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June 13, 2016

7:35 8:35

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a selection.
Answer question about the selection.
Construct questions answerable by Yes or No.
Identify the Key sentence.
II. Subject Matter:
Identifying the key sentence.
A. Valiant first in our History.
B. Answering question.
C. Asking Question
Reading Links p. 108, p. 117
Growing in Engling (R) p.2-10
SEC 6 p. 65-66
EFAT L. p.9
III. Lesson Proper
A. Vocabulary development:

contempt, scorn



a payment in money or exacted from a state, by right

or conquest or in return for protection.


royal state line,

splendour etc.

strong, steadfast or
determined in character
2. Using words in sentences
B. Motivation:
Can you name some of our Filipino heroes?
Why did LapuLapu become a hero?
3. Setting the standard for listening
4. Listening to the Selection ( see TM L and R orange book)
Valiant FirstIn Our History


Lapulapu was the first Filipino hero. He was the King of Mactan Island. In
1521, he and his men fought
and defeated Ferdinand Magellan and His Spaniards soldiers. Tha Spaniards had
canons, spears and shields.
The Filipinos had only bows and poisoned arrows, lankatas, bolos, and cutlasses.
But they out numbered
the Spaniards and they were determined to fight for their freedom. To honor
Lapulapu, a city in the Visayas
was named after him.
B. Active Reading
1. Engament Activity 1: ( The teacher groups the pupils)
Group 1: Dramatize the scene between Lapu-Lapu and Magellan
Group 2: Create a poem, which depicts love of country.

Group 3: Complete the chart with words from the story.

Weapons used by


Group 4. Write an explanation on the topic

Why I admire Lapu-lapu?
2. Engagement Activity 2
a. Answering the motive Question.
b. Comprehension Check-up
1. Who defeated Ferdinand Magellan?
2. When did the story happen?
3. Why were the Filipino able to defeat the
4. Are there other ways by which can show love of
country? How?
c. Infusion of Value
What value should we emulate from our Filipino

Write a sentence about the story that you read. Write in a one half sheet of

June 14, 2016


I. Objective:
Answer question about the selection
C. Developing English Language Competencies (DELC)
1. Review
Take turn in asking question that are answerable with Yes or No. Use Do,
Does, Did
2. Presentation:
Read these sentences
a. Lapu-Lapu was the King of Mactan Island
b. He defeated Magellan in 1521.
c. The Spaniards were defeated because they were outnumbered.
3. Discussion
What question can we formulate from the first sentence? Second sentence?
Third sentence?
4. Generalization
What interrogative do we use to introduce questions?
5. Practice Exercise
Form a question out of each statement below.
1. Father Gomez died on February 17, 1872.
2. Jose Rizal studied medicine in Germany.
3. The heroes died with dignity
4. The soldiers raised their arms violently.
5. The Filipino got angry because the Spaniards abused their hospitality.
6. Assimilation ( Game ) Group activity
Get a picture. Agree on question that you want to ask about the picture.
Make sure to begin with different interrogatives.
IV. Evaluation:
Write a complete question based on the underlined word or words.

1. The little boy climbed a tree. ___________________________________________________

2. He saw flowers in the garden next door.
3. The people were on the road because they were going to town.
4. The children dined early in the morning.
5. Ships sail in the sea.
V. Assignment:
Make your own 5 sentences, then make a question about your sentences.

June 16, 2016


I. Objective:
Construct questions answerable by Yes or No.
Identify the Key sentence.
II. Subject Matter:
Constructing question and Identifying the Key Sentence
III. Transfer Stage:
1. Presentation:
Read the paragraph
Lapu-Lapu was the first Filipino hero. He was the King of Mactan Island. He
defeated Ferdinand Magellan
in 1521. He died fighting for freedom.
2. Discussion
a. What is the whole paragraph about?
b. Which sentence tells about the topic?
3. Generalization
What do you call the sentence where the main ideas is found?
4. Skill focus:
Read the paragraph. Identify the Key Sentence
We have many beautiful folk dances. There are dances that tegll about
activities of our people, like Maglalatik ang Pagtatanim. There are dances for
special occasions like Rigodon de Honor and Singkil
IV. Evaluation
A. Read the Selection carefully. Write 5 questions about it.

The Boyhood of Balagtas

On April 30, 1788, a month old baby was baptized in the Bigaa Bulacan
Parachial Church. Father Blas de Guernica
gave him the name Francisco, son of Juan Balagtas and Juana de la cruz.

As a child, he had learned many things. All these he kept in his young heart,
later to be poured with
intense ferrous in Florante at Laura.
V. Assignment:
Read each paragraph. Copy the Key Sentence.
a. Weeds are the strong and sturdy plants. You have to exert to pull them out. They
do not grow singly but in chumps. This make them still harder to pull. There are
runners going to all direction, thus making impossible their rapid growth.
b. The river is the source of water supply in cities and in progressive towns. The
water from the river is led to setting basin. It is freed of big particles, and then it is
conduced to several tanks of sand filters. The filtered water, is chlorinated, aerated
and stored in big reservoirs. Pump station are located in different parts of the city
to ensure good supply of water.
c. wildlife is interesting parts of our environment. They make the world beautiful
and a lovelier place to live in. Some of them like the big birds and wild animals are
used for food. Birds help in the balance of nature and particularly in the control of
insect population. They also help keep down the number of harmful animals like
rats and snakes.


June 16,2016


I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a conversation.
Answer question about the conversation
Use positive tag question
Give a meaning of idioms.
II. Subject Matter:
GLR: Listening to a conversation
CT: Answering Question
MSEL: Use positive tag questions
TS: Giving meanings of Common Idioms
Reference: Reading Links p. 45 46
Growing in English Reading pp 235-236
Developing Reading Power, p. 35
Materials: Activity Cards, Charts
Value concept:
III. Learning activities

A. Genuine Love for Reading(GLR)

1. Unlocking difficulties( Vocabulary Development )
Teacher uses each word in a sentence. Pupils give the meaning of the words.
a. Cris was horrified when he heard the bad news.
b. I will never quit school. Ill try hard in order to reach my dream.
c. The group leader wont accept lousy ideas.
Fill each blank with the correct word from the list below.




a. He was ________ when he saw the wounded man.

b. Ill not wear that ________ dress.
c. Diligent persons never ________.
2. Motivation:
Do you have a good grade when you are in grade 5? How do you get the
good grades?
3. Raising the Motive Question:
Why did Minas grades become low.
4. Setting the Standard for listening
5. Listening to a conversation:
( refer to the Teachers manual) Orange
B. Engagement activity 1:
Group Activity: ( Teacher group the pupils )
Group 1: Create a song, which depicts the value of studying hard.
Group 2: Act out the conversation Between Cris and Mina.
Group 3: Complete the diagram by stating reasons.
Why I will
Mina to

Engagement activity 2:
Comprehension check-up.
1. Who was horrified at Minas news.
2. Why did Mina like to quit school?
3. If you were Mina, would you quit studying? Why or why not?
4. How can one be successful in his studies.


June 17, 2011


10:00 11:00

English ( 2nd day)

I. Objective:
Answer question about the conversation
Use positive tag question
II. Subject Matter:
Answering question about the conversation
II. Developing English Language Competencies ( DELC )
1. Review
Fill in the blank with appropriate negative tag question.
a. My classmate is attentive, _______ ?
b. Loida practiced hard, ______ ?

c. The gardeners are busy, ______?

2. Presentation:
Read the sentences;
1. Cris wasnt satisfied with Minas news, was she?
2. Minas grades havent been up to par, have they?
3. Mina hasnt burned her bridges, has he?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
What is the negative word in the first sentence? In the second? The third?
What tag question did we use?
4. Generalization:
When do we use the positive tag question?
5. Evaluation
Fill in the blank with the correct question.
a. The teacher doesnt work in the courtroom, _______?
b. The dancers didnt perform well, _______?
c. The fishermen dont use dynamite in fishing, _____?
d. Eden didnt watch the basketball game, _____?
e. Mario hasnt seen an octopus, ______?
V. Assignment:
Write 5 statements with positive tag questions.


June 20, 2011


No classes due of National Holiday

June 21, 2011


I. Objective:
Show enjoyment in listening to a story.
Answer questions based on the selection.
Ask question answerable by Yes-No
State the main idea of the paragraph.
II. A. Listening to a story.
B. Answering Question.
C. Asking Question answerable by Yes NO.
Reference: PELC 3.1 p.24
Fun in English 6 p. 50
Materials: Charts, activity cards
Value concept:
Concern for others
1.a. Vocabulary Development


2. Replace the underlined word with an appropriate word from the box.
acclaimed impressive stint
auditions prodigy
captivates scholastic
1. Her work as an emcee at school programs help to develop her voice.
2. The beautiful paintings on exhibit were done by a child who was extraordinary
3. Well-applauded young singers held a concert for the benefit of earthquake
2. Motivation:
Who is your favorite singer/actress? Do you know that many Filipinos have
become famous internationally in various fields?



3. Raising the Motive Question.

Who is the young Filipino actress/singer who became famous internationally
in various fields? How did she attain her success?
4. Standard for listening
5. Listening to a story.
( Lea Salonga Pride of the Filipinos )
See manual book orange p.13
B. Critical Thinking:
1. Answering the Motive question.
2. Comprehension Check-up.
a. Why is Lea regarded as child prodigy?
b. What makes Leas record as a high school student impressive?
c. How does Lea show she can be compared well with other talents outside
the Philippines?
d. How can you develop traits that Lea possesses?
IV. Evaluation:
Direction; Answer the following question:
1. How does lea show she can be compared well with others talent.
2. Based on the selection that you have read, what moral lesson did you learned?
3. If you are a good singer what traits will you show to other people?
June 22. 2011
10:00 11:00

English ( 2nd day)

I. Objective:
Ask questions answerable by yes or no.
C. Mastery of the Structure in English Language ( MSEL )
Recall saying statements and Yes-No question.
1. Presentation:
Read the following
Is Lea Salonga a good singer?
Do you feel happy and proud of Lea?
Can Lea play the guitar, too?
Does she paint?
A. How will you answer these kinds of questions.
b. What intonation is used?
c. What tense of the verb is used in each of the question?
2. Analyses and Discussion:
How do you ask question answerable by Yes or No?
1. Do you paint?
2. Are you a writer?
3. Can you play the guitar?
4. Is your sister a singer?
5. Have you ever joined a stage play.


5. Assimilation:
Have a guessing game in the class. Teacher or a volunteer classmate is given
an item to be guessed? This may be an object, a person, an activity or a place.
The rest of the class is the quizzers. They ask Yes-No question. There are to be
answered by the quizzer
Example :
Is it in the classroom?
Can we eat it?
D. Transfer Stage:
1. Presentation:
Read the paragraph below. State the main idea of each paragraph.
Reflection is very hard to imagine and even harder to attain. Yet, not only
Nadia Camoneci succeeded in attaining it, but also our very own Lea Salonga.
What drove her to perfection is her love for work, her discipline and
dedication. A very talented and intelligent lady! These made her achieve much in a
very short time.
2. Discussion:
Discuss how to get the main idea.
What is main idea?
3. Skill Focus:
State the main idea of each paragraph.
a. The cultural center of the Philippines presents many different cultural events.
The city on Manila is a great places in the city is available every day of the week.
b. Ants are interested insects. They live together in colonies and are busy all day.
They seem to have divided their work to do. The worker ants look for food and
clean the nest. The soldoers ants help protects the nest. And the queen ant, whose
role is to lay egg, is taken care of the protected by the whole colony. Without them,
there would be no ant colony.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the short paragraph. State the main idea and write 3 questions about
the paragraph which are answerable by Yes or No.
Song are everywhere. In almost every family, you can hear mothers soft
voice singing her baby to sleep. You can hear brother or sister singing in
bathrooms. And those who have karaoke sets, their voices oftentimes fill the air
especially at night. Songs over the radio are also heard for they are played the
whole day.
V. Assignment:
1. write 5 question answerable by Yes-No
2. State the main idea of the paragraph.
June 23, 2011



10:00 11:00

English ( 1st day )

Show enjoyment in listening to an information article.
Answer question based on the selection
Ask question answerable by Yes/No
State the main idea of the paragraph.
II. Subject Matter:
A. GLR: Selection: Stoop Kaingin Save Mother Earth
B. CT: Answerinng question about the article
C. MSEL: Answering Question answerable by Yes/No
D. TS. Identifying the main idea.
Reference: Growing in English 6 p.13
Fun in Reading 6 , p. 18
Materials: Chart, activity cards, picture.
Value Concept: Save the Mother Earth.
Curriculum Link: Science, MSEP, and EPP
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking difficulties
a. Unlock the following through pictures, action, real objects.
raw materials
b. Box the synonym of the words on the left.
1. kaingin honest clearing, reforestation
2. unlawful prohibited by law, recognized by law
3. clearing thick plantation, clear space
4. sap watery part of the plant, bark
5. raw materials unprocessed material, finished product
6. conserve protect, unpreserved
2. Motivation:
Show picture of denuded fort What can you say about our parent now a
3. Raising motive Question:
Why is kaingin prohibited?
4. Standard for listening
5. Listening to an article:
( see chart )
B. Critical Thinking ( CT )
1. Answering the motive question
2. Engagement Activities
Group 1. Role Play men doing kaingin and its effect


- what is kaingin?
- what is unlawful?
Group 2. Complete the web on the materials we get from trees
- Why is it not good to cut down trees?
Group 3: Poster making that shows protecting and conserving natural resources.
Group 4: Building a toy house from the raw materials.
3. Comprehension Check-up
a. What are other natural resources does the Philippines have?
b. What are other duties of the Filipino people with regard to the nations natural
June 24, 2011


10:00 11:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
A. Show enjoyment in listening to a story
B. CT. Answer specific questions based on the story listened to.
C. Use the correct intonation in asking Yes-No questions.
D. Decode meanings of unfamiliar words using context clues.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Interview Global Warming
B. Answering specific question based on the story listened to
C. Using the correct intonation in asking yes-No questions
D. Decoding Meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues.
E. writing a composition.
Reference; Growing in English ( Language ) p. 12-15
Materials: Charts
Curriculum Link: Science Global Warming
- Arts drawing
Value Concept; conserving the trees
III. Learning Activities:
A. Genuine Love for reading ( GLR )
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock the words through context clues
a. The miner was trapped inside the cave. He couldnt get out of it.
b. When I threw the ball on the floor it bounded high.
c. Cathy is trying to reduce her weight from 110 lbs 90 lbs


2. Match each word in Column A to column B

1. bounce
a. blocked out
2. trapped
b. to rebound after striking
3. reduce
c. make less
2. Motivation:
What can you say about the temperature last summer?
Why do we experience too much heat nowadays?
3. Motive Question:
You are going to listen to a dialog. It is about the two grades six pupils who
were given an assignment about global warming by their science teacher.
4. Listening;
( look at the chart presented by the teacher ) ( look at teacher manual p.21
B. Critical thinking (CT )
1. Engagement Activity 1.
Group 1 we can draw
Draw the effects of global warming
Group 2 we can write
Write the cause of the global warming.
Group 3 We can act
Act out things that will probably happen if global warming gets worst.
Group 4. we can sing
Create a small song about global warming in any tune.
Engagement Activity 2.
a. Answering the Motive Question
b. Comprehension Check-up
- What was the assignment of the Grade 6 pupils?
- Why do you think Jojo and Dexter interviewed Mr. Garcia?
- What are the effects of Global warming? ( Presentation of group 1 )
- What are the causes of global warming ? ( presentation of group 2 )
- Is the Philippines experiencing global warming gets worst? Why?
( Presentation of group 3 )
- What helps in reducing the amount of green house gases?
c. Value concept:
How can you help in reducing the green house gases that cause global





June 27, 2011


10:00 11:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
A. Use the correct intonation in asking Yes-No questions.
B. Decode meanings of unfamiliar words using context clues.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Using the correct intonation in asking yes-No questions
B. Decoding Meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues.
Reference; Growing in English ( Language ) p. 12-15
Materials: Charts
Curriculum Link: Science Global Warming
- Arts drawing
Value Concept; conserving the trees
III. Learning Activities:
A. Developing English Language Competencies ( DELC )
1. Review:
Read the following direct discourse then change it to indirect.
a. Ted laughed and said, You are joking.
b. Are you feeling well?he asked her.
c. Tell me your name,she said.
d. Rico smiled and said, You are admitted.
e. Jaime said, I enjoy listening to classis song.
2. Presentation:
a. Is it true that peoples on earth face a major problem called global warming?
Answer: Yes, it is.
b. Can you explain to us why the earths temperature rises?
Answer: Yes, I can.
c. Have you experienced to sit inside a bus on a warm and sunny day with all
windows closed?
Answer: Yes, I have
d. Did we disturb you?
Answer: No, you didnt.
e. Are we correct, sir?
Answer: Yes, you are.


3. Discussion:
a. What type of sentence are the following? ( Teacher points to the question. )
b. What have you noticed on my intonation as I read the questions?
c. where is the intonation rises? ( Teacher will show the intonation pattern on each
d. What word is used to begin each question?
e. Is and Are are Be-forms, what are the other Be-forms that can be used in asking
questions answerable by Yes or No.
Aside from Be-forms we can use the Do forms in asking question answerable by
Yes or No. Did is an example of questions in Do-forms?
f. What are the other question in Do-forms?
g. Can and Have are helping words used to begin questions answerable by Yes or
NO. Aside from these we can use Has.
h. Are the question written on the board used to begin questions answerable by
Yes or No?
Listen as I read the other examples.
1. Has she memorized her piece? Yes, she has. No, she hasnt
2. do you feel happy? Yes, she does, No, she doesnt.
What do you noticed on the intonation?
Where is the intonation rises?
What word is used to begin each question?
Are the questions answerable by Yes or No?
4. Generalization:
What intonation pattern is used in asking question answerable by Yes or No?
What words can be used to begin the questions that are answerable by Yes
or No?
5. Practice Exercise:
Carry out the conversation with a partner. Observe the proper intonation for
each question.
The Coach and the Masterpiece
Were the judges fair enough in their selection, Sir?
Yes, they were. Ismaels work was different from the rest. His style was
another thing.
Pupil: Did Ismael really deserve the award?
Yes, he did very much.
Pupil: Is he young to sell his swimming entry?
No, he isnt. He is donating to the new library.
6. Assimilation:



Divide the class into 4. They will have a guessing game. Each group will
prepare an object, a person, an activity, a place or an event to be guessed by the
pupils. They will asked yes-No question. The pupils will answer these question.
Is it in the classroom?
No, it isnt.
Can we eat?
Yes, we can.
Is it round and juicy?
Yes, it is.
Is it a watermelon?
Yes, it is.



June 28, 2011


10:00 11:00

English (3rd day )

I. Objectives:
A. Use the correct intonation in asking Yes-No questions.
B. Decode meanings of unfamiliar words using context clues.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Using the correct intonation in asking yes-No questions
B. Decoding Meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues.
E. writing a composition.
Reference; Growing in English ( Language ) p. 12-15
Materials: Charts
Curriculum Link: Science Global Warming
- Arts drawing
Value Concept; Cooperation
III. Transfer stage:
1. Review:
Choose the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence from the
list below.
a. kept on hammering
b. struck an opponent in a boxing contest, making him unable to strike back.
c. made a rapping sound, usually with knuckles of the hand.
1. We knocked at the door to let the people inside know we had come.
2. The divers knocked at the coral rocks before they could get to the
underwater cave.
3. The defending champion knocked out his opponent to the fifth round.
2. Presentation:
The teacher will present the sentences that he/she uses in Unlocking of
Based from sentence what is the meaning of trapped? Bounced? Reduce?
In our evaluation in unlocking of difficulties most of you got the correct
answers. Why were able to give the correct meaning of the underlined words.
You were able to give the correct meaning because of the context clues. The
words in the sentence help you identify the correct meaning.
3. Practice Exercises:
a. guided Practice:
choose the right meaning for the underlined word in each sentence.
1. Pablo giggled when he saw something funny.


a. laughed
b. frowned
c. cried
2. Mice is the favorite quarry of cat.
a. Prey
b. enemy
c. companion
3. a simple miscommunication between the two drivers led to a scuffle.
a. fight
b. debate
c. reconciliation
4. Because she does not have any household help. Mrs. Herrera deposits her son in
a day care center before she goes to work.
a. to remove
b. to abandon
c. to leave for safekeeping
5. The magician converted the rice bran into gold.
a. cooked
b. dissolved
c. changed
Independent practice:
Select the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence from the choices
1. At the end of the term the manager received one thousand pounds as
retirement pension.
a. strikes heavily
b. unit of money
c. unit of weight
2. After examining the caves, the archeologist pronounced them the finest gallery
of prehistoric art.
a. testing condition
b. inspecting closely
c. inquiring carefully
3. The gentleman was sporting an attractive tie.
a. to secure with string or the like
b. same score
c. necktie used as part of mens attire
4. The green trees and the bright sunshine were something to behold.
a. radiating; reflecting b. lively, cheerful
c. intelligent, clever
5. we are team designing and creating the festival hats
a. plotting against someone
b. sketching outlines for a project
c. projecting mental schemes
IV. Evaluation:
Put an intonation pattern on each of the following Yes-No questions.
Example: Did you feel nervous?
1. Do you pain landscape?
2. Did you attend painting lessons?
3. Are you painting for sale?
4. Have your classmates presented a play?
5. Can you do oil painting?
B. Choose the right meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. Write your
answer in your paper.



1. most of the time, we eat dinner at home. Its rare for us to eat at restaurant
because it is expensive.
a. often
b. usual
c. unusual
2. Julian Felipe refused the offer to sell his compositions. He wanted his
countrymen to used instead.
a. turned down
b. accepted
c. approved
3. The Filipino version Lupang Hinirang is our national anthem.
a. account for an event from a persons point of view.
b. translation into another language.
c. a particular form of description.
4. Julian Felipe conducted a band as the new Philippines flag was raised.
a. a group of person who play music
b. a thin strip of material for typing
c. unite in a group.
5. Mary Ann and Grace would entertain their friends with abundant food that these
girls have more than enough to eat.
a. several
b. few
c. plenty
V. Assignment:
Write 5 questions that answerable by Yes or No. Practice asking these
questions using the rising intonation.



June 29, 2011


10:00 11:00

English ( 4th day )

I. Objectives:
A. Write a composition about global warming
II. Subject Matter:
A. writing a composition.
Reference; Growing in English ( Language ) p. 12-15
Materials: Charts
Curriculum Link: Science Global Warming
- Arts drawing
Value Concept; Be patience
III. Writing:
About different parts of the composition.
Ask them: What are the different parts of the composition
2. Motivation:
Motivate the children on how to write a good composition using the
different parts of the composition.
3. Presentation:
The teacher present will present an example of the composition
4. Writing of the composition of the students.
5. writing
6. Checking of their accomplished writing.
IV. Evaluation:
Write a simple composition writing about your family. Write in one half sheet
of paper.
V. Assignment. Memorized the different parts of the composition writing.



June 30, 2011

Thursday ( 1st day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a story.
Answer question about the story listened to.
Relay information or messages accurately using request or commands.
Decode meaning of unfamiliar words using suffixes.
II. Subject Matter:
How Ilang-Ilang Got Its Blossoms
Answer question about the story using request or commands.
Decoding word through suffixes
References: PELC 1.1 Speaking p.19
PELC 1, Reading p. 19
Across the boarder through Reading p. 16-18


English for All time Language p.16

Grammar in Focus 5, p. 170-173
Materials: Charts, pictures
Value concept:
Love for others
Curriculum Links: Math, arts, Music
III. Learning activities:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock the following words through sentences
a. The birds fluttered helplessly as the first drops fell
b. Gary Valencianos fans waddled as they looked at the different photos of their
c. After the rain stopped, the floodwater subsided.
d. The strong typhoon raged the different cities on the eastern part of the country.
Match the words with its meaning.
1. ranged
a. to sink to a lower level
2. subsided
b. to flap the wings
3. fluttered
c. to crowd close
4. waddled
d. act violently
2. Motivation:
Show a picture of Ilang-Ilang tree.
What can you say about the picture?
3. Raising the Motive question.
How did Ilang-Ilang its Blossoms?
4. setting of standard in listening.
5. Listening to a story ( please see on the chart )
6. discussion about the story
The teacher will present the sentences. Kinds of sentences
1. open the door
Please open the door
2. Give this note to her
kindly give this note to her
3. see her
May I see her
4. wait.
Can you wait
Which sentences makes request? Which give commands? What polite expressions
are used in the request? Do the commands appear incomplete? But do they make
3. Generalization:
What information do commands relay? The request? What is the difference
between request and command?



IV. Evaluation:
Read the sentences carefully. Tell whether the information expressed is in
the form of request or command.
a. Open the door now
f. please stay
b. Please carry my bag
g. Go and study your lesson.
c. Could you clean the fish?
h. Will you go with me to the market?
d. Unload my groceries.
i. Could you attend the seminar in Saturday?
e. kindly fold and keep the plastic bag
j. Give me a break.
B. On your paper, write a command and request that you might give each situation
1. An old woman crosses the street.
2. Plants are withering.
3. The water faucet is leaking
4. A woman is carrying a heavy basket
5. A boy is listening to a loud radio.
V. Assignment:
Make a 5 sentences using command and 5 sentences using request.



July 1, 2011

Friday ( 2nd day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objectives:
Decode meaning of unfamiliar words using suffixes.
II. Subject Matter:
Decoding word through suffixes
References: PELC 1.1 Speaking p.19
PELC 1, Reading p. 19
Across the boarder through Reading p. 16-18
English for All time Language p.16
Grammar in Focus 5, p. 170-173
III. Presentation:
Present the sentences on the chart. Noticed the underlines words.
a. Among the trees only the Ilang-Ilang had no flower so she felt useless.
b. The ilang-ilang tree was not selfish. Because she felt the two butterflies hid on it
c. The two fearful butterflies didnt know where to fly for shelter.
On the first sentence what do you notice about the underlined words? It is
made of what? What elements added at the end of the base word? What does it
2. Discussion:
Here are some words with suffixes and their meanings.



State of




Able to be


Full of
The most of something

Dependent, benevolent,
Breathless, careless,
Readable, predictable,
Fluffy., puffy, icy
Uppermost, topmost,

3. Generalization
What is suffix? How will you figure out the meanings of words with suffix?
4. Skill Focus:
Complete each sentence with an adjective formed by five underlined words.
a. He shows his ________ through his sincere words and actions.
b. He stopped to catch her breath, for the brisk walk had left her_______.
c. One could mistake her for a boy because of her ______.
d. Some plants are full of thorns. Their _______branches protect them from animals.
e. we should not depend on others so much for ____ people do not lean to think for
IV. Evaluation:
A. write the correct suffix on the following words.
1. brown _________
2. agree ______
3. care_____
4. play_____
5. beauty_____
7. pain______
8. read______
9. love______
10. state_____
V. Assignment:
Write 5 sentences using words with suf
July 4, 2011
Monday ( 1st day )
8:00 9:00


I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in reading the story
Answer questions about the story read.


Relay information accurately through request

Decode meaning of unfamiliar words through suffixes.
II. Subject Matter:
Story: Theodore Three eyes
Answering questions about the story read.
Relaying information accurately through requests.
Decoding meaning of unfamiliar words through suffixes.
PELC 1.1.1. p.19 (Lang ) 1.2 p. 19 ( Rdg )
Growing in English L p.20
Building English Skill ( R ) p.7
Charts, flashcards, pictures.
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking difficulties ( Vocabulary Development )
Unlock the following words through pictures.
parchment drifting
overturned telescope.
2. Motivation:
Have you experienced pain and suffering?
How did you react?
3. Raising the motive question?
4. Standard for silent reading
5. Reading the selection
( Please see the attached page )
B. Critical Thinking ( CT )
1. Engagement Activity 1.
Group 1. Draw the face of Theodore when he received a gift from his father.
- What gift did Theodore receive from his father?
Group 2: Make an improvised telescope
- Why do we used telescope?
Group 3: Ready Camera Action:
Dramatize the situation when Theodores father was having trouble with the
2. Engagement Activity 2:
Answering the motive question:
Comprehension check-up
- Did Theodore really have three eyes?
- What was his third eye?
- Why couldnt Theodore go fishing with his father?
- Why did his father give him a telescope?
- How did Theodore make use of the Telescope?
IV. Evaluation:
Answer the following question:
1. Who is the main character of the story?



Why did Theodore has a third eye?

What is the things that he made it?
Is it true that Theodore has a third eye?
What values that have you learned about the story?

July 5, 2011

Tuesday ( 2nd day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objectives:
Relay information accurately through request
Decode meaning of unfamiliar words through suffixes.
II. Subject Matter:
Relaying information accurately through requests.
Decoding meaning of unfamiliar words through suffixes.
PELC 1.1.1. p.19 (Lang ) 1.2 p. 19 ( Rdg )
Growing in English L p.20
Building English Skill ( R ) p.7
Charts, flashcards, pictures.
III. 1. Presentation:
Read these following sentences from the selection.
a. Theodore opens the box please!
b. Give the life saving station, please!
c. Kindly, prepare a drink and a sandwich for me.
2. Discussion:
What Polite expressions are used in the above sentences? ( Discuss further )
3. Generalization:
How would you know that the statement is a request?
4. Application:
Read the following sentences and then check the request statement.
a. Please, fix the fence at the back of the H.E.Building.
b. Help me!
c. Kindly put the science equipment in the respective cabinet.
d. Pull the weeds
e. May I have a bottle of wine?
IV. Evaluation:


On your paper, write a five request sentences.

V. Assignment:
Create a short story using the request sentences to be written on your
English notebook.

July 6, 2011

Wednesday( 3rd day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objectives:
Decode meaning of unfamiliar words through suffixes.
II. Subject Matter:
Decoding meaning of unfamiliar words through suffixes.
PELC 1.1.1. p.19 (Lang ) 1.2 p. 19 ( Rdg )
Growing in English L p.20
Building English Skill ( R ) p.7
Charts, flashcards, pictures.
III. Transfer Stage ( TS )
1. Review:
Read the following sentences from the story


a. Theodore felt so weak that he quickly sank to the nearest seat.

b. He reached the telephone and he decided immediately.
c. The boat move swiftly from the harbour into the open water.
2. Discussion:
What are the underlined words in the sentences?
What do the underlined words have in common?
What are the root words used. ( Discussed the meaning of the suffix )
3. Presentation:
Read the following examples and give the meaning of each.
4. Generalization:
What does the suffix ly mean?
5. skill focus:
Complete the sentence by writing the appropriate suffix from the choices in
the parenthesis.
a. Each contest____ in the Quiz Bee tried their best to answer the items.
( -ant, -ent, -ly )
b. Mr. Onyel Manalo was appointed CEO of the company effect____ December
( -able, -ive, -ave )
c. Water is a color____ liquid.
( - ly, -lent, -less )
d. Green leaf___vegetables are rich in Vitamin A.
( -ly, -y, -il )
e. The host ____ entertained her visitors.
( -er, ess, -y )
IV. Evaluation:
Encircle the letter of the correct suffix that fitted to the sentences.
1. The employees bought new sets of uniforms out of their clothing
a. ence
b. ent
c. ance
2. Ryan Cayabyab is a compose___ of songs.
a. or
b. r
c. ion
3. The pupils asked sense____ questions.
a. ible
b. able
c. ly
4. The English teacher spoke fluent_____.
a. less
b. ness
c. ly
5. The babys wet diapers made her uncomfort____.
a. less
b. ive
d. able
V. Assignment
Make 5 sentences using the different suffix.



July 7, 2011

Thusrsday( 1st day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objective:
Show enjoyment in listening in listening to a selection:
Answer question about the selection
Answer question introduced by interrogatives.
Give supporting details for key sentence.
II. Subject Matter:
Selection: Dr. Jose Rizal in Dapitan
Answering question about the selection listened to
Answering question introduced by Interrogatives
Giving support details.
References: Growing In English ( TM ) p.37
Growing In Language, pp. 46-47
Materials: Pictures, activity cards.
Value concept:
Concern for others
Curriculum link: Social Studies/Science.
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking of difficulties ( Vocabulary development )
a. that man was accused of being a criminal.
b. The men for the engineering department installed the light system.
c. Lets organize a committee on food.
Give sentences using the new words learned.
2. Motivation;
How much do you know about our national hero, Jose Rizal? Can you tell
something about him as a writer? A doctor?
3. Raising the motive question.
How did Rizal help his countrymen?
4. Setting the Standard for Listening
5. Listening for the story.
Dr. Jose Rizal in Dapitan
Dr. Jose Rizal studied medicine in Germany and he became known as
Dr. Oliman. He specialized in ophthalmology to treat his mothers eye.
On July 17,1892, the Spaniards sent Rizal to Dapitan Zamboanga. They
accused him of being a rebel. He became unhappy but this did not
discourage the fellow hero. He had to go or he would be arrested and jailed.
Dapitan was a poor village from the town. Many people there were sick
but they did not have a real doctor. They had a pharmacy clerk. The clerk
sold the medicine or he just advised them what to do. So Rizal did not waste



time. He spent most of his days curing sick people. He used herbal medicine.
His services were free but the rich people wanted to pay him.
B. Critical Thinking:
1. Engagement Activity
Group 1- complete the semantic map with the details based on the
selection. Write the details on the blank.
Where he

Dr Jose Rizal
in Dapitan

Why he was
sent to

How he
helped the

2. Engagement Activity 2:
Answering the motive question.
Comprehension Check-up
1. What did Jose Rizal specialize in?
2. Where did Jose Rizal study medicine?
3. How did Rizal feel when he was accused of being a criminal?
4. If you were Rizal, would you feel the same way, too? Why?
5. How can you help your fellow citizens?
IV. Evaluation:
Write something about Jose Rizal in your own sentences.
V. Assignment:
Study about the Interrogatives.



July 8, 2011

Friday( 2nd day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objective:
Answer question introduced by interrogatives.
II. Subject Matter:
Answering question introduced by Interrogatives
References: Growing In English ( TM ) p.37
Growing In Language, pp. 46-47


Materials: Pictures, activity cards.

Value concept:
Concern for others
Curriculum link: Social Studies/Science.
1. Review:
Read the following questions introduced by interrogatives with the correct
a. What did President Magsaysay do during his term?
b. What was Rizal doing in Berlin?
c. Why did he keep his situation a secret?
d. How did Delia feel after winning the game?
2. Presentation:
Read the sentences in the first and second column.
a. where did Jose Rizal study medicine?
1. Jose Rizal studied medicine in
b. When was Rizal sent to Dapitan?
2. Rizal was sent to Dapitan on July 17,
c. Why did he become unhappy?
3. He was unhappy because he was
accused of being a rebel.
3. Discussion:
How do the sentence in column A from those n column B?
4. Generalization:
What is the declarative sentence?
5. Practice Exercises:
Answer the following question in complete sentence.
a. why do plants need water?
b. What does our body need?
c. Where do you go on weekends?
d. How do you answer the questions?
e. who helps with your assignment?
6. Evaluation:
Use Complete sentences in answering questions introduced by
a. Where did you spend the summer vacation?
b. Why must we conserve the forest?
c. who are your favorite singers?
d. When do you take a nap?
e. What do plants need?
7. Assignment:
Make 5 interrogative question then answer it in a complete sentence. Put it
in your English notebook


July 11, 2011

Monday( 3rd day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objective:
Give supporting details for key sentence.
II. Subject Matter:
Giving support details.
References: Growing In English ( TM ) p.37
Growing In Language, pp. 46-47
Materials: Pictures, activity cards.
Value concept:
Concern for others
Curriculum link: Social Studies/Science.
III. Presentation:
Read the paragraph.
Dr Jose Rizal was a great man. He was an eye doctor. He treated the
sick for free. He practiced Herbal Medicine in a poor town in Dapitan.
2. Discussion:
Whats the key sentence? What details support the key sentence?
3. Generalization;
What are needed to support the key sentence?
4. Skill focus:
Read the paragraph. List down the supporting details under the main idea
given below.
Predident Quezon believe in being a good citizen by keeping oneself
healthy and strong. He loved to swim and was an excellent swimmer. He was an
able horseback rider. He liked playing golf. He made the Sunken Garden into a
playground for children. President Quezon encourage athletics by inviting other
Asian Countries to take part in athletics by inviting other Asian Countries to take
part in athletic meets held in Manila.



1. President Quezon believed in being a good citizen by keeping oneself

healthy and strong.
5. Assimilation:
Encircle the details that do not support the key sentence.
Birds sing mainly as a way of communicating with other birds. They
sing mostly during mating and nesting season. The male birds does most of the
singing. It uses its song to attract a female bird. The mother hen clucks to tell her
chicks to stay together. Birds also sing to warm other male birds to stay away from
the nest of its mate.
6. Writing Activity:
Teacher dictates related sentences:
The bat is nocturnal animal. The means that bat sleeps all day and
wakes up at night. It flies at night to look for its food.
IV. Evaluation:
A. Answer the following question in complete sentences.
1. Who is the President of the Philippines?
2. How does the Bayanihan dancer dance?
3. When is your birthday?
4. Where do you stay during recess?
5. What do you carry to school?
V. Assignment:
Write 5 supporting details below the Key sentence.
Plants are useful to both man and animals.

July 12, 2011

Tuesday( 1st day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a story
Answer question about the story listened to.
II. Subject Matter:
Story: Alice in Wonderland
Answering questions about the story listened to.


Reference: PELC 1.1.1 p.19 ( Lang. ) 1 p.19 (Reading )

Across Borders Through Reading p. 12-15
Growing in English ( Lang ) p.18-22
Materials: Charts, Pictures, activity sheet
Value Concept: Cooperation
Curriculum Link: Mathematics, Arts
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking of difficulties ( Vocabulary Development )
a. Unlock the following words using context clues..
b. Replace the underlined words with words having the same meaning
Choose your answer in the bow.
1. The dog buried its bone under the plants.
2. The man disappeared behind a thick blanket of black clouds.
3. Some fabrics become smaller after being soaked in water.
4. The children were boasting of their summer adventures.


2. Motivation:
Shows a picture of a wonderland.
3. Raising the motive question:
What makes the story a fantasy?
4. Setting the standard for listening
5. Listening to a story.
See manual p. 36 ( Alice in Wonderland )
B. Critical Thinking:
1. Answering the motive question
2. Engagement activities
Group 1 We can draw
Draw the appearance of the rabbit in the story. Then color it.
Group 2 Ready Camera Action
Dramatize the part of the story when Alice had a conversation
with the doorknob wherein
she drink the content of the bottle and eat the cake.
Group 3 We can count
How many times did Alice drink the content of the bottle and ate
the cake and what is the
effect of it on her.
3. Comprehension Check Up.
- What creature ran by close to Alice? Why did it look strange?
- what did Alice do when she saw the creature?


- Why did Alice say, after this, I shall think nothing of failing down the
- Why couldnt Alice follow the rabbit through the door?
- What was strange about the doorknob? What others strange things
did Alice discover?
- If you were in Alices place, would you have done the same she did?
IV. Evaluation:
Answer the following question. Write the answer on sheet of paper.
1. Who is Alice?
2. Why did Alice run after she saw an strange thing?
3. what can you say about the story?
4. What moral lesson did you learned in the story?
5. Make a small summary about Alice in Wonderland.
V. Assignment:
Read and analyze again the story.



July 13, 2011

8:00 9:00

Wednesday( 2nd day )


I. Objectives:
Relay information accurately using statements
II. Subject Matter:
Story: Alice in Wonderland
Relaying information accurately using statements.
Reference: PELC 1.1.1 p.19 ( Lang. ) 1 p.19 (Reading )
Across Borders Through Reading p. 12-15
Growing in English ( Lang ) p.18-22
Materials: Charts, Pictures, activity sheet
Value Concept: Cooperation
Curriculum Link: Mathematics, Arts
III. 1. Discussion
Study the sentence below.


1. Alice listens to the good advice.

2. Alice looked around and noticed that there was a table in the middle of the
3. The rabbit was strange because it was a waistcoat, a red jacket and
a. Does the sentence relay information or messages? How? What does
it tells?
b. Read the second sentence ( Repeat the same process with the other
sentence )
2. Generalization:
What does statement expresses?
What punctuation mark do we use at the end of a statement?
3. Exercises:
Read the sentence carefully. Put a check match on the information that
expresses a fact.
1. Open the door please.
2. Mother is here.
3. How much is a kilogram of fish?
4. There are two pieces of bangus and a kilogram of tilapia.
5. Mrs Mauricio came to the house thirty minutes ago.
4. Evaluation:
Read this paragraph silently. Each sentence is numbered. Choose the number
as the sentences that relays facts.
1. Lorena arrived home with bundle of books. 2. She proceeded to her study
table. 3. Is she going to spend a sleepless night tonight? 4. Lorenaher mother
called. 5. Do you have my book? 6. Bring it to me please7. Frantically, Lorena
thumbed through the books on her table. She couldnt find it. 9. Where could
mothers book be? 10. She sensed someone in the kitchen. 11. Suddenly she
remembered her brother. 12. Hes cooking. 12. And he had mothers cookbook.




July 14, 2011

Thursday (3rd day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objectives:
Decode meaning of unfamiliar words using prefixes
II. Subject Matter:
Story: Alice in Wonderland
Decoding words through their prefixes.
Reference: PELC 1.1.1 p.19 ( Lang. ) 1 p.19 (Reading )
Across Borders Through Reading p. 12-15
Growing in English ( Lang ) p.18-22
Materials: Charts, Pictures, activity sheet
Value Concept: Cooperation
Curriculum Link: Mathematics, Arts
III. Presentation:
Recalling the story through question.
Think again about the story Alice in Wonderland.
What happened to the rabbit that Alice was following?
When did Alice see the rabbit again?
Why shouldnt Alice go through the door that the rabbit had entered?
Compare your answers with the following are your ideas similar to
those expressed here?
1. The white rabbit disappeared as Alice was following it and reappeared only
several adventures later.
2. Alice was too oversized to pass through the little door, after drinking the
content of the bottle: she became too undersized to reached the ray.
Note the pairs of words underlined. What do you noticed about the base word? Are
they the same? Which syllable in each words makes the difference in meaning?
Where you can find these syllables?
Study the following chart:

Ill, not




Misfortune, misfit,
bicycle, biceps, bicolor
Tricycle, triangle
Pre-war, preschool,



Post-war, post test,

2. Generalization:
What is a prefix? A base word?
What is one way to figure out the meaning of words?
3. Practice Exercises:
Complete each sentence with a word formed from a prefix and the
underlined word.
1. Can you calculate the depth of the swimming pool?
You can be injured if you ______ it.
2. We used to have monthly meetings. But we thought we should meet more
often. Now, we leave_______ meetings.
3. My brother had an eye operation. He has to go to the hospital every
week for a ___________ check-up.
4. The permanent of our organization has three dominant colors. The _______
symbolizes the aim of the organization.
5. would you like to view a play before it is staged for a large audience? If
you do, go to the _____ of the play, Ibong Adarna.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph. Then figure out the meaning of the italicized words.
Write the meaning in the space below. The phrase in the box may help.
It was Bennys twelfth birthday and the family was preparing a big
celebration for him. While waiting for the guest to came., Benny went to the park
to try out his new bicycle. While there he met misfortune. Another bicycle bumped
him at the rear and Benny was thrown out of his seat right into the path of a
speeding tricycle Luckily the park administrator had taken precaution for such
accidents. An announcement was made through the microphone and the first aid
attendant came to take him to the first aid station. We found him waiting for us
away his time with the microscope. Bennys injuries were not serious and the
birthday celebration did not have to be postponed.
A three-wheeled vehicle
A two - wheeled vehicle

put off to a later time

care before hand.

V. Assignment:
Cut out picture of nice scenery then write 5 statements about it.





July 15, 2011

Friday(1st day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a story
Answers questions about the conversation listened to.
Use courteous expression in electing officers.
Use simile in making comparison.
II. Subject matter:
Conversation: Election Meeting
Answering question about the conversation listened to.
Using courteous expressions in electing officers.
Using simile in making comparison.
Reference: PELC 2.1 Language; PELC 1.2 Reading
English for all times pp. 55-63 ( lang.)
English for All Times p. 14 ( reading )
Fun in reading pp. 132 133
Materials: charts, pictures
Value Concept: Politeness
Curriculum Link: Music, Mathematics
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking difficulties
Unlock the following using context clues
Have pupils use the words in their own sentences.
2. Motivation:
Have you ever attended an election proceeding? Do the participants follow
different procedures while having the meeting?
3. Raising the Motive Question
4. Setting the standard for listening
5. Listening to a conversation
( see charts on manual p. 43 )
B. Group Activities:
1. Answering the Motive Question:
2. Engagement Activity 1.
Group 1 Dramatize an election proceeding.
How did the chairman start the election.
What Polite expression were used.
Group 2 write the different qualities elected officers should possess.


What qualities should an elected officer have?

Group 3 Sing me
Have this groups sing the qualities listed of group 2 ( Any tune will do )
Group 4 solve it
Aubrey gathered 55 votes. Raniel got 38 and missy 36. Of 150 pupils
voters, how many failed to vote?
3. Comprehension check up:
a. whom did Mr. Lemi assign as chairman?
b. How did Carlo start the meeting?
c. How did the participants address the chairman?
d. If you were elected president of a certain club and you were asked to
deliver a thank you speech, what will you say?
4. Generalization:
What kind of expression is used in electing officers?
What are the courteous expressions?

5. Practice exercises:
What does each expression mean?
a. The meeting will now please come to order?
b. The table is now open for nominations
c. I nominate.
Answer the following question.
a. what does the presiding officer say to begin the meeting.
b. Who do you address when you want to say something?
c. How do you close the meeting?
IV. Evaluation:
Complete each blank with the correct expressions to be used in the following
situations. ( The expressions are written on strips of cartolina )
1. The temporary chairman starts the club meeting.
He says ________________________
2. He ask for nominees for the officer of the president.
He says ________________________
3. Edlyn asks for permission to speak.
She says _______________________
4. Elaine suggests closing the nominations for president.
She says _______________________
5. Dexter agrees to the motion.
He says _______________________



July 18, 2011

Monday (2nd day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objectives:
Use simile in making comparison.
II. Subject matter:
Using simile in making comparison.
Reference: PELC 2.1 Language; PELC 1.2 Reading


English for all times pp. 55-63 ( lang.)

English for All Times p. 14 ( reading )
Fun in reading pp. 132 133
Materials: charts, pictures
Value Concept: Politeness
Curriculum Link: Music, Mathematics
III. Transfer Stage:
1. Presentation:
Read the following sentences
Children may I remind you to elect officers who are as industrious as
Choose officers who are as hardworking as carabaos.
Be sure that they are also intelligent like owls.
2. Discussion:
What can you say about the officers that should be elected?
To what are they compared? Etc.
3. Generalization:
Why do you say that the comparison is similar?
4. Assimilation:
Fill in the blanks with appropriate nouns to complete the simile.
a. as gentle as ____________ f. curious like a __________
b. as fine as _____________
g. runs like a ____________
c. as busy as _____________
h. hops around like a ____________
d. as big as _____________
i. as happy as a ___________
e. as small as a ___________ j. as tall as a _____________
IV. Evaluation:
Complete the sentences with appropriate similes.
1. Ginas hair is as black as _____________
2. Womens minds are as uncertain as _______________
3. Mr. Lopez is now as poor as _______________
4. Her eyes are as blue as the ________________
5. The brides dress is as white as ______________
V. Assignment:
Complete the following:
As wet as an ______________ as days as _____________
As fierce as a _____________ as mild as a _____________
As steady as a ____________ as uncertain as ___________



June 19, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a dialogue.
Answer questions about the dialogue listened to.
Use courteous expressions in club meetings.
Distinguish simile from metaphor.
II. Dialogue: Club Meeting
Answering questions about the dialogue.
Using courteous expressions in a club meeting.
Distinguish simile from metaphor
Reference: PELC 2.1.1 ( L ) 1.2.2 ( R )
Growing in English 6 ( L ) pp. 36-43
Fun in Reading pp. 134 135
Materials: Charts, pictures.
Value concept:
Politeness, Reverence
III. Learning Activities:
A. 1.Unlocking of Difficulties ( Vocabulary Development )
Unlock the following words through pictures and gestures.
Modern day heroes


2. Motivation:
Do you belong to a club or organization in your school? What project
have you done?
3. Raising the Motive Question:
4. Setting the standard for Listening.
5. Listening to a story.
( see in chart and Activity sheet )
B. Critical Thinking:
1. Engagement Activity:
Group 1. Plan your activities and conduct a meeting.
Follow the procedure for conducting a meeting.
Group 2: List down at least 2 modern day heroes and write why are
they callsed co.


* why are they called heroes?

Group 3: Draw how Sajid Bulig saved his classmate.
* If you were Sajid Bulig, would you do what he had done?
Group 4. Summarize on how to conduct a meeting.
2. Engagement Activity:
1. Answer the Motive Question:
2. Comprehension check up.
a. What is the purpose of the club meeting.
b. Did the club achieve the purpose?
c. how did the members participate?
d. Were they polite and orderly?
IV. Evaluation:
What Polite expression is used in the following;
1. When the president opens the meeting.
2. When the members give suggestion.
3. When they put suggestion into a motion.
4. When they vote on a motion.
5. When the meeting is to be ended.
V. Assignment:
Write the correct order of conducting a meeting.
June 20, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Use courteous expressions in club meetings.
Participate in a group activity.

Using courteous expressions in a club meeting.

Participating in a group activity

Reference: PELC 2.1.1 ( L ) 1.2.2 ( R )

Growing in English 6 ( L ) pp. 36-43
Fun in Reading pp. 134 135
Materials: Charts, pictures.
Value concept:
Politeness, Reverence
III. Learning Activities:
1. Review:
Recall the dialogue listened to.


How did the president start the meeting? What did she/he say?
2. Presentation:
Let Us read the following expression:
The meeting will please come to order.
The table is now open for suggestion.
Mr. President..
I suggest
I move that.
I second the motion..
It has been move and seconded.
The meeting is adjourned.
3. Discussion:
When the President wants to start the meeting what will he say? I you
want to say something, would you speak at once or what?
4. Generalization:
When does the meeting run smoothly? What should each member
know and use?
( A meeting will run smoothly only if everyone takes part in the proper way.
Each member must know his or her role in the meeting. He or she must perform
their role responsibly. )
5. Exercises:
Divide the class into four groups. Each should have a presiding officers
or chairpersons. Conduct a meeting regarding the situation below. Observe each
respective roles and the use of courteous expressions.
Your club adviser has a sick. Make and plans a motion to visit him or her and
bring fruits or flowers.
6. Evaluation:
a. Whose role is it Presidents/Chairperson/s or Participants?
1. Listen attentively to all speakers.
2. Speaks only when given the floor by the president or chairperson.
3. Gives the floor to any member by turns.
4. Makes and seconds motion
5. Give others a chance to speak.
V. Assignment:
List down all the courteous expression in conducting a meeting.



June 21, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objective:
Distinguish simile from metaphor.
Analyze the difference between simile and metaphor
II. Dialogue: Club Meeting
Distinguish simile from metaphor
Analyzing simile to mataphor
Reference: PELC 2.1.1 ( L ) 1.2.2 ( R )
Growing in English 6 ( L ) pp. 36-43
Fun in Reading pp. 134 135
Materials: Charts, pictures.
Value concept:
Politeness, Reverence
III. Learning Activities:
1. Presentation:
Read the following sentences. ( Taken from the dialogue )
Sajid Bulig was a Dolphin
He swam like a fish.
2. Discussion:
To what was Sajid Bulig compared in the first sentence?
What word is used to compare him to a fish in the second sentence?
( The first sentence is a direct comparison. It also does not use as or like. It is
called metaphor. The second sentence is a simile. It is compared a thing with the
use of like or as.

Have pupils read some more simile and metaphor like:

strong as a house
The world is an apple
weak as a cat
The sun is a hot plate
tight as a drum
You are bridge between us.
free as the air
The wrestler is a wild beast.
gay as a lark
My mother is a cradle and my father is a fost.
sick as a dog

3. Generalization:
How will you distinguished a simile from a metaphor?
4. Skill focus:
Explain the comparison in the following metaphor. ( Orally )
a. A rainbow is a multi-colored bridged up in the sky.
b. A train is an iron caterpillar rumbling and crunching in the dark night.
c. I am the way, the truth and the life.


B. Complete the following sentences.

d. Her cheeks are as red as _______
e. As quick as ______, Jorge raced at home.
f. Heidi acted like a small ________ crying in the night.
IV. Evaluation:
Write S if the expression is a simile and M if it is Metaphor.
____ 1. His eyes were as blue as a summer sky.
____ 2. The road was a long ribbon of light.
____ 3. My face was a round and pimpled as a raisin pie.
____ 4. Each new day is a blank canvas to point it.
____ 5. Her hair is a waterfall of black curls.
V. Assignment:
Create your own metaphor using the following pairs of words. Think of
quality common to both.
1. earth colored ball
June 22, 2011

2. Mayon Volcano ice cream cone 3. Soldier posts

English ( 1st day )

8:00 9:00
I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to an interview.
Answer questions about the interview.
Use courteous expressions in an interview.
Use Personification to describe people and events.

II. Dialogue:
Answering question about an interview.
Using courteous expression in an interview
Using Personification to describe people and events.
Reference: PELC 2.1.1 ( L ) 1.2.2 ( R )
Fun in Reading pp. 134 135
English for all times 6 ( L ) pp.71-73
Across Boarders Through Reading
Materials: Charts, pictures. Cassette Tape
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking of difficulties:

( Vocabulary Development )


school paper
Person interviewing



Newspaper of the school

Persons being interviewed
2. Motivation:
Have you ever been interviewed? What were the questions asked by the
interviewer? How did you feel while you were being asked?
Have you ever done an interview? Is it easy to conduct an interview?
3. Raising the Motive question:
4. Setting the standard for silent Reading
5. Listening to a dialogue ( Recorded interview ) manual p. 50
B. Critical Thinking:
1. Engagement Activity 1.
Group 1. Comic strip
Make a comic strip using courteous expressions under these
You want to find out the different technique in playing volleyball.
* What courteous expression is used?
Group 2. List down
List down 5 things that exercise to do our body.
* What good does exercise do to our body?
Group 3: Draw me
* Put into drawing your favorite sports.
Group 4: Draw me
* Put into drawing your favorite sports.
2. Engagement Activity 2
a. Answering the motive question
b. comprehension Check-up
Who were assigned as interviewers?
Who will be interviewed?
What do they want to know?
Why Do you think the members of the team exercise everyday?
What good does it bring to their bodies?
IV. Evaluation:
Copy the letter of the statements, which express courteous expression
a. Good morning, Sir.
b. Goodbye!
c. Thank you very much and goodbye.
d. What can I do for you?
e. What do you want?


f. Its a pleasure.
V. Assignment:
What was the selection all about? Recall the conversation on the tape
recorded and identify what does all about.



July 25, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Use courteous expressions in an interview.
Use Personification to describe people and events.
II. Dialogue:
Using courteous expression in an interview
Using Personification to describe people and events.
Reference: PELC 2.1.1 ( L ) 1.2.2 ( R )
Fun in Reading pp. 134 135
English for all times 6 ( L ) pp.71-73
Across Boarders Through Reading
Materials: Charts, pictures. Cassette Tape
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:
1. Review:
Recall the interviewed listened to
How did Gelou start the interview?
2. Presentation:
Let us read the following expression/sentences:
Hi! Good Morning, Raniel.
Well, Raniel, thanks for spending some precious time with us.
3. Discussion:
What did Galeu say to start the interview?
By, saying hi, good morning, thanks a lot and goodbye, how would you
describe the interviewers?
4. Generalization:


What do you think are the must in carrying out an interview?

5. Presentation Exercises:
Write at least 5 tips for an effective and fruitful interview.
6. Assimilation:
Divide the class into four. Let each group follow the given situation.
Pretend that you will do an interview on the following situations. Organize the
questions you will ask the interviewee.
Group 1:
You want to know your subject teachers opinion about morality
as one criterion for choosing or electing a presidential candidate.
Group 2:
You want the PTA President to give you an evaluation of the
recent BINGO Social activity of the association:
Group 3:
You want to know your subject teachers opinion about morality
as one criterion for choosing or electing a presidential candidate.
Group 4:
You want the PTA President to give you an evaluation of the
recent BINGO Social activity of the association:
D. Transfer Stage:
1. Presentation:
Read the following sentences taken from the interview listened to Luck
smile at us.
Opportunity knocks only once and it once it knocks you have to grab it.
2. Discussion:
What can you say about the word luck? What about the word
( At times, we can make inanimate objects feel and act like a person)
Luck smiled and opportunity are called personification.
3. Generalization:
What can you say about the figurative language personification.
4. Skill focus:
Draw an arrow from column A to column B so that a sentence is formed
showing personification
a. The sun beam
* sliced the morning like a knife
* peeped early into his room
b. The brook
* is a snake that winds through the valley.
* murmurs to the tall reeds
c. The sun
* peeped out a new day was born
* shines brightly
d. The leaves
* whisper their secrets to the wind
* talks
5. Assimilation:
Make your own personification as you see the following words in sentences.
a. earthquakes
b. fire
c. water
d. hurricane
e. thunder
IV. Evaluation:


Complete the following with appropriate verbs that fit the sentences.
a. The breeze ___ the sweat off him forehand.
b. The birds happily _____ their sweet song.
c. A strong typhoon _____ many innocent victims.
d. The early rays of the sun ____ every leaf and flower.
e. The seed _____ into a young budding plant.
V. Assignment:
Use personification to tell about the following:
a. the hot summer sun.
b. a noisy brook
c. tall trees in a forest



July 26, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a story.
Answer the question about the story listened to.
Relay information using questions
Decode words through context clues.
II. Subject Matter:
Delia learns a Lesson from the Teeth and the Tongue.
Answering the question about story listened to.
Relaying information-using questions.
Decoding words through context clues.
Reference: PELC 1.1.1 ( LANG ) p. 19 1 ( Reading ) p. 19
Growing in English ( Rdg. ) p.
English for All times ( Lang. ) p. 47
Materials: charts, pictures, activity sheet
Value Concept: Sharing with others
Curriculum Link: Science, Art
III. Learning Activities.
A. 1. Unlocking of difficulties:
Unlock the meaning of the following words. Match the words in Column A
with the meaning in column B.
apple of the eye
a. no money
Im broke
b. sweet
c. loosen and drop
fall off
d. favorite
Use the words on your own sentences
2. Motivation:
A hand with five fingers, what makes them move?
Five toes in each foot, what do they prove?
The torso, the head and the neck in the mood.
The face with the cheeks, the eyes and the nose.
The teeth and the tongue inside the mouth.



Two ears on the side, do you get the code?

Our story will center into two parts mentined in the song? Can you guess
what they are?
3. Raising the motive question.
What lesson did Delia learn from the teeth and the tongue?
4. Setting the standard of listening.
5. Reading the selection.
( see chart and see page 53 on TM )
B. Critical thinking
1. Engagement Activity
Group 1. Ready Camera action
Dramatize the part of the story when Nanay told to Delia a story about the
teeth and the tongue.
According to Delia when she ate the dolce which of the tongue and teeth got
the sweet?
What did the tongue do?
Group 2:
we can draw
Draw the parts of what Delia had done when she was intrduced to her
tiya Mercy?
What Filipino costum does the picture show? Why do we kiss the hand
of the older people?
Group 3:
Write a short story essay about th lesson you learned today then
report it to the class.
2. Engagement activity 2:
1. Answering the Motive Question:
2. Comprehensive check-up:
Who is the girl who loves sweetened banana more than anything else?
Why does celia always got what she wanted from the father?
What lesson does Nanay wants Delia to learn? How did Nanay teach
Delia to be unselfish?
Was she able to learn the lesson?
Finaly, what did Delia do when she realize her bad act?
If you were Delia, what will you do when you realized that you were
wrong? How are you going to show your parents that you really sorry for what you
had done?
IV. Evaluation:
Construct the following as directed. Do these on a sheet of paper.
1. Three question that you expected to ask when you meet a new friend.



2. Three questions you would ask as to how a deaf and blind person can
learn to dance.
3. Three questions that you would ask when you borrow a book from the
V. Assignment:
Write a short essay about the lesson you learned this day.



July 27, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a story.
Answer the question about the story listened to.
Relay information using questions
Decode words through context clues.
II. Subject Matter:
Delia learns a Lesson from the Teeth and the Tongue.
Answering the question about story listened to.
Relaying information-using questions.
Decoding words through context clues.
Reference: PELC 1.1.1 ( LANG ) p. 19 1 ( Reading ) p. 19
Growing in English ( Rdg. ) p.
English for All times ( Lang. ) p. 47
Materials: charts, pictures, activity sheet
Value Concept: Sharing with others
Curriculum Link: Science, Art
III. Learning Activities.
1. Review:
Let the pupils give sentence, which make a request, and sentences make a
2. Presentaion:
Present to the pupils different question derived from the selection listened to.
Who is the selfish girl in the story?
What would you like to be, the teeth or the tongue?
Why is the tongue important to us?
What do sentences express?
How do they begin? How do they end?
What information des the first sentence ask? Second? Third? So when do we use
this kind of sentence?
3. Generalization:
What is a question? On what punctuation does it ends?
4. Skill Focus:




Read the sentece carefully. Choose the question from the sentences below.
Put a check on the blank before the number. Put the appropriate punctuation.
_______ 1. He is Taller than her.
_______ 2. Were you in the play.
_______ 3. They have gone for a walk.
_______ 4.Did you buy it for me?
_______ 5. Do yoy play frequently?
Group the class into 4. Give each group a picture then let them ask question
about the picture.

V. Assignment:
Make 5 command sentences and 5 request.

July 28, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a story.
Answer the question about the story listened to.
Relay information using questions
Decode words through context clues.
II. Subject Matter:
Delia learns a Lesson from the Teeth and the Tongue.
Answering the question about story listened to.
Relaying information-using questions.
Decoding words through context clues.
Reference: PELC 1.1.1 ( LANG ) p. 19 1 ( Reading ) p. 19
Growing in English ( Rdg. ) p.
English for All times ( Lang. ) p. 47
Materials: charts, pictures, activity sheet
Value Concept: Sharing with others


Curriculum Link: Science, Art

III. Learning Activities.
1. Study the following sentences.
Delia obeyed her father reluctantly.
She wanted to do something else.
Delia giggled because her Lolo Benito has only five teeth left and finds it so
If youre selfiishand thoughtless, hard and greedy your heart will drag as a
bad tooth.
2. What is the underlined word in the sentence can give you the meaning of the
word? Is there a word or group of words in the sentence, hich can help you,
give the meaning of the word? What is the word? What do we call it? Can you
give the meaning of the word now?
( Repeat the same process with the other sentences)
3. Aside from the dictionary what is the other way of finding the meaning of a
4. Encircle the context clue on the meaning of the underlined word.
a. She held the garland that long strand of pure sweet sampaguita flowers,
close to her breast.
b. Those pieces of furniture are already very old, theyre antiques.
c. She fainted when she came face to face with a breast, what a terrible
looking animal.
d. All the priest vestments, his garments, were carefully looked inside the
IV. Evaluation:
Determine the meaning of the word with the help of clues given in the
1. The lads hand and legs were grimy after playing a football in the muddy
a. Dirty
b. Shiny
c. Clean
2. The beggars tattered clothes could hardly provide him warmth on that cold
a. Clean
b. Elegant c. Ragged
3. He mounted his horse and was soon on his way.
a. Fed
b. Got ones c. Went down
4. The search party trudged with carefull steps along the mountainside to look
for the lost boys.
a. A walk on foot b. Traveled by carc. Traveled on horseback.
5. Pepito dislikes stubborn children who insist on getting what they want
whenever they want anything.
a. Well behave
b. Impolite
c. Hard-headed



IV. Assignment:
In each sentence, encircle the word or words that can serve a clue or clues to
the meaning of the underlined words.
1. The powerful hurricane brought great winds and floods that destroyed
houses and crops.
2. A long journey on foot along a mountain pas could be hard and tiring.
3. What a refreshing sight to watch a field covered with beautiful flowers le
4. The gruff old man frightened the children as we shouted at them to get away
from his fruit trees.
5. On his birthday, mark and his friends went tpo the par, picknicked there and
enjoyed a biking spree.
July 29, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a story.
Answer the question about the story listened to.
Relay information using questions
Decode words through context clues.
II. Subject Matter:
Delia learns a Lesson from the Teeth and the Tongue.
Answering the question about story listened to.
Relaying information-using questions.
Decoding words through context clues.
Reference: PELC 1.1.1 ( LANG ) p. 19 1 ( Reading ) p. 19
Growing in English ( Rdg. ) p.
English for All times ( Lang. ) p. 47
Materials: charts, pictures, activity sheet
Value Concept: Sharing with others
Curriculum Link: Science, Art
III. Learning Activities.
A. 1. Unlocking of difficulties:
Unlock the meaning of the following words. Match the words in Column A
with the meaning in column B.

apple of the eye
a. no money
Im broke
b. sweet
c. loosen and drop
fall off
d. favorite
Use the words on your own sentences



2. Motivation:
A hand with five fingers, what makes them move?
Five toes in each foot, what do they prove?
The torso, the head and the neck in the mood.
The face with the cheeks, the eyes and the nose.
The teeth and the tongue inside the mouth.
Two ears on the side, do you get the code?
Our story will center into two parts mentined in the song? Can you guess
what they are?
3. Raising the motive question.
What lesson did Delia learn from the teeth and the tongue?
4. Setting the standard of listening.
5. Reading the selection.
( see chart and see page 53 on TM )
B. Critical thinking
1. Engagement Activity
Group 1. Ready Camera action
Dramatize the part of the story when Nanay told to Delia a story about the
teeth and the tongue.
According to Delia when she ate the dolce which of the tongue and teeth got
the sweet?
What did the tongue do?
Group 2:
we can draw
Draw the parts of what Delia had done when she was intrduced to her
tiya Mercy?
What Filipino costum does the picture show? Why do we kiss the hand
of the older people?
Group 3:
Write a short story essay about th lesson you learned today then
report it to the class.
2. Engagement activity 2:
1. Answering the Motive Question:
2. Comprehensive check-up:
Who is the girl who loves sweetened banana more than anything else?
Why does celia always got what she wanted from the father?
What lesson does Nanay wants Delia to learn? How did Nanay teach
Delia to be unselfish?
Was she able to learn the lesson?
Finaly, what did Delia do when she realize her bad act?
If you were Delia, what will you do when you realized that you were
wrong? How are you going to show your parents that you really sorry for what you
had done?
IV. Evaluation:


Construct the following as directed. Do these on a sheet of paper.

1. Three question that you expected to ask when you meet a new friend.
2. Three questions you would ask as to how a deaf and blind person can
learn to dance.
3. Three questions that you would ask when you borrow a book from the
V. Assignment:
Write a short essay about the lesson you learned this day.



August 1, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Express ideas clearly
Give the qualities of a good narrative paragraph after studying the models.
Copy one of the model correctly.
II. A. Creating a writing situation stimulating ideas.
B. Source: Theme Writing situation and stimulating ideas.
C. charts of models
III.A. Have you seen some stories about our heroes.?
2. Do you have some important records of a person do you like most.
B. Creating a writing situation and Stimulating Ideas.
- Teachers shows a picture.
C. Studying models.
Teacher present samples of narrative paragraph.
D. Discussion and analysis
- Explain and discuss the qualities of a good narrative paragraph.
E. What should be remembered in writing a narrative paragraph.
F. Application:
Read the paragraph. Improve it. Observe correct spelling, capitalization,
punctuation marks, indention and arrangement by ideas.
( see chart )
G. Copy the model in your notebook
IV. Have pupils copy one of the models on their paper following the standards in
writing a narrative paragraph.



August 2, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objective:
Suggest titles for a good paragraph.
List down words and phrases suited to the topic.
Use words and phrases in sentences.
II.A. Developing vocabulary:
Listing words and phrases suited to the paragraph.
Writing a narrative Paragraph.
C. Models of Different compositions.
III.A. Review:
What are the qualities of a good narrative paragraph.
B. Would you like to make a narrative paragraph similar to what we read
C.1. Present again the models.


2. Ask the pupils to tell something about themselves.

D.1. List down words and phrases.
2. use words and phrases in sentences.
3. Give titles suited to the thought of the sentence given.
E. Copying the list of word/phrases and sentences on their notebook.
IV. Assignment.
Write a title that you want to write about. List down the words, suited to it.
Use words in sentences.



August 3 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objective:
Express ideas orally.
Speak loud enough for everyone to hear.
Write a draft.
II. A. Oral Discussion
Writing the draft.
III.A. Motivation:
What do you need so that you will have a well organized paragraph?
B. Teacher present an outline.

Beginning sentence
ending sentence

C. Oral Discussion
Teacher groups the pupils.
Choose a title to write a draft.. A pupils read the best work in each group.
D. Setting the standard for writing
E. writing the draft.



August 4, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 4th day )

I. Objective:
Rewrite a rough draft.
Write neatly and legibly
II. A. Improving and rewriting the draft.
B. Rough draft.
III.A. Are there errors in the paragraph?
Teacher show one of the pupils draft on the board.
B. Pupils cooperatively correct and improve the draft.
C. Read the whole paragraph.
Does it process qualities of a good narrative composition? Why?
D. Teacher distributes the pupil draft.
E. Improving and rewriting the draft.



August 5, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 5th day )

I. Objective:
Write the final theme
Write legibly and correctly.
II. A. Writing the Formal theme.
B. Formal theme notebook
III. A. Review
On which past notebook, do you write the title?


How are titles written?

B. Teacher distributes the draft.
C. Formal theme activity
D. Valuing
Teacher choose 2-3 composition. Why do we classify them as the best



August 8, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a story.
Answer questions based on the story listened to.
Use plural forms of nouns
Sequence events using story mapping.
Write a summary of what was read.
II. Subject Matter:
Story Princess Urduja
Answering question based on the story listened to.
Using the plural of nouns.
Sequencing events using story mapping.
PELC 5 pp. 20 ( speaking )
English Communication Arts and Skills
English in a Dynamic world pp. 35-37
Charts, pictures, activity sheet
Value concept:
Respect for women
III. Learning Activities:
A. Unlocking of difficulties:
1. Unlock words through context clues.
a. In every competition, a winner celebrates his victory.
b. A leader who has done something good for his people is worthy of
c. The man loves adventure. He is daring.
d. Vilma Santos is noblewoman.
e. Diamond is a costly jewelry.
f. Lea Salonggas performance in the play Ms. Saigon was fantastic. Her
frame is known all over the world.
B. Answer the question Yes if the meaning of words are correct and No if not.
a. Is an adventurous lady daring?
b. Is a costly unique expensive.
c. Are worthy people valueless?
d. Is a noble person unknown?
e. Is a victory an overcoming enemy?


f. Is fame a public reputation?

2. Motivation:
Have you heard or read a story about princess Urduja? What do you know
about her?
3. Motive Question
What kind of leader was Urduja?
4. Setting of Standard
5. Listening to a story.
( See charts. See manual p. 9 S.Q.)
B. Critical thinking:
1. Engagement Activity:
Group 1: We can enumerate
List down the qualities of Urduja that caused her father to make
her his successor.
Group 2: We can draw:
Princess Urduja was called the Amazon Queen. Draw your idea of
Amazon Queen.
Group 3. We can act:
Show the proofs of Urdujas fine culture and hospitality
Group 4: Let me speak
Do you consider women as equals of men? Why? Why not?
2. Reporting of different group.
3. Discussing about the report.

What can you say about the women today? How can you show respect
to women?
V. Evaluation:
1. who are the character in the story?
2. What bothered King Dalisay?
3. what qualities in Urduja caused her father to make her successor?
4. Why was princess Urduja called the Amazon Queen?
5. How does an Amazon Queen look?
6. What are the proofs of Urdujas fine culture and hospitality?
7. Do you consider women as equals of men?
VI. Assignment:
Make a summary about the story.



August 9, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )



I. Objectives:
Use plural forms of nouns.
Participate actively in a class discussion
Sequence events using story mapping.
Write a summary of what was read.
II. Subject Matter:
Story Princess Urduja
Answering question based on the story listened to.
Using the plural of nouns.
Sequencing events using story mapping.
PELC 5 pp. 20 ( speaking )
English Communication Arts and Skills
English in a Dynamic world pp. 35-37
Charts, pictures, activity sheet
Value concept:
Respect for women
III. Learning Activities:
1. Review:
What is a noun?
2. Presentation:
Here is the selection Princess Urduja encircle the nouns used in the
3. Presentation Activity:
Teacher will distribute cartolina strips to each group. Which word mean only
4. Discussion:
What does the word under column A show or mean?
What does the word in column B show?
How are these words formed?
5. Generalization:
When do we say that a noun is singular? Plural? How do we form the plurals
of nouns.
6. Practice Exercises:
A. Change to plural form all underlined nouns in each sentence.
1. The man moved the piano.
2. The mouse finished the box of cheese.
3. can you tell your key from the bunch on the shell?
4. They listened to the waltz played on the radio.
5. Never cooked the potato with egg and tomato.
B. Read the selection below. List down all the nouns you read from the selection
and tell whether they are singular or plural.



Just a Dream Ship

Whole Class: I see a ship a sailing, a-sailing

A-sailing on the deep blue sea.
And oh, its very heavily loaded
With lots of things for you and me.
Boys: There are cookies and cakes in the cabin. And pies and candy in
pretty boxes.
Girls: There is ice cream and there is milk. And a sweet banana in big
Boys: There are toy guns and rockets and cars. Roller skates, and
shirts and trumpets.
Girls: There are books, big dolls and dresses. Ribbon and hairclips and
pretty bracelets
All: Alas! Its gone the ship I no longer see. For its dream ship that
faded in the sea.
IV. Evaluation:
See whether you can fill the blanks in the following jingle with the correct
plural form of the nouns indicated. Be ready to sing the jingle.
Just for Fun
Well begin with a box and the plural is _______, but the plural of ox
should be _____ not oxes. Then one fowl is goose, but are called ______ , yet the
plural of mouse should never be meese. You may find alone mouse ora whole
nest of ______ but the plural of house is ______, not hice. If the plural form of man
is always called ______, why shouldnt plural of pan called pen . Cow is the plural
maybe called ______,
and not vine. If I speak of a foot would a pair be called beet?
V. Assignment;
Change the following statement by using the plural form of each underlined
1. Spaniards strolled through village in Leyte four hundred years ago.
2. They were surprised to see the great respect man had for woman.
3. In another country, women were treated as mere servant.
4. The early Filipino looked upon woman as his equal.
5. It is not unusual to find woman fighting for the child.



August 10, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

First Quarterly Examination



August 11, 2011

English ( 2nd day )

8:00 9:00
First Quarterly Examination
August 12, 2011

English ( 3rd day )

8:00 9:00
I. Objectives:
Sequence events using story mapping.
Participate actively in the class discussion.
Write a summary of what was read.
II. Subject Matter:
Sequencing events using story mapping.
PELC 5 pp. 20 ( speaking )
English Communication Arts and Skills
English in a Dynamic world pp. 35-37
Charts, pictures, activity sheet
Value concept:
Respect for women
III. Learning Activities:
1. Presentation:

One way of arranging sequence of events in a selection is through

story mapping. A
Story map shows the important parts of a story.

Who: King Dalisay, Princess Urduja

Where: Pangasinan
King Dalisay was growing old and his
Enemies surrounded his kingdom. His son didnt want to

lead the battle.


King Dalisay let Princess Urduja to lead the battle

She began training her army



She waged many successful wars against

Neigh boring kings.

Princess Urduja ruled the kingdom and she was able
To extend it to almost all of Northern Luzon.
2. Discussion:
What does the beginning show?
What does the middle part tell?
How does the story end?
3. Generalization:
What is the story map?
What are the parts of the story map?
4. Practice Exercises:
Read the story The Frightened Shoes Then complete the story map.
( see chart. Manual p. 11 12 )
Beginning: ______________________
Who: ____________________
Where: ___________________
When: ___________________
Ending: ________________________
Resolution: _____________________



August 15, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 4th day )

I. Objectives:
Write a summary of what was read.
Write neatly the story read
II. Subject Matter:
Writing the summary of what was read.
PELC 5 pp. 20 ( speaking )
English Communication Arts and Skills
English in a Dynamic world pp. 35-37
Charts, pictures, activity sheet
Value concept:


Respect for women

III. Learning Activities:
1. Based on the story map. We can write the sequence of events or the
summary of the story.
King Dalisay Ruled over Pangasinan. He had a weakling son and did not
want to lead his father army. The King was growing old and his enemies
surrounded his kingdom. Princess Urduja, the kings daughter, asked his
permission to lead the battle. He let her to lead his men to battle. Princess Urduja
won a great victory over the enemy and from the time on, she began training his
army. Princess Urduja waged many successful wars against neighboring kings. She
ruled the king and she was able to extend it to almost all of Northern Luzon.
2. How are events written?
3. Write a summary of The frightened shoes based on the story map.
4. Rewrite your summary in a clean sheet of paper.
B. Read the story about Daisy, a chipmunk. Then complete the story map.
It was a beautiful spring day. Daisy had finished exploring and eating.
She was ready to
return home to her big tree, which was on a spot of land that curved out from
the edge of the lake.
When she arrived there, however Daisy found trouble. Two beavers
were building a dam.
Their dam made a little pond that the cut Daisys tree off from the land.
Daisy asked the beavers if they would stop building the dam. They said
that they were sorry,
but they needed the dam and the little pond. Then Daisy talked to her
cousin, Red Tail. E said that it
was no
trouble to fly back and forth from a tree on land to the big tree.
But, alas, Daisy could not fly. Finally, Daisy had an idea. She asked the
beavers to do her
a favour.
In no time at all, the beavers felled a small tree. It made a nice bridge
across the little pond to
tree. Daisy was happy. She had not lost her home, and she had
new friends.



August 16, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a story.
Answer question about the story listened to.
Identify the forms of compound nouns and tell how compound nouns are
Arrange events in sequence through guided questions.
Write sentences into paragraph.
II. Subject Matter:
Story: An Unusual Friendship.
Answering questions about the story listened to
Identifying and forming Compound Words
Sequencing events of a story through guided questions
Writing sentences into a paragraph.
Reference: PELC 5 pp. 20 ( speaking ) 5; p. 19 ( reading )
English For All times (R) pp. 40-47
English For All times (L) pp. 119-120
Materials: Charts, activity cards
Value Concept: Interdependence
Curriculum Link: Science: Symbiotic Relationship
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking of difficulties ( Vocabulary development )
a. unlock the following words through pictures/context clues
1. beehive
2. beeswax
3. Honey-guide
4. Teacher and pupils are helping each other. It is symbiosis.
5. People need to work hard in order to live. They should not depend
on others for survival.


b. Match the following

___1. Symbiosis
___2. Honey-guide
___3. Beeswax
___4. Beehive
___5. Survival

a. Substance from bees
b. A small bird
c. Helping each other in order to survive
d. To live
e. Home of bees
f. An animal

2. Motivation:
Would animals, plants and men live without each other?
Can wild plants live by themselves without animals? Why?
3. Raising the motive question
What makes the relationship unusual.
4. setting of standard
5. Listening to a Story:
An Unusual Friendship
Some animals and plants have a special kind of friendship. They
develop this friendship so that they can help each other. Often, they depend on
each other for survival. This kind of friendship is called symbiosis. Symbiosis
means that two completely different kinds of animals or plants help each other to
One example of symbiosis is the relationship between man and plants.
Plants give of oxygen, which man needs for breathing, and man gives off carbon
dioxide which plant need for making food. A similar relationship exists between
plants and animals that live in a body of water.
Perhaps the small bird known as the African honey guide and the
animal known as the rate shows the most unusual friendship.
The African honey guide loves beeswax. Although it can find a beehive
on her own, it can break it open. So this little bird looks for a ratel. Chirping to get
the ratels attention, the honey guide leads the rate to the beehive.
Upon reaching the beehive, the ratel jumps on it, tears it apart with its
claws, and eats the honey greedily. The angry bees try to sting the ratel but its
thick fur and tough skin give it protection.
When the ratel has finished eating the honey, it leaves happily, still
surrounded by the angry bees. As soon as they are gone, the honey guide goes to
the honeycomb and enjoys peacefully its favourite beeswax meal.
1. Engagement Activity:
Group1: we can draw:
Draw symbiotic relationship shown in the story.
Group 2: We can act:
Show examples of similar unusual friendship to you have observed.
Group 3: We can sing
Think of a song about friendship you have observed.
Group 4: we can write


Write a paragraph on how friendship with people differs from friendship

with plants and animals.
2. Engagement Activity 2:
a. Answering the motive question
b. answering the comprehension check-up questions
- What is symbiosis? How do the African honey guide and the ratel
show symbiosis?
- What examples of similar unusual friendship have you observed.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the following story. Then answer the question that follow.
Kronos, one of his first gods of Greek mythology, hated his children.
So,he swallowed each one as it was born. However, when Zeus was born, his
mother tricked Kronos by giving him a stone wrapped in a baby clothes, which he
swallowed. When Zeus grow up, he forced his father to vomit his brother and sister.
In gratitude, they made him king of the gods. Zeus appointed his brother Poseidon
ruler of the seas. Because another brother, Hades was quite and stern, Zeus made
him king of the underworld where dead spirits go.
Answer the following question and write it in a one fourth sheet of paper.
1. Who hated his children?
2. What did he do with his children?
3. How did Mother trick his husband Kronos?
4. What did Zeus do when he grew up?
5. As a gratitude, what did his brother do?



August 17, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Identify the forms of compound nouns and tell how compound nouns are
Arrange events in sequence through guided questions.
Write sentences into paragraph.
II. Subject Matter:
Identifying and forming Compound Words
Sequencing events of a story through guided questions
Writing sentences into a paragraph.
Reference: PELC 5 pp. 20 ( speaking ) 5; p. 19 ( reading )
English For All times (R) pp. 40-47
English For All times (L) pp. 119-120
Materials: Charts, activity cards
Value Concept: Interdependence
Curriculum Link: Science: Symbiotic Relationship
III. Learning Activities:
1. Presentation
Present the words in flash cards
2. Discussion:
What two words make up each compound word?
What connects the words honey and guide? So it is a hyphenated compound
What does bees mean? Wax mean? Together what do they mean? It is a
combined compound noun.
Look at the following:
Quarterly test
Water ski
Field officer


What do you observe about these compound nouns?

How are these nouns formed?
3. Generalization:
What is a compound noun?
What are the forms of compound nouns formed?
4. Practice exercises:
A. Tell what form of compound nouns are the following:
1. Headlines
6. Highway
2. aide-des-camp
7. Officer-in-charge
3. ash-tray
8. Study hall
4. firemen
9. Headquarter
5. babysitter
10. Expressway
5. Application:
Make a compound words by joining a word in the first column to another in
the second column. Write the new word on the line.




6. Evaluation:
Form a compound noun based on the definition given. Then identify if
hyphenated, separated or combined. The group who will get the most number of
correct answers at the given time will be declared as winner.
1. the bone joining the shoulder blade to the breast-bone.
2. the road crossing a main road.
3. inexpensive jewellery that is effective as a dress ornament.
4. a person who pushes drugs illegally.
5. a teacher adviser
V. Assignment:
Write S if the compound nouns are separate words, H if they hyphenated
words and C if they should be combined words.

iron founder
joy ride


6. Life cycle
7. Passer-by
8. Officer-in-charge
9. Fairyland
10. State ruler




August 18, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objectives:
Write sentences into paragraph.
Participate actively in a class discussion
II. Subject Matter:
Writing sentences into a paragraph.
Reference: PELC 5 pp. 20 ( speaking ) 5; p. 19 ( reading )
English For All times (R) pp. 40-47
English For All times (L) pp. 119-120
Materials: Charts, activity cards
Value Concept: Interdependence
Curriculum Link: Science: Symbiotic Relationship
III. Learning Activities:
1. Presentation of the sentences or the answer to the questions about An
Unusual Friednship
2. writing these sentences into paragraph.
3. what should you remember in writing a paragraph?
4. practice exercise
Let the pupils see the guide questions of the story The sun and the
Wind again. Answer the question in complete sentences then write these
sentence into one paragraph.
IV. Evaluation:
Rewrite the story and answer the following question.
Lunch Time in School
Maria and I felt terribly hungry and so went to the school cafeteria. We
ate our lunch, which
consisted of rice, meat, and salad. We meant to order only
sandwiches and soft drinks but we changed our
We sat near two students who were talking in a strange dialect. We
didnt understand a word they
said. We found out later on that they were
Maria and I kept on eating leisurely. Suddenly, the bell rang. We didnt
know it was that late.
Yes we did, I answered.
We stood and ran out of the cafeteria.



Say, girls, you forgot to return the dishes to the counter. Didnt you
know that we observe self service here?
We heard the cafeteria manager and he knew that she was referring to
us. We went back to the table,
brought the dishes to the counter and quickly apologized to the manager,
Ms. Asuncion
1. how did the two girls feel?
2. Where did they go?
3. What did their meal consist of
4. Where did they sit?
5. What two things did Maria and her friend forget?
6. What three things did they do after they were reminded by the cafeteria

August 19, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a story.
Answer questions based on the story listened to.
Use plural forms of nouns
Sequence events using story mapping.
Write a summary of what was read.
II. Subject Matter:
Story Princess Urduja
Answering question based on the story listened to.
Using the plural of nouns.
Sequencing events using story mapping.
PELC 5 pp. 20 ( speaking )
English Communication Arts and Skills
English in a Dynamic world pp. 35-37


Charts, pictures, activity sheet

Value concept:
Respect for women
III. Learning Activities:
A. Unlocking of difficulties:
1. Unlock words through context clues.
a. In every competition, a winner celebrates his victory.
b. A leader who has done something good for his people is worthy of
c. The man loves adventure. He is daring.
d. Vilma Santos is noblewoman.
e. Diamond is a costly jewelry.
f. Lea Salonggas performance in the play Ms. Saigon was fantastic. Her
frame is known all over the world.
B. Answer the question Yes if the meaning of words are correct and No if not.
a. Is an adventurous lady daring?
b. Is a costly unique expensive.
c. Are worthy people valueless?
d. Is a noble person unknown?
e. Is a victory an overcoming enemy?
f. Is fame a public reputation?
2. Motivation:
Have you heard or read a story about princess Urduja? What do you know
about her?
3. Motive Question
What kind of leader was Urduja?
4. Setting of Standard
5. Listening to a story.
( See charts. See manual p. 9 S.Q.)
B. Critical thinking:
1. Engagement Activity:
Group 1: We can enumerate
List down the qualities of Urduja that caused her father to make
her his successor.
Group 2: We can draw:
Princess Urduja was called the Amazon Queen. Draw your idea of
Amazon Queen.
Group 3. We can act:
Show the proofs of Urdujas fine culture and hospitality
Group 4: Let me speak
Do you consider women as equals of men? Why? Why not?
2. Reporting of different group.
3. Discussing about the report.



What can you say about the women today? How can you show respect
to women?
V. Evaluation:
1. who are the character in the story?
2. What bothered King Dalisay?
3. what qualities in Urduja caused her father to make her successor?
4. Why was princess Urduja called the Amazon Queen?
5. How does an Amazon Queen look?
6. What are the proofs of Urdujas fine culture and hospitality?
7. Do you consider women as equals of men?
VI. Assignment:
Make a summary about the story.



August 22, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to news broadcast
Answer specific questions based on the news broadcast listened to.
Note details of an article using graphic organizer.
Copy science news report correctly.
II. Subject Matter:
Videophone Launched
Answering specific Question Based on a news Broadcast listened to.
Retelling the News Broadcast
Nothing Details of an Article Using Graphic Organizer.
Reference: PELC 4.1.1 p. 19 ( Speaking )
4.1.1. p. 19 ( Reading )
3.1. p. 19 ( writing )
Growing in English ( Language ) p. 147
Growing in English ( Reading ) p. 85
Materials: Tape recorded, Chart
Value concept:
Self-Reliance and Creativity
III. Procedure:
1. Unlocking of difficulties
a. Teacher unlocks the meaning of the words videophone and launch
through coloration.



Think of words that are synonymous to the words inside the circle.
Write the words on the boxes provided.



2. Motivation:
What modern inventions have you read about recently? Do you think they
are beneficial to man? Why or Why not?
3. Raising the motive question:
How does the launching of the videophone system help man?
4. Setting of the standard.
5. Listening to a news broadcast
Videophone Launched
Leadtex Research Inc. Recently launched its TeleEye 324 TV
videophone system in the local market. The system enables the caller to
visually communicate over the phone with anyone in the world has another H324 international standard videophone system. It is composed of a phone and
a TV as a displays screen and does not need for a complicated computer set
up. Banbros Commercial locally distributed the videophone system.

B. Critical Thinking:
1. Engagement Activity 1
Group 1 Hear me
Pretend that you are newscaster. Report the article Videophone
Launched to class.
Group 2 Tell something about me.
Discuss what the Leadtex Research Inc. Launched
Group 3. Compare me
Compare a videophone system with other communication device
Group 4 Create or make your own communication device.


2. Engagement Activity 2:
a. Answering thee motive question.
b. Answering the Comprehension check-up questions
Question for group 1
1. What is the news broadcast about?
( group 1 will present their work )
2. Is it important to listen to news broadcast? Why? Why not?
( question for group 2 )
3. What did the Leadtex Research, Inc. Recently launched in the
local market?
4. How does videophone system help us?
( Group 2 will present their work )
5. If you were apart of the Leadtex Research, Inc. What do you
think did they consider in launching the videophone system?
6. What work does the videophone do more easily than an
ordinary communication device?
7. How would you compare a videophone system with a
telephone? Telephone?
( group 3 will present their work )
8. which do you prefer to use, a videophone or an ordinary cell
phone? Why?
Question for group 4
9. Can you create your own communication device? Tell the class
how useful it is.
10. If you were asked to invent a thing, what would it be?



August 23, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Answer specific questions based on the news broadcast listened to.
Note details of an article using graphic organizer.
Copy science news report correctly.
II. Subject Matter:
Videophone Launched
Answering specific Question Based on a news Broadcast listened to.
Retelling the News Broadcast
Nothing Details of an Article Using Graphic Organizer.
Reference: PELC 4.1.1 p. 19 ( Speaking )
4.1.1. p. 19 ( Reading )
3.1. p. 19 ( writing )
Growing in English ( Language ) p. 147
Growing in English ( Reading ) p. 85
Materials: Tape recorded, Chart
Value concept:
Self-Reliance and Creativity
III. Procedure:
1. Motivation:
What radio broadcast do you like to listen to? Why do you like those
2. Presentation:
Teacher present the news broadcast.
3. Analyses and discussion
What informations did you get from the news broadcast? What have
you noticed with the broadcasts speaking voice? How did you find it? Did he/she
pronounce words correctly?
Retell the news broadcast heard.
4. Generalization:
What should be done to be able to retell the news broadcast listened to


5. Practice Exercises
a. Guided Practice
Try the following turning up exercises first
Breath deeply. Inhale through the nose. Inflate your diaphragm, chest
walls and ribs as you inhale. Then exhale gradually with the sound of ah.
Inhale again. Hold your breath as you count from one to ten, and then
exhale gradually with the sound of ha
Listen to this news broadcast and be able to retell what you have
The star ship USS Enterprise was travelling on the edge of outer
space. Captain James Kirk sat in his command chair on the bridge. Everyday,
the captain made a report for the ships log. He spoke into the microphone
on his chair and the ships computer stored the information.

B. Independent Practice:
Listen to this news broadcast. Retell what youve heard to class. Pretend that
you are a broadcaster.
Lieutenant Uhura flicked a switch. All at once, a terrible scene filled the big
view screen. The shocked crew saw a picture of a beautiful city in the middle of the
dessert. Angry dinosaur were attacking it. The animals were smashing everything n
their path.
D. Transfer Stage:
1. Presentation:
Teacher present the article Videophone Launched. Read the news
article silently
2. Analyses and Discussion
Here are some questions to be answered. Make use of a graphic
organizer to show the answers.
Detail 2

Answer for
question 2

Detail 5

question 5

Detail 1
Answer for
question 1

Detail 3
Answer for
question 3


Detail 4
Answer for
question 4

1. What are the article about? What important details did you get from it?
2. What did the Leadtex Research Inc. Recently launched in the local market?
3. How does it help us?
4. Is it really necessary to have this videophone system nowadays? Why?
Why not?
5. What are the advantages of launching this videophone system?
3. Practice exercises:
a. Guided practice
Read the news article and answer the questions below it. Fill out the
graphic organizer in answering the questions.
Edward San Juan invented the Lunar rover or the Moon Buggy, which was
used by Apollo 15 in its mission to the moon. The buggy is a four wheeled, batterypowdered car that has wiremesh wheels for traction on lunar dust.It is self
equipped with a navigation system. Ripleys believe It or Not tagged him as the
space Junkman because he used scrap in building the buggy.
1. What was the invention of San Juan?
2. Describe the moon buggy.
3. What is the purpose or use?
4. What makes it unique?
5. Why did Ripleys Believe it or Not tag the inventor as the space
Answer for question No. 1
Answer for question No. 2
Answer for question No. 3


Answer for question No. 4

Answer for question No. 5

IV. Evaluation:
A. Listen as I read a news broadcast. Retell it as if you are a broadcaster.
During World War II, there was a shortage of petroleum fuel. To solve
the problem, Felix D. Maramba Sr. Thought for experimenting on the use of
charcoal and coconut oil to run a power generator. It worked.
B. Based on this article, device your own article, device your own graphic
organizer in answering questions.
The Industrial Technology Development Institute ( ITDI ) of the
Department of Science and Technology ( DOST) has developed world class
industrial products and technologies, which are ready for commercialization.
These technologies includes ultrasonic cleaning equipment,
absorbable film pad out a carrageenan, sulphite-free dried pineapple, slow release
potassium silicate fertilizer, do it-yourself concrete block from lahar cement, high
temperature partial dying of a fresh coconut meat and monolaurin from coco fatty
acid Padolina said.
1. what did the ITDI of the DOST development?
2. What does it include?
3. Do you think it is useful? Why or why not?
V. Assignment:
Clip a new article from a newspaper then be able to deliver it in class. Speak
the way broadcast should speak.



August 23, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a story.
Answer questions based on the story listened to.
Use plural forms of nouns
Sequence events using story mapping.
Write a summary of what was read.
II. Subject Matter:
Story Princess Urduja
Answering question based on the story listened to.
Using the plural of nouns.
Sequencing events using story mapping.
PELC 5 pp. 20 ( speaking )


English Communication Arts and Skills

English in a Dynamic world pp. 35-37
Charts, pictures, activity sheet
Value concept:
Respect for women
III. Learning Activities:
A. Unlocking of difficulties:
1. Unlock words through context clues.
a. In every competition, a winner celebrates his victory.
b. A leader who has done something good for his people is worthy of
c. The man loves adventure. He is daring.
d. Vilma Santos is noblewoman.
e. Diamond is a costly jewelry.
f. Lea Salonggas performance in the play Ms. Saigon was fantastic. Her
frame is known all over the world.
B. Answer the question Yes if the meaning of words are correct and No if not.
a. Is an adventurous lady daring?
b. Is a costly unique expensive.
c. Are worthy people valueless?
d. Is a noble person unknown?
e. Is a victory an overcoming enemy?
f. Is fame a public reputation?
2. Motivation:
Have you heard or read a story about princess Urduja? What do you know
about her?
3. Motive Question
What kind of leader was Urduja?
4. Setting of Standard
5. Listening to a story.
( See charts. See manual p. 9 S.Q.)
B. Critical thinking:
1. Engagement Activity:
Group 1: We can enumerate
List down the qualities of Urduja that caused her father to make
her his successor.
Group 2: We can draw:
Princess Urduja was called the Amazon Queen. Draw your idea of
Amazon Queen.
Group 3. We can act:
Show the proofs of Urdujas fine culture and hospitality
Group 4: Let me speak



Do you consider women as equals of men? Why? Why not?

2. Reporting of different group.
3. Discussing about the report.

What can you say about the women today? How can you show respect
to women?
V. Evaluation:
1. who are the character in the story?
2. What bothered King Dalisay?
3. what qualities in Urduja caused her father to make her successor?
4. Why was princess Urduja called the Amazon Queen?
5. How does an Amazon Queen look?
6. What are the proofs of Urdujas fine culture and hospitality?
7. Do you consider women as equals of men?
VI. Assignment:
Make a summary about the story.



August 24, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a selection
Answer specific question based on the selection listened to.
Retell a selection listened to.
Sequence the key concept/big ideas to show wholeness of the selection.
II. Subject Matter:
My Family and I
Answering Specific question based on the selection
Retelling a selection listened to.
Sequencing the Key concept/Big ideas to show wholeness of the Selection.
PELC 4 p.19 ( speaking )
PELC 5 p. 19 ( reading )
Tape recorded, chart.
Value Concept: Oneness and cooperation.
III. Procedure:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:


a. Teacher unlocks the meaning of the underlined words through the

use of a puzzle
Brood of five
Suburbs of Manila
Responsibilities to do
Little frustration as challenges
Typical middle-class Filipino family
b. Work on this puzzle

1. Young ones cared for together
2. obligations; things which are a persons job, duty, or concern
3. disappointment
1. residential sections near the boundary of a city.
2. showing the qualities or characteristics of a certain type.
C. Used the unlock words in meaningful sentences.
2. Motivation:
Teacher show a picture of a family. Identify the members of the family.
Tell something about your family.
3. Raising the motive questions.
To what kind of family does the author/speaker belong?
4. Listening to the selection
Teacher read the selection.
( See lesson Guide p. 32 Orange )
B. Critical thinking:
1. Engagement Activity 1
Divide the class into four groups.


Group 1: Listen to me
Tell the kind of family the speaker has
Group II: Lights Camera Action
Show how a typical family helps one another in doing household chores
Group III: Family Size and Health
Compare big and small families in terms of the healthful benefits they
can afford.
Group IV: Family Tree
Make a family tree showing your own family members.
2. Engagement activity 2
a. Answering the motive questions
b. Answering the comprehension check-up questions
Question from group 1
1. Describe her family. How many are they in the family? Where
do they live?
2. Does she have a happy family? Why?
3. What can be said about her family in terms of their
Question for Group II
4. What are the responsibilities of each member of the family.
5. In the selection presented, do you think all the members of the
family do their works? How?
6. In your own family, what are the responsibilities of each
Question For group III
7. How would you describe the size of the family the speaker
8. How does family size affects familys health?
9. What are the advantages of having a big family? A small
Question for group IV
10. How many members does your family have?
11. Tell something about your family?
( group IV will present their work)
12. To what kind of family do you belong?



August 25, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Retell a selection listened to.
Sequence the key concept/big ideas to show wholeness of the selection.
II. Subject Matter:
Retelling a selection listened to.
Sequencing the Key concept/Big ideas to show wholeness of the Selection.
PELC 4 p.19 ( speaking )
PELC 5 p. 19 ( reading )
Tape recorded, chart.
Value Concept: Oneness and cooperation.
III. Procedure:
1. Presentation:
Teacher plays the recorded selection and let the pupils listen
2. Analyses and Discussion
What information did you get from the selection? What can be said
about her family? How does each member of the family help one another?
Retell the selection listened to.
3. Generalization:
What should be done to be able to retell the selection listened to
4. Practice Exercises:
A Guided Practice


Listen to the selection. Be able to retell what youve heared.

Electrification of Rural Areas
Many rural area in the Philippines are now enjoying the blessing of
electricity. This is a welcome improvement needed. Electrification help barangay
develop and improve their industries. Farmers are happy too., with the use of
electric pumps to water their farms. This means better and more harvest.
Fishermen benefit a lot from electrification. They can keep their fish fresh by
putting them in cold storage plants.
The people enjoy the comforts of modern living. They own TV sets,
refrigerators, and electric fans.
They also enjoy better health conditions.
B. Independent Practice:
Teacher present a selection. Listen carefully. Retell what youve
learned to class.
The Filipinos
Filipinos are by nature patient, persevering and hardworking. This traits
can be observed in most
people specially in the rural areas. Many of them are
farmers, fisherman and herdsmen. In their homes,
housewives engage in home
industries. Some are baskets and mat-weavers, pot makers and food preservers.
Many Filipinos have accepted well to the advancement of technology. Many
carpenters, dressmakers,
bricklayers, and painters now use modern equipment
in their work. In the Urban areas, we observe that the
average postman,
firemen, policeman, newspaper boy, market vendor, and other possess the
characteristics of
an admirable Filipino.

IV. Evaluation:
Read the selection silently. Arrange the events in order. Number them to
indicate the answer.



It was a chilly evening in the early nights of November, a little boy was
feeling very cold but
he didnt want to go into the house. There were lots of things that he didnt
understand. His mother
and his aunt were too busy answer this questions. Why did my Papa have
to die early? where is
heaven? Is my Papa there? he missed his father so much. The two ladies
had to force him to get
inside the house. The little boy cried in desperation. The two ladies realized
that the boy was seriously
___A. His mother and hi aunt were too busy to answer his question.
___B. The two ladies realized that the boy was seriously ill.
___C. It was a chilly evening in the early nights of November when a boy was
feeling very cold outside.
___D. He missed his father so much.
___E. The two ladies had to force the little boy to get into the house.
V. Assignment:
Read the sentences. Sequence them correctly. Write numbers 1-5 to indicate
the order.
___ Soap the clothes well
___ Hang the clothes to dry.
___Soak the clothes in water
___Rinse the clothes
___Fold the clothes



August 29, 2011

No Classes Ramadan


August 30, 2011-08-29

No Classes Eidr Fitr


August 31,2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a selection
Answer question about the selection listened to
Use present tense of the verb
Make a heading/subheading for paragraph in a selection
II. Subject Matter:
The Moon
Answering questions about the selection listened to.
Using present tense of the verb.
Making Heading/Subheading for paragraph in selection.
References: Language Arts 6, pp. 106-109
The Great Book of knowledge p. 10
Skill Builders for efficient Reading 6, pp. 223-228
Materials: Globe, flashlight, strips of cartolina, Picture of man in the moon.



III. Learning Activities:

1. Pre-Reading
a. Unlocking of difficulties
State the meaning of the underlined words used in each
sentence through pictures/context clues.
1. The moon is a satellite of the earth; as planet are also satellites of
the sun.
2. Vegetation grows abundantly in a rainforest ecosystem.
3. There are lots of craters on the moon believed to be caused by
meteors and meteorites.
4. Object falls to the ground because of gravity.
b. Fill in each blank with the correct word inside the box.


A ______ revolves around a bigger celestial body.

Is there any form of ______ on the moon?
Have you seen those hollow and deep ______ on the moon?
______ keeps us rooted to the ground.

2. Motivation:
Among the heavenly bodies in the sky, which is clearly seen by the
naked eyes?
How does it looks as viewed from the earth?
3. Raising the Motive question:
Show the picture of man walking on the moon.
Say: A favourite destination to astronauts, the moon has always
been a target of space
exploration. Scientist have been studying
its features and characteristics.
What do you want to know about the reflection?
4. setting the standard in listening.
5. During Reading

The Moon
The moon in the earths satellite. It revolves around the earth
once every 29.5days, at a
distance of about 250,000 km.



The moon has no light of its own. What we call moonlight is just
reflected sunlight.
We always see the same side of the moon. Astronauts have
taken pictures of the dark
side from their spacecrafts.
On the surface of the moon are great craters and mountain
range, but no water, air or
vegetation. There is no sign of life at present, even past. Even today,
no living organism exist on the
As the moon goes around the earth, the sun lights up different
part of it. To us on earth, the
moon seems to change shape every night. These shapes are called
On the moon, gravity is much weaker than that of the earth. Objects
float and if there we
would feel lighter because the moons gravity is only 1/6 as that of the

1. Post Reading:
a. engagement activity 1
Divide the pupils into 4 groups. Assign teach an activity to work on.
Group 1:
Write the distinctive features of the moon.


Group 2: We can explain

Through the use of a ball, flashlight and globe explain why
moonlight is called reflected
Group 3: We can draw
Explain through the graphic representation the phases of the
Group 4: We can compute
Compute for your weight when on earth and when on the moon.


b.Engagement activity 2:
1. Answering the motive question:
2. Comprehension Check-up
What are the distinctive features of the moon?
( Presentation of group 1s activity )
Does the moon have a light of its own? Explain
( Presentation of group 2s activity )
Why does the moon seem to change its shape?
(Presentation of groups 3s activity )
If given the chance to be on the moon, what would be your mass
( presentation of the group 4s activity)
Can be there be life on the moon? Explain your reason.
Do you love to live on the moon? Why? Why not?

September 1,2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Use present tense of the verb
Participate actively in the class discussion
Make a heading/subheading for paragraph in a selection
II. Subject Matter:
The Moon
Using present tense of the verb.
Making Heading/Subheading for paragraph in selection.
References: Language Arts 6, pp. 106-109
The Great Book of knowledge p. 10
Skill Builders for efficient Reading 6, pp. 223-228
Materials: Charts
III. Learning Activities:
1. Review:
Review indefinite pronouns.
Use the correct form of the verb inside the parenthesis.
1. Everybody (love) to hear his music.
2. All (be) eager to hear it.


3. Someone (say) its a gift from heaven.

4. Many (agree) with what he says.
2. Presentation:
Present the sets of sentences taken from the selection. Study each set.

1. The moon is the earths satellite.


1. We always see the same side of the moon.

2. It revolves around the earth once every 29.5 days.
3. The moon seems to change shape every night.


1. There is no sign of life at present.

2. Even today, no living organism exist on the moon.

3. Discussion:
Which set of sentence expresses fact?
Which set expresses habitual action?
What time expressions were used?
Which set denotes a present condition?
What verb is used in each sentence?
Notice the form of the verb used?
What form of the verb was used?
Why did we use this form?
4. Generalization:
When do we use the present tense of the verb?
5. Practice exercises:
Use the correct form of the verb inside the parenthesis.
1. Today our national language, Filipino, (be) understood in every part of the
2. At present media (contribute) greatly in spreading the use of Filipino.
3. English people (have) several dialects.
4. Time (move) fast.
5. Happiness (be) what we seek.
6. Plants (die) from lack of moisture.
7. Marie always (perform) well in school.
8. She regularly (write) us a letter.
9. Trees (give) us shade.
10. Our constitution (mandate) the use of English and Filipino as language of
6. Assimilation:
(Distribute a copy of the following paragraph then give this instruction.) Work
in pairs. Write the correct form of the verb inside the parenthesis on the space



provided for to complete the meaning of the paragraph. Post your work on the
board. The first to finish is the winner.
River(begin) in mountains or hills as small trickles of rainwater or melting
snow. Trickles (flow) together to form a stream and these (join) other streams to
form a river. The river (become) slower and broader as it (wind) across the land
and (reach) the sea at rivers mouth.
When river (come) to the edge of cliff, it always (plunge) down, forming a
waterfall. Today, waterfall (serve) as great attractions to onlookers.
IV. Evaluation:
A. Use the correct form of the verb inside the parenthesis.
1. Birds(lay) eggs.
2. The earth ( revolve) around the sun once every 365 days.
3. The sun (shine) all the time.
4. She (look) radiant today.
5.Rainforest (be) important to our ecosystem.
V. Assignment:
Use the correct form of the verb inside the parenthesis.
1. The moon (get) its light from the sun.
2. The Philippines (be) in Asia.
3. He frequently (visit) his friends at the farm.
4. The Sun (shine) brightly today.
5. Plants (grow) well on loam soil.



September 2,2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objectives:
Make a heading/subheading for paragraph in a selection
Participate actively in the class discussion
II. Subject Matter:
The Moon
Making Heading/Subheading for paragraph in selection.
References: Language Arts 6, pp. 106-109
The Great Book of knowledge p. 10
Skill Builders for efficient Reading 6, pp. 223-228
Materials: Charts
III. Learning Activities:





Discuss the appropriate heading and subheadings for the paragraphs

in the selection.
I. The moon as earths satellite.
A. Revolves around the earth once every 29.5 days.
II. Has no light of its own.
A. Reflected sunlight
III. Physical Features
A. Craters
B. Mountain ranges
C. No life form
IV. Weak gravity
A. Only 1/6 as that of the earths
B. Floating of objects.
3. Practice Exercises:
Read the following paragraph and statement taken from it. Make a
simple outline by filling on the blanks with main topic and the details. Get your
answer from the statements given. Be sure to give the details in the order given is
the paragraph.
The accomplishment of satellites have been many and varied than
made satellites serve us aids for scientific investigation, navigation, military
surveillance, communication, and meteorology ( which include weather
forecasting). They have discovered hurricanes and tracked them, so that families in
the path of such storms are forewarned and necessary steps taken to protect lives
and properties. They have measure temperature, water vapour content and ozone
in the earths atmosphere. They have made possible live television across ocean.
They are mapping the earth and the moon in new way and are even reaching back
in time to observe the fairy birth of the universe.
a. Satellites are used to track hurricanes.
b. Man-made satellites are aids for various purposes.
c. Events across ocean are seen on television via satellites.
d. The earths temperature and water vapor can be measured by satellites.
e. Satellites map the earth and the moon in new ways.
Main Topic: ___________________________
4. Assimilation



Read the selection and make an outline. Some of the headings have been
listed. Fill in the blanks with the supporting details.
Mystery Animals
Some animals have been so fully studied that there seems little more we can
learn about them. Others are less well known but they have been photographed.
But there are few that seem just as real because people have talked about them.
However neither specimens nor photograph have been taken of them. These are
mystery animals.
Perhaps the most famous mystery animal is the Loch Ness monster. It has
attracted worldwide attention because some people swear they have been this he
monster, which looks like one of the extinct plesiosaurs. It comes to the surface in
Loch Ness, Scotland.
The next most famous is the Abominable Snowman. The people of the
outlandish parts of Nepal, high up in the Himalayas, tell of strange animals call the
Yeti. It is paid to be apelike. It is a hairy primitive man, powerful and with a loud
voice. Travelers through snow bring back stories of local people having been
The last mystery animals is the sea serpent. From earliest time, they have
been mariners stories of large snakelike animal suddenly appearing at the surface
of the sea. There have been pictures from the Middle Ages of the sea serpent
attacking a shift or wrestling with a huge sperm whale. In 1952 a Danish research
sift brought up an eel larva from deep water that measured six feet long. A six-foot
larva could therefore mean an adult sixty foot long. So for nobody has seen the
adult and it may will be that it is living in deep water, and is only very rarely seen
at the surface.
I. Studies on animals varied.
II. The Loch Ness monster
III. The abominable Segment
IV. The Sea Serpent


IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph below. Identify the heading/subheading. Write them on
the space provided below.
In the early days men of the Stone age lived in caves. These caves protected
them from the wind and wild animals. These early men hunted deer, goats, lions,
and other wild animals. Their first concern was to make sure of an adequate food
supply. The animals they liked provided them with skins they used as clothing.
Later they discovered the advantages of keeping young animals captive instead of
killing them. So they were able to raise calves, lambs, piglets, and fowls in herds,
which they could take from one pasture to another. At the same time they learned
to use bones, antlers, ivory and wood for their hunting weapons.
V. Assignment:
Write the heading and subheading on the paragraph below.
From their beginning in the Old stone Age through the Middle stone Age and
up to the New Stone Age, men became more skilled in working. They made finer
and better weapon such as axes, hoes, and sickles. They felled trees
And made clearings in the forest where they built wooden huts. They adopted a
more settled way of life and discovered how to grow plants and crops.



September 5,2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a selection
Answer specific questions about the selection listened to.
Use the simple past tense of irregular verbs in sentences.
Infer how the story would turn out if some episodes were changed
Write the possible event that would happen if some episodes were changed.
II. Subject Matter:
Showing enjoyment in listening to a selection


Answering specific questions about the selection listened to.

Using simple past tense of irregular verbs in sentences
Inferring how the story would turn out if some episodes were changed.
Writing the possible event that would happen if some episodes were
Developing Reading power 6: pp. 110-101, 103, 155
Materials: Charts
III. Learning Activities:;
1.a. Unlocking Difficulties ( Through context clues )
Unlock the meaning of the following underlined words through context
1. I want to write all the important things that happened in my life. Im
planning to write my
2. Mrs. Cruz assigned each of her siblings to do household chores. Eden
will clean the house. Nestor
will fix the fence and Nita will take care
of her younger brother.
b. Match each word in column A with the appropriate meaning in column B.
1. autobiography
2. household chores
by himself.

a. A daily light work of family
b. A story of a persons life written

2. Motivation:
Have you read Rizals autobiography?
What have you read about him?
3. Raising the motive question
It is interesting to know the life of a person. Now you are going to listen
to the autobiography of Mina Perez, a grade 6 pupils of Sta. Rita Institute. In her
autobiography she wrote the interesting place that she had been to.
Find Out: what do you intend to know about her autobiography?
4. Standard for Listening to a story:
What are you supposed to do while listening to a selection?
5. Listening to a selection;
Minas Autobiography
I was born in San Fernando, Pampanga on January 8, twelve years ago. My
father Cesar is a bank employee while mother Gina, looks after small poultry
house. Young as we are, my brother, my sister and I help in the household chores
and in the poultry house every weekend. We have a schedule of things to do.


Since we studied very well and also helped in the work at home, our parents
treated us to some enjoyable activities. Once a month, we either watch a movie or
go to interesting places.
When I was eight, they brought us to Villa Escudero. We swam and enjoyed
the cart ride. The place is simply beautiful. After a year, we went to Baguio. I was
awake throughout the trip specially when we passed through the zigzag of Kenon
Road. The place is so high and the weather is so cold. Vegetables and flowering
plants grow everywhere. Two years ago, we also visited Tagaytay City.
My parents told us that we would visit Visayas and Mindanao next time. Next
year we will go to Boracay.
Five years from now; I will finish high school and I dream to be a teacher.
Many children will learn from when we finish. I will teach well because I know this
will help a lot in improving the citizenry.
B. Engagement activity 1
Divide the pupils into 4 groups. Each group will do the assigned task.
Group 1: we can act
Act out the things that they do to help their parents.
Group 2: We can prove it
Prove that Mina enjoyed visiting the interesting places.
Group 3: We can write
Write the possible reasons why they have chosen to visit Boracay next
Group 4: we can draw:
Draw a place in the Philippines that you want to visit if given a chance.
2. Engagement Activity 2
a. Answering the Motive Question:
b. Comprehension Check-up
When was she born?
What is the occupation of her mother? Father?
How do they help their parents?
Why do you think they help their parents in doing the household
( Presentation of the Group 1 )
Why do Minas parents treated them to some enjoyable activities?
What enjoyable activities did they do?
What interesting places did they visited?
Did Mina enjoy the places that they visited? Why do you say so?
(Presentation of group 2)
Where will they go next year?
Why do you think they chose to visit this place?
(presentation of group 3)
Have you been to this place? If not have you seen it on T.V.?


What can you say about this place?

If you were given a chance to visit one of the beautiful sceneries in the
Philippines, where it would be?
(Presentation of group 4)
c. Value concept:
Would you like to visit all these place?
How o you show your appreciation of the beauty of nature?

September 6, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Use the simple past tense of irregular verbs in sentences.
Participate actively in the class discussion.
Infer how the story would turn out if some episodes were changed
Write the possible event that would happen if some episodes were changed.
II. Subject Matter:
Using simple past tense of irregular verbs in sentences
Inferring how the story would turn out if some episodes were changed.



Writing the possible event that would happen if some episodes were
Developing Reading power 6: pp. 110-101, 103, 155
Materials: Charts
III. Learning Activities:;
1. Review:
Complete each sentence with the simple past form of the verb at the
1. She ____ to do her best.
2. Melissas mother _____ her do the difficult assignments.
( notice )
3. Her classmates ____ the great change in Melissa.
( receive ) 4. She ____three academic awards.
( praise )
5. Mrs. Sison _____Melissas remarkable attitude.
2. Presentation:
Read the following sentences:
a. Mina was born on January 8, twelve years ago.
b. When I was eight may parents brought us to Ville Escudero.
3. Discussion:
What verb is used in the sentence? Sentence 2?
Did the action happen in the past?
What time marker is used in each sentence to show past action?
If the actions happened in the past, what form of the verb is used?
What other time markers/expressions can we use to show past action?
How do the irregular verbs form their past tense?
Irregular verbs undergo a variety of changes from the simple present
to the past?
Some of this are follows:
1. Change in consonant
2. Change in vowel
3. Change in vowel and consonant


4. Some have irregular patterns
Be, am, is
Do, does
4. Generalization:
How do the irregular verbs form their past tense?
5. Practice exercises:
Complete each sentence with the simple past form of the irregular verb at
the left.
(feel) 1. Melissa ______ anxious about her low grades.
2. She _____she was behind her work.
3. Melissa ______ up her mind to study harder.
4. She _____ to get high scores in the test.
( be ) 5. How happy she _______!
6. Assimilation:
Divide the class into 4. Each group will have a representative for every verb
that I will flash. The contestant will give the past form. The group who will get the
highest score wins the games.
IV. Evaluation:
Fill each blank with the correct past form of the irregular verb at the left.
( make ) 1. She _____ her homework last night.
( break ) 2. Sister _____ mothers new flower pot yesterday.
( buy )
3. Brother ____ a fake toy gun last week.
( teach)
4. The boys _____ the girls how to dance an hour ago.
( give )
5. The girls _____ the newspaper to the visitors the other day.
V. Assignment:
Fill each blank with the correct past form of the irregular verb.
( buy )
1. Joshua ____ new pairs of slippers yesterday.
( meet )
2. The pupils _____ their teacher yesterday.
( divide ) 3. Long time ago, people in the barangay ___ water from rivers and open
( see )
4. I _____ your father two days ago.
( go ) 5. She _____ to the party last night.



September 7, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objectives:
Infer how the story would turn out if some episodes were changed
Write the possible event that would happen if some episodes were changed.
Participate actively in the class discussion.
II. Subject Matter:
Inferring how the story would turn out if some episodes were changed.
Writing the possible event that would happen if some episodes were
Developing Reading power 6: pp. 110-101, 103, 155
Materials: Charts
III. Learning Activities:;
1. Presentation:


Mina and her brother and sister were able to visit the different
interesting place in the Philippines because they help their parents in doing some
household chores.
2. Discussion:
How do you think the story would turn out if Nena and her brother and
sister didnt help their parents in doing some household chores? If they didnt
3. Guided Practice:
Read the story:
Why! I have never seen our town so clean! cried Lyn as she
alighted from the tricycle.
Not a single trash around?
Dont you know that every citizen in our town helps to make
our town clean? Said
Dennis, her brother. Any one caught throwing rubbish around will be
punished accordingly.
It can really be done, said Lyn. We can really make our town
clean if we wish to.
Yes, answered Dennis.
What would have happened if anyone caught throwing rubbish around will be
4. Assimilation:
Divide the class into 4. Read the story then answer the question that
Ruby overslept that Monday morning. When she woke up she had
only ten minutes to eat
breakfast and start for school.
As if everything was against Ruby, she didnt find a single pair of
clean socks. She had no
time to wash her clothes during the
She got a pair of Aidas socks but as she hurried downstairs, Aida
saw her wearing her
You never lend any of your things, Aida said. Remember when
I wanted to wear your
yellow headband, you didnt lend me? So you
better remove those socks.
well, I never saw a sister as hard to get along with as you are,
muttered Ruby as she ran
back upstairs to return Aidas socks.


1. What would happened if Ruby woke up early?

2. what would have happened if Ruby lend her yellow headband when Aida
was borrowing it?
IV. Evaluation:
Read the selection. Choose the letter of the sentence that states how the
story would turn out if some episodes were changed.
The captain of the ship ordered his men to check if the cargoes were tied
with chains.
The men went down the cargo section and found out that there were no
chains. So, they tied the cargoes with old abaca ropes. Confident that everything
had been checked, the captain signalled his crew that they had to leave.
While in the sea, a storm came. Waves grew big and wild, as they struck the
side of the ship. The abaca rope, which is tied around the cargoes, broke off. All the
cargoes glided at one side of the ship. Then the ship started to sink.
1. If the men used metal chains instead of old abaca ropes, ____________
a. the cargoes would have not glided.
b. the men would have been left at the pier.
c. the men would have been left at the pier.
2. If the men told the captain that there were no chains,_____
a. The captain of the ship would have disapproved it.
b. The captain of the ship would have ordered to adjust the ships schedule
of departure.
c. The men would have been suspended from work.
3. If the captain and his men have properly checked everything first before they
left, _________
a. The ship would still have sunk.
b. The ship would have left early.
c. The ship have not sunk.
V. Assignment:
Create your own story and write the story turned out.



September 8, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a story
Answer specific questions about the story listened to.
Identify plural indefinite pronouns and their uses
Determine the purpose of the author.
Organizes ones thought in writing information
II. Subject Matter:
Answering specific question


Identifying plural indefinite pronoun and their uses.

Determining the purpose of the author
Organizing ones thought in writing information.
Fun in Reading 6 pp. 190-191
Fun in Reading 5 pp. 44-45
Growing in English Language pp. 95-101
Growing in English Reading pp. 79-82
English for all times pp. 127-129
English for all times Language p. 136
PELC 7.7.1
Materials: Pictures of Moriones
Value concept:
Love of God
III. Learning Activities:
1.a. Unlocking Difficulties
Unlock the underlined words through context clues.
1. There are some religious festival in the country. Its about the life,
sacrifice and redemption of Jesus Christ. For the catholic, we call it Senaculo,
Ramadan for the Muslim and Moriones in Marinduque?
2. People commit sins. Sinners go to hell. But because of the endless
love of the lord. He died on the cross for our redemption.
3. Five boys were playing inside the classroom. It so happen that one of
them broke the flower vase on the table. They approach the teacher to forgive
them. They were pardoned because of their penitence.
4. Every morning the fisherman takes his net and goes on fishing. Hes
so happy because every time he pulled his net, it is always full of big fishes. It was
peculiar that when he throws his net again, no fishes were caught.
b. Read the sentence carefully. Write the appropriate word on the blank.
1. The robber was forgiven by the policeman because of his _____________
2. _____ is one of the annual folk, religious festival here in the Philippines.
3. This old book has a _______ value for me.
4. Because of our sins, Jesus Christ called the cross for our ______.
2. Motivation:
What have you noticed about the people in the picture?
Do you know of some religious festival held in our country?
3. Raising the Motive question:
4. Setting the standard in Listening
( See manual p. 54 Q.3 )
B. Critical Thinking:
1. Engagement Activity 1
The teacher will the class into four and let each group do the assigned


Group 1: write Ups

This group will write the reason for celebrating Moriones.
Group 2: we can draw
This group will draw the mask and costumes worn by the participants.
Group 3. We can act
This group dramatizes the role of Longinus in the Kalbaryuhan
Group 4. We can sing
This group create a small song about senaculo.
2. Engagement Activity 2:
a. Answering the motive question:
b. Comprehension check-up
Who usually participate in the Moriones?
- Why is this festival celebrated in Marinduque?
- Describe the mask and costumes worn by the participants.
- What role does Longinus play in the Klbaryuhan?
- What character of Longinus do you like best?
IV. Evaluation:
In the Filipino festival, a writer describes how Filipinos show their creative
instinct and their natural feeling for local traditions. What particular festival is
celebrating in your own town? Describe it.
V. Assignment:
Make a summary of Moriones.



September 9, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Identify plural indefinite pronouns and their uses
Determine the purpose of the author.
Organizes ones thought in writing information
II. Subject Matter:
Identifying plural indefinite pronoun and their uses.
Determining the purpose of the author
Organizing ones thought in writing information.
Fun in Reading 6 pp. 190-191
Fun in Reading 5 pp. 44-45
Growing in English Language pp. 95-101
Growing in English Reading pp. 79-82
English for all times pp. 127-129
English for all times Language p. 136
PELC 7.7.1
Materials: Pictures of Moriones


Value concept:

Love of God

III. Learning Activities:

1. Review:
When do we use singular indefinite pronoun? What are some examples
of singular indefinite pronoun?
2. Presentation:
Study the following sentences from the story.
1. Most are serious penitents who have vowed to make his peculiar form of
2. Few depict the Roman centurions Christs tortured times.
3. All bear eerie expressions of stupidity and fierceness.
4. Moriones attracts many in Marinduque and nearby provinces.
5. several wore colourful costumes and masks.
3. Discussions
Study carefully the first three sentences. What do you think is the
usage of the underlined words? What form of the verb was used?
4. Generalization:
What are the plural indefinite pronoun? How are these pronouns used
in the sentence?
5. Practice Exercises:
Complete each sentences with appropriate pronoun at the left.
(my, our) 1. All of us are expected to concentrate in _____ work.
( her, their) 2. Several of the girls gave ____ brightness ideas.
( his, their )
3. All have realized ____ responsibilities as members of the team
or class.
( his, their ) 4. Most of the pupils made ______ projects.
( is, are )
5. Many of the pupils _____ proud of their teams.
6. Application:
Underline the indefinite pronoun in each sentence and write its uses.
1. Several of the pupils parents attending the meeting.
2. The seeds were scattered by few birds as they flew in the sky.
3. The boy watered many of the plants in the garden.
4. At last, all the expected guest are seated.
5. The social events participated by several people are reported in the
society page.
IV. Evaluation:
Encircle the indefinite pronoun and write its uses.
1. the newspaper was bought by several of the pupils.
2. All can judge the distance correctly.
3. Politicians fulfilled many of there correctly.
4. Most are absent today because of the typhoon.


5. The paragraph was read by both of the pupils.

V. Assignment:
Give the uses of indefinite pronoun in each sentence.
1. Several come back to apologize for what they did.
2. The meeting has been postponed by many of the participants.
3. Others are expected to attend the PTA meeting.
4. The projects were submitted on time by several of the pupils.
5. All were able to buy their requirements on time.



September 12, 2011

No classes


September 13, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Make a heading/subheading for paragraph in a selection
Participate actively in the class discussion
II. Subject Matter:
The Moon
Making Heading/Subheading for paragraph in selection.
References: Language Arts 6, pp. 106-109
The Great Book of knowledge p. 10
Skill Builders for efficient Reading 6, pp. 223-228
Materials: Charts
III. Learning Activities:




Discuss the appropriate heading and subheadings for the paragraphs
in the selection.
I. The moon as earths satellite.
A. Revolves around the earth once every 29.5 days.
II. Has no light of its own.
A. Reflected sunlight
III. Physical Features
A. Craters
B. Mountain ranges
C. No life form
IV. Weak gravity
A. Only 1/6 as that of the earths
B. Floating of objects.
3. Practice Exercises:
Read the following paragraph and statement taken from it. Make a
simple outline by filling on the blanks with main topic and the details. Get your
answer from the statements given. Be sure to give the details in the order given is
the paragraph.
The accomplishment of satellites have been many and varied than
made satellites serve us aids for scientific investigation, navigation, military
surveillance, communication, and meteorology ( which include weather
forecasting). They have discovered hurricanes and tracked them, so that families in
the path of such storms are forewarned and necessary steps taken to protect lives
and properties. They have measure temperature, water vapour content and ozone
in the earths atmosphere. They have made possible live television across ocean.
They are mapping the earth and the moon in new way and are even reaching back
in time to observe the fairy birth of the universe.
a. Satellites are used to track hurricanes.
b. Man-made satellites are aids for various purposes.
c. Events across ocean are seen on television via satellites.
d. The earths temperature and water vapor can be measured by satellites.
e. Satellites map the earth and the moon in new ways.
Main Topic: ___________________________


4. Assimilation
Read the selection and make an outline. Some of the headings have been
listed. Fill in the blanks with the supporting details.
Mystery Animals
Some animals have been so fully studied that there seems little more we can
learn about them. Others are less well known but they have been photographed.
But there are few that seem just as real because people have talked about them.
However neither specimens nor photograph have been taken of them. These are
mystery animals.
Perhaps the most famous mystery animal is the Loch Ness monster. It has
attracted worldwide attention because some people swear they have been this he
monster, which looks like one of the extinct plesiosaurs. It comes to the surface in
Loch Ness, Scotland.
The next most famous is the Abominable Snowman. The people of the
outlandish parts of Nepal, high up in the Himalayas, tell of strange animals call the
Yeti. It is paid to be apelike. It is a hairy primitive man, powerful and with a loud
voice. Travelers through snow bring back stories of local people having been
The last mystery animals is the sea serpent. From earliest time, they have
been mariners stories of large snakelike animal suddenly appearing at the surface
of the sea. There have been pictures from the Middle Ages of the sea serpent
attacking a shift or wrestling with a huge sperm whale. In 1952 a Danish research
sift brought up an eel larva from deep water that measured six feet long. A six-foot
larva could therefore mean an adult sixty foot long. So for nobody has seen the
adult and it may will be that it is living in deep water, and is only very rarely seen
at the surface.
I. Studies on animals varied.
II. The Loch Ness monster
III. The abominable Segment


IV. The Sea Serpent
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph below. Identify the heading/subheading. Write them on
the space provided below.
In the early days men of the Stone age lived in caves. These caves protected
them from the wind and wild animals. These early men hunted deer, goats, lions,
and other wild animals. Their first concern was to make sure of an adequate food
supply. The animals they liked provided them with skins they used as clothing.
Later they discovered the advantages of keeping young animals captive instead of
killing them. So they were able to raise calves, lambs, piglets, and fowls in herds,
which they could take from one pasture to another. At the same time they learned
to use bones, antlers, ivory and wood for their hunting weapons.
V. Assignment:
Write the heading and subheading on the paragraph below.
From their beginning in the Old stone Age through the Middle stone Age and
up to the New Stone Age, men became more skilled in working. They made finer
and better weapon such as axes, hoes, and sickles. They felled trees
And made clearings in the forest where they built wooden huts. They adopted a
more settled way of life and discovered how to grow plants and crops.



September 14, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a story.
Answer specific question about the story listened to.
Use active and passive voice
Make a three point outline
Write an outline of a story read.


II. Subject Matter:

The inventor who started with Small things
Answering specific question
Using active and passive voice
Making a three point outline of expository
Growing in English Reading pp. 183-184
PELC 8.1, 9.2
Materials: Pictures of Filipino Inventors, sentence strips.
Value Concept: Resourcefulness and creativity.
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking of difficulties:
Unlock the underline words through context clues and pictures
a. A striforator is needed by the shoe industry to have the desired cuts of
shoes readily available.
b. The boys shall have a camping next week. They have already prepared the
necessary equipment they will need.
c. Rake, shovel and bolo are some of the gadgets used in gardening.
B. Match the words with their meanings.

the act or processing or equipping
cutting machine
useful device

2. Motivation:
What comes to your mind when you hear the word invention?
Who are the famous inventors that you know?
3. Raising the motive question
Today you are going to listen to the story entitled The Inventor who
started with a small things What do you want to know about the story?
4. Setting the standard in Listening
What should you remember in listening to a story?
5. Listening to a story.
The Inventor Who started with Small Things
In 1949, Benjamin Almeda Sr. Invented an electric coconut grater,
which reduced the tedious manual grafting from 15 minutes to less than one
minute. He also devised twenty-three food processing equipment like the pizza pie
oven., a portable oven for bibingka the coffee and peanut roaster, and the rice
and corn grinder. All of these are used in homes, markets and fast food business.
However, one of his inventions became an instant success. A cutting
machine, which he called striforator was devised out of his resourcefulness.


Almeda turned in out from useful junks and discards particularly out of empty
acetylene tank and scrap iron.
This machine could easily cut thick used tires into uniform strips, ready
to shaped into various household item such as rubber flowerpots and doormats.
After some time, the striforator caught the eye of buyers not only in the country
but also abroad. He was able to use his own invention in a commercial venture
when the Ethiopian government ordered a million pair of shoes. Readily, she
models to mass produce shoes were done by his gadget. Thus, Almeda is
considered as one of the pioneers of the shoe business.
In the first inventors week celebration in 1995, Almedas striforator
win a diploma of merit.
B. Engagement Activity 1.
The teacher will group the class into four and let each group do the assigned
Group 1 We can write.
Write on the bubble map the different machines invented by Benjamin
Almeda Sr.


Group 2: We can act

Write a dialog explaining how Almedas inventions help in the
economic growth and development of our country.
Act out such dialog................
Group 3: We can have Inventors
Choose one among Almedas inventions. Improve it. Draw your own
idea/design on such inventions. Explain its significance.
2. Engagement Activity 2:
a. Answering the motive question


b. Comprehension checkup
What are some of the inventions made by Benjamin Almeda Sr.?
What is the significance of each of his inventions?
Why is Almeda considered as pioneer of the shoe business?
How can Almedas inventions help in the economic growth and
development of our country?
If asked to improve one of Almedas Inventions, what would it be?
How would you do it? Why?

September 15, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objectives:
Use active and passive voice
Make a three point outline
Write an outline of a story read.
II. Subject Matter:
The inventor who started with Small things
Answering specific question
Using active and passive voice
Making a three point outline of expository


Growing in English Reading pp. 183-184

PELC 8.1, 9.2
Materials: Pictures of Filipino Inventors, sentence strips.
Value Concept: Resourcefulness and creativity.
III. Learning Activities:
1. Review: Read the paragraph and fill in the blanks with the present perfect
forms of the verb listed in the box.



Senen and Manuela ______ for thirty years now. The lord ____ them four
children whom they treasured so much.
Just like any other couple, Senen and Manuela _____ difficulties, trials
and problems in their married life intact. Most importantly they _____ the Lord in
their relationship.
2. Presentation:
a. Who invented the striforator?
Benjamin Almeda invented the striforator.
b. What was Benjamin Almedas famous invention?
Striforator was invented by Benjamin Almeda
c. What other device did he invent?
He also invented food-processing gadgets.
d. What is the other invention by Almeda?
Various food-processing gadgets were also invented by him.
3. Analysis and discussion
1. Benjamin Almeda invented the
1. The striforator was invented by
Benjamin Almeda
2. He also invented various food
2. Various food-processing gadgets were
processing gadgets.
also invented by him.
In column A, which is the subject in the first sentence? Second Sentence?
Who is the doer of the action in the first sentence? Second Sentence?
( If the subject is the doer of the action express by the verb, the verb is in the
active voice )
In column B, What is the subject in the first sentence? Second sentence?
Is this the doer or receiver of the action?
( If the subject is the receiver of the action, the verb is in the passive voice. ) The
passive voice formed with the different forms of BE and the past participle of a
4. Generalization:


When do we say that the sentence is in the active voice? Passive voice?
5. Practice Exercises:
Rewrite each sentence so that the verb will be in the active voice.
1. Almeda is regarded as a pioneer inventor.
2. Mr. Almeda was interviewed by people.
3. Almeda is considered as one of the pioneer of the shoe business.
4. He was able to use his own invention in a commercial venture.
5. A gas saving devise was invented by someone.
IV. Evaluation:
Encircle the number if the sentence is passive and box if it is active.
1. Almeda persistently pursued his career.
2. He devised some household gadgets.
3. these gadgets can be easily moved.
4. they are called portable.
5. A gigantic task of producing a million pairs of shoes was accomplished by
V. Assignment:
Read each sentence carefully. Write A if the verb is in the active voice and P
if it is in the passive voice.
1. Almeda is regarded as a pioneer invention.
2. He persistently pursued his career.
3. These gadgets can be easily moved.
4. His striforator won a diploma of merit.
5. It was exhibited in the first inventions week.



September 16, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 4th day )

I. Objectives:
Make a three point outline
Write an outline of a story read.
II. Subject Matter:
The inventor who started with Small things
Answering specific question
Using active and passive voice
Making a three point outline of expository
Growing in English Reading pp. 183-184
PELC 8.1, 9.2
Materials: Pictures of Filipino Inventors, sentence strips.
Value Concept: Resourcefulness and creativity.
III. Learning Activities:
A. Presentation:


Teacher will ask the following question:

1. Who is Benjamin Almeda? What are his characteristics?
2. What are some of Almedas invention?
3. In what ways are they useful?
B. Discussion Analysis:
I. Benjamin Almeda Sr.
1. resourceful
2. creative
3. industrious
II. His inventions
1. grinder
2. portable oven
3. striforator
III. Usefulness
1. Food processing
2. Cutting thick used tires into desired useful shapes.
What is Roman Numeral no. I all about? Roman numeral no. II? No. III ( the
teacher introduce the three term point line)
C. Practice Exercise:
Read the paragraph below and make a three point outline.
There are eight known Wonders of the world . Two of them are found
here in the Philippines. They are the Banaue Rice Terraces and the Mayon Volcano.
The Banaue Rice Terraces are located in Mountain Province. They were
carved on the mountainsides by natives. These terraces were needed by the tribes
for planting. They did not have enough flat level land to plant rice in. These
terraces are more popularly called Great Stairways to Heaven Far south of
Luzon is Mayon volcano in Albay. It is known for its perfect cone shape. Nobody
worked on its shape. Nature did it. Despite several eruption that have already
occurred. Mt. Mayon remains to be the majestic perfect cone shape volcano.
These two world wonders are one, man-made, and the other natural.
They are both nature gift every Filipino is proud of.
Wonders of the World
I. __________________________________
II. _________________________________
A. ___________________________
B. ___________________________
III. ________________________________
D. Assimilation:
Each group will be given an envelope with a paragraph inside. They will
make three point outline from this paragraph. The groups who finish first win the


Mr. Robert del Rosario, former president of the Filipino Inventors Society
Incorporated, invented the Trebel One Man Band. He said that it was a long hard
job. He spent 12 years trying out his musical instrument. He patiently improve and
refined the tone and sound qualities of the orchestra voices, which were
electronically programmed in the Trebel piano. He did not only produce an acoustic
piano but one that can be played like on electric organ.
Trebel One Man Band
Mr. Robert del Rosario
Character Traits
Usefulness of his inventions
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and writes a three point outline about it.
Do you know what a dolphin is? A dolphin looks like a very large
fish but is not a fish. It
does not have a scales like a fish. It does not breathe through gills. It
breaths through a hole in top
of its head. Fish are cold when you touch them. Dolphins are warm.
A dolphin is a mammal like cats, dogs, and people. It has a warm
blood. It cannot breathe
under water, like other mammals, its babies are born alive. It gives
milk to its babies.
A dolphin is a special mammal. Like the whale, it is a mammal
that lives only in the water.
It cannot live out of the water. It can swim under water for a long time.
It comes to the surface only
to breathe. The Dolphin is also special in
another way. It is very smart and friendly. It can perform
tricks and
always very
playful. Except for human beings, dolphin is the most intelligent

V. Assignment:
Write five sentences in the active voice and five sentences in the passive
Read the story first Filipino Owned satellite And write a three point outline.


September 19, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a story
Give possible cause and effect to stories heard.
Identify active and passive voice
Give possible cause to given effect and other effects to a given effect.
Write a model Composition
II. Subject Matter:
Answering specific question
Identifying active and passive voice
Cause and Effect
Writing a model composition
Reference: Growing in English Language pp. 186-189
Growing in English Reading pp. 183 185


Teacher manual p. 146

PELC 8.1
Materials: Picture of doctor, nurse and patient, sentence strips
Value Concept: Cooperation
Keeping our surroundings clean
III. Learning Activities:
A.1.a. Unlocking of difficulties
Unlock the words through context clues/real objects.
a. The baby was bitten by a certain kind of mosquito. Later she
suffered from a high fever and chills
accompanied by
nosebleed. When brought to the hospital. The baby was diagnosed of having
Dengue H-fever.
b. Mr. Ocampo wants to buy new car but his money is not enough, so
he borrowed one hundred
thousand in the bank. He made a
pledge that he would return the money after six months.
c. Empty cans, tires, uncovered stagnant water serve as breeding
places of mosquitoes.
d. The teacher shows water in a bowl. Ask, Does the water inside the
bowl move? Say: The water is
said to be stagnant.
e. SARS is deadly diseases caused by virus.
b. Match the words with their meanings.
1. Dengue H-fever
a. Microscopic organism, which cause diseases
2. stagnant
b. Promise
3. pledge
c. Disease caused by mosquito bites
4. breeding
d. Not running or flowing water
5. virus
e. To produce
2. Motivation:
What are the most common diseases that afflict people nowadays?
Look at the picture.... What do you think are the people doing? What are the doctor
and the nurse talking about?
3. Raising the motive question.
4. Setting The Standard in Listening



All the adult residents of the barangay attended the emergency
meeting. They were worried
about the increasing number of dengue patients. There had been no death
yet. But they didnt want to
happen. They decided to act.
The barangay captain introduced the municipal Health Officer. He
would give some pointers
on how to deal with mosquitoes that carry dengue. A nurse would help him.
Here is the message.
As you all know, dengue H-fever is caused by a virus. This virus is
transferred through
mosquitos bites. The mosquito that bites and carries the virus is called
Aedes Aegypti. It bites only
during the day and thrives inside and around the house. Here are some basic
tips to avoid dengue H-fever.
1. Keep surroundings always dry and clean. See to it that containers such as
cans, bottles, and vehicle
tires are free of stagnant water.
2. Wash and clean water vases at least once a week.
3. Make sure that clean water storage containers are covered.
4. If you sleep at daytime, use a mosquito net. Better yet, screen windows
and doors of your houses.
5. Report to the nearest health center any case of dengue H-fever in the
After the talk, the adult residents pledge to cooperate. Soon the people
were back to their houses,
destroy all the breeding places of day mosquitoes.
They removed stagnant water from empty containers.
They filled up with soil low lying places in their yards so that these would not
collect water. They cleaned places were mosquitoes might breed. Then, the
people went to clean the public places. Garbage was properly
disposed of. Within a few days, the Municipal Health Officer happily informed
the barangay captain of the decreased cases of dengue. The captain thanked the
people for the cooperation and helpfulness. They
promise to keep their barangay forever safe from dengue.

A. Engagement Activity:



The teacher will group the class into three and let each group do the
assigned activity.
Group I: we can draw
Draw the virus carrier mosquito
Group II: We can act
The pupils will write and act out dialogue about the problem of the
Group III: We can dramatize
Dramatize how dengue fever can be prevented.
2. Engagement activity 2
a. Answering the motive question.
b. Comprehension check-up.
- What was the problem of the barangay.
( presentation of group 1s activity )
- what causes dengue fever?
- How can dengue fever can be prevented?
- Why is it important that we keep our surroundings clean?
- If you were a member of the populace, will you pledge your support
and cooperation? Why?

September 20, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Give possible cause and effect to stories heard.
Give possible cause to given effect and other effects to a given effect.
Write a model Composition
II. Subject Matter:


Cause and Effect

Writing a model composition
Reference: Growing in English Language pp. 186-189
Growing in English Reading pp. 183 185
Teacher manual p. 146
PELC 8.1
Materials: Picture of doctor, nurse and patient, sentence strips
Value Concept: Cooperation
Keeping our surroundings clean
III. Learning Activities:
Underline the correct verb that agrees with the subject.
1. Eden ( make, makes ) paper dolls.
2. The Boy Scouts ( paste, pastes ) the edge carefully.
3. Mice ( help, helps ) scientist even more than monkeys ( do, does )
4. Most inventors ( prefer, prefers ) to work alone.
5. New theories o el Nio ( keep, keeps ) cropping up.
2. Presentation:
What is the message all about?
How does one avoid being sick with dengue H-fever?
Study the following sentences:
a. A certain virus causes dengue H-fever.
b. Health workers report causes of his fever to the nearest Health Center.
c. A certain kind of day mosquito carried this virus.
a. Dengue H-fever is caused by a certain virus.
b. Cases of this fever are reported to the nearest Health center by the health
c. The virus is carried by a certain kind of day mosquito.
3. Discussion:
In sentence a, what are the subjects? Is it the doer or the receiver of the
In sentence B, What is the subject of each sentence? Is the receiver of the
When the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action expressed by a
verb, the verb is in the active voice.
When the subject is the receiver of the action expressed by a verb, the verb
is in the passive voice.
4. Generalization:


When do we say that the verb is in the active voice? Passive voice?
5. Practice Exercises:
Identify each sentence; Write A on the blank if the verb is in the active and
P for the passive voice.
_____1. Surroundings were cleaned up.
_____2. Stagnant water is empty cans and other containers were removed.
_____3. We observed the river closely.
_____4. The dirty canals have been one afternoon in the underground river.
_____5. The barangay officials spent one afternoon in he underground river.
The teacher will divide the class into four groups. As he flashes the sentence
strips, each group will identify if it is in the passive or active voice. The group that
has most number of correct answer wins the game.
- Uncle Joshua has seen the city of Paris in France.
- The beautiful cities in Europe are frequently visited by tourists.
- The Eiffel Tower was photograph by him.
- Tourist earns money for the government.
- Every year a considerable amount of money is earned by the Philippine
- Tourist guide are paid well.
- A big tour usually takes days or even weeks.
- Our tourist listens intently to instruction.
- They perform their job satisfactorily after some training.
- During a tour the guides instruction are always followed.
IV. Evaluation:
Encircle the sentence in the active voice and underline the sentences in the
passive voice.
1. Our boat was steered by a guide.
2. Life jackets were worn by all of us.
3. We observe that the river closely.
4. The boat was always sunk by waves.
5. the boatmen sailed our boats.
V. Assignment:
Rewrite the paragraph. Change the verb in the passive voice to active voice
and those in the active voice to passive voice.
Todays assembly was given by the Sports club. First, front clips and
headstands were demonstrated by the three boys. Next, they moved a trampoline
to the center of the stage. An exhibition of acrobatics was given by Joan Powers.
Then a group of ten people formed a human pyramid.



September 21, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objectives:
Give possible cause and effect to stories heard.
Give possible cause to given effect and other effects to a given effect.
Write a model Composition
II. Subject Matter:
Cause and Effect
Writing a model composition
Reference: Growing in English Language pp. 186-189
Growing in English Reading pp. 183 185


Teacher manual p. 146

PELC 8.1
Materials: Picture of doctor, nurse and patient, sentence strips
Value Concept: Cooperation
Keeping our surroundings clean
III. Learning Activities:
There is a saying that, Things don not happen without a reason. So, we
always find reasons for everything that happen.
1. Presentation:
Study the following sentences:
a. The residents of the barangay attended the emergency meeting because
they were worried about the increasing number of dengue patients.
b. They removed stagnant water from empty containers because they wont
their barangay forever safe from dengue.
2. Discussion:
- Why did the residents of the barangay attend the meeting?
- Why did they remove the stagnant water?
* because they were worried about the increasing number of dengue
* because they want their barangay forever safe from dengue.
The reason for an action or condition is a cause and, it is usually introduced
by the connective because. On the other hand, the action or condition is what we
call the effect.
1. The river has become
smelly and filthy


The people throw their
waste into it.

2. Fish in the river die


People use dynamite in


3. Practice Exercises:



4. Assimilation:
Divide the pupils into four. Each group will write the effect of the following:
Throwing a garbage into the water.
Eating balance diet
Dynamite fishing
Illegal Logging
High Technology
IV. Evaluation:
Match each cause and its effect.
1. because the air is not moving
a. Your hands get warm
2. If we strike a match
b. The friction produce some heat
3. When the generator is turned on
c. There is no wind
4. when you rub them together
d. Electricity floes out of it.
5. because the light are off
e. The building dark
V. Assignment:
Read the paragraph; answer the questions on cause and effect in complete
1. In the lahar areas, people dread the coming of heavy rains because heavy rains
often mean flooded backyards and roads,
If heavy rains are cause, what is the effect?
2. Mario was very delighted over his score in science and environment. The night
before the test, he studied his notes very hard.
Why did Mario score very high in his test in Science Environment?



September 22, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 4th day )

I. Objectives:
Write a model Composition
To write a model composition.
Write legibly the model composition
II. Subject Matter:
Writing a model composition
Reference: Growing in English Language pp. 186-189
Growing in English Reading pp. 183 185
Teacher manual p. 146
PELC 8.1
Materials: Picture of doctor, nurse and patient, sentence strips
Value Concept: Neatness and patient
III. Learning Activities:



Write a composition in a one whole clean sheet of paper.

Why do we keep our surroundings clean? Write a ten-sentence paragraph about it
observing correct margin, indention, capitalization and punctuation marks.
IV. Rewrite their work in a clean sheet of bond paper.
V. Assignment:
Practice on how to write or making a composition.

September 23, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 5th day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a story


Answer question about the story listened to.

Use two-word adjectives
Make a three-point outline of an expository text read
Write a three-point sentence outline.
II. Subject Matter:
Two Tourist Spots
Answering Question About the selection Listened to
Using two word adjectives
Making a three-point sentence outline of an expository text read.
Writing a three-point sentence outline
Reference: Language Arts 6 pp. 152 157, p. 169
English for all times 6, pp. 209-219
Materials; Pictures of tourist spots, charts, pictures, strips of cartolinas
Value Concept: Taking Pride of the Countrys beautiful Sceneries
III. Learning Activities:
1.a. Unlocking of Difficulties
1. A food web shows an intricate pattern of feeding relationships
among organism.
2. Quezon province is known for its lush green fields and mountains.
Abundant trees and other forms of nature can still be seen in the province.
3. Different artifacts were seen at the Tabon Cave in Palawan. These
materials were believed to be used by our early ancestors.
4. Everybody agrees Lorena is friendly. She likes to mingle with
everyone, young and old alike.
b. Fill in each blank the correct word that best completes each sentence. Choose
from the list inside the box.






The designer used ______ patterns in the barong tagalong.

National museums house different _______ of different periods in history.
Children prefer to _____ with peers of their age.
The country boasts of ________ green field, beaches and scenic surroundings

2. Motivation:
The Philippines has many scenic spots. ( Showing of pictures by the
teacher. ) identify them. Which one have you gone to?
3. Raising the Motive questions.
You are read a selection about two famous tourist spots in the
Philippines. One can be found in Quezon Province while the others is at Taal,


Batangas; both displaying attractions tourist go after. What do you intend to know
about the selection?
4. standard in oral reading

5. During reading

Two Tourist Spots

Quezon province well known for its lush, green fields and mountains. Deep
in its heart is an equally well-known resort and coconut plantation. Villa Escudero.
In this hacienda there sis unsual museum crammed with artifacts from the AsiaPacific region. The best attraction of the resort is its river and a palm-fringed lake,
which on a clear day perfectly reflects Mount banahaw. A restaurant is just out
above the fish filled water. Visitors can choose to either of swimming in a lake or
take a fun-filled boat ride.
Some ninety-kilometers south of Manila is Taal in the province of Batangas.
It is the base for the Philippine Experience, a community based tourism project.
This project is anchored on the idea that seasoned travellers like to mingle with the
local people as they go about in their everyday environment. Visitors ride a
carabao drawn cart to the beach and look at the way local cloth is designed with
intricate patterns. They get a chance to buy embroidered dresses, tablecloth and
table napkins as well as Barong materials. One can take a trip across the Pansipit
River on an outrigger boat known as a banca and end at an elegant Spanishstyle house to have hinch with banana leaves as plants.

B. Post Reading:
a. Engagement activity 1
Group 1 we can draw



Draw your idea of the tourist spots mentioned in the

Group 2 we can write
Describe each tourist spot. Write the answer on the bubble



Group 3 we can explain the reasons why tourist often visit the tourist
spots mentioned in the selection.
b. Engagement Activity 2:
1. Answering the motive question
2.Comprehension check-up
What tourist spots are mentioned in the selection?
What is said about each tourist spot?
Why do tourist frequent these places?
How does tourism help the countrys economy?
How can you help boost the countrys tourist program?

September 26, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Use two-word adjectives
Make a three-point outline of an expository text read
Write a three-point sentence outline.
II. Subject Matter:
Using two word adjectives
Making a three-point sentence outline of an expository text read.
Writing a three-point sentence outline


Reference: Language Arts 6 pp. 152 157, p. 169

English for all times 6, pp. 209-219
Materials; Pictures of tourist spots, charts, pictures, strips of cartolinas
Value Concept: Taking Pride of the Countrys beautiful Sceneries
III. Learning Activities:
1. Review:
When do we use the expression adjective + enough?
Teacher shows pictures. Based on the pictures, ask pupils to give
sentences using the expression adjective + enough.
1. A boy carrying a pail of water.
2. A girl doing household chores.
3. ripe mangoes
2. Presentation of the sentences:
a. The best attraction of the resort is its river and a palm-fringed lake.
b. A restaurant juts out into the fish-filled water.
c. Visitors can choose to either go swimming in the lake or take a funfilled boat ride.
d. Philippine experience is a kind of community-based tourism project.
e. Visitors ride a carabao-drawn cart to the beach.
3. Discussion:
- What words is modified in each sentence?
- What word is used to modify lake? Water? Boat ride? Tourism project?

How many words made up each modifier?

Study the first word used of each modifier?
what are these called?
study the second word used.
What have you noticed with their usage?
What joins the two words?

4. Generalization:
What is a two-word adjective?
5. Practice Exercises
Complete each sentence with the two word adjective formed from the
underlined words.
1. The windows of San Augustin Church are made of glasses that are
stained with different colors. These _____ windows were designed by Filipino artists.
2. At Mc Arthur Park in Palo, Leyte, a mural depicts the natural size of
certain people as they were in real life. This _____ mural depicts the Liberation
Forces in 1944.
3. These clothes were left under the sun to dry _______ clothes smell


4. Fill todays work with fun. Make it a _______ activity.

5. Training about local tourism program was launched at the
community. It was based upon the idea of enhancing tourism through efforts of the
people in the locality. The _____ training lasted for three days.
Group the pupils into four. Ask each group to supply a appropriate twoword adjective on the blank spaces. The group to finish first describing the word
correctly wins.
1. ________ calesa
2. ________ clothes
3. ________ fruits
4. _______ face
5. _______ candies
IV. Evaluation:
Complete each sentence with the two word adjectives formed from the
underlined words.
1. I have seen a swimming pool with the shape of a pear. Have you seen a ______
swimming pool, too?
2. Lagoons made by man can be seen in the resort. Local tourist love plunging into
these _____ lagoons.
3. The wind blows hard keeping my hair in disarray. How I hate _____hair.
V. Assignment:
Form two word adjectives out of the phrases below.
1. A shirt stained with ink.
2. a basket full of fruits.
3. a celebration full of fun
4. a guava eaten by worm.



September 27, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Make a three-point outline of an expository text read
Write a three-point sentence outline.
Participate in a class discussion
II. Subject Matter:
Making a three-point sentence outline of an expository text read.
Writing a three-point sentence outline
Reference: Language Arts 6 pp. 152 157, p. 169
English for all times 6, pp. 209-219
Materials; Pictures of tourist spots, charts, pictures, strips of cartolinas
Value Concept: Taking Pride of the Countrys beautiful Sceneries


III. Learning Activities:

1. Presentation:
Recall the selection Two Tourist Spots . Complete the tree diagram
below based on said selection

First Main Topic



Second Main Topic



g Details






2. Discussion:
Discuss the concept found in the diagram leading to the formation of a topic
- What is the title of the selection
- What does the first paragraph tell?
- What details support such topic?
- What supporting details support said subtopics
- What does the second paragraph tell?
- What details support the second topic?
- What supporting details support such subtopics?
Study the outline formed:
I. Villa Escudero Resort
A. Located at the heart of Quezon Province
B. Attractions offered
1. unusual museum crammed with artifacts from Asia-Pacific Region
2. River and palm-fringed lake reflecting Mt. Banahaw on clear days.
3. restaurant jutting out into the fish-filled water.
II. Taal
A. Located some ninety kilometres south of manila in the province of


B. Base for Philippine Experience tourism program.

1. mingling of travellers with local people.
2. riding on a carabao-drawn cart to the beach while looking at local
clothes with intricate design and patterns.
3. buying embroidered products.
4. tripping across Pansipit river while riding on a banca
5. having lunch at elegant Spanish style house with banana leaves as
3. Generalization:
What kind of outline was formed?
What composed a three point-topic outline?
4. Practice Exercises.
Read the selection below. Write
three-point outline of said selection.
The aKalachuchi
There are many different types of kalachuchi trees and they vary greatly in
their fragrance. These with large white flowers have the sweetest perfume while
the smaller yellow and pink types have fragrance similar to that of the lily-of the
valley. Some beautiful dark red species have no scent at all.
The kalachuchi trees has stouts, stiff branches and a broad crown. Its large
leaves are usually crowded near the end of its branches. For Propagation, you just
stick a branch in the soil and it will grow.
Believed it to be good purgative, the milky juice of this can be poisonous if
applied in large doses. The bark, applied to the gums for toothache, is said to
Classification of Volcanoes
have medicinal purposes.
Volcanoes can be classified according to their physical features and activity.
There are three types of volcanoes according to their physical features.
Shield volcanoes are broad cones gently sloping at an angle of 2 to 10 degrees. The
lave flows from a central vent and spreads widely and thinly because of its low
viscosity and fluidity. It does not build up near the vent and produces a volcano
with a flattened done or shield. Their eruption are non-violent because the lava is
also fluid. Cinder cones are volcanoes made up of loose rock fragments given off
from a central vent forming slope of 300. The volcanic materials build up the cone
IV. to
a peak. The cone tends to be smaller than shield volcanoes. Its lifespan is short.
outline that
follows by
are extinct.
is made
alternatively of pyroclastic materials and rocks from solidified lava flow. The slopes
are steep
with cinder
the selection
read. cones and shield volcanoes.
According to their activity, there are active, dormant and extinct volcanoes.
Active volcanoes are those, which have shown eruptions within recent history.
Examples are Mayon Volcano in Albay, Taal Volcano in Batangas and Mt. Kanlaon in
Negros Oriental Dormant Volcanoes are those which have not erupted during the
last 500 to 5000 years. Examples are mount Apo in Davao and Mt. Sto. Tomas in
Mountain Province. Extinct volcanoes are those which have remained dormant for
more than 5000 years. An examples is Mt. Data of Northern Luzon.



Classification Of Volcanoes
I. __________________________________
A. According to physical features
B. According to activity
II. Physical Features
A. Shield Volcanoes
1. gently slope at angle of 20 100
2.Non-violent eruptions
B. Cinder cones
1. Made alternatively up of pyroclastic materials.
2. smaller that shield volcano.
3. ______________________
C. Composite of Stratovolcano
1. Made alternatively of pyroclastic materials.
2. steep slopes
III. _______________________________
A. Active
1. Mayon Volcano
2. Taal volcano
3. Mt. Kanlaon
B. _________________________


1. Mt. Apo
2. Mt. Sto Tomas
C. Extinct
1. Mt. Data.
V. Assignment:
Read the selection The Ages of Man ( Skill Builders for Effecient Reading 6
pp. 226-228. Write an outline of said selection.

September 28, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Write a three-point sentence outline of an expository text read.
Write legibly and neatly.


II. Subject Matter:

Making a three-point sentence outline of an expository text read.
Writing a three-point sentence outline
Reference: Language Arts 6 pp. 152 157, p. 169
English for all times 6, pp. 209-219
Materials; Pictures of tourist spots, charts, pictures, strips of cartolinas
Value Concept: Taking Pride of the Countrys beautiful Sceneries
III. Learning Activities:
Write in a whole sheet of paper a Classification of Volcano
IV. Re-write the correction made.
V. Write a small paragraph about your family.



September 29, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 4th day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a selection
Analyze ideas as to what could happen next from stories heard.
Use two-word adjectives
Give other events that could happen next.
II. Subject Matter:
Selection: What is happening to the Rainforests?
Analyzing ideas as to what could happen next from stories heard.
Using two-word-adjective
Giving other events that could happen next.
Reference: The great book of Knowledge, p. 19
Language Arts 6 pp. 152-155
Materials; Pictures of rainforest, charts, strips of cartolina
Value Concept: Conserving Natural resources
III. Learning Activities:
A. Unlocking of difficulties
Unlock the meaning of the underline words using context
1. A rainforest provides home for thousands of creatures and several species
of wildlife feared of becoming extinct nowadays.
2. Wooden furniture come from timber which loggers cut from the forests.
3. Tarsiers and monkey-eating eagles are examples of wildlife robbed of their
habitat as forest destroyed.
4. Man-made activities such as logging, mining and quarrying upset natures
ecological balance.
B. Fill in each blank the word that best completes the meaning of the
sentence. Choose from the list in the box.





________ are cut down for building purposes.

We must not _________ natures so as to ensure life.
Varieties of plants and animals can be found in a ___________
A tamarraw is specie of _______ found only in the Philippines.

2. Motivation:
Why are plants important to both man and animals?
3. Raising the Motive question
The selection you are to listen to tell us how important rainforests are and
what people do to them in return. Unmindful of what may happen in the future, the
selection serves as an awakening call to the whole of humanity.
What do you intend to know about the selection?
4. Standard for listening:
What is happening to the Rainforests?
5. During Reading:
In the last few years, great areas of densely pack forests have been
destroyed as people have moved in. We have cut down deep- rooted trees
for timber, dug great holes in the earth to find greatly treasured minerals
and burned and cleared the forest for farming.
Not only do animals and birds live in the forest, people live there as
well. When the forest is destroyed, their land and homes are gone too.
There are over five billion people on earth and the number is
growing all the time. In fact there are 150 babies born across the world
every minute!
Polluting the land sea and air, killing supposedly well practice
wildlife and destroying the forest affect every one of us. It respects the
delicate balance of

Nature on which we all depend.

A quarter of all the high-priced drugs and medicine prescribed by
doctors comes from plants found in the rainforest.
Rainforest contain half of all known types of wild creatures.
No one wants our planet to die, so everyone must work hard together
to look after all life on earth.

1. Engagement activity 1.
Divide the pupils into 4 groups: each to be assigned an activity to work on.
Group 1 We can draw
Illustrate activities of man that destroy the rainforests.
Group 2 We can compute



At a ratio of 150 babies born per minute, compute for the

number of babies born per hour, per day, per year, Then construct a line graph
showing the increase in world population for year 2004-2008
Group 3 We can write
Write a paragraph about the important of rainforests.
Group 4. We can be environmentalist
Draw a poster/ poster slogan showing how we can save rainforests.
2. Engagement Activity 2
a. Answering the motive question
b. Compensation check-up
- what human activities destroy our forests?
- If an estimated number of 150 babies are born across the world per minute,
how many babies are born in a year? In five years? What does this show.
- How does rapid population growth affect the rainforests?
- Why are the rainforest important?
- what may happen to us if people continue on destroying the rainforest?
- How can you help save our rainforests?



September 30, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 5th day )

I. Objectives:
Analyze ideas as to what could happen next from stories heard.
Use two-word adjectives
Give other events that could happen next.
II. Subject Matter:
Selection: What is happening to the Rainforests?
Using two-word-adjective
Giving other events that could happen next.
Reference: The great book of Knowledge, p. 19
Language Arts 6 pp. 152-155
Materials; Pictures of rainforest, charts, strips of cartolina
Value Concept: Conserving Natural resources
III. Learning Activities:
1. Review:
Form two word adjectives out of the descriptions given below.
a. a cake with five layers
b. a building with three storeys
c. a fish weighing ten kilogram
d. a can with ten setting capacity
e. a pole measuring six feet
2. Presentation:
a. Areas of densely-packed forests have been destroyed.
b. We have cut down deep-rooted trees timber.
c. we dug holes in the earth to find greatly-treasured minerals.
d. Killing the supposedly well-protected wildlife affects us.
e. A quarter of all the high- priced drugs and medicines come from
3. Discussion:
What word is described in each sentence?
What word is used to modify/described forests? Trees? Minerals?
Wildlife? Drugs?
How many words made up each description?
What have you noticed with the first word? With the second word?
What joins the two words?
4. Generalization:
what is a two-word adjectives?


5. Practice Exercises:
Use an appropriate two-word adjective to describe the nouns below.
___________ area
______________ clothes
___________ letter
___________ animals
___________ lady
___________ monuments
___________ hair
___________ rivers
___________ house
6. Assimilation:
Work in pairs. Match the nouns in column A with appropriate two-word
adjective in column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the space
before each number.



a. Clearly-taken
b. Highly-acclaimed
c. Well written
d. Cold-blooded
e. Most-prized
f. High-pitched
g. Artificially- hatched

IV. Evaluation:
Write an appropriate two word adjective to describe each noun below.
_______ notebook
_______ denim pants
_______ monument
_______ shoes
_______ cabinet
_______ books
_______ waterfalls
_______ house
_______ table
_______ stadium
V. Assignment:
Write a two-word adjective based on the description given.
1. ( a vacation I enjoyed most ) ___________ vacation
2. ( guides who are well ) _______ guides.
3. ( an artifact which is curved perfectly ) ______ artifact.



October 4, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Analyze ideas as to what could happen next from stories heard.
Use two-word adjectives


Give other events that could happen next.

II. Subject Matter:
Selection: What is happening to the Rainforests?
Using two-word-adjective
Giving other events that could happen next.
Reference: The great book of Knowledge, p. 19
Language Arts 6 pp. 152-155
Materials; Pictures of rainforest, charts, strips of cartolina
Value Concept: Conserving Natural resources
III. Learning Activities:
1. Presentation/Discussion
Recall the selection What is happening to the rainforest?
Can you predict what will happen if rainforest are continuously destroyed?
Support your answer.
Prediction: ___________________________
Supports: ____________________________
What happened next if ecological balance is upset?
Prediction: ____________________________
Supports: ____________________________
2. Practical exercises:
Tell how water cycle occurs by writing what happens next on the blank of
each paragraph below.
The water Cycle
Did you know that the same old rains fall to Earth over and over again?
When the sun shines and warm winds blow over oceans or seas, the
________________. They form water vapor. This moisture of vapor then _____________.
As the clouds are blown over mountains or hills by wind, they longer hold
much of this, __________________.
The rain runs into streams, then the rivers and is carried back to the sea-tostart all over again.
3. Assimilation:
Divide the children into four groups. Assign each group to read each
part of the story below then give events that could happen next.
The Troubled Tree
One morning, Trina, the little tree, wake up when a tiny drop of water
touched her face. She looked up and saw a dark pillow-shaped cloud above her
branches. She thought that if she could reach the cloud, she could have all the
water she needed.
What happened next? ____________________________


From then on, Trina tried to stretch and stretch... Always aiming for the
clouds. Everyday, she reached for the sky. Some more.... A little stretch and
shed be there.
What happened next? _________________________________

One day, Trina felt wetness on her face. She saw her little friend, Randy,
the raindrop. She knew she had reached the cloud.
But Randy wasnt happy. He began to swell and tremble. He was crying!
Tina tried to get closer to him but he fell down....down far below.
What happened next? _______________________________________

Trina couldnt stop Randy from failing. Then realization struck her. In her
desire to move up fast, she had forgotten her roots needed to be down in the
ground. That is where water was closest!
What happened next? ______________________________________

Trina tried to bury her roots firmly on the soil. One was still inside but the
other hand stuck out already. Everyday, Trina inserted the root slowly into the
ground, never wishing again to where she should not be. And that is the lesson
learned by the troubled tree.

IV. Evaluation:
Read the excerpts from an Aesop Fable. Then decide what happened next by
writing the letter of the correct answer.



The Ass and the Grasshopper

1. After hearing some grasshopper chirping, an ass was enchanted by their
music and wanted to acquire the same melodic charms. When he asked them what
they ate to sing so sweetly, they told him that they dined on nothing but dew.
Consequently, the ass followed the same diet, but..............
What will happened next?
a. the ass lived long
b. The grasshopper died
c. the ass died of hunger
d. The grasshopper sang merrily
2. A donkey once found the skin of a and dressed himself in it. Then he
amused himself by roaming about in the forest, frightening all the animals he met.
When he saw the fox, he tried to frighten him too. But as soon as the fox heard the
donkey bray, he said, oh, my friend, i might have been frightened like the others if
I had not heard your voice. Clothes may disguise a fool until he open his mouth.
What will happen next?
a. The donkey had a fight with the fox.
b. The donkey was embarrassed and left.
c. The fox laughed at the donkeys foolishness.
d. The fox was so frightened by the donkey that he ran away.
V. Assignment:
List down events that could happen next if the rainforest are continuously

October 5, 2011


No classes due of celebration of Teachers Day

October 6, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a story
Answer specific questions about the conversation listened to.
Use the expressions hope, wish, I-were
Give possible endings to a selection


Write an ending to a given situation

II. Subject Matter:
Conversation Childrens desire about space travel.
Answering specific question about the conversation listened to.
Using expression hope, wish, I-were
Giving possible endings to a selection/situation
Write an ending to a given situation.
Reference: PELC
Building English Language pp. 199-202
Growing in English ( Reading ) pp. 209-210
Materials: Charts, activity sheets
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking of difficulties
a. unlock the meaning of the underlined words through context clues.
1. Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to land on the moon.
2. I will explore the ocean floor to see the different creatures
living there.
3. Winning in a contest is a great achievement
b. Match each word in column A with the appropriate meaning in
column B.
1. astronaut
a. Something that has been
accomplished successfully.
2. explore
b. to travel over little known place for the sake
of discovery
3. Achievement
c. A person who travels beyond earths
2. Motivation:
Class, imagine that you were on the seashore. You saw a bottle and
then you opened it. Suddenly a genie came out from the bottle. He asked you to
make a wish related to space exploration, what could it be.
3. Motive question:
We are going to listen to the conversation of the three boys about
space exploration. They gave some interesting accounts to the different space
fights they had read about. This exciting exploration led to the children to express
their own desires about space travel.
What do you intend to know about their conversation?
4. Setting the standards for Listening
What should you remember while listening to a conversation?
5. Listening



Rafael: I can hardly believe that people have finally reached the moon. But the Apollo
11 astronauts have done it. Isnt that a great achievement?
Joseph: Indeed it, is?
Rafael: Would you believed that Laika a dog was the first living creature to circle
the earth?
Josh: Really?
Rafael: Space exploration excite me very much. I wish I could fly to outer space.
Josh: I also wish I could be an astronaut. I would explore not only the moon, but the
planets, too.
Rafael: Yes, that would be a very exciting experience!
Joseph: Its not very easy to be an astronaut, you know. You have to undergo many
years of hard training.
Josh: Oh, thats okay as long as I achieve my dream of being an astronaut.
Josh: I hope you will be an expert pilot.
Rafael: Yes, so do I.

B. 1. Engagement Activity 1
Divide the class into three groups. Assign each an activity to work on.
Group 1 We can explain
Explain why not anybody interested in space explorations can be an
Group 2 We can act
Write a dialog about your hopes and wishes. Be sure to act it out.
Group 3 and 4 we can share experience
Relate to your classmates an experience when your hopes come true.
2. Engagement Activity 2
1. Answering the motive question
2. Comprehension check-up
- who are the astronauts to finally reach the moon?
- What was the first living creature to circle the earth?
- what was the name of the dog?
- What do Josh and Rafael wish to be? What does Joseph hope to be?



- Can anybody who is interested in space exploration become an

astronaut? Why?
- Do you have hopes and wishes in your life? What are these
- Are there instance in your life that you achieved your hopes?
- What will you do to achieve it?

October 7, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 4th day )

I. Objectives:
Use the expressions hope, wish, I-were
Participate actively in the class discussion
Give possible endings to a selection
Write an ending to a given situation
II. Subject Matter:
Using expression hope, wish, I-were
Giving possible endings to a selection/situation
Write an ending to a given situation.
Reference: PELC
Building English Language pp. 199-202


Growing in English ( Reading ) pp. 209-210

Materials: Charts, activity sheets
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:
1. Review:
Change the following sentence on the active voice to the passive voice
of the verb.
a. The members of the club planned some activities
b. The girls made a report about the solar system.
c. The grade 6 class prepared the program.
d. Lisa delivered a declamation
e. The grade 4 pupils presented a folk dance .
2. Presentation:
Here are the sentences, which express the hopes and wishes of the
boys in the conversation.
a. I wish I could fly to outer space.
b. I also wish I could be an astronaut.
c. I hope I can be a pilot someday.
d. I hope you will be an expert pilot.
3. Discussion:
- Which of the four sentence tell about things that are likely to happen?
- What expression is used in those sentence
- What form of the verb is used?
- Which of these sentence tell about things that are not likely to
- What expression is used in those sentences?
- What form of the verb is used?
- The expression if I-were may be used instead of I wish, and it uses the
past form of the verb like in
this sentences if only I were rich, I
would travel around the world.
4. Generalization:
When do we use hope? Wish?
What form of the verb is used with hope? Wish?
What expression can be used instead of wish?
5. Practice exercise:
Underline the correct word in parenthesis that will complete each
1. Carlo ( wishes, hopes ) he was Spiderman.
2. She ( hopes, wishes ) he can go to college and be a successful


3. Lisa hopes she ( can, could ) finish her studies.

4. If I ( am, were ) a bird, I could fly in the sky.
5. Cesar and Allan hope that they ( will, would ) be permitted to attend
the party.
6. Assimilation:
Divide the class into 4. Do the task written on the activity sheet.
a. List down the things that you wish you could do right now but you
cannot because you are in school.


b. What do you hope to do this weekend?


IV. Evaluation:
Write wish, hope or were on each blank to complete the sentence
1. I __________ I were living on the planet Venus.
2. The children ________ they will see the biggest telescope in the world.
3. Little boys _______ they could fly to planet Mars and play there.
4. If only I ________ rich, I would take up medicine.
5. The artists ______ they can perform more beautifully.


V. Assignment:
Make a 5 sentences using hope and wish.

October 11, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Give possible endings to a selection
Write an ending to a given situation
Participate actively in the class discussion.
II. Subject Matter:
Giving possible endings to a selection/situation
Write an ending to a given situation.
Reference: PELC
Building English Language pp. 199-202
Growing in English ( Reading ) pp. 209-210
Materials: Charts, activity sheets
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:
1. Presentation:
Do you still remember the conversation of the three boys that you
have listened to a while ago?


What are they talking about.

How does the conversation end?
2. Discussion:
The conversation ends with Rafael and Josh were hoping that Joseph
would realize his desire to be an expert pilot.
If you were given the chance to end their conversation, how would it
3. Practice Exercises:
Read the selection. Give the possible ending to this selection.
Joel spotted a mouse under the table. He squatted on the table
to watch the mouse. He tried to keep his cat Cutie from disturbing the mouse. But
it was hard to keep the cat still.

4. Assimilation:
Divide the class into 4. Dramatize the possible ending to this situation.
The captain of the ship ordered his men to tied the cargoes with
chains. The men went down, they tied the cargoes with old abaca ropes because
there were no chains. The captain was very confident that his men tied them with
chains. He signalled his crew that they leave.
While in the sea a storm came.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the following situations. Write the letter of the best ending, which you
think, fits each story. Choose your answer from the choices listed below.
Everyone was sleeping when Riza woke up this morning. She was
about to get out of the room when she heard two voices. When she looked at the
door, her brother and sister where there carrying birthday cake.
Hero was upset one morning. He cant find his white socks. He placed
them on top on the table beside his shirt the night before e went to bed. He asked
his brother Kevin if he saw it. Kevin said, ____________
Sarah was the youngest daughter of the King of England. Because she
was a tiny girl, she often was forgotten. Her older brothers helped their father ruled
the kingdom. She was not allowed to join them. So the little princes spent all her
life flying her kite.
One day the enemies of the kingdom kidnapped the king. Sarah saw
where they took her father. For many days, she kept him alive by flying food to him
with her kite. Later she made a roof to help her father escape. As the king was



about to escape he realized that Sarah was worth a great deed. Then, the emperor
made a promise to himself. He bowed he always would provide for Sarah.
Linda and Kyla were playing inside the house. Linda was chasing her
little sister. Suddenly, Linda broke her mothers favourite vase. The two sisters
cleaned it. When their mother arrived she noticed that her vase was not on the
table. She asked the girls, Where is my favourite vase ? Linda and Kayla said
the truth.
A. The mother forgives her daughters and tells them to be careful next time.
B. they greeted her sister by saying loudly Happy Birthday
C. Here it is. I put inside the cabinet.
D. For the remainder his ruling days, the king shared his rule with Sarah.
V. Assignment:
Write the possible ending to this situation.
Celso saw a bird. It attracted his attention. Celso tried to locate its nest
but he could not find it. He remembered in their Science lesson that this bird
makes its nest in low bushes. So Celso go around until he found the low bushes.
Then he heard a little sound.



October 12, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a story
Answer specific questions about the story listened to.
Use the comparative and superlative forms of regular adjectives using er
and est.
Infer traits of character.
Write sentences or lines that show the character trait of a person.
II. Subject Matter:
Story - At the Farm
Answering specific question about the story listened to.
Using the comparative and superlative forms of regular adjectives
Infer traits of character
Writing sentences or lines that show the character trait of a person.
Reference: Growing in English ( Language ) pp. 218 220
Growing in English ( Reading ) pp. 187-192.
Materials: pictures, real objects, charts.
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:


1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
a. Unlock the meaning of the underlined words through context clues.
1. It is the responsibility of the Mother Goat to feed its kids so
they will become healthy and strong when they grow up.
2. The mother cow gave birth to a calf.
3. A colt cannot run fast like his father horse because he is too
b. Match each word in column A with the appropriate meaning in
column B.
1. calf
a. Young horse
2. colt
b. Young goat
3. kid
c. Young cow
2. Motivation:
Song Farmers in the Den
What animals are mentioned in the song?
Where can you see these animals?
3. Motive Question:
You are going to listen to a story about Mother animals and their
young. Each mother talks about her baby and nobody wanted to be outdone.
What do you intend to know about the story?
4. Setting the standards for listening to a story?
What should you remember while listening to a story?
5. Listening to a story.
At The Farm
One day, some mother animals met in the farm. Each mother was very
proud of her baby.
Mother Goat:
My kid can jump and play with kids older and bigger than he is.
Mother cow: My calf is the finest in the entire baby cows Ive seen. He carries his
head up and
walks straight.
Mother Horse:
My colt has very long legs for running fast. He is the fastest
among his playmates. Im
very proud of him.
Mother Cat: You should see my kitten. Its like a pretty white ball. Its fur is as soft
as cotton.
Mother Dog: my puppys coat is as soft as silk. Mine is the cutest puppy ever born.
Nobody wanted
to be outdone. So the mother animals agreed to have a
baby contest. The contest was
planned. The date was set but each mother
kept postponing the contest to make her
baby healthier and prettier
than the others.

B. Engagement Activity 1:
Divide the class into 4 groups. Assign each an activity to work on.
Group 1:
We can act
Dramatize the conversation between the mother animals.
Group 2:
We can write


Write the possible preparations that the mother animals are

Group 3:

We can draw
Draw the animal that you think will win in the contest. Explain
why such animal win the
Group 4:
We can draw
Draw the animal that you think will win in the contest. Explain
why such animal win the
Engagement Activity 2:
A. Answering the motive question
b. comprehension check-up
- who are the characters in the story?
- what did each mother sat about her baby?
- Why was the contest never held?
- What do you think are the preparations that the mother animals?
- who do you think will win? Why?
- If somebody doesnt want to be outdone by anybody, what trait of the
character is shown?
- how are human beings similar to these animals?
c. Value concept:
are you like these animals? Is it good to be outdone by anybody, what
trait of the character is shown?



October 13, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 4th day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a story
Answer specific questions about the conversation listened to.
Use the expressions hope, wish, I-were
Give possible endings to a selection
Write an ending to a given situation
II. Subject Matter:
Conversation Childrens desire about space travel.
Answering specific question about the conversation listened to.
Using expression hope, wish, I-were
Giving possible endings to a selection/situation
Write an ending to a given situation.
Reference: PELC
Building English Language pp. 199-202
Growing in English ( Reading ) pp. 209-210
Materials: Charts, activity sheets
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking of difficulties
a. unlock the meaning of the underlined words through context clues.
1. Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to land on the moon.
2. I will explore the ocean floor to see the different creatures
living there.
3. Winning in a contest is a great achievement


b. Match each word in column A with the appropriate meaning in

column B.
1. astronaut
accomplished successfully.
2. explore
of discovery
3. Achievement

a. Something that has been
b. to travel over little known place for the sake
c. A person who travels beyond earths

2. Motivation:
Class, imagine that you were on the seashore. You saw a bottle and
then you opened it. Suddenly a genie came out from the bottle. He asked you to
make a wish related to space exploration, what could it be.
3. Motive question:
We are going to listen to the conversation of the three boys about
space exploration. They gave some interesting accounts to the different space
fights they had read about. This exciting exploration led to the children to express
their own desires about space travel.
What do you intend to know about their conversation?
4. Setting the standards for Listening
What should you remember while listening to a conversation?
5. Listening
Rafael: I can hardly believe that people have finally reached the moon. But the Apollo
11 astronauts have done it. Isnt that a great achievement?
Joseph: Indeed it, is?
Rafael: Would you believed that Laika a dog was the first living creature to circle
the earth?
Josh: Really?
Rafael: Space exploration excite me very much. I wish I could fly to outer space.
Josh: I also wish I could be an astronaut. I would explore not only the moon, but the
planets, too.
Rafael: Yes, that would be a very exciting experience!
Joseph: Its not very easy to be an astronaut, you know. You have to undergo many
years of hard training.
Josh: Oh, thats okay as long as I achieve my dream of being an astronaut.
Josh: I hope you will be an expert pilot.
Rafael: Yes, so do I.

B. 1. Engagement Activity 1
Divide the class into three groups. Assign each an activity to work on.
Group 1 We can explain



Explain why not anybody interested in space explorations can be an

Group 2 We can act
Write a dialog about your hopes and wishes. Be sure to act it out.
Group 3 and 4 we can share experience
Relate to your classmates an experience when your hopes come true.
2. Engagement Activity 2
1. Answering the motive question
2. Comprehension check-up
- who are the astronauts to finally reach the moon?
- What was the first living creature to circle the earth?
- what was the name of the dog?
- What do Josh and Rafael wish to be? What does Joseph hope to be?
- Can anybody who is interested in space exploration become an
astronaut? Why?
- Do you have hopes and wishes in your life? What are these
- Are there instance in your life that you achieved your hopes?
- What will you do to achieve it?



October 14, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 5th day )

I. Objectives:
Use the expressions hope, wish, I-were
Participate actively in the class discussion
Give possible endings to a selection
Write an ending to a given situation
II. Subject Matter:
Using expression hope, wish, I-were
Giving possible endings to a selection/situation
Write an ending to a given situation.
Reference: PELC
Building English Language pp. 199-202
Growing in English ( Reading ) pp. 209-210
Materials: Charts, activity sheets
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:
1. Review:
Change the following sentence on the active voice to the passive voice
of the verb.
a. The members of the club planned some activities
b. The girls made a report about the solar system.
c. The grade 6 class prepared the program.
d. Lisa delivered a declamation
e. The grade 4 pupils presented a folk dance .
2. Presentation:
Here are the sentences, which express the hopes and wishes of the
boys in the conversation.
a. I wish I could fly to outer space.


b. I also wish I could be an astronaut.

c. I hope I can be a pilot someday.
d. I hope you will be an expert pilot.
3. Discussion:
- Which of the four sentence tell about things that are likely to happen?
- What expression is used in those sentence
- What form of the verb is used?
- Which of these sentence tell about things that are not likely to
- What expression is used in those sentences?
- What form of the verb is used?
- The expression if I-were may be used instead of I wish, and it uses the
past form of the verb like in
this sentences if only I were rich, I
would travel around the world.
4. Generalization:
When do we use hope? Wish?
What form of the verb is used with hope? Wish?
What expression can be used instead of wish?
5. Practice exercise:
Underline the correct word in parenthesis that will complete each
1. Carlo ( wishes, hopes ) he was Spiderman.
2. She ( hopes, wishes ) he can go to college and be a successful
3. Lisa hopes she ( can, could ) finish her studies.
4. If I ( am, were ) a bird, I could fly in the sky.
5. Cesar and Allan hope that they ( will, would ) be permitted to attend
the party.
6. Assimilation:
Divide the class into 4. Do the task written on the activity sheet.
a. List down the things that you wish you could do right now but you
cannot because you are in school.



b. What do you hope to do this weekend?


IV. Evaluation:
Write wish, hope or were on each blank to complete the sentence
1. I __________ I were living on the planet Venus.
2. The children ________ they will see the biggest telescope in the world.
3. Little boys _______ they could fly to planet Mars and play there.
4. If only I ________ rich, I would take up medicine.
5. The artists ______ they can perform more beautifully.
V. Assignment:
Make a 5 sentences using hope and wish.



October 17, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Analyze ideas as to what could happen next from stories heard.
Use two-word adjectives
Give other events that could happen next.
II. Subject Matter:
Selection: What is happening to the Rainforests?
Using two-word-adjective
Giving other events that could happen next.
Reference: The great book of Knowledge, p. 19
Language Arts 6 pp. 152-155
Materials; Pictures of rainforest, charts, strips of cartolina
Value Concept: Conserving Natural resources
III. Learning Activities:
1. Presentation/Discussion
Recall the selection What is happening to the rainforest?
Can you predict what will happen if rainforest are continuously destroyed?
Support your answer.
Prediction: ___________________________
Supports: ____________________________
What happened next if ecological balance is upset?
Prediction: ____________________________
Supports: ____________________________
2. Practical exercises:
Tell how water cycle occurs by writing what happens next on the blank of
each paragraph below.
The water Cycle
Did you know that the same old rains fall to Earth over and over again?
When the sun shines and warm winds blow over oceans or seas, the
________________. They form water vapor. This moisture of vapor then _____________.



As the clouds are blown over mountains or hills by wind, they longer hold
much of this, __________________.
The rain runs into streams, then the rivers and is carried back to the sea-tostart all over again.
3. Assimilation:
Divide the children into four groups. Assign each group to read each
part of the story below then give events that could happen next.
The Troubled Tree
One morning, Trina, the little tree, wake up when a tiny drop of water
touched her face. She looked up and saw a dark pillow-shaped cloud above her
branches. She thought that if she could reach the cloud, she could have all the
water she needed.
What happened next? ____________________________

From then on, Trina tried to stretch and stretch... Always aiming for the
clouds. Everyday, she reached for the sky. Some more.... A little stretch and
shed be there.
What happened next? _________________________________

One day, Trina felt wetness on her face. She saw her little friend, Randy,
the raindrop. She knew she had reached the cloud.
But Randy wasnt happy. He began to swell and tremble. He was crying!
Tina tried to get closer to him but he fell down....down far below.
What happened next? _______________________________________

Trina couldnt stop Randy from failing. Then realization struck her. In her
desire to move up fast, she had forgotten her roots needed to be down in the
ground. That is where water was closest!
What happened next? ______________________________________


Trina tried to bury her roots firmly on the soil. One was still inside but the
other hand stuck out already. Everyday, Trina inserted the root slowly into the
ground, never wishing again to where she should not be. And that is the lesson
learned by the troubled tree.

IV. Evaluation:
Read the excerpts from an Aesop Fable. Then decide what happened next by
writing the letter of the correct answer.
The Ass and the Grasshopper
1. After hearing some grasshopper chirping, an ass was enchanted by their
music and wanted to acquire the same melodic charms. When he asked them what
they ate to sing so sweetly, they told him that they dined on nothing but dew.
Consequently, the ass followed the same diet, but..............
What will happened next?
a. the ass lived long
b. The grasshopper died
c. the ass died of hunger
d. The grasshopper sang merrily
2. A donkey once found the skin of a and dressed himself in it. Then he
amused himself by roaming about in the forest, frightening all the animals he met.
When he saw the fox, he tried to frighten him too. But as soon as the fox heard the
donkey bray, he said, oh, my friend, I might have been frightened like the others if
I had not heard your voice. Clothes may disguise a fool until he open his mouth.
What will happen next?
a. The donkey had a fight with the fox.
b. The donkey was embarrassed and left.
c. The fox laughed at the donkeys foolishness.
d. The fox was so frightened by the donkey that he ran away.
V. Assignment:
List down events that could happen next if the rainforest are continuously



October 17, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Express ideas clearly
Give the qualities of a good narrative paragraph after examining the model.
Copy one of the model correctly.
II. Creating a Writing situation
Stimulating Ideas
Studying the models
B. Charts of Models
III.a. Have you experienced something which you cannot forget.
B. Creating a writing situation and stimulating Idea.
C. Studying the models.
Teacher presents an examples of narrative paragraph
A, B, C, ( see chart )
D. Discussion and Analysis:
- Explain and discuss the qualities of a good paragraph.
E. What should you remember in writing a narrative paragraph.
F. Application:
Group Activity
Read the paragraph. Improve it. Observe correct spelling,
capitalization, punctuation and indention and arrangement of ideas.
G. copy the models on your notebook
IV. Have the pupils copy one of the models on their papers following the standard
in writing a narrative paragraph



October 18, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objective:
Suggest titles for a good paragraph.
List down words and phrases suited to the topic.
Use words and phrases in sentences.
II.A. Developing vocabulary:
Listing words and phrases suited to the paragraph.
Writing a narrative Paragraph.
C. Models of Different compositions.
III.A. Review:
What are the qualities of a good narrative paragraph.
B. Would you like to make a narrative paragraph similar to what we read
C.1. Present again the models.
2. Ask the pupils to tell something about themselves.
D.1. List down words and phrases.
2. use words and phrases in sentences.
3. Give titles suited to the thought of the sentence given.
E. Copying the list of word/phrases and sentences on their notebook.
IV. Assignment.
Write a title that you want to write about. List down the words, suited to it.
Use words in sentences.



October 19, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objective:
Express ideas orally.
Speak loud enough for everyone to hear.
Write a draft.
II. A. Oral Discussion


Writing the draft.

III.A. Motivation:
What do you need so that you will have a well organized paragraph?
B. Teacher present an outline.

Beginning sentence
ending sentence

C. Oral Discussion
Teacher groups the pupils.
Choose a title to write a draft.. A pupils read the best work in each group.
D. Setting the standard for writing
E. writing the draft.



October 20, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 4th day )

I. Objective:
Rewrite a rough draft.
Write neatly and legibly
II. A. Improving and rewriting the draft.
B. Rough draft.
III.A. Are there errors in the paragraph?
Teacher show one of the pupils draft on the board.
B. Pupils cooperatively correct and improve the draft.
C. Read the whole paragraph.
Does it process qualities of a good narrative composition? Why?
D. Teacher distributes the pupil draft.
E. Improving and rewriting the draft.



October 21, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 5th day )

I. Objective:
Write the final theme
Write legibly and correctly.
II. A. Writing the Formal theme.
B. Formal theme notebook
III. A. Review
On which past notebook, do you write the title?
How are titles written?
B. Teacher distributes the draft.
C. Formal theme activity
D. Valuing
Teacher choose 2-3 composition. Why do we classify them as the best



November 2, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a story


Answer specific questions about the story listened to.

Use the comparative and superlative forms of regular adjectives using er
and est.
Infer traits of character.
Write sentences or lines that show the character trait of a person.
II. Subject Matter:
Story - At the Farm
Answering specific question about the story listened to.
Using the comparative and superlative forms of regular adjectives
Infer traits of character
Writing sentences or lines that show the character trait of a person.
Reference: Growing in English ( Language ) pp. 218 220
Growing in English ( Reading ) pp. 187-192.
Materials: pictures, real objects, charts.
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
a. Unlock the meaning of the underlined words through context clues.
1. It is the responsibility of the Mother Goat to feed its kids so
they will become healthy and strong when they grow up.
2. The mother cow gave birth to a calf.
3. A colt cannot run fast like his father horse because he is too
b. Match each word in column A with the appropriate meaning in
column B.
1. calf
a. Young horse
2. colt
b. Young goat
3. kid
c. Young cow
2. Motivation:
Song Farmers in the Den
What animals are mentioned in the song?
Where can you see these animals?
3. Motive Question:
You are going to listen to a story about Mother animals and their
young. Each mother talks about her baby and nobody wanted to be outdone.
What do you intend to know
At The
Farmthe story?
4. Setting
to the
a story?
One day,
met in
farm. Each mother was very
to a story?
proud of her baby.
Goat: to aMy
kid can jump and play with kids older and bigger than he is.
5. Listening

Mother cow: My calf is the finest in the entire baby cows Ive seen. He carries his
head up and
walks straight.
Mother Horse:
My colt has very long legs for running fast. He is the fastest
among his playmates. Im
very proud of him.
Mother Cat: You should see my kitten. Its like a pretty white ball. Its fur is as soft
as M.
Mother Dog: my puppys coat is as soft as silk. Mine is the cutest puppy ever born.
Nobody wanted
to be outdone. So the mother animals agreed to have a
baby contest. The contest was
planned. The date was set but each mother
kept postponing the contest to make her
baby healthier and prettier

B. Engagement Activity 1:
Divide the class into 4 groups. Assign each an activity to work on.
Group 1:
We can act
Dramatize the conversation between the mother animals.
Group 2:
We can write
Write the possible preparations that the mother animals are
Group 3:
We can draw
Draw the animal that you think will win in the contest. Explain
why such animal win the
Group 4:
We can draw
Draw the animal that you think will win in the contest. Explain
why such animal win the
Engagement Activity 2:
A. Answering the motive question
b. comprehension check-up
- who are the characters in the story?
- what did each mother sat about her baby?
- Why was the contest never held?
- What do you think are the preparations that the mother animals?
- who do you think will win? Why?
- If somebody doesnt want to be outdone by anybody, what trait of the
character is shown?
- how are human beings similar to these animals?
c. Value concept:
are you like these animals? Is it good to be outdone by anybody, what
trait of the character is shown?



November 3, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a story
Answer specific questions about the conversation listened to.
Use the expressions hope, wish, I-were
Give possible endings to a selection
Write an ending to a given situation
II. Subject Matter:


Conversation Childrens desire about space travel.

Answering specific question about the conversation listened to.
Using expression hope, wish, I-were
Giving possible endings to a selection/situation
Write an ending to a given situation.
Reference: PELC
Building English Language pp. 199-202
Growing in English ( Reading ) pp. 209-210
Materials: Charts, activity sheets
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking of difficulties
a. unlock the meaning of the underlined words through context clues.
1. Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to land on the moon.
2. I will explore the ocean floor to see the different creatures
living there.
3. Winning in a contest is a great achievement
b. Match each word in column A with the appropriate meaning in
column B.
1. astronaut
a. Something that has been
accomplished successfully.
2. explore
b. to travel over little known place for the sake
of discovery
3. Achievement
c. A person who travels beyond earths
2. Motivation:
Class, imagine that you were on the seashore. You saw a bottle and
then you opened it. Suddenly a genie came out from the bottle. He asked you to
make a wish related to space exploration, what could it be.
3. Motive question:
We are going to listen to the conversation of the three boys about
space exploration. They gave some interesting accounts to the different space
fights they had read about. This exciting exploration led to the children to express
their own desires about space travel.
What do you intend to know about their conversation?
4. Setting the standards for Listening
What should you remember while listening to a conversation?
Rafael: I can hardly believe that people have finally reached the moon. But the Apollo
11 astronauts have done it. Isnt that a great achievement?
Joseph: Indeed it, is?
Rafael: Would you believed that Laika a dog was the first living creature to circle
the earth?
Josh: Really?
Rafael: Space exploration excite me very much. I wish I could fly to outer space.
Josh: I also wish I could be an astronaut. I would explore not only the moon, but the
planets, too.
Rafael: Yes, that would be a very exciting experience!
Joseph: Its not very easy to be an astronaut, you know. You have to undergo many
years of hard training.
Josh: Oh, thats okay as long as I achieve my dream of being an astronaut.

Josh: I hope you will be an expert pilot.

Rafael: Yes, so do I.

B. 1. Engagement Activity 1
Divide the class into three groups. Assign each an activity to work on.
Group 1 We can explain
Explain why not anybody interested in space explorations can be an
Group 2 We can act
Write a dialog about your hopes and wishes. Be sure to act it out.
Group 3 and 4 we can share experience
Relate to your classmates an experience when your hopes come true.
2. Engagement Activity 2
1. Answering the motive question
2. Comprehension check-up
- who are the astronauts to finally reach the moon?
- What was the first living creature to circle the earth?
- what was the name of the dog?
- What do Josh and Rafael wish to be? What does Joseph hope to be?
- Can anybody who is interested in space exploration become an
astronaut? Why?
- Do you have hopes and wishes in your life? What are these
- Are there instance in your life that you achieved your hopes?
- What will you do to achieve it?



November 8, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Analyze ideas as to what could happen next from stories heard.
Use two-word adjectives
Give other events that could happen next.
II. Subject Matter:
Selection: What is happening to the Rainforests?
Using two-word-adjective
Giving other events that could happen next.
Reference: The great book of Knowledge, p. 19
Language Arts 6 pp. 152-155
Materials; Pictures of rainforest, charts, strips of cartolina
Value Concept: Conserving Natural resources


III. Learning Activities:

1. Presentation/Discussion
Recall the selection What is happening to the rainforest?
Can you predict what will happen if rainforest are continuously destroyed?
Support your answer.
Prediction: ___________________________
Supports: ____________________________
What happened next if ecological balance is upset?
Prediction: ____________________________
Supports: ____________________________
2. Practical exercises:
Tell how water cycle occurs by writing what happens next on the blank of
each paragraph below.
The water Cycle
Did you know that the same old rains fall to Earth over and over again?
When the sun shines and warm winds blow over oceans or seas, the
________________. They form water vapor. This moisture of vapor then _____________.
As the clouds are blown over mountains or hills by wind, they longer hold
much of this, __________________.
The rain runs into streams, then the rivers and is carried back to the sea-tostart all over again.
3. Assimilation:
Divide the children into four groups. Assign each group to read each
part of the story below then give events that could happen next.
The Troubled Tree
One morning, Trina, the little tree, wake up when a tiny drop of water
touched her face. She looked up and saw a dark pillow-shaped cloud above her
branches. She thought that if she could reach the cloud, she could have all the
water she needed.
What happened next? ____________________________



From then on, Trina tried to stretch and stretch... Always aiming for the
clouds. Everyday, she reached for the sky. Some more.... A little stretch and
shed be there.
What happened next? _________________________________

One day, Trina felt wetness on her face. She saw her little friend, Randy,
the raindrop. She knew she had reached the cloud.
But Randy wasnt happy. He began to swell and tremble. He was crying!
Tina tried to get closer to him but he fell down....down far below.
What happened next? _______________________________________

Trina couldnt stop Randy from failing. Then realization struck her. In her
desire to move up fast, she had forgotten her roots needed to be down in the
ground. That is where water was closest!
What happened next? ______________________________________

Trina tried to bury her roots firmly on the soil. One was still inside but the
other hand stuck out already. Everyday, Trina inserted the root slowly into the
ground, never wishing again to where she should not be. And that is the lesson
learned by the troubled tree.

IV. Evaluation:
Read the excerpts from an Aesop Fable. Then decide what happened next by
writing the letter of the correct answer.
The Ass and the Grasshopper
1. After hearing some grasshopper chirping, an ass was enchanted by their
music and wanted to acquire the same melodic charms. When he asked them what
they ate to sing so sweetly, they told him that they dined on nothing but dew.
Consequently, the ass followed the same diet, but..............
What will happened next?
a. the ass lived long
b. The grasshopper died
c. the ass died of hunger
d. The grasshopper sang merrily



2. A donkey once found the skin of a and dressed himself in it. Then he
amused himself by roaming about in the forest, frightening all the animals he met.
When he saw the fox, he tried to frighten him too. But as soon as the fox heard the
donkey bray, he said, oh, my friend, I might have been frightened like the others if
I had not heard your voice. Clothes may disguise a fool until he open his mouth.
What will happen next?
a. The donkey had a fight with the fox.
b. The donkey was embarrassed and left.
c. The fox laughed at the donkeys foolishness.
d. The fox was so frightened by the donkey that he ran away.
V. Assignment:
List down events that could happen next if the rainforest are continuously

November 9, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a poem
Answer questions about the poem which was read to them.
Identify adverbs.
Identifying Simile
II. Subject Matter:
The Rivals
Answering questions about the poem listened to
Identifying adverbs
Identifying Simile
PELC 10. P. 21 Speaking
11.3 Reading
English for All Times p. 146 147
Growing in English p. 221 222
Materials: Charts, pictures and activity sheet
Value Concept: Importance of trees



III. Procedure:
1. Vocabulary Development
( Teacher unlocks the words using context clues )
a. lots of dews are observed on laves of plants on early morning.
b. Colorful flowering plants and green grass were planted in Mr. Fernandez
c. He tends to rival the career of Mr. Adams because of his ambition to
surpass him.
Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.
____ 1. Lawn
a. Droplets of water
____ 2. Dews
b. Competitor
____ 3. Rival
c. Closed area planted with green and
similar plants.
2. Motivation
Have you ever heard of a bird singing? How does it sound? Do you like
the sound it produces? Can birds really sing?
3. Motive question
Why did the boy and the bird compete with each other?
4. Standards for Listening
5. Listening to the Poem
The Rivals
I heard a bird at dawn
Singing sweetly on a tree.
That the dew was on the lawn.
And the wind was on the sea;
But I didnt listen to him
For he didnt sing to me
I didnt listen to him,
For he didnt sing to me
That the dew was on the lawn
And the wind was on the sea!
I was singing at the time
Just as prettily as he!


I was singing all the time

Just as prettily as he,
About the dew upon the lawn.
And the wind upon the sea!
So I didnt listen to him
As he sang upon a tree!


B. Critical Thinking
1. Engagement Activity 1
The teacher will group the class into four and let each group do the
assigned activity.
Group 1 we can draw
Draw what the character are doing in the poem.
Group II We can act
Act what the boy feels about the bird.
Group III We can write
Write three-sentence paragraph about what the boy feels about the
Group IV We can sing
Create a small song regarding the topic.
2. Engagement Activity 2
1. Answering the Motive question
2. Comprehension Check-up
Who are the characters in the poem?
Where did the scene happen? At what time of the day did it
What was the boy doing?
What was the bird doing?
How did the boy feel about the birds? Prove your answer.
Why is the poem entitled the rivals?
3. Infusion of values:
What is the natural habitat of birds? Why do you think the bird is
happily singing on the tree? Why are trees very important to living things? What
are the effects of deforestation? How can we conserve our forest?



November 10, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objectives:
Identify adverbs.
Participate actively in the class discussion.
Identifying Simile
II. Subject Matter:
The Rivals
Identifying adverbs
Identifying Simile
PELC 10. P. 21 Speaking
11.3 Reading
English for All Times p. 146 147
Growing in English p. 221 222
Materials: Charts, pictures and activity sheet
Value Concept: Importance of trees
III. Procedure:
1. Review:
During your previous grades, have you studied about adverbs?
How are adverbs different from adjectives?
2. Presentation:
These lines were taken from the poem that you listened to. Read each
1. I heard a bird at dawn.
Singing sweetly on a tree.


2. I was singing all the time

Just as prettily as he.
3. Analyses and Discussion
What can you say about the underlined words?
What word does sweetly modify?
How are these words used in the sentence?
4. Generalization:
What are adverbs?
5. Guided Practice
Read each sentence then tell whether the underlined word is used as
an adjective or an adverb.
1. I took an early train.
The train arrived early.
2. The farmer followed a straight path.
The scientist went straight to the volcano.
3. The family took a direct to Manila.
The family flew directly to Manila.
4. The visitors had a long trip.
They did not stay long in Aklan.
5. The little girl was nervous as she waited for her dentist.
The little girl nervously waited for her dentist.
6.Independent Practice:
Circle the adverbs used in the following sentences.
1. The ground was unusually hot that day.
2. I will go with you my son, the priest said quickly.
3. One of the men happily accepted the decision of the lady.
4. Shortly after the decision was give, they all went home.
5. He wore his shoes cleverly.
7. Assimilation:
The teacher will group the pupils into 4. Each group will pick out all
adverbs used in the paragraph. Then post them on the blackboard.

Group I.
My dog, Lucky, loves watching television. She particularly likes animal stories
and cartoons. She seems to follow the story and unusually barks at the exciting
moments. If for some reasons, I dont watch television. Lucky will look at me with
sorrowful eyes until I turn on the set. The truth is, she likes television more than I do.
Group II.
During my first week at Alders gate High School, I kept thinking how happy. Id
been in my former school. Dalton High School. I felt miserable here since I didnt
know anybody yet. At Dalton High School I had known almost all the teachers. Some
of them had been extremely kind and helpful to me. At Alders gate, I felt at first the
teachers didnt have time for me. Everyone always seemed so busy.

Group III.
Black Eye, our pet puppy is always getting into trouble. He likes to turn the
trashcan upside down and scatter garbage all over the yard. At dinnertime, he
snacks up behind us and grabs the food right off our plates. My brother, Larry felt so
furious when Blackeye went fishing in his tropical fish aquarium and ate all his prized
specimens. However, the worst prank of all was the time when Blackeye made off
with Dads birthday cake right in the middle of the party.

IV. Evaluation:
Copy each sentence. Then encircle the Adverb/adverbs used.
1. I am the king of the road. All vehicles stop as I pass by and loudly blow my
2. I am never a queen but I have a crown of green.
3. One day my dog Bakar and I were jogging lazily along the sandy stone.
4. Suddenly, he jumped backward and barked aloud in fright.
5. Bakar stopped and sniffed very cautiously at a shell.
V. Assignment:
Write a five-sentence paragraph about your activities on weekend using



November 11, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 4th day )

I. Objectives:
Identify adverbs.
Participate actively in the class discussion.
Identifying Simile
II. Subject Matter:
The Rivals
Identifying adverbs
Identifying Simile
PELC 10. P. 21 Speaking
11.3 Reading
English for All Times p. 146 147
Growing in English p. 221 222
Materials: Charts, pictures and activity sheet
Value Concept: Importance of trees
III. Procedure:
1. Presentation:
Reading some lines in the poem.
I was singing all the time
Just as prettily as he.
2. Analysis and discussion:
a. Do we have comparison in this particular line of the poem?
b. What are compared? What expression is used?
c. what do you think did the author use to bring out the message of the
3. Generalization:
What is simile?
4. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Read each sentence. Put a check if it uses simile and x if not.
_____ 1. The brain is like gigantic government office.
_____ 2. The dictionary is the bankbook that help us use the words.


_____ 3. I wondered as lonely as a cloud.

_____ 4. The politicians voice rolled like thunder in the auditorium.
_____ 5. After their hike, the children were as hungry as horses.
5. Independent Practice:
Read each sentence. Encircled the names of the things being
1. Lenny ran as swiftly as a deer and won the race.
2. The lace tablecloth was as white as cotton
3. The rain on the roof sounded like an army of tap dancers.
4. The dark clouds looked like a grieving womens dark veil.
5. Silently, like tired ghosts, the fishing fleet come home.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the following pair of sentences. Copy only the sentence that contains
1. Miran ran as swiftly as a deer and won the race.
She was the fastest runner and won the race.
2. She paused for a long time before she spoke again.
The pause before she spoke again was like a century.
3. The fireworks made purple and red streaks in the skip.
The fireworks were as colorful as a sunset.
4. The Politicians voice rolled like thunder in the auditorium.
She spoke in a loud voice so that everyone could hear.
5. Red and yellow tulips grew all around the garden.
He tulips were like gold and red banner in the sun.
V. Assignment:
Complete the simile by filling in each blank with an appropriate word.
1. The carpenters are as busy as the _______________
2. The mothers tears were like ___________
3. The wide and deep holes on the road were like _________
4. The babys skin is as smooth as ____________
5. Your teeth are as white as __________.



November 14, 2011




8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a passage
Answer questions about the passage which was read to them.
Identify the different kinds of adverbs.
Determine the purpose of the author.
II. Subject Matter:
Answering questions about the passage which was read to them.
Identifying different Kinds of Adverbs.
Determining the purpose of the author
References: PELC 10 p. 21 speaking, PELC 11.2 p. 21 Reading
Grammar in Focus 5 pp. 139-141
English This Way 5 pp. 195-201
New Dynamic Series in English 6 pp. 221
Materials: Pictures, charts
Value Concept: Thriftiness
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking of difficulties
1. Its very convenient to use a cordless microphone.
2. A pair of Pliers is an example of handy device used by a mechanic.
Answer the following:
1. His father used _____ to fix their leaking faucet.
2. Many artist prefer to use a _____ microphone especially in concert.
2. Motivation:
What communication device do you have at home?
3. Motive Question:
What is the most practical communication device that is popularly
4. standards for Listening
5. Listening:
Telephones used outside our homes and cordless. These are popularly
known as cell phones, short term of cellular phones. If you have one, you can make
a call anytime anywhere. More and more people are using this conveniently while
in cars, in jeepneys and busses. On camping and on the streets people talk
endlessly. This handy device for talking with others may not be costly. But it may
even save lives or loose some.
B. critical Thinking:
1. Engagement Activities:
Group I We can draw
You will draw the most popular means of communication today.


Group II We can act

You will dramatize on how to use a cell phone.
Group III We can write
You will write five-sentence paragraph on the advantages of cell
Group IV We can write
You will write five-sentence paragraph on the advantages of cell
2. Engagement activities:
1. Answering the Motive Question
2. Communication Question
1. What is the most popular means of communication today?
2. What are the advantages of cellphones?
Infusion of values:
Why do you think many people prefer to use cellphone than any other
means of communication?
Which communication system is lesser in cost?
Why we should we always practice thriftiness?
November 15, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a passage
Answer questions about the passage which was read to them.
Identify the different kinds of adverbs.
Determine the purpose of the author.
II. Subject Matter:
Answering questions about the passage which was read to them.
Identifying different Kinds of Adverbs.
Determining the purpose of the author
References: PELC 10 p. 21 speaking, PELC 11.2 p. 21 Reading
Grammar in Focus 5 pp. 139-141
English This Way 5 pp. 195-201
New Dynamic Series in English 6 pp. 221
Materials: Pictures, charts
Value Concept: Thriftiness
III. Learning Activities:
1. Review:
Tell whether the underlined words is an adjective or adverb.
1. I followed a straight path.


2. We went straight to Bulacan.

3. The girl is nervous about the result of his medical examination.
4. The child nervously waited for her dentist to arrive.
2. Presentation:
The sun and the Wind
The sun and the wind were having a dispute. I am stronger
than you, said the wind angrily. No, I am the stronger one, shouted the sun at
the wind. Then the sun and the wind saw a man coming down the road. He was
wearing a thick cloak.
The sun said, I know what we can do. Whoever can make the
man take off his cloak is the stronger one. You begin.
So the sun hid behind a cloud. And the wind began to blow very
hard. But the harder he blew, the tighter the man wrapped his cloak around him. At
last the wind stopped.
Then the sun came out of the clouds. He shone very brightly
upon the man. The brighter the sun shone, the hotter the man felt until at last he
took off his cloak.
B. Critical Thinking
Engagement activity I
Group 1 we can draw
Draw what the sun and the wind had one day and whom they
see on the road?
Group 2 We can act
Dramatize how the sun and the wind quarrelled.
Group 3 we can Write
Write down the ending of the story in 2-3 sentences.
Group 4 - we can draw
Draw what the sun and the wind had one day and whom they
see on the road?
2. Engagement Activity 2
a. answering the motive question
b. Answering the comprehension check-up question
1. What did the sun and the wind have one day?
2. why did the two quarrel?
3. How did they settle their problem?
4. How do you think the story end?
Value Concept:
What do you think of the sun and the wind in the story? What
character trait did they show in the story? Is it good for a person to be proud of
himself in terms of what he is and what he has? What character trait should a
person possess to have wholesome and harmonious relationship with others?





November 16, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objectives:
Identify the different kinds of adverbs.
Determine the purpose of the author.
Participate actively in the class discussion.
II. Subject Matter:
Answering questions about the passage which was read to them.
Identifying different Kinds of Adverbs.
Determining the purpose of the author
References: PELC 10 p. 21 speaking, PELC 11.2 p. 21 Reading
Grammar in Focus 5 pp. 139-141
English This Way 5 pp. 195-201
New Dynamic Series in English 6 pp. 221
Materials: Pictures, charts
Value Concept: Thriftiness
III. Learning Activities:
1. Presentation:
Reading some sentences taken from the story.
2. Analysis and Discussion
What do you call the underlined words?
Do we have comparison in this sentence?
Whose action is being described in the sentences?
What degree of comparison is used in following sentences?
3. Generalization:
When do we use the positive degree of comparison in adverbs?
4. Practice exercises:
a. Guided Practice
check the sentence that use positive from adverbs.



____ 1. The Christmas season in the Philippines is perhaps celebrated the

longest in the world.
____ 2. For nine days, people go to the church very early in the morning.
____ 3. Filipino Catholics attend the misa de gallo or dawn mass religiously.
____ 4. The Sison family attends mass regularly.
____ 5. The devout members help the church generously.
5. Independent Practice:
Give the positive form of the adverbs.
Positive Form
1. commonly
2. soon
3. simply
4. surprisingly
5. frequently
IV. Evaluation:
Choose the positive form of the adverb in the paragraph.
A. You can find white and fine sand in the beaches of Bali, Indonesia. You may
seldom step on coarse colored sand. But a tourist or a foreign visitor may always
love jogging seriously on the beach every morning. He or she can go northward,
then south ward. But for me perhaps, I can hardly breath after running a five
hundred-meter distance.
B. my Indonesia friend, Datuk, one time fondly told me a story. The story runs this
One morning my dog Bakar and I were jogging lazily along the sandy shore.
Bakar stopped and sniffed very cautiously at a shell. Suddenly, he jumped
backward and barked aloud in fright. I quietly went near the shell. Usually shells
dont move but this one was actually walking! How was the possible! I quickly
called bakar to my side. Then I carefully lifted the shell. Obviously it was not empty.
A hermit crab rolled itself inside.

November 17, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Answer questions about the passage which was read to them.
Identify the different kinds of adverbs.
Determine the purpose of the author.
II. Subject Matter:


Answering questions about the passage which was read to them.

Identifying different Kinds of Adverbs.
Determining the purpose of the author
References: PELC 10 p. 21 speaking, PELC 11.2 p. 21 Reading
Grammar in Focus 5 pp. 139-141
English This Way 5 pp. 195-201
New Dynamic Series in English 6 pp. 221
Materials: Pictures, charts
Value Concept: Thriftiness
III. Learning Activities:
1. Presentation:
a. Reading the story ( The sun and the Wind )
2. Analysis and Discussion
How did the sun prove that he was stronger than the wind?
What conclusion can you give based on the story?
3. Generalization:
How do we derived conclusion from a given information?
4. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice
Read the passage. Then choose the best answer to complete the
conclusion given..
1. Japan is one of the most progressive countries in asia. The Japanese
contribute a lot to their economy by researching, inventing and creating things.
We can say that Japan is very rich in _______.
a. land resources
b. Human resources
c. Marine resources
2. Ines grew up, studied and work in a barrio. She spent half of her life in this
place. One day she visited her relatives in the city. She found it hard to cross the
busy street and got irritated.
We can say that Ines didnt feel good in the city because she was _____.
a. not accustomed to city life b. Sick
c. Afraid of thieves and
3. During the creation, God separated day from night. He filled the water
with fishes, the air with birds and the land with animals both tame and wild. He
then created men with so much blessings.
We can say that Gods gifts are _____.
a. enough
b. Lacking
c. Overflowing
IV. Evaluation:
Choose the correct form of the adverbs in the parentheses to complete each
1. Father has a radio-pager ( popularly, most popularly) known as beeper.
2. His boss ( handily, more handily ) sends messages to him wherever he is.
3. In this way. They can ( more convenient, conveniently ) transact important
businesses outside the office.


4. Do you hear my voice ( clearer, clearly )?

5. You can memorize my number ( easily, more easily ) Its 0918-8021235
V. Assignment:
Use the following phrases in the sentences.
1. prays fervently
2. drives fast
3. write legibly
4. reads aloud
5. feels well
November 18, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 5th day )

I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a report
Answer questions about the report presented
Use the superlative form of adverbs
Identify sufficient evidences to justify a conclusion/generalization.
II. Subject Matter:
Different kinds of volcanoes
Answering question about a Report Presented
Using the Superlative Form of the Adverbs
Identifying Sufficient Evidences to justify a conclusion/generalization
References: PELC 10 p. 21 speaking, PELC 10.2 p. 21
Building in English Skills p. 13
Exploring English Reading pp. 232-234
Materials: Pictures, charts
Value Concept: Follow guidelines on what to do if a disaster occurs.
III. Learning Activities:
1. Vocabulary Development:
Teacher flash pictures as the uses the words in sentences to elicit the
meaning of the words.
Exploded and Slopes
Fill in the blank with the appropriate words in the box.
1. The _____ of the mountain is steep. We can not climb up in this kind of



2. Mt. Pinatubo became known in many parts of the country and even the
world when it _____ violently in 1991.
2. Motivation:
What volcano is found here in Batangas? Have you been to this place.
Describe it.
3. Raising the Motive Question
What are the different kinds of volcano?
4. Setting of the Standards for Listening
5. Listening to the Report
Different Kinds of Volcanoes
Most volcanoes have been on the earth for a very long time. Some have
been here so long that now they are cold. They are called dead volcanoes. They
have stopped throwing out fire, smoke and molten rocks. It is safe to walk near
them. Farms are plowed on the quit slopes, and people have built homes there.
Some volcanoes have stopped throwing out hot rocks, but they still smoke a
little every now and then. They are sleeping volcanoes. They may wake up. A
volcano named Vesuvius slept for a thousand years. When it woke up, it throw up
so much hot molten rocks that it buried two cities.
There are active volcanoes which explode so violently that the rocks go
high into the air and fall miles away. Other volcanoes are more gentle. The hot
lava rises in their cone and overflows, rolling slowly down the mountainside,
where it becomes cool and hard.

1. Engagement Activity 1
Group 1 we can draw
Draw the different kinds of volcanoes discussed in the report.
Group 2 differentiate the four kinds of volcanoes
Group 3 write some guidelines on what to do if disaster occurs, like volcanic
eruption, earthquake, strong typhoon, and fire
2. Engagement Activity 2
a. Answering the Motive Question
b. Answering the comprehension questions
- What are the different kinds of volcano?
- Why is it safe to walk near dead volcanoes?
- How does one know that the volcano is dead?
- How is a sleeping volcano different from a dead volcano?
- Why are some volcanoes said to be active? Gentle?
3. Infusion of Values:
What are the guidelines, we should take into consideration during these
situation as typhoons, volcanic eruption, earthquake etc...





November 21, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a story
Answer specific questions about the story listened to.
Use the comparative and superlative forms of regular adjectives using er
and est.
Infer traits of character.
Write sentences or lines that show the character trait of a person.
II. Subject Matter:
Story - At the Farm
Answering specific question about the story listened to.
Using the comparative and superlative forms of regular adjectives
Infer traits of character
Writing sentences or lines that show the character trait of a person.
Reference: Growing in English ( Language ) pp. 218 220
Growing in English ( Reading ) pp. 187-192.
Materials: pictures, real objects, charts.
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
a. Unlock the meaning of the underlined words through context clues.
1. It is the responsibility of the Mother Goat to feed its kids so
they will become healthy and strong when they grow up.
2. The mother cow gave birth to a calf.
3. A colt cannot run fast like his father horse because he is too
b. Match each word in column A with the appropriate meaning in
column B.
1. calf
a. Young horse
2. colt
b. Young goat
3. kid
c. Young cow
2. Motivation:
Song Farmers in the Den
What animals are mentioned in the song?
Where can you see these animals?
3. Motive Question:


You are going to listen to a story about Mother animals and their
young. Each mother talks about her baby and nobody wanted to be outdone.
What do you intend to know about the story?
4. Setting the standards for listening to a story?
What should you remember while listening to a story?
5. Listening to a story.
At The Farm
One day, some mother animals met in the farm. Each mother was very
proud of her baby.
Mother Goat:
My kid can jump and play with kids older and bigger than he is.
Mother cow: My calf is the finest in the entire baby cows Ive seen. He carries his
head up and
walks straight.
Mother Horse:
My colt has very long legs for running fast. He is the fastest
among his playmates. Im
very proud of him.
Mother Cat: You should see my kitten. Its like a pretty white ball. Its fur is as soft
as cotton.
Mother Dog: my puppys coat is as soft as silk. Mine is the cutest puppy ever born.
Nobody wanted
to be outdone. So the mother animals agreed to have a
baby contest. The contest was
planned. The date was set but each mother
kept postponing the contest to make her
baby healthier and prettier
than the others.

B. Engagement Activity 1:
Divide the class into 4 groups. Assign each an activity to work on.
Group 1:
We can act
Dramatize the conversation between the mother animals.
Group 2:
We can write
Write the possible preparations that the mother animals are
Group 3:
We can draw
Draw the animal that you think will win in the contest. Explain
why such animal win the
Group 4:
We can draw
Draw the animal that you think will win in the contest. Explain
why such animal win the
Engagement Activity 2:
A. Answering the motive question
b. comprehension check-up
- who are the characters in the story?
- what did each mother sat about her baby?
- Why was the contest never held?
- What do you think are the preparations that the mother animals?
- who do you think will win? Why?
- If somebody doesnt want to be outdone by anybody, what trait of the
character is shown?


- how are human beings similar to these animals?

c. Value concept:
are you like these animals? Is it good to be outdone by anybody, what
trait of the character is shown?

November 22, 2011

8:00 9:00


English ( 2nd day )


I. Objectives:
Listening to a story
Answer specific questions about the conversation listened to.
Use the expressions hope, wish, I-were
Give possible endings to a selection
Write an ending to a given situation
II. Subject Matter:
Conversation Childrens desire about space travel.
Answering specific question about the conversation listened to.
Using expression hope, wish, I-were
Giving possible endings to a selection/situation
Write an ending to a given situation.
Reference: PELC
Building English Language pp. 199-202
Growing in English ( Reading ) pp. 209-210
Materials: Charts, activity sheets
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking of difficulties
a. unlock the meaning of the underlined words through context clues.
1. Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to land on the moon.
2. I will explore the ocean floor to see the different creatures
living there.
3. Winning in a contest is a great achievement
b. Match each word in column A with the appropriate meaning in
column B.
1. astronaut
a. Something that has been
accomplished successfully.
2. explore
b. to travel over little known place for the sake
of discovery
3. Achievement
c. A person who travels beyond earths
2. Motivation:
Class, imagine that you were on the seashore. You saw a bottle and
then you opened it. Suddenly a genie came out from the bottle. He asked you to
make a wish related to space exploration, what could it be.
3. Motive question:
We are going to listen to the conversation of the three boys about
space exploration. They gave some interesting accounts to the different space



fights they had read about. This exciting exploration led to the children to express
their own desires about space travel.
What do you intend to know about their conversation?
4. Setting the standards for Listening
What should you remember while listening to a conversation?
5. Listening
Rafael: I can hardly believe that people have finally reached the moon. But the Apollo
11 astronauts have done it. Isnt that a great achievement?
Joseph: Indeed it, is?
Rafael: Would you believed that Laika a dog was the first living creature to circle
the earth?
Josh: Really?
Rafael: Space exploration excite me very much. I wish I could fly to outer space.
Josh: I also wish I could be an astronaut. I would explore not only the moon, but the
planets, too.
Rafael: Yes, that would be a very exciting experience!
Joseph: Its not very easy to be an astronaut, you know. You have to undergo many
years of hard training.
Josh: Oh, thats okay as long as I achieve my dream of being an astronaut.
Josh: I hope you will be an expert pilot.
Rafael: Yes, so do I.

B. 1. Engagement Activity 1
Divide the class into three groups. Assign each an activity to work on.
Group 1 We can explain
Explain why not anybody interested in space explorations can be an
Group 2 We can act
Write a dialog about your hopes and wishes. Be sure to act it out.
Group 3 and 4 we can share experience
Relate to your classmates an experience when your hopes come true.
2. Engagement Activity 2
1. Answering the motive question
2. Comprehension check-up
- who are the astronauts to finally reach the moon?
- What was the first living creature to circle the earth?
- what was the name of the dog?
- What do Josh and Rafael wish to be? What does Joseph hope to be?
- Can anybody who is interested in space exploration become an
astronaut? Why?
- Do you have hopes and wishes in your life? What are these
- Are there instance in your life that you achieved your hopes?


- What will you do to achieve it?

November 23, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Analyze ideas as to what could happen next from stories heard.
Use two-word adjectives
Give other events that could happen next.


II. Subject Matter:

Selection: What is happening to the Rainforests?
Using two-word-adjective
Giving other events that could happen next.
Reference: The great book of Knowledge, p. 19
Language Arts 6 pp. 152-155
Materials; Pictures of rainforest, charts, strips of cartolina
Value Concept: Conserving Natural resources
III. Learning Activities:
1. Presentation/Discussion
Recall the selection What is happening to the rainforest?
Can you predict what will happen if rainforest are continuously destroyed?
Support your answer.
Prediction: ___________________________
Supports: ____________________________
What happened next if ecological balance is upset?
Prediction: ____________________________
Supports: ____________________________
2. Practical exercises:
Tell how water cycle occurs by writing what happens next on the blank of
each paragraph below.
The water Cycle
Did you know that the same old rains fall to Earth over and over again?
When the sun shines and warm winds blow over oceans or seas, the
________________. They form water vapor. This moisture of vapor then _____________.
As the clouds are blown over mountains or hills by wind, they longer hold
much of this, __________________.
The rain runs into streams, then the rivers and is carried back to the sea-tostart all over again.
3. Assimilation:
Divide the children into four groups. Assign each group to read each
part of the story below then give events that could happen next.
The Troubled Tree
One morning, Trina, the little tree, wake up when a tiny drop of water
touched her face. She looked up and saw a dark pillow-shaped cloud above her
branches. She thought that if she could reach the cloud, she could have all the
water she needed.

What happened next? ____________________________


From then on, Trina tried to stretch and stretch... Always aiming for the
clouds. Everyday, she reached for the sky. Some more.... A little stretch and
shed be there.
What happened next? _________________________________

One day, Trina felt wetness on her face. She saw her little friend, Randy,
the raindrop. She knew she had reached the cloud.
But Randy wasnt happy. He began to swell and tremble. He was crying!
Tina tried to get closer to him but he fell down....down far below.
What happened next? _______________________________________

Trina couldnt stop Randy from failing. Then realization struck her. In her
desire to move up fast, she had forgotten her roots needed to be down in the
ground. That is where water was closest!
What happened next? ______________________________________

Trina tried to bury her roots firmly on the soil. One was still inside but the
other hand stuck out already. Everyday, Trina inserted the root slowly into the
ground, never wishing again to where she should not be. And that is the lesson
learned by the troubled tree.

IV. Evaluation:
Read the excerpts from an Aesop Fable. Then decide what happened next by
writing the letter of the correct answer.
The Ass and the Grasshopper


1. After hearing some grasshopper chirping, an ass was enchanted by their

music and wanted to acquire the same melodic charms. When he asked them what
they ate to sing so sweetly, they told him that they dined on nothing but dew.
Consequently, the ass followed the same diet, but..............
What will happened next?
a. the ass lived long
b. The grasshopper died
c. the ass died of hunger
d. The grasshopper sang merrily
2. A donkey once found the skin of a and dressed himself in it. Then he
amused himself by roaming about in the forest, frightening all the animals he met.
When he saw the fox, he tried to frighten him too. But as soon as the fox heard the
donkey bray, he said, oh, my friend, I might have been frightened like the others if
I had not heard your voice. Clothes may disguise a fool until he open his mouth.
What will happen next?
a. The donkey had a fight with the fox.
b. The donkey was embarrassed and left.
c. The fox laughed at the donkeys foolishness.
d. The fox was so frightened by the donkey that he ran away.
V. Assignment:
List down events that could happen next if the rainforest are continuously

November 24, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to a poem
Answer questions about the poem which was read to them.
Identify adverbs.
Identifying Simile
II. Subject Matter:
The Rivals
Answering questions about the poem listened to
Identifying adverbs
Identifying Simile


PELC 10. P. 21 Speaking
11.3 Reading
English for All Times p. 146 147
Growing in English p. 221 222
Materials: Charts, pictures and activity sheet
Value Concept: Importance of trees
III. Procedure:
1. Vocabulary Development
( Teacher unlocks the words using context clues )
a. lots of dews are observed on laves of plants on early morning.
b. Colorful flowering plants and green grass were planted in Mr. Fernandez
c. He tends to rival the career of Mr. Adams because of his ambition to
surpass him.
Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.
____ 1. Lawn
a. Droplets of water
____ 2. Dews
b. Competitor
____ 3. Rival
c. Closed area planted with green and
similar plants.
2. Motivation
Have you ever heard of a bird singing? How does it sound? Do you like
the sound it produces? Can birds really sing?
3. Motive question
Why did the boy and the bird compete with each other?
4. Standards for Listening
5. Listening to the Poem
The Rivals
I heard a bird at dawn
Singing sweetly on a tree.
That the dew was on the lawn.
And the wind was on the sea;
But I didnt listen to him
For he didnt sing to me
I didnt listen to him,
For he didnt sing to me
That the dew was on the lawn
And the wind was on the sea!
I was singing at the time
Just as prettily as he!


I was singing all the time

Just as prettily as he,
About the dew upon the lawn.
And the wind upon the sea!
So I didnt listen to him
As he sang upon a tree!

B. Critical Thinking
1. Engagement Activity 1
The teacher will group the class into four and let each group do the
assigned activity.
Group 1 we can draw
Draw what the character are doing in the poem.
Group II We can act
Act what the boy feels about the bird.
Group III We can write
Write three-sentence paragraph about what the boy feels about the
Group IV We can sing
Create a small song regarding the topic.
2. Engagement Activity 2
1. Answering the Motive question
2. Comprehension Check-up
Who are the characters in the poem?
Where did the scene happen? At what time of the day did it
What was the boy doing?
What was the bird doing?
How did the boy feel about the birds? Prove your answer.
Why is the poem entitled the rivals?
3. Infusion of values:
What is the natural habitat of birds? Why do you think the bird is
happily singing on the tree? Why are trees very important to living things? What
are the effects of deforestation? How can we conserve our forest?



November 25, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 5th day )

I. Objectives:
Use the expressions hope, wish, I-were
Participate actively in the class discussion
Give possible endings to a selection
Write an ending to a given situation
II. Subject Matter:
Using expression hope, wish, I-were
Giving possible endings to a selection/situation
Write an ending to a given situation.
Reference: PELC
Building English Language pp. 199-202
Growing in English ( Reading ) pp. 209-210
Materials: Charts, activity sheets
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:


1. Review:
Change the following sentence on the active voice to the passive voice
of the verb.
a. The members of the club planned some activities
b. The girls made a report about the solar system.
c. The grade 6 class prepared the program.
d. Lisa delivered a declamation
e. The grade 4 pupils presented a folk dance .
2. Presentation:
Here are the sentences, which express the hopes and wishes of the
boys in the conversation.
a. I wish I could fly to outer space.
b. I also wish I could be an astronaut.
c. I hope I can be a pilot someday.
d. I hope you will be an expert pilot.
3. Discussion:
- Which of the four sentence tell about things that are likely to happen?
- What expression is used in those sentence
- What form of the verb is used?
- Which of these sentence tell about things that are not likely to
- What expression is used in those sentences?
- What form of the verb is used?
- The expression if I-were may be used instead of I wish, and it uses the
past form of the verb like in
this sentences if only I were rich, I
would travel around the world.
4. Generalization:
When do we use hope? Wish?
What form of the verb is used with hope? Wish?
What expression can be used instead of wish?
5. Practice exercise:
Underline the correct word in parenthesis that will complete each
1. Carlo ( wishes, hopes ) he was Spiderman.
2. She ( hopes, wishes ) he can go to college and be a successful
3. Lisa hopes she ( can, could ) finish her studies.
4. If I ( am, were ) a bird, I could fly in the sky.
5. Cesar and Allan hope that they ( will, would ) be permitted to attend
the party.



6. Assimilation:
Divide the class into 4. Do the task written on the activity sheet.
a. List down the things that you wish you could do right now but you
cannot because you are in school.


b. What do you hope to do this weekend?


IV. Evaluation:
Write wish, hope or were on each blank to complete the sentence
1. I __________ I were living on the planet Venus.
2. The children ________ they will see the biggest telescope in the world.
3. Little boys _______ they could fly to planet Mars and play there.
4. If only I ________ rich, I would take up medicine.
5. The artists ______ they can perform more beautifully.
V. Assignment:
Make a 5 sentences using hope and wish.



November 28, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Listening to childrens verses
Answer questions about the childrens verses
Use prepositional phrases appropriately
Identify Authors devices to bring out his message
Fill out forms for fund transfer.
II. Subject Matter:
Children Verses
Answering question about the childrens verses which were read to them.
Using Prepositional Phrase appropriately
Identifying authors device to bring out his message Personification and
Filling out forms for fund transfer
References: PELC 12.3 .21 ( Speaking )
PELC 11.3 p.21 ( Reading )
PELC 12 p.21 ( writing )
Growing in English 6 L pp. 284-287
R pp. 213
Value Concept: Be patient in everything you do.
Materials: pictures, chart, activity sheet, photo copied sample of bank.



III. Procedure:
1. Unlocking Difficulties
Unlock the meaning of these words through pictures
Astrometry teacher in space
Astropolice - police in space
Real objects:
Capsules small cases enclosing a medical close.
Ampules small sealed vial made of glass containing a medicament for
Chase act of running after
Complete each sentence with the right word from the list
1. Mando dashed from his car to ____ the snatcher along the narrow

An _____ would teach her students even on a spaceship.

Your antibiotic is in the form of one of the _____.
The doctor broke the tip of one of the _____.
We refer to the whole world s the _____.

2. Motivation:
Do you love reading poems? Why do you love reading them?
3. Raising the motive question
Today, you will hear some childrens verse. What would you like to
know from these verses? Are
childrens verses nice to hear?
4. Setting of Standards
What are you going to do while listening to these verses?
5. Listening to childrens verses

The bird and the Rain
Like a bird in the sky
Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!
Cold as rain, oh my
Drip! Drip! Drip!
What I want to be
Someday Ill be an astromentor
Or may be an Astropolice
Spending my time in chase

Watching Nature
I love to watch
The dancing waves
The sun as it smiles
On the earths face
Meat, vegetables, fruit in
Even water youll get
This may happen soon
Here on earth or in the


B. Critical Thinking
1. Engagement Activity 1
The class divided into four groups
Group I imitate the action of the bird. Then compose a song about a
Group II List down all the things that you love to do.
Group II Draw the suns surface as compared to the earths surface.
Color your drawing.
2. Engagement Activity 2
a. Answering the Motive question
b. Answering the comprehension check-up questions
What is the first verse all about? Where do you usually see the
birds. What do they do up in the sky? Group I show us your answer then let us hear
your composed song about a bird.
How did you feel while singing the song? Do you believe that birds can
sing also? Why? Why not?
What is verse all about? What does the girl? What does the girl
love to do? Do you also love to watch the dancing waves? What other things do
you love to do?
If you will be given a chance to write your own verse, what
particular topic will you choose? Why do you choose the topic?



November 29, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objectives:
Use prepositional phrases appropriately
Identify Authors devices to bring out his message
Fill out forms for fund transfer.
II. Subject Matter:
Children Verses
Using Prepositional Phrase appropriately
Identifying authors device to bring out his message Personification and
Filling out forms for fund transfer
References: PELC 12.3 .21 ( Speaking )
PELC 11.3 p.21 ( Reading )
PELC 12 p.21 ( writing )
Growing in English 6 L pp. 284-287
R pp. 213
Value Concept: Be patient in everything you do.
Materials: pictures, chart, activity sheet, photo copied sample of bank.
III. Procedure:
1. Presentation:
The teacher will present the two childrens verses written on a chart.
The pupils will read them.
2. Analysis and Discussion
On the first verse, what preposition is used? In
What words are written after the preposition in? Can you write the
phrase on the board? In the sky


On the second verse, what preposition is used? On

What words are written after the preposition on? Can you write the
phrase on the board? On the earths face.
Introduce the term prepositional phrase. Can you consider in the sky
and on the earths face prepositional phrase.
3. Generalization:
What is the prepositional phrase?
4. Practice Exercises
a. Guided Practice
Read the following verses. Underline all the prepositional phrases
that you can find.
1. You will never have a river
Steady and sure in its flow
Unless in the upper reaches
Trees verdant and helpful grow
2. Walking alone in a park at sunset
Watching people lazily go by,
Lying once in a while on a bench,
Going through the woods with someone
3. Listening to the birds,
Talking to friendly animals,
Running away from wild beasts
Communication with Mother Nature by just roaming
b. Assimilation:
Contest: The four groups will be asked to write down at least ten
prepositional phrases and use each in a sentence on a sheet of manila paper. The
group who will finish first will be the winner.

IV. Evaluation:
Underline the correct prepositional phrase to complete each sentence.
1. Submarines have sailed right ( in the Arctic Ice cap, under the Arctic Ice
cap )
2. They can stay underneath ( for many weeks, on many weeks ).
3. Hair and nails are made up ( of dead cells, with dead cells )
4. They are not fed ( by blood, with blood )
5. That is the reason why we can cut them ( within getting hurt, without
getting hurt )
V. Assignment:


Use the following prepositional phrases in sentences

1. on the beach
2. beside the bench
3. toward the moon
4. among the stars
5. through space



November 30, 2011

No Classes

Bonifacio Day

December 1, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objectives:
Use prepositional phrases appropriately
Identify Authors devices to bring out his message
Fill out forms for fund transfer.
II. Subject Matter:
Children Verses
Using Prepositional Phrase appropriately
Identifying authors device to bring out his message Personification and
Filling out forms for fund transfer
References: PELC 12.3 .21 ( Speaking )
PELC 11.3 p.21 ( Reading )
PELC 12 p.21 ( writing )
Growing in English 6 L pp. 284-287
R pp. 213
Value Concept: Be patient in everything you do.
Materials: pictures, chart, activity sheet, photo copied sample of bank.
III. Procedure:
1. Presentation:
Read the verses once again by group, then by the whole class.
2. Discussion:
Which verse is endowing objects with personal traits and human
Why do you say so? Which part shows the comparison?
Introduce the term personification. Give other examples of
expression showing personification



Which verse has expression formed by imitating the sound associated

with the object involved?
Introduced the figure of speech ( onomatopoeia )
3. Generalization:
What figure of speech did you learn today? What is the difference
between the two?
4. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Tell what figure of speech is used in each of the following sentences.
Personification or onomatopoeia
1. The flowers danced happily with the wind.
2. The leaves whisper their secrets to one another.
3. The cow says moo, moo, moo
4. I hear the tick-tock of the clock.
5. His car consumes a large amount of gas.
5. Independent Practice
Tell whether the figures of speech used in each expression is
personification or onomatopoeia
1. The moon rose from its sleep.
2. My two legs are sleeping
3. The race cars zoomed off.
4. The wings flapped and flapped.
5. The clock ticked and ticked

IV. Evaluation:
Identify what figure of speech is used in each of the following sentences.
Write P for personification and O for Onomatopoeia on the blank before each


The flowers danced happily with the wind.

I hear the honk of Moms car.
The flower talk to the leaves.
The ticking of the clock irritates me.
Mt. Pinatubo slept for six hundred years.

V. Assignment:
Make your own onomatopoeia and personification using the following topics.
1. rainbow






December 2, 2011
8:00 9:00

English ( 4th day )

I. Objectives:
Write the Application form.
Identify Authors devices to bring out his message
Fill out forms for fund transfer.
II. Subject Matter:
Writing the application letter
Using Prepositional Phrase appropriately
Identifying authors device to bring out his message Personification and
Filling out forms for fund transfer
References: PELC 12.3 .21 ( Speaking )
PELC 11.3 p.21 ( Reading )
PELC 12 p.21 ( writing )
Growing in English 6 L pp. 284-287
R pp. 213
Value Concept: Be patient in everything you do.
Materials: pictures, chart, activity sheet, photo copied sample of bank.
III. Procedure:
1. Presentation
Myrna wins in the childrens verses writing contest. Her prize is a free
trip to Hongkong. Her Uncle who lives another city will send her some money. Lets
find out how her uncle sent the money.
2. Show a bank draft. Discuss with pupils how each entry is written. Let them
fill out the draft using proper capitalization and correct data. Ask them where they
should go and file the application
3. Generalization:
How can we send money to a person in another place? Where do we go
to apply?
4. Let the pupils work using photo-copied samples of the bank draft.
5. Encourage the pupils to exchange work and check whether their
application forms a properly accomplished or not.


December 5, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a selection.
Answer question about the selection.
Construct questions answerable by Yes or No.
Identify the Key sentence.
II. Subject Matter:
Identifying the key sentence.
A. Valiant first in our History.
B. Answering question.
C. Asking Question
Reading Links p. 108, p. 117
Growing in English (R) p.2-10
SEC 6 p. 65-66
EFAT L. p.9
III. Lesson Proper
A. Vocabulary development:

contempt, scorn



a payment in money or exacted from a state, by right

or conquest or in return for protection.


royal state line,

splendour etc.

strong, steadfast or
determined in character



2. Using words in sentences

B. Motivation:
Can you name some of our Filipino heroes?
Why did LapuLapu become a hero?
3. Setting the standard for listening
4. Listening to the Selection ( see TM L and R orange book)
Valiant FirstIn Our History
Lapulapu was the first Filipino hero. He was the King of Mactan Island. In
1521, he and his men fought
and defeated Ferdinand Magellan and His Spaniards soldiers. The Spaniards had
canons, spears and shields.
The Filipinos had only bows and poisoned arrows, lankatas, bolos, and cutlasses.
But they out numbered
the Spaniards and they were determined to fight for their freedom. To honor
Lapulapu, a city in the Visayas
was named after him.
B. Active Reading
1. Engagement Activity 1: ( The teacher groups the pupils)
Group 1: Dramatize the scene between Lapu-Lapu and Magellan
Group 2: Create a poem, which depicts love of country.

Group 3: Complete the chart with words from the story.

Weapons used by


Group 4. Write an explanation on the topic

Why I admire Lapu-lapu?
2. Engagement Activity 2
a. Answering the motive Question.
b. Comprehension Check-up
1. Who defeated Ferdinand Magellan?
2. When did the story happen?


3. Why were the Filipino able to defeat the

4. Are there other ways by which can show love of
country? How?
c. Infusion of Value
What value should we emulate from our Filipino
Write a sentence about the story that you read. Write in a one half sheet of



December 6, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objective:
Answer question about the selection
C. Developing English Language Competencies (DELC)
1. Review
Take turn in asking question that are answerable with Yes or No. Use Do,
Does, Did
2. Presentation:
Read these sentences
a. Lapu-Lapu was the King of Mactan Island
b. He defeated Magellan in 1521.
c. The Spaniards were defeated because they were outnumbered.
3. Discussion
What question can we formulate from the first sentence? Second sentence?
Third sentence?
4. Generalization
What interrogative do we use to introduce questions?
5. Practice Exercise
Form a question out of each statement below.
1. Father Gomez died on February 17, 1872.
2. Jose Rizal studied medicine in Germany.
3. The heroes died with dignity
4. The soldiers raised their arms violently.
5. The Filipino got angry because the Spaniards abused their hospitality.
6. Assimilation ( Game ) Group activity
Get a picture. Agree on question that you want to ask about the picture.
Make sure to begin with different interrogatives.
IV. Evaluation:
Write a complete question based on the underlined word or words.
1. The little boy climbed a tree. ___________________________________________________
2. He saw flowers in the garden next door.
3. The people were on the road because they were going to town.


4. The children dined early in the morning.

5. Ships sail in the sea.
V. Assignment:
Make your own 5 sentences, then make a question about your sentences.

December 7, 2011


8:00 9:00
English ( 3rd day )
I. Objective:
Construct questions answerable by Yes or No.
Identify the Key sentence.
II. Subject Matter:
Constructing question and Identifying the Key Sentence
III. Transfer Stage:
1. Presentation:
Read the paragraph
Lapu-Lapu was the first Filipino hero. He was the King of Mactan Island. He
defeated Ferdinand Magellan
in 1521. He died fighting for freedom.
2. Discussion
a. What is the whole paragraph about?
b. Which sentence tells about the topic?
3. Generalization
What do you call the sentence where the main ideas is found?
4. Skill focus:


Read the paragraph. Identify the Key Sentence

We have many beautiful folk dances. There are dances that tegll about
activities of our people, like Maglalatik ang Pagtatanim. There are dances for
special occasions like Rigodon de Honor and Singkil
IV. Evaluation
A. Read the Selection carefully. Write 5 questions about it.
The Boyhood of Balagtas
On April 30, 1788, a month old baby was baptized in the Bigaa Bulacan
Parachial Church. Father Blas de
Guernica gave him the name Francisco, son of Juan Balagtas and Juana de la

As a child, he had learned many things. All these he kept in his young heart,
later to be poured with
intense ferrous in Florante at Laura.
V. Assignment:
Read each paragraph. Copy the Key Sentence.
a. Weeds are the strong and sturdy plants. You have to exert to pull them out. They
do not grow singly but in chumps. This make them still harder to pull. There are
runners going to all direction, thus making impossible their rapid growth.
b. The river is the source of water supply in cities and in progressive towns. The
water from the river is led to setting basin. It is freed of big particles, and then it is
conduced to several tanks of sand filters. The filtered water, is chlorinated, aerated
and stored in big reservoirs. Pump station are located in different parts of the city
to ensure good supply of water.
c. wildlife is interesting parts of our environment. They make the world beautiful
and a lovelier place to live in. Some of them like the big birds and wild animals are
used for food. Birds help in the balance of nature and particularly in the control of
insect population. They also help keep down the number of harmful animals like
rats and snakes.



December 8, 2011
No classes


December 9,2011

English ( 1st day )

8:00 9:00

I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in listening to a conversation.
Answer question about the conversation
Use positive tag question
Give a meaning of idioms.
II. Subject Matter:
GLR: Listening to a conversation
CT: Answering Question
MSEL: Use positive tag questions
TS: Giving meanings of Common Idioms
Reference: Reading Links p. 45 46
Growing in English Reading pp 235-236
Developing Reading Power, p. 35
Materials: Activity Cards, Charts
Value concept:
III. Learning activities
A. Genuine Love for Reading(GLR)
1. Unlocking difficulties( Vocabulary Development )
Teacher uses each word in a sentence. Pupils give the meaning of the words.
a. Cris was horrified when he heard the bad news.
b. I will never quit school. Ill try hard in order to reach my dream.
c. The group leader wont accept lousy ideas.
Fill each blank with the correct word from the list below.




a. He was ________ when he saw the wounded man.

b. Ill not wear that ________ dress.
c. Diligent persons never ________.
2. Motivation:
Do you have a good grade when you are in grade 5? How do you get the
good grades?



3. Raising the Motive Question:

Why did Minas grades become low.
4. Setting the Standard for listening
5. Listening to a conversation:
( refer to the Teachers manual) Orange
B. Engagement activity 1:
Group Activity: ( Teacher group the pupils )
Group 1: Create a song, which depicts the value of studying hard.
Group 2: Act out the conversation Between Cris and Mina.
Group 3: Complete the diagram by stating reasons.
Why I will
Mina to

Engagement activity 2:
Comprehension check-up.
1. Who was horrified at Minas news.
2. Why did Mina like to quit school?
3. If you were Mina, would you quit studying? Why or why not?
4. How can one be successful in his studies.

December 12, 2011

10:00 11:00

English ( 2nd day)

I. Objective:
Answer question about the conversation
Use positive tag question
II. Subject Matter:
Answering question about the conversation
II. Developing English Language Competencies ( DELC )
1. Review
Fill in the blank with appropriate negative tag question.
a. My classmate is attentive, _______ ?


b. Loida practiced hard, ______ ?

c. The gardeners are busy, ______?
2. Presentation:
Read the sentences;
1. Cris wasnt satisfied with Minas news, was she?
2. Minas grades havent been up to par, have they?
3. Mina hasnt burned her bridges, has he?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
What is the negative word in the first sentence? In the second? The third?
What tag question did we use?
4. Generalization:
When do we use the positive tag question?
5. Evaluation
Fill in the blank with the correct question.
a. The teacher doesnt work in the courtroom, _______?
b. The dancers didnt perform well, _______?
c. The fishermen dont use dynamite in fishing, _____?
d. Eden didnt watch the basketball game, _____?
e. Mario hasnt seen an octopus, ______?
V. Assignment:
Write 5 statements with positive tag questions.



December 12, 2011

Monday ( 1st day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objectives:
Show enjoyment in reading the story
Answer questions about the story read.
Relay information accurately through request
Decode meaning of unfamiliar words through suffixes.
II. Subject Matter:
Story: Theodore Three eyes
Answering questions about the story read.
Relaying information accurately through requests.
Decoding meaning of unfamiliar words through suffixes.
PELC 1.1.1. p.19 (Lang ) 1.2 p. 19 ( Rdg )
Growing in English L p.20
Building English Skill ( R ) p.7
Charts, flashcards, pictures.
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking difficulties ( Vocabulary Development )
Unlock the following words through pictures.
parchment drifting
overturned telescope.
2. Motivation:
Have you experienced pain and suffering?
How did you react?
3. Raising the motive question?
4. Standard for silent reading
5. Reading the selection
( Please see the attached page )
B. Critical Thinking ( CT )
1. Engagement Activity 1.
Group 1. Draw the face of Theodore when he received a gift from his father.
- What gift did Theodore receive from his father?
Group 2: Make an improvised telescope
- Why do we used telescope?
Group 3: Ready Camera Action:
Dramatize the situation when Theodores father was having trouble with the
2. Engagement Activity 2:


Answering the motive question:

Comprehension check-up
- Did Theodore really have three eyes?
- What was his third eye?
- Why couldnt Theodore go fishing with his father?
- Why did his father give him a telescope?
- How did Theodore make use of the Telescope?
IV. Evaluation:
Answer the following question:
1. Who is the main character of the story?
2. Why did Theodore has a third eye?
3. What is the things that he made it?
4. Is it true that Theodore has a third eye?
5. What values that have you learned about the story?

December 13, 2011

Tuesday ( 2nd day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objectives:
Relay information accurately through request
Decode meaning of unfamiliar words through suffixes.
II. Subject Matter:
Relaying information accurately through requests.
Decoding meaning of unfamiliar words through suffixes.
PELC 1.1.1. p.19 (Lang ) 1.2 p. 19 ( Rdg )
Growing in English L p.20
Building English Skill ( R ) p.7
Charts, flashcards, pictures.
III. 1. Presentation:
Read these following sentences from the selection.
a. Theodore opens the box please!
b. Give the life saving station, please!
c. Kindly, prepare a drink and a sandwich for me.
2. Discussion:
What Polite expressions are used in the above sentences? ( Discuss further )
3. Generalization:


How would you know that the statement is a request?

4. Application:
Read the following sentences and then check the request statement.
a. Please, fix the fence at the back of the H.E.Building.
b. Help me!
c. Kindly put the science equipment in the respective cabinet.
d. Pull the weeds
e. May I have a bottle of wine?
IV. Evaluation:
On your paper, write a five request sentences.
V. Assignment:
Create a short story using the request sentences to be written on your
English notebook.

December 14, 2011

Wednesday ( 3rd day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objectives:
Decode meaning of unfamiliar words through suffixes.
II. Subject Matter:
Decoding meaning of unfamiliar words through suffixes.


PELC 1.1.1. p.19 (Lang ) 1.2 p. 19 ( Rdg )
Growing in English L p.20
Building English Skill ( R ) p.7
Charts, flashcards, pictures.
III. Transfer Stage ( TS )
1. Review:
Read the following sentences from the story
a. Theodore felt so weak that he quickly sank to the nearest seat.
b. He reached the telephone and he decided immediately.
c. The boat move swiftly from the harbour into the open water.
2. Discussion:
What are the underlined words in the sentences?
What do the underlined words have in common?
What are the root words used. ( Discussed the meaning of the suffix )
3. Presentation:
Read the following examples and give the meaning of each.
4. Generalization:
What does the suffix ly mean?
5. skill focus:
Complete the sentence by writing the appropriate suffix from the choices in
the parenthesis.
a. Each contest____ in the Quiz Bee tried their best to answer the items.
( -ant, -ent, -ly )
b. Mr. Onyel Manalo was appointed CEO of the company effect____ December
( -able, -ive, -ave )
c. Water is a color____ liquid.
( - ly, -lent, -less )
d. Green leaf___vegetables are rich in Vitamin A.
( -ly, -y, -il )
e. The host ____ entertained her visitors.
( -er, ess, -y )
IV. Evaluation:
Encircle the letter of the correct suffix that fitted to the sentences.
1. The employees bought new sets of uniforms out of their clothing
a. ence
b. ent
c. ance
2. Ryan Cayabyab is a compose___ of songs.
a. or
b. r
c. ion


3. The pupils asked sense____ questions.

a. ible
b. able
c. ly
4. The English teacher spoke fluent_____.
a. less
b. ness
c. ly
5. The babys wet diapers made her uncomfort____.
a. less
b. ive
d. able
V. Assignment
Make 5 sentences using the different suffix.
December 15, 2011

Thusrsday( 1st day )

8:00 9:00


I. Objective:
Show enjoyment in listening in listening to a selection:
Answer question about the selection
Answer question introduced by interrogatives.
Give supporting details for key sentence.
II. Subject Matter:
Selection: Dr. Jose Rizal in Dapitan
Answering question about the selection listened to
Answering question introduced by Interrogatives
Giving support details.
References: Growing In English ( TM ) p.37
Growing In Language, pp. 46-47
Materials: Pictures, activity cards.
Value concept:
Concern for others
Curriculum link: Social Studies/Science.
III. Learning Activities:
1. Unlocking of difficulties ( Vocabulary development )
a. that man was accused of being a criminal.
b. The men for the engineering department installed the light system.
c. Lets organize a committee on food.
Give sentences using the new words learned.
2. Motivation;
How much do you know about our national hero, Jose Rizal? Can you tell
something about him as a writer? A doctor?
3. Raising the motive question.
How did Rizal help his countrymen?
4. Setting the Standard for Listening
5. Listening for the story.



Dr. Jose Rizal in Dapitan

Dr. Jose Rizal studied medicine in Germany and he became known as
Dr. Oliman. He specialized in ophthalmology to treat his mothers eye.
On July 17,1892, the Spaniards sent Rizal to Dapitan Zamboanga. They
accused him of being a rebel. He became unhappy but this did not
discourage the fellow hero. He had to go or he would be arrested and jailed.
Dapitan was a poor village from the town. Many people there were sick
but they did not have a real doctor. They had a pharmacy clerk. The clerk
sold the medicine or he just advised them what to do. So Rizal did not waste
time. He spent most of his days curing sick people. He used herbal medicine.
His services were free but the rich people wanted to pay him.
B. Critical Thinking:
1. Engagement Activity
Group 1- complete the semantic map with the details based on the
selection. Write the details on the blank.
Where he

Dr Jose Rizal
in Dapitan

Why he was
sent to

How he
helped the

2. Engagement Activity 2:
Answering the motive question.
Comprehension Check-up
1. What did Jose Rizal specialize in?
2. Where did Jose Rizal study medicine?
3. How did Rizal feel when he was accused of being a criminal?
4. If you were Rizal, would you feel the same way, too? Why?
5. How can you help your fellow citizens?
IV. Evaluation:
Write something about Jose Rizal in your own sentences.
V. Assignment:
Study about the Interrogatives.



December 16, 2011


Friday( 2nd day )


8:00 9:00


I. Objective:
Answer question introduced by interrogatives.
II. Subject Matter:
Answering question introduced by Interrogatives
References: Growing In English ( TM ) p.37
Growing In Language, pp. 46-47
Materials: Pictures, activity cards.
Value concept:
Concern for others
Curriculum link: Social Studies/Science.
1. Review:
Read the following questions introduced by interrogatives with the correct
a. What did President Magsaysay do during his term?
b. What was Rizal doing in Berlin?
c. Why did he keep his situation a secret?
d. How did Delia feel after winning the game?
2. Presentation:
Read the sentences in the first and second column.
a. where did Jose Rizal study medicine?
1. Jose Rizal studied medicine in
b. When was Rizal sent to Dapitan?
2. Rizal was sent to Dapitan on July 17,
c. Why did he become unhappy?
3. He was unhappy because he was
accused of being a rebel.
3. Discussion:
How do the sentence in column A from those n column B?
4. Generalization:
What is the declarative sentence?
5. Practice Exercises:
Answer the following question in complete sentence.
a. why do plants need water?
b. What does our body need?
c. Where do you go on weekends?
d. How do you answer the questions?
e. who helps with your assignment?
6. Evaluation:
Use Complete sentences in answering questions introduced by


a. Where did you spend the summer vacation?

b. Why must we conserve the forest?
c. who are your favorite singers?
d. When do you take a nap?
e. What do plants need?
7. Assignment:
Make 5 interrogative question then answer it in a complete sentence. Put it
in your English notebook

January 3, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Use courteous expressions in an interview.
Use Personification to describe people and events.
II. Dialogue:
Using courteous expression in an interview
Using Personification to describe people and events.
Reference: PELC 2.1.1 ( L ) 1.2.2 ( R )
Fun in Reading pp. 134 135
English for all times 6 ( L ) pp.71-73
Across Boarders Through Reading
Materials: Charts, pictures. Cassette Tape
Value concept:
III. Learning Activities:
1. Review:
Recall the interviewed listened to
How did Gelou start the interview?
2. Presentation:


Let us read the following expression/sentences:

Hi! Good Morning, Raniel.
Well, Raniel, thanks for spending some precious time with us.
3. Discussion:
What did Galeu say to start the interview?
By, saying hi, good morning, thanks a lot and goodbye, how would you
describe the interviewers?
4. Generalization:
What do you think are the must in carrying out an interview?
5. Presentation Exercises:
Write at least 5 tips for an effective and fruitful interview.
6. Assimilation:
Divide the class into four. Let each group follow the given situation.
Pretend that you will do an interview on the following situations. Organize the
questions you will ask the interviewee.
Group 1:
You want to know your subject teachers opinion about morality
as one criterion for choosing or electing a presidential candidate.
Group 2:
You want the PTA President to give you an evaluation of the
recent BINGO Social activity of the association:
Group 3:
You want to know your subject teachers opinion about morality
as one criterion for choosing or electing a presidential candidate.
Group 4:
You want the PTA President to give you an evaluation of the
recent BINGO Social activity of the association:
D. Transfer Stage:
1. Presentation:
Read the following sentences taken from the interview listened to Luck
smile at us.
Opportunity knocks only once and it once it knocks you have to grab it.
2. Discussion:
What can you say about the word luck? What about the word
( At times, we can make inanimate objects feel and act like a person)
Luck smiled and opportunity are called personification.
3. Generalization:
What can you say about the figurative language personification.
4. Skill focus:
Draw an arrow from column A to column B so that a sentence is formed
showing personification
a. The sun beam
* sliced the morning like a knife
* peeped early into his room
b. The brook
* is a snake that winds through the valley.
* murmurs to the tall reeds
c. The sun
* peeped out a new day was born
* shines brightly


d. The leaves

* whisper their secrets to the wind

* talks

5. Assimilation:
Make your own personification as you see the following words in sentences.
a. earthquakes
b. fire
c. water
d. hurricane
e. thunder
IV. Evaluation:
Complete the following with appropriate verbs that fit the sentences.
a. The breeze ___ the sweat off him forehand.
b. The birds happily _____ their sweet song.
c. A strong typhoon _____ many innocent victims.
d. The early rays of the sun ____ every leaf and flower.
e. The seed _____ into a young budding plant.
V. Assignment:
Use personification to tell about the following:
a. the hot summer sun.
b. a noisy brook
c. tall trees in a forest



January 4, 2011
8:00 9:00

Wednesday ( 2nd day )


I. Objectives:
Decode meaning of unfamiliar words using suffixes.
II. Subject Matter:
Decoding word through suffixes
References: PELC 1.1 Speaking p.19
PELC 1, Reading p. 19
Across the boarder through Reading p. 16-18
English for All time Language p.16
Grammar in Focus 5, p. 170-173
III. Presentation:
Present the sentences on the chart. Noticed the underlines words.
a. Among the trees only the Ilang-Ilang had no flower so she felt useless.
b. The ilang-ilang tree was not selfish. Because she felt the two butterflies hid on it
c. The two fearful butterflies didnt know where to fly for shelter.
On the first sentence what do you notice about the underlined words? It is
made of what? What elements added at the end of the base word? What does it
2. Discussion:
Here are some words with suffixes and their meanings.
State of
Dependent, benevolent,
Breathless, careless,
Able to be
Readable, predictable,



Full of
The most of something

Fluffy., puffy, icy

Uppermost, topmost,

3. Generalization
What is suffix? How will you figure out the meanings of words with suffix?
4. Skill Focus:
Complete each sentence with an adjective formed by five underlined words.
a. He shows his ________ through his sincere words and actions.
b. He stopped to catch her breath, for the brisk walk had left her_______.
c. One could mistake her for a boy because of her ______.
d. Some plants are full of thorns. Their _______branches protect them from animals.
e. we should not depend on others so much for ____ people do not lean to think for
IV. Evaluation:
A. write the correct suffix on the following words.
1. brown _________
2. agree ______
3. care_____
4. play_____
5. beauty_____
7. pain______
8. read______
9. love______
10. state_____
V. Assignment:
Write 5 sentences using words with suffixes

January 5, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objectives:
Give possible cause and effect to stories heard.
Give possible cause to given effect and other effects to a given effect.
Write a model Composition


II. Subject Matter:

Cause and Effect
Writing a model composition
Reference: Growing in English Language pp. 186-189
Growing in English Reading pp. 183 185
Teacher manual p. 146
PELC 8.1
Materials: Picture of doctor, nurse and patient, sentence strips
Value Concept: Cooperation
Keeping our surroundings clean
III. Learning Activities:
Underline the correct verb that agrees with the subject.
1. Eden ( make, makes ) paper dolls.
2. The Boy Scouts ( paste, pastes ) the edge carefully.
3. Mice ( help, helps ) scientist even more than monkeys ( do, does )
4. Most inventors ( prefer, prefers ) to work alone.
5. New theories o el Nio ( keep, keeps ) cropping up.
2. Presentation:
What is the message all about?
How does one avoid being sick with dengue H-fever?
Study the following sentences:
a. A certain virus causes dengue H-fever.
b. Health workers report causes of his fever to the nearest Health Center.
c. A certain kind of day mosquito carried this virus.
a. Dengue H-fever is caused by a certain virus.
b. Cases of this fever are reported to the nearest Health center by the health
c. The virus is carried by a certain kind of day mosquito.
3. Discussion:
In sentence a, what are the subjects? Is it the doer or the receiver of the
In sentence B, What is the subject of each sentence? Is the receiver of the
When the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action expressed by a
verb, the verb is in the active voice.



When the subject is the receiver of the action expressed by a verb, the verb
is in the passive voice.
4. Generalization:
When do we say that the verb is in the active voice? Passive voice?
5. Practice Exercises:
Identify each sentence; Write A on the blank if the verb is in the active and
P for the passive voice.
_____1. Surroundings were cleaned up.
_____2. Stagnant water is empty cans and other containers were removed.
_____3. We observed the river closely.
_____4. The dirty canals have been one afternoon in the underground river.
_____5. The barangay officials spent one afternoon in he underground river.
The teacher will divide the class into four groups. As he flashes the sentence
strips, each group will identify if it is in the passive or active voice. The group that
has most number of correct answer wins the game.
- Uncle Joshua has seen the city of Paris in France.
- The beautiful cities in Europe are frequently visited by tourists.
- The Eiffel Tower was photograph by him.
- Tourist earns money for the government.
- Every year a considerable amount of money is earned by the Philippine
- Tourist guide are paid well.
- A big tour usually takes days or even weeks.
- Our tourist listens intently to instruction.
- They perform their job satisfactorily after some training.
- During a tour the guides instruction are always followed.
IV. Evaluation:
Encircle the sentence in the active voice and underline the sentences in the
passive voice.
1. Our boat was steered by a guide.
2. Life jackets were worn by all of us.
3. We observe that the river closely.
4. The boat was always sunk by waves.
5. the boatmen sailed our boats.
V. Assignment:
Rewrite the paragraph. Change the verb in the passive voice to active voice
and those in the active voice to passive voice.
Todays assembly was given by the Sports club. First, front clips and
headstands were demonstrated by the three boys. Next, they moved a trampoline


to the center of the stage. An exhibition of acrobatics was given by Joan Powers.
Then a group of ten people formed a human pyramid.

January 6, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 4th day )

I. Objectives:
Give possible cause and effect to stories heard.
Give possible cause to given effect and other effects to a given effect.
Write a model Composition
II. Subject Matter:


Cause and Effect

Writing a model composition
Reference: Growing in English Language pp. 186-189
Growing in English Reading pp. 183 185
Teacher manual p. 146
PELC 8.1
Materials: Picture of doctor, nurse and patient, sentence strips
Value Concept: Cooperation
Keeping our surroundings clean
III. Learning Activities:
There is a saying that, Things don not happen without a reason. So, we
always find reasons for everything that happen.
1. Presentation:
Study the following sentences:
a. The residents of the barangay attended the emergency meeting because
they were worried about the increasing number of dengue patients.
b. They removed stagnant water from empty containers because they wont
their barangay forever safe from dengue.
2. Discussion:
- Why did the residents of the barangay attend the meeting?
- Why did they remove the stagnant water?
* because they were worried about the increasing number of dengue
* because they want their barangay forever safe from dengue.
The reason for an action or condition is a cause and, it is usually introduced
by the connective because. On the other hand, the action or condition is what we
call the effect.
1. The river has become
smelly and filthy


The people throw their
waste into it.

2. Fish in the river die


People use dynamite in


3. Practice




4. Assimilation:
Divide the pupils into four. Each group will write the effect of the following:
Throwing a garbage into the water.
Eating balance diet
Dynamite fishing
Illegal Logging
High Technology
IV. Evaluation:
Match each cause and its effect.
1. because the air is not moving
a. Your hands get warm
2. If we strike a match
b. The friction produce some heat
3. When the generator is turned on
c. There is no wind
4. when you rub them together
d. Electricity floes out of it.
5. because the light are off
e. The building dark
V. Assignment:
Read the paragraph; answer the questions on cause and effect in complete
1. In the lahar areas, people dread the coming of heavy rains because heavy rains
often mean flooded backyards and roads,
If heavy rains are cause, what is the effect?
2. Mario was very delighted over his score in science and environment. The night
before the test, he studied his notes very hard.
Why did Mario score very high in his test in Science Environment?



January 9, 2011


8:00 9:00

English ( 1st day )

I. Objectives:
Express ideas clearly
Give the qualities of a good narrative paragraph after examining the model.
Copy one of the model correctly.
II. Creating a Writing situation
Stimulating Ideas
Studying the models
B. Charts of Models
III.a. Have you experienced something which you cannot forget.
B. Creating a writing situation and stimulating Idea.
C. Studying the models.
Teacher presents an examples of narrative paragraph
A, B, C, ( see chart )
D. Discussion and Analysis:


- Explain and discuss the qualities of a good paragraph.

E. What should you remember in writing a narrative paragraph.
F. Application:
Group Activity
Read the paragraph. Improve it. Observe correct spelling,
capitalization, punctuation and indention and arrangement of ideas.
G. copy the models on your notebook
IV. Have the pupils copy one of the models on their papers following the standard
in writing a narrative paragraph

January 10, 2011



8:00 9:00

English ( 2nd day )

I. Objective:
Suggest titles for a good paragraph.
List down words and phrases suited to the topic.
Use words and phrases in sentences.
II.A. Developing vocabulary:
Listing words and phrases suited to the paragraph.
Writing a narrative Paragraph.
C. Models of Different compositions.
III.A. Review:
What are the qualities of a good narrative paragraph.
B. Would you like to make a narrative paragraph similar to what we read
C.1. Present again the models.
2. Ask the pupils to tell something about themselves.
D.1. List down words and phrases.
2. use words and phrases in sentences.
3. Give titles suited to the thought of the sentence given.
E. Copying the list of word/phrases and sentences on their notebook.
IV. Assignment.
Write a title that you want to write about. List down the words, suited to it.
Use words in sentences.



January 11, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 3rd day )

I. Objective:
Express ideas orally.
Speak loud enough for everyone to hear.
Write a draft.
II. A. Oral Discussion
Writing the draft.
III.A. Motivation:
What do you need so that you will have a well organized paragraph?
B. Teacher present an outline.

Beginning sentence
ending sentence

C. Oral Discussion
Teacher groups the pupils.
Choose a title to write a draft.. A pupils read the best work in each group.
D. Setting the standard for writing
E. writing the draft.


January 12, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 4th day )

I. Objective:
Rewrite a rough draft.
Write neatly and legibly
II. A. Improving and rewriting the draft.
B. Rough draft.



III.A. Are there errors in the paragraph?

Teacher show one of the pupils draft on the board.
B. Pupils cooperatively correct and improve the draft.
C. Read the whole paragraph.
Does it process qualities of a good narrative composition? Why?
D. Teacher distributes the pupil draft.
E. Improving and rewriting the draft.



January 13, 2011

8:00 9:00

English ( 5th day )

I. Objective:
Write the final theme
Write legibly and correctly.
II. A. Writing the Formal theme.
B. Formal theme notebook
III. A. Review
On which past notebook, do you write the title?
How are titles written?
B. Teacher distributes the draft.
C. Formal theme activity
D. Valuing
Teacher choose 2-3 composition. Why do we classify them as the best



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