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We acknowledge the
financial support of the
Government of Canada
through the
Canada Periodical Fund
of the Department of
Canadian Heritage.


Volume 134 Issue 14

Friday, June , 2016


90 cents plus tax

Health Foundation Gives

$100,000 To Clinic Fund

Glennis Scott Field

To Be Dedicated
This Weekend

his Saturday, June

18th, the senior
fi eld at the Minnedosa
Regional Events Centre grounds will be
renamed the Glennis
Scott Field in honour of
the Manitoba baseball

Scott, who was

inducted into the Manitoba Sports Hall of
Fame in 1986 and the
Manitoba Baseball Hall
Manitoba Sports
of Fame in 1998, will be
Hall of Famer,
throwing the first pitch
Glennis Scott.
at the Mavericks game
Saturday. Behind the plate to catch it will be his older
brother Gladwyn, who was inducted into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame in 2008.
When asked about his reaction to hearing that
the fi eld will be named in his honour, Scott said,
Quite frankly I was stunned. Quite an honour and
I felt just really humble I dont even know if I have
the words to describe the way I felt.
Born in McConnell, MB, Scott was a prolifi c athlete in Manitoba sports. He played both hockey and
football at Brandon College, where he was inducted
into the Brandon University Wall of Fame; his brother Gladwyn, whom Glennis played with at Brandon
College, is also an inductee.
Scott went on to play 15 years in the Manitoba
Senior Baseball League and also represented Canada at a number of international events. At one point
in his youth, he was invited to the spring training of
the St. Louis Cardinals, although Scott turned down
the offer to focus on his career as an educator.

Continued on Page 2

Photo by Darryl Holyk

(L-R): Lee Jardine, Donna Hume, Esther Robertson, Judith MacDowall,

Lynne Betteridge, John Mendrikis, Brandi Pollon, Rick Nylen and Ray Orr.

n hopes of keeping medical services local and in the community, the

board of the Minnedosa and District
Health Foundation have decided to
invest $100,000 toward the new Dr.
Ajai Khandelwal Primary Care Centre. Representatives from the Health
Foundation recently presented a
cheque to members of the Primary

Care Centre committee in front of

the Minnedosa District Health Centre.
The new clinic will be built directly across the street, to the west
of the current hospital and construction is hoped to begin in early 2017.
Local residents had an opportunity
to view plans and images of the proposed clinic during a public meeting
held Wednesday night.

Th e Minnedosa and District

Health Foundation was incorporated in 1995 by the Board of Directors
of the Minnedosa District Hospital
and Personal Care Home. It was established in order to ensure that all
money donated to the local hospital
and care home is spent on the needs
of those local facilities and local
health care in general.


$35.00 per year

Visit www.minnedosatribune.com or call (204) 867-3816

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