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Healthier and longer life by Ayurveda- Ancient Science

of India


Diabetes Health
Liver Health
Women's Health
Men's Health
General Health
Skin Care
Hair Care





Know your Prukruti

Characteristics of Dosha Constitutions

Vata Constitution

Pitta Constitution

Kapha Constitution

Healthy body, well-developed

muscles, well-functioning
metabolism, an urge for physical
activities, an interest in science and
technical subjects, good speaking
ability, aggressiveness, hostile
tendency, impatience, tendency to
baldness, good mental ability,
excellent memory, loves intellectual

Heavy body weight, solid body

structure, strength, endurance,
secure feeling, self-confident,
easily rattled, somewhat
patient, polite, generous,
materialistic tendency, greedy,
passive, tendency to sleep too

Stress-related diseases; high blood

pressure; coronary diseases;
thrombosis; ulcers; cancer of the
stomach, intestine, and skin;
psoriasis; inflammation of the
lymph system; infectious diseases;
inflammation of the spleen;
hepatitis, urinary tract infection;

Nausea, colds, bronchitis,

kidney stones, swollen lymph
nodes, benign tumors, dropsy,
goiter, lung and breast cancer,
fungal infections, digestive
problems, obesity

Low body weight, light bone
esoteric material, is shy and
sensitive, enthusiastic

Diseases Prone To
Rheumatism, nervous
sciatica, insomnia, dry skin,
constipation, receding gums,
weak bones, infertility,
impotence, colic, flatulence,
stuttering, ringing in the
irregular menstruation with
cramps, varicose veins,
blood clotting, anorexia,

Quality Control and

Research &

Quality Control : A total SOP driven process with compulsory validation

of all methods and processes guarantee's the highest quality. Each batch
of finished product bears the record of its journey in and through our
manufacturing/ analytical processes, and kept on record. Herbs are
sourced from reputed wholesalers, and ensures that the herbs we buy
are authentic and of the best quality, by carrying out TLC reports of
individual materials prior to purchase. We comply with and exceed every
requirement of the GMP norms. All analytical reports are archived
including work sheets, calculations, primary registers, final registers and
& Development:
& Don record. We
finally computerized
All control samples
is dedicated
to product
strive fordepartment
entire satisfaction
of our customer.

development, quality control and

standardization. BUTTERFLY AYURVEDA
PVT LTD has started a demanding work
full of responsibility and initiated a
revolutionary change by making three
stage standardization & clinical testing
as the basis in the field of the
manufacturing of ayurvedic medicines:
1. Quality Control & Quality Assessment.
2. Toxicological Study-Animal Trial.

For Quality Control and Quality Testing the following three

steps are followed :
For Raw Material
For extracts at different stages
For final product

Quality Control and Quality Testing For Raw Material:The raw material to
be used in production of medicines are used only after they have been tested for
their purity. To carry out this work appropriately & in an effective manner, a herb
research department has been established in which efficient, trained scientists
and research personnel from the fields of Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy, chemistry,
microbiology & Ayurveda have been employed.
In this Department standards relating Botanical Identification, Adulteration, the
knowledge about the mixture of the representative ingredients and appropriate
amount of the ingredients for the manufacturing of the medicines is being
adopted, so that the quality of medicines in every batch remains same.
1. Determination of foreign matter or adulterants
2. Morphological Study
3. R.D.
4. Solubility in different solvents like water, alcohol, ether etc.
5. Ash value
6. Moisture content
7. Oil contents
8. Bulk density of raw material
9. Comparative Chromatographic Study by TLC & HPTLC
10. ORD-Optical Rotary Diahroism-Polarography
11. X-Ray Photo Electron Spectroscopy
12. U.V. Photo Electron Spectroscopy
To carry out these tasks a laboratory (QA & QC Laboratory) has been
constructed which has the most modern equipments like Oven, Microwave Oven,
Moisture Balance, Bulk Density Apparatus, Microscope, Computerised
Microscope, Polarimeter, Extraction, Apparatus, TLC, High Profile Thin Layer
Chromatography (HPTLC). At present Botany, Chemistry and Microbiology
departments are working under this.

Quality Control and Quality testing for Extracts at different

For properly maintaining quality control of the various extracts at
different stages of extraction, the following standards are
absolutely taken care of :
Measurement of the Total Solid Content
Measurement of pH value
Moisture content
Solubility in different solvents like water, alcohol, ether etc.
Study of the comparative TLC and HPTLC tests
Chemical analysis
U.V. Photo Electron Spectroscopy
HPLC analysis for bioactive constituents

Quality Control and Quality testing for final products:Various processes are followed for
quality control and standardisation of the final products like Capsule, Syrups, Choorna, Vati, etc.
1. Identity Test
Physical Test
Quantity of Medicine
Molecular Weight
UV Spectrum of Medicine
Comparative Chromatography TLC & HPTLC
2. Measurement of set Physical parameters
Rapid dissolvement
Moisture content
Ash value
Solubility in different solvents like water, alcohol, either etc.
3. Assay
HPLC/ HPTLC analysis for bioactive constituents
Quantitative analysis of Biomolecules (Total alkaloids, Total Phenolic, Total Tannins etc.)
4. Microbiological Test
Total Bacterial count
Total Yeast & Mould
Test for specific Pathogen: E. coli; Salmonella; P. Aeruginosa; S. Aureus
5. SAFETY Test:
Pesticide Residue Analysis
Heavy Metals Analysis
Aflatoxin Analysis
In this way, by giving a new form to the ayurvedic medicines, a new step has beeninitiated in the
direction of quality control and standardization, by which ayurveda isclearly bound to affect
globally and make a mark. This will not be an effort only for thebenefit of India but for whole
world and in the time to come it will make the medicaltreatment available for everyone. As the
ancient sages were well versed with theknowledge of ayurveda and there has been refinement of
the knowledge from time totime by the learned in the field,

HerBAL laboratory (QA & QC Laboratory)

sophisticated Quality Control laboratory.&


Facilities available:

MOU with

HPTLC High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (CAMAG)

TLC Applicator

Photodocumentation Unit
HPTLC is used for fingerprinting and assay for
bioactve compounds like Picroside-I & II in Kutki;


Methods for
Pesticide residual
analysis in raw
herbs and final

Gas liquid chromatograph

GC is frequently employed for quantitative reporting of
residual solvents in raw materials and finished products,

Microscopic identification of the

botanical ingredients is a standard for
identification purposes of raw herbal
drugs and in several solid and semisolid compound formulations.


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