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Students Name: Wilbert John Z. Lalunio
Weekly Report No. 1
From: April 20 , 2016
To: April 22, 2016
Todays Date: April 23, 2016
Name of Company: Batangas Electric II Cooperative, Inc.
Number of Hours Worked this Week: 24 Hours


Analysis No. 1
It was my first day of ojt in batelec II electric cooperative, Inc. located at antipolo
del norte, lipa city, we arrived at the company by 7:00 o' clock in the morning and the
first we did is we went to miss sheila lou (company asd) then we go to the conference
room for the orientation and to discuss the rules and regulation of the company, then we
read what is the information in the contract before we signed and after we signed the
contract miss sheila bring us to our assigned department which is engineering service
department (esd) warehouse. In the warehouse department we meet Sir Raymond
Malaluan (Warehouse Supervisor), Miss Haidee Comia (Office Secretary) and Engr.
Reyjay Tuble. The first task that they give to us is to sort the workload/ work according
to serial number for the month of September, after we sort the documents Miss Haidee
teached us how to use the SAP Inventory Software then we encode the information
enlisted, for our first day out of 15 pages we accomplished 5 pages, on our second day
we acvomplished 4 pages which is total to 9 pages from first and second day while on
our third day we finished the tasks or 15 out of 15 pages. Take note we did not encode
all because some of the project name is not clear but we did our best to try to encode all
the RIV number.

This week is so productive to me because I learned new things that I can bring 1
year from now.
Students Name: Wilbert John Z. Lalunio
Weekly Report No. 2
From: April 25 , 2016
To: April 29, 2016
Todays Date: April 30, 2016
Name of Company: Batangas Electric II Cooperative, Inc.
Number of Hours Worked this Week: 40 Hours



Analysis No. 2
For my second week in my ojt at Batelec II, I accomplished 2 tasks, the first task
that I did is I checked all the riv numbers to looked if there is a remarks, I found out
some of the riv number has no remarks so using warehouse inventory system
software I put all the riv numbers that has no remarks from November 2015 to April,
2016 then I wrote it to given sheet. It took me 3 days and half to finish the first task,
in the afternoon I started to do the second task which are encode the material
charge ticket from October 1, 2015 to October 15, 2015 so I put all the information
like riv numbers, quality, project name, class classification, and area in sap one
client bit (32 software). So for my second day i learned new things warehouse
inventory system software.


Students Name: Wilbert John Z. Lalunio
Weekly Report No. 3
From: May 2, 2016
To: May 8, 2016
Todays Date: May 8, 2016
Name of Company: Batangas Electric II Cooperative, Inc.
Number of Hours Worked this Week: 56 Hours



Analysis No. 3
For my third week of ojt I work seven days from Monday to Sunday, since
warehouse dept had work on that weekend for the election 2016 and one of the reason
why I work is I want to finish all the task that was given to me which is to encode the
material charges ticket in sap one client bite software from September 16-30, 2015 and
October 16-31, 2015. I finished all the task that was given to me on the exact date.
I was tired but happy this week, Im tired because I dont have rest and Im happy
because I finished my task at the right time.


Students Name: Wilbert John Z. Lalunio
Weekly Report No. 4
From: May 9 , 2016
To: May 13, 2016
Todays Date: May 14, 2016
Name of Company: Batangas Electric II Cooperative, Inc.
Number of Hours Worked this Week: 24 Hours



Analysis No. 4
For my four week of ojt I finished the task that was given to me which is to
encode the materials for the month of December from 1-29, on my third day of this
week we already finished to encode everything, so our boss gave us a new task
which is inventory, we count all transformer and write the information in the given
sheet. Since we are assigned on the warehouse evertything that you need like Bond
paper, Staple wire, rug, and etc., Maam Haidee familiarize us to the different
materials inside the warehouse. And we filled the documents in the office.


Students Name: Wilbert John Z. Lalunio
Weekly Report No. 5
From: May 16 , 2016
To: May 20, 2016
Todays Date: May 21, 2016
Name of Company: Batangas Electric II Cooperative, Inc.
Number of Hours Worked this Week: 24 Hours



Analysis No. 5
For the fifth week of my ojt I accomplished the task that was given to me, I
encoded materials ticket charge for the month of November 16-31, 2015 using the SAP
warehouse one client bite software and I encoded some document using excel. They
also gave us another task to get the requested materials from different department
Students Name: Wilbert John Z. Lalunio
Weekly Report No. 6
From: May 16 , 2016
To: May 23, 2016
Todays Date: May 27, 2016
Name of Company: Batangas Electric II Cooperative, Inc.
Number of Hours Worked this Week: 24 Hours



Analysis No. 6
This week my immediate superior asked me to encode the materials, prices, and
quantity using Microsoft excel, I summarized those materials that are not included in the
bin card.


Students Name: Wilbert John Z. Lalunio
Weekly Report No. 7
From: May 30 , 2016
To: June 3, 2016
Todays Date: June 4, 2016
Name of Company: Batangas Electric II Cooperative, Inc.
Number of Hours Worked this Week: 24 Hours



Analysis No. 7
This week, our superior asked us to have an inventory to distinguish how many
materials are used and left. They also asked us to give the different material
requisition form to different department.


Students Name: Wilbert John Z. Lalunio

Weekly Report No. 7
From: May 30 , 2016
To: June 3, 2016
Todays Date: June 4, 2016
Name of Company: Batangas Electric II Cooperative, Inc.
Number of Hours Worked this Week: 24 Hours



Analysis No. 7
Down to the last week of our internship, the assigned task to us was not really
heavy and not so stressful. They only gave us a tasked like, typing, printing and
filling different documents.

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