Oumh 1303

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CONFIDENTIAL COURSE CODE DATE DURATION TIME GON UNIVERSITY YSIA JANUARY SEMESTER 2013 FINAL EXAMINATION ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION OUMH1303 13 APRIL 2013 1 HOUR 11.45 AM - 12.45 PM INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper is set in ENGLISH. ANSWER in ENGLISH. 2. This question paper consists of PART A only. 3. Read CAREFULLY the instructions. 4, Write your answers in the Answer Booklet provided. This question paper consists of 2 PAGES of questions printed on both sides of the paper, excluding this page. PART A ARAHAN Part A con TEN questions. Answer ALL questions. QUESTIONS Marks 1. Active listening is concerned with the ability to distinguish and identify relevant elements pertinent to listening and speaking skills. Give FOUR examples of how to enhance listening to distinguish details. (6) 2. Define ‘Speech Rhythm’. Give TWO examples which show the different rhythm. (6) 3. The art of negotiation in a meeting or discussion is helpful to resolve conflict among people. There are some phrases that we can use to negotiate. Give FOUR examples of the phrases and TWO sentences using any four of the phrases. (6) 4, Active participation in a group discussion is important for members to give their opinions and others to respond. Therefore, turn taking is important so that all the members have the chance to give their opinions. Provide FOUR skills that one can employ in turn taking. (6) 10. ‘You are in a meeting with the sales team of your company to find ways of improving the company’s profit margin. How would you invite them to contribute to the discussion? List FOUR questions. (6) In a group interaction such as a meeting, active participation is required of members in the group so that the objectives of the meeting can be achieved. What are the FOUR different oral techniques groups members can contribute in the meeting? (6) In an academic situation, a lecturer's delivery style can sometimes cause difficulties in term of poor reception and understanding. Explain any TWO presentation styles that lecturers may use. (6) You have been asked to present a paper. What are the FOUR factors that you would give priority? Give a brief explanation for each. (6) What are the TWO types of intonation movements and what feeling or behavior does each convey? (6) ‘There are five important stages in preparing an oral speech. Name any FOUR of them and briefly describe what is required at each stage. (6) (Total : 60) (ND OF QUESTIONS

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