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Welcome to the Room 3 Assembly

Friday 17th June 2016

E te Atua
Tnei te whakamoemiti ki a koe
mo tnei huihuinga o mtou
ki te whakanui ng tamariki mokopuna o
ttou nei kura. Awhinatia mtou
kia , ki te tika.

Dear God
Thank you for the opportunity to meet
To celebrate the children of our school,
Help us to do what is right and correct.
Jade Oxley

National Anthem
E Ihowa Atua,
O nga iwi matou ra
Ata whakarongona;
Me aroha noa
Kia hua ko te pai;
Kia tau to atawhai;
Manaakitia mai

God of nations! at Thy feet

In the bonds of love we meet,
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our Free Land.
Guard Pacific's triple star,
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand

Ataahua Rehu

Junior Awards

Could the junior teachers please present their class awards.

Jahrell Little

In Room 3 we are learning about 2D
and 3D shapes. We first learned to
describe the shape. We talked about
edges corners and faces.
Next, we made these 2D Robots. Lastly,
we had a challenge. Could we get the
3D Robot to stand?
Sammy, Kaitlin and Breeze

Nga Rakau

We have been learning about Rakau. Did you

the middle of the harakeke? It makes
learned a waiata to go with our actions.

know the rakau comes from

a really cool sound. We have
Our Waiata is called, E Papa
Please join in if you know it!
AJ and Zara

E Papa Waiari
E pp Waiari,
Taku nei mahi
Taku nei mahi,
He tuku roimata
aue, ka mate au;
E hine hoki mai r
aue, ka mate au;
E hine hoki mai r
2. Mku e kaute
Mku e kaute

Harakeke Art

We sketched harakeke. We were thinking about where the rakau came from and which part
was which. This helps us to know where we can cut and what to use to raranga or weave.
The Tupuna or the ancestors are on the outside. The rito or baby is in the middle. You never
cut the rito.
Archie and Nikara

Senior Awards

Could the senior teachers please present their class awards.

Tahuri Hamilton

We have been playing some poi games.

In the olden days men used poi. Poi
were used to make the wrists and
brain strong.
This helped them to be warriors. We
made these strong poi to play games.
We threw the ki or the ball to one
another. We can throw the poi to
ourselves and catch the tail.
Its really fun.
Karanga, Maya and Ash

Poi for Games

Caught being Good Awards

Could Ms Simmonds please come and present the Caught Being Good Awards.

Principals Award

Could Mrs Lindsay please come and present the Principals Awards.

Thankyou for coming to Room

3s Assembly
Have a wonderful Weekend Everybody

Hohepa and Sonny

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