Blake Zucco Independent Research Period 3

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Blake Zucco

Independent Research
Period 3
Genetic Engineer. (2001). In R. Robinson (Ed.), Plant Sciences. New York: Macmillan
Reference USA. Retrieved from

In this article, the author asserts the benefits of Genetic Engineering through the use of
gene manipulation in plants. The author includes basic methods, products, introduction, and
careers related to the Genetic Engineering field. For example, the author includes wages and
degrees, advancement in the field is expressed through numerical salary values and growth of the
field in the next eight years. The U.S. Department of Labor expects employment opportunities in
the Biomedical engineering field to rapidly increase from 2010 to 2018. The range of
possibilities and versatility of the genetic modification methods shows that the method of
Genetic Engineering can benefit bodily health, the environment, and crop production which
affects all humans in modern society.
The source is taken from the Gale Group Science in Context database which provides
vetted information aiming to educate high school students. Citing information from Cambridge
and San Francisco State University, the article provides an accurate and unbiased view of
Genetic Engineering. Though the author is not named and no contact information is given, the
multitude of colleges can be contacted regarding the Biomedical field. The author provides both
requirements and advancement opportunities for readers interested in engaging in the field or
forwarding their position and income. Although the article was written in 2001, it was updated in
2012, so the article follows both the five rendering the information accurate and relevant to the

Synthetic Biology. (2012). In Biotechnology: Changing Life Through Science. Detroit: UXL.
Retrieved from
Synthetic biology designs and creates new biological products that wouldnt occur
naturally but only through the assistance of human intervention. For example, in 2010 a synthetic
version of the plant based artemisinin was used to treat malaria at a cheaper price and quicker
creation. Through genetic modification, microorganisms can be manipulated to act in desired and
predictable patterns determined by its genome. A description of the history of Biomedical
Engineering is recorded to explain the progression of genetic manipulation leading up to
organisms created through synthetic processes. Through synthetic processes, humans can
develop microorganisms to cure disease, deteriorate waste, and even replicate cells. Synthetic
biology is extremely new and was used early to cure malaria with an alternative medicine in
2010, but in 2012 the field has expanded to new diseases such as smallpox.
The source was taken from the database Gale Group Science in Context, a vetted
database aimed at educating high school level students, but no author is named in the article. The
information is gathered from Cambridge University and The Nobel Prize Foundation providing
academic and unbiased information on Synthetic Biology. The author and his contact information
is not given in the source, but Cambridge and the NPF can be contacted with questions regarding
the synthetic biology field.The source was published in 2012 therefore the source follows the 5
year rule and holds reliable relevant information. The author includes current issues either solved
or in the midst of being solved by Synthetic Biology as examples of how the field applies to
todays issues and puts Synthetic Biologys abilities into perspective of the modern eye.

Tissue Engineering. (2012). In Biotechnology: Changing Life Through Science. Detroit: UXL.
Retrieved from

Tissue Engineering is the manipulation of synthetic and natural tissues and organs to
replace damaged or defective tissue and organs. The author asserts the methods, uses, and
projected growth of Tissue Engineering in the next ten years. For example, the FDA, the Food
and Drug Administration, has approved the use engineered tissue to replace damaged skin of
severe burn victims and ulcer patients. The need for human and animal tissue for transplants is
much higher than the supply of human and animal tissue available. To satisfy the demand for
transplants, Tissue Engineering utilizes synthetic tissue and stem cells to create organs. The
Tissue Engineering field was estimated at $7 billion in 2008 however the field is expected to
grow to $30 billion by 2018 according to an industry report expecting a fifteen percent growth
per year.
The source came from the database Gale Group Science in Context which is a reliable
database geared towards high school students. The source cites multiple reliable organizations
such as the Public Broadcasting Service and the National Science Foundation as sources of
information in the article. The source intends to educate high school students about the future of
the Biomedical field by manipulating natural and synthetic tissue. Though the author is not
named, information can be gathered from PBS and NSF because they are public organizations
open to the public. The article was published in 2014, so the article follows the 5 year rule and is
accurate and relevant.

Chen, J., Glaus, C., Laforest, R., Zhang, Q., Yang, M., Gidding, M., . . . Xia, Y. (2011, April 9).
Gold Nanocages as Photothermal Transducers for Cancer Treatment. Retrieved March
09, 2016, from

This journal by a multitude of credible scientists outlines a study of gold nanocages

coupled with a near infrared diode to target and destroy malignant cells. The experiment was
conducted in vivo on a group of mice each afflicted with cancerous tumors. Each mouse was
injected with gold nanocages and was then subject to near infrared radiation. The journal further
details the preparations and conditions of the nanocages and mice prior, during, and after the
experiment including the condition of the tumors, cultivation of the nanocages, and the strength
of the radiation. The journal examines the condition of the mice after the experiment and
included images of the tumor. The images displayed a massive reduction in size of tumors
exposed to nanocages and infrared light while infrared light alone saw no reduction.
The authors are all doctors or professors with experience of conducting multiple other
experiments and producing other papers as well. The focus of the journal is to determine whether
gold nanocages and infrared light are a viable solution to cancer and see how well it works on a
living subject. Although the source details an experiment conducted on a living subject, the
viability of the nanocages as a cancer treatment is still unknown, for no trials have been
conducted on humans, so side effects and its effectiveness is not yet fully understood. The
experiment was published on April 9, 2011 putting the article within both the five and ten year
rule deeming the information current and relevant. The experiment was conducted by numerous
experienced oncologists and scientists who have conducted similar experiments and published
similar articles in the past. A list of previous articles and experiments conducted by each author
is available by clicking the link on each authors name.

Dreaden, E. C., Mwakwari, S. C., Sodji, Q. H., Oyelere, A. K., & El-Sayed, M. A. (2010,
December 1). Tamoxifen-Poly(ethylene glycol)-Thiol Gold Nanoparticle Conjugates:
Enhanced Potency and Selective Delivery for Breast Cancer Treatment. Retrieved March
09, 2016, from

The journal presents an experiment conducted utilizing gold nano-particles bound to antiEGFR and a chemotherapy agent to actively seek malignant cells and destroy them. The
experiment was conducted in vitro utilizing gold nano-particles to deliver chemotherapy drugs
throughout a culture of cells in a controlled environment. The article provides an in depth
explanation of the experiment detailing the different chemicals present as well as the specific
type of malignant cell that was targeted. Using a popular drug used to treat breast cancer as well
as gold nano-particles, the experiment aims to attack malignant cells while avoiding healthy
tissue. The experiment concluded that the use of the gold nano-particles increased the destruction
of malignant cells by 2.7 times than the chemotherapy alone. The experiment also displayed that
gold nano-particles reduced the damage to healthy tissue in addition to destroying more
malignant cells.
The authors are all experienced oncologists and doctors who have conducted experiments
and produced journals in the past. The objective of the journal is to demonstrate the viability of
gold nano-particles as drug delivery systems for chemotherapy and to publicize the use of gold
nano-particles as a future cancer treatment more effective than traditional treatments. Although
the article provides a detailed report of the use of GNPs, the article lacks experiments conducted
in vivo. Without in vivo experiments, the effectiveness of the treatment on living subjects is not
known, for the circulatory and excretory systems are not accounted for, and the bodys reaction

to the treatment is not known either. The article was published on December 1, 2010 putting the
article within the 10 year rule and close to the 5 year rule deeming the article relevant. The article
is accurate, for the experiment was conducted by experienced oncologists who have produced
many papers in the past which can be found by clicking the link on each of the authors names
showing the authority and accuracy of each of the authors.

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