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Here's some tips that I've went to great pains to retrieve and compile.

Origionally I did this to

basically aid myself (made a few copies for friends etc.... now everyone at my gym has one). I was
tired of sifting through tons of useless info. (alot of fitness mags and books etc. are just worthless to
varying degrees, from some I only retrieved a few descent lines). Anyhow, here it is; I hope that you
guys can use the info. As porductively as I had.
Note: All info. was quoted by so called professionals and should be safe to utilize. I have not
implemented any of my own ideas or opinions; and in no way will be held responsible for negative
results. You will of course forgive me for my spelling errors. I will try and upload this document
monthly with new info.(feel free to redistribute, but, if you alter this document take credit for it).

Health Concious /(General)

The more muscle on your body the greater your metabolic rate will be (the faster you'll burn fat and
gain muscle). The more calories you burn, the less you'll have to reduce your fat intake.

6 small meals a day is better than 3 large ones. This lets your body utilize the nutrients and speeds
up the metabolic rate.

A high fat diet can do damage to your penis also (the walls of the arteries in your penis can become
partially blocked reducing bloodflow and causing impotence, wearing polyester underwear can
cause impotence also). A high fat meal can decrease testosterone levels by as much as 30% within 2
hrs. after the meal.

Speed up metabolism = aerobics every other day, moderate calorie, high protein and low fat and
sugar diet

Foods that say they have no cholesterol may be loaded with staurated fat.

Except for meat and Poultry there are no federal laws govering the words "Lite" and "Light" (ask for
extra lean or fat reduced at the deli, when it comes to chicken light contains about a third the fat of

Products that list the first ingrediant as solid fats and oils are usually high in fat (IE mayonase,
butter... ingrediants that contain large amounts of staurated fat include meat and poultry fat, butter,
cream etc).

Feet: If your feet seat use socks containing wicking fabrics, not absorbant socks (talc or constarch
helps prevent blisters, the best cure for a blister however, is a layer of petroleum jelly); once you've
gotten a blister use moleskin. Cowboy boots can put 2x as much stress on your heel as your used to.

Studies show that the only way to endure heat is to work in it, the first sign of dehydration is fatigue
(muscle strenght decreases). Other symptoms include: muscle aches, cramps, nausea, diarrhea, lack
of concentration, tunnel vision etc.

Sports that burn calories the quickest over a short period of time IE 40 min. (highest to lowest):
Jogging, Scuba Diving, Stair Climbing, Basketball, Jumping Rope, Tennis, Volleyball, Boxing,
Swimming, Cycling, Frisbee, Golf, Softball.

Minor ills: The buring senstaion from alcohol on a wound is evidence of further damage or irritation
to the tissue; if you can't keep anything down don't try, if vomiting persists after 6 hours call your

doctor. Don't put stuff in your ears (it can cause damage), use and over the counter eardrop to soften
wax then wash it out with a bulb syringe. If your ill extra rest won't speed your ecovery; long term
bed rest causes bones to lose calcium, muscles to wither and bowels to shut down.

Make sure your fitness goals are specific yet realistic, variety is powerful when the key is

When buying milk buy a paper carton rather thana plastic jug, the lights in groceries stores can
cause the jugs to lose up to 90% of the vitamin "A"

Sleep: make sure you get at least 4 hours (you need additional sleep but a wake break won't disrupt

The humid air of the bathroom can decrease the potency of your medications (don't have them in the
med. cabinet).

Everfresh bags can save your refrigerated veggies from a soggy mess (they last much longer).

Store your soup cans in the fridge, that way the fat will rise to the top and you can scoop it off when
you open it.

Iron out out wrinkles by using cream containing alpha-hydroxy acids (Eucerin Plus and Revlon
Results or ask your dermatologist for stronger formulas) The labels will mention glycolic acids.

Get lots of Zinc to keep up your sex drive (Eat chicken or fish twice a week).

Wear a hat in the hot sun to prevent the hairs cells from turning the pigments causing grey hair.

Don't run in ankle weight under any condition, they can do severe damage to your knees over a
period of time.

Prepare yourself for the onslaught of fat by exercising the day before (muscles absorb the fat to
replenish the amount burned off).

If you've been a swilling and encounter a bad headache and stomach probs. (hangover) take honey,
it'll help to metabolize the alcohol in your bloodstream (take with toast or crackers).

Cuts: If refusing to seek medical or the proper attention for cuts don't let air do the trick (it won't
heal any faster and will only leave it open to scar tissue). Instaed wash the cut with soap and water,
then slap on some antibiaotic ointment or petroleum jelly; finally cover the wound with a sterile
bandage (change the dressing every morning).

Tan Tips: You should buy a lotion with an SPF of at least 15 (make sure the lotion has a
moisturizer). Apply self tanners several hours before going out(adding a layer of sunscreen before
going out isn't a bad idea either). Don't reapply self tanners until you've seen the fianl results, wait
30 minutes for the tanners to dry before dressing or going to bed (remember to wash your hands
unless you want tanned palms).

12 Steps to a healthy diet: 1) Eliminate Junk Food and highly processed Foods, 2) Folow the 2/3,
1/3, low fat rule (65% carbs., 25% protein, 10% fat), 3) Eat Small Frequent Meals (don't skip a
meal, you'll want more later... eat slowly and the brain will think it's full faster), 4) Eat Breakfast
like a King, Lunch like a Prince and dinner like a Pauper (the metabolsim is most the active in the
morning and slows drastically by the evening; digestion is the strongest at noon and a large meal
may also be consumed here), 5) Select Foods that are high in fiber, 6) Separate Protein and
Carbohydrate Feedings 7) Drink 8-10 Glasses of Water per day, 8) Include Aerobics of some form
in your schedule, 9) Reduce Calories Gradually and in a Cyclical Fashion (too keep the metabolism
off guard and responding, figure the average number of calories you want to diet down to; then
stagger your actual daily intake above and below that number. IE 700 calories one day, 300; then
500 the third day... supplements become important when you cut calories and predispose yourself to
nutritional deficiencies), 10) Weight training will increase Metabolism and Preserve Lean Body
mass, 11) Train Earlier (this will increase your metabolic rate for the entire day), 12) Have a
realistic game plan

For a pickup in your training and endurance energy levels use Inosine.

Carbs = sugars, once your blood sugar level drops you can forget about having a productive workout
(some good carbs include grains, rice, pasta. yams, and whole grain breads).

Salads: look for ones with under 2 grams of fat and under 300 milligrams of sodium

Amino acids arginine and orthinine will help to reduce your body fat if you take them while weight

you'll need to consume 2,500-3,000 calories more (a day) than what your body normally need in
order to gain 1 pound of muscle if trainining faithfully.

Protein should equal approx 0.8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight a day. Using more protein than
you need will only convert it to fat (same as carbs or anything relative to your needs). The harder
you train the more protein you'll need, for a positive nitrogen balance; which is a necessity in
building muscle.

Protein drinks can compensate for extra meals (IE one between breakfast and lunch). If you eat 6
meals a day you'll always have the protein and carbos your body needs.

Enzymes that stimulate muscle glycogen from carbs last up to 90 min. after a workout. By
consuming protein or carbs during this period you may speed up protein synthesis.

You must burn 3,500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat.

The subconcious does not know the differance between imagining a lift and actually doing one; if
you can tap into this power there are no limits.

Melatonin can be increased at night by exposure to bright light in the day, radiation such as red light
also helps to speed up the metabolic process(turn down the lights after 9:00 pm to assist). Foods
high in melatonin include bananas, tomatoes, oatmeal, ginger and sweet corn (taking pain releivers
before bed such as aspirin, can cut melatonin by up to 75 %).

Electrical muscle stimulation: the main use today is for recuperation, & for maintaining strength
(muscle mass).

Cortisol is the muscle destroying hormone, it is released during high periods of stress (glutamine
helps to partially block the effects of cortisol).

The slower your oxidative rate the higher proportion you'll need of carbs and less of protein and fat.

Recipes: Mandy Tanny's "The Muscular Gourmet has more than 300 nutritious low calorie recipes
(as well as numerous bodybuilding diet tips).

Make sure to separate your carbs and protein meals or your body is not going to utilize all the foods

Protein/Carb meals will contain higher levels of amino acids than just one or the other (blood
concentrations therof will be higher).

Some of the main/major risks of steroid use include: 1) na increase in bloodclotting factors (setting
the stage for heart attacks and arterial blockage). 2) A decrease in the good (HDL) cholesterol in
your blood stream (except with the usage of injectable testosterones, Winstrol is particularly bad). 3)
Direct injury to heart cells. 4) Elevated blood levels. 5) Steroids decrease arginine which could lead
to a coronary/artery spasm resulting in damaged heart muscle.

Yocon or Yohimex is a drug (thumbs up) that can easily be regulated and controlled in the body
with minimal or no side effects (may cause bloating). This drug is a good alternative to steroids and
their side effects. Limit your intake of Yocon to 10 weeks at a time.

Supplements/Nutrition (Food)

A high protein and fat diet has clicked for some body builders these days, such restrictions as were
present a few years ago may not apply as readily (your body needs different foods in order to shock
itself into growth; how will it burn fat if it's not getting any).

For protein you need eat only egg whites (they provide almost all the essential amino acids and only
derive 17% from fat), white meat of poultry and low fat fish. Eliminate whole milk egg yolks,
cheese, pork and red meat, fat and sugar free yogurt, turkey

For carbos. eat oatmeal, baked potatoes and yams, rice, corn, pasta, whole grain breads, cereal
(grape nuts, oat bran or shredded wheat), beans and fresh or steamed vegetables, as well as dried
fruits and nuts.

Don't eat fried food, junk food, candy pop and processed foods. Don't use salad dressing, butter or
margerine. Boil meat instead of frying.

Substitue this for that: salad dressing = MCT (medium chain triglyceride, enhances metabolism)) oil
and a bit of vinegar or lemon or combine red wine, vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, ground pepper
and honey; butter/margerine = MCT oil or CapTri; Jelly and Jam = sugar free friut spread; chips =
non fat tortilla; mayonase = plain fat free yogurt (seasoned with lemon and herbs), pizza = Fit n'
free, mayo = lemon juice, pepper and hot pepper sauce or nonfat yogurt.

Take a good vatamin mineral pak with amino acids and branched chain aminos.

Fat burning agents: * Caffeine combined with aspirin (also add Dym. 25), * Dymetadrine 25,
Lipotropics (choline,inositol and methionine), GH enhancers before bed (elevates growth hormone
levels), Clenbuterol (controlled sub.), kelp (5 to 10 tabs a day), Ephredine.

Enhance metabolism: GH enhancers (arginine, orthinine), * GABA (Gamma AminoButyric Acid), *
GHB (Gamma Hydroxy Butryrate).

HDL Cholesterol is "good" cholesterol, LDL clogs your arteries (get the ratio checked). Vit. "E"
stops the bad chemical changes in cholesterol that can lead to arterial blockage (too much however
can have the opposite effect), also calcium helps in reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) (endulge skim
milk, fortified orange juice, yogurt, salmon and green leafy veggies) it's also good in lowering blood
pressure and preventing kidney stones.

Vitamin E appears to neutralize free radicals in the artery wall that promote tumours and cause
cancer(by up to 37%), Vit. E also blocks chemicals that can shut down the immune systems cell
production and activity and cause toxic protein in the brain of Alzheimer's recipients.

A low fat diet can not only keep you slim (try to score lower than 53 grams a day), but also help to
ward off hypertension, heart attacks (try to include some potassium), cancer and diabetes. Eat lots of
fruits whole grains, vegetables and starchy foods (a 20% fat diet is great). Try to include alot of
fiber it works wonders (oatmeal, whole wheat toast, fruit, veggies, beans, whole grain bread and
pastas etc.). Consuming 25 grams of fiber a day delivers a 31% reduction in colon cancer risk.
However eating too much fiber can cause problems; 15 grams a day should be sufficient. (Don't diet
it'll cause your body to sense danger thus conserving fat and burning fewer calories).

Antioxidants to look at: Vitamin A, C (orange juice, red bell peppers, strawberries and broccoli), E
(wheat germ, olive oil and safflower oil.. E is also good for your knee joints), beta carotine (carrots,
spinach sweet potatoes and cantaloupe) and selenium. Vitamin B6 has been shown to boost long
term memory and maintaining a strong immune system (it is also a key agent in protein
metabolism), zinc also plays a vital role in fighting off viruses - found in wheat germ and beef (B6 baked potatoes, chicken breast, tuna bananas, skim milk, chick peas etc.) Vit. C, E and Beta
Carotine protect against heart disease, cancer and elevated cholesterol as well.

Rogaine is the only prescrip. that helps combat hair loss, ask your physicain about combining it with
Retin-A (for better results).

Dandruff: use a shampoo that contains pyrithione zinc or selenium sulfide. Both cut down on the
fungus population leading to dandruff. Even the best dandruff shampoos won't work if you rinse too
quickly however. If the itching is severe try a hydrocortisone solution (this'll stop the itching and
scratching that can lead to infection).

Breath: chewing parsley can keep your breath fresh for up to 24 hrs.

Good Eats: Complex Carbs (pasta, cereals, beans, veggies and fruits etc.) will pump up your energy
levels (not your waist). Fiber (fruits, veggies, beans, grains etc.) act like a sponge for absorbing
cholesterol and clearing it away.

Power Punch: 1 cup frozen cantaloupe chunks, 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1 cup frozen peaches, 1
1/2 cups orange juice, 4 tablespoons wheat germ (fruits = vit. C; cantaloup = beta carotine; wheat
germ = vit. E).

Studies have shown that Calcium interferes with the absorption of Sat. fat (declines in blood
cholesterol - drink milk; calcium fortified milk will provide twice as much calcium as regular milk)

* L-Glutamine: Glutamine may slow the rate of exercise induced muscle breakdown (catabolism),
resulting in a net increase in protein synthesis (muscle anabolism). Glutamine should be take
throughout the day and separated from meals, the amino acids in food compete with glutamine
weakening the effects.

More than 200mg of Vitamin "C" per day gets filtered out by the kidneys.

Beans: are a great source of fiber and nearly fat free sorces of vitamin "B" and "A", potassium,
calcium, iron and protein.

By drinking coffee after a meal it may speed up your metabolism by burning calories.

Vitamins and Minerals needed for you immune system: Vit. "C" is very beneficial to the immune
system. should be a part of everyone's diet (excellent antioxidant). Zinc is also a essential cofactor
of more than 100 enzymes. Also needed is vit. "B6". Vit. "E" is the most essential vitamin in
stopping cholesterol and arterial blockage.

Essentail Amino's (not manufactured by the body): Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine (triggers the
release of growth hormone and insulin - defying the burning of muscles), *Lysine, Methionine,
Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine; vitamin and mineral dificiencies can affect your
ability to use amino acids.

Protien is needed after a workout due to loss during (use any method IE supplements, the most basic
form of supplements would be a high quality egg and milk based powder along with a good mineral
and multi-vitamin pack, also try to include omega-3 fatty acids which will increase growth hormone

* Tissue repair: L-leusine, L-isoleucine and L-valine; these are the aminos your muscles are the
hungriest for.

Not bad junk: Banana bread, oatmeal cookies, carrot cake.

Low fat: Hot dog = Ball park lite 33 (12 grams not lean but better than the regular 17; even better
are turkey franks which have a bout 9 grams), Angel food cake = has no fat (any kind). Oatmeal
cookies = Entenmann, chips = Louise's fat free potato chips (pretzels are better than chips). Daily;
take multipacks of vitamins and minerals (include calcium, magnmesium, chromium, zinc, bcomplex, and vit. "C", Soy is also good.kind)

Many bran muffins are actually very high in fat, up to 12 grams of fat (almost as much as a

Medications such as aspirin and acetaminophen can make cold symtoms worse (causing inflamation,
stuffiness and the lowering of antibodies).

chromium is required to produce a positive amount of insulin, it should be bound with niacin (GTF): Glocose Tolerance Factor, (without GTF chromium muscles don't grow - don't produce
insulin and engage the metabolic process) take 290 mcg + a day (Arginine and Lysine also stimulate
insulin secretion).(Without sufficient amounts the system could shut down and muscle loss sets in,
we also feel tired, and very hungry, take your aminos and nutrients IE chromium, fresh fruits also
releases insulin). Eat regular meals at regular times or your insulin level will fluctuate; missing a
meal is even worse, it can cause your rate to soar and thus store large amounts of bodyfat.

The best cooking oil to use is olive oil (it is mostly amde up of monounsaturated fats and can
actually reduce cholesterol). Here are a few ideas on how it can be used: IE use on vegaetables
instead of butter or combine w/ vinegar to make a better salad dressing, on fish combine olive oil
lemon juice and mix in fresh oregano and parsley (samoriglio), combine olive oil with some dried
herbs including crushed black pepper and garlic.

From nutrasweet comes a product called "Simplese" it simulates fat, will soothe the urge for it, and
has tons less calories. Substiute butter, cream cheese, sour cream etc. with it. (look for this product
at the health store, in many items it's already included).

L-carnitine: has increased exercise duration, increases the use of bodyfat for fuel, it raises the
metabolic process for some hours after a workout. (Note: DL Carnitine is toxic)

Amino metabolism boosters (and growth hormone stimulators): L-arginine, L- tryptophan, Lorthinine and L-tyrosine. Boron will also will also indirectly effect fat metabolism(these
supplements have to be taken in multigram amounts at leats 2 hours apart from other protein foods
to be effective.

Fast foods (not so bad for breakfast), all under 500 calories and less than 30% fat: Mcdonald's - Hot
cakes w/ butter and syrup, orange juice and a coffee (493 cal. & 16% fat); English muffin w/ butter
(sustitute the jelly for butter and the Eng. muffin should be the lowest fat breakfast you'll eat),
orange juice, low fat milk (384 cal. & 23% fat). Their egg mcMuffin (Mcdonald's) is the also
descent at only 37% fat.

To compensate for high volume and heavy physical loads during our workouts we should take the
vitamins thiamine, riboflavin and niacin (also ascorbic acid).

Creatine: once stored in the muscles, creatine phosphate serves as a metabolic energizer in the
muscle-contraction process. As a bodybuilder progresses through his set, his stores of ATP are
depleted (which leads to muscle failure); creatine increases the stores and extend the period of
resynthesis of ATP. Overall creatine will help to build mass and strength and may improve recovery
rate, decreases fatigue and enhances protein synthesis.


Muscles will be in big need of repair after your workout, simple carbs should be consumed (a carb
drink would be even better - IE A glycogen drink containing 50-70 grams of carbs would be great).

Aerobics helps to speed up your metabolism and burn stored body fat.

The best time to do Aerobics is first thing in the morning (before breakfast) or 3 hrs. after your last

Do each rep slowly and forcibly with concentration (20 good reps are bettre than 50 sloppy ones).

When doing giant sets take no rest in between (1 min. In between each cycle).

Take sets to failure (with a few loose reps or burns if desired).

Never train your midsection with weights, it will only build and thicken your midsection.

Abs: Do ab workouts about every other day, do vacuums several times a day, do reps slow and
steady; train regularly, crunches only work the upper abs; each time you do leg raises you are
strenghtening the muscles that contribute to the pot belly (once fat levels are brought down low
enough your hard work on your abs will start to show).

Use compound exercises (more than 1 muscle) to build muscle efficiently.

Muscles can adapt to a workout as soon as 4 workouts later, thus greatly slowing gains; to prevent
this variate the way you lift weights (change or alter your workout), you should change it every 6-8

Prime your workouts: Burns - partial reps done at the end of your set which consist of lifting the
weight only half way up. Pyramid system - Take what you may lift normally and do 10 reps,

continue to cut down the weight until even the lightest weight becomes a chore (your know your
doing it right if your straining to lift the tiniest weight you can find). Supersets - combine two
exercises in a single set, do one exercise then the next without rest (pause for 60 secs.) then repeat
several times at least. The more you give your muscle to do the faster it responds. Try and keep
muslce groups together. Pre-exhaust system

Isolate the same muclse groups in your excercises to be performed consecutively (as with super
sets). Super slow - The slower you lift a weight the more gains you'll achieve (new tests show that
better gains may result in taking a longer period to raise the weight and shorter to lower it IE 10:4)
however slowly lowering the weight also has great benefits.

Weider Priciples (cont'd): Burns - Moving the weight as far as you can over the strongest part of the
range of motion 21's - Involves doing 7 reps through half the range of motion, immediately
followed by seven through the entire range. - ISO Tension - simply calls for the flexing of each
muscle as hard as possible (usually one at a time; most body builders do it at least once every other

DON'T eat just before a workout!

Mass: Performing exercises at slower speeds is stil the most common method for adding mass,
having a partner add resistance at the eccentric portion of the rep can be greatly beneficial. Only
moving through a small range and concentrating on maximum intensity can also give you an
incredible pump (partial reps).

Deltoids: Presses work the anterior (front) deltoid, side lat raises work mainly the (side) lateral head;
bent over lats work the posterior (rear) deltoid.

Squats are the best exercise for packing size on your legs.

To stimulate increases in muscular size, it's impeartive that the athlete regualrly attempt the
momentarily impossible; if you can curl 100 lbs. for 10 reps and never attempt the 11th, your body
has no reason to enlarge upon its existing size and strength.


Cheng Man Ching
Abridged by Samuel Kwok

Longevity is a common aspiration of all mankind. The pursuit of long life requires the health
of body and mind. If we desire health, in addition to nutrition, medicine, hygiene, and exercise,
we must emphasize peace of mind.
In this complex society, we constantly experience confusion and tension, with no means to
relax. Beset by worries, tension, restrictions and demands on all sides, the cerebrum is forced
to work the entire day. Even in sleep we dream, so there is never a moment's rest. If we can
temporarily forget our worries and tensions, thus enabling the body to enjoy relaxation and
happiness for a period and allowing the nerves an opportunity for true rest, this not only
improves the health of body and mind, but can contribute to longevity and slow down the
ageing process.
What we mean by temporarily forgetting all cares and tensions is simply seizing a few
moments of peace in the midst of this confused and stressful environment. The method for
seizing these few moments of peace is meditation.
Meditation is mental concentration. Everything is put aside in order to maintain the peace and
tranquillity of the mind and to strengthen the control function of the central nervous system.
Moreover, deep breathing during meditation improves blood circulation, increases the
absorbtion of nutrients, and promotes all metabolic processes.
The method of breathing used during meditation is abdominal breathing. As we inhale the air,
the lungs expand and fill to capacity, allowing it to deeply penetrate the air sacs and to
maximize its distribution. At this moment the diaphragm is pushed downward, causing the
belly to protrude. When we exhale, the belly contracts, pushing upward, and completely
expelling the stale air in the lungs. In this way, the exchange of gases in the lungs realizes its
greatest efficiency. At the same time it constitutes a kind of exercise for the internal organs.
Although deep breathing during exercise also enhances the exchange of gases, it is seldom
longer than ten minutes, while the meditator may often spend ten minutes, half an hour or
even several hours at a sitting. Also, with experience, one not only uses deep breathing during
meditation, but at ordinary times one's breathing becomes deeper, longer, finer and more even.
Most people are aware that exercise promotes blood circulation, improves the absorption of
nutrients, and aids the process of metabolism. However, following exercise most people feel
tired. We often see athletes lying on the grass after exercising with their eyes closed resting.
This is an example of taking a moment of peace.

Many people are not fond of exercise. Also many people, because of circumstances in their
life or work, do not have time or a suitable place for exercise. This is especially true for middle
aged city dwellers who, because of official responsibilities or business concerns, spend every
day writing at their desks with no opportunity during the entire year to exercise. If they would
meditate every day once or twice at a suitable time, it would be greatly beneficial to their
mental and physical health.
Meditation certainly does not waste a lot of time. If every evening just before going to sleep
or in the morning just after rising, we would simply meditate for 15 - 20 minutes on our beds,
it will not interfere with our work schedule. Although these 15 or 20 minutes would seem to
reduce our sleep time, in reality, they are even more beneficial than sleep. This is because
during sleep our minds are scattered and sometimes we dream. However, meditation
concentrates the mind, random thoughts are eliminated, and one enjoys tranquillity and peace.
This provides true rest for body and mind. Only from actual experience can one begin to
understand this.
Postures and Methods of Meditation

Lightly closed the mouth; The

eyelids hang like curtains. Using
abdominal breathing, Eliminate all
random thoughts.
The following is a detailed explanation of methods and postures for meditation:
1. Chair sitting. The body should be erect with face forward. The nose and navel and ears
and shoulders should be in alignment. The chin is slightly drawn in and the shoulders level.
The waist should be straight and our seat stable. The spine should not be stretched too
straight, but neither should it be bent. Relax all the muscles of the body without using any
strength and be relaxed and natural.
2. Cross-legged sitting. Both legs are bent and the right foot is placed underneath the left
thigh. The left foot is placed on the right thigh. This is the half-lotus posture. The full-lotus
used by monks is even better. Another posture is the simple-seat, with legs crossed and feet
under knees, in general, choose the most comfortable.
3. Hand Position. The two hands, hanging naturally, are placed with the palms up on top of
the legs. The palms are placed on top of each other with the tips of the thumbs touching and
the "tiger's mouth" facing forward as if holding an object. The hands rest lightly in front of
the stomach on top of the calves without pressure and naturally relaxed.
4. Reclining. Lying with the face up (too soft an inner spring mattress is not suitable), the
back should be level and straight. The feet are extended level, with the toes pointing upward
and naturally relaxed. The palms should face inward, lightly touching the sides of the thighs.
The height of the pillow can be adjusted for comfort. All the muscles of the body should be
relaxed. The eyes gaze in the direction of the abdomen.

5. First open the mouth and exhale the stale air from the lungs, then close the mouth slowly
and draw fresh air in through the nose. Repeat this 3 to 5 times in order to harmonize the
6. Lightly close the mouth. The upper and lower lips and teeth should slightly touch. The
tongue sticks to the hard palate behind the top teeth.
7. The eyelids should hang like curtains. The vision extends from the bridge of the nose to
the abdomen, but it is not necessary to concentrate. Our attitude should be one of gazing but
not gazing, relaxed and natural. The eyes must not be completely shut in order to prevent
falling asleep, and the light should not be too bright.
8. Abdominal breathing. Use deep breathing to allow air to completely fill the lungs, but do
not expand the chest. The lung cavity expands downward from the pressure of the diaphragm,
the downward movement of the diaphragm causes the abdomen to protrude slightly. When,
one exhales, the abdomen withdraws as the diaphragm is pressed upwards, forcing the stale'
air in the lungs to be completely expelled. The breathing should be deep, long, fine, even, light
and slow. There should be no sound.
In the beginning, one must not force the breath to be deep and long. If normally one cycle of
inhalation and exhalation takes four seconds, then during meditation it should be increased
slightly to six seconds. After several weeks, this could be increased to eight seconds. In
summary, beginners must not use force to hold the breath in order to avoid a feeling of
oppression or discomfort. In slightly extending the length of exhalation, it should not be
forced, but perfectly comfortable.
9. Eliminate random thoughts. All random thoughts must be completely banished. In the
beginning, the mind is uncontrollable, and it is very difficult to achieve stillness. Simply
suspend cogitation and sink the mind to the abdomen. At the same time, one should use the
technique of counting the breaths. This causes the mind to focus on the count, and with
practice random thoughts disappear.
10. Counting the breath. One inhalation and one exhalation is called a "breath". One breath
equals one count, if you count the exhale, do not count the inhale, and vice versa. Count
from one to ten or to one hundred. In the beginning, because random thoughts have not yet
been eliminated, one often forgets the count in the middle. Simply start over from one. After
a long time proficiency comes, and advanced practitioners can achieve stillness without
counting at all.

11. Concentrate the mind. During meditation, the mind should be fixed at one point. In the
beginning, one can focus on the Dan-t'ien (a point in the lower abdomen). As one inhales, the
mind should concentrate on the lower abdomen and imagine the air penetrating all the way to
the abdomen. (In reality, the air only reaches the lungs, but even though it is impossible for
it to reach the abdomen, one should imagine this). When exhaling, also imagine that the air
is exhaled from the abdomen. At an advanced level one can focus on other points, such as
the ni-wan [crown of the head), t'ien t'ing [middle of the forehead], ming-t'ang ["third eye" in
the lower forehead], shan-ken [bridge of the nose], chun-t'ou [area under the nose] or yungch'an [ball of the foot], etc.

12. When finished meditating, open the mouth and expel three to five breaths to dissipate the
heat of the body. Slowly rouse the body, gently stretching out the arms and legs. Rub the
hands together to produce heat and massage the face, neck, shoulders, arms and legs while
slowly standing up. Beginners, when they feel their legs becoming numb, should massage
them until comfortable again. Under no circumstances stand up abruptly.
The preceding points are an elementary presentation of the fundamental methods and postures.
More advanced practices will not be described at this time.
In Summary

First harmonize the body:

Before meditation, loosen the clothing and undo the belt.
Take your seat in an easy and natural way. The body should be erect and the seat stable. The
spine should not be stiffly straight nor should it be bent. The shoulders should be level, the
waist extended, and all the muscles of the body relaxed.
Second, harmonize the breath:
Before meditating, open the mouth and expel a few breaths of stale air from the abdomen. The
tongue lightly sticks to the hard palate with the lips and teeth lightly touching. Slowly inhale
through the nostrils while imagining that each breath reaches all the way to the abdomen.
Then once again exhale from the abdomen, and one will naturally achieve a state of calmness.
Third, harmonize the mind:
Most people's thoughts are random and confused. Early on in learning to meditate, people
experience an increase in random thoughts as they enter the state of stillness. The more one
thinks the further afield one's thoughts run. The mind is like a monkey, and one's thought like
horses. It is most difficult to control. One must put everything aside. The mind should focus
on the abdomen, and the two eyes, slightly withdrawn, gaze down from the bridge of the nose
to the abdomen. At the same time, use the technique of breath counting, and gradually one
will be able to avoid confused thinking and eliminate all random thoughts.



The martial arts under heaven arose out of Shaolin - a popular Chinese aphorism. Chinese Martial Arts, or Wushu, as
it is known in the Chinese language, is more than just a fighting art - it is a way of life. One 'is' or one 'becomes' Gong
Fu; it is not something one 'does' - Long Ching Gang. Chinese Wushu encompasses a philosophy in the art of living,
much of which is based upon the ancient philosophies of Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism.

Buddhism travelled to China from India during the Eastern Han Ming emperor period (58-76 A.D.). Several hundred
years after this, as several emperors became sincere Buddhists, Buddhism became very respected and popular in China.
Shaolin Wushu originated at the Song Shan Shaolin Temple, located in Denfeng County of Henan Province, China
during the Northern Wei Dynasty (495 AD). According to one of the oldest books Deng Feng County Recording (Deng
Feng Xian Zhi), a Buddhist monk name Batuo, came to China for Buddhist preaching in 464 A.D. Deng Feng was the
county where the Shaolin Temple was eventually located. Thirty-one years later, the Shaolin Temple was built in 495
A.D., by the order of Wei Xiao Wen emperor (471-500A.D.), during the 19th year of his reign, for Batuo's preaching.
Therefore, Batuo can be considered the first chief monk of the Shaolin Temple; this occurred 30 years before the arrival
of Da Mo. However, there is no record regarding how and what Batuo passed down by way of religious Qigong
practice. There is also no record of how or when Batuo died. Pu Ti Da Mo, whose last name was Sardili was also
known as Bodhidarma, was once the prince of a small tribe in southern India. He was of the Mahayana school of
Buddhism, and was considered by many to have been a bodhisattva, or an enlightened being, who had renounced
nirvana in order to save others. From the fragments of historical records, it is believed that he was born about 483 A.D..
When Damo arrived at the temple, he was refused admittance, probably being thought of as an upstart or foreign
meddler by the head abbot (Fang Chang). Rejected by the monks, Da mo went to a nearby cave and meditated until the
monks recognized his religious prowess and admitted him. Legend has it that he bored a hole through one side of the
cave with his constant gaze; in fact, the accomplishment that earned his recognition is lost to history.
As time went on, this Buddhist sect became more and more distinct because of the martial arts being studied. This is not
to say that Damo invented martial arts. Martial arts had existed in China for centuries. But within confines of the
temple, it was possible to develop and codify these martial arts into the new and different styles that would become
distinctly Shaolin.
One of the problems faced by many western historians is the supposed contraindication of Buddhist principles of nonviolence coupled with Shaolin's legendary martial skills. In fact, the Shaolin practitioner is never an attacker, nor does
he or she dispatch the most devastating defences in any situation. Rather, the study of Gong fu leads to better
understanding of violence, and consequently how to avoid conflict. Failing that, a Buddhist who refuses to accept an
offering of violence (i.e. and attack) merely returns it to the sender. Initially, the Gong fu expert may choose to party an
attack, but if an assailant is both skilled and determined to cause harm, a more definitive and concluding solution may
be required, from a joint-lock hold to a knockout, to death. The more sophisticated and violent an assault, the more
devastating the return of the attack to the attacker. Buddhists are not, therefore, hurting anyone; they merely refuse
delivery of intended harm.
Da Mo was invited to China to preach by the Liang Wu emperor. He arrived in Canton, China in 527 A.D. during the
reign of the Wei Xiao Ming empexor (516-528 A.D.) or the Liang Wu emperor (502-550 A.D.). When the emperor
decided he did not like Da Mo's Buddhist theory, the monk withdrew to the Shaolin Temple. When Da Mo arrived, he
saw that the priests were weak and sickly, so he shut himself away to ponder the problem. When he emerged after nine
years of seclusion, he wrote two classics: Yi Jin Jing (Muscle/Tendon Changing Classic) and Xi Sui Jin (Marrow/Brain

Washing Classic. The Yi Jin Jing taught the priests how to build their Qi to an abundant level and use it to improve
health and change their physical bodies from weak to strong. After the priests practiced the Yi Jin Jing exercises, they
found that not only did they improve their health, but they also greatly increased their strength. When this training was
integrated into the martial arts forms, it increased the effectiveness of their martial techniques. This change marked one
more step in the growth of the Chinese martial arts: Martial Arts Qigong.
The Xi Sui Jing taught the priests how to use Qi to clean their bone marrow and strengthen their immune system, as
well as how to nourish and energize the brain, helping them to attain Buddhahood. Because the Xi Sui Jing was hard to
understand and practice, the training methods were passed down secretly to only a very few disciples in each
generation. Da Mo died in the Shaolin Temple in 536 A.D. and was buried on Xiong Er mountain.
During the revolutionary period between the Sui dynasty and the Tang dynasty, in the 4th year of Tang Gao Zu Wu De
(621 A.D.), Qin King Li Shi-Ming had a serious battle with Zheng King Wang Shi-Chong. When the situation was
urgent for Qin King, 13 Shaolin Monks with cudgels assisted him in defeating the Zheng army. Later, Li Shi-Ming
became the first emperor of the Tang dynasty (618-907 A.D.), and he rewarded the Shaolin Temple with 40 Qing (about
600 acres) of land donated to the temple. He also permitted the Temple to own and train its own soldiers. At that time,
in order to protect the wealthy property of the Shaolin Temple from bandits, martial arts training was a necessity for the
monks. The priest martial artists in the temple were called monk soldiers (Seng Bing). Their responsibility, other than
studying Buddhism, was training martial arts to protect the property of the Shaolin Temple.
For nearly three hundred years, the Shaolin Temple legally owned its own martial arts training organization, and
continued to absorb martial skill from outside the temple into its training system. During the Song dynasty (960-1278
A.D.) Shaolin continued to gather more martial skills from outside of the Temple. They blended these arts into the
Shaolin training. During this period, one of the most famous Shaolin martial monks, Jueyuan travelled around the
country in order to learn and absorb high levels of martial skill into Shaolin. He went to Lan Zhou to meet one o the
most famous martial artists, Li Sou. From Li Sou, he meet Li Sou's friend, Bai Yu-Feng and his son. Later, all four
returned to the Shaolin temple and studied together. After ten years of mutual study and research, Li Sou left Shaolin;
Bai Yu-Feng and his son decided to stay in Shaolin and became monks. Bai Yu-Feng's monk name was Qiu Yue Chan
Shi. Qiu Yue Chan Shi is known for his bare-hand fighting and narrow blade sword techniques. According to the book
Shaolin Temple Record, he developed the then existing 18 Buddha Hands techniques into 173 techniques. Not only
that, he also compiled the existing techniques contained within Shaolin and wrote the book The Essence of Five Fist.
This book included and discussed the practice methods and applications of the Five Fist {Animal) Patterns. The five
animals included: Dragon, Tiger, Snake, Panther, and Crane. This record confirms that the Five Animal Patterns martial
skills already existed for some time in the Shaolin Temple. From the same source, it is recorded that in the Yuan
dynasty, in the year 1312 A.D., the monk Da Zhi came to the Shaolin Temple from Japan. After he studied Shaolin
martial arts (bare hands and staff for nearly 13 years (1324 A.D.), he returned to Japan and spread Shaolin Gongfu to
Japanese martial arts society. Later, in 1335 A.D another Buddhist monk named Shao Yuan came to Shaolin from
Japan. He mastered calligraphy, painting, Chan theory (i.e. Ren), and Shaolin Gongfu during his stay. He returned to
Japan in 1347 A.D., and was considered and regarded a Country Spirit by the Japanese people. This confirms that
Shaolin martial techniques were imported into Japan for at least seven hundred years.
In the Ming dynasty, 1552, 40 Monks with 7, I5 lb. staves defeated Japanese pirates. Later, when Manchuria took over
China and became the Qing dynasty, in order to prevent the Han race (pre-Manchurian) Chinese from rebelling against
the government, martial arts training was forbidden for a long period of time (1644-1911 A.D.). In order to preserve the
arts, Shaolin martial techniques spread to layman society. All martial arts training in the Shaolin Temple was carried out
secretly during this time. Moreover, the Shaolin monk soldiers had decreased in number from thousands to only a
couple of hundred, all trained secretly.
After 1911, the Qing dynasty fell in a revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. At this time, the value of traditional Chinese
martial arts was re-evacuated, and the secrets of Chinese martial arts were revealed to the public. From the 1920's to the
1930's, many martial arts books were published. However, this was also the Chinese Civil War period, during which
Chiang Kai-Shek tried to unify the country. In 1928, there was a battle in the area of the Shaolin Temple. The Temple
was burned for the last time by Warlord Shi You-San's military. The fire lasted for more than 40 days, and all the major
buildings were destroyed. The most priceless books and records on martial arts were also burned and lost. It was also
during this period that, in order to preserve Chinese martial arts, President Chiang Kai-Shek order ed the establishment
of the Nanking Central Guoshu Institute at Nanking in 1928. For this institute, many fatuous masters and practitioners
were recruited. The traditional name Wushu (martial techniques) was renamed Zhong Guo Wushu (Chinese martial
techniques) or simply Guoshu (country techniques). This was the first time in Chinese history that under the
government's power, all the different styles of Chinese martial arts sat down and shared knowledge together.
Unfortunately, after only three generations, World War II started in 1937 A.D., and all training was discontinued due to

the war. After the Second World War in 1945, mainland China was taken over by communists. Under communist rule,
all religions were forbidden. Naturally, all Shaolin training was also prohibited. Later, under the communist party,
Wushu training was established at the National Athletics Institute. In this organization, the communist party purposely
deleted portions of the martial training and applications in order to discourage possible unification of martial artists
against the government. Performance was the goal of this organization. This situation was not changed until the late
1980's. After the communist government realized that the essence of the arts - martial training and applications - started
to die out following the death of many traditional masters, the traditional training was once again encouraged.
Unfortunately, many masters had already been killed during the so-called cultural revolution, and many others had lost
their trust of the communist party, and were not willing to share their knowledge. In order to bring Chinese Wushu into
Olympic competition, China had expended a great deal of effort to promote Wushu. With this motivation, the Shaolin
Temple again received attention from the government. New buildings were constructed and a grand hotel was built. The
Shaolin Temple became an important tourist location. In addition, many training activities and programs were created
for interested martial artists around the world. Moreover, in order to preserve the dying martial arts, a team called the
Martial Arts Investigation Team was organized by the government. The mission of this team is to search for surviving
old traditional masters and to put their knowledge in book or videotape form.
This situation was different in Taiwan. When Chiang Kai-Shek retreated from mainland China to Taiwan, he brought
with him many well known masters, who passed down the Chinese martial arts there. Traditional methods of training
were maintained and the arts were preserved in the traditional way. Unfortunately, due to modern new life styles, not
too many youngsters were willing to dedicate the necessary time and patience for the training. The level of the arts has
therefore reached the lowest level in Chinese martial history. Many secrets of the arts, which were the accumulation of
thousand years of human experience, have rapidly died out. In order to preserve the arts, the remaining secrets began to
be revealed to the general public, and even to western society. It is good that books and videotapes have been widely
used both in mainland China and Taiwan to preserve the arts.


The temple is situated in the Song Yue Shi Mountain range, and because it was erected in the forests of Shao Shi
Mountain, it was named Shaolin, which means young forest. The site of the temple is approximately 30,000 square
meters of land. The various building and halls within the temple were constructed during different time periods in
Chinas past.
The Mountain Gate, the temples main gate, was erected in the 13th year of Emperor Yong Zheng (1735) during the
Qing Dynasty. Above the gateway are the characters, Shaolin Temple, which were written by Master Xuan Hua in the
Qing Dynasty. On both sides of the gateway is a pair of stone lions to protect the temple. Inside the temple are various
halls, such as the Hall of the Celestial Kings, which was burnt in 1928, and the Hall of the Great Heroes, which is in the
main hall of the temple. It was originally constructed in 1735 and then repaired in the 10th year of Emperor Qian Lung
(1745) in the Qing Dynasty. During a fire in 1928, many relics within the hall were destroyed. West of the Hall of the
Great Heroes is the Hall of the Six Ancestors. In this hall are the images of the six famous ancestors who lived at the
temple: Da Mo, Hui Ke, Zeng Can, Dao Xin, Hong Ren, and Hui Neng. East of the Hall of Great Heroes is the Hall of
Jin Na Luo which houses an image of the possible founder of Shaolin Wushu. The Drum Tower that was erected during
the Yuan Dynasty is located south of the Hall of Jin Na Luo. The Drum Tower rose approximately 30 meters and
housed a bell weighing approximately 5,500 kilograms. The bell could be heard over 30 miles when struck. The Drum
Tower was burnt 1928. In front of the tower is the rock inscription of the Emperor Li Shi Min of the Tang Dynasty.
Another famous hall is the Hall of the White Robe, or Hall of the Martial Texts, which is located next to the Hall of
Thousand Buddhas. This hall was also constructed in the Qing Dynasty. The northern and southern walls of the hall
contain drawings of fighting Shaolin monks performing such styles as Six Harmony Fist, Six Harmony Spear, spear
versus broadsword, and Qin Na joint Locking Skills. The rear Wall has a drawing of the 13 Shaolin Monks who saved
the life of Emperor Li Shi Min, the founder of the Tang Dynasty. On the northeastern and southwestern walls are
drawings of various Buddha images. Approximately 300 meters west of the temple is the Pagoda Forest, which has
historically been the cemetery for the Shaolin monks. There are more than 250 ancient pagodas erected on this plat of
land which have housed the remains of monks the largest conglomeration of pagodas within China. The pagodas ages
range from the Tang Dynasty (791 AD) to the Qing Dynasty (1803 AD), and they range from 1 to 7 levels, rising in
height to 15 meters. The more numerous the pagoda levels, the higher the status of the monk who was buried within. On
the side of the mountain of Song Shan is the Cave of Da Mo, said to have been the place where Da Mo stayed for 9
years facing a wall. The newest addition to the area is the Shaolin Temple Martial Arts School located east of the

temple. The total area of the school is approximately 4,470 square meters. The school houses a performance arena, a
practice hall, fighting stage, offices for the coaches, a guesthouse, cafeteria, and an exhibition hall. This school is
presently the largest martial arts school in Asia.


Based on historical records of the Shaolin monks and the experience of famous martial arts masters, the training
schedule for practice is a key to success in martial arts mastery. There is a Shaolin proverb which states that If a
beginner does not arrange the proper training schedule, not only will there be no success in martial arts but it will also
influence the mood of practice, leading to injury.
The Complete Volume of Shaolin Mamal Arts written by the Shaolin monk Master De Qian, recorded the training
schedule of Shaolin monks as follows:
MORNING PRACTICE: In general the monks rise from bed at 5 in the morning and begin endurance training by
running from 15 to 30 minutes; afterwards, they practice basics for 1 to 2 hours. An hour break is taken before breakfast
is served.
MIDMORNING PRACTICE: Martial art theory is studied from 9 till noon.
AFTERNOON PRACTISE: After eating lunch, various routines are practiced from 2:30 to 5:30.
EVENING PRACTICE: 1 hour after eating dinner, the monks review the basics and the routines that were learned
during the afternoon session for about 2 hours.

The training sequence of Shaolin martial arts consists of basics, routines, application analysis, selected combinations, '
sparring, and qigong.
BASICS: Each day after rising from bed, the monks conduct endurance exercises such as long distance running for
approximately 30 minutes. Afterwards, they practice various stretching exercises, stance training, and kicking sets, such
as inside kicks, outside kicks, double kicks, tornado kicks, side kicks, butterflies, and aerial cartwheels. Each of these
basics is practiced until mastered. In general, each type of movement is conducted from 3 to 5 repetitions per set for a
total of 1 to 3 sets.
ROUTINES: After practicing the basics, the monks perform various Martial Arts routines. They rest in between for
approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Practice of routines continues for approximately 3 hours. Only after mastering 1
routine will the next routine be taught. In general, most martial monks eventually study from 15 to 30 different routines.
APPLICATION ANALYSIS: After mastering the various forms each monk wishes to learn, he will ask his teacher to
discuss the self-defence application for each technique. A total understanding of the applications is required for proper
mastery of the routines.
SELECTED COMBINATIONS: After learning the traditional routines, the monk can ask his teacher to devise
various combinations based of the individual monks basic knowledge and character. The monks endure the pain of
training to gradually improve their fighting level and performance capabilities.

SPARRING: After the monk has totally mastered the various aspects of the material described previously, he can ask
his teacher to gradually introduce the art of sparring. This will improve his abilities in combat and develop his skills in
Lei Tai boxing.
MARTIAL QIGONG: Martial qigong is the study of the basic techniques to be applied in hitting vital points, joint
locking, and other forms of defence. This stage must be learned gradually. Otherwise, injury to the body may occur.


Shaolin Wushu is one of the oldest fighting systems in China with a history of over 1000 years. Shaolin Wushu was
created during the Wei Dynasty approximately 1400 years ago, and its content is abundant and colourful. However,
during the process of history, many styles have been lost or filtered to the outside martial art community. Based on
current research to organize the martial arts from within the temple, the following list introduces the various routines
found in the Shaolin Temple Wushu:
OPEN HAND ROUTINES: First routines include Eighteen Luohan Hand, Eighteen Luohan Fist, Eighteen Luohan
Palm, Big Hong Fist, Small Hong Fist, Continuous Fist, Six Harmony Continuous Fist, Five Animal Fist, Snake Fist,
Tiger Fist; Dragon Fist, Panther Fist, Crane Fist, Chao Yang Fist, Plum Blossom Fist, Nine Fists, Luohan fist, Cannon
Fist, Tong Bei Fist, Tong Bei Continuous Fist, Long Fist, Eagle Fist, Chang Chui Fist, Jin Gang Fist, Six Harmony Fist,
Black Tiger Fist, Seven Star Fist, Shaolin Short Hitting, Five Harmony Fist, Chuo Jiao Fist, Tian Gang Fist, Rock Fist,
Xin Yi Fist, Eight Extreme Fist, Hungry Tiger Fist, Fire Dragon Fist, Golden Rock Fist, Fierce Tiger Fist, Kan Jia Fist,
Eight Step Continuous Legs, Exiting Mountain Fist, Scissor Fist, Reverse Arm Fist, Six Ancestor Fist, Soft Fist,
Monkey Fist, Shaolin Taijiquan, and others.
TWO-PERSON FIGHTING ROUTINES: Eight Extreme Boxing, Eighteen Luohan Hand Boxing, Eighteen Luohan
Pulling, Hand Boxing, Smashing Step Boxing, etc.
BROADSWORD: Plum Blossom single broadsword, Bei Yang single broadsword, Separate the Heart Piercing single
broadsword, Shaolin single broadsword, Green Dragon broadsword, Black Tiger broadsword,
Sparrow Shape broadsword, Four Door broadsword, Coiling Head broadsword, and others.
STRAIGHT SWORD: Da Mo broadsword, Two Halls straight sword, Dragon Shape straight sword, Sweeping Wind
straight sword, Eight Immortal straight sword, Fire Dragon straight sword, Green Dragon straight sword, Dragon Well
straight sword, Seven Star straight sword, Tong Zi straight sword and others.
SPEAR: Thirteen Form spear, Eighteen Form spear, Twenty Seven Form spear, Twenty-One Form spear, Thirty-One
Form spear, Fire Cracker spear, Plum Blossom spear, Flower Spear, Large Flower spear, Black Dragon spear, Large
spear, etc.
STAFF: Burning Fire staff, Negative Palm staff, Eyebrow staff, Eight Immortal staff, Great Saint staff, Tornado staff,
Flying Dragon staff, Small Six Harmony staff, Thunder Mountain staff, Shaolin staff, Wind and Wave staff, Crazy
Ghost staff, Single Frame staff, Double Frame Dragon staff, Splitting Mountain staff, Monkey staff and others.
Other weapons include the monks spade, large knife, pu knife, Spring and Autumn knife, broadsword with nine
sectional whip, Fanf Tian halberd, Moon Teeth knife, Tian Gang Splitting Water fan, single ball, double ball, Golden
Flower ball, nine sectional steel whip, Monkey Hand whip, leather whip, rope dart, flying dart, Mete or Ball whip,
Double Meteors, Iron Broom, Arm Crutches, Turning Hall Crutches, Da Mo Crutches, three sectional staff, Tiger Head
hooks, double hooks, Tiger Forks, Jin Gang Circles, double daggers, double axes, Monks Shoes, Striding Tiger Basket,
Double Bamboo Chopsticks, Buddhas Horses Tail, Iron Flute and others.
One of the most famous Shaolin fighting styles is the Five Animal Fists, which consists of the dragon, tiger, snake,
crane and panther. Each animal has its own characteristics. The dragon develops the spirit; the tiger develops the bones
and tendons; the snake develops the internal energy; the crane develops the essence; and the panther develops the
strength. There are several essential points to the practice of the five animals: When practising the dragon, the shoulders
must sink and relax, the internal energy must reside in the dan tian, and one must use intent, not strength. When

practicing the tiger, the internal energy should be circulated throughout the entire body, the kidneys should be
substantial, and the eyes should show intent. When practicing the snake, lead the internal energy to the fingers and the
body should be rooted, relaxed, and soft in movement. When practicing the crane, congeal the essence and spirit, and
lead the internal energy to the arms. Finally, when practicing the panther, strength should be in the entire body, and the
fists are held tight.


The Shaolin Temple is popularly known for its Seventy Two Arts for body training. Originally the Shaolin Temple
had 32 hard (external) arts and 32 soft (internal) arts. In the past, these arts were restricted to the inside walls of the
temple. Consequently, stories of these arts spread throughout China, telling of the greatness of these skills. Typically,
the martial monks would begin to learn these arts under the supervision of their teachers. The skills would be learned
first from the basic and then proceed into the more advanced and difficult. For example, they would learn the Thousand
Pound Foot, Meteor Leg, Wooden Men Hitting, and Iron Sand Palm. After building up this foundation of basic skills,
they would learn hard and light abilities such as High Jumping, Golden Needle Finger, One Finger Buddha, Iron Head,
Light Body, Buddhas Fist, and Iron Shirt.
Each of these skills must be followed in a strict progression to properly advance without injury. For example, in Iron
Arm Skills, one must first learn breath control and the proper method for circulating internal energy; then one can begin
to start hitting soft materials, earthen materials, wooden boards, and then slabs of rock. This is practiced until a rock
slab can be crashed. Throughout the history of Shaolin, teachers always told their disciples that it did not matter which
type of skill was to be learned; one must never be afraid to suffer the pains of training. When the weather is hot, do not
be afraid to sweat; when the weather is cold, do not be afraid of frozen feet and hands; when sick with a common cold,
bring the sickness to practice. No matter what the situation, this must be the way to train, day-by-day, year-by-year, and
decade-by-decade in order to be successful in the art of Shaolin Wushu.
The training of the Seventy Two Arts can be divided into different levels of practice. The most basic level is to train and
develop the skin and muscles; next would be to develop the tendons and bones; following is a gradual training of
internal energy circulation. If one follows these prescribed levels of training, great rewards w ill result. In the practice of
Shaolin Wushu, one must learn the hard and soft abilities, or gong, along with the open-hand and weapon routines.
Gong fu or true abilities can be divided into four categories; soft abilities internal abilities, hard abilities, and external
abilities. Soft abilities are considered the Dark Hand (Yin Hand); hard abilities are considered the Deadly Hand; internal
abilities are for cultivating internal energy, and the external abilities are for developing strength. The practice of soft
abilities is relatively difficult; there is no sign of achievement on the surface. The practice of hard abilities, however, is
relatively easy. The ability can be used with knives and spears and used to withstand blows from iron poles.
The following is a partial list of the Seventy Two Arts from Shaolin Wushu:
Iron Arm Skills, Iron Foot Skills, Kicking Skills, Bamboo Leaf Hand, Snake Walking Skills, Lifting a Thousand
Pounds Skills, Luohan Eye Skills, Iron Head Skills, Iron Shirt Skills, Whipping Force Skills, Jade Belt Skills,
Separating Water Skills, Far Jumping Skills, Iron Elbow Skills, One Finger Buddha Skills, Plucking Nails Skills,
Golden Bell Skills, Iron Cow Skills, Tornado Palm, Lying Tiger Skills, Golden Dragon Hand Skills, Pushing Mountain
Palm Skills, Eagle Claw Skills, Golden Sand Palm Skills, Five Poison Hand Skills, Wall Climbing Skills, Plum
Blossom Post Skills, Praying Mantis Claw Skills, Plank Running Skills, Light Body Skills, Iron Knee Skills, Soft Bone
Skills, Iron Groin Skills, Acrobatic Skills, Thousand Layer Paper Skills, Chasing the Wind Palm Skills.

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