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Dct1110 J101 0 5'1 , b'1 KittS James 1

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Demonology, by King [a es I


King James I

10 2010 Forgotten Books I


First published 1597

Republished 2008 by Forgotten Books """'"' .forgo tte nbooks. org

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About the Book

"The first text pre ented here, written by James I of England, is a wide-ranging dscussion of witchcraft, necromancy, possession, demons, we e-wolves, fairies and ghosts, in the form of a Socratic dialogue. The second text is a sensational historical account of Scottis witch persecution and is one of the sources cited by Margaret Murray. I have taken some care to transcribe these historical ocuments letter for letter, without any attempt at carr ction or modernization of spelling. These documents exem lify the convoluted intellectual rationalizations used to ju ity the barbaric witch hunts. The texts were scanned from an arly 20th Century reprint."

(Quote from sacred-texts. com)

About the Author

King James I (156 - 1625)

"James VI and I ( 9 June 1566 - 27 March 1625) was King of Scots as James VI and King of England and King of Ireland as James I. He ruled in Scotland as James VI from 24 July 1567, when he was onl one year old, succeeding his mother Mary, Queen of Scots. egents governed during his minority, which ended officially in 1578, though he did not gain full control of his government u til 1581. On 24 March 1603, as James I, he succeeded the la Tudor monarch of England and Ireland, Elizabeth I, who ied without issue. He then ruled England,

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Scotland and Ireland for 22 years, until his death at the age f 58.

viII ""t

James achieved most of his aims in Scotland but faced gre t difficulties in England, including the Gunpowder Plot in 16 5 and repeated conflicts with the English Parliament. According 0 a tradition originating with historians of the mid-seventeent - century, James's taste for political absolutism, his financi I irresponsibility, and his cultivation of unpopular favourit s established the foundation for the English Civil War. Rece t historians, however, have revised James's reputation a d treated him as a serious and thoughtful monarch.

Under James, the "Golden Age" of Elizabethan literature a drama continued, with writers such as William Shakespear , John Donne, Ben Jonson, and Sir Francis Bacon contributing to a flourishing literary culture. James himself was a talent d scholar, the author of works such as Daemonologie (1597) a d Basilikon Doron (1599). Sir Anthony Weldon claimed that Jam s had been termed "the wisest fool in Christendom", an epith a ssoc iated with his ch a ra cte r eve r sin ce. "

(Quote from wikipedia.or )

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Demonology, by Krng James I


THE Da?monologie of ing James, the Sixth of Scotland and First of England, as written, as the Royal author states in his Preface, to prove that 'the assautes of Sathan are most certainly p ctized, & that the instrumentes thereof, merits most severly 0 be punished.' Such a work has more than a passing interest. It gives the student of history and literature a brief and authorit tive guide to the darker beliefs of our ancestors; there is, too, uch to interest the theologian and the psychologist, whilst the p ilologist will find the book a mine of rare and curious phrases.

To the modern mind, aft r three centuries of scientific discovery, many of Epist mon's arguments will appear somewhat naive, and, it mus be confessed, that Philomathes, in his laudable efforts to dra out his companion's erudition, sometimes puts questions which are very inadequately answered. Our greater dis rnment and weaker faith will scarcely be convinced by the xample: 'Thirdly, said not Samuell to Saull, that disobedience i as the sinne of Witch-craft? To compare to a thing that were not, it were too too absurd.' Still, given the implicit belief, the onclusions are not illogical. King James makes many shrewd bservations, and the twentiethcentury medium would proba Iy confirm 'that there are twentie women giuen to that craft where ther is one man.' The explanation (given on pp. 3-4) would not, perhaps, be as readily accepted.

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The Newes from Scotland, which is also included in this volume of the Bod y Head Quartos, claims to give a true account of a very notab e witch trial wherein King James took a prominent part. The i fluence of the 'revelations' then made can clearly be seen in the D<Emonologie. Although at first sight the cruelty and barbarity 0 the whole business is revolting, it must not be put down as s lely due to panic and terror. These poor women when their heads were 'thrawen with a rope according to the custom of hat Country' were ready to confess anything, but the credulity 0 the judges was understandable after Agnis Sampson had drawn the King aside and 'declared vnto him the verye woordes hich passed betweene the Kings Maiestie and his Queene at Vpslo in Norway the first night of their marriage, with their answere each to other.' Even a stouter hearted scholar wo Id have found remarkable confirmation of his worst fears in th s alarming revelation. Moreover, in destroying the Oevil's mi isters the King really thought that he was only carrying ou his plain duty towards God.

Of King Ja es himself one of the most vivid accounts is to be found in a etter of Sir John Harrington, describing an audience which he ad with the King. 'Soon upon this, the Prince his Highnesse id enter, and in muche goode humour askede, "lf I was cosen 0 lorde Haryngton of Exton?1I I humblie repliede,-IIHis Majes ie did me some honour in enquiringe my kin to one whome he had so late honourede and made a barone;" and moreover id adde, "wee were bothe branches of the same tree." The e enquyrede muche of lernynge, and showede me his owne in suche sorte, as made me remember my examiner at Cambridge afo rety me. He soughte muche to knowe my advances i philosophie, and utterede profounde sentences of Aristotle, a d suche Iyke wryters, whiche I had never reade, and which som are bolde enoughe to save, others do not understand: but his I must passe by. The Prince did nowe presse my readinge t him parte of a canto in "Ariosto"; praysede my

10 2010 Forgotten Books


Demonology, y Krng James I

utterance, nd said he had been informede of manie, as to my lernynge, i the tyme of the Queene, He asked me "what I thought pu e witte was made of; and whom it did best become? Whether a Kynge should not be the best clerke in his owne countrie; a d, if this lande did not entertayne goode opinion of his lernyng and wisdome?" His Majestie did much presse for my oprmo touchinge the power of Satane in matter of witchcraft; and asked me, with much gravitie,--"if I did trulie understand , why the devil did worke more with anciente women tha others>'".

'More seri us discourse did next ensue, wherein I wantede roome to ontinue, and sometime roome to escape; for the Queene wa not forgotten, nor Davison neither, His Highnesse tolde me h r deathe was visible in Scotlande before it did really happen, be ng, as he said, "spoken of in secrete by those whose power of s· hte presentede to them a bloodie heade dancinge in the alre.' He then did remarke muche on this gifte, and saide he had sou hte out of certaine bookes a sure waie to attaine knowledge f future chances, Hereat, he namede many bookes, which I did not knowe, nor by whom written; but advisede me not to can ult some authors which woulde leade me to evile consultatio s. I tolde his Majestie, "the power of Satan had, I muche fea ede, damagede my bodilie frame; but I had not farther will to cowrte his friendshipe, for my soules hurt,"--We nexte disc ursede somewhat on religion, when at lengthe he saide: "No ,Sir, you have seen my wisdome in some sorte, and I have pri d into yours. I praye you, do me justice in your reporte, a d in good season, I will not fail to add to your understand nge, in suche pointes as I maye find you lacke amendmen e." I made courtesie hereat, and withdrewe downe

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the passage, and out at the gate, amidst the man e varlets and lord lie servantes who stoode arounde."


:1 Nugae Antiquae, i 367.

10 2010 Forgotten Books


Demonology, by Krng James I


to the Reader

THE fearefull aboundinge at this time in this countrie, of these detestable slaues of the Deuill, the Witches or enchaunters, hath moved me (bela ed reader) to dispatch in post, this following treatise of min ,not in any wise (as I protest) to serue for a shew of my learn ng & ingine, but onely (mooued of conscience) to preasse I the eby, so farre as I can, to resolue the doubting harts of many; both that such assaultes of Sathan are most certainly pract zed, & that the instrumentes thereof, merits most severly 0 be punished: against the damnable opinions of two princi ally in our age, wherof the one called SCOT an Englishman, i not ashamed in publike print to deny, that ther can be such thing as Witchcraft: and so mainteines the old error of t e Sadducees, in denying of spirits. The other called VVIERVS, a erman Phisition, sets out a publick apologie for al these crafte folkes, whereby, procuring for their impunitie, he plainely bew ayes himselfe to haue bene one of that Profession. And for to ake this treatise the more pleasaunt and facill, I haue put i in forme of a Dialogue, which I haue diuided into three book s: The first speaI king of Magie in general, and Necromanci in special. The second of Sorcerie and Witch-craft: and the th rde, conteines a discou rse of all these kindes of spirits, & Spect es that appeares & trobles persones: together with a conclus on of the whol work. My intention in this labour, is only to pro e two things, as I haue alreadie said: the one, that such diuelish artes haue bene and are. The other, what exact trial and se ere punishment they merite: & therefore reason I, what kin e of things are

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..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

pess ible to b C.iI USe'S they the Oe .... ls

hmg of speak

sinO! th is ca n not !! spoken in ou r la I

reason 'ripon e nu-s; Ie au ing s P C 5. and d' rent to be eernpreh en de the rei n, I As for e a pie, spea k g of t powe r

of Magicie"s, "the fi rst boo k s ~ Cha pteri I say, at they

ca n sudden Iv use ba brought v t them, .all i ndes da i ntie d lss hes, by th i r f.a miltar ~pirit: Si c as a t hi he de' htes to stea Ie, a nd a a ~pirite, t1 e can s btlltle & s dde n II I noug h t ra nspert the same-Now vnder t is ge., us, av be ompre·

hendad .a I p rnc ulars, depend i thersupo Sue .as the

bringing Wine ut of a Wa II. (3~ a Lie hea rd to h e bene

practiged) a nd sue h ot hers: wh I pa rtic:~ ta I'S, cientlle

proved by ttl reasons of the e ern I, An d

ia!l, and fih Chap, itc:he'S can, V 1: he s ases: Now by th the' Deu of di

t Witt h-craft in s e a rgLim ents, th.a their Ma'Ste r, ure or cart on d reasons s, th at preues their powe

g!!n!! ra II, is .a II prou@ d thei r

ing the nature of some m en. to

and ma kl ng to sbou nd in ot e

eeu rse of "a rs wou Id pe rm .

pOI rticu I.a r sick @SS!!S; But one th i

all t he se p lace . IN he re I reason the d lferent e ds & scopes, that Devil! as nis in u ment a nd seco

I!Hl,J11!! in hich i~ nd the II these

.a rtl ones of t @ D@uilr (.a s God .a ng-manc] Fa r w

deu i lies intent n in the m i s eue 1: peri sh. eit. er t h t he body, 0 r th of ttl e m, t nat h j $0 permttt to d God by the c ntra !"ie, d rawes e e out of th hi m5E!ffE, @ith r by the wr.a c k@ 0 t @ wicked in his ju e, or I

by the t rya II the patierJ1:. an mend ment th e ithfu II.

being wa kene vp wit n that of correct- n, Ha I g t n us;

dec la red vnto hee then, my fu II ntion in th Trea - e, tho u

021 F~~


excuse, I eu bt net, aswe I wnole p rtku I .. r ritas an d es: as a lse heir i nfi" ite and J)E!rtin@nt to mv

y prew rmittin crates of t

U de-rfu II praet i es

nte5i, concern ing H YPERIV5r & HE

d !! ITO ures, cce ptatlc n, Ibid




..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

I AM"Su rely regia a m of opin io ,that e ca n better wtwrof I sta i" g at doubt, nor a

cou kI hau II! I'IlE!:tt •

EPI. In w nat I ca freelie tell my 0!!:lv content

nat e I ike to speir at ion, a nd if I P roue it


fu m istws purpo Witth@s?

EPI. Surelie tney to"fessions in th cuntrey.

PHI. No questio deubtes,

be true. bilJt

EPI. What p..a rt

PH I. EVen of a It oug t I can yet perce

t here is SiIJ en a t it( ncraft 0 r Wit you to re-s:oll,le '5U ndrie in that m

EPI. I st1 aU 'Wtt h d iffiCiller, si nee



Contra negante- prl nCIl:ua no nest

urn. Alw.<I i s r that pa IT, m t witctlc ft, ;jJ nd

nd a e. the former pa elea rei i proved

ptu ("@'5.. oil n the- ast bv da il ie- ex p r

e me Sa u Ie s Pyt nrsse: eu that as ill not rna f! m ch for you.

lace. but diveN ottl e mue forme?

ason es art he e, first Vee may bled In sp rit. a d havl ng fa~ed 0 g befo . leth, a"d bing erne to a woman t at was knowl@d& • and h itt to i nq uire- 50 po rtant i!!W5, he

gu i!tie a nsc nee for his ha i es off~n M. and

for d1 at vnla-wfu I (uric j e. and herrib Ie

n the '5U d aine in

tla'I/@ su having ~pecial • defecti n

~ no 'INCI under I uld not pereea in an othar c a me-r. .a n d7 The





re-tell onelie me.

10 -. ~

risen, SaLlie tne n was

e text, ye. w· I finde givi ng you Sau I g of t ha d las & s none of th 1: craft e) yet it is evi ent by elsa n spirit w s fu Ily

n Saul. For it is id!! in th@ , that

to be mue I, wh lch co LJI e not hau e eene, by nely fan olde m an with n ma n~ t s ine there

Id m " dead in Israel or Samue Ii d the

th who Ie Cu ntrev s rna nti Is. As to the

not t e s;pirit of Sam ... e L .sr.a nt: In the rov ing e no to in-s-I"-'t. since a II nrl"-'tia n s of hatso-

pon that: a"d I'll mere

@ s nares, and ju Ii!!! pennitt!!s em to use they wo Id not as to tne I~elles t he knewes not a II , tha Tr.agit:.a I @"II@nt it,. <wh lch t he wit woman cou I neve r that he hath a ny prescience, h len is yet knows (I nie t i Il8 by 10k ing vp· on

u r (01 t he good An,cels !!) he b@ing f r auar

he f.a erable presence of hls

l 2. Cor 11. ]4.

Vf!rie- lik But to p tl1 ing a'S the Sen IJ

ught by ;jJ n co nti nual tion, j dges by likelie·"o od that h ath passed befo r , the vici~~it Llde of a II t in I.,g of him in a tu rne, a te haue bin .n this, wh

pI!!! ril!!! nee, ~@ r i 1lge'S to eerne, nd the natu ran e-s; worldly: Or ".;0 10 resse ne f we fi nde the KinG Ach.a b 1. ca n be such a mo places I., in the law of

wer@t that cr Pytnon? recite-

Phar.a ohs wise -rna n im . to harden the ty(.a n 5 uell to Sault tnat diso .II To compa ffi to a th i., ;Fou rth lie, was not Sim n e, 'lNa5 'She that h mera ble other places t t

lay CLi rses, CI r n I.,g that to be Second lie it is an@ number e art there by.

agIUS, a man of the !;pirit of ere irkes;om to



die of

the praetners of the e n lawfu II a rtes ion of these artas. A d q uh at ;iI rl! the ny to practize them.


1]. ~ng. 2 f:<od. "2

~ E.:II:od. 7 S.

·1. So.:Im. S_ 5

Acts. 8.

(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-



u '.

BVT 1 h n ke it ve-ry .a ng@, that God ou permit a nie- rna n-

kynde s nee they bea hi'S owne I mag ) to II in sc gross~ and

fitth Ie erection.

[PI. A.I h u.c h ma n in ad@ to th@ I m.age of 1. yet th ro u.g his: fa II h avin on e lo§;t it. it ls but aga ine I., a p r1 by gr.a ce one Ii to 11 e elect: So aU the

Ii g away from oct a re give n r i the hand es of the h e nemie, to ra h is Im.age-~ n d ei ng 0 net! 'So give: n greatest a nd the g rossest im fe.ti is the p leasa ntest. delytef~ II 'lin them.

PH I. B t m.av it not '5U ice him to hOI U ind r@t:tly the ru Ie-. and

he perdil ion of so maole 'SO les .allu ring th em to

d to the folio I.,g of their ow ap Ite~ -5U P pose he

n so rna nv imp Ie seules, in m a i ng the m diroolie

I dge him for t e-ir rnaista r,

IJ re lie. for he vses eve ne rna , IN 0 m of 11 e hath the

rule, rdi n8 to ttl ir co mple}llio" d nowledge: A"d so

who m e fin des m '5imploE!:, ha pla in I if:!: d i 5COV~r'5 h imse-tfu vnto t e . For hee be ing the e ne mi e m n s Salvat ion. vses a I t he ntra ppe the m s tar in h I s sna res, as it

tl1 e rsafter (su they weu lei) to rid

n soma, but n in all.

16m ..

E I. G forbid,

b anche : The on o a nd a refusaU


in .again 51 tha hoi i G host ha h two backe from the w ole service of G 0 prewptes. 111 e ot er is, the ding of nowing ttl at tney oe wro"g ga in !it

C@, an the testi moo ie- t the "01 ie Spirit..

st of he sweetne-s of d'S me rcles . Now

t'WCI, a I sertes of Neerom nee r".;, Ene ante rs pretl e ned: but in tt1 e last none but u en as led,ge- nat 1 haua spoke n f.

that the re .a re more rtes nor on , that

ers of is se-rvice: an d if s be, I pray u tell

are pri cipa lhe two sertes, whe that ntl appi e rte are redacted; whe re

nto aU t he pa rtes the one i ea lied

u? .a nd how rna n le .a re the mea nes, were by rsc nes in anie of t hsse s" re'S?

E I. Eve C riO$jti in grea d eply pprehen

rough reat pc

o el.e t e intice her t are the

th ree sslones t hat a re itt! in ou r el LIe'S:

I ng In e : th rirt of revs n ,to r some tortes d: or greed ie a ppetrte of ge are, au sed rty. /It. to the- ti rst of t" S@, Curios- ,it is nt of .agiciens, 0 r Ne e anc lers: d the of the So rcere rs, r Witches. f r that ing a spirite, he sasi lies es ou r



14 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

affections, a n so our wracka,

e vs c

The sign ifleat n s a d Etymologie~ ne words of M le a d

Necroma "cie I ne iffe renee bet\.! i

craft: Wtl at ar t:t1!! antressis, an d b ninges, that b ri s a n e

to the knowle ge t ere of.

I Woukl gladli fi Neeroma neie.


s it that ye call

i@ in tha em plator 0 r I

hi d'I bei ng fir;t d a me n~ ttl e

nee of tf1 e true i n rtie, was estee

reputed amo st t em, as a princi I v@rtu@: An d ttl refn r

w.a s named v j ustl with a n hone b e stl le, which na Gre eke-s, I ml ted, gen eraUy I mpo i a II these kl vnlawfu II arte -

And thi-s wo {Greek Nek Propnecie bV vnlawfu II scif! ce y the fi,cu rE principa I part of t at art, to ca rtag€'$ in ttl ir d I

word. compou d ed wI'1icn Is to s y. t e ~ given, to tnjs lack oche, be(a'l.l5@ it is a hem sel Ll5 wit de d

EPI. su re lie, ted renee \lU lga re

me rrie, and i.a ner true; to r th

betwixt t he m, - say, that the W-


and s la ues to the Devil; b IJt the Nee rom

ba true, yt diny man b!!i ng s pscts Ily ad- d to

e his co-mande rs?

flY be~ but it is onelie sec ... ndu m quid i F it is

n ie po r ttl at tl'1@¥ COl n home- ove r him, but @ he r by he cbhee s himse H in so me trifle"§; t he m e a on he ethe r p.a rt 0 btejne the fru Ibo n of the r body Ie wh th i the on lie tl'1 ing he h untes for.

ve if. i -lI1:'qu ita ble contract fcl'SClctl'l: But I p r you

ee, wh at 1$ the effect an cI secreets of tl1 rte?

r Ia rge- an fi@kJe ye ,giu@ 11l@!!:: V@'! I 51'1 d O@

-w II, t e su mmarli e 1 hat I ca n, to nJ n ne th ro the

nes tl1 e reef. A~ the re a re two sorts of folk to tl'1 is a rte. to wtt, lea rnsd or v nlearne

aa @ 5, whit: h a r@ t ha first 5tt!f! ref'S vp & f!!: ios ie. he re by to ma ke 1:tJ ~ m to giue the mse m : W icl1 two mea nes, I ca II tl1 e DI\le Is seh 00

es. e lea rn ed 11 aue the ir curios itie wa kene

e- y th t wh ir::h I COlli 1'1 is schoo Ie-: t his is the- Ast

r Fo d i rs men having ana in ~d to a great pe tie

In, remai n~ng overba re (a lasl of t ne 5

a d frutes tnereofi find ing all nat ura II , a we I to the stu pide ped ants as 'IInto thev nd· ate V 1'1 to th em a g reater na me. by n

th co rse of th I ngs heave nlie, bu t likewise to things to come thereby, Wl'1ich. at t wfu II vnto them, in respect tha &rou nd p ceed of natu ra II ca uses onelie: they by t hat find I ng t he I r practize to prooue-

nges , th@'Ij

onlie I m to fim

Ui ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

su ndry th i ~ , they !it ud ie to kn moo ntin.c f m degree to deg vneertaine s I e of eu riO'Sitie; t wh@(@ lawru I artas or soleness mi nees, eve to seeke to that Magie. Whe ,find I ng at the fi tire les & ton u rations rig"tlie j ~

d iv@rs fOnTH~ of spiritesr to f@SO attributing t doing th ere of, to t in he rent in e cirdes: a nd man

wra pped in; hey bh"d I ie glo ri e tkeir quickn of ingine, mads a .and w~re b come E mp ereurs

Whe re, In t e mean e tl me ( ra

become in Y Me deede, bond-sl u 'So and their k owledge, fo rail th noth i n.s in c ased, e xce p:t in kno He II for puni h me nt there of, as the forbidde tree I

T"e De5Cri p n of the Rudi ment

@ntr@SS~"5 to @ arte of Magi!!: n betwixt A5tt' nomre and A'it1'O 10 i d I ue rs pane",


BVt I pray likewise forget n

rud irne ntes.

l Grn. 3

use the reof. and n ttl i!!! '51 ipperif! ;jJ at last entise d, th t

satisfia t n@ ir rest I S vnlawfLll1 .,;cience uc h d iuers forme",

of their doubts: a d r in-s;epa ra b I ie tyed, r of God. confu",ed e ives, as if they t1 ad

of PlutO@s dom in io r

Stygia n h.a bitad wretc he~) they a heir mortaU enerni pr@su me thsreof,

II, an d the horrors 1 wa s bV t he eating

hee le, wh leh a re t e @ciall the d iffer@ n s LI slen of Astrologie n

02 1 F[)ft~~

I I 1"1 I

II fi rst in gene

word!!!, herbs. out natura II ca of practi q UE!'S, fr@ it ,0 r other lik

wi'! it h ca 1101: a bide tr Lie tOLltche

ict1 is ca II ed h is 'LISi@d by ise a II kin de

PHI, I wo Id haue yo to make that p ynerz by 0 e particular @xamples for you r p po!i ition is v@ri@ G!!:n@ rail.

such kinde

a common I ie 5, for prase-

d afte wi as vses, tor healing of fers ru ing the ITO m eu ill eye:!i, by kn itti kinde of erbes, to t e ha ire or ta i Ie of the ~~: By CIJ ri ng tt1 e Wor ,by ~m i ng of blood, bV t1 ea II ng 0 H rse-ereeres by tu rn in of the ridd I ,or doing of s u h like inn era ble t hi"8s by word 5, wit hout P fllyjng .a n ie t ing, m~ !!: to t ha pa rt offended, as Med rein rs d O~; Or else by rtayin rie d to lke~, to ha ue na tura II ie ce wtth ott1 e {by k n I g ~o ma n Ie knottes. v " a poynt t the time of tn ir maria J nd 'Such-like

th ings, w ich man 5 to practise in their I'Jl@

vn lea rn ~ me n (b~i natura llie cu ri IJ'S. and

knowled of God ~ n des the-re pra

su nd rie them wil doe, by the

d !!:C@diU in I1l@ n, and ot bV.a n ie in he

worde-; a d freites; bei n.s de-sirous win ne

tt1 e ~I u s in such&11 eu rnes, they e itt1 er (if

sha mefas e r so rte] s eke to bee I rne cI bV

@xperim!!: ted in th.a Arte, (not kn i n.c it to b auill at the

f rrt) or be ing of th e grosse r 50 ,nJ n nes d i ct lie to the neu ill for a m bit Ion 0 cesi re of gal ne a nd pia i e contraete s witn him

PH I. E!J ut t hin kes h ese mea nes IN ich vee al the Sch 00 Ie and nJ d i ntes of ttl De !JilL are th In e s 1a'Wfu II a d hsu e be ne

approoued for SiIJ in aU times a '51:: ienCf! of A'51:rolo ia, wh idl is onf! t ne Mathematicq

[PI. There are t from ttl e begin., i t ne Plan ers, SU

thinge'i wh lch In the seen ce r and such like;

om ina ry motiona • wh ich fur that Wh ich word is a c mPO LIn d of IG fee t nat I'S to 'Say, t ne w of the Sta rres.

of the me moors f the Math e mat i but mast n !!a!S rie an d comma n ArtroIogJa. being com peu nded of logo'S J wh I ch is to 'Say, the wo Ill. an

Wh ieh is deu ide din two partes: Th t ke pOWE rs of si plas, and sicke

seasons a nd the ather. being nJ

p.a It d epe nding \I n t he forme r, a It

pa rte of Mathema ic:qu es: yet it is " lie vsad, s uppa!ie not so n !![.@S;S;iUie

former. The secon part is to truste as there by to fo -te II what com decay: wnat pe nes sha II be fort

side shall win ne i .at s:ingu la r corn b e: What W3'i. and

What nOr5€' sha II in ne at matt he hke i nered ible t ni r wtlere in ca rd a d i uarse ot hsrs ha I!!! more cu nousl i then p la rge. Of 1 his: ote last spo ken of. sprin bran ches: such s the knowledg by t he Cneiroma ncie,

Geoma ntie. Hyd mante, Arith m tie. Ph~ no & a

t housa nd ethe rs: if: h were m ueh cti'Sed, hold n in mat

mue renee bV the entlas of elde. An th is last p rt of st logi e

02010 ~~


wt1 ere I ha ue spoken. wh ic" i called them pa rs tcnu n~. T is pa to be tr sted in. or practi:zed mo"g no you d of natural reason: & it . before t e eeu ils; $1: hole.

manie of the learn

E PI. I gr nt, yet I co LJld ,giue m reaso my opin n, If to enter into th 1"-' d 1"-' pu quite 0 the ground of our di of tha hole dai!! ttl !!r@ upon:

th e m. that in the Scriptu

grou nd a II uu e Ch ristla ns)

pia inelie forbjdde n, to belee

Prop hac @s & fore-spsakas starres,

How fa the vs ing of C ha

n of the formes of

WELL. haus

pmou@ @ now ttl itt th@s!!: char or

vn lawful : for so, rna nv h on & me

pu b IjdJi practired some of t accuse t em a I of Witch-craft. b!! bela !!:d in.

1 lerern,

bra nehes,

0201 F~~~


ent a rie opin iCI n

lerernle 1 - is; n to them t at ot the Pb nets &

he a nd Con u rationes. nd waa ie thereof,

at rgu na rall pr.a etl rq ues r@ ie en 'INCI men h ue at I thin e If ye wo Id affi me ore "or ye ill


t ke ac:.ti5.@ on IV

,irkle and art 0 defe ion from G


PHI. e haue rea $ait n: Thoey that 'Su spon as, But now t hi~ a e of Magie.

[PI. ra t ney bee hOI u i a ny knowl black a rt: th ~y th e Mal r, by conj

e once V" (wh!!ther inne to be clrtkle$:

e natu rf! of nat wordr bene in th i's (I ubt, nor Fe r a ttha LI8 .:is none s Llbject to 1: e maste r pra ctl ee (for u d Ie the

nor offe nsiu ; a"d it IS as ot the off noe.] The mmitting a horrible

hat reades a d learnes bject to an - se heeleS to put th to the

. orantly pro es; these ru lents, vn kno Ing t hem ppi ng su d1 a God will fa Ik@'5. I sa ie. no dou bt, they vse 1'10 nvocatio n

lea~) in th tu m es,

Satl1 ans ssru ce; Y-et to k@ but for selfu) I or in my 0 inion our ke (e)(cept t e graata r rein hoe prea es to tra p

he com men Pro~ erbe uill. halle nee e of long rda in the de of

t I perfection d or vnlaarn e of the rai':ii bott1 50 d-

euilt in ) of this of their

m met" pia inef

co ntraet with him. CI n d e ffu eta '5.

H I, But 1 pr.aye u or !! uer you

me-w of thei r cirekles and con]

e the cue of the r wea rying d1 e re

at for she ul be lesse Ie a

oa fu rther, di'5.00 urse m@ rationes; Ar.d what !;h 01.1 Id : F or it sheu Id see me that u II yet, ttl a" ttl e direct .a nd vnde.a ne 5pi rite,

PI. I th i e ye ta me to be a Wi h my selfu, or at the lea ~

uld fa n '5iweare yOiU r selle prenti to th at craft; AI waies as I :ilV. 1 'S .a I shortli satisfla you, in hat ki nda of conj u ratio ns,

it h a eonteln d in such booke wh ich 1 call t he De u illes:

hoole: ere are fou re prln cl pa II a rtasr the persons of the

; the act- n of the eenju r ion; the wordes ;(II nd rites eff@a,: and the 'Spirites .at are conj u rad. Ye rnu 51 ber to laye the gro Lind that I to u kI you before: hat It is. no po-we r in here t In t he circles, 0 r in the the na es of God bla phemeu slie V5ied: "or in r rites 0 t:@re mon las at at time vsad, that eit he r ny infe all spirit. or yet I mitat him pe rfcree with in ttl ese cl es, For it I'S he e lie, t he father of a II !yes,

fi I"5l a II pre scribed t t forme (If do ing. fe i ni"g

rna ndsd & restr nad tha rebv, w il be ksath e bo ... n es of these i nju iones; aswell there by to g lory In the im p Iring oue him (as I sa ide before:) As;

ma ke tl i selfe so to be t r sted in these litt Ie th i nges. hOI ue t e bme r commo iti!! th@reafter, to d@ot:ei ue

e m in h end w' h 3 trlcke 0 nee a It I me an e the euerlast-

i g perd I n of th Ir soul & body. T en la~ng thi~ ground, as I

aue sal , nese co jurat ienes must a ue few or mo in nu m be r ths p nas co jU(@1'S (alwa ies sing ttl!! siagu ler nu m ber) cordin 0 the Q a liti~ of the circl . a nd forme of a ppa rition,

pri p.a II th in es can not well that e rra nd be wa Moo:

u ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

ho lie· water (w re by th e D u i II meekes t Pa prasant of a li ing th ing v to nim. Ther ar Ii I!!!wis.e ce seasons. dayes nd heu res, ttl at they 0 bs rue n t nis p~ Th@'5@ things ing all readla, .a nd pr@pa d, C rc!@os aretria ngu la r, q ua ra ngula r, ro nd. double 0 'Si ng e. acCCI rd'

t he 10 rme of a p.a rltion th t ney era us, ut s;peake

the ci rd of t ne in nu m ra bl eha raete

c rOSSf!S .a itho LIt, :a nd 0 t-th ugh th e

of th e dlue rs rmes of a pa ritione§;, t t th t craftie spi rit

illude'S, them w h. and of II such partlc lars i that a n. I

remit it to 0 er-man ie t at ha ue bus ed e ir hsad

desc nbing ot t e- sal"ll@; as b!!ing but cu ious, .a nd al ......... ..".......

vnprofita b Ie. d tI'I is fa onel ie I to c h, hat wh e

conju red Spirit ppeares, hieh will not e wile afte r tire urnsea nees, eng praters, and rnue h mu ring n d rnu r U ring ot the- con] ure ; likt! .a P p ist priest, d spat ing.a h nting Masse: how §;o e I say, he ppea res. if t ey h ue mlsse one iote of a II the I .. rite.,;~ or if a V of t he I r fe eon $Iyd ou .. the

c ire Ie through te Jl'(I r of is fea reful p.a ri ten, he ye'5-

hi m5E!ffE at tha ti IIlf! in his wne- ha nde, th at ue debt h ich t hey ought hi, .3 nd at he rise would h ue d laved 10 hs ue pave d n I : I mea ne h e ca rries the wit t1 im bod i

'Sou Ie - If th is not "OW a ust ca use to

[0 nju ratio , I Ie-.a ue it t yo u to judge(;01'1 §;ideri n.g t h long--'SCI me esse of the labo r, the p ec lse

kee ping of day s and heu (as I ha ue id) e te .. rible esse

of appa ritio n, nd t ne pre nt pe rrsll th t th sta nde

missing th~ If! st c i re urn nee or fr@it@ t h@y" 0

obserue: And n the other parte, th ~ u i I is gla d to ooue

t hem to a pia I nand sq ua re dealing with h m as sa Id boefo e.





tw"o pa rtas: the Deuils,

ntract witn t e M g iei ns: T e diu is on thereof in hat is tha d - God!i mi radas ;jJ nd


INdeede the ttU! n to ru n with. But go become on

EPI. From ti

him: The e formes and inte rrupted f rst of t nat by formes, I them when wt1 at special vnto them, greater, ac tl1 e formes, oolfe to ap name wnich !! '5ohe'W@!i vnt catt.e. an Ap or su ch-I ike W".1'/OO 0 nlie , e effect~ a

q Hal itie oft !!'5e ing to the s il an some oftne

eoncernes c or such cthe

im, if t h we reo wi!ie- he- de-tt

u tCI t ese tu nes, fra they

But to the t1 imselfu, to an'50we rs, of ha sua nt of ba estate of co mo nweltho;, nd s ch ike vea, to 'SOm he will be a cont n ua I .an

02010 ~~~


ontraet wit" thlnges: in re It not vee all; I spealce

s hi Ife to tnem)

he s h II come vnto es, I ndersta nd, In selfe 0 be subject @ftf! s, is Ie sse 0 r Magi 'an. F or as to em h obll~ hes t1 im

r menageryi

e will obllsh to giue sueh cernlng the t q uesnons: forme of .a

24 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

"II pe rmit ni

OCOJpv~ is. plaine tnerein

ccnseq e ntlie. wa'S .3

that ttl brui ke the

by damned ich ha ou Id not reu . I thin e no Ch rlsna

l Mit,S,



once thi n e it 8 ut by the co era rie of h crt" des vp wit h his sea Ie: f secrec co"te nted with a" hu mble - ncran ce n !!OE!:s;s;ar for ou r sal uatio n, ut to r th ese for es, where in Satha oblis he of the M if: ta ns, are wou nd rfull CIJ corraspen ent vntc t ne sa m ~ Fer h te ach the a rtes din d sdencs , wh ic" SCI I earn a knave as he ls: To ca rri parte of t e worlde. wh lch t e agilit I perferme ~ to re ueala to the the se b!!!ing ths bee once spoken r GOD; ex pt so far .3$ ve~ m one wtl 0 I d ou btle~ lie lea rn

tl e wi II ke his seheliers to

fu r@'-t!!!lIin t ham rna ni!!! gre

FOr if all re fa lse r he wou

alwa le s d ubtsome • .a s hi.,; 0 th e m to leaw Prince'&. by G1 rry@d ins hort spac@ fr.a the rthest

man dou but he ls a thi~fe and his

rna kes hi ede, ~

scholl ers - h fa ire a rrnies appear.a n e, castles .a nd fort

in the al ,easelie gath~red .3 SPI I

tt1 at su nee hi tm.elfe: As i Ii ke

marne [u rnannas s n S;i!!S t n@reby: an q ues: wh· hare pro uen by 0 ar acqua i ed with that ltal n calle rs pe rte, nd yet a re all tI1 se th in d no w.a H!'5 true n su rought by King Ph ~ For tnat is the di

ueh myste rles, ba rom met" 'ItS t Y bej"C ttl mges not r e to the pu i -:;eWe to the g

u ; so are the e'I"NJIl"l"otll II oblish h imsel y !!.as!!liE!: doe, m newes from n i.e f a Spi rite may ea elle t s of anje parson r so o ht nona knOWf! but y heir cou ntena nc ,a s t e Physiognomje: e a, dite wit h prj nee , by rte true, pa rte lse: at all ha nde s: but

nd he will also ake

!!ra bla fa lsa p r n his: age: A5- they oro yet II u Ing. can

but d eludi ng of the I Sf! Jt-



t he De~ ik, God is a c


PHI. Surelle- ye haue said be as

in what rna ner, not joyned sue: to wale and co forme of rna ki the Mag,;cian-s 0 h I" sehele-ma

TI1-e reason wh t ne a t key mente: An w no


ea re in m irade,

&id ns, rna id t ha ir c .3 rei se nses: as V th other. For It is r se n s, smce we see 1mb! .an hundreth the a ies 1: he n they

co tract. It is. in a eu il bu nts for in a II

e, if all that yeo


that crime.

(I- (I10F~~


ade this arte to appe hat I pray you shal to be lawfu II. for as

rie menst rue us & said to such .i3 s ill as you haue ma de

1.1 "5JV, they sa u r of the pa nne them
rrA d yet I u lei be glad to he are t
p rincl p.a II le. that eu ea rd ~ed: besl de
nded vpo n the co .... roue rb (that the
mands the De u ill, ye h aue a I ready
is grou ndsd vpon i3I @d customa: Th@
h oritie, which sc me 0; i nfall ible. Vpon
at d I uerse Ct1 rl'Stia n n 5 a nd Magistrates:
e ue r-see Magician 5
dom i 0 ions; but @ uen 0 !!:-ti mas d@light to
me of t he ir practicqu . e ether reason is,
b rought vp (as It - eK reslle s:aid in the
he science'5- of t ne A ian 5; wlole reof no
of the prjncipa II@s.
ing God r as he did,
lie a rna n, cou Ide not
of you r r!!:.asoo@'50, gro d d upon customs: I
P::! ca n ne Lie r be acce ed to r a good law, to r
ora nee of t he 'INCI rd in some Princes and
e eentern pt the mol hers. moues them
sinne @avel- ;iI i nst th !!ir offiCE! in poynt, As to the
her rea one, ch see mes to be of g r w~ight, if it were
rmed i a S",II me; it beheeuee to b in anie te nne 5, and
II of fal acjes ( s pe alee in termes of gi ue) for first that
at g@n rail pm siti 00; affirm ing M S- o be ta ught in aU
e sclen 'iof e AEgyptiaM. s he Llld n lude that h e w.a s
ugt1t In Magie. see n 0 neces~ity. Fo w m ust vndef"5ta nd 02(110F~~


d there, spea kin

a rf! iii I~ for ~xcept th y be I:ilwfu I, h ~ .d re but

called sc - nees, &: a rs but ig ora nees in ee de: Na m he mo 5, non st homo. Sacond I ,giu inc. tnt !!! had bene ta i it. the i~ great d iffe re n • betwil(t n wledge and pratti i g of a rh ng (as I ~ald be r) For knoweth all

t hinge • be i.,g a ies good. and of 0 r si" ne

hour - no ranee, Tnirdl ie, g u ing th nd p r.acti ed the sa me (wh i h is more

lseu eel by any Ct1 rlrtia n) yet Ie: now

befo r t at e ue r t e spirite of God b fle!d 0 t of AEgypt be i n.g fnurtie y-E.a of an yptian, nd in his goodca lie d a the flrie bus he. ha u I.,g re yea re i exile i so tI1 at su ppose he man i the wcr e b!!!fore, h@ tha

rege n r rna n, a very litle- of old

Abra h Ido late r j n Vr of

ei ng called Si:l u Ie, God, wi1 il@ that

o monst rue LJ~ II Inough, that s, ne was

r ha slaoghter e lande. first her fourtle wic Ice dde-st

h.ang@d and ined in him. re he was



bt, that sereere ter, as the lr er

erltes: and the greate r st tne holy

a II SILKh as

tell to anYr e 50 'lfnlawfu II se: for that

02010 ~~~




ost ce



Ihble: Nunquam

be: And it but an

Ma.gie r N scroma or W h.c;raft.

rH:eming Sorcsrle

mouth ; and pI! there r sO wei she r1e- as I ca n,

he trueth shall 50

Magus in tne ne Seoon lie, whe re

rtt es. As in d Moys;es 5 likewise s ~mon arne nt as t nat ve impor1€"5-. u Id oppon t ha d.a il e pra icque, &

02010 ~~~


el a nche I icq u hirdfy, if Wit !!nh, {.a s the

is t nought likewise ima.g in ati s of si mp I@ ra ui

es ha d s u h pcwe r of Witch in y they h e] thara had b@nl! world, but he-y: at the Ie.a st, no tsceu ere ate. cou Ide h.a ue

~3"SO ns a s I a ke. a r grounded th fi rst of t em the Sc ript re: The '5eCO nd aff rmatlve on tl e t hirde pen the eerea in e p ofe of e pe-

ienc~. As to mast true in d@.f!de, that all 1!'5@

lse me n of Magic la ns of arts: I ikew' it

ppeares we I nisse, w~h who m u I consu ed,

s of that sa : & so was Simon agiU 5- But e

mittad to sp @ of Goo, wh@rei .a re .a II ,gir

'an s, Diu in ~'5. reerers. Witches, wha't'SO LJ r of

at IOnde th con", ultes rt n t he De u il L plain lie proh ib ed, nd a like th rs t ed aga i nst And beside 5 that. stl wt10 nad the pi rite of Pyth ,i n th@ Act s 1, who SI! Spirite wa t he Apo'itl~ ou Ide be- n othe r thi ng but a

Itch, jf "Ie ad it the vulga di""tln ction, to be i a rna ner t ue,

ereof I spa in the be nning of 0 ur cenfe r "teo For

pi rit whef@by he con q u ad su ch Gdiin@ to h r MaSh! r,

ot at he r ra i i g 0 r com nding . a s she pleas: d to a pp

ut Sip.a ke by h to ung, as I publlc:klie, .a s pri ua lie: Whe

he seemed draw nea r to the sort of e mon ia ke t conju net n betw"ixt t ha m, ha not be-n t: 3$ it ap a red by her, not b ng to rme ted her c:onq erting of such gal ne 0 her ma e rs

ie said.) to you r second roe SO" you., ed

attri butin thelr confession I!S or a p pre: @n r

Act. 16,

!ill ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

sic ne s, to a natu ra I

kna Lie ry wit h: For blacke, hea u ie and te rrene, 'So ill i:l"Y persones; tha are '5'" bje d@"5ir@ of soleude: .a nd if ths t herof, mere fcl le a d Ma n ie-: .......... .,....." nember of them t euer hau Wittht raft, as may be present

m a t'togethe gl uen ue I ha .. mti"C II and vnla

.a:nswe ra, For if ttl@ d@ uill th@ i r $1: riptu reo; teac heth VS, su ppose h re we re no ~ n no r 0 to be t1 i$ Inst ru me tes, ne co I fl nde wales nough

an ie he I pe of oth rs to wrac I rna nle in cle= wher @mploves his IN no s;t udy, and (.a s PETE R 'Sa it h) 10th at etfe we re set down re the fo~ wh i eh he hath not power i" t

besida a II ttl isr the is ousr @ te :a carta i

t hey are. by the- d i III eJCpe-rie-n ~ of the ha rm

II. P~. 5



oeue r th ing m

will perm it i!!! m to ttl i!!! i nstru ma n

as i my disc ursa of at arte, vee sh 111'1

ssasses, wh eme

to trou bit! or vis e, rn elea rs lie prou d.

The Etyrnolo Ie .a.,d f @ntr@ss.and p th craft.

ificati on of

rei of Sorcerie - he gi uss thernselu to

• into 0 'S(I rts, lea rn

dan tha m n eths r and of basse degree pra ises th I craft to you be re] t ne ser ic@. fur uch of he lIu res to follow i

and wo rid lie c:ommo

to ke ns: If a pe ra It that na me re ites. as that c



desperat eesi re of g~ their tu me sat" i@ noted nowe, tf1 at th t

no rH~, tho u.c h tou r h d h any ofth

he fir;t finde an e r!; e red dy for ignora nee of the pe e dea 15 wit or else by the. r C(I r I tharn in an vttar d pi, tor one of t hat I ha Lie spoken of e prepa res

(rafte tv in the Ir h U , a nd filling

witt1 d espai ra, wh i I fin de the

hi m5E!1f vnto tham, A h ictl tlma,

sol ita rie in th e field s r else IVi r.g

alwa 15 without t he any of a nv

or in I ike"esse of a inq u i res of t

and :prom ir '5.@th tne , u dda i n@ .a nd

vpen CO ndition 0 n t e h er parte, t

and do such thln.g 'S he wil requl

boeing prepared bef a nd, as I t1

@a!i@ lie: .agreed vnto tna d!! rna nde other tl)'irt where t may meet befo re t1 e proceed e a y further witn them to addict the I es to his se

obt@in@d, he the-n d to ren u nee their Go a marke vpon some soa re vn ne aled. t ker@afie:r @ ua r in SI!!! by any, as i~ ea iii e as In that doin.g, he [l"d well doi n.g tne t hat, t ha intollera b I

he hath ma r ked th

t hem rest, wh lie ot"erwa ies they


m by prom ise , to bl!!! iles

e-:ldremit las, e- eept ithe r bV the reat d with an eull life, God. And fi ding !!S@ two fo rmer ~ W V by feeding he m em urther and fu her roper to dist uar har vpon their Wi1 king Mi in thei r bed but er, e either bV a v yce, at t rou bles t em:

ars what n@ aa pti sme d i place of ttl his "eKt

it b nipped or pri k@d a rocfe therebv, that ale hem: so a II ttl ir ill

e vp "t1im, And ides

e-Ie- n place, n t em, and not a in e: rea ring east h , bei ng as new




II inough unded yet.

bring af t h horn b1@ pm mise tney i"g. they i.e ht sku nn er at the sam

• At their th rda l'IlE!:eting, he m akf!5 ;iI rtorrne h is promlses. either by te et themsel es reuenged, jf they be ng t hem Ie O"Sr tlow bV moste vikl

ht!Y m.ay g.a ine, and

e of the ot:h

Pre "ti'5es. a fu lIie: or e: Is me tl im, at ttl eir I st m I it ba Ito

vn lawful I m ne 5, com moditie, . they


The Witche'§; to thetr ow to nne of tne

ion diu i ded in t I) ea rtes, The action ~'S pe r

pe ne s, Thei r actiones towa rd othe The

doring of the ir Ma ste r,


i r in itiati"g in ttl at 0 rd rE stes then at y!! i5cou rse 11 n their practises, fra t passed Pren i s: I would fa ne heare what is po~'!ti tl1 e m to pe rme in ve rle d de. Altho~gt1 ttl ey se

com mon M . h the Nee man eers, (as I na ue

sa id!!) vet 'Sf! him in ;iI n her forme. For as the m

are d i uerse, Ilu res the to th ese IoJn l.awfu II a

ge ru.n.g of 111; so by I~ erse wa les vse ttl ey

practises, (I n ri to ttl ese ea nes, wh it h f.rst the

VSf!d as instr ugh a I tan ding to one i!!

wit. the en I ra n n ie r .and c ros'Sing

propagat Ion H RIST. ~o fa rre as fyeth

possi b ilitje, - her other sene. or of the

t:t1!! i r Master or w !!r@ t:t1!! MOl ician 5, as a Ilu rad by c uri in the most arte their pra . ~'S. seekes principa Iii

sat isrying of t h sa me and to win n hcnoura and ~

elthe r to hu rte $atisfying of th wracke in q U h t hem to ha Lie 1a$1 poynt,

[PI. 10 two pa rt '5. thei their owne pe tewardes a nle will easilie

owne pe rson es O@uill illudes t @ 5e'O t hinge~, sc 'Say.e I the Ii

PH I. The., 1 pra you, persons, an d 'Yf @ ye. others.

EPI. Tothe e


So Go Ap.e!:r

ado at ion. ctise. For as ing of ougn es to


f.a I'5f! Ma ster, a ha e ceu nte rteite~ i h i s 'S~ t nat God presc 1 bed a t ne seruants of 0 D. him, '50 rna kas @ ttl!! PLI blid:: tv they a re n t he adoration d we wit:t1 "is sea le, the

in great n u be rs to I for his ser ice. As n hi pp 1"8 of G ,e:<ee era me nt of (I ptisrne i

ar~ .for the

Sat ha n, a nd co nu eene rna rked with that rna rk , 00 nt by God. teaehet pi ron uentions, how to vnclea ne s pi rite, in h is tl1e time of their co m lseh iefe: And era ues proosad inges p21'S'S!!d, he may the more 'Jiu times; ma kes his. 'S-Ia u wt1 it hare destin at an 0 ssrvantas of God (I me na h aue yet sa id. I not on lie but euen so to be In e€' eou nterfe iting God a t:t1 in ke: N. God spa ke b GOD had .aswell blc t1 ad not he the like r 00 rIA ice, with Alta rs, Pri h ad he nat th@ ll k@ 0 II respc nses by Vrim and tl1 e intra lis of beastes, actione s in the a i re 7 A. rE ueilad wtlat w.a s to {] SC(u.3 ntes: vsed he not tl1 ing.,; to come? Yea. e and impu ritie, & a pp not the I ike (though fa Ip::!~se meen Lie n lent. to muled he not I ",ay, so r th e i r bod ies claa ne and of nim? And fuyn@d h n vertue. a nd a lust re u moues; me. that a", t1 e I

g of him, that are not

1 al y 'Spa ks, ~ t:t1 i!!! Min i5t@ r

Iv at t e time of their pu blick spirit & truth: so that ea c heth h is Di~r::i pies, .at to worke all kinde of r t1 ornble and detesta b Ie

il es, makes me so to k!! .,!! not so by nis? A'S 'S oth ers withOLrt: bloud, IJ rc hes sa nctified to his;

2(10 ~~~


not spare a t kat I ha ue s pokan of concern ing th witches P'!~ fu r1 ne r, W itthes oft ti es confesses" on tv h is con u

t ke Chu rch with t ham ut h is ocr upyi of the Pu Ipit:

forme of a do ration. to e the kissing h is hi nd er pa

t nough It seeme rldicu us, vet may rt likewl% be tru 'We reade that in calic te, 1'1 e appea ri g in forme of bucke, h ath pu bl ickl i@ hat vn-honast homage do n@ by eue lie one of the pie: So a mhit' LJ!; is; he . .3 nd g he nou r (w hieh procu re tl i$ fa II) d1 at h will e uen Imita t nat pane. whe re it _ said, that M sss eou Id see hlnda r pa rtes of God, r the brightn@§: e of his gloria: that speache is; $p.o ken Lit {G r~e k a nG pwpa~eian}

CHAP. lUI. ARG are the wa ie'S ible. wherbv t e witches; may nspo t hemselees to place-s. fa diSita nt. And hat a r I mpossi b &me iUusiones of Satnan- An the reasons t rot,


Bvt by whilt way say t ey or t ni" k ye t pcssi ble tf1 at

com to th@'5.@ vn lawru I @ntic-s.?

EPI. The re is, the t njn me ttl eir se ns delu tied in. and t nough t ney life not in co "ressi "8 of it

t key th ink@ it to be tru ,v@t not to b!! in '5U bsta nee

for th ~y sa ie, that b d i~ ~ rse mean 5 they may

elthe r to the ado ring of ttl eir Ma r, or to the p

practise any se ruice his, eernrn itte vnte their eh

way i s natu ral, whit: h f he ure their Ma5ter co

l EiliO, 33

t G d, as w@1I in that as in ot har re po ible to him to doe. being a d, ing but a natu ra II me eere, to t a other a sol ide boo @ in racnse: But in th is - 0- le-nt

, b t a she rte bou ndes, re eing

V t me ttl e ir breath, for i it were rna in e vnID<ti rl8lJis" d, thei r nt & fnrcaa ble man r, 6S be: m II h (silt, h is; lif~ is; but i perre It

the ha rde or r t In8: If one fa II m an

y reeke, "is b a Ibe forceablie ba n is ed from

d i@, before: h@ ran i And in th ls tr ns ort ng they say the mse I M, that u lsi Me to a n I e at e r, exee pt a mong'St the Sielu e"S-;

a ts.o be possib opi nion - For if tf1 e d u i I rna y

fu r kinde of im p s he pleases in the ire,.a s I

ore. !;p~ak ing .a~, why mary he not fa e.3si I ie r

ObSiCU re "-'0 t h a r, hat 1"-' n ext a beut hem by it 5it rait toget er ttl the bea mes (If a y ot ne r ....... , ... ......" ..... the Si1I"n@, to '5@~ ttl m 1 But

t heir con uentlens ts, that r some of the m sa h, that of a I ittle beast or 10 Ie, they hatsca ue r he use o r Ch ure h.

e selie be Ie ued :





'- .. ~.-

ire l'I\dy e nte r in at, And SiO stil as in an eJ<tasy. ttl ei r s pir"

s, & Ci1 d to sue h places, e u ident kens, aswe I by wit lying se se !es;s I n the mean e t with tn mette. and giu ing ngst the , wnom@ otherw

en: for is forme of jOu rne in • t ney art ran S;pc! rted fro m on

ng to haa ra you r 0

a iues trattles a bo Lit t

m es me to th I nke that these a for the fo I "5. ca n @ ta r th rough so n.a rr

ea lie belee e that the DeLl.11 cou

fo r ve ring therof, s es that h ue seene t • as by na ing pe NiO

kens quh the:y co

hey affir

ome: bu the Gav ne, betu-

0201 F~~~


time to haue same time b@ en of their bei n.n so she rte '3.

ened, or wite @ houre, haue G a Dr to the fa belee-Lle them?

ate r ica [ie, may h

nge 1 es of h is, ilh,Jd sh 10 , whome wlth h makes them ; tha all the ir re pe r1 and toke ns, y eu@rie 0 ne gree with an

r act" nes, eit he r in rting, me nor r th 1 that they fa I~ ie imagine, .at ay b hi mselfe or nis rna rrowe 5, at

on @@d '"50 as if they uld giu@ fu r .a

r U 0; edt he death of uch a person ce t afte , whom they lee-LIe to h.a ue cI t t at i stan te, might 11 e not at tl1 at

JIl@ p@rson by !! perm I5.Slon

of the m, a nd to mcoue at he rs lie d1 e likelle-s-t 'aY, a nd most

41 "_~"_

a ceo rd i g to re so." wh ith my j udgeme t ca

and wt1 eu vther vnn atura II poyn of their c nfes ion.

An d by ttl ese e anes sh all we sa ill s u lie,

and 5c lla, in e ch@win.g the not bel!!e u n.c 0 the m ltog

on the ne p.a least that d r.awe vs to e e u r th th i!;

no W- he s: a n on the othe r p.a rte in b lee "8 of" m a fa Ili"g inte in nu mera Ie bsu rdi es, gainst all Th~o logie d i ina, and P ilcs



Witche action 'S towa rees others. Why he re re me of that craft n r me n jI' What tni nges a p g b Ie t eHectu by t e power of t nei r maste ,Tn rea SO" is tha su st re rnad if! of tha ha rrna d on by the


F orsoot you r pin Ion in ttl is, s@@mes with it an d se ee vee ha ue end ed, the properl to d1 ir owne pe rsones: $iJV rdss eths rs,

[PI. If'! to be

nes 'Vs;~d towarde-s ot he . th : F ir_;t ttl e ma ner of tl1 e I con




mea ns wherbv t he may do t:t1 at I"I'M!n h .. ue ado wit • tit! cau corpse • & to make powde t ereef, t:t1!! re 0 ngst, as

hr18 turnes h t ham to oynt dead iii: i.,g S~ eh (I e r th inges

her, pe mit mee I vee 1'1 ue put mee hat ca n be tha c:a us at craft, whe re ther i

are t

rnemorie there ne man?

is it ea ier to bi!!! i as was cuer well p of E~a at the begi th at s e '5oer1sine.

is fra iler tne ma., is. so

.a pped i 55e sn ares 0 the De: uill,

ued to true, the Se rpen dece i Lling

njng, w i h make him the ho elier with

te acheth, h w to rna Ice

Pietu of waX!! at by he rosting t er!!!of, the

perso n s; 1: hat the h name of, mav be ontin uall ie

melee or d ryed a nti., us II sickn esse. T .,;.0 me h ee

gi~ es eh stones r pou Ide a swill l'Ielpe to c u or cast on

d is@as 5: And to so e h@ t@ C eth ki n as of vn cout e payson'§., wi'! it h ed icinel"i nde rsta n "S not ( r he is fane Linn ingne r then n I., the nowl of all prietles of heth them com p sad of t:t1 i 5 natu rail)

thing 1: these t urn they

ing Go s Ape, a", we In tnat as d by h Sacra rnent wh it:: h are a hea !!n Ii!!! @tfuct, though no hem: nd as CHRiS by day &

(I- (I 0 F~~ B-o-ob



ught together, ope n

'5U P POS!! there W;ilS no vertue

applyed, 'So the De uill will ha u sht!'We'§. '5 it WI! ra of his doi ng, h ich hath no t ion in h s tu rnes with him. he fa rre that eu er

be a bus .n the contra rle. And as to the effect

maa nes, th@'l( iU@ so wou nderf II as • da re not them, hout ioyni ng a 'iuffi nt reasc n of t t nereof. For I eauing all the sm II trifles .a me n.g

'Speake the prin.cipall poyntes of their -craft, fo e comma

trifle'§. th r@Ot, tht!Y can do wit cut [(l nu !!rting of! I i ough t hemsel es: 'rhese pri nc:ipall p ntes I 5.3y are they ca

make m n or wom en to 10 ue or hate other, wt1 ic be veri

poss ible to th e Deu il to e uar, seing he b • su btil

spi rite, now@'5 we n i nough h to pe!:l"!iwad!! rTI.I pt@

.aff~c:tion of them whom God w II per mlt him §;o 0 d a Ie wit

Thev ca lay the sl k nesse of 0 n \ilpon an ot her, likewl"-'

O'5sible v ., imi For since by Gods e

@ss@ vpon lOB, wny V he not farra @ si ier lay

other. rer a s an old pr ctlsia n, he krI ow s II i nOLig

or dom lnes most in .a n of V'S. an d as a p rrt illke., vp the sa me, m Icing it pe cca nt, kas maate for tro u blin of vs, when G for t he taking off of ,no dou bt he il

rei iue su h of p re~nt pa In e, as e may th in ke by t

to pel'S ade to bee catched n his e uertasti

f@tt!!~. !!V can be-witch .a nd ke the life of

by rest in of the Pictu res, as I s ve .. ie pc "-'Ible to th e ir M.a ster t

saide b rn) t nat instrume.,te

t urne d i n&, ~ may h@e n ot ~rie- well euen mea §;u re that his conj u rp::!c:i s la LI s mehes that w

l John. 9.

(I- 201 0 F~~ B-o-ob 'INW'rN. rlJ"f1l[Jlt~tI'UI(l~_II'i-

I I I I 11

e sa me ti mes, '5.p iriti!!!s of life rt, for fai l"Iitrle

ilie as a spirit I1e p:iltif!nt, .i3 s to sweat€' out

con urrenee of thes de lItat h Is stoma

parte, for thi!!! ot

i rites, wh ich c LJ es his digertio n, 50 t .at his h u mou rae ica II contin u Uy, ,good suck be ing •. n n the- ot ha r, h at W in do~ at the lre, , by trou bllng 1m

o nea re bet uii'rt ne th s hall !!n d@

n d tempertes in ueNally. but in s eh r s God will perm e :iI'§.ie- to be d i sea !!d are metec res, in g thereof tog e r

his is li~wise do, he hOI u in s ch .affinitie- with d ha u i n,g 'Such p wer of the fo ing h.a ue tl eard e Ireadie deda re:

of the prj nee e aire is giuen

kss to bern m nticq ue- or MOl n ac-

po§;sible to th maste r to do, se ee e may lavon th

Ire sp irites e ithe to

n@'§., or hOI unt c rta in@ h OU§@'5.. nd

.a bltantes: a'S h t bene knowen be tl is; time. An d I k wi~e ttl ey can m ke

wit" spirites, so to beco m

last sorte is v@ i pessl ble like-wis; to

1 Ep e's.2


I •

angi!!!1 s to trou ble in w perm h im so 10 vse.

PHI. ut will God per pc of the De Llill d1

, -s-i nee he may easilie se d h.s owne rma h i!!! ple:il'5.e5, .i3 oy m God wil

1: hese wicked in5tru a ste r, to trou ble in nim?

[PI. 0 dou bt. for 1: he re a

perm II_;.O to be te m

ho rrj Ie sin nes, to p~., - h hem irl the Ii ke rneas re The god lie

t kat a r@ s;h!@pi n.c in 01 i graat sin ne s or i mit las oil nd

we.a n esse in fait h, ke n the-m vp the- fa r by 'i1JC han

vneo th forme: and eu nome of the be'.;t, ttl t h Ir patie nee

may es trved befo re t rid. as lOBs W4l'5- "V may not

Go d raord i nari@ p un ish

e ord i na ne roddes


EPI. 0 man oU811t ttie to 11 imsetfe: pran i nated as;w@11 t @ ben hes for euerle m n t hem to be vi$ited wit , aHra e for tnat of a y instr mantes ran do oil ai Deuil in a hLindreth

mise ante egirl n i ll8es

01 rticu Ia r sortas of uas 01'5. of

hich in the oWl'le ti e 0 rda mes

yet ought we not the more

ing tl1 at tl1 e Oe u i II n his wicked \IS, For we dai I ie fi ht agamst the

'INa les: And thereto s a 'Valia nt

e-I ng .at the combat, r yel_; from

!ling sh ot of 4l (an no n r the sma II

h@ be: not certa ioe e bold I ie to go~ fo

h t may" liGht rd in fighting r these nis

(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-



f woo ha ue daily

ether W ltche to

n thereof in that rdes I spa k!! of

ndement of thei r

eue rie c !'lie • iKcord ing to his; se punishment to a sa luta rla sa rific!! for the ati@nt. An d this is

u II way. b 1: I kewise the m s Lire: For by the

nne uer t e ceu ill be ca n out, J. as Ch rj~

is v'5ed, it m y.;e I se roe for a

at th!! Last, it will dou btlasli tan d to the m@ r

ient. bot bodie a nd so I~.


kes a re lea r most su b ie to rece i Lie ha rme nat powe r h y ha ue to har e t he Mag l'Strate, s pe ctes ttl i" prison: A!'IId to rna y will the D u i I appea re to t @m th@rein. Vpon

wi'! re pectes he DeLI ill a ire'S in 0; Lin d rv shapes to 'iLl nc:l rv

of tn m at any t e.


MOIl ,





'- .. ~.-


EPI. tne But rec@ ue ha rrna of t fa it (wi'! ich i the ttl ey -.;.0 a I arnestlie pers

po '" im to pu n io5.n them, if the r VI' .... 1 atu rail in uasien es?

re of that re rtraine f m ve rtue that be thereu ntc be rtra igh an d pe r leus.

is no kinde of pe 1"'50" '5-0 sub-to

.a s these that .a re of infi @ .a nd e.a k!! bucUe r aga i nst such n ua'5ione :) sc w r ouer ncn e) as 0 us r su tl a s :zeal u'3l1e e them, wit nout spa rin g f r anie rid lie

PH I. Then t h a re II ke t he Pe~t wh Ich sm IteSi hese sid<

t nat flies it rt h t. nd apprene"ds dee p'i st tne thar of.

EPI. t I~ eue n i:l"ie false cu

em: Fo r neit her Is It a ble to them atient. exce pt the pat ie fi rst be

aza rd the tins@1I of his ne soul r no

power to hurte anl r nor su h as oi.,ge~, '50 be I ng it co s of fa tt a eie i" themsel Ue5-

rei i"8 as he deales wit" the m. re if he es !! m, God i5. v@ ri@ a bla to m dike mentes 0 w ke n & PLI rush his stout h. B t if he b con rie, he a 0 ng 0 the i~ Sit law of God, a n a Ilowa b of a I N atio"e • wi I be diligent i., e>lami ni"C a d pu n i-sh· 0 : GOD ill n pI! mit th~ir master to trou Ie or hin @r so


e they

PI. rs. accord ing ut a pprehended an

f thai r dett:mtion. If h@v be a n i e p.riuate persc , rJpon owe r no dou bt ei he r In sa "or eu e r rt wa s • fore, r!! hendi n.c .a nd dste ic n be: he iu'St respeetes f thei r r ls the I'll no great r ttl en heir master, For wh re God

ull Li@UIl!! n na ntes, it not in rea ue him of the 0 ice, CI r Scepter.

H I. But will nauer th ir nee a pprehen de.d an p

e to visite thern, tra hey be: ace?

PI- That is acec rd i:li 0 the ite

@tch@s dire in: For' th V be: D i none in still d!! nyi h@ will

ot sea re, whe n he fi e ti me to s ~ake with them, e it er if he

nde the m in a nie co te flU em more and more ith the

a ine hope of some : or else rF tl ee fi "de "e m in

d@o@p@ d ispa i re, by oil ugl'Jl@ nt th@ sa 1'1'1@'. oil nd to

erswade them bV crd i narie mea nes put

e I11'5eI ues down e, w men lie t ney doe. Bu if they

e pen ite I'IIt and tonf - I not permit him to. rou b Ie

ulde s to. them in Priso J what

r I"Il@'5. VSE!: s he t:tI@ n t

.50 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

[PI. Diu€"rs 10 rmes, eue t harn. For as I tokl yo u, ki nde of eraftas-men or i .agr@!! vpon it a mongst a ceo rd ing to the q ua liti t hese ca pped ereatu res, "findes rneetest to r the con uentiones, he appea as we haue lou nd by th pc Int: For he delud In8 t make-s t1 imse Ifu to see e t kat ttl!!y rna i!! th!!["@by" !! t he more: And les mo (rattier sorte, least ot he his ygl in esse-

PHI. How can he then b him, if h 1"-' bodie be but

EPI. I h@dir@ littk! of that make h imsetfe pa tpa bl and vsing the minj~rie t e sence of fee lint: as see doe, '5.i nee all cur sa n orc:! ina rie s lcknesses will e

PH I. 8 ut I weu lei speers .a:ppe.a ri ng to them in p c ha nee s to be prese nt as thev,

EPI. 501"ll@~til'Jl@s th@y God.

i n.c of Magie, Ii~ a ppea to that ily i" an fur , according as they lu as: Or if t ey b@ but p @ ntisas, e i r circles or on] u ratio ne : Vet to ppea res as h p lea.,;.e"-,,.a d as t1 e rnors, For e en at their pu bli ck

diu@ rs of th min d iu!!~ fo rmes, renee of the i co nfess ione in that Ith va ine 1m iones In e a ire, t ne gres r sorter uad to wa .and reu!!r@ ca him s .3 nd vI'Icou hlik~ .aga in to the s t hev mlgnt iIJ rre and sk n ner at

their [0 ss iones, ve er by assum ng a ny dea f, or el,,-,e by elu ding .a s hteh is net i possible t h im to w@ .a re 'SO ake, and U@D by en nmes de I ded,

e wo rcle furthe yet. conce nj"g !, is n wnit:h is this May anv ar that time in the p lson, see hi as well

t e aarth, wit" unest in the t at dan i~ the are g uiltle of


I then powe to app are to an

swc r e di i pieos-: pecia Ily s i

of illu tones WE Ii!:


o e r, e:<cept to ee a l Ora cle'5" & n abolis ha d by

ue i dee de. hat the b ig nssse of the led th cloudas 0 a I these g rOSSf! that t ese a bu §;i s irite!!i, C€:a'Se§; se nsl ne at semet mes t a ppea • da Ilie e e ie nee teaches;

s diHe nee is to be marked b tlole formes

o tw"o d ifft!rent ding of the 1).1 Ch.a pte r of rarer there h rist la ns, ro bli ng ot tha m onrtravn ~ tv. The other of

rienCf! in t his II!! true. For .a s

we re see n . n r tongue can aplStn in the'S€" ntrie"-,, where sha II s rcely all 1'1 s t me here 0 nee we thasa lawfu II a e f.a H!! roil re r at

ere 0 muctl h arde of. or rife as they

2010 F[)ft~ ~

I r I


'- ..

shou ad b!! the c a use


ic@ of . And sse I ie, d the

rir18 of

o btJ@' who d@ny!!th t @ pow@r of the se de ni~ th e powe r of G d, if they coLild 'S:in e ttl Deui II I". the ve rie cont rie op posite to cc, t be b er way to know God, hen by the con a rle: a @ r (thoLJ8 h a crsatu ) to ad mire the POW@ ate r: by the fa Ishoo of the one to con sid the other, by the InjlJ "00 of the one. con'S: the ether: And by the rueltv of the on ,to e !! ifu In@55@ ot the othe r: An d so foe rth in all th rest of s nee of God, an cI qu al ie!!i of the DeLI I, BLit I fea re de the re be euer many Sad d uces in thi wo r e, that s II kindes (If spirites: F r convicting of hose erreur,

is CdiUS!! lnough it the r@ @f@ no more. t t should

SO menmes 'Spi r~ visi 1 ie to kyrth.





IU 15010 n of $pi rites i principall k i iptic n af the first ki d@ of the-m. ca lied

mortu OnJ m. Wh is the be st way to

now th en go fo mav be trowe tI in t h

in tell ing wnat

P . That kid e of the DeLlil.., co uersl ng In the ea rt i ided u re different kind • whereby he affr ublst t e bodies of men: re of t he a busi"8 of t wh@re s pi rites trou

ondl wh ere s pi rit

i e pers,on es, a nd at iue rs he ures troub es the m: , Yllhen t ney enter w- in tne m a ... d p~e ti'le m: i t hsse kind@ af s piri 5 that .a re Coil II@d "I U arlie the rie, t eo th ree forme r kind ye h arde a lreadiel ow t hey

V oil nit ci llie be m ad e by W itc -craft to trouble fol : New rt es tots a ke of the Ir nat ... ral comming as it we a nd not

sed itch-craft, But gener Iv I muS1 fo r- warne y u of one

g b r I enter in tni-s. pu r : that i'5-, that .a It., 0 gh in my

of the m, I de uyd,= t em in d iuers kmdes,

a ing th ere of note V Ph rase of spsa ki

Ie lie they (I re in effe but aU on e kinde spirites.

b -s;ing the more of rna bnde, 'U kes on t ne su nd rie

r... ..... *:-.

;patI ... ~-


, as if

a sol itude, as

and 11M. whi Spirit . The C3u'Se rease • that they m sucha .a s ttU! m 0110 hau nte s such P a s, F 'Such r s in companl 'S we.e .a re not s lie such I nd e of rea re, s being solrta re, hi h ttl 'We II i eugh, hee wi I "at the refore as Wf!,iI : And b aside d i'!!i ho CI ur 1 he soci pu bli e time'S and

t ne her pane. w

dwelt n r it is,il SU R! tee n @it::h@ r ot g

gross and §;iandero sin nes am ongst he in ha wh I ch od by that e raordi na rie rod p n I t1 e'S.

s, and rthese is by ith of re is;

l E5.lY. 3: lere, 50



PHI, But


Y (I r passa e ea n the e Spi r" ttl r!Y a lied @ nat th will or:!! iked?

EPI. They to the for a&"5iumed a G1n ea5:@1v and enter i

place whe furtl1em: F- r as I sa

PH I, And vi I God

Oe~ill car

Swin!! wo se riptu re 'S conbn ua II ie

tion ~in~ both, And bodies of th

nothing in or freer fro fuL wnile ti


r their nt r~S5 ,a« ing

nat ~m . For tney haue

ney lu es they

rWi dow, neli~ anle

h an ntrle

u I deat S. tnat go @ bodi S ot the fa it t II, 1JlOr@ corru ion by natu

eo they e p urged a


'- .. -;

v i doe diseases. an d corru

that .affirrne§; to h au he re the,_;e '5p ite,,-, a re a Ile.aged to nie tl'1ing,

EPI. I 1: .n ke we II: F is en e lie rese nJed

kne I e of God, W 0. he wll permit to see ~

o rneanes : The one that are t u d1ev are. T Ii! ment of lif!!! IT ina rie plag LJE!

P i lres hau ntes a nd treu b I a nishe them?

onal ie th@ remeid of ueh th i '5. e rdent pray~ r 1:0 God. both of h se led IN Ith them. an d that C u h her is tf1 e purging (If the mwlu s such sin nes, as ha u procu ra t at

what me an s toe" tl'1ese kin des of spi in the shadd of.a poE!: rson ne wlie da

the way of his sla ucht r, as i 5 W _ ri es PrOd lglcu s, An this INa ecciued the e ile"-,, bees use they k ne not Go a me effea: is it, hat ne now (I ppea roes i

so me igno ant Ctl istia '5-. For he da I"€' n

knoweth tt·u~ spirite of th

tl is frie"d, ell su ch formes-

PHI. And a tt1at haunt

oolfes one- sorte of t h se spirlts a Iii pia C€"3?

my opin le n in. t nis, prooaadad but of wi'! it h a-s; read

Pitchers, a d so h rs s, a n.d some on

othe r: So ppO'&e I tnt t hattl so v iciat he i

soma as pe: lucid.a int@ruall • it OCCLI pyed hem. at 1: h V ha ue tho ugh the lue-s 'lie rie Woolfe..,. in ee de t t es times;: an d so ha ue co unterfe· ed es in g e i 0' ttl e ir handes an feet, preassi to men a d b rn r fi,c 1,.6n.g .a nd s atch i with .a II he tow ne des, and in in such like- othe-r ru itis actlones, nd 90 to beco e bea es by a 'Strong .a pp reh nsle as; Nebuc d ~ but as to their au ing a"d nyd i., of has, I t.a ke tkat 0 be but ai ked, by

vnce Ita i ne or of all lyes.


The d escrl io n of he e pi rite • whe-reof he

one to no s ou .a rei le, ttl e other poss sses inward lie he

persc nss at tl1 y t ou Ie. Ttl at si n.ce a II P ptl eeies nd



visio nes are n forme S .d re eu il .

[PI. As to th n@:Kt two kin d@ oLitwa rdlie t ubles and follow s inward lie per; S~$ them: I will c nj

i:lswel tne taus ar alike in the pe

to trouble: .a s .and cured,

PHI. What troubled?

s 11'11 ~peciall: Eit gree uOU'S offe ees, G Gel punish scourdge, or !!I bei n.c person@s t LJI'e. that y~e ha II fin de in a II th perm itte s the to be tro ubled 11'11 patien OOr an cI ken ing vp (If thel beholders, not to trusta oue r rnu h are made of n better 'Stuffe . .a nd e smaller slnnes (as CH RI ST sa Id ,

whome tne T ffi in Siloam fell;~ J. A

spectatators, m@ r to pr.ayst! G 0

better, a re s pa red from be in


PHI. Thasa .a .appa ra ntl ie

good raase n@ s to t ues him sc to pe

l we 13.

t a ppea res in the sa

r eith@ r !!'5@ that

pe rseaes, or el se hem in on e beea use tney are e .. m itted t V m.ay be rnad iE!:d

be so

as being u lit Ie of t norri ble ki nd e of

msa lues, s nee they tu re blott wit h no

ng of the VPPCII'II

iu i ng lit< ss to the

at th@v ed in th

@ of GOD, wt1icn eu ill to trc ble sue h

02(10 ~~~


persc nes, Bu all the act ion the end a"d

ath eu era cone r respe Icy!!'§. h im in: wf1 d1 is I pray in tnis turne7

E PI. It is to 0 t hinges thereby

one is the tin i nd utlns: ttl em t

pia cas at 'Sue e r foUowes or

wt1 ic h m.ay p cure t he SOl me: And '5lJ ch Ii k@r 5 will pe rmit hi, y torme ntil'l the m to weake n caste the m i i cu ra ble dise ses, The other prease5i to 0 ei e by troubli g of them, is t" Soule, bV in't" in t ne m to rni ruste a nd blssph to r the lntell ra Ie ne55€' of t eir torrne ntes, a tl aue do ne h 10 B; 1 CI r els for nis p romjsin lea us the tr ub "g of the m, incase ttl ey wo kncwen by e p.e!: lanos at this arna time bV the YOLing one th t as sO trou bl

PH I, Since ye ha e 'Spoke n n of bott1 these k

comprehend i g hem in one: must now@ got! a

spee ring so e l.Ie'StiOM of e Lie rie one of t e

,,-,pecia II, And for ttl ese d1 followe"-' eerta in

knew that th and torment th at a re seru and om itte'5 th at tney are wt1 nhar bot" t h se 50rt@5 be uf wicked .iln d d m !!d spi Or if the last 0 be (.at he r A ells, (as sh OU Id PP iii re by God to assl such as he spe "aile faue

" ttl e 51: ript res, that God sa d legio

an d w.iltch 0 !!r hls el act. 1.

60 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

not amongst the Cym inough. that it - t n@ founta in of a II od n

doing of any od: a

Satl'1 an, that inf ath

but doing OIl§. it .and th i5 ~pirit appea red a boeleeue that th

a, 'SOme 'INe re all the sensjer.

inte ion In all nis acti as, s

eu ilt. wnat eu i II was t ere i that forme of d in in ce t nei

.a rtl ons outwa rd

EPI Wa$ It not making them t .a [00 unt of Gods t he contra ne, a know that sine esra bl i5t1 ing of h

propheci ceased. planti"g lished, a made hi


of pa rtieu r sort of ttl at k" d of UOwi"g

sp i rites, lncu i oil nd '5 IX ubi: And wha is th raason wi'! erefo the e kif'! es of §;pi ites ha u ntes mo the N rthe rne

and ba rb reus p.a rte of the rid.

Id ~pee re, 1$ I ike ise spi rites ttl at ye au e w it is cornrno Iv IN - i!!n and st of the sortes of s pi' s that re is one more on ~ ro 'S- nor al

ed, they eenve natu Uv witt1

ha u ntes with: n d t h refore I u r "pin ion h eret wt1 eth er t he re


the rest: i

mi na Ie Li nde of the Deu ils a b 0; ing wome n, as c ned old, 1 n bi an d SucOJ bi, ceo rdi d iffernn of t ne exes tha tney ton uerse wit". s@ might possibl ba p@ (] rrnsd:


L.tJ::. 16.

n d stsa I ng out the itt ~y th!!!!y not i ng, but hat wtl it:: h de of oil M 0 :a'51:@ ri@ of

t t wtJV a used. The

d Ie and visib I ie,

rses with

The one, when sperm!!!! of a d Old b die, buses t gra ith lie seeing nie s ape 0 fee ling he 'So con UoiIyeS in th Nu n nes wh lch re b other mea ne is hen e bor

i:l"d as it seeme tlem

tharn, But it is d,

t hat sperme se mes i oller bly cold if he ~ale- out the n ture f a qulc

q u ickl ie C(I rryed but it will th ti ne h

t ke w.ay, wh ict1 it rou which in the ti e of of these two n t\J ra I bodie as nis ling t im@ r it must Ii @wi-se qua I ities of the ead die

vee i nq~ ire If t se "'P rite'"

the rules of P i losop ie contra rie: For it is .a su be d i uided in s es, e

natu ra II s;ee de ge- nere

seede p roper them el ... es

an other,

PHI. How ls it t en d1 tn gotte n by ttl at V.

[PI. These tale hs ue no natu re t hat the cold n

heate, an d s U -woorking that

IN sp I .. it s hath no t y ge.,d one with

otni"g in ;11 reoildv eoild of it a nting t e nat ura II s is n e SSG rle for possible

h were all a II ti'le ru les of nat~ re) it w u Id

but nely uch a natu rail of-spring.. .i3 s W u Id

tu i>rt t n:n ma" or woman and th at ne r

!!v b th bei n.c .a I iue- had had a doe ith rte here in, i s but the na ked ca

.a n : An d so It CO~ Ide not partie: I ate me - ndeede. rt: is p~sible to the raft rn.a '50 be-llie to '5oWf! I .aft@ r he hat h hat

e ma do, e ith er by ste iring vp her WI'I we begga rs d.a ily doe. And t1 en she Id come to rna ke her tf1 oil at nat rail cou r!ie, .aI nd then '501.1 bti Iii to

ha des. stoc ke s, stones, or s me tit f m some ot he r place, b~t t os. is; ott1 ars, no r beleeued by me

e eau e th 1hi~ kinde of abuse is thou t to wild pa rtes of the worlde, a's; La p-I nd,

our nh I s of Qrknay and sehet-lane.

secause w bar arltie, the n wnerefo

II finde'§;'§;t igno ranee and grosse li~, as I g.a ue yo u the oe Wrte: hes of women ki nde no r

5 to giue their willi ng conse t to in t nis forme-

E PI. Ve3, scm ~ pe ded the rna the reby ha t:t1!! !! r romp 11'1 is; est high Ire

ltch s ha ue confessed. that h ~ ath tl1 e I r ilhng consent d1 e re unto, th he felt d the sikarer i" his snares; B t as o be pitt ied .a nd pr.ay!!d for, 0 is d an d detested,


PH I It is not the th i"8 wh lch '5ie: ing in tn~ ir badd 5, .d ki spe ki"g?

The desc ription rna n t ne Pa pistes may 11 a

By hat

WE , I haue told you nt:IW I m ma h !!re:in, 00 neern ing t ha rst t h ye ha ue conjoy ned. No I a 10 at u concern Ins the last ind J I TI1-e first i-s. whereby sha I tl1 t ke t" at .aI r trubled with a is, OW can it be that th ~ en u 11. whome woo coun tl t h one De uil sheu lei not


EPI. A~ to yOiIJ r fll'$'t q u wh reby t nat hea u ie trou b! sic k n@'SS@,.and spacia 1liE! th t h th e P.a pistes attribLlte'i

g the d i @'f'5 va i n@

eh as th rag il1g

, 12 MiiI"", 3:



ek from th-e Croce,

and innumerable s like vai

5 and feck les to re ite. But

t:t1!!S@ t rf;!:e sym om s t ha n, wh areof I ake, I ac 0 nt

one of them to be t e increc:i ib Ie 'Streng h of the ereatu r , wn Ich -II rre exceede the st ngth of i>: of he

wigl'1t est f a ny other me n that are net so ub

Id 'ng vp so fa r of tha patients b st n 'Ii naturall S1 Lining and ve heme nt.a ' wit n.n hem: An su h a n .ro nie hard nes of nis; ..,..n ~iHe I ie bended utr t at it we re not possi Ie to prie 0

wer@ t e sklnns .an !! other pe~n so fa : so migh

th~ Oe il in all t e m mbers and senses his body, h

leea Ilie with. n t h sa ,'" uppo~e of his ule and

th e reof hee hau no (I re power then of

last is, he s pea k n.c '5oU nd rie la n.c ua.ces,

knowe bV th em that we re acq ua inte wit lea rned a nd that wit nan vncoud1 a nd noll


it .s po ground couate thelr r thatfu but rat th~m. of the

is kn owe n so ma if:!: of the th ~ Clergie in uent s for co e ne>Ct is., that by ssed inde ed e, are

'INW'rN. ~~jJ(I~_II'i-


that e r nee us doth in th false '5 to the eth r pan

ar {with reu rf:!:nce ced to bele Lie, by d of rellgio , ha ue rF '50 be r I S(I t hsse i @s l"IliIy ha @ that r to his Ape Ie'i to thereunto

, was done in his n.a ma, nie vertue i them. a c lea rlv pro ed by m iss ion, as n ie of

h.a t the cast gout y~ r, and in call ing ctione s be in the selre teat eth vs ca 51!!: out ils. ~ th is actio n being

Pa pbtes. no ug h

I ish th i's, if t ey vse in. For w !: the hinges. mo the n ., the at her Sa c ra-

to the Sa pt me it

is no little wonder that G d $hould per of the fa ittlfull to be so neu red, as to that vnch:!!EI n@ spirfta,

l Mit. 7.

(I- 201 0 F[)ft~


right now

strengthen my ;jJ rg marrt th!! d

bod ies of tl1 e fa ithf II. For f he is liu i ng bcdi@s, !! usn mucl'l mere w ill Go wt1 ic h Is no me re rna n, for as CHRIST man that defilas h rn, com me1 h out of him l

The descriptio n of t e fourt What is possl ble the ein, an Oialogue ent reates a II the

NOW I pray you co

E PI. That fou rth ki

one of the sortss Pa pi'Stri~: for alt hou

d e~ ill. yet wt1 ome info rmed, they wer speaks of tha man vains How there was a K ng and toll It & trai n as the had, h we re, of all goods: h w tl1 d ran k, and did all ot ar act-

1 MOIIrk, 7

02 10F~~


prceue and

ntri in the dead

d to enter in tf1eir

s cal the- Pha irie-: slon s. I-Iow fa r this; wtl tend-

Ge nnles w.a s ng'St \15 wa s hbeures, was

aw-aje. and be-s,t life. To ill usion: such a iolly & d utie, a s tt nt, eate and

6' ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

tninlce it Ii r VIRGILS campi Efys," , "or ani d by C:., ristia ns, !!!xce in ge n e 5 before, the de u il illuded t

simpl!!! ere res. in m diking the

ha rei P::! §;U C 1 hi ng~'§; as "We re ncth i sO in d

lf1 at (I ught to at as 1 spa ke e Se"5- of sund ry t n@'!{ oil nd

deat h with that confession, t f?'l( hOI ue the pha iri to such a hi II, wh ich 0 e ni ng. t h Q~eene, who be ing n w lighte .. u1d rie ve rrues, wh it at su nd i prod ucad i judge mant?

v."'1"n.=-: ha ue gone to nsported wit h t in. and there u them a ~one es nath bene-

EPI. I "S.aV t at. euen as I sa Id befo i a r ra u isn 1"8 of

t ne spirde orth of t ne botl i e. F r may n e uil object to

t keir fanta ie, tha ir S!! ns@'5. bei ng u lled, an r!! oil 51!!e pe,

such hill & he use s with i n the . §;U(; h ~k~o1"'g cou rts and

t ra ine"5. a d wtl iJtSoe uer ~ud1 Ii e where e plea~eth to

delu tie tf1 m. And in the me ne- tim e bod ies be ing

s!!ns!! 1@'5.S@ to ron uav in tha ir a nde a or such I ike

thing. wh i h he make'S. them 10 imagine e reee iue-d in

sueh a pia

PH I. But -t@lIing

persones, home they alleage t h au e se That is, a s ot h-e rea me (as they y) s I nee

th of su ndria these place§;? It. walklr..g.

EPI. I t" in e that @ith@r ttl!!y h exa mined, that ga lie- 'SO blu nt a otherwa ie , I th inke it likewl~e a

prephes: e tne m wne n ne deeei

sorte, as II .a 5 wn@ n he pl.a in!!1 '5p@.i1I ke

time s for he ir prophes;yi nit is t by a i

we ra wh rein he co mmon Iv ou nterre." Et hn it: ks, (I I told you before I

v ision, as it among the



E PI. They may do to both. to the inn th e J 0 r to 'See me to be a better so ;iI ,.a nd to the Witdl @'S, to

u Id knew now whet har t ha e are to Wrtt hes, or if they

at ma k5 the 5 piriteo; ha u

oth 1"5.

tha kna u@ri@ of t nat sa JIl@ rna nee rs with in n Lim era ble



10 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-


a dluers

d i ue 1"5 sha pe tha he t ran s formes t1 i ki nde of spi rit.

PH I. EiI'IJI: • hau e h rd I"I\aI nv rnoa stra ng@ ye ha ue V~ told e.

[PI. As wen. do n tf1at, as I did in aU t For beca U'5.@ th@ rou nd of th is confurE yo~ r -speering at e at cu r m~ingr if t Witthe~ or ~piri s: An d if they had .a ny 0 fra med my 'IN no d iscou rs, on IV to pr and may ba, by such n urn bs r of @xa peso; ible by rea n: & keeps; me fro playin.g the part a Diction ane, to tell

ha rei e i" that pu pose, wh ith both rather wou kJ JI"M! to t@ach sue h d lsa Ilow and co n emn e the m.. as it io; t to do.

Of th e tryaU a d pu n ish ment of a ccusaticn (I U8 h to be adrn itted aga COl use of t ha inc .asing so far of th@ir n

. W at is the


THEN To rnaka a @ndl! of our ronfur@ late, what for e of PLI n ls hment th Magidans and W he-_;.? For I see t nat alike gu iltie 7

1 se@ it d rawes eo; these to be all

EP •. They ought t be p LIt to death a C(CJ tne cil.ln and 1m erial law, and munlc nations,

of God. Christian

(I- 201 0 F[)ft~


01:1"110 1000r by teI._ '\.._tf. 71
~ ~.
PHI. B t what kinde
EPI •• t ls common Iv 'It bV fira, t is; a indiff @ntt n&
i n e Lie rv untrle, ace ing to th 0 eust
there .
PHI. B t ought no s@x • ag@ ncr ra
EPI. N ne at al (bein ""0 vsed by e lawf~1 agistra e) for i~
the ni est poyntof olatrie, wh in ne ex ption adm- d
byth liM of God.
not be spa d?' For

y are not th t capable

I A..,d for a V being in m p.a ny

r thei r lsssa i3I d i.e nora nt .a wi II nod

E PI. do ubt, to r a I sa id. 'iP ea ng of Mag e. ttl e n-su It rs,

in, oue r-se rs, I nte rte I rs 0 r '.;1~ re rs vP of th folkes, are eq a llie gu i Itie - h thems I ues tare he

PHI. e Plince t

r ouer-ss e a n that are g spacts know!! to him?

02010 ~~~


n ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

[PI. T he P in ce or

a re rti1 i Ii:! S pac!!!! .d s he spa re ths ife, a"d ot to !!n! Ii!! pu n h in so d ia us net on I 'IiI'Ilawf I, but

aglstrate, nor tt '5 In

m pa ra bl to the i" of

on ..".r.n.n at ttl at

PHI. surelv hen, I ttl I k since thl'" pu nished. I dges ou IoIt to bewa .a s t ney a rI!!! U r@ ;in-@ g ikie, n@itt1@ of a carl iflg e rue ins; "Wei,ghtie a


[PI. tudges For it is as the mneee

wherne t ey con rnns:

N say@! h. To con emne es pe free; ne ither ought p .-son, be d mttted for a f o law-

PHI.And w woo rk .aga I

EPI. Ttl!! as ~pect. Bu in my 0 In .on, slnce n in'St t he P rin ee, a rnes or wi ues, 0 r nee r SCI d Iffa me per_;on. may of ou r law rue for sufficient w n e se sand p oores.. ni" ke

su rely bV a far graatsr f@di on such wit y be

'Sufficient in matters high trea n ga in §;t G : For I) but

Witches; ea be pro ues, and '" the dol s of Witches-

l I. "5i11m.l5-. ~ Pro. 17

0210 ~~~


EPI. I think they a d y rst neue r ha us tu rne rift n@ i r con !!!nt had not th ese tu rnes is de th of the La w.

they wil b€' vpon their coun sa I. But what if pre-sent at their I il8 in ar con ue bod las lyes s@'n t:@ sS@',.a s yeo ha u

oat to put any h ey ccusa tol ki!!! to

n in tne spi rite.

e I se gu lit le: For the sha dow or similitu e t n@' at it: And tha ons

PH I, 1't1 e n SA.MVE was a Wilen sha P@'. iii nd play@d his p@rson in ,g

sian der him witt, ed Ii I'1g in tha why, as I "til k@ it, that God wi II sha pes er sim il it... es of a nv in nc time'$. is ttl at Go wil net perm sha I be sl an dered ith that vile

rE prssents: yet n@' ar on @' of tha al clea rely tried t b~ I11O'it gu confe~~ ng the sa e. An d be'S I se Id ome n(l rde tel of, tn(lt a"y crim@ .a ccused, as au ing know@ eye--'Sight. a nd not by h ear-sav, Witch ~craft. co uld not be dearel

02010 ~~~



'- .. ~.-

leas p~ bli ckfy knowe n to b a very eu I Irfu & rep tation: so H!;iJ Ius is God I Siay, of the a e of th!!! ttl itt are i noes nt in 'Sue eau ses, And be-sides t h other od helees t kat may b@ \l"j@d for t hel r ria: h~ one is the fi nd i g of t hair mar e, a nd the trying th e ns n ible nes the r~of. T oth er i!;

the. fl eeting on the water: eeret mu n e r, If the

dea e earease be at a flY ti r han d d by the

mu h@r@ r, it wil gush o LIt 0 bl d,.as if he blud w@ cryinG to the heauen for revenge 0 t murth rer. God .aLling ap-

poy te d t nat secret S~ pe n ran sig e. for try II of that

'Sec te V" natu ra II crimer p pea re that God hadl ap-

@ of t h rnonstru 0 s impi ~i@

.a I refu e to recei the min

as their @'If!!!S .a re .a ble 0 d t@are {th ratts n a d tortu r@

as ve p Ie.a$~ I whi Ie fi h '" repe (God not e rmitt ing

to d is~mble thei r 0 ~n i n so orrible a cr el a I be it

men kinde especia Ily, b a Ie othe -waies te s ed tea res at @ @ry light occasion wh n h V will, ea, althou h it w@r@ d i55 m ~:dingtv Ii Le the ereee ile .

k!;i'§. r@ wou Id permit: And t my ea Lie of you. I pray G d I ue II~ he pra ctises: for ttl e

s long as elude t !! n, since I m to ta ke pu rge h ls CLint ( of these r ne uer 0 rtfe In t h se pa rtes,

[PI. I pray God that sc be that rna ke s them to be '50 the ople on the one pan, wh@ @by God j ustlie pu nish h on e other part, t he con LI deli era nee drawl ng nea re. m

uitif!.And , and our more in



01:1"1101"0101' r by fCI ... 1'I ~ I '\...1:. 7§.

his i"stfurnel'llts. knO'~i ~g ,if" I ingdome to be so nea an en e. And "50 fa r ~·well for 1 hi t. na,


Reu~. 2'.

entre @th, h inn ca use the ra her for ttl at su n

t hercf, to""'ta i ning. tha by me nes of a poere

and th t by.a wond@ rfu he w.a'S in .a moment t:O nu.aye:d

at mid (sht. from Scotl to rdeuJC in F ra nee (bee If'lg places

of no mall d i stante bP.IJII1IP.IP. n) i to a Ma rtl'! nes Seller ttl ere. &

after. being sent fro i( into St 1;;1" tI by eerta ine

Srottis M.a rcha nts to hat he d iscou II! red

t hose Itch es and wa s p rehe nsion ~ with a

n u m b r of m atte~ mi i ble: All wt1 ic:tl in

trutne hens and t st ran r t hen the co m t rueth I 11.a uevnde rta k dee la r th th~ true disc rse what as prete t1d ~d .aga in the Kinges M stie, wroug t t he sa me,


pu blis ed, as they we the KI Ir' Ma lestle, p r 'Same jn8 so true as


s which spread a b roade.

d a p prehensi on of followl 118 tru ely me in print: and re late-tv djsp~r.;ed e fi rst d isceuere d, towne of Tr-e nentr

pu blish the n Cople~ witdle-s. w a ili"g to t"

h apn ed, & a'5W@1I etesta ble Witches .at mean ~'S they

Reade r) I aue nee-re true lye n d vttered in the p resence of e to acee It for ve ritie. the reproued,

201 0 F~~ B-o-ob


m n I potent power, hath .at a I times nd en ca ra and is "'-'0 vigill ant, r the w a

Clf nis owner th at tnereby e d js.a i

and @uil intents of .111 uch a by ny

er, seeke ind Irectly to con pire a V h g

win: yea a nd by ttl e sa me p01Ne r, he d1

iU1d ni"dere tI t ne i"te nti ... s (I n d

d!!:a ng@'i of a g at nurnbe r ot vng.odly ere res, n th ~ 01 ue 1-.;: who utteling the msehJ es to be all red an by he Diuell w m ttley serued, and to wh me d1

priti te lye sworn e"te red inte ye d etesta ble A of 'IN. wh - h they 'Stu d i and pr.a ctised "SO long time, in th

th ~ had ..,ed uce bV the ir sorcery a number 0 oth er bad as them selue : dwell ing in ttle bo un des of owth ia ,

is ;(I pri ncipall S re or parte of Stotla nd, Mai stl II! vseth to .1 ke h is resklen t:J.! th ~ n d that thei etestable wicked ne s which ey prl il

nded aga in ttl eKing'S. Ma iest le, the Co mon ~ Co 1.1" try ,w- t ne Nobi lit ie a"d su b ie ct of th sho Id ro I'Jl@ to nt: God of his vns p~.a k@.a Ie g.oo ne

reu a Ie an d lay open in very ~ range sorte. e rby

kno n,= vnto t hIE rlde, that the re act ions

th e lawe of God a nd the n atLJ rail .affection one to anothe r: ttl e ma n ne r




of Tre ne rtt in the K Ingd 0 Da uid Seato n, who be ing d iii id e Towne, ha d iii rt\i! ide se rua nt called

l' ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

who vsed ~erettv to be bsent a nd to tye he use euery ot ha r nigh this G!! i II is Dun n!! rook help all such as were t u bled or greeu d w~t" an sic knes or infirmit ie: din in short sp.a(;e id pe rfou r matters It'MXt miraculo s, wh lch th.n.g fcra sme began to doe t hem vpo a 'SOd aine. t1 su in

befo re, made her Ma is and ot hers to in great a

and wond red t ne rnaanas wh@ the sa

Seaton had h ~ rna ide in m ~ ,great s ... s p' ion. ti'I.a1: s

t hese th .n.g.." by 1'1 at u rail 1'1 d lawful I waye'S but raehe it to be doone by some raerd inarv and n lawfu II m

Whe rvpcn. her Ma lster bega n to growe ry inqu i

exa m I ned he r wh lch wa a nd by what me nes 'S he perfoy rm e matte rs (If s ,great jmporta n i whe re him no din SIN!!! ra, neuart !!Iess@, her MOl i !! r to the i he might the better trye a nd finde out ti'I trueth of did wtth the t1 elpe of oth rs, torment her it h t he to Pi II iwin ekes vpon he r fi" ers wh lch is a bi nd ing Of wrinch i nG har head wit" a cord 4) r rca pe. mcst cruef torment also yet vJO Llld sh e n t confesse whereu pon t ney sU'S pe 1'18 that 'S he had Diue II (as commonly wi ne s a re) rna d e ill igent sa her, a nd lou nd tha !! ne las rna rke to b in her fo foreparte of her th roate: wh it h be ir'lg feu n ,sh ~ con all her dooings W3'S d one by the wie ed allure inticeme nts of t ne Oi ue II a nd tf1 at she did hem by w·

After th fs; her .c;onfes:s:io she w.a s com ml ~d to pr' she contin ued for a se son. where 1m ed iatly 'Sh

t nese pe rsons followi ng to be n oterieus witches, (I

t hsrn foorthwith to be ppra ha ndsd one after an As!. nls Sa mpso n the el est Witch of 1: em at d Ha dd Ingto n, Ag nes Tom n of Ed e n bre u h, Docto r lot, n Cu nn ingha m, rna - ter of the seh Ie at Sa -pa ns in

(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. ~lllt~tI'UI(l~_II'i-


largely in the ende of Geillis 0

The s.aid appre ne ed. who CO" Godfattl!! , .a nd who vs th e lord a nd I ustices t1 er Oa ug ee r: os;he a 1"-'0 Nape r, f be-witc" iflg t wt1 0 b n ishad to de-a

net suse d, but th


aide in B.a nd i Ia ndis, wittl e brlgge Ha II is with ng in tho-;.€' b u nd s .......... n .... ' e :w:ec •. ned, the rest tudgamerrt a the

Wr.,,,"-:JIIW.ICI flAeea I rea n 0 be

the de-att1 ne r

v!!t th!! sa m w.a s a d ise.a"Se, a the IT",. . .ln,v,the sa me: but f aU

201 F~~ &o-ob

I •

80 ..... *:-.

'_ .. ~_

es, these two ast be rep ted for as ci u i II onest women.d any th t d withi n t ne Citie of Ede nbre 11 r before tney re a p reh e d d Man y ke n dw@lIing in sth, wt1 oil ra n, vntill his Mai ip::!s fu rt he r wil a r.d pi a su re hese wic ked doo ngs VO~ sha II pa leu Ia rfy eare Iloweth-

am reaslde Agn is Sa mps:on whit h ta k nand bro~ght H a Ilciud house an 5iU nd ry at ne r of the ., obi hty of 51: r itlV exam ined, b tall the PI! rs

ma ie vs;ed to he with ye rest 0

pro oke 0 r i., d Ute t1 r to eenfesse an thing, in t e de"iaU of all tI1 twas laide 10 h r cha

mon Iy is g lu @D t @ m vnde( the h

, wherby it V not e asi Iv

ough tney be sea ned: and ge ns see ne to tho wbteh sea rch

(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-


whatsoeil.l e r was de-rna u

he r, and iusti

diid@ A,gD i 5 Tom pson w.a-s a r b ught aga i D@ be Ma ie ~ie a nd his: CoLin sell, a d be ng exa mi ned of and det5table de ali ng".; of t ese witche s,

that VPO" t ne night of All ollon Eue n last she s

lad i1sw@1I with tha P@~ ns afo r!! id@. as .a Iso w' h.a V othe r witches. to. the rUJ be r two. h u ndreth: nd togem e r went by Sea ea t1 on in.a Ridd te or Cue.

e7· j h} a nd went i., the sam substa rrtia Ily itt1

bv th@ Wi1'!{f! in Ie s or C iLle'!i, to the Kerk~ of N rt:tI Sa rrlek in l that after they had Ia nded, coke t1 andes on the I

an ed tf1 is rem or foho r1 da u ee, s ngi ng a II wit h

va a,

me oe ye before, commer goo wi., ot goe before. com mer let

s tnmcane did ee on a small Tru p. the Kerk of n rd1

h ic: ime 5 he confessed, t hat til i re h m plaving thls redl or dau es Tru mp, vnti II they ent

fess Ions ma de t he Ki ng ~n a wad rfu I ad miration nd e 'Said Ge ilhsOu nea ne, who VpCJ n the Ii ke rru mp did diid dau nca before t h@ King M ai stie, who in res act ngenes: of these matte rs, t ke reat del ight to ee their exa ml natic ns,

sa id Agn is Tomps-o n 00 nfe t at t h@ Diu!!11 b in& orth aa rrlck Kerk.e attend i g th ir commmg in he t1 a t or Ii enes of a ma n. and ".;eeing t at t h y ta rried euer I .,g,



u ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-


he at their tommin wa 5, that ttl ~ shou him: wh~1'1 bei"C P

he h ad en ioyn@d th : and ha uin

t ion'S. wI'I ~ re in he i d lye e ve e .aga.n

Scot~and. he recet d their oath "5 r their 8

a d departed win doone,

I to a pe nan ee, wt1 it h otdu~ to one did as Iy @xhortathe KinoS of od and true ney retu rned

At wnjch time the bea re such h at red Ki n.c is the g r@at@5t onfe ~i ens and dep

f the Diu I why he did swe red, rs ason the

Ite m, tne saide Mai@sti@ sun d I"'fE! st range, as that h ls wherat she an'5We '5iU p pose her woo rd tkat sha would disc u 'She Llld not any way 0

Kings so mi culous and re a II e rea me tva("§;. wishe h I Mai~ie to

to him a his maif!5tie

An d theru PO" ta k i vnte hl m the v@ry!! Ma.ertie and his Q t heir rna riage~ wit h Ki 1l8e'5- M aiestie w d red great e. God, that he bele@u d t nat all tha iu

d lscouere d the sa : acknowle d ng

t rue, .a nd therefore e the mor c

befo re declared-

- e aside, she de dared 5 ad b@tv.r.f! O@ ths IC ings rway th fi rst night of to other whereat the d swore by the liuing

s in "!!II c u k:I not hOI ue er woord to be most It to the re-;t whic h is

Touch ing th is Agn is the 01 uels pe~wa e:rreclJbon the Kings

on 1yP::! rna n, who by

entended and put in

(I- 2010 F[)ft~ ~

I I'" I

praet lsa d to obtaine atte nda nt in his Mai uainta nee betwoo ne ttl


Moreou r she c in Den (I rke. s e boeing aeeompa n i ed specta I narnad tooks a Cat an d ch ri bou nd t each a rte of that cat. the ch efe pa seue II ioyn~ of hls bodie, and ttl the sa de Cat 'Wa'5i ton ueied i t h m by all t @se IN hes sayl ing in tha ir afor~sa· e. an d 0 left the sa ide Cat rl lieth in tla n : ttl is doone, there d td

ate r nat" not been e s perrish ing of a Bo.ate tOWl'l e of Brunt lla nd to the rye le e lie-.; and lid1e giftes.



sed, that th~ sa id ch ristened es Ma lesties Sh i P at h ls com nt rarv wi., de to the rest of hi ve, wh i t:h ttl ing was most stra Ma i@ i31cknowl@dgeth, fur wh!!n t

s had a a i ~ a nd good winde, then w.a

rye a nd a lther aga in'St t1 is; Majertie: .a n

witctle de d, that his Maiestie t1 ad ., eu e r

id Witches ooi"8 de ma u n·d ed h

V!ie them t:m he was in thei r (;ompany, th coo'fe05.

h en the 0 IJ I d id reeelae the m for his seru ts, a nd th t ad \lO'Wed t1 msel ue~ vnto him, then he wo Id carna I tneir htl Ie pleasure, in respe of his co e 00 the like itt 5U odry ether tim

resa ide Docto r F l.a n, a has lonn h is a ctes sjnte t1 is a pp reh ensi

at '5oU bti the dlue II, .a nd tbarfe r!! rnak

re the m re mlracu loLlS: for being a ppreh tion of h sal de GeiUis; Dunca ne afo heir Regester, a.,d that the re

to tf1!! Diu@ls rEadinG!!'5- but

oeeter w s ken and i mense ned, and

omed p.a ie, prou ide d for t hese offences, I st as is afe side,

it is ro that the arke, had


ow Queen of Scotia nd,

g foorth Ships, th n e and t

hi 5 f.a itt. had not pre ua iled

~nnlngt1a , n, deela h ttl i ng@s 0 ded by t e

s not 0 e nlye ha: t e d with t e flitted v

f his: head with a rea pe. whe



perswaded by U Id P rau diil@ as r


to the- most 5@ bootes. who

and erua]l pOI i n@ i the e he had recelued h ree nfesse his da m na bl acts; serus 1'1 im to spe k, in wille-d to search h i5. hrust 'VI) into the Is the d1 arme st

hi nG: the-n Wi1!i h ore the I( in &. hi Illingly ~ the

medi.atly relaased nfp::!~5ion W.i'S ta ke to, whic h conta I.,

t hat at he en e ra II meetlnge these witd'l es. he w.a s

yes pres ent d1 at 1'1 e was Cia to a II t hose that w re I.,

iectio n to he Diue Is seru ice, a -ng the name of w· hes,

dilwaye h d- take t ha ir othas r th@ir t rue s !!ru ice the Di ell, and th t h wrot for the m s c matte rs as the DiLl I §;till P sed to co m und him.

re the I( i g@ M.a H!sti@, wnit: h De mb~ r la ,.a bei n.g in hi'S Ma i ga e a great erit 1'1 .a nd full into a

hiS said and for ught

5 vpan the- oiiij. y of

les Cha mber, s Lid de IV he d nes, sometl me be ding

d s menrne ea pring so d irett Iv

ofthe Chamber, to tha is;

hers t hen p rase nti so ttl at r@ not able to holde him,

ho to,gethe r beu nd him Id ge nde man to lye stili IJ n hower ea me agai"e to h !fe, when be ng he Kings Ma i@stie what ha YW or did 0111 t at

that he h ad been in a sOLI slee pe,

obta in his pu ~ a nd in tent of

ma n, a nd see ing hims:e Ife di§;apointed of i!; termme d by aU waie~ he to obta ine he co n iu ring, witchcraft a nd "'to"'I.~'I'"'.:II.,,,,..

gentlewoman being vn~~·nc .. "I, had a brot er

noole with the said 0 and ca !ling

h i dsmaunded if .,!! did Iy@ his sister,

di . by mea nes w herof he t to obta ine

e refore secretlye promis.ed teach hi m

ou Id obtai" for nlm th me


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