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Applied Statistics

Final Exam

Do not unnecessarily smile at the person sitting next to you,
they may also not know the answer.
If you have missed my classes and have not prepared, dont
waste your time, instead pray to God.
Its good to have a lot of beautiful options in life but all
questions are compulsory here.

1. For the following list of numbers, calculate the average and

the standard deviation : 2, 6, 8, 10, 14
2. True or False. If you add 7 to each entry on a list, that adds 7
to the average.
3. True or False. If you add 7 to each entry on a list, that adds 7
to the standard deviation.
4. True or False. If you double each entry on a list, that doubles
the average.
5. True or False. If you double each entry on a list, that doubles
the standard deviation.
6. True or False. If you change the sign of each entry on a list,
that changes the sign of the average.
7. True or False. If you change the sign of each entry on a list,
that changes the sign of the standard deviation.
8. Someone claims to be able to predict the toss of a coin. You
decide to test her powers by tossing a coin eight times and
counting the number of correct guesses. If in fact she is
bluffing and her guesses are random, what is the chance that
she gets six or more tosses correct?
9. Which of the following is more likely? Explain intuitively.
a. A fair coin is tossed 25 times and 10 or more of these
tosses are heads.
b. A fair coin is tossed 50 times and 20 or more of these
tosses are heads.
A town contains 6000 families, each with three children.
a. In any single family, what is the chance of getting two
girls and a boy?
b. In a town of 6,000, what is the chance that 2,325 or
more families would have two girls and a boy? Set this
counting process up as a box model. Draw the box
model. And calculate the chance.
A class of 400 students is divided into 2 sections of 200
each. Both sections are given a common exam. The following
is observed






Suppose all 400 scores are combined as one list. The SD

of the new list will be
i. smaller than 10
ii. larger than 10
iii. equal to 10
iv. can't tell without knowing the entire list
A teaching assistant gives a quiz. There are 10
questions on the quiz and no partial credit is given. After
grading the papers the TA writes down for each student the
number of questions the student got right and the number he
got wrong. The average number of correct answers is 6.4 with
an SD of 2.0.
a. What is the average and SD of the number of wrong
answers? ____________Average ____________SD
b. The correlation coefficient between the numbers of right
and wrong answers is
i. 0
ii. -.5
iii. +.5
iv. -1
v. +1
vi. can't tell
A doctor records, for 400 hospital patients selected at
random, the pair: (temperature when admitted, temperature
24 hours later). He finds that the average temperatures are
101 degrees when admitted, 99 the next day. The SD is 1.5
degrees for temperatures when admitted, 0.5 for those the
next day. The correlation between the two temperatures is
0.8. The scatter diagram is football shaped.
a. if a patient enters with temperature 103, what do you
expect his temperature to be the next day?
b. The fact that the average temperature the day after
entering is 2 degrees less than upon admission is due to
the regression effect. True or False?
In a city, 20% of the workers have incomes over
$40,000 per year. If 1600 workers are chosen at random with
replacement, what is the chance that between 320 and 336 of
those chosen have incomes over $40,000 per year?
5. A coin is tossed n times. There is about 95% chance
that the proportion of heads is in the range .49 to .51. The
number of tosses n is closest to:
a. 1,000
b. 5,000
c. 10,000
d. 50,000

I am getting married tomorrow, at an outdoor ceremony
in the desert. In recent years, it has rained only 5 days each
year. Unfortunately, the weatherman has predicted rain for
tomorrow. When it actually rains, the weatherman correctly
forecasts rain 90% of the time. When it doesn't rain, he
incorrectly forecasts rain 10% of the time. What is the
probability that it will rain on the day of my wedding?

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