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Crop Establishment
Modified Dry Direct Seeding Technology
The Dry Seeding Method

Land preparation
Prepare the area by using a tractor driven rotovator, hand tractor or
draft animals.

Seed establishment
Sow the seeds immediately after the final land preparation by
drumseeding or broadcasting. Cover seeds by harrowing.

Seeding rate: 60-80 kg/ha

Varieties to use: BPI Ri10; PSB Rc12; PSB Rc14 or any early-maturing

• Replant missing hills or rows at 10-15 DAS
• Take seedlings from thick spots for replanting

Weed management
Cultural methods
• plow the soil to expose weed seeds to adverse conditions
• flush weeds or allow some weeds to grow in between
cultivation during land preparation, and then plow under
• hand weeding

Chemical method
• apply herbicide (Machete EC or EN) at a rate of 1 kg ai/ha
immediately after a rainfall following seeding. Repeat
application the following rainfall to ensure success if field
is weedy.

Water management
• repair dikes during land preparation to impound water in
the paddies
• maintain desired water depth 5-10 cm in the paddies and
drain excess water
• drain field two weeks before harvest

Fertilizer management
• apply 60 kg of the recommended fertilizer rate of 15-20

Fair use of this material is encouraged. Proper citation is requested. | © 2010, OPAPA-PhilRice
• topdress the remaining 1/3 of the recommended rate at
40-45 DAS, or 1/6 at 40-45 DAS and 1/6 at flowering

Pest management
Golden snail control
• maintain a 2-3 cm water depth to avoid damage
• pick snails or crush the eggs
• spray molluscicide at the recommended rate on spots with
high density of snails

Insect pest management

• in most cases, early spraying is unnecessary. The rice
crop can compensate for early leaf damages during the
first 30-40 DAS
• apply insecticide only if other control measures fail
• use the recommended insecticides for rice

(Source: Field Operations Manual, PhilRice, 2007)

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Fair use of this material is encouraged. Proper citation is requested. | © 2010, OPAPA-PhilRice

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