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Evolution of tourism

The general meaning of the word tourism is known by all, but defining tourism precisely is not an easy
task. Many scholars have tried to define it, but the meaning changed according to the times, and
different people use the word differently. However, in order to acquire comparable statistical data and
to research tourism as a field of study, a universal standard definition is necessary. Hence, the
International Conference on Travel and Tourism Statistics, sponsored by the World Tourism
Organization and Tourism Canada, was held in Ottawa in June 1991. This conference recommended that
the definition of tourism be as follows:
The activities of a person travelling to a place outside his or her usual environment for less than a
specified period of time and whose main purpose of travel is other than the exercise of an activity
remunerated from within the place visited ".
After the 2nd World War finished in 1945, people started to become more open minded and wanted to
travel. Soldiers wanted to return to parts of the world they had seen when at war. People became more
curious of what's going on in the world and this started the great expansion of tourism post WW2. With
no world war anymore, people were not afraid to move around the countries although at first it was to
be very expensive and only the wealthy could afford to begin with.
The economic factor of tourism is very important for the world. In 2000s it was estimated that 10% of
the worlds total GDP will come from tourism. With this almost 9% of the worlds total employment jobs
were created from tourism alone. Having this in mind it is easy to see why travel and tourism are
probably the most important industry in the world.
Measuring the economic impact of tourist expenditure is no easy task. Every year the World Tourism
Organization publishes annual tourist stats for countries in the world. These statistics only include data
that relate to tourist outflow and it wouldn't be correct to relate these figures directly to economic
impact on a country. The reason for this is because they take no account of how much of that sum leaks
straight out of the economy - paying for imported goods and services to satisfy tourist needs.
The social factors giving an impact on tourism are manifested through an enormous range of aspects
from arts and crafts through to the fundamental behavior of individuals and collective groups. Tourism
can contribute to positive developments, not just negative impacts. It has the potential to promote
social development through employment creation, income redistribution and poverty alleviation. Other
things that could benefit from people visiting are; strengthening communities, facilities developed,
revaluation of culture and traditions and that tourism encourages civic involvement and pride.
With visiting other countries a factor often overlooked by many is the socio-cultural impact of tourism.
For example recently with Australian ways, people in the UK are having barbeques and enjoying beaches
a lot more.
With the pros of tourism there, are as with everything, going to be negative effects of tourism. Such
examples of these are the commercialization and bastardization of arts and crafts and also events and
ceremonies which take place within the host country.
Since 1945 technology has advanced at super speed. Out of the war came mass amounts of vehicles,
which seemed to have no purpose after the war. But this problem was soon solved. Some military
vehicles were soon used to commute people around the countries on day trips, instantly making travel

easier for those that could afford it. Also after the end of the war, there was a surplus of planes and
pilots. This meant no training was needed; there was staff to fly the planes and planes to get people to
foreign countries. By 1957 air travel was more widely used then sea travel only seven years after the
first chartered flight which was organized by Horizon Holiday Group in 1950. Through the rest of the 50's
motorways were being built and the first Boeing 707 was introduced. This first commercial plane could
hold up to 181 passengers and cruise at hundreds of miles an hour. Overseas holidays hugely increased,
people could see planes were safe and reliable so were no longer scared. With bigger planes being built
which could go faster, new destinations became accessible creating a rise in new holiday destinations.
Technology though is not only in the transport of getting people around but also in things such as the
internet. The internet is arguably the most important piece of technology to be invented in the world
yet. Everyone is connected 24 hours a day 7 days a week. If someone in their home wants to book a
holiday it can be done from their home any time of day, and they can personalize it as much as they like.
Anywhere in the world is accessible.
When looking at whole picture, it seems if technology had not advanced or advanced slower, then
tourism would not have grown as quick.
To begin with without the invention of commercial jets, to get people around quickly and comfortably
people would just not travel as much. Not as many people would be inclined to sit in a car or travel on a
boat for days to get to destinations, however much they wanted to get there.
Also the internet, as you search over the internet today, you can see images of absolutely any place on
earth and with this comes curiosity and desire. If you view a picture of a beautiful piece of land
anywhere in the world, or a new amusement park being opened in for example America, you dream of
going there. And with today's technologies you could be on a plane flying there the next day, with your
hotel booked and your weeks activities planned it's that easy.
Technology is always developing and who knows what it will lead to in coming years. All that can be said
to finish with is that it's played a huge role in the development of the biggest industry in the world.

Milos Subasic, F2262

Management and business in tourism

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