Google Search Parameters 2

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Country Related Parameters**

| hl=en | Language settings passed down by your browser, here English


The language the results should be in, here in Czech


The region the results should come from, here South Africa

gl=ca Can be used to find results as if the search was conducted in a specifie
d location, here Canada
Just as gl shows you how results look in a specified country, gr
limits the results to a certain region, here New York

Limits results to a certain city, you can also use latitude and


Limits results to a certain zip code, here agin Pittsburg

gm=619 Limits results to a certain metropolitan region, here Springfield MO


input encoding


output encoding

Other Useful Google Search Tools**

-Google Images Sort By Size: | &tbs=isz:lt,islt:10mp

,in this case 10mp,works with 2mp,4mp,20mp.....

| add this to find images

Sort Videos In Youtube

| &search_sort=video_date_uploaded | Sort by date
| &search_sort=video_view_count | Sort by count
| &search_sort=video_avg_rating | sort By rating

**Google Parameters**
--------------------------------------------------------------------q= | Query
--------------------------------------------------------------------hl= | Language

--------------------------------------------------------------------gbv= | google images script

--------------------------------------------------------------------prmd= | Parameter that determines which of Googles vertical search engines are su
ggested in the left sidebar besides web, they can be
combined, the most important ones are: prmd=a only application // prmd=b only bo
oks // prmd=c only places // prmd=d only discussions //
prmd=i only images // prmd=n only news // prmd=s only shopping // prmd=p only pa
tents // prmd=u none (only web) // prmd=v only video
--------------------------------------------------------------------ei= | Passes on an alphanumeric parameter that decodes the originating SERP wher
e user clicked on a related search ;
Example -when looking for coconut water and clicking on Whole Foods you will notic
e the ei= parameter. This parameter will be equal for all related search links. H
owever, if you click on Amazon and then on Whole Foods (all through the related resu
lts links) you will notice a different ei parameter value for the same SERP, becau
se the originating SERP Amazon coconut water was different from just coconut water.
--------------------------------------------------------------------start= | Show results rankings from a number, so if start=30, 30 is page four fo
r 10 results per page
--------------------------------------------------------------------sa= | User search behavior parameter ; sa=N - User searched // sa=X - User cli
cked on related searches in the SERP
--------------------------------------------------------------------source= | Google navigational parameter specifying where you came from ; Exampl
e: | source=univ | Universal search
--------------------------------------------------------------------btnG= | Text that appears on the search button (customization option for includi
ng search on ones own site)
--------------------------------------------------------------------tbo= | show search tools in the left sidebar ; Example: | tbo=1 | show always
--------------------------------------------------------------------output= | ??
--------------------------------------------------------------------sclient= | Client Source ??? like sourceid= and similar patameters
--------------------------------------------------------------------oq= | Original query

-------------------------------------------------------------------gs_l= | ??
-------------------------------------------------------------------pbx= | ??
-------------------------------------------------------------------ved= | ??
-------------------------------------------------------------------bav= | ??
-------------------------------------------------------------------fp= | ??
-------------------------------------------------------------------&tok= | ??
-------------------------------------------------------------------bpcl= | ??
-------------------------------------------------------------------biw= | Browser inner width
-------------------------------------------------------------------bih= | Browser inner height
-------------------------------------------------------------------aq= | Suggest box related Examples: |aq=f | The user did not choose the query
from the Google Suggest box, but the user has Google Suggest box enabled.
| aq=n | (n stands for a number) The user clicked a corresponding Google Suggest
result to navigate to the search query string
-------------------------------------------------------------------oq= | shows which were the words/letters at which point the user stopped typing
in the search box and instead went to suggest box and choose the entry.
-------------------------------------------------------------------lr= | Restricts search results to the chosen language
Limits the search results to pages/sites from the certain locati
on (use the country abbreviations in place for ..)

Displays the results you would find in a search conducted from t
hat geographic location (can be inaccurate as you are still querying Google from
another location)
-------------------------------------------------------------------gr= | Limits the search results to pages/sites from the certain region
-------------------------------------------------------------------gcs= | Limits the search results to pages/sites from the certain (comes ONLY in
combination with gr= parameter) engine to define to find both the country and ci
ty code to use
-------------------------------------------------------------------gpc= | Limits the search results to pages/sites from the area code (only works w
ith gl=countryUS)
-------------------------------------------------------------------sei= | Specific emitter identification???
-------------------------------------------------------------------url? | web direction
-------------------------------------------------------------------rct= | somthing related to adwords ??
-------------------------------------------------------------------esrc= | is the parameter that is responsible for the keyword (not provided) dil
emma. The traffic originating from Google with this parameter set to s, which prob
ably stands for secure, is SSL encrypted
-------------------------------------------------------------------cd= | Passes down the keyword rank clicked. In analytics suites this can come i
n handy if youd like to track the keyword rank.
-------------------------------------------------------------------url= | url . ex:
-------------------------------------------------------------------pq= | previous query
-------------------------------------------------------------------usg= |
-------------------------------------------------------------------sig2= |

pws= | Parameter that allows you to turn-off personalization

-------------------------------------------------------------------tbs= | advanced search parameter; Examples: | tbs=clir:1 | Translated foreign
pages / | tbs=qdr:h | past hour results
-------------------------------------------------------------------bvm= |
-------------------------------------------------------------------infilter=0 |

Include omitted results

-------------------------------------------------------------------complete= |

Turn auto-suggest and Google Instant on (=1) or off (=0)

-------------------------------------------------------------------ncr=1 | No country redirect: Allows you to set the Google country engine you wo
uld like to use despite your current geographic location.
-------------------------------------------------------------------safe= | Turns the adult content filter on "=on" or off "=off"
-------------------------------------------------------------------nfpr= | Turn on "nfpr=0" or off "nfpr=1" auto-correction of spelling
-------------------------------------------------------------------sa= | User search behavior parameter; | sa=N | User searched | sa=X | User cl
icked on related searches in the SERP
-------------------------------------------------------------------navclient/client/sourceid= | Where the search originated from Examples: navcli
ent-ff Google search toolbar for Firefox / firefox-a Firefox search box
-------------------------------------------------------------------rls= | Source of query with version of the client and language set; Example:
| rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official |
-------------------------------------------------------------------stick= | encodes the knowledge graph box that is shown on the right next to man
y different queries
-------------------------------------------------------------------usd= | ? Often contains part of the query string
-------------------------------------------------------------------channel= | ?

-------------------------------------------------------------------qscrl= | ?
-------------------------------------------------------------------hs= | ?
-------------------------------------------------------------------num= | Sets the number of results per page. It can only be used if Google Instan
t results are turned off. Instant limits results to 10 per page.

Google Special Query Terms**

Google search supports the following special query terms. A user or search admin
istrator can use these terms to access additional search features.
Note: All query terms must be correctly URL-encoded in a search request.
--------------------------------------------------------------------allinanchor:membership directory | Anchor text search.Restricts the search to p
ages that contain all the search terms in the anchor text of the page. The follo
wing example shows an anchor tag: <a href="">Go Foo</a>
allinanchor: evaluates the text between > and </a>. allinanchor: evaluates only
<a href anchor tags. It does not evaluate <a name anchor tags.
An anchor is a marker inserted at a specific section of a page. It lets the writ
er of the document create links to these anchors, which quickly take the reader
to the specified section. The table of contents at the top of this document, for
example, uses hyperlinks to anchors embedded throughout this document.
Do not include any other search operators with the allinanchor: operator.
there s a lot of special query terms so i give you the link: https://developers.

**Useful links (where i found this info):

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