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Eric Peralta

The Inevitable End

Rasmussen College

The Inevitable End

Death is the inevitable ending of every humans life. Death can come to anyone at any
moment of their life. Most of us will not even know when we die or how it will happen. Dealing
with this unexpected event can be hard for the people who were close to the person who died. So
many questions come to mind like why did the person die, what happens after death, and am I
next? Along with the many questions that come after a death there are also stages to the grieving
of a death. Death and dying are relevant and relate to psychology because people wont stop
dying, the multiple stages of grief, and it can lead to psychological disorders.
Death is the oldest thing on Earth. No matter what happens in life and no matter what
humans create there will never be an immortal human. Since there are no immortal humans and
we keep aging there will always be death. People can live happy lives or bad lives and they can
do good things or bad things but they all die and whoever they are this affects people close to
them. Just like in the book Of Mice and Men Lennie could not predict his death because life and
its end is inevitable and unpredictable. Steve Jobs said No one wants to die. Even people who
want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share.
No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single
best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new.
Death will keep occurring no matter what and with the things humans do like kill, do drugs,
make war, and everything they do ultimately leads to death. Maybe death and dying isnt all that
bad to some people maybe it is something they see as an escape. So the deaths that are the
heaviest are the ones when the person who dies are the ones who took it. So from the very first
death, to the last death, to the ones that were taken, and the ones who have taken it doesnt matter

how but there will always be an impact from that death to the living and it could be a good one
or a bad one but for the bad ones it can be heavy.
When someone experiences the death of a family member or a friend it can be hard and
with the hardship of it comes the stages of grief. There are 5 stages of loss and grief and they are
denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Denial and isolation is the
first stage of loss and grief and when youre in the stage you deny the death of the person and
just block out anything that has to do with the death of that person. The second stage of loss and
grief is anger and in this stage you take out the emotion as anger and you take it out on objects or
people. Even if the person has done nothing to make you mad the whole reoccurring idea of the
death really messes with you emotions. The third stage of loss and grief is bargaining and in this
stage the person dealing with the loss starts to bring in variable to the death like if that person
hadnt done this then that wouldnt have happened. Sometimes the person bargains their life and
starts to think that they should have died instead of the person they lost. That stage is really
heavy on the person because thats when the stage right before depression. Depression is the
fourth stage of loss and grief and it is the hardest one to deal with out of the five stages because
at this point the person is just emotionally broken and destroyed completely on the inside.
Depression is where the psychological problems come in on this issue because it is a disorder.
When depression is a factor in anything. Acceptance is the fifth and final stage of loss and grief.
In the stage of acceptance is when the person finally overcomes the obstacles of the death and
comes to realize the reality of it and accepts it as it is too. This phase is marked by withdrawal
and calm. This is not a period of happiness and must be distinguished from depression this is
true and it should be take into consideration that maybe depression still lingers but despite that it
is far from how it started and at this stage the person is much more calm about the whole

situation. I have had people in my life die these people were family members but if Im being
honest it did not affect me because I was not close to my uncle however it did make my mom
really sad for a while. She cried about it from time to time and it didnt really last long because it
wasnt like a huge death where it could be stopped so I think my mom and her brothers and
sisters already had to deal with the feeling before the death occurred. These stages really put a lot
on the person going through the loss and so it is relevant in the world of psychology.
When it comes to losing someone that is close to you psychological disorders come along
with dealing with that loss. The disorder that most face when going through a death is
depression. Depression is a very heavy disorder to deal with because it is filled with sadness and
no interest in anything. Depression also causes the person to have no energy, change in appetite,
and a change in behavior. If a therapist is to determine what the patients normal behavior is like
they would have to know what the person is normally like. The therapist would have to find out
the regular behaviors of the persona and then from there he would determine if his behavior is
normal or different. Because the patient is obviously depressed there would be some behavior
that is different to what he is like and the therapist would have to determine what the different
behavior has changed in his life. The behavioral differences in someone are an obvious clue that
there is something going on with the person and that there probably needs to be something
changed. As stated before those behavioral changes can be as simple as a change in their regular
eating habits and as severe as lack of interest in doing things and just being really down all the
time. In songs like Trapdoor by Twenty One Pilots, Tyler Joseph, the singer talks about how
being alone and depression can slowly make someone insane. Mental problems like depression
and anxiety eat away at your sanity and you arent who you once were. Tyler writes about things
like this because he knows that so much people go through this stuff like a lot of his fans and its

a way to tell them that they arent alone. His music is also a way of telling people that things will
get better like in the song Tear In My Heart which is about his wife Jenna Black. In the song he
talks about how she has changed him and shaped him into a better person. When she came into
his life she was motivation for him to live better and be happy. When in a state of depression
there is a lot of negativity which eats away at who you really are and at this point it is best to
have someone there for you to help you through the whole thing. In this moment of depression
there are dark thoughts that can pop into one's head such as suicide. Suicide is when the disorder
gets really severe and something has to be done about it. Even if it seems really hard you should
really hold on as hard as you can because eventually things will get better or you will get through
it. Gerard Way said There was a moment in my life when I really wanted to kill myself. And
there was one other moment when I was close to that. . . . But even in my most jaded times, I had
some hope. Hope is really a big thing to keep with you in those dark times. Depression has been
a friend of mine for years now and I think it has been a part of me since 6th grade. I dont really
tell anyone about it not even my parents but they have been questioning it lately. I keep almost
everything to myself and something I dont tell people around me is about the things Ive gone
through and the the things Im dealing with. Love is a really big factor to it and so is life and just
how I view it. My depression is just a mixture of a bunch of problems that I am not going to get
into detail about because that would be another essay on its own. Im just going to say that it has
me questioning my faith and religion so this disorder can really be a big problem to people that
have lost someone. My parents recently talked to me about getting me a therapist because they
say that I dont talk to them, I always look sad, Im always alone, and that Im not expressive. I
just walked away from it as soon as I could and avoided all the talk about it but what this shows
is that behavioral changes are a big part of this disorder.

In the beginning of everything death is issued by birth because it cannot be escaped.

Because all of us die at different times people have to deal with the losses. Death and dying are
relevant and relate to psychology because people wont stop dying, the multiple stages of grief,
and it can lead to psychological disorders.

Death & Dying. (n.d.). Retrieved March 11, 2016, from This website goes through what death is, the causes, and signs of death. It
even talks about the mind of death and the stages involved in death.

Death and Dying. (n.d.). Retrieved March 11, 2016, from The
website explains what experiencing a death is like and even gives links to more specific types of
losses. It also has a link to the role of psychology in the end of a life.

Patricelli, K., MA. (2007, March 7). Death And Dying Introduction. Retrieved March 11, 2016,
from This article goes into
detail about death and the fear that most people carry with them about it. It also states things
about the American culture of death and how people view death in different ways.

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