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Milk occupies a strong relationship with Indian

cultural values
Sentiment among the people that the Indian
Government backed brands unadulterated compared
to private brands
Considerable portion of the population is lactovegetarian
Bargaining power of raw milk suppliers increased due
to the emergence of co-operatives.

GDP growth rate is approx. 7.6 to 7.9% currently.Feed

costs were high
Rising income levels and shift in consumer preference.
In India the Dairy Industry contributes 22 per cent to
agricultural GDP.
To start Dairy business at small/large level government
provide a very easy loaning facility through its
dedicated department of GRAMODHYOG VIBHAG.

No Restriction on setting up new dairy units and

expansions, also 100% %FDI is allowed through
automatic route
Operation Flood was implemented to give a boost to
the dairy sector
For the betterment of the processes government has
introduced Degree/Diploma course in Food Processing
and Technology.
For good health of Cattles government provide
monetary as well as technical support to the cattle
owners which include free Insurance also.




Vikas Singh(FT173102)
Close relationship with government cultivated trust in the
minds of people
Dairy industries in India are controlled by The Department
of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (AH&D) - now renamed
as Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying & Fisheries
(DADF) is one of the Departments in the Ministry of
Agriculture. Generally legal framework in dairy industry is
divided into two parts.
Legal framework and Regulations of State government
Legal framework and Regulations of central government

Increased demand for packaged dairy products due to

increase in urbanization and double income households
Consumer paradigm shift towards healthier diet due to
increasing health problems

Milk is a perishable item and Advancement of newer

technologies is highly needed for dairy industry for
measurement of purity (concentration), procurement and
Milk trucks were sent to rural areas to overcome the
adulteration problem.
Recently every industry has started using RFID (Radio
frequency identifcation) technology to track movement of
milk van.




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