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Johnny Munoz and Joseph Campos

Mrs. Parrott
Durums Quest
The giant beast reared its serpentine head. Durum, the brave warrior, had just had his
father murdered and had his wife, Gratus stolen by the giant beast. He attempted to fight the
serpent but it was as strong as a hundred men. He watched helplessly as the massive beast swam
into the sun, away from him, taking with it his wife and his fathers life. Durum knew what he
needed to do and did not hesitate. He headed directly past his flattened house to his barn in
which his horse, Veloces, was panicking from the destruction the serpent had caused but Durum
calmed him with a soft touch. My friend we must fly, said Durum.
Durum rode to the nearest town called Castellum. He wasted no time and went to an old
friend he knew he could rely on named Fidelibus. Durum and Fidelibus soon gathered three other
men and purchased a ship. With a crew and a ship Durum was ready to pursue the killer of his
father and the abductor of his wife.
At first Durum was scared to see what was next but he knew he had to save his wife and
get revenge for his father. As he sailed his head filled with visions of his home burning and his
father fighting bravely against the beast. He wanted to kill the beast even more. First of all
Durum wanted to consult the God Zeus, so he set the course to the great temple of the thunder
God. On the way to the temple a mighty head reared out of the water. The head appeared to be
human and scowled with rage. Behind the ship another head burst from the water. The heads
belonged to the God Zeus and the God Poseidon. The God Poseidon was infuriated that Zeus had

killed one of his children with a lightning bolt. Both heads dwarfed the ship and didnt even
seem to notice the puny ship. Both Gods charged at each other with the ship in the middle. The
ship was lifted in the air by a massive wave from the Gods force. The wave tossed the ship
around like a toy. Zeus hurled a powerful lightning bolt at Poseidon and Poseidon surrendered
from the fight, badly wounded.
The wave tossed their ship around for days and during that time one of the three sailors
that accompanied Durum and Fidelibus was washed overboard. The men were terrified by what
had just happened, but the men had been washed into unknown waters by the time the wave
receded. As the crew sailed through the unknown waters they saw an island. On the shore
washed up there was a necklace that had belonged to Durums wife. Durums eyes filled with
tears. Shes alive! He exclaimed filled with hope and joy.
The crew continued their journey searching the island. They looked everywhere but
didnt find anything. Suddenly one of the crew members fell into a deep hole that led to an
underground cave. The cave was filled with holes the same size the crew member fell through.
This must be the serpents cave, said Durum in awe. The men were exploring when after not
too long they heard a cry for help. The men were confused because they never thought they
would find someone underground in the serpents hole. It must be my wife! Shouted Durum.
The rest of the crew rushed to find where the sound was coming from. When all at once,
they saw her high up on a ledge in the immense cave. They were rushing towards her, when all at
once, out of one of the holes directly in front of them, the serpent shot up blocking their path.
Quickly they drew their weapons and bravely began attacking the beast. One sailor shot arrows
using a crossbow and Durum charged at the serpent with his sword ready. As he stabbed the
monster his sword bounced off the hard scales. The monster lunged its head him attempting to

bite off his head, but Durum jumped and avoided the sharp fangs. Seeing his soft throat, he had
an idea and when the serpent charged at him he waited until the last second and stabbed the
creature in its soft throat. The serpent roared in pain and fell to the ground writhing and then
finally lay still. The men cheered! The beast was dead!
Now they had to rescue Durums wife. The crew helped him get up to the ledge. Durum
reached towards Gratus, his wife, but as soon as their hands touched they heard a crash as the
cave started to shake hard. The sea serpent had been one of Poseidons children and now the God
was angered at Durum and his men. Suddenly rushing water began to fill the cave. The crew
tried to swim away, but with enormous force they were sucked under the water. Durum had
managed to grab onto a tree from the island and stay afloat with his wife. Soon the cave was
completely under water and both Durum and his wife Gratus made it up to the seas surface
breathing like never before. Soon they passed out from exhaustion and slept on the tree. As they
woke up they realized they were being pushed by a strong wind. As thunder cracked Durum
realized that Zeus was making sure he got home. Soon land was in sight and he and his wife
washed up on shore. It had been a long journey but it had been worth it to get his wife back with
him. As they wandered up the beach with no obvious destination in mind he was glad to just be
with his wife again even though the cost was his friend Fidelibus and all of his crew he was glad
to have rid the world of the serpent and hopefully a bright future lay ahead of him and his wife.
The End

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