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Julian Gonzalez

Lit it up
March 16, 2016

Lit It Up Hallway Exhibit

Self Reflection

This project taught me how to work with classmates.

What I wish we had done differently is plan our exhibit better.
What I worked on was organizing the project and planning.
The most enjoyable part was working with my classmates.
The least enjoyable part was the stress to finish.
Why would make the project better next time is having more time.

Class working on exhibit

Group evaluation

What my class did to get into groups was divide the class.
The roles I adapted were supplies.
Some challenges that we had were not having a way to place the highest paper.
This experience helped me learn about teamwork.
Another thing I learned was that people work in different ways.

My Grade For Exhibition Contest

I would would give myself a B because I think I help a lot but I missed a day. Also I
stayed after school but I came late one day.. I would give myself a B because it
was my and isaac's original idea but we ended up doing something else.

All one

Cookie Critique
I really liked this classes location and props. The clouds and use of newspaper
paper was very creative. It would have been nice if your group would have placed
the artwork in a different location. But over all I really liked the originally your group

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