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Pardeep Dhaliwal

Critical Thinking
1) In visual Basic IDE the windows, components, and other features are
used to help create or design a program through visual basics.
2) Their answers.
3) Event driven is something that executes codes in response to events.
4) The Button Control: its used when you click on the button the label is
The Radio Active Button: Used to show your options.
The Menu Strip: Used as a
shortcut to do some of the applications stuff.
5) A difference is the edit/adjust lines are not showing when you dont
show the design.
6) Clicking the close button or slicking on Stop debugging.
7) Name is meant for the name to use when you are coding and text is
meant for the word you are showing in the design.
8) Because with Me. There is more control over the coding?
9) LblResult.text = 5 + 3
LblMessage.text =The
sum of x and y is 8
There is no proper coding. It doesnt even tell what label is being
changed also there is no = sign.
b) True
c) False
d) False
e) True
f) True
g) False
h) True
i) True
j) False
k) True
l) True
m) False
n) True
o) False
p) True
q) False
r) True
s) False
t) True

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