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Global Citizenship Award

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Global Citizenship Award

Throughout the year in Tutor Time and PSHE, you have been learning
about different cultures particularly Emirati culture and Islamic
values. Now is your chance to demonstrate what you have learnt
and be rewarded for this!
Over the next 3 weeks you will collate a presentation to show how
you have met the criteria for the Global Citizenship award.
You will present your work to the rest of your tutor group in the last
week of term and
your tutor will nominate the best presentation to be put forward for
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the award.
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Global Citizenship Award

The criteria for the award is:
- Finding out about other cultures and outlooks
- Working with others in various capacities and taking
small actions to help make the world a better place
- Reflecting on your developing knowledge and

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What have I learnt about Emirati

Some questions you should could
consider are:
- What have you learnt through PSHE
Record your work here.
- What did you learn on your National
This could be notes from
Day Trip?
your own research,
- What do you already know about this
photographs etc.
- What information can you find out
from your own research, from your
peers, teachers or parents?
- What competences have assisted you
in demonstrating your awareness of
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What have I learnt about Islamic

Some questions you should could
consider are:

Record your work here.

This could be notes from
your own research,
photographs etc.

- What have you learnt through tutor

time, assemblies and lessons?
- What do you already know about
these values?
- What information can you find out
from your own research, from your
peers, teachers or parents?
- What competences have assisted you
in demonstrating your awareness of
Islamic values?

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What have I learnt about other

Record your interview here.
Try to come up with a
minimum of 10 questions.
1) Where were you born?
2) What is your home town
3) Do you have a local dress?
4) What food is popular in
your culture?

We are fortunate to live in a country

that is incredibly multicultural.
Here is your chance to interview
someone from a different culture to
your own. Choose someone in your
tutor group and think of questions
that you could ask them to explore
the way that they live.
What competences have you used
in this task?

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What have you done to contribute to your school, local or

international community?

Some questions you could consider are:

Record your work here.

This could be your own
notes, photographs etc.

- Have you contributed to charity drives

in school or your local community?
- Have you taken an active role in
representing the school in an event or
team? e.g. Sports team, Performing
Arts, World Scholars Cup etc..
- Have you taken on a leadership
responsibility in school?
- Have you taken part in an enrichment
activity that has directly impacted
upon the lives of others?
- What competences have you used?

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