine
alternative action.

Thunderstorm Procedures
In the event of a thunderstorm:

Cease all activities involving explosives.

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Leighton Joint



Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Cease all works at the top level of a building.

Cease all works underneath or beside a tree, road sign, telephone
pole, electrical pole, light pole, flag pole, radio tower, monument,
metal ladder or the like.
Cease all crane operations and request all jibs to be lowered.
Cover all flammable material.
Check for and remove any person on scaffolding, steel structure or
in water.
Instruct all persons to stay in shelter areas and await further

Training and Information

The safety guidelines for thunderstorms will be communicated to all
personnel on site by safety induction or tool-box meetings. The basic
guidelines are:


Approaching Storm
When a storm approaches:



Find shelter in a building or in a car and keep the car windows

Since telephone lines and metal pipes conduct electricity, unplug
appliances and avoid using the telephone or any electrical
Draw blinds and shades over windows the shades will prevent
glass from shattering into the room if the window is broken by windblown objects.

Protect Yourself Outside

To protecting yourself outside:

Go to a low-lying, open place away from trees, poles, or metal

Make sure the place you pick is not subject to flooding.


End of Storm
After the storm has passed by:
Stay away from storm-damaged areas.
Listen to your supervisors instructions.

First Aid
If someone is struck by lightning:

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint




Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

People struck by lightning carry no electrical charge and can be

handled safely.
Call for help. Get someone to call the emergency coordinator and
local emergency services number (ambulance).
The injured person will have received an electrical shock and may
be burned, both where the lightning struck and where the electricity
left the persons body. Check for burns in both places. (Being struck
by lightning can also cause nervous system damage, broken bones,
and loss of hearing or eyesight.)
Administer first aid. If breathing has stopped, begin rescue
breathing. If the heart has stopped beating, a trained person should
give cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. If the person has a pulse and is
breathing, look and care for other possible injuries.

Landslip Warning
When a Landslip Warning has been issued, the engineer will examine the
stability of the slopes and, if necessary, suspend work and instruct
workers to move to a safe location.


Follow-up Action
Before the site re-opens following the withdrawal of Signal No. 8 or
following a Black rainstorm warning, the emergency crews will carry out a
thorough inspection of the site with the Safety Officer and report to the
Project Director, detailing damage to any permanent or temporary
structures, plant, scaffolding, ladders or access that may adversely affect
safety. Depending on the extent of damage, a written report may be
necessary. The respective site-management staff will make sure that
arrangements are made for the affected areas to be made safe before reopening those parts of the site.
The Safety Officer will monitor and follow up the required action is


Fire Procedures
On discovery of a fire, the following procedure will be adopted:

Shout FIRE and raise the alarm and / or other fire warnings at
Inform the foreman in charge of the area or the emergency
coordinator of the location and nature of the fire.
Cease work immediately, evacuate the work area and go to the

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint



Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

muster point [refer to site layout plan in Appendix 10.6].

The rescue team will try to attack the fire with suitable fire-fighting
Post a person at the site entrance to direct the fire-fighting
appliances to the scene of the fire.
If premises have to be evacuated, take a roll-call of all persons on

Flooding Procedures
When a flood or rainstorm warning is issued, the emergency coordinator
or his deputy will adopt the following procedure to prevent accident or
incident due to flooding in workplaces:

Disconnect affected electricity supplies (except emergency lighting).

Clear away obstructions at discharge points of drainage and pump
Install a water pump at the lowest point.
Fence off the area that is or could be affected by flooding.
Post warning signs at conspicuous locations.
Appoint persons to supervise the functioning of the pumping system
at all times and to periodically check all the drain points.
Make sure that silt and debris will be intercepted by traps before
water is discharged into the public drainage system.

In order to prevent flooding in the rainy season, the following measures

will be adopted:


As work may affect the existing drainage system, the responsible

construction managers will make sure that an adequate diversion
scheme is developed and submitted to the Highway Departments
Representative for approval.
Regularly clean surface channels around the site.
Regularly inspect/clean all the silt/sand traps to make sure that they
function properly.
Place sand bags around discharge points to prevent silt and other
construction debris from discharging into the drainage system.

10.8 Emergency Procedures Release of hazardous materials

In case of an emergency involving release of hazardous materials, the
area-in-charge will be informed who will then acquire the following
information regarding the emergency:
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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Location of release
Type(s) of materials released
Quantity of materials
Number of people affected by the materials

At the same time, the area-in-charge will inform the emergency

coordinator, Project Safety Manager and environment manager who will
evaluate the hazard with reference to Material safety Data sheet (MSDS)
and chemical risk assessment to determine the following:
1) clean up and disposal procedures
2) seek assistance from Fire Service Department or other Emergency
3) review causes of incidents to reduce recurrence


Traffic Accident / Incident Reporting Procedures

In case of any traffic accident / incident happened either on site or in
public area, it should be reported to the site office immediately, the
following information must be included:


Location of accident.
If personal injury included, then the information about the injury
should be reported (the nature of injury, the name of the injured and
the medical assistant required)
Any property damaged, such as vehicle, building, steel fence, etc.
Detail information of parties involved, such as vehicle license, name
and I.D. of the driver and etc.
If reported to police, the case number and the badge number of the
officer carrying the investigation.

If injury or property damaged is involved, the case will also be reported to

the relevant government agency.


Emergency Procedures Damage to Underground

Underground utilities generally include electric cables, gas and water
mains, cable-television and telephone lines, and communication cables.
In case of an emergency situation related to damage of an underground
or overhead utility, the following procedures will be applied.

inform the area supervisor immediately;

evacuate to a safe location and perform a head count to make sure
that all workers have been evacuated from the scene;

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint





Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

in case of damage of electricity cable, do not attempt to remove any

object or to touch injured persons in contact with the damaged cable
because the cable may still be live;
inform the person in charge of the project of the emergency situation,
providing details such as:
location of emergency situation;
type of utility damaged;
any injury;
any fire/explosion, and
any property damage;
inform the relevant utility undertaker, and
inform the Fire Services Department for assistance if there is a risk of
fire and explosion.

Accident Emergency Procedures

In case of any emergency involves injury to employees, the accident
response procedures prescribed in Section 10.1.5 of this Project Safety
Plan shall be followed. This section stated the procedures for 3 specific


Electric Shock
An electric shock can occur upon contact of a human body with any
source of voltage high enough to cause sufficient current flow through the
muscles or nerves.
In helping a worker of an electric shock, the procedures below shall be
disconnect the power supply first IF IT IS SAFE TO DO
if the worker is in contact with something portable, attempt to move it

away using a non-conductive object such as dry wooden and plastic

do not attempt to touch the affected worker until they are free and clear

of the supplied power

in case of unconsciousness, call ambulance immediately
instruct a co-worker to report to immediate supervisor, who shall notify

Emergency Coordinator and Healthcare Officer / First Aider to attend

the scene
notify the electrical supervisor to attend the scene for aid
the Healthcare Officer or Safety Officer will decide to call ambulance

without delay in life threatening situation.

Healthcare officer / first aiders to administer first aid treatment,
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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

maintain airway, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as appropriate

and pending ambulance arrival
Healthcare officer to escort victim to hospital and record all relevant

information for further investigations


Bleeding, technically known as hemorrhage, is the loss of blood from the
body. In helping a worker with bleeding, the procedures below will be

Notify immediate supervisor who shall inform emergency coordinator

and healthcare officer / first aider

Before healthcare officer / first aider arrives, apply direct pressure at

the wound with clean materials such as cotton or cloth and keep the
wound in elevated position if applicable, to control bleeding
The emergency coordinator, healthcare officer or Project Safety

Manager shall decide to call ambulance in severe haemorrhage case,

stating number of casualties, location, cause of injury and contact
phone number
Healthcare officer / first aiders to administer first aid treatment and

wound care before medical aid arrives

Healthcare officer escort victim to company doctor / hospital and record

relevant information

In case the injured person may have to be evacuated to ground level by

use of crane and basket stretcher. This arrangement should be
determined by construction manager or healthcare officer as appropriate.

Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

It is caused by prolonged exposure to humid and hot environment, usually
36 to 380C or above. Under high humidity condition, excess body heat
cannot be removed by radiation due to difficulty in sweat evaporation. The
own heat regulating centre of victims cannot get rid of excess body heat
plus loss of body fluid, result in heat exhaustion and may develop into a
worse case - heat stroke. Any person with signs or symptoms of heat
stroke requires immediate hospitalization.
Signs and Symptoms

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint

Heat Exhaustion

Pale and moist skin

Dilation of pupils
Shallow and quick breathing
Weak and quick pulse
Dizziness, discomfort and heat stroke follows

Heat Stroke

Body temperature is greater than 400C

Red and flushed skin
Constriction and follow dilation of pupils
Shallow and quick breathing
Strong and quick pulse
Dizziness and follow coma

When a worker sustains heat exhaustion or heat stroke, the immediate
supervisor will inform emergency coordinator and healthcare officer / first
aider who shall attend the scene immediately; call ambulance in case of
unconsciousness. The emergency coordinator, healthcare officer or
Project Safety Manager will decide whether emergency services shall be
called. First aid treatment should be immediately administered while
awaiting ambulance. Treatment for both heat exhaustion and heat stroke
are similar:
the worker shall be moved to a cool place and lie down
loosen his/her tight clothing
gently apply cool water to the skin. If the worker sustains heat stroke,
wrap his/her body with cool moist bed sheet
fanning to reduce body temperature
try to get the person to drink water or salt-contained drink if the person
is conscious


Emergency-procedures Training
All personnel on site will be informed of the emergency procedures at the
safety induction. The procedures will also be posted on site notice boards.
If necessary, appropriate training will be provided for those persons with
specific duties to perform under the emergency procedures.
Emergency procedures and emergency telephone list will be updated

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Emergency/Rescue Teams
The Project Director is responsible for organizing an emergency/rescue
team for the project. He will appoint appropriate personnel and empower
the emergency coordinator and his team members with sufficient authority
to carry out their duties.
Notices/letters of appointment and individual responsibilities will be issued
to the emergency/rescue team members.
Emergency/rescue team members will be properly trained to be
competent persons to deal with emergency situations, eg, first-aid training
and training in the use of fire-fighting equipment, as appropriate to their
The emergency coordinator will be the person in charge of the
emergency/rescue team and will appoint one of the team members of
similar rank as the deputy emergency coordinator.
Checklist will be developed for different emergency situations. The
summary of the checklist was listed below:
1) First Aid Box Checking Record
2) Fire Drill Roll Call Sheet
3) Fire Extinguisher Monthly Checklist
4) Safety Checklist before and after holiday
5) Rescue Equipment Inspection Record (Monthly)
6) Checking procedures following the Issuance of Signal No.3
7) Checking procedures before the Issuance of Signal No.8
8) Checking Procedures upon the cancellation of Signal No.8
9) Accident Drill Checklist


Emergency Coordinator
The emergency coordinator will:

Coordinate the entire emergency and rescue procedure.

Inform all key personnel on site of the adverse weather and
determine the seriousness of a situation and take appropriate action.
Authorised to assign any personnel to assist him in carrying out the
rescue procedures.
Be familiar with the Contingency Plan and define the relevant
procedures to deal with different situations.
If necessary, re-oganise the emergency-team members from time to

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint





Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

time to ensure the effectiveness of the procedures and competency

of the team.
Review the emergency procedures periodically with the safety
representative to make sure that the system is well defined and
capable of being implemented.
Appoint a deputy to perform or discharge his responsibilities while
absent from site.
Arrange transportation to convey the emergency crew to the scene
of the emergency.
Move the injured person to the most-convenient spot where the
rescue crew can more quickly gain access to the injured, provided
the first aider considers that movement will not cause further harm.
Submit a report to the Site Safety Committee after each emergency.

Emergency Team Members

Members of the emergency team are at all times responsible to the
emergency coordinator or his deputy. They will:


In the event of an emergency, place the highest priority on their

responsibilities as members of the team.
At all times be familiar with all emergency procedures, the locations
of the first-aid points and work areas.
Make required inspections to make sure that all rescue equipment is
in good working condition.
In the event of an emergency, have the authority to mobilize any site
transport to facilitate rescue operations.

Emergency Equipment
Emergency equipment will be located in or near the site office and another
preferably set up near the site working area. The emergency equipment
shall be included the following and to be reviewed regularly:

Breathing apparatus;
Reviving apparatus;
First Aid Boxes;
Stretcher / Lifting basket;
Lifting appliances (if necessary);
Safety harness and independent lifelines;
Non-explosive torch;
Rescue air pack; etc.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Programme for Testing Emergency Procedures

Emergency drills/trial runs will be proposed by the Emergency Coordinator
and Project Safety Manager and approved by the Site Safety and
Environmental Committee.
The result of each drill/trial run will be recorded, discussed and reviewed
at Site Safety and Environmental Committee meetings. Any deficiencies
found in the set procedures will be identified and rectified. If required, the
emergency procedures/plan will be revised to suit the actual situation.
Emergency drills/trial runs will be carried out at different location at sixmonth interval.


Air Quality Health Index

Health effects from air pollution come about due to a combination of the
concentration of the air pollutants and the amount of time you are exposed
to the air pollution. Exposure to moderately high pollution levels for a short
period of time normally will not lead to any significant problem.
The Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) ranges from 1 to 10+ and is divided
into 5 bands according to the potential effects on health. The recommended
precautionary actions are summarized in the following tables:

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Site Layout Plan
Typhoon and Rainstorm Checklist
Summary of Emergency Procedures
Emergency Contact List

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 11 Safety Promotion


Safety Information Communications

Safety Newsletter
A safety newsletter in English and traditional Chinese characters will be
published quarterly and distributed to site personnel.


Safety Posters
Safety posters relevant to the activities on site will be displayed at
prominent locations and updated/replaced as work activities require.


Safety Bulletin Boards

Safety bulletin boards will be erected to display safety news and
information from internal and external sources. The contents of those
safety bulletin boards will be updated regularly and shall include:

Highway Departments/Legal Requirements

The Highway Departments/legal requirements for safety bulletin boards
statutory requirements;
Construction Noise Permits;
Notice of Proprietor, and
Appointment Notice of Safety Officer and safety supervisor.

Leightons Requirements
Leighton requirements for safety bulletin boards are:
Leightons safety policy statement;
safety-personnel name list;
rescue-team name list;
emergency telephone list;
company doctor/clinic name and address list;
first-aider list;
location of the first-aid room;
competent-person list
site-services layout plan;
accident-reporting procedure;
emergency procedures;
site-permit application procedure;
safety-news cuttings;
Site Safety and Environmental Committee members;

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

accident-trend analysis, and

Site Utilities Layout Plan.


Light Emitting Diode (LED) Display Board

LED display boards will be erected at locations of pre-work exercise for
displaying updated safety and health information for promote and enhance
the standard of heath and safety on the site.


Safety Award and Incentive Scheme

In an effort to stimulate the interest of all project personnel in accidentprevention programmes, safety incentives and award schemes will be
operated throughout the duration of the project.
In addition, Safety Management Committee will select a site annually to
receive a Safety Award. The Project Director and key staff of the winning
site will be presented with a trophy during Leighton Contractors (Asia)
Limiteds annual dinner.
Incentive and award schemes can be set up in many different formats but,
in general, the intention shall be to reward individuals or groups for good
achievement in one or more of the following areas:

accident/incident frequency;
achievement of pre-set safety targets;
compliance with the Project Safety Plan;
overall safety performance, and
achievement or recognition from the Drainage Services Department,
external safety bodies or government office.

Awards may be in the form of cash prizes or safety souvenirs. In either

case, maximum publicity will be attached to the presentation and a high
level of recognition will be given to the recipients of the awards.


Individual Safety Award Scheme Criteria

Workers joining this award scheme will be nominated by the responsible
subcontractor or the immediate supervisor in case of a direct employee
and be approved by the Site Safety and Environmental Committee. The
number of nominees shall be at least twice the number of the awards. All
nominees will be assessed by the chairman and secretary of the Site
Safety and Environmental Committee. Scores will be given to each
nominee for defined areas and the results will be forwarded to Site Safety
and Environmental Committee for its verification. Those defined areas will

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

familiarization with the sites emergency procedures;
using personal protective equipment properly and maintaining it in good
maintaining the work area in a safe condition and without risk to health;
making due effort to follow a safe system of work, and
promoting safety to colleagues.
When the Project Director has approved the final result, the winning
worker will be awarded a certificate and a cash prize during a Site Safety
and Environmental Committee meeting and announced in pre-work


Subcontractor Safety Award Scheme

The Site Safety and Environmental Committee will carry out a half-yearly
assessment of all subcontractors. The assessing criteria will include:
Site Safety Committee attendance;
submission of safety documentation;
workers given safety training;
accident statistics;
provision and use of personal protective equipment;
follow-up of identified unsafe actions and conditions, and
workers safety performance.
Certificates will be presented to the winning subcontractors and souvenirs
will be given to their workers to reward their contribution in maintaining a
healthy and safe working environment.


Front-line Supervisory Staff Safety Award Scheme

The purpose of the Front-line Supervisory Staff Safety Award Scheme is
to describe the procedures to be carried out when assessing the safety
performance of site supervisors on projects.
The objectives of the scheme are to:
increase site supervisors awareness of safety issues;
identify site-supervisors areas of improvement;
encourage site supervisors to participate in safety promotional events
through the award scheme, and
explain the extent of involvement and cooperation of site supervisors
with local authorities, companies and others.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

The Front-line Supervisory Staff Safety Award Scheme will be applied to

all site supervisors, including assistant foremen, foremen, senior foremen
and subcontractors foremen and supervisors working on projects.

11.3 Site Safety Cycle

The objective of practise Site Safety Cycle (SSC) on site is to improve and
promote the safety and health through a series of activities. A hard paved
area will be provided for pre-work activities with a special bulletin board
containing SSC information displayed. The SSC will be led by competent
persons who have received relevant training.
Daily Cycle
Pre-work exercise and safety (PES) meeting start with a physical exercise
led by the site agent then briefing all attendees the common safety and
health matters of the site.
Hazard identification activity (HIA) meeting Supervisory staff to brief the
work groups more specific the safety and health matters related to their
work. Result of discussion will be recorded on HIA table and displayed on
Pre-work safety check Supervisory staff will check the adequacy and
condition of personal protective equipment worn by the workers before let
them to start work on site. In addition, assign suitable persons to check the
safety conditions of workplace, machinery, plant and equipment before start
work and record the result on checklist.
Safety inspection by Site Agent Site Agent or his/ her representative will
carry out safety inspection on site and take prompt action to rectify any
unsafe act or unsafe condition observed during the inspection. Findings
during the inspection will be recorded on a safety diary.
Guidance and supervision during work Supervisory staff will give
guidance and supervision for workers under his/ her control and rectify any
unsafe act, unsafe condition promptly on site.
Weekly Cycle
Weekly site safety walks will be conducted and weekly safety coordination
meeting involving senior site management staff, safety supervisor will be
held and chaired by Engineer Representative.
Monthly Cycle

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Meetings of Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee and

the Site Safety and Environmental Committee will be held.

11.4 New Comer / Probation Workers Management System

The purposes of New Comer / Probation Workers Management System are
to identify new comers and probation workers from the workforce and
provide guidance, assistance and coaching to new comers and probation
workers to get them familiar with the Leighton safety culture and safety
requirements. Moreover, it is to allow sufficient time for new comers and
probation workers to get familiar with the safe working procedures, site
conditions, environments and facilities.


Site personnel (including direct staff, direct labour and subcontractors)

who newly arrives on site and is not familiar with the working
environments of the project.

A N / P sticker will be used to distinguish the new comers /

probation worker on site is shown in Figure 11.4.1 - N / P Sticker

Figure 11.4.1 - N / P Sticker Design

The N / P sticker will be distributed to the new comer / probation

worker after completing the Site Safety and Environmental Induction
Training. The sticker is required to be stuck on the safety helmet. The
induction month and exact date will be marked on the sticker for easy

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Leighton and all subcontractors are required to appoint at least one

responsible supervisor as the mentor to provide guidance, assistance
and coaching to new comers and probation workers. The new comer /
probation worker will be assessed by the responsible supervisor after
the assessment period (1 month for new comer and 3 months for
probation worker).

In order to assure the affiliation, behaviour and competency of

individual, an assessment is to be conducted in due course. Questions
are to be asked and all answers should be Yes. Otherwise, the N /
P label should be remained display on the safety helmet until another
assessment is to be conducted at the later date.


Except Traffic Control and Working next to Live Traffic, Heavy Plant
and Equipment Movement, Electrocution/ Fire, Work in Confined
Spaces, which of the followings can be classified as the Class 1 risk of


Except Assess Task & Area, Communication, Tool & PPE

Selection, Line of Fire, Controlled Physical Movement, which of the
followings can be classified as the Safety Behavior of Leighton?

3. Which of the following is the Muster Point at the Site?


Can the new comer / probation worker demonstrate a safe behaviour

during his daily operation?


Is the new comer / probation worker overall safety performance satisfy

with the Leighton standard?

Once the answers of all 5 questions are "Yes", the N / P sticker can
be removed from the safety helmet. Otherwise, he / she is required to
re-attend the Site Safety and Environmental Induction Training and a
new N / P sticker is to be stuck on the safety helmet until next

The assessment form shall be submitted to Safety Department for

record after completion is shown in Figure 11.4.2 - New Comer /
Probation Worker Safety Performance Assessment Form).

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Figure 11.4.2 - New Comer / Probation Worker Safety Performance Assessment Form

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 12 Health-assurance Programme


Noise Monitoring and Control

Noise on construction sites usually emanates from machinery used for
demolition, drilling, excavation, piling, compressors and concrete mixers,
etc. Operations such as hammering, riveting and the use of cartridgeoperated fixing tools may also be the source of excessive noise.
To minimize the risk of permanent damage to the hearing of workers who
are exposed to excessive noise levels, a competent person will be
appointed to carry out a noise assessment for each noisy operation. That
assessment will measure the level of noise and compare it with published
parameters and acceptance criteria.
The Project Director, Project Safety Manager and related supervisory staff
will thereafter determine the most appropriate measures to minimize the
risk with the following priority:
1. Use of silenced/quiet equipment or methods.
2. Use of retrofitted noise-reducing devices, such as a silencer or
3. Use of personal protective equipment.
4. Job rotation.
For each worker constantly working in an excessively-noisy environment,
regular medical examination will be provided to monitor their hearing


Dust Monitoring and Control

Dust means anything that forms a powder or cloud and is a nuisance,
including cement, wood, stone, silica and plastics. The high-speed cutting
and grinding of most material can produce dust. A dust cloud cannot
always be seen. The smallest particle visible by the naked eye is 50 to
100 microns.
In the construction industry, the cutting and shaping of masonry, stone,
brickwork, plaster and concrete creates a dust hazard and nuisance. Rock
or concrete breaking, drilling, sand blasting, excavation and other earth
moving work may also give rise to annoyance and health risk because of
dust emission.
Individual workers engaged in the above-mentioned processes will be
protected by local exhaust systems, wet-working methods and personal

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

protective equipment such as dust respirators. Reduction of the dust

nuisance or health risk to residents in the vicinity of the site will also be
considered. The following measures will be adopted to minimize the
nuisance caused to the general public:


provide an efficient and effective local exhaust system at the source of

dust emission;
when practicable, spray water or use wet methods to suppress dust;
consider enclosures or shrouds to isolate a dusty process;
use hoardings and screens of adequate height to prevent propagation
of dust;
for a large civil-engineering work site, periodically spray temporary
roadways using a water truck, and
provide a wheel-washing bay and other washing facilities to clean
dump trucks and other vehicles at each egress point.

Control of Hazardous Substances

For all hazardous substances that will be used for construction, the person
in charge of the works and the quality assurance/control engineer will
develop a schedule stating what and when such material will be used.
Also, the material safety data sheet for the product will be obtained.
All that information will be given to the Project Safety Manager/ Safety
Officer who will carry out a health risk assessment. The Project Safety
Manager/ Safety Officer will develop control procedures for the storage,
use and disposal of each hazardous material.
The Safety Officer will keep a master file for material safety data sheets of
all hazardous substances, a register of all hazardous substances which
include their physical and chemical properties, hazards, safe handling and
storage, precautionary measures to be taken and first-aid treatment.
Training for such precautionary measures and first-aid measures will be
prepared and training provided to related workers. A copy of first aid
treatment measures for hazardous substances in English and traditional
Chinese characters will be displayed in the first-aid room for the firstaiders reference.
A regular review will be conducted so that the effectiveness of the risk
assessment will not be affected by a changing working environment
and/or working procedures.
An active inventory record of all hazardous substances actually being

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

used on site will be kept by the Safety Officer.

Procedures in selection, provision, training and supervision on the use of
suitable personal protective equipment in related with hazardous
substance will follow those requirements specified in Section 8 Personal
Protective Equipment.


Pre-job and Regular Medical Examinations

Certain construction activities require legally-prescribed pre-job and
regular medical examinations. When applicable, for example, working in
underground, such pre-job and regular medical examinations will be
arranged for each concerned worker and employee.
For other workers employed to work on the project, pre-work medical
checks will be carried out by Healthcare Officer prior to induction training.
Those workers with suspected health problem will be advised to seek
further medical advice and Healthcare will follow up the case accordingly.
The personal records of such pre-job and regular medical examinations
will be treated as confidential, stored and archived in accordance with
Leighton Contractors (Asia) Limiteds Safety Management System.


Display-screen-equipment Health and Safety Measures

Risk assessment and appropriate training shall be provided for displayscreen equipment users in accordance with legal requirements.
Appropriate personal protective equipment (eg, foot rest and document
holder) shall be provided when appropriate.


Implementation of Control Measures

To ensure the implementation of suitable control measures, a checklist
shall be prepared in accordance with the risk assessment, which shall
include checking the provision, use and maintenance of all equipment for
monitoring and reducing exposure to hazardous working environments.
A responsible person shall be appointed and delegated to check on the
implementation of the control measures and the results shall be reported
to the Safety Officer for verification and for his records.
In accordance with Contract health checking equipment will be provided
and maintained on site to facilitate the workers to check their health
condition including, but not limited to, body-mass index (BMI), hearth beat
rate, blood pressure, body temperature, etc. Location of such equipment

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

will be notified to all employees in induction.


Good housekeeping means maintaining the necessary standards of
domestic cleanliness and tidiness to make sites and workplaces safe,
healthy and pleasant places in which to work. Good housekeeping may be
summarized by the phrase A place for everything and everything in its
place. Bad housekeeping is the cause of many accidents on site.
There are three main objectives in promoting order and cleanliness
throughout a site:
eliminating accidents and fire hazards;
conserving space, time, material and effort, and
obtaining and maintaining good working conditions.
The general layout of a site is extremely important in good housekeeping:
roads and passageways shall be kept clear of obstruction at all times,
all roads shall be signposted to enable lorries coming on site to
proceed to their correct destination and to facilitate the task of
emergency services to get to their destinations with ease and the
minimum of delay.


Inadequately-lit work areas are often the cause of accumulations of
rubbish. All workplaces, passageways and stairways will be adequately lit
and free from shadows.
Sudden transitions from bright to dimly-illuminated areas, and vice versa,
will be avoided as they are dangerous because of momentary blindness
caused to persons passing from one area to the other.
All light fittings, windows and roof lights will be regularly cleaned and
defective light bulbs replaced.
Adequate lighting at site boundaries and approaches is also important.
Protected lighting is an aid to the prevention of accidents and theft.
Adequate lighting will be planned and provided for night work.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

If practicable, all temporary lighting will be operated at reduced voltage.

The recommended illumination level for construction sites is 200 lux but,
subject to the complexity of work to be carried out in the vicinity, may be


Welfare Facilities
A Welfare Facilities Plan will be prepared in accordance with the Contract
HY/2011/08 requirements and submitted to Highway Departments
Welfare facilities generally include:
storage compartments;
drinking water;
washing facilities;
rubbish bins;
first-aid equipment, and
changing rooms and rest places.


Storage Compartments
Sufficient storage compartment will be provided near the site entrance for
workers for storing his/ her personal protective equipment, each
compartment will be designed for use by not more than five persons.


Drinking Water
Drinking water facilities of storage capacity not less than 20 liters will be
provided indoors for workers. The number of drinking water facilities
provided will be at a ratio of not less than one for every 20 workers. The
filters of the water purifiers will be maintained in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations.


Washing and Showering Facilities

Hand-washing facilities will be provided for each set of toilets, and at a
ratio of not less than one for every 20 workers. Showering facilities will be
provided indoors or inside containers. Separate male and female facilities
will be provided at a ratio of less than 2 for the first 100 workers, and an
additional one for every additional 50 workers.


Toilet blocks or moveable chemical toilets, at a ratio of not less than one
for every 30 workers, will be provided at various site locations. Daily

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

cleaning will be carried out to maintain toilets in clean and hygienic

condition. Holding tanks may also be constructed to collect the domestic
waste accumulated, which shall be disposed of periodically by a licensed
waste-treatment company.


Rubbish Bins
Rubbish bins with covers will be provided in pairs or more for collection of
aluminium cans, plastic bottles and general waste at locations close to
workers resting areas. The number of rubbish bins will be provided at a
ratio of at least one pair for every 20 workers. Regular collection and
disposal will be carried out and in any case not longer than 3 working


First-aid Equipment
First-aid equipment will be provided and maintained by first aiders
Quantities will be based on the number of workers.


Changing Rooms and Rest Places & Periods

Changing rooms and rest places will be provided on site for workers to
store their personal belongings and to use as a place of rest during
breaks. Apart from the regular 30-minute rest period for workers during the
afternoon work session, an additional 15-minute rest period is allowed for
workers during the morning work session.


Management of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

(Atypical Pneumonia)
In case of outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Atypical
Pneumonia) in Hong Kong, Leighton will adopt the following procedure for
the prevention of the spreading of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(SARS), also known as Atypical Pneumonia:


Conduct tool-box meetings to all staff explaining precautionary

measures of SARS and procedures in dealing with confirmed SARS
Request all external parties to sign an attendance record with a
contact number before any meeting.
Request all attendees to wash hands with soap before any
meetings, if possible.
Provide surgical masks to staff upon request.
Ensure adequate hand washing facilities available.
Clean chemical toilets on site daily.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Clean office daily.

Keep windows open to improve ventilation
Display notices concerning the precautionary / prevention measures
against SARS at prominent locations on site and in offices.
10) Provide electronic thermometer on site for body temperature
measurement if required.


Procedures for Dealing with SARS

Scenario 1
If a member of the site is a confirmed SARS patient
Report details to the Project Director and Safety Department immediately.
Project Director to report details to Leighton head office and Government
Authority, if necessary.
All personnel working in the immediate vicinity of the SARS patients
workplace will be directed to leave the site immediately and await further
advice from the Project Director.
Any of the personnel sent home who have SARS-like symptoms are to
seek medical advice and advise the details to the Project Director or
Construction Manager.
Arrangement will be made for the sterilization of the site office or
workplace of the SARS patient.
If the SARS patient is from the site office then essential staff will be
advised of an alternative office for use while the site office is being
sterilized to ensure that routine work on site can be maintained.
No personnel should return to the site or office unless authorised by the
Project Director.
Project Director will identify those persons who have had close-contact
with the infected person, and they will be directed to follow the
procedures in Scenario 2.
Following resumption of work, personnel who were working the immediate
vicinity of the SARS patients workplace will be required to undertake body
temperature measurement for the next 2 weeks.
Before re-commencement of work in a SARS contaminated premises,
give workers and subcontractors proper information, instruction and
training on the working procedures; use and disposal of personal
protective equipment, cleaning and disinfecting before and after work.
All personnel are recommended to wear a face mask on site.
Any person who subsequently develops the SARS-like symptoms should
immediately report the details to Project Director or Construction Manager
and seek medical advice and keep the Project Director or Construction

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Manager informed.
Scenario 2
Any person who has the close contact with a confirmed SARS
Report details of any close contact with a confirmed SARS patient to the
Project Director or Construction Manager immediately.
Upon confirmation from the Project Director, stay at home for monitoring
up to a maximum of 10 days.
Avoid close contact with other people.
Maintain good personal hygiene. Wash hands frequently.
Body temperature measurement should be undertaken on a daily basis
for a 10 days period. Seek medical advice immediately if feeling unwell.
Report their condition to the Project Director daily.
Refrain from work until advised by the Project Director.
Scenario 3
Any person whose building has confirmed a SARS case
Report details to the Project Director immediately if a confirmed SARS
case is known to exist in any persons home building.
Maintain good personal hygiene. Wash hands frequently.
All personnel wear a face mask on site, if necessary.
Report their condition to the Project Director daily.
Seek medical advice when feeling SARS-like symptoms.


Management of Avian Flu and Swine Flu

The virus causing Avian Flu and Swine Flu are the highly pathenogenic
type H5N1 and H1N1 respectively. Avian Flu (H5N1) and Swine Flu
(H1N1) have similar clinical presentation as other influenza viruses.
However, they are more likely to result in high fever, chest infection,
respiratory failure, multi-organ failure, even death. Leighton - LNS Joint
Venture will observe and follow the latest advice from the Hong Kong
government in preventing and managing those kinds of influenza case.
Leighton will disseminate the following information for the prevention of
novel influenza to employees, especially the message that people with
fevers shall not go to work:

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton will maintain a clean and hygienic work environment through

regular disinfection of office equipment, cleaning of carpets, doors
and windows; proper maintenance of toilet facilities including
adequate supply of liquid soap, disposable towels or hand-dryers.
Cover mouth and nose with tissue paper when coughing or sneezing,
dispose used tissue paper in covered rubbish bin and wash hands
carefully afterwards.
Maintain good personal hygiene and wash hands frequently. Do not
rub eyes, mouth or nose and wash hands before touching them.
The best way to guard against infectious diseases is to improve body
resistance through having sufficient sleep, being well rested,
maintaining a balanced diet, engaging regular exercise, keeping the
environment well-ventilated and refraining from smoking.
Avoid crowded and poorly-ventilated public areas.
Avoid having contact with live birds, poultry and their droppings, and
avoid having close contact with pet birds at home. After touching live
birds or poultry, always wash hands with liquid soap and water.
Travelers should stay away from live birds and poultry during their
Poultry meat and eggs should be thoroughly cooked before
After returning from countries with avian influenza outbreaks, consult
a doctor if fever and symptoms of respiratory tract diseases develop
and inform the doctor about the recent travel history.
If symptoms of influenza develop, consult a doctor and stay at home.
Wear a mask to prevent spreading the disease to others.

Procedures for Dealing with Avian Flu and Swine Flu

Scenario 1
If a member of the site develops Avian influenza/ Swine influenza
Report details to the Project Director and Safety Department immediately.
Project Director or Site Agent to report details to Leighton head office and
Government Authority (Department of Health).
Cooperate with the Department of Health (DH) in case investigation and
contact tracing (both social and close contacts) by providing details of coworkers and clients who have contact with the index patient, the workflow
of the staff concerned, the floor plan of the workplace; arranging
interviews with staff/clients; facilitating visits to the workplace; supplying
staff sickness records and any other actions considered appropriate to
help understand how the disease has been acquired;

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Cooperate and comply with DH regarding instructions on closure of

workplace; suspension of workflow; disinfection of workplace with;
assisting in the follow up of health status of the workforce. Report
suspected cases to the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) promptly; and
take any other measures considered necessary.
Sick staff shall not be allowed to work and reminded to comply with the
health advice and instructions issued by the government.
Strictly observe and monitor workplace precautionary measures for
maximal staff protection as in preventive measures stated above.
Scenario 2
If the family of a staff member of the site develops Avian influenza/ Swine
Report details to the Project Director or Construction Manager and safety
department immediately.
Project Director or Construction Manager to report details to JV Board.
Accept sick leave certificates with the diagnosis of under medical
surveillance issued by DH to the staff whose family members suffer from
avian flu as the staff may require camp/home confinement and medical
Strictly observe workplace precautionary measures for maximal staff
protection as stated above.


Prevention of Mosquito Breeding/Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease characterized by high fever,
headache, rash, joint and muscular pain. In order to prevent the spreading
of disease, an effective programme will be established to prevent the
breeding of mosquitoes, particularly the vector Aedes Albopictus of
dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever on site. The programme will
cover the reporting and handling procedures for a person employed by the
project and confirmed as having dengue fever infection.
As it takes an average of seven days for mosquito eggs to develop into
adult mosquitoes, an inspection for mosquito-breeding prevention will be
carried out at least weekly and a checklist appropriate to the site condition
will be used for that inspection. Appropriate follow-up action, such as
cleaning of stagnant water, filling water ponds and larvicidal spray, will be
carried out in accordance with the recommendations given in the
The following are potential breeding places for mosquitoes commonly
found in construction sites along with relevant control action:

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Breeding Place

Cause of Problem

Control Action


Bamboo scaffold

Stumps at vertical
collect rain water

Use metal scaffold

Unused buckets/

Puncture with big

holes to drain


Sweep away water

at least weekly

drain water away
surface channel
Larvicidal spray

Rubbish especially
empty lunch boxes
and soft drink cans

Hold rain water or

during construction
Hold rain water or
during construction
during construction
trapped by tyres
during construction
trapped by tyres
Collect rain water
if in opened area
or sprayed water
during construction
Hold rain water or
during construction
Hold rain water or
during construction

Fill with sand or

drill hole at end of
bamboo hole
Keep in a covered
place and turn
upside down
Keep in a covered

materials and its
cover (tarpaulin)

Hold rain water or

during construction

Temporary support

Hold rain water or

during construction
between flanges

Disused carts for

Disused tyres

Disused tyres as
Uneven floors

Lift wells and pits

Copyright Leighton. 2015


Pump off water at

least weekly
Keep in disposable
should then be tied
up and keep in
rubbish bin
Stack and cover
properly that water
trapped by them
Fill with sand

Remove unused



Conduct frequent
Clean up rubbish
on site frequently

spray weekly
Design structure to
eliminate chance
of holding water

H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Breeding Place

Cause of Problem

Control Action


Surface channel

Blocked channel
hold rain water or
during construction

Clear blockage

Inspect weekly

Information on mosquitoes breeding prevention program will be

communicated to everyone on site and hot line for reporting the
mosquitoes breeding places will be displayed.
The following recommended actions from Food, Environment and Hygiene
Department for different levels of Ovitrap Index will be followed on site:

Ovitrap Index

Action to be taken

Level 1

O.I. < 5%

Level 2

5% O.I. < 20%

- Closely monitor the hygienic condition to prevent

breeding of mosquitoes ;
- Conduct weekly inspection to identify breeding /
potential breeding places and eliminate such places
as far as possible.
- Public are advised to check and eliminate any
possible breeding places within their premises at a
frequency not less than once a week (Please go to
Advice to Public for details)

Level 3

20% O.I. < 40%

Level 4

O.I. 40%

- To conduct special operations in addition to the

regular weekly program to eliminate all breeding /
potential breeding places;
- Private pest control contractor might be employed
to control the mosquito problem. Other control
measures by using larvicides or adulticides might be

Material for larvicidies spray will be properly selected that without adverse
impact to user health and environment. Record of inspection and
larvicidies spray will be kept in site office for inspection.


Prevention of Heat Stroke

A safe and healthy system of work will be developed to safeguard workers
against heat stroke and other heat-induced accidents. That system will
include the following aspects.


The work environment will be improved by:
using appropriate ventilation or air-conditioning system to increase the
flow of air, and

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

avoiding working under direct sunlight and the setting up, when
practicable, of temporary sunshades.


Work arrangements will be improved by:


avoiding working in a hot environment for long periods;

using mechanical aids to minimize physical demands;
making arrangements for workers to rest in cool or shady places
during very hot periods, and
allow workers to take regular breaks or rotate to other work sites within
the work day to reduce their exposure to hot environments.

Potable Water
Cool, potable water will be provided to workers at all times during work.
Workers will be encouraged to drink plenty of water or other appropriate
fluids to replenish fluids and electrolytes lost through sweating.


Workers will be encouraged to wear light-coloured and loose-fitting
clothing to minimize heat absorption and to enhance heat dissipation.


Alcohol, Drug and Smoking Control


Alcohol and Drugs

The use, possession, distribution or selling of alcoholic beverages, illicit or
un-prescribed controlled drugs, drug paraphernalia, or misuse of
legitimate prescription drugs on site is strictly prohibited.
Any person under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs will not be
permitted to stay on site and a record shall be given to the Safety
Department for consideration of disciplinary action.
Regular alcohol and drugs searches of site personnel, store and vehicles
will be carried out. Any person refusing to consent to such search will not
be permitted to stay on site.


Smoking will be strictly prohibited at all times within construction sites. No
Smoking signs and/or posters will be placed at each site entrance and at

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

prominent places within each site to remind all persons that they must not
smoke within construction sites.


Rodents Control
Rodents are rat and mouse. They are the common types of rodents in
Hong Kong. Rodents are carriers of viral, rickettsial and bacterial
diseases. The causative agents could enter our body by four different

through the ectoparasites of rat like fleas, ticks and mites

by food or water contaminated by rodent excreta
through direct contact with rodent excreta
by rat bite

Pest control services contractor for rodent control services will be

appointed for destroying rodents. For the rodent control advice, District
Pest Control Offices of the Pest Control Advisory Section of the Food and
Environmental Hygiene Department will be contacted.


Red Imported Fire Ants

Red Imported Fire Ant is a kind of ants and its scientific name is
Solenopsis invicta Buren. Red Imported Fire Ants may also give human a
fiery sting. The sting can give a painful, itchy and burning sensation. On
rare occasions, Red Imported Fire Ant stings can cause severe acute
allergic reactions which may lead to death.
Inspection for Red Imported Fire Ant will be included in the weekly
inspection. If suspected Red Imported Fire Ants are found, a small colony
can be eliminated by pesticides. If a large colony is discovered, a pest
control services contractor shall be appointed to eradicate the pest.
For all cases where Red Imported Fire Ants are found, the Plant and
Pesticide Regulatory Division of the Agricultural, Fisheries and
Conservation Department will be immediately informed.


Work Rehabilitation Program

Work Rehabilitation Program is an injury management process to support
the rehabilitation and return to work of injured employees. The process
requires consultation and cooperation between all relevant parties,

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

including the injured employee, employer, insurer, treating doctor and

rehabilitation provider.

Work provides many people with their social environment and sense of
worth, so that when they incur an injury, time away from the workplace
can have both physical and psychological effects. An injured employee
who is kept away from the workplace unnecessarily, often experiences
social isolation, lowered self esteem and reduced confidence. Return-towork programmes help people return to work at the appropriate time,
keep them in touch with the workplace and remain productive.

Work Rehabilitation Programme shall be developed in conjunction with

their employees and rehabilitation providers which sets out the general
procedures for handling workplace injuries and will be displayed at each
workplace, and includes :


injury management procedures;

arrangements for medical treatment;

arrangements for vocational rehabilitation if necessary;

summary of each parties responsibilities; and

all the necessary steps from injury to return to work.

Fire Safety Plan

The details of the fire safety plan are referred to Sections 10.6, 14.2 and

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 13 Evaluation, Selection and Control of


General Subcontractor Assessment

Leightons and Contract HY/2011/08 safety requirements form part of the
subcontract that controls a subcontractors performance with regard to
safety at work.
All employees of a subcontractor on site will attend safety induction
training, which is stated in Section 3.
Representatives from each subcontractor will attend monthly Site Safety
and Environmental Committee meeting and to report on site-safety


It is Leightons policy that site management shall select an appropriate
subcontractor to carry out subcontract works. The subcontractor shall
have the ability not only to finish the work on time, but also to meet
Leightons standards in quality, safety and environmental protection issues
during the course of the subcontract.


Evaluation and Selection Procedure

The Project Director will follow the requirements of the Quality Manual and
Quality Management Procedures in the selection of subcontractors. Each
bidder will sign a declaration form to commit that company to comply with
statutory, contract and Leightons requirements. That declaration form will
be submitted together with the tender document to the commercial
The Project Director will evaluate safety awareness, safety attitude, safety
performance and past records of each subcontractor as part of his
consideration when awarding a subcontract. If necessary, the Project
Director will arrange an interview or questionnaire to obtain further
information on safety.
A safety-performance assessment of each subcontractor will be carried
out each quarter by the project management staff and Project Safety
Manager/ Safety Officer to monitor each subcontractors performance. The
performance of each subcontractor will be recorded in a register and

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

compliance with safety requirements and rules;

safety-representatives performance, and
attendance at safety meetings and inspections.
An annual evaluation of subcontractors used on each project is carried out
at the end of each year to monitor performance. Each subcontractors
performance is evaluated by the project-management staff and recorded
in Performance Registers. Those registers are used to record:

name of the subcontractor;

type of items supplied/work done/trade/category;
phone and facsimile number (and, if possible, contact name);
statistical figures and awards received;
performance rating, as one of the following:
- A, good;
- B, acceptable;
- C, some improvement required, or
- D, substantial improvement required;
project number, identifying the source of the performance rating and
month/year when the evaluation was carried out, and
comments related to the evaluation.
Based on the feedback provided by each site and the annual evaluations,
the Subcontractor Performance Register is used to provide a track record
for use when selecting subcontractors for the pricing of and the
employment on future projects. Subcontractors that score D in safety will
not be allowed to work for Leighton again until solid improvement
evidence has been provided and accepted by Safety Management


Pre-contracting Meeting
After awarding the subcontract and prior to the subcontractor starting
work, a meeting will be held to explicitly explain contract and Leightons
requirements regarding safety.
The Project Director or his delegates and the Project Safety Manager or
Safety Officer shall attend that meeting. The subcontractor shall send a
representative to the meeting who will be responsible for the project. The
topics discussed at that meeting will include:
Project Safety Plan;
Leightons safety policy and safety rules;
safety training;

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

accident reporting procedure;

legislation/Contract requirements;
personal protective equipment;
tools and equipment;
health and hygiene;
incentive/disciplinary arrangements, and
appointment of safety representative/safety supervisor;
relevant risk assessment and the control measures.

Minutes of the meeting shall be prepared by the Safety Officer and be

signed by the Project Director. The minutes will be distributed to all
attendees within ten days after the meeting.
After receiving the meeting minutes, the subcontractor, if he agrees to
comply with the safety requirements, shall confirm the minutes by signing
an acknowledgement receipt and returning it to the Safety Department.


Subcontract Agreement
In order to control a subcontractors safety performance effectively, a copy
of Project Safety Plan will be issued for their information and detailed
provisions will be included in the subcontract. Copies of the subcontract
will be provided for reference of safety personnel.


Control of Subcontractors
Each subcontractor will be requested to appoint a safety representative
with a Safety Supervisors Certificate. Each safety representative shall
attend the Site Safety and Environmental Committee meeting or special
meeting held by the Project Director or the Project Safety Manager/ Safety
Officer. The safety representative shall join the weekly safety walk and
take prompt action to rectify any irregularities identified.
For safety procedures and method statements proposed by
subcontractors, the Site Agent will assign suitable engineering and
supervisory staff together with safety officer to conduct review meeting
with respective subcontractors to assess their compliance with statutory,
company and contract requirements. The approved safety procedures and
method statements will then transferred to specified format by company
and monitor in accordance with procedures stipulated in Section 7 Risk
Management and Job Hazard Analysis.
A monthly return will be submitted by each safety representative declaring
the number of workers on site for that month and list Green Card numbers

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

and certificates of certified workers.

In order to make sure that a subcontractor abides by the safety
regulations, a penalty system will be implemented on site.
For tools, plant and equipment supplied or brought to the site by
subcontractors, pre-use check will be conducted by Registered Electrical
Worker or competent mechanic to ensure they are appropriate to the
nature of the task and in good working condition. Plant Permit will be
issued and displayed on those tested plant and equipment for
identification. Inspection tags will be fixed to tested electric tools.
Inspection and maintenance requirements for plant and equipment are
stipulated in Section 14.27 Plant and Equipment.
For materials supplied by subcontractors, they shall submit the safety data
sheet together with proposed safe working procedures for review by
Safety Officer.


Weekly Coordination Meeting

Weekly coordination meeting will be held among Construction Managers,
Engineers, Supervisors, Safety Officer and subcontractors to discuss and
review the work coordination and safety issues in coming week.


Subcontractors Listing
A complete list of all subcontractors on site and the names of each of their
safety supervisors will be prepared and updated monthly by the Safety


Safety and Health Information to Suppliers

The Leightons safety and health requirements / information will be
provided to the suppliers regularly for their information.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 14 Process Control Programme

Project management shall establish a programme to protect workers from hazards
associated with the works. The programme will be prepared based on a review of
accident-control and hazard-elimination measures. Parameters shall be set for any
change in a process, material or site condition and for the development of a
monitoring system/mechanism.
Arrangements and means for the effective implementation of accident control and
hazard elimination measures will be based on the 13 safety elements previously
described. Work processes will be identified at an early date.
Typical safety and health hazards anticipated for the work and our proposed actions
for achieving effective and efficient safety procedures are listed and described below.



Traffic Control and Transportation

Fire-prevention Measures and Fire-fighting Equipment
Excavation (including internal combustion engines (14.3.5))
Working in Confined Spaces (including Confined Space)
Hot Work
Electrical Equipment and Installations
Welding/Cutting Operations
Personal Protective Equipment
Lifting Operations Involving Cranes and Hoists, etc
Manual Handling
Scaffolding and Working Platforms
Ladders and Accesses
Hand Tools and Portable Power-driven Tools (including pneumatic tools (14.13.1))
Use and Storage of Hazardous Substances, including Chemicals
Working Over Water or Adjacent to Water
Working at Height
Floor and Wall Openings and Stairways
Protection Against Falling Objects
Protection Against Lightning
Sheet Piling
Working in Vicinity of Utilities
Occupational Health and Safety in Offices
Temporary Works
Electrical Power Supplies
Plant and Equipment
Wood-working Machinery
Noise at Work

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan




Structural Steel Erection

Electrical Safety
Drainage / Sewerage Works
Landscaping Works
Hand Dug Caissons (Not applicable at this stage)
Diving (Not applicable at this stage)
Conveyance, Handling and Use (Blasting) of Explosives (Not applicable at this stage)
Tunnelling (Not applicable at this stage)
Control of Access (Not applicable at this stage)
Atmospheric Testing (Not applicable at this stage)
Explosive Storage and Handling (Not applicable at this stage)
Excavation by Blasting (Not applicable at this stage)
Mucking-out and Earthmoving (Not applicable at this stage)
Ventilation System and Safeguards (Not applicable at this stage)
Dust and Harmful Gases (Not applicable at this stage)
Radon Monitoring (Not applicable at this stage)
Storage and Handling of Combustible Materials (Not applicable at this stage)
Use and Safety of Laser Equipment (Not applicable at this stage)
Shotcrete Equipment (Not applicable at this stage)
Escape System (Not applicable at this stage)
Communications (Normal & Emergency Operations) (Not applicable at this stage)
Tunnel Fire Strategy & FSD Liaison/Co-ordination (Not applicable at this stage)
Working and Boarding on Marine Craft (Not applicable at this stage)


Traffic Control and Transportation


Road Works (Temporary Traffic Management)

Leighton shall follow the Code of Practice for Lighting, Signing and
Guarding of Roadwork, 1998 edition, Highways Department, for works
involving temporary-traffic arrangements.
Leighton shall liaise with the Highway Departments Representative to
apply for an Excavation Permit. The temporary traffic-management
scheme shall be discussed at the Traffic Management Liaison Group
meeting. The Traffic Management Liaison Group will consist of
representatives from the Hong Kong Police Force, District Office,
Transport Department, Highways Department, major public-transport
providers and other affected parties.
The temporary traffic-management scheme approved by the Traffic

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Management Liaison Group shall be submitted to the Road Management

Office of the Hong Kong Police Force seven days before the actual
implementation of the temporary traffic-management scheme. If
necessary, a trial run shall be arranged.
The foreman in charge of the area shall be responsible for implementing
and to maintaining the temporary traffic-management scheme.
All workers involved in roadwork shall wear a reflective vest at all times to
draw the attention of drivers.
Site investigation which to be carried on the public area shall strictly
followed the above requirement.

All prescribed signs used shall be of a standard design according to the
details available from the Road Safety and Standards Division of the
Transport Department.
Leightons name shall appear in English and in traditional Chinese
characters on the back of each sign.

Traffic Control Equipment

Portable traffic light signals or Stop/Go signs shall be used to control traffic
when operating alternate one-way working. Flags or arm waving shall not
be used to control traffic.
Portable traffic-light signals shall be used:

where the length of control exceeds 30 metres;

where the length of control is less than 30 metres but the view of
oncoming traffic is obstructed, or
during the hours of darkness irrespective of the length of control.

The operation of portable traffic signals must comply with the Guidance
Notes for the Use of Portable Traffic Signals.
For Stop/Go signs, two signs shall be operated, one at each end of the
control, unless the control length is less than 15 metres for which the sign
will be located centrally.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

The boundaries of all road works shall be clearly delineated by cones. The
aim is to guide approaching vehicles gradually into a lane past the works
by means of a lead-in taper, and to make sure that a driver can readily
judge the limits of the carriageway throughout the length of the works.
Cones shall be placed close enough together to give an impression of

Hoarding or water-filled barriers shall be provided to protect pedestrians
and traffic from the works area, and to prevent objects falling into the
trench or shaft.
When necessary, transparent hoardings shall be adopted to allow line-ofsite for drivers.

Warning Lanterns
During the hours of darkness, all obstructions shall be lit with warning
lanterns to indicate the works area. All lanterns shall comply with the
requirements of BS 3143 Parts 2 to 4.
Lanterns shall be placed in regular intervals along the line of obstruction.
Lanterns may be placed on the ground or mounted on stands or cones, a
maximum of 1.2 metres above ground.


Site Transportation
Site transportation plays an important role for the construction of a project
and is governed by the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374) and its
subsidiary regulations.

Operators shall be experienced and licensed drivers regardless of whether
they are operating on or off public roads. Whenever practicable, all drivers
shall be required to demonstrate their driving ability in the equipment they
will be operating and under actual job conditions before recruitment.
For operators employed by subcontractors, a photocopy of their driving
licences shall be obtained and validity and class of vehicle licensed to
drive checked. Those conditions shall, as far as practicable, be included in
the subcontract agreement.
An up-to-date list incorporating the name and copies of driving licences of

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

drivers of motor vehicles on site shall be kept.

Each qualified driver shall be given a card bearing his name and the types
of vehicle for which he has been trained, his responsibilities and a list of
basic safety rules.

Drivers shall inspect their vehicles daily. The check shall include steering,
brakes, mirrors, lights, horn, tires and windshield wipers. Reversing
alarms, which on installed on trucks and lorries, shall also be checked to
ensure proper operation. Drivers shall report all defects, and repairs shall
be made promptly. All contract vehicles shall be maintained and checked
by our trained and designated fitter in our workshop of plant department
for the interval of every 7000 kilometres run. All those maintenance record
should be kept in plant department for verification.

Construction roads shall be maintained in a safe operating condition at all
times. Safe width and the avoidance of sharp curves and changes in
grade are recommended. When practicable, the use of one-way traffic
roads is recommended.

Loading and Unloading

When loading or unloading:






No person shall remain in or on a truck being loaded by excavating

equipment or crane unless the cab is adequately protected against
Material loaded shall be within the permitted safe weight limit for the
truck, and shall not project beyond the truck body in such a manner
as to present a hazard to other vehicles, pedestrians or structures.
Loads projecting over the end of the truck shall be marked by means
of a red flag at the outboard end of the load. Additionally, at night, a
fixed red light visible from behind shall be fixed adjacent to the flag.
When the driver leaves the driving seat, the engine of the truck shall
be switched off, a gear shall be engaged and the parking brake shall
be applied. On slopes, wheel blocks shall be applied.
Trucks shall only be reversed under the direction of a banksman. In
dumping areas, the banksman shall be identified by a reflecting
All operators shall stay within posted speed limits at all times.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Transporting Personnel
When transporting personnel:


Trucks regularly used for personnel transport, but not designed for
the purpose, shall be provided with safe seating, sides and
protection to prevent falls.
Some convenient means of mounting and dismounting from the
truck shall be provided.
Personnel shall not be permitted to get on or off a moving truck at
any time. Personnel shall ride within the space provided, never on
running boards, fenders, bumpers, or on the top of cabs.

Safe Operation of Site Transport

To ensure the safe operation of site transport:




Check water (remove hot radiator cap cautiously), oil, fuel, lights,
tyre pressures and brakes. Also, when applicable, check steering
and hydraulics fluids levels.
Make sure the vehicle is not overloaded and that the load is
Make sure that starting handle shafts, drive shafts, all belts or worm
drives and flywheel are guarded.
Report any defects at once to the immediate superior and do not
operate the machine if there is any reason to think it is unsafe.
Do not interfere with governor settings.
Keep the machine tidy and free from tools, rubbish, etc, that may
obstruct controls.
Do not carry passengers unless there is a separate passenger seat.
Never attempt to mount or dismount a moving machine.
Do not make adjustments with the engine running.
Except when specially instructed, never leave the machine with the
engine running; in that case always leave it in neutral with the brake
Never reverse without checking that the rear of the machine is clear.
If the rear view is obstructed, do not reverse without a signal from an
attendant who can see the rear. Make sure that the reversing alarm
(klaxon) is functioning.
Do not over speed.
When travelling downhill keep the machine in low gear.
Use lights after dark and in dusty or foggy conditions.
When starting the engine with the starting handle, set the gear to
neutral and engage the starting handle fully. Grasp the handle with

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint








Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

the palm of the hand, keeping the thumb and forefinger together.
Pull up a quarter turn never push down.
Do not smoke during refuelling.
Do not use petrol for cleaning purposes.
Before tipping loads into an excavation, make sure there is a proper
When parked, shut off the ignition, place in gear and apply the hand
brake. On steep inclines, chock the rear wheels. Remove the ignition
Keep the windscreen and side windows clean and make sure that
the windscreen wiper is in working order. Keep the rear-vision
mirrors clean.
Secure vehicles from vandals and curious children by fitting lock-up
devices and battery isolating switches. Immobilize all power units
and remove operating keys.
The driver of a construction site vehicle shall be trained and
competent to drive the vehicle. He shall also be at least 18 years of
age unless he is under supervision during instruction by a qualified
When vehicles have to be driven on the public highway, the
requirements of the Road Traffic Ordinance apply, and an
appropriate licence is essential.
In all cases, site vehicles shall be fitted with horn, mirrors and lights.
Trucks required to travel on the highway shall be fitted with seat
belts for the driver and passenger seats.
Closed-circuit television systems shall be fitted to long and light
goods vehicles to enhance safety when reversing.

Crossing the Traffic Road by Site Personnel

As site office is situated outside of site area, site personnel are required to
cross the traffic road in order to access the site area. When crossing the
road, all site personnel shall:


Use designated access route to site area.

Be equipped with appropriate PPEs, e.g. reflective vests, etc.
Comply with the requirement indicated by the traffic light and sign.

Fire-prevention Measures and Fire-fighting Equipment

All portable fire extinguishers shall be purchased from a registered
contractor approved by the Fire Services Department and a Certificate of
Fire Service Installations and Equipment F.S.251 shall be obtained on
receipt of the portable fire extinguishers.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

In addition, the portable fire extinguishers shall be inspected by a

registered contractor at least every 12 months. A label detailing the date of
examination shall be pasted on each extinguisher.
Suitable types of fire extinguisher shall be located near the exits and sign
posts shall be placed accordingly.
Powder/carbon-dioxide-type portable extinguishers shall be located near
distribution boards and large electrical plant.
Foam-type portable extinguishers shall be provided near the storage area
of all petroleum products.
Regular inspection shall be carried out by the safety supervisor to make
sure that the fire extinguishers are in a serviceable condition. Any fire
extinguisher found to be defective or discharged shall be withdrawn and
replaced. The inspection result shall be recorded in a Fire Extinguisher
Monthly Checklist and returned to the Safety Officer for record and action.
A site-services layout plan shall be prepared and displayed in the site
office and works location to identify all fire-fighting equipment, first-aid kits
and medical points.
A fire alarm shall be installed at the site office and inspected regularly to
make sure that it is clearly audible throughout the office.
Member of the emergency team shall be trained in fire-fighting techniques
and the use of fire extinguishers.
A fire drill shall be held every three months to make sure that all
operatives are familiar with current emergency procedures.


Prior to the start of an excavation, an Excavation Permit shall be obtained
from the Highways Department, and Leighton shall follow the
requirements in the subsection on Working in Vicinity of Underground and
Overhead Utilities to protect existing underground utilities.
According to the nature of the soil condition of an excavation, the sides of
the excavation shall be made safe by sloping, shoring or other effective
means of support.
No material or heavy plant/equipment shall be placed or stacked near to
the edge of an excavation so as to endanger persons employed within the

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

An excavation more than 1.2 metres deep shall be inspected by a
competent person each week and after bad weather. A prescribed form
(Form 4) shall be completed by the competent person after the inspection.
A ladder shall be provided if the excavation is more than 1.2 metres deep.
A suitable barrier shall be provided at the edge of an excavation if that
excavation is more than 2 metres deep.
For deep excavations such as vertical shafts, cat ladders, access-tower
platforms, passenger hoists or man-cages shall be provided depending on
the depth of the excavation and size of the opening.


Statutory Reference
The statutory requirements for an excavation are set out in the
Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations of the Factories and Industrial
Undertakings Ordinance.


Design and Planning

The behaviour of earth can change quickly under certain conditions. For
that reason, various factors as set out below, need to be shall be
considered in the design and planning of excavation works:
nature of the soil, including the proximity of any filling;
weather and moisture conditions;
size of the excavation;
method of excavation;
proximity of other structures, services or sources of vibration;
duration of the work;
wellpoint dewatering system, and
adequate supplies of suitable shoring material that must be made
available before work starts.
After considering those factors, a selection of the most appropriate
method of stabilizing the sides of an excavation can be made, such as:
battered excavation;
timber paling, board frames;
tucking frames;
open timber paling;
horizontal sheeting;

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

sheet piling;
cellular piling;
pipe piling;
rock bolting;
sprayed concrete, and
special grouting and freezing.

Apart from the above, the selection of excavating plant shall also be
considered carefully. According to the method statement and soilinvestigation report, the types, size and capacity of plant to be selected
shall be defined by a competent engineer. Before that excavating plant is
operating on site, a responsible supervisor shall carry out a final check
and verification that the plant fulfils all criteria as set out by the engineer.
Any outstanding matter shall be reported to the site manager for further


Causes of Accidents
The most frequent causes of accidents are due to:

the collapse of earthworks due to a lack of, or inadequate, or weak

persons falling into excavations due to lack of barriers or inadequate
asphyxiation from exhaust gases that have collected in the bottom of
the excavation;
spoil from excavations not being thrown clear of the sides that then
become overloaded and collapse;
failure to maintain shoring, particularly after inclement weather;
water seepage;
persons working too close together;
asphyxiation by carbon dioxide that can be present in excavations
caused by air stagnation through lack of ventilation, especially on
damp foggy days (physical signs are dizziness, pounding in the ears,
and shortness of breath and the fact that the atmosphere does not
support combustion);
persons not being provided with or not using proper tools for the job;
vehicles or plant too close to the edge, causing the edge to collapse;
workers in the excavation being struck by spoil or material falling into
the excavation;
falls through unsafe means of access into or out of the excavation;
workers being struck by excavating machinery, eg, the bucket of the

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

vehicles being driven into the excavation due to driving errors,

inadequate barriers, or the absence of stop blocks, and
the striking of services, eg, electricity cables and gas pipes.

An excavation over 1.2 metres in depth shall be supported by proper

shoring or battered to a safe angle, unless having regard to the nature and
slope of the sides of the excavation, no fall or dislodgment of earth, rock or
other material is liable to occur.


Shoring Recommendations Table

In the following table, which is only applicable to shallow excavation:
indicates that no support is needed;
indicates that open sheeting should be used;
indicates that close sheeting or sheet piling should be used, and
indicates that open or close sheeting or sheet piling may be
required if site conditions are unfavourable.
Note: The table does not apply to complex ground conditions.
Depth of Excavation
0 1.6 m
1.6 4.6 m Over 4.6 m

Type of Soil

1. Soft clay, loose gravel and sand

2. All gravel and sand below the water
3. Firm and stiff clay
4. Slightly cemented or compacted gravel
and sand
5. Fissured or heavily jointed rock
6. Sound rock











Trench Construction Work

Some of the more important points to watch during construction are:

weekly inspections as laid down in the Regulations shall be

conscientiously carried out - see the Construction Sites (Safety)
Regulations, Part VI;
excavating machines shall be kept level to avoid undercutting of the
shoring shall follow as closely as possible with temporary quick-acting
sheets being used when necessary until the permanent shoring can be
in the case of poor ground conditions, workers working inside the
excavation shall be protected by a trench box;
all shoring shall be adequately supported to prevent accidental

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

all shoring shall be securely wedged home to make sure that it takes
its proportion of the total load;
sheeting shall project above ground level as a toe-board to prevent
falling objects;
all excavations shall be fenced off by guardrails, and those guardrails
shall follow the requirements in the Construction Sites (Safety)
ladders shall be provided at intervals of not more than 15 metres along
each trench, depending on the number of workers present;
when sloping ground or spoil heaps are adjacent to the excavation,
berms 610 millimetres to 1.3 metres high shall be provided along the
edge to prevent spoil dropping into the excavation;
the position of existing services shall be marked on the ground ahead
of the work;
safety helmets shall be worn;
exhaust gases from internal combustion engines (of plants near the
trench) shall be kept clear of the work;
when noxious gases are suspected, qualified personnel shall carry out
gas monitoring before and during work;
specialist advice shall also be obtained when in the vicinity of
compressed-air workings, and
watch for unexpected ground conditions, such as loose fill in old
workings or unsuspected fissures, which may require a change in

Because of its temporary nature, shoring requires constant inspection and
Points to watch include:
shrinkage of timber through drying;
movement of soil due to drying out, absorption of water or freezing;
particular care is needed during wet or frosty weather;
methods of working in the excavation likely to dislodge the shoring;
leakage of soil from behind the sheeting (if detected, the work shall be
stopped immediately and the cause investigated), and
wedges require continuous tightening (do not use makeshift wedges);
During bad weather, spoil heaps tend to slump and loose masonry or
boulders may fall into the excavation.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

When vehicles are operating alongside excavations, a robust buffer shall

be provided.
Temporary bridges for access over the top of excavations shall have
guard rails, a firm seating, adequate width and toe boards.
Excavations are the most difficult of all operations to keep tidy, but this is
essential for safety.


Adequate natural or artificial illumination shall be made available inside
the excavation.
Walkways between trenches shall be kept clear of obstruction.
When shoring is removed, all nails shall be taken out of boards before
they are taken away.
Any openings in fencing that may have been necessary for operational
purposes shall be securely closed before the site is left at night. Lighting
lamps shall be provided when necessary to enhance safety and security.
When illumination is provided by electricity, the power supply shall not
exceed 110 volts ac. Electric cables shall be in sound condition, properly
installed and maintained by a competent and licensed electrician. When a
trench may have an accumulation of explosive mixtures in the vicinity of
leaking joints on pipelines, only approved flame-proof lights shall be used.
Illumination by gas in excavations shall not be used, as that could lead to
explosion or fire in the event of an accumulation of flammable mixtures.
Pumping, when required, shall be carried out from properly-prepared
The location of all underground utilities shall be identified and marked and
they shall be firmly supported and adequately protected once exposed.
When large quantities of water are to be pumped, or continuous pumping
is required, sumps shall be located outside the excavation and care shall
be taken to make sure that material is not drawn from behind the shoring.
All excavations, shafts, tunnels and earthworks of any description shall be
inspected each day by a competent person when persons are working.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

The face of every tunnel, the working end of every trench and the base or
crown of every shaft shall be inspected by a competent person at the start
of each shift.
In addition, the foreman in charge shall examine any shoring in the region
of a blast where there is anything that could affect the strength or stability
of that shoring. He shall inspect any shoring or support that has been in
the region of an unexpected earth fall, and he shall inspect the stability of
the excavation once every seven days. A report of every examination shall
be entered on Form 4 and signed by the competent person.


Working in Confined Spaces

Confined space means any place in which, by virtue of its enclosed
nature, there arises a reasonably foreseeable specified risk, and without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes any chamber, tank, vat,
pit, well, sewer, tunnel, pipe, flue, boiler, pressure receiver, hatch, caisson,
shaft or silo in which such risk arises.
Any work undertaken in a confined space, as defined in the Factories and
Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulations, shall comply with
the requirements of those regulations and shall follow the Guide to the
Regulations published by the Labour Department and DSD Safety Manual
and the Practice Note No.1/2007 Safety Supervision of Work in
Confined Space published by Drainage Services Department.


Identification and Risk Assessment

With the assistance of the Safety Officer, the site agent shall identify the
location of confined spaces on site and activities involving confined
spaces. A risk assessment shall be carried out for operations in those
confined spaces and a summary of necessary safety measures shall be
prepared and distributed to relevant personnel/parties for their attention.
The specified risks shall include:
serious injury to any person at work arising from a fire or explosion;
the loss of consciousness of any person at work arising from an
increase in body temperature;
the loss of consciousness or asphyxiation of any person at work
arising from gas, fumes, vapour or the lack of oxygen;
the drowning of any person at work arising from an increase in the
level of liquid, or
the asphyxiation of any person at work arising from a free flowing solid
or the inability to reach a respirable environment due to entrapment by

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

a free flowing solid.


Supervisor and Worker Training

Any activity carried out in a confined space shall be supervised by a
supervisor trained in the safe system of confined-space work and the
operation of gas-detecting equipment. The supervisor shall obtain a valid
certificate of Competent Persons working with Confined space from an
authorized organization.
Workers required to work in a confined space shall hold a valid certificate
of Certified Workers Working in Confined Space from an authorized


The competent person shall:
Assess all possible hazards of working in the confined space.
Make recommendations on the safety and health measures for
workers working in that confined space.
Submit reports to Leighton.
Certified workers shall:
Attend training and observe instructions.
Comply with all safety working procedures formulated.
Make full and proper use of any safety equipment or emergency
facilities and immediately report any fault or defect in such
equipment or facilities.


Permit-to-work System
A permit-to-work system shall be properly designed according to the
nature of the confined-space activity and site conditions. Generally, the
system shall include the detecting of toxic or explosive gases or oxygen
deficiency, the provision of necessary personal protective equipment and
rescue equipment, and checking training received by workers entering the
confined space. The permit-to-work system shall be communicated to all
personnel involved in a confined-space activity. Implementation of the
system shall be closely monitored by the responsible supervisor, with
regular reviews to ensure effectiveness. Control of Site Operative entering to Confined Spaces

Tally control point would be setup at the entrance of the confined space
area such as the Cut and Cover Tunnel, basement of tunnel building, etc
to ensure only the authorized personnel can work inside the confined
Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

space area.
The green card, construction worker registration card (applicable to the
worker only), the site pass issued by Leighton and the confined space
certified worker card shall be held and checked by the tally control
After screening the above cards, the workers site pass and the confined
space certified worker card would be kept at the tally board. The entrance
date, time and his/her name are required to be written inside the confined
space register for record. Once the worker completed his/her task at the
confined space area, he/she can collect the cards back and leave the
workplace via the tally control point.
This control procedures are applicable to all operatives who will go into the
confined space workplace including those as supervising engineers,
personnel of interface civil contractor, government official, etc. If they
cannot fulfil these requirements, they are not allowed to go into the
confined space workplace.


General Safety Precautions

Prior to entry into any confined or enclosed spaces, a positive procedure
to eliminate or control potential hazards shall be established.
Enclosed spaces shall include: storage tanks, tank cars, holds of vessels,
process vessels with limited access, deep tanks, pits, vaults, bins silos,
shafts or other confined spaces with one side open to the air; and
ventilation or exhaust ducts, sewers, underground utility tunnels, or pipe
lines with limited ventilation.
Hazards considered shall include: material and vapour; flammable
material and vapour; asphyxiating, corrosive or radioactive material; and
lack of oxygen.
Prior to entry, the enclosed space shall be tested for contaminants and
periodic check tests shall be made at least daily to ensure an acceptable
atmospheric condition.
Adequate mechanical exhaust ventilation shall be provided when
Protective clothing and respiratory protection shall not be used as a
substitute for cleaning and ventilating of spaces.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

If the atmosphere in a confined or enclosed space has an oxygen

deficiency or contamination sufficient to require respiratory protection, the
persons working in that confined or enclosed space shall not enter without
a safety harness and life line under the control of an attendant. That
attendant shall be assigned no other duties.
Local exhaust ventilation shall be provided to eliminate contaminants
generated by welding and other operations within enclosed spaces.
Only explosion-proof lighting shall be used in confined or enclosed spaces
unless the atmosphere has been proved to be non-flammable.
Only approved types of breathing apparatus, as specified in the Schedule
of the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces)
Regulations, shall be used.
The permit-to-work system for entry into a confined space shall be strictly
followed in accordance with the procedure for confined-space operation.
When operatives are exposed to excessive heat, adequate arrangements
shall be made for ventilation and cooling and for a plentiful supply of cold
drinking water.
Continuous gas monitoring shall be carried out inside confined spaces and
persons working in confined spaces shall equipped with persona alarm.


Hot Work
The operation of gas welding and flame cutting is governed by the
Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Gas Welding and Flame Cutting)
Regulations and its Code of Practice. The operation of electric arc welding
is governed by the Code of Practice for Electric Arc Welding.
Poorly organized and unsafe practices in carrying out hot work on site is a
common cause of fire.
A permit-to-work system shall be established and implemented to control
all hot works such as arc welding, gas welding and flame-cutting
operations on site.
In addition, following basic safety rules for hot work shall be
communicated to and strictly followed by concerned parties.

make sure that all equipment is in good operating order before work

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

inspect the work area thoroughly before starting; look for combustible
material in structures (partitions, walls, ceilings) and provide necessary
protection before work starts;
sweep clean any combustible material on floors around the hot-work
zone; combustible floors shall be kept wet with water or covered with
fire-resistant blankets or damp sand;
use water only if electrical circuits have been de-energized to prevent
electrical shock;
move all combustible material away from the hot-work area;
if combustibles cannot be moved, cover them with fire-resistant
blankets or shields; protect gas lines and equipment from falling
sparks, hot material and objects;
block off cracks between floorboards, along baseboards and walls,
and under door openings, with a fire-resistant material; close doors
and windows;
cover wall or ceiling surfaces with a fire-resistant and heat-insulating
material to prevent ignition and accumulation of heat;
inspect the area following work to ensure that wall surfaces, studs,
wires or dirt have not heated up;
vacuum away combustible debris from inside ventilation or other
service duct openings to prevent ignition; prevent sparks from entering
into the duct work; cover duct openings with a fire-resistant barrier and
inspect the ducts after work has concluded;
post a person at hot work area at least 30 minutes after hot work has
stopped, and
provide suitable type and good condition fire extinguishing equipment
in hot work area.

Electrical Equipment and Installations

The electrical equipment and installations were governed by the Electricity
Ordinance and subsidiary regulations.
Temporary electrical installations, such as lighting fittings, distribution
boards, socket outlets, plugs and cable couplers in outdoor or damp
environment shall be or splash-proof type.
The sheath of all portable electric cables shall be of heavy-duty type or
otherwise adequately protected against mechanical damage if laid on the
ground. They shall be hung overhead as far as is practicable. Ordinary
poly-vinyl-chloride cables, if employed, shall be enclosed in metallic
conduits or trunking and shall be properly maintained.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton shall develop checklists for carrying out regular routine

inspections and checking and monthly comprehensive checking of
temporary electrical systems. Those checklists shall be agreed by the
Engineers Representative. Comprehensive checking shall include the
checking of temporary generators, functional tests of earth-leakage circuit
breakers, integrity of cables and connections and measurement of
earthing resistance.
Adequate precautionary measures shall be adopted to ensure safety
during inspection, repair and maintenance of temporary electrical
installations, including the use of a permit-to-work system and/or a lock-off
Updated circuit diagrams, WR1 (complete with supporting documents) and
records of inspection and checking of the electrical installations shall be
kept in a dedicated file for inspection by the Supervising Officers site
supervisory staff on request.
All temporary electrical distribution boards shall have a schematic circuit
diagram, be kept locked and accessible only by authorized persons.
Legible warning notices (Danger - Electricity) in traditional Chinese
characters and in English, names and telephone numbers of such
authorized persons shall be posted on each temporary distribution board.


Welding/Cutting Operations


The operation of gas welding and flame cutting is governed by the
Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Gas Welding and Flame Cutting)
Regulations and its Code of Practice. The operation of electric arc welding
is governed by the Code of Practice for Electric Arc Welding.
Each welding machines shall be fitted with a no-load voltage-reducing
device for protection against electric shock at the output side.
Unless adequate precautions are taken, no welding or cutting operations
shall be allowed near places where combustible material is stored, or near
material or plant where explosive or flammable dust, gases or vapours are
likely to be present or be given off.
Combustible material and structures that cannot be removed from the
vicinity of welding operation shall be shielded or protected by other

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

suitable means.
Welders shall wear clothing that is free from grease, oil and other
flammable material.
Welders shall wear fire-resistant protective clothing, helmets and goggles
with suitable filter lenses.
Workers removing excess metal and slag, shall:
wear gloves and goggles or a face screen;
chip away from the body, and
make sure that other persons are not struck by the chips.
Adequate precautions shall be taken to protect persons working or
passing near welding operations from dangerous sparks and radiation (eg,
screens). A suitable fire extinguisher shall be kept ready for immediate
When welding and cutting operations are carried out in a confined space,
adequate ventilation, by means of exhaust fans or forced draught shall be
constantly provided. Oxygen must not be used for ventilation in confined
Without specific authorization of the person who is in charge of the
location, welding plant or other plant and apparatus that requires the use
of flammable gas or liquid shall not be used.
When the number of oxygen and acetylene cylinders to be held on site
exceeds the statutory allowance, a licence for a dangerous-goods store
shall be obtained from the Fire Services Department.
A nominated person shall carry out quarterly inspections, according to a
checklist, of all welding equipment to check that the equipment is in
normal condition. The checklist shall be submitted to the Safety Officer for
his records.
All welders shall be trained in respect of the relevant welding method and
a risk assessment shall be conducted by a competent person well in
advance of work commencing. For gas welding and flame-cutting
operators, a licence shall be obtained from an approved training centre.


Using Gas Cylinders

When in use, cylinders shall be held in an upright position by straps,

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

collars or chains.
Welders shall not tamper with or attempt to repair safety devices and
valves on gas cylinders.
Flash-back arrestors shall be provided for oxygen and acetylene cylinders.
Cylinder valves shall be kept free from grease, oil, dust and dirt.
Empty cylinders shall be kept apart from charged cylinders.
Leaky cylinders charged with acetylene shall be taken into the open air at
a safe distance from any open flame or source of sparks.
The number of cylinders shall be kept as small as practicable.
Cylinders shall not be knocked, dropped or rolled in handling, or otherwise
subjected to violent shocks.
Oxygen cylinders shall not be allowed to come into contact with oil or
Suitably-designed equipment shall be used for transporting gas cylinders
on site.
Only hose specially designed for welding and cutting operations shall be
used to connect an oxy-acetylene torch to gas outlets.
Hose line for oxygen and for acetylene shall be of different colours and,
preferably, of different diameters.
Care shall be taken that hose does not become kinked or entangled,
stepped on, run over or otherwise damaged.
Any length of hose in which a flashback has burned shall be discarded.
Only soapy water shall be used for testing a hose for leaks.
Torches shall be lit with friction lighters, stationary pilot flames or other
safe sources torches shall not be lit with matches.
When stored, all cylinders shall be vertical.
A hot-work permit shall be established and implemented.
Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Electric Welding
Welding machines shall be controlled by a switch mounted on or near the
machine framework that, when opened, immediately cuts off power from
all conductors supplying the machine. In addition, the welding machine
shall be fitted with a no-load voltage reducing device for protection against
electric shock at the output side.
Electrode conductors or cables shall not be over 15 metres in length.
Return conductors shall be taken directly to the work and securely
connected either mechanically and electrically to it or to the work bench,
floor, etc, and to an adjacent metallic object.
Frames of arc-welding machines shall be effectively earthed.
In hand-operated arc-welding, machines, cables and cable connectors
used in the circuits shall be effectively insulated on the supply side.
The other surface of electrode holders of hand-operated arc-welding
machines, including the jaw, shall be effectively insulated.
When lengths of cable have to be joined, only insulated connectors shall
be used on the earth line and the electrode holder line.
Welding circuits shall be switched off when not in use.
Electrodes shall only be inserted in the holder with insulating means such
as insulating gloves.
Welding machines shall be stored in places where they will not be affected
by adverse weather.
A hot-work permit shall be established and implemented.
Electric welding works shall not be carried out in wet and damp conditions.


Fire Prevention when Welding and Cutting

In general, the work area shall be cleared of all combustible material or, if
work is to take place on one side of a wall or partition, the opposite side
shall be thoroughly examined to make sure that no combustible material
remains sufficiently close to become ignited either directly or through heat

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Proper types of fire extinguisher shall be kept at hand and one man shall
act as a look out while this kind of work is in progress. The area shall be
thoroughly examined after work has finished.

Gas or Electric Welding and Cutting

The work area shall be screened off with resistance blankets or metal
screens. Wooden flooring shall be covered with sand or overlapping metal
sheets. Sparks shall not be allowed to fall into gaps between boards.

Cylinders shall be secured in a vertical position and fitted with an
appropriate regulator. The correct type of reinforced hose shall connect
the blowpipe to the regulator and the regulator to the cylinder. The
equipment shall be examined frequently for leaks. Gas shall be given time
to clear air from the line and reach full pressure before ignition takes

Electric Welding
The connecting cable from the welding apparatus to the power supply
shall be as short as practicable. All wiring shall be flexible, heavily
insulated and of ample rating to take the necessary current. All
connections shall be properly made to avoid arcing. An earth return shall
be fixed to the work.

Temporary Electrical Installation

Temporary circuits shall be protected from excess current and have a
main switch incorporated by which they can be isolated when not in use.
Flexible wiring for portable tools and hand lamps shall have bulbs
protected by guards to prevent ignition of combustible material by contact.
All wiring shall be protected from damage by moving vehicles or
equipment either by carrying the cables overhead or by the provision of

Compressed Gases
Gas cylinder and spheres, suitably marked as to content, shall be stored
in a separate compound, preferably open to the air and at least 6 metres
away from any buildings, huts, stores or the site boundary.


Personal Protective Equipment

Please refer to Section 8.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Lifting Operations Involving Cranes and Hoists, etc

The use of lifting appliances and lifting gears for lifting operation is
governed by the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Lifting Appliances
and Lifting Gear) Regulations, the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations
and the Code of Practice for Safe Use of Mobile Cranes and Tower


Lifting Appliances
In all cases, operations shall be properly planned and safety carried out in
accordance with the requirements of the Construction Sites (Safety)
Regulations and the Lifting Appliances and Lifting Gears Regulations.
For each major lifting operation or activity, a nominated signalman shall
supervise lifting operations.
All operators of cranes and other lifting appliances, as well as riggers and
signalmen, shall be adequately trained and competent in their work. All
crane operators shall hold valid certificates.
Each crane control shall be clearly marked to show the motion and the
direction of movement that it controls. Whenever practicable, the controls
shall be arranged or designed so that accidental displacement is
When a portable lead and control box is provided for the remote operation
of a crane, the following requirements shall apply:
the controls shall be isolated when the control box is being moved from
one operating position to another, and
if a carrying harness is attached to the control box, it shall be fitted with
a quick-release device.
Before starting to operate the crane, the driver shall make sure that he has
a clear and uninterrupted view of operations.
When handling loads that are approaching the maximum safe-working
load, or when working at or near the maximum radius, all crane motions
shall be operated with special care.
Each load shall be lifted initially just clear of the ground and then lowered
to rest and the slings, balance of the load and stability checked before
proceeding with the lift.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Care shall be taken to prevent snatching or excessive swinging of the

On cranes that are not equipped for continuous full-circle slewing, care
shall be exercised not to exceed the makers stipulated number of turns in
one direction. It is strongly recommended that such cranes be fitted with a
slewing revolution counter that can be read from the crane-drivers
If more than one crane is operating on site, and there is a possibility of
overlapping crane movement, a safe system of work shall be established
to make sure that operations of the cranes are safe.


Lifting Gear
Lifting gear shall never be over-loaded. It shall be identified by comparing
the mass of the load and the safe-working load marked on the lifting gear.
When using a multiple-leg sling, the safe-working load decreases as the
angle between the legs increases. It is been recommended that all multileg slings are marked with their safe load when spread at 90 degrees.
That figure shall not be exceeded.
Personnel using lifting gear shall observe the following:
do not use an unmarked or uncertified sling, chain or other lifting
do not attached the load on the point of a hook;
do not join a broken chain or shorten any chain except by approved
do not use a chain in which the links are locked, stretched or without
free movement;
do not use a corroded or worn chain or a chain that is excessively
do not hammer a chain to straighten a link or force a link into position;
do not drag a sling from under the load if the sling is not free;
do not cross, twist, kink or knot any sling for any purpose whatsoever;
do not drop a sling chain or any other item of lifting gear from a height;
do not use a sling over sharp and rigid corners without protective
do not leave the lifting gear out in the open if adverse weather
conditions are expected, and

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

do not allow the lifting gear to be used for any purpose other than
Special care shall be exercised when:
the exact load is in doubt;
there is liability to shock loading, and
the conditions are abnormal.
Proper pins shall be used in all shackles: loose bolts or bars shall not be
The end link, ring or shackle shall ride freely on the supporting ring or



Shock Loads
A sling will receive a shock load whenever the speed of the load is
suddenly increased or decreased. That could be due to sudden
application of a crane brake, to the slipping of the sling or load, or to the
snatching of a load. Experiments have shown that the stress produced by
a shock load can be as much as five times the normal safe-working stress.
Care shall therefore be taken by the operator, rigger and signalman to
ensure efficient slinging and steady lifting.

Angle of Slings
As the angle between the legs of a two-leg sling increases, the safe
working load decreases.

Storage of Slings
Slings shall always be stored carefully away from extremes of heat, cold
and damp, and where they are not liable to damage.


Wire Ropes

Measuring Wire Rope

Wire rope is always measured by its maximum diameter. To obtain that
diameter, it is essential to measure from the top of any strand to the top of
the strand directly opposite.

Correct lubrication of wire ropes is necessary to ensure long life and good
service. The wires in a rope bear against each other with considerable

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

pressure when the rope is under tension or is bent over a pulley or drum.
It is therefore essential to maintain a film of lubricant to reduce internal


Webbing slings are extensively used for handling material that may be
damaged by chains or wire rope. Webbing may be made of any one of a
number of different fibres, but the same general principles apply to use
and care.
A sling shall be selected of adequate width to give the spread of load
required in order not to damage the article to be lifted.
Webbing slings normally have an eye that is formed by bunching the
strands and, therefore, is rather thick. Adequate precautions shall be
taken to make sure that the lifting hook is not overcrowded with the eye
ends of a webbing sling. If that is the case, the eyes shall be gathered
together on a shackle so that the hook is not overcrowded and the sling is
not damaged.
An essential point with all classes of webbing slings is to make sure that
they are not damaged by passing over sharp or unprotected edges of
steel, concrete, etc. For slings that are to be used regularly on those types
of load, extra protection can be provided in the form of rubber sleeving,
but if that is not fitted, then each corner shall be individually protected and
care taken to make sure that the packing does not slip out of position as
the load is taken up.
The storage of webbing slings is most critical and it is important that the
slings are not allowed to come into contact with chemicals, heat or
extremes of temperature. For protection, they must be stored indoors.
Frost is a particular hazard as ice particles may form within the mesh of
the sling causing damage when the load is taken, resulting in failure at
loads less than the indicated safe-working load.
If a webbing sling is frayed at its edges, even slightly, it shall not be used
until it has been examined and approved by a competent examiner
because the safe-working load of any fabric depends on the edge or hem
being in good condition.


Inspection Record
All lifting appliances and lifting gear used on site shall be tested and

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

examined as specified in the regulations, and a colour-code system (blue,

yellow, green and orange) shall be applied to all lifting gear.
The Safety Officer shall keep a consolidated file of all the lifting
appliances/lifting gear testing certificates in the site office.
A summary shall be prepared to monitor the expiry dates of all certificates
issued for lifting appliances/lifting gear.
Workers shall check that the lifting gear is in good condition before use,
and report any defects to the Safety Officer or mechanical foreman.
Audit to the process of keeping and maintaining records shall be carried
out by Registered Safety Auditor during mandatory audit.


Load Indicator Lights and Audible System

Crawler cranes and hydraulic cranes, other than those hired in for a short
duration (less than three days) and for specific heavy lifts, shall be fitted
with audible warnings and indicator lights outside the control cabin of the
crane to show that the automatic safe loading indicator of the crane is
connected correctly and is being used at all times when the crane is in
The indicator lights shall be in green, amber and red. The green light shall
flash when the crane is working. An amber light shall flash when the safe
working load of the crane reaches 85 per cent of its maximum safe
working load. A red light shall flash and an audible warning device shall
alarm when the safe working load of the crane reaches 95 per cent of the
maximum safe working load.
The audible alarm shall generate a sound that is louder than the noise
generated by the engine of the crane. The size of the warning light shall
be not be less than 75 millimetres by 75 millimetres by 75 millimetres for
each colour and in the shape of the cabin box.
When the crane is fitted with a switch that is cable of bypassing or
switching off the automatic safe loading indicator of the crane during
overload situations, the red light shall flash if the switch is activated.
The warning light shall be installed over the control cabin, over the ballast
or at a conspicuous location on the crane, such that it can easily be seen
by persons on the site.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

The visual indicator and audible warnings shall be connected to the

automatic safe loading indicator of the crane correctly and shall be used at
all times when the crane is in operation.


The purpose of this procedure is for the Contractor to ensure that the
operation of a crane or pilling rig in high risk areas of the works site is
carried out a safe manner and without danger to members of the public,
site personnel or property.

Appointment and Duties of Lifting Supervisor(s)

The Contractor shall appoint a Lifting Supervisor(s) who shall be suitably
trained for issuing the Permit to Operate. This supervisor shall be a direct
employee of the Contractor and shall not, at the same time, take up the
position of an Operator or Banksman. The duties of this supervisor
a) Ensure that the crane is capable of carrying out the required lift,
from the position identified or that the piling is capable of carrying
out the piling operation;
b) Ensure that the Operator is qualified, certified, experienced and
competent to carry out the lift or piling operation;
c) Ensure that the crane or piling rig is set up correctly;
d) Ensure that all statutory inspection and testing certificates are in
place and valid before work commences;
e) Stop operations immediately where unsafe conditions or activities
are present;
f) Ensure that the load being lifted is correctly slung;
g) Ensure that the lifting gear being used is adequate for the lift, is
colour code and has the necessary test certificates;
h) Be fully aware of overhead lines, the position of underground
utilities, underground structures, underground voids, soft ground,
back-filled excavations etc., in the area which may affect the
operation of the crane or piling rig;
i) Determine and implement, based on the hazards identified, any
safety measures to be taken for the safe operation of the crane or
piling rig;
j) Specify where necessary restrictions or additional safety
precautions for the Operator to follow;
k) Ensure that the hazards identified in the area and the safety
measures that have been taken, are discussed and agreed with
the crane or piling rig operator prior to issuing the Permit to
l) Ensure that a Permit to Operate is issued and valid, before any
operation of a Crane or Piling Rig, in a high risk area under his
area of responsibility;
m) Assign a banksman to guide the operation of the crane.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint

Identification of High Risk Area(s)

a) The Contractor shall carry out a survey of the site area(s), to
identify high risk areas within site boundaries and shall record the
survey on a site layout drawing.
b) High Risk Area(s) is the area in the site in which the operation of a
crane and/or piling rig may affect the safety of members of the
public and which include, but not limited to area adjacent to
schools , public footpaths, roads, highways, railways, overhead
power lines, public areas and premises. Examples of such high
risk areas within site are;

Areas of soft in-compacted ground

Areas with large volume of ground water
Areas with utilities directly below the surface
Live overhead electric cables in close vicinity of working areas
Excavations with significant risk if side collapse due to weight of
the operating crane
- Operation in close proximity to public areas
c) The classification of an area may change, depending on site
conditions and the type of cranes or piling rig being used.
d) The survey shall be up-dated immediately if there is a change in
the designation of the site area.
e) A copy of the site layout plan showing the High Risk Areas shall
be posted at each site entrance, on appropriate notice boards and
in the site office. In addition, each crane and piling rig operator
shall be issued with a copy and kept in the cab at all times.
f) The Contractor shall inform all Lifting Supervisors and Operators
of the locations of these High Risk Areas and requirement of the
Permit to Operate system.
g) Operation of a crane or a piling rig in a High Risk Area, is
prohibited until a Permit to Operate is issued by the Contractors
Lifting Supervisor.

Issuing of a Permit to Operate

a) The Lifting Supervisor shall complete the Permit to Operate.
b) After the Lifting Supervisor and the Operator have both agreed
that the requirements listed on the Permit to Operate have been
satisfied, they shall both sign the Permit to Operate.
c) A copy of the Permit to Operate shall be readily available in the
driving cab of the crane or piling rig, for inspection and shall be
retained in the driving cab of the crane or piling rig, for inspection
for at least 7 days following the operation.
d) If the Permit to Operate is intended to cover a number of
operations within a shift, all the crane or piling rig operations must
be separately assessed and the details of each operation must be
clearly stated on the Permit.
e) The validity period of the Permit to Operate shall be kept to a
minimum, but shall be no longer than 2 working days.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Automatic Cancellation of Permit to Operate

All Permits to Operate shall be cancelled automatically upon a tropical
cyclone warning signal No. 8 or above, a red/black rainstorm signal or
heavy rainfall for a long period on the site. A re-assessment shall be made
of the ground conditions and a new Permit to Operate shall be issued after
all the requirements are met.

Temporary Suspension of Lifting Operation

During an occasion either of heavy winds, heavy rain, amber rainstorm
signal, thunderstorm warning, the lifting operation should be suspended.
All precautions and actions shall be implemented in line with the
Contractors emergency plan.


Manual Handling


Statutory Reference
The statutory requirements for performing manual handling tasks are set
out in the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance and an employer is
required to appoint a competent person to conduct a preliminary
assessment to evaluate the risk level of a task, with a further assessment
required if the result of the preliminary assessment is considered to be


The inevitable results of lifting incorrectly are strained backs, herniated
discs, sprains and minor strains, and a complexity of internal injuries, eg,
A dominant factor is that men are too proud to ask for assistance and,
being ignorant of how to lift properly, they attempt to lift loads that are too
heavy for them. It should be remembered, too, that the construction
industry still has numerous occasions when the use of mechanical lifting
appliances is neither practicable nor economically feasible and, therefore,
the only way is by hand.
The correct method of lifting makes a job so much easier, less tiring and a
good deal safer. Lifting should be done by the proper use of the right
muscles. Back and abdominal muscles are weak while the leg and thigh
muscles are strong. The spine has a natural shape when a man is
standing: if he bends over, the spine is arched and becomes much
weaker. If, therefore, the back can be kept in its natural position and the

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

leg and thigh muscles brought into play then, when the load is kept close
to the body, a man can operate like a human elevator, which results in far
heavier loads being lifted with far less physical effort.
However, a workers abilities shall also be assessed before allocation.
Only suitable workers in good physical condition shall be appointed for
manual handling works and shall receive training regarding safety in
manual handling.


Principles of Manual Handling

The following principles will help when manually-handling equipment and

A good grip makes maximum use of the palm of the hand, the ball of
the thumb and the base of the fingers. Considerable damage can be
caused by using the sensitive fingertips and continued use of them
leads to strained fingers or stained forearm muscles.


Keep the back straight to maintain it in its natural and strongest
position. Bend at the knees and ankles to get down close to the load
and then raise it, pushing upwards with the leg muscles to regain the
vertical position.


Keep the chin in so that it is fairly near the chest as that helps to
keep the spine in its natural upright shape.


Position the feet apart approximately the width of the hips, with one
foot slightly in front of the other. That position provides a reasonably
stable base as the load is lifted (lifting a load with the feet together
creates a top-heavy, unbalanced situation) and, once the load is off
the ground, affords the immediate facility of being able to transfer
the weight forward to the front foot so that the load can be carried
away in the required direction.


Keep arms as close to the body as possible so that the body itself
does not become unbalanced by its own members.



Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

The body, being kept in its normal position, should act as a

counterweight to the load.
Providing those principles are applied, the average man can expect to lift
his own mass but even that will depend on his age and physical build.
Up to 25 years of age, a well-developed young man can expect to lift his
own mass. At 40 years of age, lifting capacity can be considerably less.
The main thing is that a man should know how much he can lift and not be
afraid to ask for help when a load is beyond him and the assistance
provided should be from a man of similar height and build so that the
raised load does not become unbalanced or unevenly distributed.


Rules for Safe Lifting

The basic lifting rule is use your head to think things through before
Essential steps are:
Examine the object to be lifted for size, shape, balance and mass.
Decide where and how to hold it. Check for grease, oil and sharp
edges. Be extra careful of awkward shapes in difficult situations.
Clear the path of obstructions and trip hazards.
Know where and how the object will be let down.
Get help if there is any doubt.
General rules for all situations are:
Start close to the object and have a firm footing with feet spread on
either side of the load.
Square down, straddling the load somewhat, while keep a back
straight and bending the knees.
Grasp the object firmly, making sure the grip will not slip.
Breath-in inflated lungs help to support the spine.
Slowly straighten the legs and, after the legs are straight, bring them
back to the vertical position.
Hold the object firmly close to body.
Always lift smoothly. Avoid jerky motions. Turn with the feet instead
of twisting the back.
However, as far as practicable, the use of mechanical aids for load lifting
and handling is the most-effective method of preventing an accident
resulted from manual lifting and handling.


Scaffolding and Working Platforms

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Scaffolding and working platforms and their use shall comply with the
following regulation and codes of practice:
Construction Sites(Safety) Regulations;
Code of Practice for Bamboo Scaffolding Safety, and
Code of Practice for Metal Scaffolding Safety.
When work cannot be safely carried out from a ladder or by other
temporary staging, suitable scaffold shall be provided to enable workers to
complete any task in safety.


A scaffold shall only be constructed, taken down and substantially altered
as far as practicable by competent persons. Scaffold parts shall be
inspected on each occasion before erection.
Material for the construction of a scaffold shall be strong, free from defects
and shall be sufficient for the intended load. Timber used in the
construction of a scaffold shall be straight grained, sound and free from
large knots, dry rot, worm holes and other weakening defects. Bamboo
used in the construction of scaffolds shall comply with the Code of
Practice for Bamboo Scaffolding Safety.
The maximum height of a tower scaffold shall not be more than 3.5 times
the minimum base width. When the height is greater than 6 metres, the
scaffold shall be tied to the building or base mass pieces shall be used.
Poles, ladders and similar scaffolds shall be adequately braced.
Each scaffold shall be provided with a safe means of access, such as
stairs, ladders or ramps.
Each scaffold shall be provided with safety nets, safety fans or protective
screens to prevent danger from falling objects.
Each scaffold shall be inspected by a competent person at intervals not
exceeding 14 days and after exposure to weather conditions that are likely
to affect stability. That competent person shall complete prescribed Form
5 after each inspection and the form shall be keep on site for inspection.
Once checked and inspected, every part of that scaffold shall remain fixed
or seated and on no account shall any element be detached unless the

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

scaffold is being demobilized.


Working Platforms
Each scaffold on which workers are employed shall be provided with a
sufficient number of working platforms.
No working platform shall be used until its construction has been
completed, the necessary safe guards have been properly fixed and an
inspection has been carried out by a competent person.
All structures and appliances used as supports for a working platform shall
be of sound construction, have a firm footing and be adequately strutted
and braced to be stable.
Each board or plank forming part of a working platform shall be of sound
construction, adequate strength and free from patent defect and be:
wider than 200 millimetres and thicker than 25 millimetres, or
wider than 150 millimetres if it is thicker than 40 millimetres.
Each working platform from which a person is liable to fall a distance of
more than 2 metres shall either be closely boarded, planked or plated.
When a person is liable to fall more than 2 metres, the following widths
shall be provided (unless they would be impracticable due to limited
available space):
for a working platform, at least 400 millimetres wide;
for a gangway or run for the passage of persons only, at least 400
millimetres wide, and
for a gangway or run for the passage of material, at least 650
millimetres wide.
No board or plank shall extend more than 150 millimetres beyond its end
support unless it is sufficiently secured to prevent tipping.
A suitable guardrail to a height of between 900 millimetres and 1,150
millimetres shall be provided on each side where a person is liable to fall 2
metres or more. A suitable mid-rail to a height of between 450 millimetres
and 500 millimetres shall be provided on each side on the same platform.
Boards or planks shall not normally overlap one another. If that is not
practicable, precautions such as the provision of bevelled pieces shall be

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

taken to reduce the risk of tripping to a minimum and to facilitate the

movement of equipment.
Platforms shall be so constructed that the boards or planks cannot be
displaced through normal use.
Guardrails, toe-boards of 200 millimetres and other safeguards used on a
scaffold platform shall be maintained in position, except for the time and to
the extent required to allow the access of persons or the transport or
shifting of material.


Ladders and Accesses

When a ladder is to be used:
never use an unsound ladder;
make sure that the ladder is set on a firm, level base;
have a man at the foot of the ladder or lash the top;
make certain the ladder reaches at least 1 metre above a landing;
make sure that the ladder is at its correct pitch, ie, is 300 millimetres
out at the base for every 1.2 metres of vertical height;
use the right length ladder for the job never lash two short ladders to
made a longer one;
do not carry loads on ladders use a hoist line;
do not lean sideways from a ladder it is safer to move the ladder;
face the ladder when climbing or descending;
beware of slippery rungs, and
inspect each ladder before use and regularly thereafter.


Accesses Site Entrance and Access Road

Road signs shall be posted to enable lorries entering the site to proceed to
their correct destination and to facilitate the task of emergency services
getting to their destination with ease and a minimum of delay.
Roads and passageways shall be kept clear of obstructions at all times.
Roads and passageways shall be so arranged that they are the easiest
means of going through a site, thereby reducing employee temptation to
take short cuts and walk through operating areas and near equipment.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Stacked material shall not project into access routes or passageways. Stairways
Stairways shall at all times be kept clear of material and shall be properly
Handrails shall be provided where a person is liable to fall 2 metres or
more. Overhead Walkways and Ramps

Nothing shall be thrown down from one level to another.
Tools, etc, shall not be placed on overhead locations, such as scaffolding,
window ledges or shelves, where they can fall and strike a person working
below. In such locations, suitable protection shall be installed to prevent
tools and material left lying around from falling. Floor
Floors, passageways and walkways shall be kept clear of small articles,
tools, scrap metal or any other working material when no longer in use.
Oil, grease, chips or other material that could cause slipping or falling shall
be removed. All trip hazards shall be removed.
Floors shall be cleared frequently and kept in a good condition, and be
firm and level. Worn spots and other defects shall be reported immediately
for repair.


Hand Tools and Portable Power-driven Tools

All hand-held electrical tools and portable equipment shall be examined by
Registered Electrical Worker (REW) before use. That examination shall
include visual inspection for the general condition of the tools and
equipment and tests for checking functionality, protective-conductor
continuity, polarity and insulation aspects. Each passed tool or item of
equipment shall be registered an affixed with an identification label. Reexamination of each registered tool or item of equipment shall be carried
out at 3-monthly intervals and after repair.


Compressed-air Tools
The use of boilers, pressure receivers, air receivers and steam containers
shall be in accordance with the Boilers and Pressure Receivers
Ordinance, Cap 56.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

An air receiver is defined as:

any vessel (other than a pipe or coil, or an accessory fitting or part of a

compressor) for containing compressed air and that is connected with
an air-compressing plant;
any fixed vessel for containing compressed air or compressed exhaust
gases that is used for the purpose of starting an internal combustion
any fixed or portable vessel (not being part of spraying pistol) used for
the purpose of spraying, by means of compressed air, any paint,
varnish, lacquer or similar material;
any pressure vessel (pressure vessel means a vessel intended or
adapted for the expulsion by compressed air of liquid fuel vapour
stored therein). First Registration of Appliances

The following action is required to register boilers, steam receivers, air
receivers and steam containers;
An appointed air-receiver inspector shall examine the boiler or
steam receiver, including its auxiliary equipment, or air receiver and
its fittings and attachments, and issue a certificate of fitness before it
is put in use.
Examine a steam container when the boiler that provides steam to it
is examined. New Fuel Burning Installation

Every new fuel burning installation attached to a boiler shall be examined
by an appointed examiner before it is put into use. Portable Gas Generators

Any person requiring to use a portable gas generator shall apply in writing
to the Principal Surveyor, who may grant permission after such
examination as he may require, and subject to such conditions as to the
operation, maintenance and inspection of the equipment as he sees fit. Maintenance and Periodic Examination

All boilers and pressure receivers shall be properly maintained in
accordance with provisions laid down in the ordinance and regulations and
shall be examined by an appointed examiner at regular intervals. The
maximum interval between examinations for most boilers and their
auxiliary equipment is 14 months and for all steam receivers and air
receivers 26 months.
Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan Certificate of Fitness

The ordinance prescribes the conditions for issue by an appointed
examiner of a certificate of fitness for a boiler or pressure receiver, and
makes provision for appeal against refusal to issue a certificate. The
certificate shall be kept on the premises where the boiler or pressure
receiver is installed. Removal of Appliances

Any boiler or steam receiver that has been removed either to new
premises or to another part of the same premises shall be examined by an
appointed examiner before it is put into use again. Examination after Extensive Repairs

If extensive repairs have been carried out on a boiler, steam receiver or air
receiver, it and its auxiliary equipment, fittings and attachments shall be
examined by an appointed examiner before being put back into use. Connection of Compressed-air Hose

Whip check or suitable means shall be adopted to secure all connections
of compressed-air hoses. Regular inspections shall be carried out by a
competent mechanic to make sure that all connections are in good and
secure condition.


Portable Equipment and Tools Electric Drills

Electric drills cause injuries in several ways:
a part of the drill may be pushed into the hand, the leg, or other part of
the body;
the drill may be dropped when the operator is not actually drilling, and
the eyes may be hit either by material being drilled or by parts of a
broken drill.
Although no guards are available for drill bits, some protection is afforded
if drill bits are carefully chosen for the work to be done, such as being no
longer than necessary to do the work.
When an operator must guide a drill with his hand, the drill shall be
equipped with a sleeve that fits over the drill bit. The sleeve protects the
operators hands and also serves as a limit stop if the drill should plunge
through the material.
Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Oversized bits shall not be ground down to fit small electrical drills.
Instead, an adapter shall be used that will fit the large bit and provide extra
power through a speed reduction gear.
When large, powerful drills are used, small pieces of work shall be
clamped or anchored to prevent whipping. Electric Saws

To ensure the safe use of an electric saw, only an authorized person who
is at least 18-years old shall be permitted to operate an electric saw.
The saw blade shall be equipped with an adjustable crown guard placed
close to the wood pieces being cut.
The bottom of the electric saw shall be safely guarded.
The distance between front edge of the riving knife and the saw teeth shall
not exceed 15 millimetres.
The saw blade shall be properly adjusted to prevent cutting pieces from
springing out.
When cutting small pieces of timber, a push stick shall be used to push
the timber and hands shall be kept away from the blade at a distance of at
least 300 millimetres.
After making sure that the power supply has been shut down, a brush
shall be used regularly to remove sawdust.
The saw blade shall be examined regularly, and a blunt blade shall be
replaced all with a sharp blade.
The saw shall be operated at a safe speed too slow an operating speed
may cause an accident.
The bench saw shall be equipped with a readily-accessible emergencystop button.
The saw operator shall not wear any protective gloves other than the
special-made wire gloves.
The saw operator shall make sure that the working space around the saw
Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

is unobstructed and the floor is clean and not slippery.

Fire extinguishers shall be provided adjacent to the work location and a
No Smoking sign shall be displayed. Plugs and Socket Outlets

It is not expected that an electrical item requiring current greater than 16
amperes will be needed for general applications, apart from those
instances where distribution cables may be connected to sub-distribution
boards via heavy-duty plugs and socket outlets.
On heavy equipment running off 400 volts, the supply shall be provided
with some form of monitored-earth protection and, therefore, plugs and
sockets of a specialized non-interchangeable pattern will be required.
They must be of adequate size and strength for the voltages and currents
Plugs and socket outlets in all offices, stores, etc, may be of the 13ampere fused type, made of tough insulating material. They provide an
excellent method of ensuring closely-rated fuse protection for individual
items of equipment.
The use of fully-waterproofed plugs and sockets (or cable connectors
when applicable) shall be restricted to the use of extension leads to tools,
equipment, lights, etc, that are liable to be used in the early stages of
construction work when it can be expected that the cables and connectors
will be on damp or muddy ground or even completely under water. The
reason for that restriction is that certain types of waterproof connection are
hard to make, which can lead to the waterproofing skirt being deliberately
cut away. If waterproof plugs, etc, were in general use that would
eventually lead to a situation where an accident could occur, possibly with
fatal results.
Plugs and socket outlets and cable connectors used for different voltages
shall be non-interchangeable with those of other voltages. It is also
advisable to label the sockets, eg, a 110-volt socket shall have a label
saying, use only 110-volt equipment from this socket.


Abrasive Wheels Statutory References

The statutory requirements for abrasive wheels are set out in the Factories
Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

and Industrial Undertakings (Abrasive Wheel) Regulations. Training and Appointment of Persons to Mount Wheels

No person shall mount an abrasive wheel unless he has been trained, is
competent to carry out mounting, and has been duly appointed in writing.
The standard form of competent person appointment for mounting
abrasive wheel shall be posted up near to the abrasive wheel. Protection of Eyes

Persons carrying out dry grinding operations and truing or dressing an
abrasive wheel shall wear properly-fitting eye protectors or be protected
by suitable transparent screens that are fitted in front of the exposed part
of the wheel so as to intercept flying particles. Selection of Wheels

The regulation requires that when selecting a wheel, due account shall be
taken of factors that affect safety. Selecting the correct wheel for the job is
equally important for efficient production and for safety. As a rough and
ready rule, soft wheels are more suitable for hard material, and hard
wheels for soft material.
With wheels of unsuitable structure for the job, loading may result, ie, the
abrasive wheel face becomes clogged with particles of the material being
ground. A wheel may also be too hard or too fine, resulting in glazing.
The operator is then tempted to press the work piece too hard on the
wheel, causing it to break. The best policy in selecting grinding plant is to
consult manufacturers of machines and abrasive wheels, and not to
experiment without competent advice. Abrasive-wheel Speeds

It must be remembered that centrifugal force the ultimate cause of wheel
bursts increases, not directly with speed, but as the square of the speed.
The speed at which the grinding wheel revolves is, therefore, extremely
important. It cannot be too strongly stressed that doubling the number of
revolutions per minute of a wheel, increases four-fold its tendency to burst.
The peripheral speed is generally used for describing permissible wheel
It all circumstances, an abrasive wheel shall be operated at the speed
recommended by the manufacturer, and it is essential that the
manufacturers maximum permissible speed shown on the wheel is not
Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Standard signage of maximum permissible speed shall be displayed. Mounting of Wheels


Do not mount the wheel on a machine for which it is not intended. The
wheel shall fit easily, but not loosely, on the spindle. Do not attempt to
mount a wheel that fits tightly on the spindle; the heat of operation could
cause the spindle to expand and possibly crack the wheel.
Before mounting the wheel, check that the speed of the spindle does not
exceed the maximum permissible speed marked on the wheel.
The spindle shall be checked for wear in the bearings. Bearings that are
unduly worn shall be renewed.


Every abrasive wheel shall be mounted between suitable flanges that shall
be not less that one third the diameter of the wheel. The flanges shall be
recessed on the side next to the wheel to make sure that clamping
pressure is not exerted near the hole.
Flanges for wheels with large holes shall not be recessed, but the corners
of the wheel seatings shall be undercut so that the corners of the wheel
will not be subjected to pressure. The inner (driving) flange shall be keyed,
screwed, shrunk, or otherwise secured to the spindle, and the flange
bearing surface shall run true with the spindle.
Flanges shall be of mild steel or other material of equal or greater strength
and rigidity. Ordinary cast iron is not suitable.
Both flanges fitted to a particular wheel shall be of the same diameter, and
have equal bearing surface.
The flange bearing surfaces shall be machined true, and there shall be no
exposed rough edges or surfaces. If the bearing surfaces become
damaged, they shall be re-trued and the recess re-cut, with care being
taken to maintain the original diameter and depth of recess.


Guards shall be securely attached to the body of the machine.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

For straight-sided wheels, the maximum angular exposure of the abrasive

periphery and sides shall not exceed 180 degrees.
Guards for straight grinding machines shall be provided with a front curtain
that shall be securely fastened to the body of the machine.
For cup wheels, the back face and periphery shall be enclosed and the
guard shall be adjustable to compensate for the wear of the wheel.
For depressed-centre grinding wheels, the wheel shall have a maximum
angular exposure of 180 degrees and the guard shall be so located as to
be between the operator and the wheel during use. The clearance
between the inside of the guard and the periphery of the unused wheel
shall be not greater than 5 per cent of the nominal wheel diameter.
Guards have four main functions:
to contain the wheel parts in the event of a burst;
to protect the wheel against inadvertent damage from shock, etc;
to prevent, as far as practicable, the operator coming into contact with
the wheel, and
to prevent an over-sized wheel being fitted.

Machines in which abrasive wheels are used shall be provided with
efficient devices for starting and cutting off power, and the controls of such
devices shall be readily and conveniently operated by the person using
the machine.


The purpose of washers is to distribute the clamping pressure evenly on
the wheel. In addition to preventing slipping with less clamping pressure,
washers tend to reduce wear on the flanges.
Washers, or blotters, as they are sometimes called, shall be made of
compressible material not more than 1.6 millimetres thick. They should be
used between the wheel and the flanges whenever the clamping surfaces
are flat. They shall not be used for taper sided or dovetailed abrasive
wheels. Washers shall be an easy fit on the wheel locating spigot if the
flanges fit into a recess. On straight wheels, the washers shall be slightly
larger than the flanges. Care shall be taken to make sure that each
washer is free from crinkles. If a wheel has been used previously, any
piece of the old washer or loose grains of abrasive shall be carefully

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

removed, otherwise high spots will occur, leading to severe local stresses
when the wheel is clamped tight.

Clamping Bolts
All clamping bolts shall be made of high-tensile steel.


Mounting Between Flanges

No abrasive wheel used on the periphery should be mounted, except with
suitable flanges, which should not be less that one-third the diameter of
the wheel. Summary of Mounting Methods

Given proper equipment, safety largely depends on the few simple rules
previously mentioned and summarized below:
before mounting, all wheels shall be closely inspected and rung to
make sure that they have not been mishandled in transit or storage;
wheel mounting shall be carried out only by competent and authorized
the bush, if any, shall not project beyond the side of the wheel;
care shall be taken to make sure that all wheels, washers and flanges
are free from foreign matter;
any burrs shall be taken off flanges;
washers of compressible material not over 1.6 millimetres thick shall
be fitted between the wheel and its flanges where the surfaces are flat;
wrinkles in washers shall be avoided; washers are not recommended
for taper and dovetail wheels;
when tightening nuts, care shall be taken to tighten them only just
enough to hold the wheel firmly excessive clamping pressure is
liable to damage the wheel; the nuts shall be tightened by hand
pressure on a spanner and never by a hammer and chisel or similar
means, and
when the flanges are clamped by a series of bolts, care shall be taken
to screw up each bolt uniformly; all the bolts shall first be run up with
the fingers and then tightened in pattern formation afterwards. Rests for Wheels

When there is a rest for supporting a work piece, and while the wheel is in
motion, that rest shall at all times be properly secured and adjusted so as
to be as close as practicable to the exposed part of the abrasive wheel.
Every rest shall be of substantial construction and shall be properly

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan Truing and Dressing

Accidents may be caused by the operators fingers being trapped between
the rest and the wheel. Accidents may also be caused if the work being
applied is itself trapped in a similar way. Although such accidents are
more frequently caused by bad rest adjustment, their possibility shall be
minimized by frequent truing to keep the wheel concentric on its spindle.
A wheel out of round will cause excessive vibration and periodic knocking
of the work against the wheel. That will invariably result in damage to the
abrasive wheel or the spindle bearings.
Any condition of the wheel surface, such as loading or glazing, that
reduces the cutting action may induce the operator to compensate by
additional pressure of the work on the abrasive wheel. Dressing a wheel is
therefore essential for efficient production, and frequent light dressings are
generally preferred to occasional deep dressings.
The following important precautions shall be taken:



Rigidly mount dressing tools at the proper angle and direction,

whether on the table or through the hood. Properly support hand
dressers so that leverage may be applied without undue effort.
Always employ the lugs provided as an anchor for a dresser of the
revolving cutter type.
Do not use haphazard methods of dressing, such as the use of a
chipping hammer, or even striking the work against the wheel.
Take care to reduce the possibility of dressing tools jamming
between the abrasive wheel and rest, or any fixed part of the
Make sure that the operator is properly protected by hoods or
screens when truing or dressing.

There are many types of abrasive wheel dresser and various methods by
which their operations may be carried out. If necessary, wheel and
machine manufacturers shall be consulted on the technical aspects of the
subject. Balance
Abrasive wheels are balanced by manufacturers within normal limits. For
some operations, closer limits of balance are required. That is obtained by
various methods such as the insertion of lead, the use of heavy paint or by
an arrangement of sliding mass pieces.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan of Floors
The floor surrounding every fixed machine or area where portable tools
are being used shall be maintained in good and even conditions. So as far
as practicable, it shall be kept clear of loose material and prevented from
becoming slippery. Warning Notice

The approved cautionary notice of the hazards arising from the use of
abrasive wheels shall be displayed in every room where grinding or cutting
is carried out.


Chain Saws
Should a chain saw be not operated properly and with respect, it can
quickly cause severe injury and even death.
Before using a chain saw, read the owner's manual, note the safety
practices and know how to check and adjust the chain tension. Selection of Chain Saw

Only choose a chain saw with built-in safety features, such as:
a kickback guard that prevents the chain from hitting another object;
noise and vibration reduction features;
a throttle interlock that will prevent accidental throttle advance;
a high engine idle latch that allows the operator to start the engine
while holding the saw firmly on the ground, and
hand guards.
Also, choose a chain saw that is lightweight and has a cutting bar no
longer than needed. Personal Protective Equipment

One of the best safeguards against injury is to wear the proper protective
equipment, which includes:
safety glasses or goggles;
heavy-duty non-slip gloves;
sturdy non-slip shoes;
hearing protection;
close-fitting clothes (not loose or ragged);
long-sleeved shirt and pants (chaps if available), and
hardhat with chin strap.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan Transportation
Make sure that the chain guard is on the saw when the saw is not in use.
Always carry the saw at your side, with the cutting bar and chain to the
rear and to the outside.
Never carry a chain saw in the passenger area of a vehicle. Fuelling
Observe the following points when fuelling a chain saw:
never smoke while fuelling;
use the fuel mix recommended by the manufacturer;
never fuel a hot chain saw let it cool first;
always fuel in a clear area away from debris;
if the fuel can does not have a spout use a funnel, and
wipe the saw clean of any spilled fuel after fuelling. Starting
Never start the saw while holding it off the ground, or by drop starting it.
There is only one safe way to start a chain saw:

move 3 metres or more away from the fuelling area;

place the saw in a clear, debris-free area;
hold the saw firmly on the ground by putting a foot through the rear
handle (if practicable) and by holding it down with one hand on the top
pull the starter cord with the other hand, and
make sure that the chain is not moving while the saw is idling. Preparing to Cut

Clear away anything that may interfere with the operation.
Remove debris that could cause slipping or loss of balance or accidental
contact with the chain.
Keep both hands firmly on the saw when cutting. Felling, Limbing, and Bucking

Cutting down large trees is not simple and should be left to experienced
operators who have felled trees before.
Limbing (the removal of tree limbs from a log) requires a proper position
and consideration of kickback potential, the springing back of branches,
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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

and the chance that the log will roll.

Bucking (cutting a log into lengths) requires knowing how to block the log
to prevent binding, kickback, and rolling.

Felling Trees
Felling trees can be dangerous so safety is important. Look at the work
Wind is unpredictable and can cause hazards, so cut trees on a still day.
Look for other trees or buildings that a falling tree may encounter. If power
lines are in the way, call the power utility, and they will help you.
Before felling a tree, identify a path where the tree will fall. Stand with feet
well braced. Start the under cut notch one-quarter of the diameter of the
tree on the side where it will fall. Back cut the opposite side parallel to the
bottom notch an inch or so higher for the hinge. Slow down as the chain
saw approaches the notch. Keep wedges nearby. Call a warning, such as
timber, as the tree begins to fall. Get out of the way by moving off at a
45-degree angle.
Use extra care when cutting small trees. Trees four to five inches in
diameter can usually be felled with one cut. Watch for bounce backs and


After a tree had been felled, trim off the limbs and cut the tree to
manageable lengths.
Trim the limbs from the opposite side, keeping the tree trunk between you
and the chain saw.
Never make cuts with the saw between your legs or straddle the limb to be
If working on a hill, stand on the uphill side.
If the saw is tending to pinch, begin a new cut on the opposite side or use
a wedge.
Make all cuts at top speed on full throttle.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

When cutting the trunk of a tree (bucking), make sure that the chain does
not hit the ground.
An operator can cut many trees and not damage the chain but striking the
ground one time can damage the chain.
A dry chain is not safe.
If the log is supported along its entire length, make cuts from the top
(called overbuck) one third the diameter of the log deep, the entire length
of the log. When that is completed, roll the log over and make the final
If the log is supported on one end, make the first cut (underbuck) one third
the diameter, then complete the cut from the topside by overbucking the
upper two-thirds to meet the underbuck.
When the log is supported from both ends, cut one-third the diameter from
the top (overbuck), then complete the cut by cutting upwards from the
underside (underbuck) to meet the first cut. Avoiding Kickbacks

Kickback occurs when the saw rotates back, or kicks back at the
operator, due to the nose of the saw contacting an object or obstruction.
To prevent kickback:
use a chain saw equipped with a chain brake or kickback guard;
hold the chain saw firmly with both hands, gripping the top handle by
putting the thumb around it;
watch for twigs that can snag the chain;
dont pinch the chain while cutting;
saw with the lower part of the bar close to the bumper not on the top
near the nose;
maintain a high saw speed when entering or leaving a cut;
keep the chain sharp, and
do not reach above shoulders to cut the chain would be too close to
your face in this position. Fatigue
Many injuries occur because an operator was tired or withstood long
periods of saw vibration take frequent breaks.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Use and Storage of Hazardous Substances, including

The usage and storage of dangerous goods is governed by the
Dangerous Goods (General) Regulation and Code of Practice for FireResisting Construction, 1996.
A register of all dangerous substances held on site, including those
hazardous to health, shall be prepared and maintained by the Safety
Officer. That register shall include information on:
physical and chemical properties;
safe handling and storage;
precautionary measures to be taken, and
first-aid measures extracted from the manufacturers Material Safety
Data Sheets.
Training on the safe handling of hazardous substances shall be provided
to concerned staff and workers.


Flammable Liquids and Gases

In a construction site, the most common dangerous goods are:
Cat 2 dangerous goods, such as oxygen, acetylene, liquefied
petroleum gas bottles, and
Cat 5 dangerous goods, such as paints, thinner, gasoline and diesel.
If the quantity of dangerous goods to be stored exceeds the exempted
quantity, a licence shall be obtained from the Fire Services Department.
A no smoking sign and the name of the dangerous goods in English and
traditional Chinese characters shall be painted on a conspicuous location.
A carbon-dioxide-type fire extinguisher shall be provided and allocated
outside the dangerous-goods store.
The door of the dangerous-goods store shall be of a self-closing type.
The storage of other material or a naked flame is not permitted within 6
metres of the dangerous-goods store.
The quantities and purpose of use of all dangerous goods brought to the
site shall be reported for approval. All subcontractors shall keep an

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

updated inventory record of its dangerous goods as stored on site and

shall submit such records to Leighton to better control the overall
quantities of dangerous goods on site.
All flammable gas/liquid shall be stored in the appointed area with
sufficient ventilation and without causing any obstruction to access.
Suitable types of fire extinguisher shall be placed near to the storage area
of the flammable gas/liquid.
Workers handling or transporting flammable liquid shall strictly follow the
recommendations as stated in the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet.
The mechanical transport of flammable liquid shall be carefully appraised
to ensure safety in transportation and an approved safety carriers shall be
used for transporting the flammable liquid.
Workers shall strictly follow the use of appropriate personal protective
equipment as stated in Material Safety Data Sheets during handling


Substances Hazardous to Health

For all hazardous substances that will be used for construction the Project
Director and quality assurance/quality control engineer shall work out a
schedule stating what and when such material will be used. Also the
Material Safety Data Sheets from relevant suppliers shall be obtained and
forwarded to the Project Safety Manager for retention.
An engineer supervising the use of such hazardous substance shall
determine the hazards, safety procedures and, in the case of injury
caused by such substances, appropriate first-aid treatment. That engineer
shall provide training to related workers on the safe use, handling,
transport and disposal of such chemical substances with record.
The safety procedures shall be reviewed yearly in order that the
effectiveness of the risk assessment will not be affected by any change in
the working environment or working procedures.
If the exposure limit of a chemical substance is specified in the associated
Material Safety Data Sheet, an appropriate monitoring system shall be
implemented together with the regular medical examination of workers
exposed to such substances.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

All hazardous substance shall be properly labelled according to the

Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Dangerous Substances)
Regulation. For a chemical substance that will cause significant health
effect to workers or have other hazardous properties, such as explosives
or corrosion, a safe working procedure shall be develop and
communicated to all users. That procedure shall include safety
precautions while handling, storing, transporting and disposing of that
For dangerous goods, an inventory record shall be maintained by the
storekeeper or responsible person to make sure that the quantity stored
on site does not exceed statutory requirements. The responsible person
shall ensure compliance with all requirements regarding handling, storing,
transporting and disposing of the dangerous goods.


Working Over Water or Adjacent to Water

When working near or over water, a person shall be nominated as the
team leader for supervision. No one shall make inspection or work alone.
When working in a boat, all persons shall wear life jackets all the time, and
lifebuoys, each with a lifeline at least 30 metres long, shall be installed at
the workplace at regular intervals. The boat shall not be overloaded nor
shall the persons on the boat act in an irresponsible manner.
When working over water, a safety harness and lifeline shall be worn.
Never enter any installation where water is flowing.
All workers shall carry out instructions from the leader. If in doubt, advice
shall be sought from the team leader.
The team leader shall always check the work team to make sure that no
one is missing. He also shall make sure that any required navigation
diversion lights are in place and are properly maintained. The team leader
shall also make sure that proper fencing, with suitable warning signs, are
provided at the workplace, especially at areas that could be easily be
reached by children and/or the public, and at the boundaries.
Marine vessels for transporting workers to workplaces shall comply with
the Merchant Shipping (Launches & Ferry Vessels) Regulations and, if
marine vessels are used for transporting plant and/or material, the
Shipping and Port Control (Cargo Handling) Regulations. A standby safety

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

rescue boat shall be provided.

If lifting operations are required for seawall construction and jetties, then
attention shall be paid to those lifting operations. Lifting operations in/on
water shall fulfil the Shipping and Port Control Regulation executed by the
Marine Department. The following shall also be noted for lifting operations:


A nominated signaller shall supervise each major lifting operation or

All operators of cranes and other lifting appliances, as well as
slingers and banksmen, shall be adequately trained and competent
in their work, and each crane operator shall hold a valid certificate.

Ship-board Safety Watchkeeping
It shall be the masters responsibility to organize watch keeping on board
in accordance with the STCW95 Convention and Code, Chapter VIII, the
Publication to the Shipping No 315/1997 and local regulations.
The International Collision Prevention Regulations shall at all times be
Relevant lights/shapes shall be displayed, depending on the nature of the
operations being carried out.
If the officer on duty anticipates an unusual or difficult situation, or if it has
happened, that officer shall always inform the master or, for the engine
room, the chief engineer. Working/Sailing in Restricted Visibility

When restricted visibility is encountered, the duty officer shall inform the
master and the duty engineer. Special attention shall be paid to the
particular section of the International Collision Prevention Regulations on
restricted visibility.
Depending on the local regulations, traffic density, etc, the master shall
consider suspending dredging/rock-dumping operations when weatherrelated restrictions occur. Embarkation/Disembarkation of Persons

For embarking or disembarking, preferably a gangway shall be used when
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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

alongside. If persons have to embark/disembark using the pilot ladder, the

same procedure as for pilots shall be used; see the IMO poster on board.
When transferring between the vessel and the launch, inflatable life-vests
shall be worn. The master shall contact the Project Director to make sure
that sufficient life vests are available on the launch during the project. Standing Orders

The master shall issue his personal standing orders, which shall be
displayed on the bridge. All relevant members of the crew shall familiarize
themselves with the masters standing orders.
The chief engineer may issue standing instructions to his engine room
personnel as well. In that case, those instructions shall be displayed in the
engine control room (if available). All E/R-crew shall familiarize
themselves with the chief engineers standing instructions.


Working at Height
The statutory requirements for working at height, and the prevention of
falling objects, are laid down in the Construction Sites (Safety)
Regulations of the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance.
The use of scaffolding and working platforms is governed by the
Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations and the Codes of Practice for
Any open edge from which a person is liable to fall a vertical distance of
more than 2 metres shall be protected by suitable barrier that has a top
rail with a height of between 900 and 1,150 millimetres, and an
intermediate rail with a height of between 450 and 650 millimetres. In
addition, a toeboard of a height of not less than 200 millimetres shall be
provided to prevent objects from falling.
Work scaffolds shall be erected in accordance with the manufacturers
instructions and shall comply with prevailing statutory requirements.
Platforms, gangways or runs from which a person is liable to fall a vertical
distance of more than 2 metres shall either be closely boarded, planked or
Each board or plank forming part of a working platform shall be of sound
construction, adequate strength and free from patent defect. Each board
or plank shall not be less than 200 millimetres in width and not less than

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

25 millimetres in thickness, or not less than 150 millimetres in width when

the board or plank exceeds 50 millimetres in thickness.
Each board or plank shall rest securely and evenly on its supports. No
board or plank shall project beyond its end support by more than 150
millimetres unless it is sufficiently secured to prevent tipping.
Any working platform from which a person could fall a distance of more
than 2 metres shall be at least 400 millimetres in width.
Gangways or runs from which a person is liable to fall a distance of more
than 2 metres shall be at least 400 millimetres wide if it is used only for the
passage of persons. Its width shall be extended to at least 650 millimetres
wide if it is used for the passage of material.
Scaffolds shall be inspected by a competent person every 14 days and
also after any such exposure to a weather condition, such as a tropicalcyclone, that is likely to have affected its strength or stability. The results
of such inspections shall be entered in prescribed Form 5.
Workers working at height where the erection of fencing barriers are
impracticable shall be provided with suitable safety belts or harnesses,
and suitable and sufficient safe anchorage points or life-line system.
Safety netting shall also be used as appropriate.
Stairways shall be protected by temporary hand-railings.


Floor and Wall Openings and Stairways


Please refer to 12.7.


Wall Openings
Each wall opening from which a person is liable to fall a distance of 1.5
metres or greater shall be properly guarded.
The standard protection for wall openings shall be:
top rail ................................................................... at 900 mm to 1150 mm high
mid rail .................................................................... at 450 mm to 500 mm high
toe board................................................................... at 200 mm high or above.
When a wall opening is below 500 millimetres high but there is a hazard of

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

a person or material falling through, a standard toe-board shall be



Please refer to 12.7.


Please refer to 12.7.


Protection Against Falling Objects


Safety Nets
The use of safety nets is intended not only to prevent personnel from
sustaining injury but also to protect persons from objects falling from a
height during construction, demolition and maintenance works. Safety nets
shall be suspended at or below areas or places from which objects or
debris may fall from a height.
Consideration shall also be given to the use of safety nets where
conditions are such that the safety of persons below and the protection of
property below cannot be adequately ensured without their use.
Safety nets, usually double-ply, shall be installed as close as practicable
on the scaffolding to catch small objects, such as tools and small pieces of
Safety nets shall be securely fixed to the scaffolding to prevent them from
being blown off by strong winds.
Safety nets shall be regularly inspected and maintained.


Protective Fans
Protective fans made of bamboo scaffolds or purpose-built steelwork shall
be provided for the prevention of falling objects on building works.
Bamboo catch fans covered by zinc sheeting and canvas shall be erected
around bamboo scaffolding. Alternatively, plywood-covered structural steel
catch fans may be erected.
The protective catch fans shall be regularly inspected at intervals not
exceeding 14 days by a competent person and the results of that
inspection shall be entered in the prescribed inspection report. All catch
fans shall be properly maintained and debris shall be cleared to make sure
that the protection fans are not overloaded. Any damage, gaps or holes on

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

the catch fans shall be repaired as soon as practicable.


Toe-boards shall rise at least 200 millimetres above working platforms and


Protection Against Lightning

For protecting the persons, plant and equipment from direct strikes by
lightning especially at the East Ventilation Shaft (EVS), the following
safety precautions shall be taken:

Installing a lightning rod with projection approximately 4m above the

highest point of the structure;
Lightning tapes would be installed as earthing to the lightning rod;
a personal lightning detector would be assigned to the zone
responsible foreman or crane operator, subject to the discretion of
superintendent, for actively detecting the location of lighting strike; at
the same time, any announcement of the Hong Kong Observatory
would be closely monitored to ensure in case of the hoisting of
thunderstorm warning signal, the supervisory team would trigger the
below lightning detection procedures:
the personal detector has 4 range of detection level identifying
the distance between the EVS and the location of lightning
strike: 24-40 miles, 12-24 miles, 6-12 miles and 0-6 miles;
In the range of 24-40 miles, the responsible foreman or his
delegate would continuously monitor the trend of the lightning
strike by referring to the detector and the website of Hong Kong
Observatory and provides the alert to the frontline operatives;
In the range of 12-24 miles, the responsible foreman or his
delegate would arrange all the frontline operatives to stop their
works at the uncovered area and go to the properly-insulated
shelter. Also, the jib of the mobile crane would be retracted and
lowered down before turning off the machine. No lifting
operation is allowed to be carried out.
In the range of 0-12 miles, no operatives should be exposed to
the uncovered area. They must stay at the shelter until the
detector shows that the lightning strike is changed to the 12-24
miles range.
provide training to supervisory staff and workers on emergency
preparedness and response procedures for lightning, and
provide training to workers on safe and unsafe practices during a
lightning storm warning.

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Sheet Piling
Sheet-piling operations include driving and extracting.
Air compressors, cranes, lifting gear and vibrating hammers are common
plant and equipment for sheet-piling work and the use of such plant and
equipment shall comply with statutory requirements, manufacturers
recommendations and safety requirements specified in corresponding
sections of this plan.
The most hazardous operations in sheet piling are to lift and guide the
interlocking of sheet piles and several serious accidents had been
occurred in the industry due to improper working at height and lifting
To minimize hazards in sheet piling operations, the following safety
precautions shall be complied with:

the sheet piles shall be stored on firm and even ground, stacked
orderly and securely to prevent slipping or toppling during handling;
if wailings and trestles are required for the temporary support of sheet
piles, that support shall be properly designed by a competent engineer
and constructed in accordance with specifications;
to lift a sheet pile horizontally, at least two slings in a suitable angle
shall be used lifting a sheet pile at its mid-point by a single sling is
strictly prohibited;
to lift a sheet pile vertically by a hole cut on the upper end of the sheet
pile, the lifting method shall be properly designed, communicated and
controlled to prevent detachment of the pile from the lifting gear;
a remote-release shackle shall be used when practicable; the length of
the operating rope shall be less than the length of the pile and the rope
shall be secured around the pile to prevent snagging, or being caught
by wind and becoming inaccessible;
no person shall stay within the radius (length of sheet pile) of a sheet
pile during lifting;
if practicable, the protruding portion of a fixed sheet pile shall be
minimized to about 1 metre above ground level so that workers can
carry out the guiding/ interlocking processes at ground level;
in case the interlocking process has to be carried out at high level
(above 2 metres), provision of a safe working platform, use of an
elevated platform or use of a sheet-pile threader shall be considered
the use of a mancage for sheet-piling operations is strictly prohibited;

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Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

welding/cutting operations shall comply with safety requirements in

corresponding sections of this plan;
workers handling sheet piles shall wear protective gloves, and
suitable ear protectors shall be worn by workers during the operation
of a vibrating hammer.

Working in Vicinity of Utilities

Prior to the start of an excavation, an Excavation Permit shall be obtained
from the Highways Department. A competent person shall be appointed
by the Project Director for underground utility detection for excavations not
less than 450 millimetres from ground level. Underground utilities
generally include electric cables, gas and water mains, cable-television
and telephone lines, and communication cables. The report completed by
the competent person shall contain information on the alignment and
depth of the identified underground electricity cables. A copy shall be
maintained on site for record.
The relevant utility company shall be notified of related works and
requested to provide detailed information of its utilities in the vicinity of the
Utility detection reports issued by the competent person, construction
drawings for the project and information from related utility companies
shall be carefully checked.
If necessary, a series of hand-dug trial pits shall be used to check the
location of underground utilities. If a diversion is required, the relevant
utility company shall be notified as soon as practicable. The utility
diversion works shall only be carried out after consent from the relevant
utility company. Utilities or supports will not be interfered with or buried
without the prior consent/approval of the relevant utility company or
government department.
During the course of excavation, the following precautions shall be
adopted by site personnel to prevent damage of to underground utilities:

Whenever practicable, for hand digging near underground services,

use spades and shovels (picks or forks are not safe).
Watch out for any sign or indication of the position or existence of
cables as work continues.
Do not use hand-held power tools directly over the marked
alignment of an underground electricity cable identified by the

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Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

competent person. Only use such tools if the work cannot feasibly
be carried out by hand tools.
For hand-held power tools used for the purpose of breaking
concrete, maintain a horizontal clearance of 250 millimetres from
any underground electricity cable. Other wise, maintain a clearance
of 500 millimetres around any underground electricity cable.
Keep a clear distance of 1 metre between the side of any distribution
cable (ie, voltage below 66 kilovolts) and the bucket of a mechanical
excavator. For transmission cables (ie, 66 kilovolts and above),
extend the distance to 3 metres.
Keep a clear distance between underground electrical cables and
other utilities (eg, gas and water pipes and telecommunications
cables). The distance shall be at least 300 millimetres for cables of
below 66 kilovolts and at least 1 metre for cables of 66 kilovolts and
Do not build existing underground electricity cables into a manhole
or other structure or encase them in concrete.
Always provide adequate support and anchoring of exposed
underground utilities according to the utility undertakers
Report any accident or damage to an underground utility to the
relevant parties and the utility undertaker even if there is no
immediate danger as damage could lead to danger at a later date.
Evacuate everyone from the immediate area of the damage but, in
the case of damage to an electricity cable, do not attempt to remove
any object or touch injured persons in contact with the damaged
cable because the cable may still be live.
Even if the underground electricity cable seems to be disconnected
and abandoned, do not attempt to drill or cut into it, or to dismantle it
until approval has been given by the electricity supplier.
All back-filling of excavations shall be done carefully and warning
tapes, tiles, protection plates or other protection shall be replaced in
their original position. Before back-filling, the electricity supplier shall
be approached for make-up cable protection material if such
material is missing or damaged. The same back-filling material shall
be used unless otherwise agreed with the electricity supplier. If there
is doubt, advice shall be sought from the relevant utility undertaker
on the specific requirements for back-filling the excavation, including
the thickness of the bedding layer, type of material to be used and
method of compaction.
For working within 9 metres of an overhead power lines, ascertain
the voltage rating, the overhead-lines distance from the ground, and
consult the electricity supplier to agree on a mutually-acceptable

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Leighton Joint



Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

work plan.
In case of an emergency situation related to damage of an
underground or overhead utility:
inform the area supervisor immediately;
evacuate to a safe location and perform a head count to make
sure that all workers have been evacuated from the scene;
in case of damage of electricity cable, do not attempt to remove
any object or to touch injured persons in contact with the
damaged cable because the cable may still be live;
inform the Project Director of the emergency situation, providing
details such as:
- location of emergency situation;
- type of utility damaged;
- any injury;
- any fire/explosion, and
- any property damage;
inform the relevant utility undertaker, and
inform the Fire Services Department for assistance if there is a
risk of fire and explosion.

Housekeeping means maintaining the necessary standards of domestic
cleanliness and tidiness to make sites and workplace safe, healthy,
pleasant places at which to work. It may be summarized by the phrase a
place for everything and everything in its place. Bad housekeeping is the
cause of a large number of accidents on site.
Leighton will perform daily cleaning and weekly tidying of the sites which
include but not limited to the following:

thorough cleansing of passageways, common accesses and public

re-organising of storage materials for better utilisation of storage
spaces and stacking;
maintenance and re-conditioning of tools and equipment;
cleansing of external covers for plant and equipment;
collection and removal of disposed waste materials off site; cleansing,
re-conditioning and/ or replacement of hoarding, barriers, guarding,
lighting, and signage of works to good working condition;
clearing of drains and channels to prevent flooding; and
other cleansing as instructed by Engineers Representative from the
perspective of general public.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Checklist will be developed and used to monitor the effectiveness of daily

cleaning and weekly tidying for compliance with company and contract


The purpose of good housekeeping is to promote order and cleanliness
through a site.
There are three main objectives are to:
eliminate accidents and fire hazards;
conserve space, time, material and effort, and
obtain and maintain good working conditions.
The general layout of a site is extremely important in good housekeeping.
Roads and passageways shall be kept clear of obstructions at all times.
All roads sign shall be posted to enable lorries coming on site to proceed
to their correct destination and to facilitate emergency services to get to
their destinations with ease and a minimum of delay.


Stairways shall at all times be kept clear of all material, shall be correctly
lit and provided with handrails.


Access Ways and Passageway

All access ways and passageways shall be kept clear at all times.
All access ways and passageways shall be so arranged that they are the
easiest means of going through a site, thereby reducing the temptation to
employees to take short cuts and walk through operating areas and near
other equipment.
Stacked material shall not project into access ways or passageways.


Overhead Walkways and Ramps

Nothing shall be thrown down from one level to another.
Objects shall not be placed on overhead locations, such as scaffolding,
window ledges or shelves, where they could fall and strike persons
working below. In such locations, suitable protection shall be installed to
prevent such objects from falling.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Regular inspections of overhead walkways shall be carried out to make

sure that no loose material is left around.


Floors, passageways and walkways shall be kept clear of small articles,
tools, scrap metal or any other working material when they are no longer
in use.
Oils, grease, chips or other material that can be the cause of slipping or
falling shall be removed.
Floors shall be cleared frequently and kept in good condition, firm and
level. Worn spots and other defects shall be reported for immediate repair.
Inclined ramps shall have raised slats fixed on their surface, with an
opening to enable wheelbarrows to be moved along them.


Material Storage
Improper stacking and storage of material is a major safety hazard and
shall not be tolerated.
Inside stacking shall be done in specially-designated places and located in
such a manner as to minimize the hazard of a stack falling. The stacked
material shall not present a tripping hazard.
Proper clearance shall be allowed between a ceiling and the top of a
In the stacking of bulky objects, specially-designed guards shall be
provided to prevent material rolling and shifting into an aisle or place
where persons are working.
Stacked material on a working platform shall be protected against falling
by wire-mesh guards or other suitable means.


Small tools and implements shall not be permitted to lie around where
they may present a slipping or tripping hazard.
Special racks for tools shall be provided.
Tools bins shall be provided for picks, shovels and similar tools.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Storage places shall be located conveniently where workers will use them,
and, thereby, reduce the temptation to leave equipment at the workplace
where it could cause an accident or be lost. Tool cribs and racks will
encourage good housekeeping and promote efficiency.
Tool-box and site-box lids shall be propped open to prevent finger and
hand injuries.


Loose Timber
When shuttering is stripped, all loose timber shall be carefully stacked and
Loose timber with protruding nails is a major source of accidents.
Therefore, all nails shall be removed or bent over to prevent penetration


The site management and Safety Management Committee members shall
set criteria for the assessment of housekeeping conditions.

14.23.10 Removal of Waste Material

Waste material shall be regularly removed from the site and before the
next trade starts work.
Material shall be lowered from the buildings in a safe manner and not
tipped or thrown down from a height.
Suitable containers shall be provided at working floors to collect waste
material from construction activities.
A temporary refuse chute with inlet hopper at each floor shall be provided
for a multi-storey building. The discharge area at the ground floor shall be
fenced with a close-boarded barrier with sufficient strength and warning
notices in English and traditional Chinese characters shall be posted on
the barrier.
Waste material shall be stacked in designed area and shall not to obstruct
any access.
All waste material shall be regularly removed by dump truck.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Occupational Health and Safety in Offices


Statutory References
The statutory references are:
Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance;
Occupational Safety and Health Regulation, and
Occupational Safety and Health (Display Screen



General Safety Requirements

A risk assessment shall be carried out for the use of display-screen
equipment in offices.
Workstations of suitable design in accordance with guidance for working
with display-screen equipment shall be provided.
Corridors and emergency exits in the site office shall be maintained in a
tidy condition and free from obstruction.
Electrical appliances in the site office shall be installed by a licensed
electrician and shall be inspected monthly.
First-aid boxes shall be provided at prominent locations and shall be
inspected monthly by a first aider.
A layout plan of emergency escape routes shall be displayed on notice
Sufficient fire-fighting appliances and warning devices shall be provided
and maintained in good working condition.
The Safety Officer or his nominee shall conduct a monthly check of the
office facilities.


Temporary Works
Formal procedures shall be employed to control the design, erection,
installation, maintenance, loading and dismantling of significant temporary
works such as formwork, falsework, scaffolding and excavation support
The Safety Officer shall monitor the situation to make sure that the
procedures are applied to all relevant temporary works on the project.
For major temporary works, a suitably-qualified and experienced engineer

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

shall be appointed as a temporary-works coordinator to supervise and

coordinate the procedures and to liaise, where appropriate, with the Safety
Officer to make sure that the design, erection, installation, loading and
dismantling of the relevant temporary works are performed without risk to
personnel or property.
The temporary-works coordinator shall sign off before concrete is poured.


Electrical Power Supplies

Technical knowledge and experience are required by those responsible
for the design, installation and maintenance of an effective and safe
electrical installation. All electrical work shall be carried out by authorized
and experienced personnel pursuant to statutory electricity regulations
and the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Electricity) Regulations.
All electrical apparatus shall be treated with respect. Care shall be taken
to make sure that the correct type of apparatus is used and that it is
capable of operating safely under the worst and most-hazardous
conditions liable to be encountered.
All installation shall be tested by a registered electrical worker at the
outset and inspections and tests shall be carried out monthly. All
temporary electrical distribution boards shall be locked and accessible
only by authorized electrical workers. A suitable electrical-hazard warning
notice shall be placed on the board. The registered electrical worker shall
inspect all distribution boxes monthly. He shall complete a Distribution
Boxes Monthly Electrical Installation Inspection Checklist and return a
copy to the safety office for its record.
It is sometimes necessary, because of the nature or circumstances of a
particular job, for cables to lie on the ground, if only for a short time. In
such cases, additional protection shall be provided a useful method is to
effectively sleeve them (eg, in reinforced hose pipe).
Joints in cables shall be avoided whenever practicable. When
unavoidable, they shall only be made in a purpose-built housing.
Cables on site are inevitably subjected to rough treatment. Heavy-dutytype cables shall be used and special care shall therefore be taken to
make sure that the earth-continuity conductor remains intact because, if it
is broken, the whole system will no longer be safe even though the supply
will not be interrupted.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

All portable hand tools shall be operated at 110 volts. A step-down

transformer shall be provided at the switch box if a 110-volt supply is not
All hand tools shall be inspected by a registered electrical worker quarterly
and an Electrical Hand Tools Checklist completed. A tag marked with the
registered number and the examined date shall be affixed to each
checked hand tool. An electric hand tools register shall be maintained by
the Safety Officer.
Temporary site lighting shall be operated at a voltage of 110 volts or
lower. A lock-out system shall be implemented for repair-and-maintenance
works on the temporary electrical system.


Plant and Equipment


Statutory References
The statutory references are:
Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Lifting Appliances and Lifting
Gear) Regulations;
Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Loadshifting Machinery)
Code of Practice for Safe Use of Mobile Cranes; and
Code of Practice for Safe Use of Excavators


Instruction, Training and Certification

All workers shall be trained at induction in the safe use of equipment. For
some equipment, special training shall be given. Additionally, instruction
regarding the safe use of equipment shall be given through tool-box
The list of trainees shall be kept on site for records.


Personal Protective Equipment Programme

A programme for the use of personal protective equipment programme for
special equipment shall be developed. Appropriate personal protective
equipment shall be provided to users before they start using any special
equipment. The issue, maintenance and replacement of personal
protective equipment and the supervision on using personal protective
equipment shall be monitored by site management.


Protection Zone for Slewing Plant

To prevent workers entering the slewing zone of plant, which may

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

endanger peoples life, a protection zone shall be established with:

a physical barrier to barricade the whole plant to extend the protection
zone for the plant to work in;
a physical barrier attached to the rear part of the plant to form a
suitable protection zone (however, this physical barrier shall move with
the plant), and
a suitable, retractable and soft barrier, installed to the rear of the plant
to form a minimum flexible distance between a person and the plant;
the dimension of the fixture shall be commensurate with the size and
the construction of the plant and shall not be less than 0.8 metres in
length; there shall be no sharp edges on the fixture.


Mechanical Integrity Programme

The Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Management)
Regulations require that a mechanical-integrity programme be developed
to ensure the continued integrity of process equipment.
The Project Director or his delegate shall complete a survey of all
mechanical plant and equipment to be used on site. The plant and
equipment shall be evaluated to determine any loss potential. A detailed
maintenance schedule shall be prepared by the Plant Manager and a
representative from Leighton Contractors (Asia) Limiteds Plant
Department for discussion at the Site Safety Committee meeting.


Issue of Plant Permit

In order to make sure that all plants in the site are complying with the
statutory and in-house requirements, a plant permit system would be
applied. While all valid statutory certificates of the plant and the authorized
person are collected, Leightons or subcontractors designated mechanical
workers shall check the plant thoroughly with the critical part inspection
(CPI) checklist. Leighton shall issue out the plant permit accordingly if
there were no defects observed. Such plant permit would be re-issued
quarterly subject to the condition and validity of the plant and the
authorized person respectively.


Wood-working Machinery
To ensure the safe use of wood-working machinery:
The use of wood-working machinery is governed by the Factories
and Industrial Undertakings (Wood Working Machinery) Regulations.
Effective guarding shall be provided to the rotating parts of the
wood-working machinery.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint





Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

When guards are removed to facilitate the checking or maintenance

of the machine, that machine shall be isolated so that it cannot be
operated with the guard removed.
A riving knife shall be provided to circular bench saw.
An emergency stop shall be provided.
Fire extinguishers shall be provided.
No smoking/no naked fire warning signs shall be displayed at
prominent places.
No accumulation of wood dust is allowed, and generated wood dust
shall be clean up by the end of each shift.
A noise assessment shall be conducted for the machine. If the noise
level exceeds the first-action level, a noisy zone shall be demarcated
and noise protectors shall be provided to the operator of the wood
working machine.
Only trained operators of 18 years old or older shall use woodworking machines.

Noise at Work
Noisy operations in the workplaces are governed by the Factories and
Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation.
Leighton is aware of the statutory and contractual obligations with regard
to noise and shall implement arrangements to make sure that those
requirements are satisfied. Competent persons shall carry out noise
assessments of construction activities suspected of generating excessive
noise levels. Reasonable steps shall then be taken to correct the situation
after the work noise level has been determined.
The completed noise assessment report shall be submitted to the Labour
Department within 28 days after the date of noise measurement. If the
measured noise level is greater than the second action level (90 decibels
(acoustic)), which is prescribed by law, a standard warning sign shall be
placed on the source of the noise for easy reference and the operator who
works with that particular source of noise shall be provided with an
approved-type hearing protector. Reasonable steps shall be taken to
make sure those operators wear their hearing protector properly under
noisy circumstances.


Structural Steel Erection

Lifting, welding and cutting operations involved in structural-steel erection
shall comply with statutory and safety requirements in corresponding
sections of this plan.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Basic safety rules that shall be followed in structural-steel erection include:

properly planning and organizing structural-steel erection works, in
particular the sequence of works to ensure the structural stability of the
framework during erection;
appoint an experienced engineer and supervisor to monitor and
supervise the erection work;
use a working team that is experienced in structural-steel erection,
trained and aware of the sequence of work;
carry out inspections at the end of each shift by an engineer to ensure
the erected members are secured and the overall structure is stable;
store structural-steel in orderly piles and securely stack to prevent
members sliding or toppling of the stack;
properly plan, communicate and implement lifting methods for steel
members of irregular shape;
use tags line to control all loads raised by a crane;
suspend erection work during inclement weather, such as a rainstorm,
thunderstorm or Typhoon Signal no. 3 or higher;
for workers working at height, provide a suitable access and working
platform for the erection work; if impracticable, provide an adequate
fall-protection system such as safety nets, safety harnesses, lifelines
and fall arrestors;
provide access with a sufficiently-wide properly-graded firm surface and
provide for transporting steel members on site, and
any working surface where a person is liable to fall 1.2 metres or
greater shall be protected from fall with either guardrails, personnel fallarrest systems or safety nets.


Demolition is a high-risk activity, with works being carried out in the
reverse order of construction. Such work shall be undertaken by a

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

registered specialist contractor under the supervision of a demolition

Hazards in demolition work include:
falling person, falling material, flying material and debris;
collapse of the building or structure (deliberately or unplanned);
overloading floors or the structure with debris;
use of incorrect methods;
explosions in tanks or confined spaces;
live electric cables or gas mains;
dusty, corrosive or poisonous material or atmosphere, and
projecting nails and broken glass.
Before commencing demolition work, the registered specialist contractor
shall carry out a sufficiently-detailed survey for the proper identification of
any structural problems and risks associated with flammable substances
and substances hazardous to health. That statement shall include:
a board description of the work to be done;

appointment of a

competent and experienced demolition

details of the removal of electrical, gas and other services;

the method and sequence of demolition;
selection of powered mechanical plant or equipment;
procedures for overcoming those environmental hazards such as

asbestos, lead, flammable or toxic fumes;

protection of adjacent structures;
protection and convenience of the public;
provision and maintenance of safe workplace, access and egress

removal of debris;

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

provision and use of personal protection equipment, and

emergency procedures.

Before any demolition work is started, a Demolition Plan and method

statement shall be submitted by the registered demolition contractor to the
Buildings Department for approval.
The operator of powered mechanical plant or equipment used in the
demolition work shall have at least three years experience in operating
the particular plant and equipment.
During demolition, continuing inspection shall be made as work
progresses to detect any hazards to workmen resulting from weakened or
over-loaded floors or loosened material.
When there is danger of persons or property being struck by falling
material or debris, fans or catch platforms shall be provided and
maintained not more than 6 metres below the working floor.
The vehicular access ramp must only be demolished under the
supervision and instructions of a person with adequate experience in such
work. Material shall be available for any temporary support necessary
during demolition.
Every structural member that is being dismantled shall not be under any
load other than its own mass. While installing temporary bracing, supports
or protection to existing structure shall be erected carefully with
calculations and monitoring before work starts.


Electrical Safety
The process address all electrical works in particular of modification,
repair outstanding works for electrical and mechanical installation already
put in service or the concerned circuits (or adjacent circuits) have been
energized, and works which have to be carried out in restrictive and
conducive workplaces.

a) Isolation of

LIVE WORK is not allowed for electrical installation except
Earth Fault Loop Impedance Test and Phase Test only.
The responsible person (i.e. a nominated Registered Electrical
Worker (REW) of the Registered Electrical Contractor) will
prepare and submit a Permit-to-Work application (signed Part
1 & 2) to Leighton clearly identifying the scope and nature of
the work before commencement of works including details of

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan
electrical equipment to be isolated with appropriate locking
facilities. He will be responsible for monitoring and supervising
the Improvement Plan works.
The assigned Registered Electrical Worker will switch off and
isolate the plug-in (MCCB) unit inside electrical switch room
and lockout the plug-in (MCCB) unit. Warning signs will be
displayed next to point of isolation. The circuit being checked
will be considered as live circuit prior by electrical appliances
to confirmation of de-energization.
For live works or checking of de-energization, Personal
protective equipment of insulated gloves and insulated floor
mat will be used.

b) Qualification of

All electrical work shall only be carried out by qualified

Registered Electrical Worker (REW) who registered in
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) and
with a valid certificate.
Non-REWs are prohibited to carry out live electrical work.
A Non-REW shall only carry out electrical work with
supervision of an REW.

c) Unfavourable
Site Conditions

Risk assessment will be prepared for unfavourable site

A Permit-to-work system will be implemented to control access
into the electrical switch rooms. A separate permit will be
applied for access to each switch room.
The access to electrical switch rooms under the Improvement
Plan will be controlled by Leighton. Subject to satisfactory
review of the Permit-to-Work application from the responsible
person, the Permit-to-Work will be issued by the appointed
representative from the Leighton. The Permit-to-work will be
displayed at the door of switch room and a permit displayed at
the barrier of the area within the concerned circuit.
On completion of the works, the Permit-to-Work will be signed
off and the door will be locked to prevent unauthorized access.
The displayed permit will be removed and returned to
A co-worker system will be applied if electrical works are
required at or near exposed live conductors or ceiling voids.

d) Protective
Devices for
e) Safety Training
Copyright Leighton. 2015

Residual Current Device will be installed temporary for the

lighting circuits during the T&C and to be removed handover to
All new comers will attend Site Safety Induction Training which

H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan
cover electrical safety.
Specific Training will be conducted to all workers on the
Permit-to-work System and Electrical Safety.
In morning assembly, all workers will again be reminded that
no LIVE WORK is allowed.
Hazards Identification and Field control briefing will conduct to
the workers before they carry out electrical installation.
Tool box training related Electrical Safety should be provided


Portable electrical power tools shall be operated at 110

voltages or lower.

g) Personal

Personal protective equipment of insulated gloves and

insulated floor mat will be used during checking of deenergization and Test and Commissioning on live parts.

h) Safety

A full time REC supervisor will be assigned to supervise the

works at the switch room and where the rectification works or
inspections are being carried out to prevent unauthorized entry
and ensure compliance of permit and stated precautionary
measures. The entrance of switch room and area within
concerned circuit will be fenced off with portable barriers.


On completion of the works, the Permit-to-Work will be signed

off and the door will be locked to prevent unauthorized access.
The displayed permit will be removed and returned to

Working at

Safe working platform with handrails and access will be used

for working at height.


Energization of
Electrical Circuit

Prior to energization of a permanent electrical circuit, REW

shall carry out visual inspection to ensure all cable/wiring
connections/terminations are completed, no surface damage of
cable insulation or loose connection of cable wire, all metallic
parts are properly earthed, all protective devices are properly
installed, the entire circuit has been satisfactorily tested and
commissioned according to the approved T&C procedures and
Work Completion Certificate (WR1/WR1a) has been issued by
Registered Electrical Contractor REC and REW.
Circuit will be energized prior to Fire Service Inspection stage
till hand over which limit the duration of live circuit.

k) Temporary
Lighting for the

Copyright Leighton. 2015

Temporary lightings of 110 volts or below are provided. Head

lamp will be used as supplement.


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan
When permanent electricity supply and permanent lighting is
safely available, it will be used with the permission of
Engineers Representative.

A Buddy system is adopted for all activities involving live works. A

person working on live parts should normally be accompanied by
someone who is in a safe position, who can help by disconnecting the
supply and who can render first aid or obtain assistance in the event of an


Drainage/ Sewerage Works

Prior to the commencement of works, risk assessments will be performed
to evaluate potential hazard of different aspects of the works. And then
corresponding preventive measures will be Incorporated and then put into
force for implementation.
The following are key safety measures to be implemented at work:
- Underground utilities mapping and permit-to-dig system will be
- Excavation plant will be tested and examined by competent examiner
before use. Daily pre-use inspection will be performed by operator and
critical parts inspection will be performed by competent mechanic
- Mirrors, reversing video device, slewing probes will be installed to
excavator and Banksman will be provided to prevent worker struck by
moving machine.
- Rigid barriers and toe-boards will be installed along edges of
- Safe access and egress will be provided and maintained at excavation.
- Shoring system will be designed by competent engineer. Inspection will
be carried out to check stability of support by engineer at weekly
interval and immediately after inclement weather.
- Suitable wedges will be used for storing of concrete drain pipes.
- Tested and examined cranes and nylon webbing slings will be used for
lifting of drain pipes.
- Trained signalman will be employed and rigging training will be
provided to drain layers responsible for lifting operations.
- Confined space permit-to-work system will be implemented for working
in manholes or sewers.
- Emergency rescue equipment for confined space will be provided and
maintained on site.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Landscaping Works
Prior to the commencement of works, risk assessments will be performed
to evaluate potential hazard of different aspects of the works. And then
corresponding preventive measures will be Incorporated and then put into
force for implementation.
The following are key safety measures to be implemented at work:
- Landscaping specialist contractor will be employed for tree
transplanting works.
- Operator of chainsaw will be trained and provided with protective
helmet, faceshield, eye protector, ear protector, protective gloves and
- Tested and examined mechanical elevated platform e.g. boom lift,
scissor lift, etc. will be provided for working at height where practicable.
- Harness, lanyards and lifelines for tree climbing shall be designed to
nature of work and comply with relevant Labour Department standards.
Pre-use check shall be conducted to ensure in good working condition.
- Only trained person will be allowed for tree climbing with suitable fall
arresting equipment and ladders.
- Safety data sheet for pesticide or insecticide used will be obtained for
health risk assessment. Recommended safety measures will be
communicated to concerned supervisors and workers.
- Supervisor will enforce compliance with recommended safety
measures include use of personal protective equipment.
- Permit-to-Dig system and checking of utilities, eg. electric cables,
drainage pipes, water pipes etc. within the planter area will be

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Section 15 Miscellaneous Requirements


Site Security


Site Personnel
Unauthorized persons shall not be allowed to enter the site.
Subcontractors workers shall be registered at Leightons site office on
arrival on site. A copy of their Hong Kong Identity Card shall be kept at the
site office for reference. All employees shall be given a Leightons badge
(the entry permit) after attending the safety induction course. Those entry
permits will last for one year and shall be renewed ahead of time.
Warning signs prohibiting unauthorized entry to the site shall be exhibited
at each entrance, at the exit of the site and at any other appropriate places
along the boundary of the site. All staff shall act to make sure that children
are not allowed on site.
Proper records shall be kept of all equipment and material brought onto or
taken away from the site.
A uniformed guard or watchman shall be employed to look after the office
compound and to conduct regular patrols of the site area after working


Site Vehicles
All site vehicles shall be well maintained in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations. All on-road vehicles shall be registered
and licensed by the Transport Department.
Any off-road vehicle deemed not suitable for its intended purpose shall not
be used. Any on-road vehicle that is not registered and licensed by the
Transport Department shall not be allowed on site unless special
permission is obtained from Leighton.
All vehicles entering and leaving the site shall be recorded by the security
guard and the record will be kept at the guardhouse for reference.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Site Equipment, Material and Plant

Each subcontractor shall be responsible for the safe custody of its
equipment, material and plant, and shall appoint its own security guard to
guard their property.
Proper records shall be kept of all equipment and material brought onto or
taken away from the site.


Security Guard
A licensed security service company shall be employed to provide security
service on site on a 24-hour basis throughout the Contract period. Their
main duties shall be:

Checking all vehicles at the ingress/egress point of the site to

prevent theft/burglary.
Checking that all workers entering the site to make sure that they
possess an Entry Permit.
Carrying out night patrols around the site to prevent vandalism,
trespassing and burglary.

Sufficient watchmen or uniformed guards shall be employed to look after

the office compound. No other personnel shall be allowed to remain on the
site after working hours unless it is for security purposes.


Smart-Card System
Smart-card system shall be installed at the site entrance to record and
verify the information of all site personnel entering and leaving the sites.
No persons are allowed to work on site without a smart-card. All visitors
shall be issued a visitor card for identification.


Lone Worker Procedures

Workers shall carry out their task by at least 2 persons at any one time
under Leighton supervision.


Construction Design Management (CDM)


Appointment of Contractor Project Supervisor

For design and built projects, a suitably experienced professional shall be
appointed for advising and assisting the project in co-ordinating design
work; managing communication between different parties; liaising with
different parties about ongoing design matters; ensuring that the health

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

and safety file is created, updated and properly managed.


CDM Process
CDM is a systematic consideration and management of safety and health
issues from preliminary design to project completion and subsequent
stages. The following processes shall be followed at different stages of
project with suitable reference to Guidance Notes on Constructions
Design and Management published by Environment, Transport and work
Bureau, Hong Kong Housing Authority and Occupational Safety and
Health Council.
1) At preliminary design stage, discussion or brainstorming meetings
shall be conducted among all key stakeholders and other relevant
parties to facilitate productive discussion and cross-fertilization of
ideas, comments and concerns relating to health and safety design
issues. All the significant comments and concerns should be recorded
in the Summary of Health and Safety Concerns and included in the
Project Health and Safety File. In case the hazards and impacts
identified are significant, alternative design options shall be considered
where practicable.
2) At detailed design stage, the design team shall conduct a
comprehensive consideration on all possible hazards and impacts,
together with a risk assessment for their design. The risk assessment
shall ensure that all foreseeable hazards and impacts during the
construction and maintenance phase are covered, and regularly
reviewed and updated are carried out until the design is finished. The
Contractor Project Supervisor shall review that the hazards and
impacts associated with the project are identified sufficiently by the
designers with risk control measures established, and the key
stakeholders are communicated to and fully aware of the safety and
health issues affecting the project. All significant hazards and impacts
identified at this stage shall be documented in the Hazard and Impact
Summary, after consultation and agreement with stakeholders and
other relevant parties, the Summary shall be finalised and included in
the Project Health and Safety File.
3) At tender preparation stage, a Pre-tender Health and Safety Plan shall
be prepared which include sufficient details on significant hazards and
impacts for reference by tenders. The Pre-tender Health and Safety
Plan shall be included in the Project Health and Safety File.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

4) After the contract award, the Project Safety Plan shall be prepared
based on the available information on Pre-tender Health and Safety
Plan and other applicable health and other safety issues arising from
the proposed construction methods. In addition, all significant
information relevant to the subsequent operation, maintenance and
demolition of the project shall be identified, collected during the
construction stage and updated to Project Health and Safety File.
5) Upon completion of the construction stage, the Project Health and
Safety File shall be reviewed for the sufficiency of its content and pass
to the operation and maintenance parties for their reference and
subsequent updating works.

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan


Definition of Project Health and Safety Objectives

Output objectives
a) Accident
Frequency Rate
b) Incident Rate
c) Severity Rate
d) Average
Time Rate
e) Loss Time Injury
Frequency Rate
Total Recordable
Injury Frequency
g) Class 1 Damage
Frequency Rate








No. of non-fatal reportable accidents

Man-hour worked
No. of Reportable Accidents
No. of Employee
No. of Daylost
No. of Daylost
No. of Loss Time Injury
No. of LTI
(No. of Fatality + PD Class 1 + LTI +
No. of PD Class 1

x 100,000
x 1, 000 x 12
x 1,000,000

x 1,000,000

x 1, 000,000

x 1,000,000

Input objectives
h) Safe
Cycle Attendance


Frequency Rate
per 1,000,000 MH
% Close out of

k) No.
Class 1 risk being
l) Staff / workers
the SFL walk
m) Toolbox Meeting

No. of Worker Attended SWC

day /

No. of Employee


No. of Near Miss Reported



No. of investigation report completed in

the month
No. of investigation report completed in
the month
No. of uncontrolled Class 1 risks
identified in the walk
No. of SFL walk conducted

x 1,000,000

x 100%

No. of worker / staff interviewed



No. of SFL walk conducted

No. of Worker Attended TBM
No. of Employee

x 100%

The Accident Frequency Rate is triggered following two categories -

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint


Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

when there are 2 or more accidents in the previous two months and the two-month moving
average (2MMA) of the accident rate is higher than 0.6 or DEVB's latest target; and/or
when there are 2 or more accidents in the previous three months and the three-month moving
average (3MMA) of the accident rate is higher than 0.9 or DEVB's latest target.

Loss Time Injury (LTI):

Medical Treatment Injury: (MTI)

Restricted Work Injury (RWI):

Copyright Leighton. 2015

An injury that results in time lost for the next full shift.
An injury treated by a medical practitioner but not losing a
full shift.
An injury that results in the injured person is unable to
perform their usual duties and performs restricted duties
for at least one full shift, post first aid or medical


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

2.6.1 Contact list of members in Safety Organization




Contact No.

Colman Wong

Chairman of SSEC

9730 0806

Darren Grant

Deputy Project Manager

9661 6992

Cathy Wong

Administration Manager

9664 1192

Hillary Poon

Construction Manager (Tunnel Buildings Structure)

6043 0407

Jimmy Leung

Construction Manager (Civil)

6461 4621

Ken Fan

E&M Manager

6018 7682

K. M. Tsui


9492 3394

Hermen Leung


9085 5598

Leo Hung

Project Safety Manager

9664 0709

Trevor Yeung

Safety Officer

9543 3031

Y. W. Wong

Safety Supervisor

9091 1545

Eric Wong

Safety Supervisor

9452 2438

So Man Choi

Safety Supervisor

9783 2144

Lo Chun Kau

Safety Supervisor

9279 2801

Chung Chi Keung

Safety Supervisor

9664 0718

Simon Shek

Safety Supervisor

9059 7084

Paul Sit

Safety Supervisor

9610 1693

Malcolm Leung

Environmental Officer

6323 9478

Joel Yiu

Healthcare Officer

9664 1200

External Emergency Contact List

Contact No



Police Station


Central Fire Station


Sheung Wan Fire Station


Kong Wan Fire Station


Queen Mary Hospital


Ambulance Centre


Labour Department


Drainage Services Department


Water Supplies Department


Hong Kong Electric


Hong Kong Telecom

1083 / 1093

HK & China Gas


Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

2.6.2 Register for First Aiders, Competent Persons and

First Aider / Competent Person (CP) /

First Aider

CP for Noise Assessment

CP for Confined Spaces

CP for Manual Handling

Joel Yiu
Hugo Yeung
So Man Choi
Leo Hung
Trevor Yeung
Franky Lo
Eric Wong
Lo Chun Kau
Ho Yu Tim
Leo Hung
Trevor Yeung
Leo Hung
Trevor Yeung
Tsui Kam Ming
Hermen Leung
So Man Choi
Leo Hung
Trevor Yeung

CP for Cable Detection

To be confirmed

CP for Scaffold Inspection

Gary Chu, Rai Ajai,

Au Kwok Wah,
Chan Kin Fung,
Chow Heung Kin

CP for Excavation Inspection

To be confirmed

CP for Abrasive Wheel Mounter

Au Kwok Wah
Au Ka Loy
Tang Man Yin
Shek Shui Tai
Yuen Hoi Chuen
Chow Heung Kin
Ho Yu Tim

Copyright Leighton. 2015


Relevant Qualification

First aider certificate

Registered Safety Officer

Registered Safety Officer
Confined Space Competent
Person Training Certificate
Registered Safety Officer

12-hr Metal Scaffolding by

CITA, Metal Scaffold Trades
Test Certificate

Abrasive Wheel Training


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

3.19.1 Structure of Induction Training Course


20 45

Fill/ Collect in attendance Form, Employees Declaration Form & minutes,

Rule Receipt
depends on

Check and Copy Green Card & other related certificates

class size

Issue Safety & Environmental Handbook & Uniforms

Taking Photographs for site passes & activate staff card

Video Impact of Workplace Injuries (8mins)

1. Introduction & Project Description
Site Entrances
Daily Safe Working Cycle Playground
Welfare Facilities
2. Company Safety Policy
3. General Duties of Employer and Employee in Safety
4. General Safety Rules
5. First Aid Procedures, Accident & Incident Reporting, Company
6. Emergency Procedures
Suspected Object
7. Company Safety Handbook
Confined Space
Manual Handling
Fall Prevention
Scaffold and Platform
Lifting Safety
Electrical Safety
Woodworking Machine
Abrasive Wheel
Welding/ Flame Cutting
Cartridge Operated Fixing Tool
Portable Tools
Chemical Substances
Loadshifting Machinery
Elevated Working Platform
8. Project Characteristics, High Potential Hazards and Control
Measures, Work at Height
9. Use and Replacement of Personal Protective Equipment
10. Strive for L.I.F.E. Safe Behavior
Copyright Leighton. 2015


120 minutes

H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

11. Disciplinary Actions
12. Environmental Training
Noise, Air, Waste, Ground, Water Trees
13. Question and Answer


15 20
depends on
class size

Induction Examination and Rule Tests
Marking of exam sheets
Total :

Copyright Leighton. 2015


3 hrs 15mins

H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

4.9.1 Applicable Regulations

All relevant statutory requirements shall be observed, the principle
requirements of which are:

Chapter 59, Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety

Management) Regulations;
Chapter 59, Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance and
subsidiary regulations, and
Chapter 509, Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance and
subsidiary regulations.

Other relevant statutory requirements to be observed during the execution

of the project may include, but may not be limited to the following:

Chapter 56, Boilers and Pressure Vessels Ordinance and subsidiary

Chapter 133, Pesticide Ordinance and subsidiary regulations;
Chapter 145, Control of Chemical Ordinance and subsidiary
Chapter 295, Dangerous Goods Ordinance and subsidiary regulations;
Chapter 303, Radiation Ordinance;
Chapter 311, Air Pollution Control Ordinance and subsidiary
Chapter 313, Shipping and Port Control Ordinance and subsidiary
Chapter 327, Lifts and Escalators (Safety) Ordinance and subsidiary
Chapter 354, Waste Disposal Ordinance and subsidiary regulations;
Chapter 358, Water Pollution Ordinance and subsidiary regulations;
Chapter 360, Pneumoconiosis (Compensation) Ordinance and
subsidiary regulations;
Chapter 384, Dangerous Goods (Consignment by Air)(Safety)
Ordinance and subsidiary regulations;
Chapter 400, Noise Control Ordinance and subsidiary regulations;
Chapter 406, Electricity Ordinance and subsidiary regulations;
Chapter 469, Occupational Deafness (Compensation) Ordinance and
subsidiary regulations;
Chapter 470, Builders Lift and Tower Working Platforms (Safety)
Ordinance and subsidiary regulations;
Chapter 486, Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and subsidiary
Chapter 548, Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) Ordinance;

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Chapter 572, Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance and subsidiary

Code of Practice on the Preparation of Asbestos Investigation
Reports, Asbestos Abatement Plans and Asbestos Management
Code of Practice on Asbestos Control Asbestos Work Using Full
Containment or Mini Containment Method;
Code of Practice on Safe Handling of Low Risk Asbestos-containing
Code of Practice on Asbestos Control Asbestos Work Using Glove
Bag Method;
Code of Practice on the Handling, Transport and Disposal of Asbestos
Code of Practice on Safety and Health at Work with Asbestos;
Code of Practice on Safety and Health at Work for Gas Welding and
Flame Cutting;
Code of Practice on Safety and Health at Work for Manual Electric Arc
Code of Practice on Bamboo Scaffolding Safety;
Code of Practice on Safe Use and Operation of Suspended Working
Code of Practice on Safety and Health at Work in Confined Spaces;
Code of Practice on Metal Scaffolding Safety;
Code of Practice on Safe Use of Mobile Cranes;
Code of Practice on Safety Management;
Code of Practice on Safe Use of Excavators,
Code of Practice on Control of Air Impurities (Chemical Substances) in
the Workplace;
Code of Practice on the Design and Construction of Builders Lifts;
Code of Practice on Working near Electricity Supply Lines;
Code of Practice on Safety and Health at Work for Industrial Driving;
Code of Practice for Laser Safety;
Code of Practice of Lightings, Signing and Guarding of Road Works
(Highway Department), and
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance
(Section 6A & 6B) Know Your General Duties
A Guide to the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations
A Guide to Construction Safety Management
Guidance Notes for the Electrical Products (Safety) Regulations
Code of Practice for Laser Safety (Committee on Science and
Technology, HKSAR)
Guidance Notes on Classification & Use of safety Belts and their
Anchorage Systems

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

A Guide to Safety and Health at Work for Gas Welding and Flame
Guidance Notes on Manual Handling Operations
A Brief Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined
Spaces) Regulations
A Brief Guide to the Provisions of Safe Places of Work under Part VA
of the Construction Site
(Safety) Regulations
A Brief Guide to the Requirements of the Factories and Industrial
Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulations
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Abrasive
Wheels) Regulations
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Cartridgeoperated Fixing Tools) Regulations
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Dangerous
Substances) Regulations
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Electricity)
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Fire Precautions
in Notifiable Workplaces) Regulations
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Gas Welding
and Flame Cutting) Regulations
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Lifting
Appliances and Lifting Gear) Regulations
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work)
A Guide to Section 6BA of the Factories and Industrial Undertakings
Ordinance Chapter 59
Mandatory Basic Safety Training
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Protection of
Eyes) Regulations
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety
Management) Regulations
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Officers
and Safety Supervisors) Regulations
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Spraying of
Flammable Liquids) Regulations
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Woodworking
Machinery) Regulations
A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Carcinogenic
Substances) Regulations
Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Loadshifting
Machinery) Regulations
Handbook on Guarding and Operation of Machinery
Notify Your Workplace and Construction Work
Reporting Workplace Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences
Reference Manual for Inspection Reports on Construction Sites
Reference Manual for Inspection Reports on Workplaces
Guidance Notes - F & IU (Noise at Work) Regulations
Guidance Notes - Safety at Work (Falsework-Prevention of Collapse)

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Guidance Notes on Appointment of Competent Persons for Noise

Assessment at Workplaces
Guidance Notes on Classification and Use of Safety Belts and their
Anchorage Systems
Guidance Notes on Fire Safety at Workplaces
Guidance Notes on Inspection, Thorough Examination and Testing of
Lifting Appliances and Lifting Gear
Guidance Notes On Safe Use of Earth-Moving Machinery
Guidance Notes on The Selection, Use and Maintenance of Safety
Guidance Notes for the Safe Isolation of Electricity Source at Work
Chemical Safety in the Workplace Guidance Notes on Risk
Assessment and Fundamentals of Establishing Safety Measures
Chemical Safety in the Workplace Guidance Notes on Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) for Use and Handling of Chemicals
Drainage Services Department Practice Note No. 1/2007 Safety
Supervision of Work in Confined Space
Guide to Trench Excavations (Shoring Support and Drainage
Measures) by HyD/CEDD
Prevention of Gas Poisoning in Drainage Works
Simple Guide on the Prevention of Gas Poisoning in Drainage Work
Guideline for Prevention of Heat Stroke and other Heat-induced
Accidents on Construction Site
Working Safety with Hand Tools
Practice Note for Professional Persons Handling of Asbestos
Containing Materials in Buildings;
Safety Precautions when working in Sewers, Drain and other Enclosed
Spaces reproduced in General Specification for Civil Engineering
Works by the Hong Kong Government;
DSD Practice Notice No. 1/2007 Safety Supervision of Work in
Confined Space.

The above ordinances and regulations are available on the Hong Kong
SAR government web site:

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

7.6.1 Summary of Risk Assessment

Hazards identified in the assessment and not covered below will be
addressed by the development of appropriate procedures.
Assessment No.


RA 1

Construction of West Ventilation Building Structure

RA 2

Hoarding Erection (WVB)

RA 3

Drill and Fixed of Reinforcement for Wall Construction in West Ventilation


RA 4

Installation of SLV Thermal Barrier System

RA 5

Soil Resistivity Test

RA 6

Conduit Installation Earthing and Lightning Installation

RA 7

Concealed Conduit and Accessories Installation

RA 8

Pipework and associated fitting hydraulic pressure test

RA 9

Installation of Tunnel VE Panel

RA 10

Installation of Pipes and Associated Fittings

RA 11

Construction for East Ventilation Shaft

RA 12

Tunnel Lighting and Cable Bracket System Installation

RA 13

Primary Bracket Installation

RA 14


RA 15


RA 16


RA 17

Installation of Automatic and Manual Fire Alarm System

RA 18


RA 19

Concrete Coring Work

RA 20

Installation of Fire Services Pump Sets

RA 21


RA 22

Installation of Submersible Pump and Level Sensor

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Assessment No.

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

RA 23
RA 24

Delivery of Generator to WVB

RA 25

Installation of SLV Thermal Barrier on Diaphragm Wall

RA 26

Delivery of Transformers and HV Panels to WVB

RA 27

East Ventilation Building RC Plinth

RA 28
RA 29

Plastering Works (Wet Trade)

RA 30

Installation of CCMS & ELV Cable Containment

RA 31

Air Purification System Equipment Delivery

RA 32
RA 33
RA 34

Painting Work

RA 35
RA 36
RA 37

Construction of Plinths on Tunnel Diaphragm Walls

RA 38

Waterproofing Works

RA 39

Construction of East Ventilation Building Structure

RA 40
RA 41

LVSB, MCC and UPS Delivery to WVB

RA 42

Electrical Final Fixing Installation for Building

RA 43

Metal Door Installation

RA 44
RA 45

Hoarding Erection (EVB & ADB)

RA 46

Construction of Administration Building Structure

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Assessment No.


RA 47

Installation of Tunnel Luminaires and Electrical Final Fix

RA 48
RA 49
RA 50

Construction of Plinths for Tunnel Cladding System on Tunnel Diaphragm


RA 51
RA 52

Copyright Leighton. 2015

HV Panel & Transformer Installation


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

10.6 Site Layout Plan

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

10.13 Typhoon and Rainstorm Checklist

Safety Checklist before Typhoon/ Storm Signal No. 8*
Zone :






Switch off unnecessary electricity supply

Fully shield outdoor electric distribution boxes or
transposition them to indoor location

Keep lifting appliances in safety condition
including lowering and properly securing jibs of
mobile crane

Secure temporary works

Keep fencing to excavation area

Secure scaffold

Secure hoarding

Drainage system and pits are cleared of
obstructions and sludge

Pump systems are tested, refueled and primed

Guy wire affixed to structure are checked and

All sign / notices boards and barriers are

*After receiving advanced notice of typhoon/ storm signal 8 from Hong Kong
* 8 /
Checked by :




Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Safety Checklist for Resuming Works after Typhoon*

Zone :



Electricity supply is normal

Electric distribution boxes are in good


Lifting appliances are in good condition

Temporary works and structure are still firm

and stable

Excavation is safe and inspected by

competent person

Scaffold are safe and inspected by competent


Hoarding is in good condition

Water at trench or pit etc. are fully pumped




*After typhoon / storm signal NO. 8 or above is hoisted down

Checked by :




Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint

10.16.1 Summary of Emergency Procedures




Tropical-cyclone Procedures


Signal No. 1


Signal No. 3


Pre-No. 8 Special Announcement / Signal No. 8


Rainstorm-warning Procedures


Amber/Red Rainstorm Warning

Signal Issued Before Working Hours

Signal Issued During Working Hours

Signal Issued at End of Working Day


Black Rainstorm Warning

Signal Issued Before Working Hours

Signal Issued During Working Hours

Signal Issued at End of Working Day


Thunderstorm Warning

Monitoring and Reporting

Thunderstorm Procedures

Training and Information

First Aid


Landslip Warning


Follow-up Action


Fire Procedures


Flooding Procedures


Emergency Procedures Release of hazardous materials

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H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

Leighton Joint




Traffic Accident / Incident Reporting Procedures


Emergency Procedures Damage to Underground Utilities


Accident Emergency Procedures


Electric Shock




Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

Leighton Joint

Contract No. HY/2011/08

Central Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works
Associated with Tunnel Commissioning
Project Safety Plan

10.16.2 Emergency Contact List




Contact No.

Colman Wong

Project Director


9730 0806

Darren Grant

Deputy Project Manager


9661 6992

Hillary Poon

Construction Manager

Tunnel Buildings

6043 0407

Jimmy Leung

Construction Manager


6461 4621

Ken Fan

E&M Manager


6018 7682

Leo Hung

Project Safety Manager


9664 0709

Trevor Yeung

Safety Officer


9543 3031

Y. W. Wong

Safety Supervisor


9091 1545

Eric Wong

Safety Supervisor

Tunnel@Portion V & VII

9452 2438

So Man Choi

Safety Supervisor


9783 2144

Simon Shek

Safety Supervisor


9059 7084

Chung Chi

Safety Supervisor


9664 0718

Lo Chun Kau

Safety Supervisor

Tunnel@Portion IXa & IXd

9279 2801

Paul Sit

Safety Supervisor

Tunnel@Portion IXa & IXd

9610 1693

K. M. Tsui



9492 3394

Hermen Leung



9085 5598

Malcolm Leung

Environmental Officer


6323 9478

Christy So

Environmental Graduate Engineer


9664 0734

Joel Yiu

Healthcare Officer


9664 1200

Government & Public Utilities Company

Contact No



Police Station


Central Fire Station


Sheung Wan Fire Station


Kong Wan Fire Station


Queen Mary Hospital


Ambulance Centre


Labour Department


Drainage Services Department


Water Supplies Department


Hong Kong Electric


Hong Kong Telecom

1083 / 1093

HK & China Gas


Copyright Leighton. 2015


H2613-SAF-PLN-020-25; 31 March 2016

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