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Introduction to Empirical

Research: Identifying Relevant

Dr. M. V. Anuradha

Some aspect of Reality (Broad

Existing Knowledge on a Topic (Topic Choice,
Literature Review)
Theory Building and Hypothesis
Deciding on Measurement related
Research Proposal
Data Generation & Collection
Data Analysis:
Research paper Writing/Paper

What is Literature in the context

of Research?

Where to get literature from?

Books (contemporary research might be missing)classics and recent books
Journal Articles- classics and most recent work
(academic in nature)
Unpublished conference papers, Phd Theses,
newspaper articles, white papers etc
Official publications statistics and archives

Tips on how to decide what to

Expert opinion- professors, managers
Text Books
References (Citation Index)
Knowing databases (
Sage (
Google Scholar
CMIE(Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy)

Marketing Journals
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Academy of Marketing Science
Marketing Science
Journal of Consumer Research
European Journal of Marketing (Emerald)
Journal of Services Research (Sage)
Journal of Business Research (Elseiver)

Operations & Finance Journals

Management Science (General Management)

Journal of Operations Management
Decision Support System

Financial Management
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
Finance India
Journal of Banking

General Management Journals

Tips for Identifying Relevant

Identify relevant variables- Important Search words

Find their synonyms/ related topics

Knowing literature types- Conceptual and Empirical


Assessing relevance- Context, Kind of journal, Variables

being studied etc.

Classroom Exercise
Identify at least 10 papers for one topic decided by
your group(Download and write the references of each)

What were the search words used? List them down.

Where did you search for the paper? Name the
databases and journals.
Criterion for selection of the paper.

Introduction to Empirical ResearchReferencing.ppt

How to document literature?

Annotate References
Referencing Systematically
Summarize: for your own eyes, author and audience
Critical comment not just a summary- is it saying
anything new? What is the contribution? Is the
contribution worth it? Are there any methodological
defects? How is it different from other literature? What
is the underlying assumption about reality? Are the
assumptions clearly stated?
How does this paper help you in your research?

Classroom Exercise
Read three papers per group

Write the reference of the paper (refer to slides on

Summarize the paper
Criticize the paper

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