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Task 2a Wiki (B & G Club) FEAPS 2d &2h

Name of Activity: The Chair

Pg. Number Where Activity is Found: 362

Rating 1-5 Stars (I give this activity 3 stars.)

1. A Brief Description of the Activity:
Person A sits in a chair. Person B take on a role, for example, a celebrity. A must figure out who
B is and vice versa.
2. What went well? Give specific examples to support your answer.
The kids in the Boys and Girls club really liked that they can be a celebrity and act that celebrity
out. Students were very interactive in this activity and they all wanted to play and be someone. I
really enjoyed this activity because the students were engage and they were learning about
celebrities and famous people and what they have done in their lives.
3. What might need to be improved? Give specific reasons for your suggestions.
Students were very talkative when they were in the gym. When person A was trying to figure
person Bs famous person, the kids that were sitting on the floor were talking. I was a bit
confused on how to have the kids not being person A and B stop talking so only one person was
trying to find the answer. Some kids were giving the answer away because they were more
outgoing than the others. I included culturally diverse people that students can relate to and use.
This helped with the individual needs of my students. Most of the kids spoke a different
language. The kids could speak or act out the famous person. (FEAP 2d and 2h.)
4. Describe how you might integrate this into a traditional classroom context.
I would have my students pretend to be a state or famous historian for Social Studies, be a
number to a math equation, a famous writer for reading/ writing. I would do it in my classroom
so the students can have more structure and rules. I would do it in the beginning of the school
year. Its almost the end of the school year so the kids are very wild right now.
5. What do you see the advantages of this specific activity are in terms of differentiation of
instruction and student learning?
Students can learn with all subjects and in a fun more creative, artistic way. To differentiate
instruction, kids can incorporate people and places from their culture. Students can mime as well.
Include an artifact with a caption when appropriate. Remember, you are a professional so you
have an ethical responsibility to preserve student confidentiality.

Task 2a Wiki (B & G Club) FEAPS 2d &2h

Name of Activity: Charades

Pg. Number Where Activity is Found: 355

Rating 1-5 Stars (I give this activity 3 stars.)

1. A Brief Description of the Activity:
There are two teams. Each team will pick a category: book, film, TV shows, and use gestures
without talking. Students can pull on ear for sound, or give syllables that represent the category
and name of what they have picked. I included culturally diverse people that wrote books or are
in film or TV shows that students can relate to and use. This helped with the individual needs of
my students. Most of them spoke a different language. (FEAP 2d and 2h.)
2. What went well? Give specific examples to support your answer.
The kids in the Boys and Girls club really liked that they were working in teams. They are very
competitive. Students were very interactive in this activity and they all wanted to do an activity. I
really enjoyed this activity because the students were engage and they were learning how to play
Charades by only giving syllables without talking.
3. What might need to be improved? Give specific reasons for your suggestions.
Students were very talkative when they were in the gym. Also, students didnt really understand
the directions. I believe if the kids were quieter and I gave better directions, they would have
understood better.
4. Describe how you might integrate this into a traditional classroom context.
I would have my students guess math formulas or talk about parts of speech. This is a great way
to prepare students for an exam.
5. What do you see the advantages of this specific activity are in terms of differentiation of
instruction and student learning?
Students can learn with all subjects and in a fun more creative, artistic way. To differentiate
instruction, kids can incorporate people and places from their culture. Students can mime as well.
Include an artifact with a caption when appropriate. Remember, you are a professional so you
have an ethical responsibility to preserve student confidentiality.

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