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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam June 16, 2016

Why should we exercise discretion and regulate our use of instruments in our
daily living? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.

All the five elements have been created by the will of the
Supreme. They must be used with reverential care and vigilant
discrimination. Reckless use of any of them will only rebound on
you with tremendous harm. Nature outside must be handled with
discretion, caution and awe. It is the same with our inner 'nature'
and internal instruments too! Of these, two are capable of vast
harm - the tongue and ones lust. Since lust is aroused and
inflamed by the food consumed and the drink taken in, the tongue
needs greater attention. While your eye, ear and nose have
single uses, the tongue makes itself available for two purposes: to
judge taste and to utter word - symbols of communication. You
must control the tongue with double care, since it can harm you in
two ways. Patanjali, (The author of Yoga Sutras) has declared
that when tongue is conquered, victory is yours!
- Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1968.

All the pains and pleasures that you experience are the results of your own actions and not due to
any act of the Divine. Baba

16 jUn,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:AwpxI rozwnw izMdgI iv`c swnUM,AwpxI mrzI dw ikauN pRXog krnw
cwhIdw hY Aqy Awpxy AOzwrW dw qrIky isr,ikauN pRXog krnw cwhIdw
hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl Xwd duAwauNdy hn[

au`qr:prm-Awqmw(Bgvwn) ny AwpxI ie`Cw nwl,pMj q`qW nUM pYdw kIqw

hY[ieh pMj q`qW dw pRXog,bVy sqkwr Aqy iDAwn nwl krnw cwhIdw hY[
ienHW dw, lwprvwhI nwl kIqy pRXog dw Asr,quhwfy leI musIbq dw kwrx bx
skdw hY[kudrq dIAW cIzW dw pRXog,bVI sUJ-bUJ(TIk Aqy glq dI pihcwn
kr ky),sqrk ho ky Aqy fr ky, krnw cwhIdw hY[ies qrHW dI soc nUM
swnUM,Awpxy SrIr dy AMdr vwly AOzwrW Aqy sBwau au`qy vI,lwgU krnw cwhIdw
hY[ienHW AOzwrW iv`coN,do auh AOzwr hn ,ijhVy swfw bhuq izAwdw nukswn kr
skdy hn Aqy auh hn,swfI jIB Aqy swfw lwlc(lwlsw)[ikauN jo swfI
lwlsw dI auqp`qI Aqy ies dI bVHOqrI,swfy Bojn qy Aqy jo ku`J AsIN pINdy
hW,aus qy inrBr krdI hY,swnUM AwpxI jIB auqy ,izAwdw iDAwn dyx dI loV
hY[quhwfI A`K,quhwfy k`n Aqy quhwfy n`k dw kyvl, iek-iek hI kMm hY pr
quhwfI jIB,do qrHW dy kMm krdI hY: iek qW auh ,svwd dI pihcwn krdI hY
Aqy dUjw auh,SbdW dw aucwrx krdI hY ArQwq quhwfI gl,dUijAW nUM
phuMcwauNdI hY ik qusIN kI kihxw cwhuMdy ho[quhwnUM,AwpxI jIhvw dw pRXog,bVy
iDAwn nwl krnw cwhIdw hY ikauoN jo ieh quhwfw,dohrw nukswn kr skdI
hY[ipqWjlI(Xog sUqr dy lyKk) ny ikhw hY ik jd koeI mnu`K ,AwpxI jIhvw
au`qy kMtRol(kwbU pwauxw) kr lYNdw hY qW smJo,aus dI ij`q inSicq hY[(23
nvMbr,1968 dy idvX pRvcn)[
ij`ny vI du`KW Aqy su`KW dw AnuBv,qusIN Awpxy jIvn iv`c krdy ho ,auh
swry,quhwfy v`loN kIqy krmW dy Pl dy kwrx hI hn, nw ik ieh du`Ksu`K,Bgvwn v`loN id`qy gey hn[(bwbw)[

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