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In operant conditioning, the specific object or event that influences a

behaviour is the
a. Response
b. Stimulus
c. Consequence
d. Behaviour
2. On the first day of class Sam draws an inappropriate picture on the white
board and the class laughs, as a result of the attention from the other
students Sam draws inappropriate pictures for the rest of the week, his
behaviour is a result of
a. Positive reinforcement
b. Negative reinforcement
c. Positive punishment
d. Negative punishment
3. Pavlov conditioned the dog to salivate to the sounds of a bell. The bell in
classical conditioning terms would be referred to as a
a. Conditioned stimulus
b. Conditioned response
c. Unconditioned response
d. None of the above
4. What kind of reinforcement should you use if you want to get a response to
last without reinforcement long after its been learned through operant
a. Continuous
b. Intermittent
c. Neither A or B
d. Both A & B
5. Classical conditioning usually works best if which of the following occurs?
a. The conditioned stimulus (CS) is presented just after the
unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
b. The CS is presented just before the UCS
c. The CS is presented many hours after the UCS
d. All of the above are equally effective

6. What type of learning is taking place in this photo?


Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Observational learning
Reinforcement scheduling

7. In the study by Bandura, involving young children and a Bobo doll he found
a. Children exposed to an aggressive cartoon character were more
aggressive than children not subjected to an aggressive model.
b. Children exposed to an aggressive live model were more aggressive
than children not subjected to an aggressive live model.
c. Both of these was true.
d. Neither of these was true.

8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of concrete operational

a. Ability to think abstractly
b. Ability to conserve
c. Ability to think logically about real things and events
d. Ability to engage in matrix classification
9. At each stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, people
experience a(n) _________ that serves as a turning point.
a. Epiphany
b. Conflict
c. Paradigm shift
d. Turmoil

10.The crisis that arises in young adult hood is concerned with

a. Trust vs mistrust
b. Industry vs inferiority
c. Integrity vs despair
d. Intimacy vs isolation
11.One can increase the total amount of information which is held in short
term memory by:
a. Using mnemonic devices
b. Elaborative rehearsal
c. Constructive remembering
d. Combining information into chunks
12.Interference with the retention of new information due to previously
learned material is called:
a. Proactive inhibition (interference)
b. Retrograde amnesia
c. The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
d. Retroactive inhibition (interference)
13.Scott and his doctor are writing a plan about how he can participate in
physical activity. According to the Transtheoretical model Scott would be
classified as being in:
a. Precontemplation
b. Preparation
c. Contemplation
d. Denial
14.Which of the following would be considered (a) key element (s) of
Motivational Interviewing:
a. Rolling with resistance
b. Developing discrepancy
c. Supporting self-efficacy
d. All of the above
15.The theory of people explaining others' behaviour is?
a. Cognitive theory
b. Communication theory
c. Impression Theory
d. Attribution theory
16.Deciding a fellow student has done well on an exam because their father is
the principal, you have made a:
a. free will attribution
b. situational attribution
c. deterministic attribution
d. dispositional attribution

17. __________________ is a change in behaviour or belief as a result of group

a. Cohesiveness
b. Conformity
c. Compliance
d. Obedience
18.Publicly acting in accord with social pressure while privately disagreeing is
a. acceptance
b. compliance
c. reactance
d. interaction
19.___________________________ is based on a person's desire to be accepted by
the group.
a. Indirect influence
b. Nominal influence
c. Normative influence
d. Informational influence
20.A persons desire to perform a task for its own reward is driven by:
a. Extrinsic motivations
b. Instinct
c. Internal locus of control
d. Intrinsic motivation
21.What is the second tier of Maslows Hierarchy of needs, in the path to
achieving self-actualisation
a. Physiological
b. Esteem
c. Safety
d. Love/belonging

22.Which mental health disorder effects more Australians

a. Anxiety disorders
b. Affective (mood) disorders
c. Substance use disorders
d. None of the above
23.Using skills such as empathy, emotional awareness, self-confidence, selfregulation and self-control are examples of what type of intelligence?
a. Cognitive intelligence
b. Emotional intelligence
c. Intellectual intelligence
d. None of the above

24.IQ tests are valid predictors of:

a. Ones general ability to function in the real world
b. An individuals motivation
c. School success
d. Creative abilities
25.Four principles of the effective listening are:

Clarification, memory, paraphrasing, summarising

Clarification, reflection, paraphrasing, summarising
Summarising, likeability, paraphrasing memory
Trust, clarification, paraphrasing, summarising

26.Race, ethnicity, country of origin, language, sexual orientation, and gender

are all examples of:
Stereotyped population groups
Barriers to communication
Important areas of health policy
All of the above
27.According to the gate control theory of pain, the fibres which open the gate

Substantia gelatinosa fibres

B-gamma fibres
C fibres
Nociceptor projection fibres

28.Which model of pain perception is closely linked with culture, family,

nociceptive stimuli and environment?

Gate control theory of pain

Biopsychosocial model of pain
Medical model of pain
Biomedical model of pain

29.Amongst young people in Australia, which are the three most commonly
used drugs?
a. Ecstasy, tobacco, alcohol
b. Alcohol, tobacco, speed
c. Tobacco, marijuana, inhalants
d. Alcohol, marijuana, tobacco
30. Psychoactive drugs that accelerate the action of the CNS are known as:

Anabolic Steroids

31. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an introverted personality?



32. Based on Eysencks theory on personality differences, which of the following

best explains person with an internal locus of control?
a. I control my destiny
b. Others control my destiny
c. I have no control over my destiny
d. None of the above
33. Which of the following are linked with changes relating to emotion?
a. Physiological
b. Cognitive
c. Mood
d. All of the above
34. In a Health and Human Services setting, it is most important to be aware of
the emotions of which people?
a. Clients
Your supervisor/s
A and B
35. The severity of experienced stress is influenced by:
a. the predictability of occurrence of the stressor
b. the persons degree of control over the stressor
c. cognitive appraisal of the stressor
d. all of the above
36. Stress can potentially lead to an increases risk of coronary heart disease
a. An increased risk of the build-up of cholesterol plaques
b. Directly suppressing the immune system
c. An increase in behaviours such as smoking
d. A and C

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