Because They Appeared in Public Nude 'As A Hint.' George Fox and Other Leaders Defended The Practice, When The Doer

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because they appeared in public nude 'as a hint.

' George Fox

and other leaders defended the practice, when the doer
felt it a religious duty to do that. . . . The suggestion of this type of sign came seemingly from
Isaiah's walking 'naked and
barefoot three years' (Isaiah 20:2,3)." 252 The Doukhobors, a radical Christian sect, used
nudity as a social demonstration in
Canada in the early 1900s.253 Paul Ableman records that "In May, 1979, Emperor Bokassa .
. . a minor Central
African tyrant, arrested a significant number of youngsters on charges of sedition and
massacred some of them. According to
The Guardian (London) of 18 May, 'Hundreds of women demo nude outside the penitentiary
until the survivors
were released.'" 254
In the 1920s, as element of a widening rebellion against genteel society, the size of bathing
suits began to
Fall. Nude beaches, reaching their peak of popularity in the 1970s, are the supreme result of
the process of
social emancipation. I've seen some contris of other men and just wished to attempt. This
were taken by my wife. We are new at any of this because were we live in Central America
this games aren't so quite welcome. I understand pics aren't the greatest, but I wanted to see
what all this is about. Greetings to all ladies in nudist. And expect to get nice comments from
ladies and couples just He visto controbuciones de otros hombres y queria aportar una.
Estas fueron tomadas por mi esposa. Somos nuevos en todo esto ya que en donde vivo en
Centro America, estos juegos no son muy aceptados. Se que las fotos no son de calidad
pero queria saber de que se trata todo esto. Saludos a todas las damas de nudist. Espero
tener buenos comentarios de mujeres y parejas
The free body motion generally in the 1970s fit this social and historical pattern. Examples
Contain casual nudity at Woodstock; "bare-in" demonstrations; as well as a record-setting
demonstration by Athens,
Georgia university students on March 7, 1974, when more than 1500 went nude on their
college campus. It took
tear gas to produce the students dress.255
Historic sources of the repression of nudity.
167. Repressive morality was created by the state as well as the Church as a tool to
preserve control over
otherwise free people.256
Paul Ableman writes: "A complicated culture has an enormous investment in differentiated
attire. It's
no accident that one of the first issues that a revolutionary regime turns its attention to is
clothing. The French
Revolution decreed classical elegance and simplicity. The Chinese homogenized clothes.
The Blessed Performers in Ocularpation Wall Street Head To Court in
Iran returned women to the black chador and so forth. . . . Sexual energy is required by the

authorities of the world to

maintain order. . . . It immediately becomes obvious why the accurate obscenity of killing and
violence has always been
of less concern to those in power compared to the pseudo-obscenity of sexual actions.
Departure provides no range for a network of
regulations by which society can be manipulated. . . . But sex is a long-lasting fountain of
dynamic energy, which can
be tapped for social purposes by regulations concerning marriage, divorce, adultery,
fornication, incest,
homosexuality, bestiality, chastity, promiscuity, decency and so forth. All those who wield
power intuitively perceive
that in the last resort their ability derives from the repression, and regulation, of sexuality, and
that free-flowing
sexuality is the biological equivalent of anarchy. All transferrals of power, all revolutions, are
accompanied by transformations of the regulations governing sexuality." 257 Seymour Fisher
writes: "The
Consequences of nudity as a way of declaring one's complete freedom have frequently
generated strong countermeasures
from those in power. Nudity is punishable by death in certain cultures. The Roman Catholic
church has instructed in
convent schools that it's sinful to expose your body even to your own eyes. The wearing of
clothing represents a
form of entry to prevailing mores. It's like putting on a 'citizen's uniform' and agreeing to play
the game." 258
168. Repressive morality has regularly sought to control not only nudity, but get an awesome
tan--with no lines. in general.
Margaret Miles observes that "the regulation of sexuality proved to be a leading power
dilemma in the fourth-century
Christian churches. Regulation of sexual practices was a method to inject the authority of
church laws and leaders into
the intimate and day-to-day relationships of Christians. Assessing the rules of the Council of
Gangra in AD 309,
[Samuel] Laeuchli found that 46 percent of the eighty one canons were concerned with
sexual relationships and
practices." 259 Philip Yancey notes that "between the third and tenth centuries, church
authorities issued edicts
Prohibiting sex on Saturdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, as well as during the 40-day rapid
periods before Easter,
Christmas, and Whitsuntide--all for spiritual reasons. They kept adding feast days and days
of the apostles to the
proscription, along with the days of female impurity, until it reached the point that, as Yale
historian John Boswell
has estimated, only 44 days a year stayed accessible for marital sex. Human nature being

what it is, the church's

proscriptions were enthusiastically discounted." 260 Don Mackenzie notes that Christ and the
very first church, in
Comparison, emphasized a message of independence--"from demonic powers, from
tyrannical governments, from destiny. . . .
[and] a prevalent dedication to the separation of secular and ecclesiastical power. . . . [The
Church] embraced
asceticism, not in compliance to its founder's teachings but as a bid for support in the face of
competition, offering
spiritual solace to individuals whose material world (the Roman Empire) was collapsing.
Once the Church was officially

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