Case 1

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' lYhen l{ar:ry Met Stacey

SLat:ey lfrieth-nan

has becn a lilcmt'y agenl, u,iLh one

rrg{Jltcies in Nclv }-orl< fin'[our'

vea t's. I Ier: itlb r:nta il s.nurtcl ring ul-r arrt,l l r'$ qull!,hlir

ril tlrc l:.rrgest




i,,*,,us,,rilri,r rrit,l,


i,q'o tlozern


estabJished zrut.hor-q rvhunI she leprt:senl,s

irt rtogot,iatiorrs tvith l,he publishing houses. Stacey
also regtrlurl.y revier,vs rnilnuscriirLs o[' ner,v or ]ess
ostablishcti iurl,hors lvho u,ant, lrr.:r' lilur Lo represent



"I livc anrl l,his jol.r. l'rn up at 5:lJO in

llir: trorrrirrF and in tlre ollice by 7:00. I either ship
Iuitr:h or usc lunch as arr eictrse to nrcrcl, n,ith
prrblishing otlitors, rviLh one ol'rriy esLalilishecl's, or Lo talli wil;Ir a lrrosp<ii:(,ive clierrl,. I'm never


ri[' llre o['fict: Lrelbre 7:i]0 l,.l\,I., ar]d il,'s usu:rll.y

lLrtrur t,o 9:00. Vy'lren I geL lrrirtre, I spend a cor,rple of'
iinttps 1.1,i1lg [rr [lec[ r'eading marruscril.rt,s. I onl.y rvish

t:ould lincl rlnot,hcrr five lrouts a rlay so I could

itr ll-r(rrtl tlt in51s."
Stati:.1, alrl.rroaches l-rcr: .vork lhnost i:onrpulsiuci.y. Irr urllegcr, she was in a srrrorii.y, playr:d on ]rur
sclrrtrti's s(xlc(l' ttratrr, antl clal,ecl rogulllrl.l/. IJut qt'1cn.y's.job is nrrw hel rvlrole li{b. Slre irasn't, Llriren more
t.lran live ol six f ilcaticut days in {bur years. She
Italrtt't, boen tlrr a rlal,e in [ive rtonlir$, alt,hough she
luts ltari s(:)\/t)r'Dl rl,tzcn She lriis no socilll lii'e,
lxr'cpi, firr t,lrat rvhiclr lot.i,rl,t:s at'ourrcl lter n,rtr'h.
"NIy [rousc is i,r t,oLal nress. I ]raverr't rhlsl.cld iii






siix u,er:iis.

llut, I dou't ctrrr,r. ILver.y rrrol'ning

I ltop or-rL

tl'borI anr] .f r.rst t,l-ranh t,ire l,ord lirr having :r .lerb Lha{,

itltlics nre so huppy. I'd rathcr bc u,orJiirrfl


rloirrg arrvi,[ring else."


Ii'l'iot'ltttlttt's ttttt,littriitrsi'tt al)ltcirt's ltt havr:

lrirrl n vcr:.y 1.rosi{,ivc irrrIrltt;t orr hr:l'.iob ltet'lbrntaJlcc.

II,rr lross si]ryst slle is t,lro best,.yotrrrg irgeuL in l,hct

Nolv cousirlor ['[at'r'y Nellsrirr.IIarry is an acrltrisiI.iotts erlit,ot' rvit,h rinu o['t.itr: publishing Irouscs r-,,iLh
rtlrorrr SLacc.\r nrlllol,ir)Les. Itnrly is alror.rl. t.]re slrure
il.:r, rir Iil.r-rr:c.v lrtrl llt:r{, is aborrt, all t lrerl, hilvr: ir-r

{lill il

lt )l t.

"I'r,e kntxvn Stacev iilr abor,rt l',t.i'ee years," I{urr';,. "She's a {rrsl,-ral,e agelli. She k.ows

hel clients. She hnorvs her pro.jects. Slrr:'s a tough

rtcgot,ialor. Ilut Stacey talies her job an.l herself far
too seriousiy. When lve have a busine-ss lunch, all
she rvan{.s t,o do is talh business. She'.s cven cailed
n-Ie 41, home, as iat.e as rnidnight, to cliscuss one of
her clienl,'s projects.
"Quite franhly, I clon't understanci ,Si'acey. She
lives ancl bleathes her job. To nre, m-r, .;;b is just tr
job. Ll. plovides rnc a goocl livitig. It':, r'e1:r1;ivelv
sectlre. There isn't too mucir sLrerss. I gei Lo travei a
l'erv days a llonth-and the conlpal5' p;:c,vides me:
wit,h a generous expense account. Oi... ancl the
beuefrl,s are greab. Fjve weehs of vacation aftr:r I'rn
hcr:e only firr: years, a good pro{ii,-siralin:4 1tlau, and
I'11 be able t,o retire in n'iy late fillies ou :r pension
that pays me neilrly 90 percent of rny toi.r salar'.1,.
"I'r,e gol, tr rvife and a,qmi'rll r:hilcl . I lr:r-ill..i vaJue
lire i,jnre I cau spend at ]rome r.vith thern. Norv d6u't,
gel. nre wrong. I do n very goodjob. Mv ]:oo1< lisl. is
one of t,l-ie largesL arrd rnosl, profitai.,le jn 1-i:e companv. llr-rf rn1, Iil'e is balanced. I put in my foli..., hour'" a
."veeh anrl go i1orle. I never t,ahe u'ork l'ii,rcli to the
horrse rvith nre. lYhen I close my olflce dool at night,,
I iear.e m-y pr-ol]lel]rs ]:ehincl."

1. Whv do .-r'ou think Stace.y is so moli'',nted and

IIarr'.-v isn't.?


11' -vorr rvere t,o iear..n thal Slacey anii Ilally

rnatlc l$22,0d0 ancl $48,001) a year, respective1.1,, rvould you be surprised'/ Ilxplain.
As a trtanager, rvho wouid you pre['el t-o htrve
\,\,olking firt' -vriu- Llarr-y or Strrcey'? Yr'I l ?'

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