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Lincoln School


Excellence through Innovation, Integrity and Leadership

*School Wide Assemblies/Celebrations Procedure:

Bringing our school community together to celebrate common
holidays or other important aspect of Lincoln School. This can be
shared by planning an assembly, creating a website, bulletin boards,
or other activities that include the WHOLE school.
Guidelines Checklist for Special Celebrations or Assemblies

MONTH November
ACTIVITY Thanksgiving Assembly
DATE Wednesday 25th
3, 4, 5)


7:50 am (PK, K, Prep,1) & 8:30 am (2,

GROUPS PARTICIPATING K3 Marlene Steuber, 1D Ana Mercedes Gonzalez, 2D Sabrina Tsuyuki, 3D

Anne Curran, 4D Zianne Blanco, 5D Mitzi Monge, Cynthia Echeverria
COORDINATOR Lorena Villalta
We plan to do an assembly on Wednesday, November 25 th. Students will perform a short play with
songs and poems.
1. 2D will present a slideshow of pictures of things they are thankful for. Five kids will recite poems.
The rest will say one thing they are thankful for. The slideshow will be playing in the back.
2. 2D will introduce the play.
3. 3D will do the first half of the play
4. 4D and 5D will sing the first song (students will be on stage)
5. 3D will do the second half of the play
6. 1D kids and K3 will sing the last song
Between Monday Nov 23rd and Wednesday Nov 25th , each class should plan a reflection time to share
about all the things that we are thankful for, how privileged and blessed we are. Then, each student
writes about what they are thankful for on a post it. Each class will be given a poster of a letter that
forms the following sentence, Lincoln is Thankful For. All students post its will go on that letter
(poster). The sentence will be posted on the grey wall in the courtyard.

The administration sends the Semester School wide Community Building

Program to the staff at the beginning of the semester

2. The administration sends the Monthly School wide Community Building

Program to the members of the committee

3. Members observe/check the School wide Community Building Program
4. The Curriculum Coordinator schedules a meeting for the committee to start
planning the activity and define responsibilities among members1. Who communicates with maintenance to arrange place and resources
needed? Provide the information to Ivannia to set it up. The auditorium has
been reserved for the assembly. Lorena
2. Who informs Assistant Principal and Curriculum Coordinator of the
details of the event? Lorena

Lincoln School

Excellence through Innovation, Integrity and Leadership

Objectives: Let the students know where does the tradition come from.
Reflect within the classrooms about our blessings.
3.Who communicates staff of the plan and implementation?
Who designs the invitation of the event?
Who makes the program?
Who will send program to Principal, Asst. Principal, and Curriculum
Who decorates the stage/place of event?
Who will be the presenter?
The committee schedules a meeting with Curriculum Coordinator and
Assistant Principal for approval of objectives and activities
Other comments________________________________________________________________________________

Committee Coordinator Signature
Curriculum Coordinator Signature

Assistant Principal

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