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for, smalt forms or stuck gardens . . . for large farms that need an extra tractor. . . FARMALL is a registered trade-mark. sces FOCI Ce LO eee CES COC LC) PTC balanced farm power « First, the tractor, it was realized, must be balanced in weight and power to exert a maximum of tractive effort, whether the load be direet-connected to the tractor or pulled by the tractor drawbar. Second, this tractor must have the power not only to handle the load but also to operate (through power take-off) the mechanisms of implements. And third, the tractor must supply belt power to operate machines used for final crop processing. The power must have staying quality . . . ability to operate on a 24-hour-a-day schedule if necessary. But, this balanced power plant must have even more. It must be a high-clearance tractor for row-crop. farming designed to carry, as an integral part of the tractor, direct-connected row-crop implements to do a better job. . . easier and faster. Yet, it must be able to handle drawbar loads with equal facility. It must be capable of working in any field, every day and all. day; working in broadcast crops or row crops; preparing the soil, planting, cultivating and harvesting, ‘Phe Farmall tractor solved the problem, It was EC THE FARMALL SYSTEM ORE than two decades ago, International about solving an age-old problem . . . the need for a farm work unit for all operations of diversified as well as specialized farming . . . an all-purpose tractor which would make farming easier, faster and more profitable. Harvester set the ideal combination of tractive ability, operating economy, riding comfort, and rugged efficiency. It was fast and maneuverable. It was easy to control. improved matched implements » But an all-purpose tractor was not enough. Implements, to keep pace with the new, high efficiency of the tractor, were designed in conformance with the latest and most efficient farming practices ... matched implements to be carried on the tractor which would form a compact operating unit controlled from the tractor seat. . . simple, low-cost implements without heavy frames and cumbersome wheels, which could be attached and detached quickly and easily a balanced and matched work unit © ‘That first Farmall tractor, introduced in 1923, heralded a new system of farming: the Farmal] System. Since its inception, this system has been adopted on farms throughout the world until today there are more Farmall tractors in use than any other type. ‘There are now 10 different Farmall models being built. . . a model for every size farm and for every type of farming. All Farmall tractors have these features: balanced power; new, direct - connected, matched, quick-change implements; higher speeds; complete maneuverability; one-man operation. They brought to the farmer. for the first time, a new freedom, and the ability to enjoy new and greater profits from each and every tillable acre and for each and every hour of time and labor expended. ‘These things are the Farmall System. Tt is a system designed to bring a higher standard of living to the farm family than has ever before been possible. balanced power © The Farmall Cub, the smallest of 10 great Farmall tractor models, has all the quality fealues of the larger Farmalls built during the last two decades, ‘The Farmall Cub is an ideal, balanced combination of tractive ability, operating economy, riding comfort, and rugged efficiency, It is fast and maneuverable . . . itis easy to operate. And, equally imporlant, it is priced so low that even the farmer with limited acreage can easily afford one 4-in-1, all-purpose tractor « The Farmall Cub is designed and built to do easier, faster, and Detter, every job ordinarily handled by two or three horses or mules on the small farm or truck garden, and many auxiliary tasks on the large farm. But, where the horse can furnish power only at the drawbar, the Cub is a 4-in-1, all-purpose farm work unit with (1) power to pull, (2) power to push front-mounted imple- ments, (3) power take-off (special equipment) to theideal, low-cost, all-purpose tractor for the small farm truck garden . . . or for auxiliary use on large farms, operate implement mechanisms, and (4) belt pulley (special equipment) for final crop processing. ‘The Farmall Cub is all-purpose power at your beck and call 24 hours a day . . . low-cost power at your command day in and day out , . . abundant power for a wide variety of farm jobs at an operating cost of but a few pennies a day for each job. a balanced and matched work unit + avait- able for use with the Farmall Cub are specially designed, matched, quick-change implement units and a variety of scaled-to-size, pull-behind implements. ‘Together, they comprise a perfect combination of balanced power and weight, balanced power and tractive effort... a balance which achieves maximum working efficiency without waste of power. ‘The Cub, with its implements, isa balanced and matched work unit capable of low-cost performance on every farm job, from preparing the soil, planting, cultivating and harvesting to the hauling and processing of harvested crops. 3 LN LL A. operating comfort Imagine yourself riding on 2 load of new-mown hay. That's the way you will feel the first time you climb up on the Farmall Cub and sink into the large, comfortable seat, You will find that the seat holds you snugly in place. Now, just for fun, bounce up and down on the seat. Note thai the big cushion-coil-spring gives just enough to take up the bumps. Also note the lack of rebound. ‘The result is a smooth, easy ride all through the day. a tractor built to © your specifications SYes, the preferences of thousands of our farm customers.and friends have been incorpérated-into- thre” Cub to make it the handiest, most comfortable, rugged- ly efficient tractor human ingenuity, engineering skill and new, modern factories, manufacturing machines, and testing equipment éanr-praduce. culti-vision Next, lay your hands on the steering wheel and ook the Cub over from where you are sitting. Notice the sleek fines of this dandy little tractor. But, more important, notice how easy it is to see to the front, to the sides, ‘and benenth the tractor. This clear-vision 2. feature, which we call ‘‘culti-vision,” permits you to see all front-mounted implements at work as well as the row ahead. You can travel swiftly down the row even a row of tiny seedlings. . and doa close-up job. 7. adjustable wheel treads. The front reversed-on their hu! 4056 finches and 46% i “ped with the regular front axle. an even greater numaber of adjustments heels can bé quickly and easily to give’ two tread spacings when the tractor is equip- ‘The rear wheels haye 40 to 56 inches, in four-incli increments. An adjustable-tread front axle. may be obtained which permits setting front _wheeF tieads to match rear wheel treads, a quality P| product built to achieve the maximum in rugged efficiency ... riding comfort... operating economy And now look down at your feet. Notice the leg room. You can readily see that you won't be cramped on the Cub platform, Also note how convenient to your feet are the clutch and brake pedals. ‘There they are, right at the tip of your toes, ready to respond to the slightest touch Also, note that the two brake pedals can be latched together. ‘This enables you to apply equal braking to both rear wheels, when traveling at high speed. In addition, just a flip of the Jocking-latch with your finger and either rear wheel can be braked independently for making those pin-point turns for which Farmall tractors are justly famous. Glance slightly to your left. There’s the gear-shift lever, right at the spot where you would normally drop your left hand from the steering wheel. Notice that. you reach only slightly further for the choke control, the magneto switch, and the engine throttle. All controls are right at your finger tips. And, of course, the ammeter (when installed) and the oil gauge can be read at a glance And now, as long as you are in the driver's seat, let’s start the engine and take a ride. Depress the clutch shift into low gear . . . let out the clutch . . . and you're off. Now you begin to know what we mean by “smooth, balanced power.” And, of course, steering is completely effortless a finger tip is enough to do the job. Now fora short turn. A quick spin of the steering wheel and around the Cub comes... . figuratively turning on a dime. Ifnecessary, apply pressure on the brake on the side to which you are turning. Now straighten the wheels and speed down the field . . . 2 miles per hour in low. ...3in second... 6 in high. ‘Then, using the variable-speed governor in conjunc: tion with the gear-shift lever, you can select an even greater range of speeds. ‘There is a speed for every crop and soil condition . . . just the right speed for maximum efficiency. Glance from the front axle, along the belly of the tractor, and past the rear axle. Notice that the Cub has plenty ‘of crop clearance 20% inches, And, equally important, this high crop clearance is the full width of Lhe tractor front axle. —— eae pele Dae pele ae oy se X Tu transmission differential hevel pinion and gear. u. ipa ee eeaaresy twenty-three ball " rear arle drive gear «sve valves fuel strainer. o7 mi gree ‘The hundreds of thousands of International Harvester engines, built into the famous Farmall tractors that have gone out to work for farmers all over the world, have been time-tested and proved. ‘They have been tested under every conceivable condition . . . in abrasive dust, in mud, in extremes of heat and cold, below sea level and high in the mountains. They have been proved by millions of hours of trouble-free operation. Now, these famous, smooth-running, TH four- cylinder’ engines are built to even higher standards, ‘The finest metals, the latest in oil, ait, and fuel filters, the most exacting workmanship .. . the most rigid controls... all are combined to make engines that have no equal, ‘They are precision-built, to squeeze the last ‘ounce of power from every drop of fuel. ‘They are rugeedly built to stand the test of time. RO L/L ‘The sturdy Cub engine, enginosred and built to incorporate the time-tested features of the other engines of the famous Farmall family, has proved itself under the most difficult conditions. ' International Harvester engineers never release a machine until it has been thoroughly tested. Engines are run 24 hours a day and for thousands of hours in the laboratory under conditions more severe than those that will be encoun- tered in the field, ‘Then tractors are placed in the hands of farmers in all parts of the country for testing under actual operating conditions. ‘The Cub engine has beon tested in dust and mud, in extremes of heat and cold, and athigh and low altitudes. It has given outstanding per- formance whether the job called for power at the draw- bar, power to push front-mounted implements, power take-off, or helt power. This precision-built, balanced engine, tested by men who know what the farmer wants and needs, haa proven that it will stand the test of time, Via quality HHI product... Farmall Cub specifications (based on 7-24 and 4.00-12-inch tires) general engine © cont. ‘Maxiraum belt hp. (appe0x.)* 914 Cooling system: Maximum drawbar bp. (@pprox)*. <0. 8 ‘Type “Thermo-siphon, radiator and fan . Capacity, quarts 9 Se 296% nition TH Model J-4 Magneto Reverse speed, m.p.h eee rar 83 Crop clearance, inches: Under front axle vox chassis Under rear axle 19% Pneumatic tires: ‘Turning radius, fect Front, inches 3.00212 oF 400-12 With bmke applica 2% Rear, inches 6-24, 7-24 of B24 Without brake applied, 5 191g Brakes. ..2 foot-operated brakes on hull pinion shafts en ee Steering sear ‘Enclosed worm Fuel tank eapacity, gallons. ssc sees ssvssesse Ti ear, by 4-inch interval ee y Ber ee 401058 Air cleaner. 4-inch diameter, oil-bath type Front, roralar 1055 and 4634 Front adsl ae by ch smuarea 4094 t0 5654 _ = special equipment {Crossbar with Toles, hitch poims Power take-off, rp, 1600 Tym sori ote ecient pena fom tase Adjustible, chen above rnd [1061855 Lotto: sooo Rea of tata Bulopced, eet per minate (inch pulley)... 31M aire ‘ore and stroke, inches. . 254x294 dimensions and weight ere eer 1 Wheelie iene rai ay iermene oa ee fos taeth inches Tags pi coed ca Sc See a res aa re remere! (ase aly Gap seing Gna cece ae Bw ciccsmuan oes ates Oil filter ‘Replaceable paper element Shipping weight with, adjustable front nate, omnia va ree ; sree avira) Cla Recommended olstinses hue. co ek ata ape uns ta lle ia ae ea ea aan ene eee ee cig) | a teeamunr ene cers scorrcte os love baoniie prose 22.) a OD deg Pe vrperatore, acorn U0 ASAE al S.A.B, tot cod. "Por ches with wei coling wpe a ul am, 2d ayo 3 pao, 10 HEASONE WHS... outstanding fuel economy 1. Endless research and continuous observation and experimentation by International Harvester en- gineers have resulted in perfection of a high-compression combustion chamber, which, compared to former designs, converts a greater proportion of fuel energy into useful work. ‘This newly designed chamber reduces heat loss, assures uniform combustion, and permits use of a higher compression ratio. Higher compression, of course, means more power from a given quantity of fuel. 2. pressure lubricated An engine cannot be expected to perform efficiently unless it G8 properly lubricated,” Bressure lubrication positively forces the oil through drilled passages to the crankshaft bearings, the connecting rod bearings, the camshaft pearing «to all high-retion point aring surfaces are positively, completely, End continuously covered with a film of friction reducing oil J. engine lubricating oil is filtered It is not enough to cover the bearing surfaces with oil. The oil must be kept clean. The Cub engine is equipped with an oil filter which is designed to keep the oil clean in the severe conditions surrounding 10° tractor farming operations. ‘This filter positively. re- moves all abrasive particles +» particles as small as a cron (.000039 of an inch) ‘The results are: 120 hov of operation between oil changes; wear reduced to a imum; replacement. of arts postponed: a high level of performance con- tinuously maintained; the useful life of the engine greatly extended. engine is A. ventilated Water and fuel vapors, under certain operating conditions, may enter the crankease, If the water is permitted to condense, it will mix with the oil and form sludge. If the fuel vapor condenses, it will dilute the lubricating oil. If either the oil or’ the fuel contains appreciable amounts of sulphur. sulphuric acid forms and causes corrosion, In order to vent these vapors as formed, and thus prevent crankcase dilution, formation of sludge, and corrosion of parts, the Cub engine is ‘ovided ‘with a ventilation system which causes the fel gases to be retumed to the combustion chamber where they are burned and turned into useful power, and the water and acid ‘vapors to be expelied with the exhaust gas. The results are: these engines maintain their high efficiency . . . they last longer. 5. efficient cooling system ‘Thermo-siphon cooling, the ideal system for small engines, accomplishes two things: (1) permits rapid warm-up which avoids excessive vapor condensa- tion, and minimizes formation of sludge and crankcase dilution; (2) dissipates unused heat and maintains proper engine operating temperature after the engine has warmed up. The result. is maximum operating efficiency at all times and under all conditions. ©, heavy-duty crankshaft A good engine begins with a strong, durable crankshaft. ‘The crankshaft in the Cub engine is a heavy drop-forging of steel, heated to take out the stresses set up in the forging operation and balanced both statically (at rest) and dynamically (in motion). ‘The crankshalt journals and the crankpins are hardened by a positively controlled, high-frequency, electrical- the FAKMALLOOBE engine excels in long life . . induction heat-treating process which produces “file- hard” bearing surfaces while leaving the internal structure of the shaft tough and shock-resistant. | | | replaceable, precision -built bearings 7. ‘The crankshaft and the connecting rod bearings in the Cub engine are precision-manu- factured. ‘These thin - walled, babbitt-lined, steel-backed bear: ings provide a perfect. clearance so that a full, even oil film is maintained between the erank- shaft journal or the ctankpin and the bearing surface, ‘This perfect oil film permits the bearing to run cool eyen though the engine is overloaded for long periods of time. Should these bearings become damaged or worn they can be quickly and easily replaced and the al perfect clearance is again obtained 8. ‘You obtain three definite advantages with the atiable peed governor: (1) the variable-speed governor, controlled by the engine speed lever, permits operation at slow tractor speeds in any gear as when cultivating tiny seedlings or cultivating closely to the row. And, when making turns . . . either running light as when cultivating, or under loads as in disking -.. you can slow the tractor down and tum easily and safely without shifting gears with no reduction, in pulling power. (@) Using the engine speed control lever in conjunction, with the gearshift lever, you can select the combination, of engine speed and transmission speed which provides maximum fuel economy and drawbar pull for the specific job. (3) For alt your belt-driven light loads, such as ‘saws and pumps which do not require maximum tractor horsepower at its rated full-load speed, you can change the pulley on either the driven machine or tractor so that the tractor engine speed can be reduced and the driven machine will still operate near its rated r.p.m. ‘This gives you a real saving in fuel consumption. variable-speed governor power . . pep and performance @ dependable ignition in all conditions ‘The magneto on the Cub engine is International Harvester designed and built; it is closely controlled through all phases of manufacture, An outstanding feature of this magneto is that it, produces a hot spar when starting, as well as when the engine is running. This precision-built magneto is on the job whenever you want to use your tractor and will give you thou sands of hours of trouble-free service in extremes of heat and cold, in the dust, and in pouring rain, always dean 10. air and fuel Dustand dirtare the enemies of a fine, pre- cision-built machine. he Cub engine is. well’ pro- tected againstall abrasives that might get into it through the air it breathes or the fuel it buns. ‘The | Cub engine is equipped with an oil-bath-type air cleaner which washes the air so that it arrives at the * carburetor crystal clear free of the most minute particles of dust. Also, every ounce of fuel is cleaned before it enters the carburetor. The combination fuel strainer and sediment bowl, set in the fuel Jine, removes every vestige of water and divt from the fuel. Tt is a simple matter to glance at the sediment bow! to determine if it needs cleaning. U SPECIAL EQUIPMENT HE FARMALL CUB tractor can be used for many different types of work and is called on to operate under many different conditions, To adapt it to the varying requirements of different users, a variety of special equipment is available. ‘The tractor, as regularly supplied, is equipped to perform straight drawbar work. Beyond that, the special equipment requirements are so diverse that it is impractical to include any such equipment regularly on belt pulley © Tho belt pulley attachment, which consists of the pulley and its drive mechanism, increases Cub utility by making the power of the tractor engine available for the operation of belt-driven machines such as corn shellers, feed grinders, and hammer mills. ‘The belt pulley for the Cub is mounted on the rear of the tractor and is driven from the power take-off shaft. The regular pulley has a 9-inch diameter with « 4)y-ineh face. Shaft speed is 1522 r.p.m., which gives a belt speed of 3114 feet per minute, An optional pulley is available which bas a ‘73-inch diameter with a 4)%inch face, The shaft speed of 1322 r.p.m, gives a belt speed of 2638 feet per minute, power take-off « The power take-off consists of ‘a shaft extending from the transmission through the differential housing and projecting at the rear of the tractor, where it can be connected to a mower mechanism or any other machine oper- ated in thismanner. The power take-off has a speed of 1600 rpm. the tractor. In many cases you would be paying for equipment you do not need or want. ‘These special items can be installed on the tractor at any time. However, the most economical and most. satisfactory procedure is to specify the items of special equipment you want on your tractor and have them installed at the factory. In this way you can save the time and trouble of installation, and the cost of other parts, if any, displaced by the special equipment. electric starting and lighting © Electric starting is more than a mere convemience to the tractor operator. Electric starting makes it possible to com- pletely control the tractor from the seat. I eliminates getting off and on the tractor if the engine is stopped for some reason. The electric starter is a fuel saver. It removes the temptation to idle the engine during “times out” to avoid using the hand-crank when work is resumed. Electric starting equipment also eliminates the hand-cranking problem. Electric lights, which consist of two head lamps and one rear lamp, greatly extend tractor usefulness. With strong, steady electric light fore and aft, the tractor can be used after dark and, if necessary, all night. The electric-lighted tractor can be run in shifts, when necessary, to make up for time lost because of bad weather. It can be used at night to take quick advantage of favorable weather and soil conditions, or to prevent loss of crop overdue for harvest. for all types of work . . . under all conditions front wheel weights « Thirty-pound front tia cia ttn one orptate lal attara each front wheel. To inerease steerability, front wheel weights are recommended for use as 8 front-end counterbalance whenever heavy loads are to be superimposed on the drawbar or when heavy equipment is to be mount- ced on the rear end of the tractor. rear wheel weights To reduce en, and increase drawbar pull, 145-lb. wheel weights, either one or two, can be attached to each drive wheel. The increase in drawbar pull, with the proportionate reduction of slippage, varies with the type of soil. adjustable front axle © An adjustable-tread ftolt anle & svalable for the Cub tractor at light additional cost. Variable treads of 4034, 4494, 48%, 5254, and 5654 inches permit adjustment to fit. most any row-crop tanging from narrow rows of vegetables to wide rows such as cotton and corn. ib os ns ea = = swingi ging drawbar The swinging drawbar is free to swing the full width of the regular drawbar, which ‘makes ft easier to turn the tractor under load when pull- ing trail-behind implements such as disk harrows, and it makes possible shorter turns. It also facilitatessteering on the straightaway when the tractor is pulling aheavy load because the load exerts lesssidewise pull fon the tractor. This attachmentisespecial- ly desirable when working small, iregu- larly shaped fields. exhaust muffler ¢ An exhaust muffler ean be supplied for owners who desire quieter operation of their tractors, ‘The muffler, which attaches easily to the exhaust pipe, reduces the sound of the exhaust to a quit purr. spark arrester The spark ar- Sere anaU RS RATS sparks that may be thrown off. It completely eliminates the possibility of fire when operating near inflam- mable material. The muffler is attached to the exhaust pipe in the same manner as it attaches to the arrester. upholstered seat © If the Cub owner wants to enjoy the maximum in riding comfort, at slight addi- tional cost, a deeply upholstered seat may be ordered. This seat carries a thick layer of hairfelt covered by durable, waterproof, rubber-impregnated canvas which keeps the operator from sliding around when traveling over extremely rough ground, detachable seat pad © A detachable hair-felt seat pad, covered by waterproof, rubber-impregnated canvas, is available for application in the field. It is easily installed on the regular metal seat and ean be used to recover the upholstered seat. 13 ae a balanced, all-purpose tractor is not enough . . . ps0 NEEDED ARE” a perfecily balanced, all-purpose farm i work unit A perfectly balanced, all-purpose farm-work- ¥ unit is not complete without a complement of matched iy implements. Farmall Cub implements are simplified and low 5 in cost but are built to stend up to the toughest jobs, Available C are implements for every farm operation regardless of the 5 region, the crop, or the soil condition. (hed ot Fano. "tow Panter (On the beh. “A universal mounting frame In addition, the Cub tractor-and-implement combination includes two important time and money-saving features: (1) a Universal Mounting Frame, common to all front-mounted implements, which speeds the job of removing one implement and putting on another. ‘one master control » (2) One Master Control for all implements enables the operator to lift, lower, or adjust any implement without leaving the tractor seat. matched implements Cub implements have been de- signed in conformance with the latest and most efficient farming Practices, and are matched exactly to the size and work output of the Farmall Cub tractor. rugged simplicity » Low cost and rugged simplicity have been the watchwords throughout the designing and building of the entire complement of Cub implements. Each imple- ment has been reduced to the absolute essentials. . . slip-on. brackets, tool bars and clamps . . . just enough to hold the ground tools in the proper position for efficient. work. Aiseot Mewes, l4e matched, quick-change, easy-to-control implements As its name implies, the Uni versal Mounting Frame is used to attach all front-mounted implements. Just lwist of @ wronch on two. Lapered nuts and the implement ean be slipped in or out of keyhole slots. Another im- portant featur parallel action of, the frame permits all implement tools to retain the proper pitch regardless of the depth at which they operate, 16° Eacy-to-reach, self-locking. bolts in the eight “Tractor Mounting Pads wswure, at all times, that the slotted Nip-on brackets of the matched imple- fncots are” precisely positioned and Figidly attached to the tractor, No matter how often implement units are wed they are always the same position which match the ‘of the Ball heads, CS Om um CLL acai and ff easy-to- operate master control Cae Mr teed master control » The Master Control Lever, al- ways on the tractor, can be hooked quickly and easily through the center control arms or the rear control arm to any one of the direct-connected implements. A counterbalancing spring, which neutralizes the weight of the implement, controls lowering the implement, helps to make quick, easy adjustments during operation, and facilitates lifting the implement at the end of the operation . . . all from the tractor seat, now you can do all your far easier This newest and smallest member of the great Farmall family brings to the small-acreage farmer all the advan- tages of the famous Farmall System. It brings a new ease of operation he never hefore has been able to enjoy. Gone are the long hours of back-breaking labor. Now you ean ride as you work. Now you ean change from one operation to another with a minimum of effort. You can handle your implements easily. Not only ean you do it easier, you can do it. . . faster © Now, even in your normal workday, you can nave the time to till a greater acreage, or have the time for the care of more livestock. And, of course, you can accomplish each farming operation at the best pos- sible time. Not only will you be able to expand your operations and time them to the best possible advantage, you can also do them hetter © Now, with these scientifically designed implement units, you will be able to do better, more thorough plowing, tilling, planting, cultivating, and har- vesting. You will enjoy greater production per acre, You will be able to conserve the precious top soil. ‘The results will be more profit © You will enjoy new profits. You will be’ able to enjoy the fruits of more acres with the expenditure of even less time. You will enjoy higher production from each and every tillable acre. You will be able to diversify your farming. ‘The results will be MORE LEISURE FOR THE THINGS YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO, MORE HEALTHFUL LIVING CONDITIONS FOR YOURSELF AND. YOUR FAMILY. 21 Mounting Frame worms the leh segordlers of the dep ‘ols work ot the some Sept, Removing the drowhor preporatary 4a. placing i in the forward The Cub-193 plowing unit. The Soph ‘one-way 12.inch bottam end aright cA pew [WO moldboard plows, e disk 4 piow and a harrow-piow, de- signed to accommodate every type of soil and tillage practice and scaled exactly to the size and work output of the Cub tractor, make available to the small-acreage farmer his choice of four balanced and matched plowing units. ‘These simple, sturdy plows are built to stand up under the tough- est soil conditions. They are un- beatable for getting right into the tight little corners, around or over stumps, rocks, ditches, and grassed waterways. And, it is only a mat- ter of a few minutes to attach or detach any one of the plows for the next operation. From this complement of sim- ple, easy-to-adjust and casy-to- operate plowing units you can select the perfect plow for your farm regardless of the region you live in, the topography of your land, or the condition of the soil. Cub-193 and 189 plows quick-change © Attaching a Cub plow beam to the trac- tor drawbar is as simple and easy as hooking up an_old- fashioned walking plow. Here's all you do. Move the drawbar to the forward position, set it to float and attach the depth control lever. Now back the tractor over the plow or plows, Next, attach the plow beam or beams to the drawbar with two bolts. And last, slip the Iifling chain or chains into slots on the Master Control rear farm, “The plow beam is free to follow the contours of the ground, A free-floating beam assures you of a uniform plow- ing depth. simple, sturdy, low-cost plows for every type of soil and tillage practice easy to adjust » The right- hand adjustment lever, which regulates the plowing depth by raising or lowering the hitch point, can be set in an instant Of course, to doa perfect plow- ing job, the wing bearing on the plowshare must be adjust- ed. All you do is turn the eecentrie bolt which holds the front of the plow beam to the extension plates. ‘Turning this eccentric bolt tills the plow beam either to the right or left. This adjustment need not be changed one it is made for the desired plowing depth. Raid twosay plow spring-cushioned at the hitch point » Notice that the plow hiteh is cush- ioned with two coil springs ‘one on each side of the plow beam. This equal - tension, spring - cushion arrangement absorbs the shock when ob- structions are encountered in the field. Tt also permits the plow to rum as straight a8 an arrow where the ground is level or slightly rolling And, when plowing on the contour and throwing the furrows uphill where the ground is loose and has a tendency to break down the furrow wall, all you have to do is tighten the outside spring. ‘The tighter spring on the outside decreases the landside pressure and counteracts the downhill drift When throwing fur- rows downhill, tightening the inside spring counter- acts the downhill drift of the plow. ‘This adjustable spring-cushion feature results in a better plowing job. ‘The equipment lasts longer. Completely climineted. easy to operate e In these simple, sturdy plows, the absolute has been achieved in ease’ of operation. ‘The counterbalancing spring on the Master Control lever enables the operator to raise either the Cub-193 one-furrow, one-way plow or the Cub-189 one-furrow, two-way plow with a minimum of effort. And the trip mechanism on the Cub-189 is so simple that even a child can operate it. A flick of the fingers on the trip mechanism is all that is necessary to start either the right or the left-hand plow into the ground. 3% acres of perfect plowing per day ‘These features... a floating drawbar controlled from the tractor seat, an adjustable, spring-cushioned hitch point, and an easy-to-adjust eccentric bolt . . . assure you of a perfect plowing job. ‘The selected depth is always uniform. The furrow is of the proper width never too wide and never too narrow. ‘The result is a perfect seedbed . . . and, equally important, this implement will plow, even to a depth of 8 inches, as much as 314 acres per day in average soil extra equipment ¢ You have available for these two plows a wide choice of plow bottom types to meet practically every soil condition. A notched rolling colter is available for use in place of the plain colter. ‘Also available as extra equipment are steel andl chilled jointers, and a combination jointor for use with the rolling colter on the Cub-193 plow only. 219 isk plow The Cub easy to operate © TheCub-151 equalizing draw- bar, which is an integral part of the plow, is much more than just a simple pullbar. It is a specially designed hitching device which permits side movement of the plow, without shifting the draft from the center of the tractor, This feature results in a plow and tractor combination that is easy to steer. Shifting of ‘the plow is not transmitted to the tractor, nor is the plow affected immediately when the tractor is turned. Not only is steering made easier--you will get a better plowing job. quick-attach for quick-change » tt is but « matter of minutes to attach the plow to the tractor. ‘Detaching for the next operation is just as simple and easy. Five simple steps are all that are necessary. 1. Loosen the bolts on the rear tractor mount: ing pads. 2. Slip the plow brackets into place on the pads and tighten the bolts 3. Raise the drawbar arms and slip the pivot bolts into the bracket slots. ‘The erasspins on the drawbar arms fit snugly into the “U-shaped grooves on the underside of the brackets. ‘Tighten the pivot bolts, 208 Farmall Cub-151 disk plow This one-furrow disk plow is a closely coupled, sturdily built unit specially designed for efficient operation in hard, dry ground, in sticky and abrasive soil, and in stony and root-infested fields. ‘The 26-inch disk, heat-treated to withstand hard wear, cuts a deep, 10-inch wide furrow. The furrow wheel, connected to the tractor steering linkage, is auto- matically steered from the tractor seat. ‘Three wheel weights hold the disk to its work under tough soilonditions, A simple set screw adjustment in the steering link- age makes it easy to change the angle of the furrow wheel. This feature assures cutting a full- width furrow regardless of soil con- ditions or the slope of the land. 4, Connect the plow lift arm to the center Master Control arm, 5. Hook the plow steering linkage to the tractor steering arm just above the right front wheel, ‘The plow is ready to work: easy to raise, lower and adjust © TheMaster Control lever, with its counterbalaneing spring which neutralizes the weight of the plow, is used to raise and lower the unit. This lever also controls the plowing depth. An easy-to-reach leveling lever, positioned on the plow just behind the operator, serves to level the beam. ‘This lever can also be used to raise the disk extra high for transport. The Cobst5, 0 Cabs151, furrow wheel fanon, disk plow oni Farmall Cub-12D harrow-plow « Ail the fea- tures of the Cub-161 disk plow are incorporated into the Cub- 12D harow-plow: equalizing drawbar, the same set-screw ad- justment in the steering linkage, ‘the same automatic steering fea- ture, and the same ease of opera tion and ease of raising, lowering ‘and adjusting. ‘The only differ- ence is that the harrow-plow, with two 24-inch disks which take a 15-inch cut, is designed for shallow plowing and covers more ground in a day than the deeper working disk plow. ‘The disks are heat treated for toughness and mounted on chilled, extreme- ly hard, cast iron bearings. barrow-plow Cob-120 harroweplow, with two 24-inch disks that take a 15-inch ca 3 designed for shellow plowing. Three whos! wight oe the ideal disk and harrow-plows for the small-acreage farmer 'HESE closely coupled, sturdily built units, designed for hard work in every type of soil, are the ideal plows for preparation of well-worked seedbeds in small or irregularly shaped plots. The automatic steering feature permits the operator to get into tight little corners... into any spot where the tractor itself will go. ‘The equalizing drawbar and the furrow wheel adjustment features cause these plowing units to hang to the hillside. They are the ideal machines for building and maintaining terraces. regular end extra equipment © ‘The Cub-151 disk plow is regu- as extra equipment. larly equipped as follows: 26-inch disk mounted on a plain bearing which is made of chilled cast iron for extra hardness; a disk scraper; and three rear wheel weights. ‘The following extra equipment. is obtainable: precision- ~ built tapered bearing in place of the plain bearing; three additional furrow wheel weights; and a sand rim for the furrow wheel. ‘The Cub-12D harrow-plow has two 26-inch disks mounted on hard chilied cast iron bearings; disk scrapers; and three rear wheel weights. Three additional wheel weights and a furrow wheel sand rim are available e21 aa RIC alae lid High maneuverability, which characterizes the Farmall Cub-23A tandem disk horraw, mokes i " [HE CUB-234, four-footwide, tandem disk harrow has the same rugged features which characterize the famous International Harvester line of tillage tools. ANGLING to the selected setting is a matter of seconds; the harrow responds instantly to the slightest forward motion of the tractor. simple cross-draft construction forces the rear gangs to follow the front gangs at all times, yet does not affect the lateral flexibility of the machine, As a result, skidding is reduced to a minimum when turning @ comer cor working on the contour. a new feature « A center main frame, used instead of the usual front and rear frames, permits a telescoping action which prevents jackknifing when backing up. As the front section moves back, the rear section remains in place until engaged by bumpers on the front section. Just the thing for backing into tight comers, easy-to-operate disk angling adjuster controlled from the tractor seat, permits a range of five angle settings from 0 to 20 degrees. A four-hole adjustment gives added angles to the rear gangs. A pivot, adjustment regulates the depth of cut of the inner and outer edges of the front gangs. Crimped-center, vertically ground, heat-treated disks, 220 LE m guaranteed to give outstanding serv- jee, are another of the many features on the 234 disk harrow. Tn addition, hard, white iron bearings with the fa- mous International Harvester double ting thrust flanges, pressure lubrica- tion, and rugged overall construction are ‘features which assure years of trouble-free operation. a versatile maneuverability which characterizes the 23A, makes it possible for the small-acreage farmer to utilize non- productive patches, No patch is too small, nocorner too tight. ‘This versa~ tile tillage unit isequally advantageous to the truck gardener. Now, he can prepare fine, deep seedbeds, even in small plots,” As an auxiliary unit for the large-farm operator, the 234 has noequal. It is ideal for finishing those corners and tight spots where large equipment is not suitable. No. 1OAF SINGLE-CUT, S-FOOT DISK HARROW Tighter weigh, inthe 5 ar foot sizes, well 9 for ute with the Farmell Cub tractor ‘iho sorrersy seeing vg dura its ite be contraled frame the ie fovice which matched Cub impiements thet make it easy to prepare fine seedbeds Cub-3 spring-tooth field cultivator D CULTIVATOR. is a sturdily ‘inch wide unit designed for mulehing the soil and for removing quack and other noxious Tt can be raised com- pletely off the ground which makes it an easy-to- manouver unit in small and iregularly shaped fields. raat cultivator consists of seven spring teeth with narrow-point shovels. The teeth are at- tached to two 134-ineh squaré tool bars which in turn ate clamped in parallel to two frame rails, ‘0 steel gauge-wheels control the operating depth, | Gangesatoeis silt in eae be obtained in place of regular steel wheels 2 slight additional cost. ‘The cultivator is pulled from the tractor reversible floating drawbar which is positioned to extend ahead of the rear axle housings. The complete unit is raised and lowered by the Master Control lever which is attached to the cultivator by two lifting chains. nm Tho Cab3 springtooth fal cltivetor Ke @ edly conducted exigned for mulching the sail and for removing quoch ond atker CHER McCormick-Deering tillage implements | which can be used with the Farmall Cub tractor. | No, 1 ene-section, 10-4o0th, Sdhinch wide, tractor spring-tooth harrow. © Z-section, peg-tooth harrow. # No. 50 double-gang, 86-inch wide, soil pulverizer. 2° 8 egy 2 ris fy cauiac wna otuee mares a baiees by aro FO) ‘The Cob-3 spring tooth eld eutivetor ont CLL Le PLANTERS THAT FIT YOUR REQUIREMENTS: R (GARDLESS of the crops you now grow, or may wish to grow in the future, or the type of soil you may wish to grow them in, or the farm practices you may now employ . . . whether on the bed, in the furrow, on the flat, or on the contour . . . there are Cub planters specifically designed for all your planting requirements. simple and easy to operate Cub-170, 171, 172 forward- mounted, direct-connected corn. and cotton planters, when mounted on the Cub tractor, are perfectly balanced and matched planter units. The primary considerations hhave been: Keep it simple, make it easy to operate, and design it for quick-change, The results are planters which can be mounted in a matter of minutes, and so easy to. operate that anyone who can operate a tractor can do # perfect planting job. designed for specific farming practices © ‘These planters nave been designed on a regional basis to accommodate specific farming practices. Yet, they have been designed for maxi- mum versatility. 1s just a matter ofchanging a hopper or aseed plate, or making a minor adjustment, and you can go right ahead and plant another type of seed. cotton and corn planters 1s shown move with “the disks ore et cree ferzer hop the Cub-170 one-row planter is designed specifically for the Southeastern farm for planting cotton, corn, velvet beans, pea- nuts in the shell or shelled, sorghum . in fact, most any type of seed which is planted on beds or in the furrow. 8 operations in 1 trip down the field: 0), throw «sp a bed or open a furrow; (2) level and firm the til panting on tho bed; (@) open a forov and plant seeds 4) deposit fertilizer (0. one wile and. deeper than the seed, (5) cover the seed nd the fortlizer,() Arm te soll around the seed So'that it gots of to n quick start ahond of the oreedst (7) take’ guide snark to follow when plant: ing tho ‘next row? (9) rework tho scodbod ay the Ube of planting. The outatanding feature of this plinvor i ts ably to reduce the time of weedbed reparation and planting 10 the minimus for every region, every soil condition, ond every <’op ILM TLL cotton and corn planters i the Cub-I71 is designed specifically f to accommodate the farming practices in the Blackland region of Oklahoma and Texas. This planter works on beds spaced from 36 to 42 inches apart and will drill-plant from 8 to 12 acres per day, depending on the row spacing. It is the ideal machine for planting well-delmted, high-quality cotton seed and a large variety of other seeds ranging from any type of hybrid corn ‘or large lima beans to small, tender seeds such as tomato, 7 operations in | trip down the field: “Tus compact planter comprise ‘da big front sweep. whlch 'sloss aff crown so that the seed in placed in moist ott71 ene cand plone wih (2) aaa shovel ulin the sp single coed Sheng the seed furrow: (i) the planter oot shows aro a Shieh deposits seed Sto the furrows (i), che Cant ae cottvstor Fs Feetiizer attachment, when wed, places Fert Iizer just ahend nnd to ome side of the shovel Farrow opener; (3), two shovels behind tle boot whieh cover the seeds (6) a press wheel , which may be used to firm the sol around 1 the seed (1) shovels ahead of tie sweep which, ay be used to work the soll on each side of Bie bes co ou ptional equipment which is available at slight additional cost. includes: ‘spring. tip Standards for coverer shovels, disk coverens, fa press wheel, cultivating sweeps, and the ferilzer attachment. “ lachlond plenter (Ceb-171 planter ground unit shown CCub-171 Blackland planter unit shown with the No. 14 19 dik covering wrth a cetvaterstonsord attachment Spring wip coverers anda press wheel attachment, ‘echmort or collivating sider of bods. general and southwest MtmCuicum(ams mary HE CUB-172, one-row, runner-type is the ideal planter for the farming practices of the Southwest and through- ‘out the rest of the country where plant- ing on the bed or in the furrow is not practiced generally. This planter dvill- plants in row spacings from 36 to 48 inches apart. It will plant from 8 to 15 acres per day, depending on the row spacing. A choice of four hoppers enables you to plant accurately and quickly any seed from cotton, hybrid corn, velvet beans, peanuts in the shell or shelled, sorghum, and large lima beans to small, tender seeds such as tomato; in fact, most any crop which is planted in rows. ‘The ground working unit on the Cub-172 planter consists of a runner opener and a self-cleaning open or closed press wheel. Available as extra equip- ment are two blades to cover the seed furrow, a shoe-type marker which pro- vides a guide for the next caw, and wings , ranner-lype orn ond ction planer with and dirt shields which attach to the (Simao rear wecren,: Nas unt wim disk opener, shoe runner so that the planter can be used for leveling off beds at the time of planting. A fertilizer attachment is available which will, at the time of planting, deposit fertilizer to one side and deeper than the seed POAX Reverse Food Hopper. type marker, end. Gub-183 ichmord Type Com Mopper ietor 1907 econ Pyles Corn hopper (Richmond Cub planters 171-172 ‘This hopper, which has proved so successful for accu- rately planting cor in the com belt, accommodates a large assortment of seed plates which makes it possible to do precision planting of hybrid corn as well as many other seeds ranging from the small tomato to the large lima bean, Using, different seed plates enables you to either drill single seeds or drop a group of seeds, ‘The spacing within the row is changed by using either seed-plate drivesprockets witha different number of teeth, or by using seed plates with a different number of cells Cub planters 171-172 Accurate spacing of well- delinted cotton seed charac- terizes the Single Seed Cotton Hopper. The hopper mech- anism accurately meters a single soed at a time and ejects it into the ground at uniform spacings within the rw. ‘The spacings are varied by using seed-plate drive sprockets having a different number of gle seed cotton hopper for hopper docs an excellent for every kind of seed and planting practice type) for type “C” duplex hopper for Cubplanters 170-172 ¢ Duplex Hopper can be adapted. to plant whole or shelled peanuts, corn, velvet beans, sor- ghum ... . almost any seed excepting cotton, by sim- ply changing the seed plates. athe Duplex Hopper will plant either two kinds of seed alternately, such acorn and beans, oF | plant them in the same hill. ‘The same kind of seed can be put in both hoppers, which means you will be planting twice as heavy, or, just one side of the hopper ean be used to obtain thinner planting. POAX reverse feed cotton hopper for Cub planters 170-172 ‘This large-capacity job of separating poorly delinted cotton seed and feeding it in a uniform stream into. the furrow. ‘The hopper is named "re- verse feed” type because a small, ratchet-toothed feed-wheel located at the outer edge and bottom of the hopper revolves in the opposite direction of the - toothed picker -wheel . which is inside of the hopper. An agitator works teeth and by using seed plates having a different the seed down to the bottom of the hopper where umber of cells, ‘ the picker-wheel delivers it to the feed-wheel Seed-plate bundles are available which adapt the Available for the hopper are special cut-off and an hopper to various types of other seeds. assortment of plates for planting various other crops. no. 18 corn and pea hopper for planters 171-172 © This combina tion hopper will deill-plant corn and peas at the same time. Tt consists of two hoppers, one above the other. ‘The seed mecha- ism is the same as. the Richmond type Corn Hopper and makes them, therefore, interchangeable with this hopper. fertilizer attachment for one-row Cub planters and Cub-144 cultivator « Depositing fertilizer at the time of planting, and side dresing during tne last cultivation assures maximum crop yields at the time of harvest. The fertilizer attachment for the one-row Farmall Cub planters and cultivator is designed to work as an integral part of the machine, It places the fertilizer in the proper relation to the seed or to the plant so that the maximum benefits are obtained, The fertiiver unit consists of a large hopper, delivery spout, and fertilizer depositing tools. ‘The hopper is carried on a support, which is easily and quickly attached to the Tractor Mounting Pads on the stde of the tractor. ‘Additional parts must be ordered if the planter-fertlizer unit is used for side dressing while cultivating or the fertilizer unit can be secured separate from the planter for use with the cultivator. ‘An easy-to-adjust lever on the quadrant scale permits the operator to control the amount of fertilizer deposited. Hopper will deposit from 70 to 900 pounds per acre. 927 Inthe Nal, and o Cub- 1 ealvetor aor suction for Brooking the ground unit © Byery vegetable planting essential has been incorporated into the row-units: ‘a runner type furrow opener, a gauge wheel, a press wheel, a coverer, and # lift and pressure rod. ‘The ground unit has everything that is necessary to do a perfect job, but is not complicated with unneces- sary gadgets. Spacing the row-units on the main tool bar is simple and easy . . . just loosen the bolts and slide the units to the desired spacing. A twist of a wrench on the tapered nut is all that’s necessary to secure each unit in place. A simple, yet rugged, pivot device which is linked to the lift and pressure rod, allows each row-unit to float independently of the others. Each planting unit is free to follow the contour of the ground. The result is a more perfect planting job . . . less skips in the row. Jockey bars link the units together to assure con- sistent row spacings. Jockey bars for 8 and 10-inch 2860 re wacke HE Cub-474 planter, forward-mounted ona Cub tractor with adjust- ble front axle, will plant four 12-inch, three16 or 18- inch, or two 22 or 24-inch rows. Fight 6-inch radish rows are possible by plant- ing twice on thesame bed. However, this double planting on the same bed does not permit multiple- row cultivation, Special parts are available for plantingfour22-inchrows. a simple planter ‘The Cub-474 comprises two primary units: a ground unit consisting of four individual row-units, anda hopper unit consist- ing of two Planet Junior hoppers and the necessary seed plates and a seed plate drive mechanism. unit spacing, which permit planting radishes in 4 or 5-inch rows, can be obtained on special order. the hopper unit » The hoppers are big... a full 8° quarts, One filing covers plenty of ground. ‘The Planct Jr. planter mechanism does a perfect job of metering the seed into the boot at the exact interval you want, to assure an abundant crop with a minimum of seed. All types of seeds . . . rangi through the alphabet . may be handled. ‘Theseed platesetting issimplicity itself, All theoper- ator has to do is open the hopper cover and select from the chart the proper plate setting for the seed he intends to plant and the spacing desired. Then he rotates the seed plate until the selected setting is ‘opposite the pointer . . . as simple and easy as setting aclock. Single and double-opening feed spouts are furnished with each planter. ‘The feed spouts which the operator the ideal planting unit for the vegetable grower should use depend on the number of rows he wishes to plant. Six single seed plates, for use with the single spouts, and six double plates, for use with double spouts, are furnished as regular equipment. A total of 33 open- ings in each set of three plates permits the operator to plant a variety of seeds ranging from the tiny seed of the onion to large seeds such as bush lima beans, Lifting the planting unit at the end of the row automatically disengages the clutch and stops the seed metering mechanism from rotating, At the same time an automatic cut-off slides under the openings and stops the seeds from flowing, quick-change from one operation to another © 11 is but a matter of minutes to attach the planter to the tractor. Two bolts attach the hopper unit to the center Tractor Mounting Pads. Attaching the ground unit is just as simple. Just it under the tractor . . . lower the Universal Mounting Frame . . . slip the attaching bolts on the This letroon shows the tmpliciy of the CubA74 vege: table planer vn main tool bar support into the Universal Mounting Frame gang-heads and tighten the two tapered nuts. Place the drive chain over the sprockets, and hook the clutch thtow-out rod to the Master Control center arm, Attach the flexible seed tubes to the spouts. ‘Toss in the seed . . . and you are ready to plant. easy to operate © ‘This simple, sturdy, batanced planter and tractor combination is so easy to operate that even a child can handle it. The Master Control lever raises and lowers the units. Tt also shuts the planter mechanism off when not in work. When operating on beds, it literally steers itself. When operating on the flat, an easy-to-control shoe marker attachment can be used. From the drawing board to the final assembly every effort has been made to build a balanced and matched planting unit that is so easy to handle, so foolproof in operation, and so efficient for every planting need that every vegetable grower, large or ‘small, cannot afford to be without one. 5 but @ second to ship the heppe fothe drive speackel on the end of the CR CCM CR LMC LL MLS CNC ‘The time spent in preparing a good seedbed and planting the crop is wasted unless followed up with timely and thorough cultivation, Weeds should be killed before they have a chance to get a head start. The soil crust must be broken to give the plants a chance to grow. every type of crop A complete line of Cub cultivating units has been designed and built to cultivate every type of crop . . . from the smallest vege- tables to the large field crops such as cotton and corn. Each unit has been balanced and matched to the Cub tractor to make a cultivator that is simple and easy to operate, and highly efficient in results. And more . . . each unit is designed for quick-change from one operation to another. CM Gone are the days of cultivators with large, complicated, massive frames. Cub cultivators consist of ground tools and tool bars which are quickly and casily attached or removed. And, what is equally important, once the sweeps and shovels are adjusted never again need they be disturbed. ‘After an operation is finished, you can put the uni Knowing that they will be ready for use at a moment’s notice. 306 balanced and matched to the Farmall Cub for ease of operation . . . for unexcelled performance simple and easy to operate ‘The Universal Mounting Frame is used for attaching all front- mounted implements. Once it is positioned just behind the front wheels it never need be moved again. ‘The location of the Uni- versal Mounting Frame just behind the front wheels causes all attached implements to be highly sensitive to the slightest movement of the tractor. You can move swiftly down the rows, even rows of tiny seeillings, and do a close-up job. Another thing, you can see your work. You always have unobstructed vision of the row ahead, of the work right at the shovel, and to the rear, ‘There is no guesswork when you work with a Cub. CLC It is not enough to work ctose up to the plants, or even to kill the surface weeds. You also must be sure that all sweeps are working at the proper depth, The parallel action of the Universal Mounting Frame assures you that once the shovels or sweeps are set at the right angle, they will remain at this angle regardless of the depth at which they operate. Another thing, the rear sweeps always work at a constant, selected depth. Every sweep does its job whether in the front or in the rear, quick-change It is but a matter of minutes to mount the cultivating units on the tractor. Each front unit is equipped with a support arm and a bolt with tapered face nut. All you have to do to mount the unit on the tractor is slip the unit in place beneath the Universal Mounting Frame, lower the gang head to the unit, guide the bolt with nut into the slotted bracket, and tighten the tapered nut. OF course, to dismount the unit is just as simple and easy just reverse the procedure. ‘The rear section is attached just as easil °3l — Cy em Cm hg @ A main tool bar to which three cultivating units and a row guide are attached describes the ground-working assernbly. ‘The identical cultivating units are simple. Each bas an adjustable gauge wheel which controls the operating depth, and a short tool bar to hold clamps. ‘The tool bar on the center unit has two clamps which carry adjustable tool bars and standards to hold knife weeder blades. The tool bar on each of the outside units carries three clamps with adjustable tool bars and standards. All three units have a clamp located ‘on the rear of the tool bar to acenmmodate a duck foot: with a %%inch round standard, Changing the spacing of the cultivating units on the ‘main tool bar is simple and easy . . . just slip each one in place and tighten the bolt. A pivot device allows each cultivating unit to float. independently so that it is free to follow the exact contours of the ground. The results are a perfect cultivating job .. . fewer casualties in the row. Jockey bars link the units together to a20 a simple, lowrcont, highly ‘he Seiland ges the swced ih nex! NIFE weeder standards, tool bars and gauge wheels... that’s all there is to the Cub-447 Four-Row Vegetable Cultivator. From the drawing board to the final assembly the watchwords have been: keep it simple .. no gadgets . . . build into it just enough to do an efficient Job. . .and design it forquick- change. The results are a simple, low-cost, highly efficient, easy-to-operate and easy-to-change, four-row vegetable cultivating unit that worksall the soil and gets the weeds right next to the plants. Mounted on a Cub tractor with adjustable front axle, it will cultivate four 12-inch, three 16 or 18-inch, ‘or two 22 or 24-inch rows, nt, easy tmaperata ‘he plane assure that the units are held accurately to the row spacings. quick-change Attaching the cultivator to the tractor is simplicity itself. Just slide it under the trac- tor, lower the Universal Mounting Frame, slip the main tool bar support arms into the Universal Mounting. Frame gang heads, tighten the two tapered nuts and you are ready to work. eusy to Operate © Here is a simple, sturdy, balanced and matched cultivator and tractor combina- tion that is the ultimate in simplicity of operation, One Master Control lever raises and lowers the culti- vating unit. Each easy-to-adjust gauge wheel holds its cultivating unit to the selected operating depth. Unobsiructed vision (culti-vision) permits you to see your work. You can ride speedily down the rows, even rows of tiny seedlings, and do a close-up cultivating job regardless of the crop or the soil. the ideal cultivating unit for the vegetable grower ground tools for every type of soil » Regardiess of the type of soil. . . muck, loam, gravel, stony, or land infested with noxious weeds . . . there is a complete set of ground tools to suit your need. knife weeder blades © Two types of knife weeder blades are available on special order. One type is for muck and loam soils. ‘The other is designed to work in gravel or stony soils. The weeder blades are available in either 41 or 6-inch cut. Fermalt Cubs tire weeder duckfoots © Duckfoots (544 or 9-inch cut) which will accom- modate every type of soil condition are available on special order. self-cleaning, spring-tooth attachment * For stone, root, and noxious weed-infested soils there are available single, double, and triple spring-tooth attachments which can be slipped quickly and easily into the regular clamps. disk weeder © This 9-inch disk weeder, available as a special attachment, is excellent where a crust has formed and for working close up to the row. Used in pairs on the front of each unit, they slice the dirt and move it gently away from the plant. Other shovels, coming along in the rear, break the crust and push the loose soil serait cub-ss7 feurraw vegtable cllveter unit back, in and around the plant, in springtoeth etachmen: [A pivot device on the Cub-447, fourtow vegetable calfvatr allows each clivating wit te flat independently. Each ‘nits fre to follow the exact contours of he ground. An saty-lorte row suide makes) possible te ecorately guide ‘he waclar along tho vegetable row. © 33 CTC eal CMe mC The Formell Cob-L44 is simple, one-row cultivetor which wit simplicity with strength © The Cub-144 cultivator consists of fwo simple, yet Sturdy, front and two rear ground tool sections. Each of the front gangs has a bolt with a wedgo-faced, self-locking nut which is slipped into the key- higle slot on the Universal Mounting Frame gang. head. ‘The rear gangs have slotted brackets which are quickly attached to the rear Tractor Mounting Pads. ‘The rear fang lifting rods, with pressure springs, are attached to the Master Control tear arm. One Master Control lever raises, lowers, and adjusts the cultivating units. ground tools © A wide selection of ground tools is Available for working every type of soil. ‘Spring or friction tip standards... either of these standards will protect the cultivator from damage when a Shovel or sweep strikes a stone, root, or other obstruction. Upon striking the obstruction the tool pivots back. ‘The spring trip, which is slightly higher in cost, returns the shovel to the working position as soon as the pressure is released. Using the friction trip, it is necessary to dismount from the tractor, loosen the bolt, push the tool back into position, and tighten the bolt. Parallel floating shields . . . these shields ride the con- tours of the ground and proiect the small plants from being covered daring early cultivation. For high-speed cultivation of small crops a covered type of shield is available. 340 XIMPLICITY with strength, accuracy with speed, and quick-change without disturb- ing the original setting and ad- justment of the ground tools: these are the prime features of the Cub-144. Mounted on a Cub tractor with adjustable front axle, the Cub-144_ will work in row spacings from 36 to 56 inches and cultivate as much as 12 acres a day. The Nex 99. poreliet Aosting shield fs rogue Cabsiae ctivotor, Er guietly ond easily sijested without ai the no, 6 weeder mulcher is a shallow. working cultivator. It has three banks of round-pointed spring-teeth which are staggered to cover every inch of ground over a 10-foot: span. These springy, pencil-point teeth, with- ‘out damage to the deeper rooted crop, will get right down into the soil and dig out those pesty little weeds, around the plants and in the row, and bring them to thesurface where the sun can finish them. At the same time, the spring- teeth break the sun-baked crust and mulch the soil. The ground is restored to a healthy, growing condition . . . free from weeds. ground tools for every type of soil and crop no. | and no. 34 ground tools no. 5 ground tools No, and No, 34 ground tool epmbination prove high-speed, The No.5 ggownd tol combination i epecally well adapt Meibangerclcenaituntion: “The uns oh the haltemeps nent te 4 eeply ‘and at the same ume Ao the row maker it posable Job of pulverifing the’ soi. te work eloely to the plants ‘without damaging Uhe roots J y No. 5 ground tool : ‘ combination: —— ' ‘Spring trip stondards. Tose neh fll weno on the 3 . No. 34 ground tool reer section. ome no. 3 and no. 33 ground tools no. 53 ground tools No, 3 and No. 88. ground tool combinations have the same ‘The No. 53 ground tool combination adapta the cultivator for function as No. I and 34." The rear section tony and root infest. edo alto soils peste th =p \ EY 36 % Hi geea it BE bgt bits 5c possible to work ‘betiwoen widely spaced No. 53 ground tool combination: — 7 — Ba ¥ fs = Cub 252 two-row beet and bean cultivator IMPLICITY with efficiency... speed with ease of operation =. versatility with low cost . . . and quick-change from one opera- tion to another: these are the features that make the Cub-252 Two-row Beet and Bean Culti- vator the ideal cultivating unit for specialized as well as general farming. ‘The 252, mounted on the Cub tractor, gives you a balanced and matched cultivating unit which is highly efficient not only as a beet and bean cultivator but also for other vegetable crops with row ‘spacings from 12 to 28 inches. The Cub-252 cultivator mounted on a Cub tractor with adjustable front axle will culti- vate four 12-inch, three 16 or 18- inch, or two 22 or 28-inch rows. cub.252..... here ie @ versie Beet and been cultvetor which will handle 2,3, or rows rang: Ing am 12 10°28 incor the ground unit © Maximum simplicity, ruggedness, and flexi- bility are the prime features of the ground unit. The front section consists of two 62-inch tool bars attached to support arms. Attaching bolts, with nuts, on the support arms fit into the gang heads of the Universal Mounting Frame. An “L-type rear section attachment con- sists of a 62-inch long tool bar which is attached to the rear Tractor Mounting Pads by fiat gang beams and attaching plates. This “L” type unit, consisting of one tool bar, is recommended for use when more than two ground tools are desired on the rear section. When an opera- tion calls for rear track sweeps only, the regular Cub-144 cultivator rear section may be procured on special order, 22 ect ad an evar rps quick-change from one unit to another © Attaching the | "* "ser ont sprit tot bar wor eatin ground unit is simple, For the front section: just slide it under the tractor... lower the Universal Mounting Frame . . . slip the tool bar support arms into the Universal Mounting Frame gang head and tighten the two tapered nuts. If a rear section is used: loosen the bolts on the rear Tractor Mounting Pads .... slip the slotted attaching plates on the gang beams over the bolts . . . tighten them up. You are ready to go. ground tools * A wide selection of ground tools is available, \is selection is left to the purchaser in order that he may make the proper choice to meet his specific crop and soil requirements. 36° HE FARMALL CUB-22 side-mounted, 414-foot mower is a simple, low-cost machine especially designed for cutting small fields of hay and for cleaning up miscellaneous patches of weeds. This simple mower consists of « cutter bar, pitman, flywheel, and drive shaft. It is driven through a “V” belt drive from the tractor power take-off. Three quick-change brackets with slotted holes attach the mower to the Tractor Mounting Pads. A sturdy puil-rod, which connects to the inner shoe and slips into the same socket on the tractor provided for the Universal Mounting Frame, rigidly holds the cutter bar at right angles to the tractor, yet allows the cutter bar to float. It is free to follow the contours of the ground, which permits cutting a clean swath at a fast rate of speed. ‘The operator has an unobstructed view of the cutter bar and the field ahead, which makes it easy to accurately guide the tractor and gives ample time to avoid obstructions ahend.. The cutter bar is easily raised and lowered by the Master Controt lever. This quick, positive control feature enables the operator to instantly raise the cutter bar over any ordinary obstacle. ‘There are no gears to wear or break, The “V” belt drive, from the power take-off, assures smooth, quiet operation and takes up shock loads. ‘The mower is a simple, quick-change, easy-to-operate machine for farmers with small acreage. Time-out is reduced to the bare minimum. Ttis only a matter of min- tutes to change ftom one job to another. This ustvotion shows th plicty af the Cubs2? mawer LR LMA with tho Me. 100 FARMALL CUB. ope thelr FARMALL Cm MC Led McCORMICK- DEERING ORCHARD and GROVE INTERNATIONAL | CRAWLER, Farm equipment of Intefnational Harvester manufactare is precision equipment, Servicing such eq ment requires trained, skilled worke men, the proper tools, and the proper porte benring theflHl tadmomai Your International Harvester desler offers you approved service and genu ine, precision-made TH Service parts Safeguard your investment in machines of International Harvester manufacture by scheduling, your service work with him. While his service is available to you whenever you need it, all major overhaul jobs Should be scheduled well in advance of the work season, Take advantage of his Early Bird Service program. ‘The Company urges you not to lake a chance on service and parts. Be sure, Take your parts and service problems always to your Inter- national Harvester dealer. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY $$$ $0 Es Se Ste Ee pease) F enmeeer an BRL co, fe own Heton"t Set EE es ox St eel thn Saar COMPANY OF CANADA, Ltd. Eppton O34 ©) Bares Ge fang ur Ghee: Oat ee Beebe, Gaee) stoma Waa ey Etna ok ie Uancoaien sey Yanmeryaiygeeene Lea ea Te CULBERTSON HDWé FARM IMPLEMENT DIVISIO M - 502 DAR STs | PHONE 17 \ AUBURN,

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