014-Ionization Energy I

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Ionization Energy

Ionization energy (IE): The energy required

to remove an electron from a gaseous atom or
ion, where the atom or ion is assumed to be in
its ground state. (p91, 3, 5)

X(g) X (g) + e

First IE of Aluminum

Al(g) Al (g) + e

I1 = 580 kJ/mol

The first ionization energy I1 is the energy

required to remove the highest energy
electron (the one bound least tightly) of an
atom. (p91, r3)

I1: Remove a 3p electron. (Al: [Ne] 3s 3p )

2nd and 3rd IEs of Aluminum



I2 = 1815 kJ/mol



I3 = 2740 kJ/mol

Al (g) Al (g) + e

Al (g) Al (g) + e
I1 < I2 < I3 <

I1: 13 protons vs. 13 electrons.

I2: 13 protons vs. 12 electrons.
I3: 13 protons vs. 11 electrons. (bind tightly)

Fourth IE of Aluminum


Al (g) Al (g) + e


Al (g) Al (g) + e

I3 = 2740 kJ/mol
I4 = 11,600 kJ/mol

The largest jump in ionization energy by far

occurs in going from the third ionization
energy (I3) to the fourth (I4). (pp91-92)
I3: Remove a 3s electron. (Al : [Ne] 3s )
I4: Remove a 2p (core) electron. (Al : [Ne])

IEs for the 3rd-Period Elements

p92, Table 2.5

First IEs for the Elements

in the First Six Periods

p92, Figure 2.32

Periodic Trends in 1st-Ionization Energy

In general as we go across a period from left
to right, the first ionization energy increases.
(p92, r3)
Electrons added in the same principal
quantum level do not completely shield the
increasing nuclear charge caused by the
added protons. (p92, r3)

Shielding Effect

s > p > d > f

Zeff = Z


Poor Shielding Effect for the Same Level

Electrons in the same principal quantum level
are generally more strongly bound as we
move to the right on the periodic table, and
there is a general increase in ionization
energy values as electrons are added to a
given principal quantum level. (p92, r3)
Zeff: small (left) large (right)


IEs for 1A and 8A Elements

p92, Table 2.6


1st-IE for the Same Group

First ionization energy decreases in going
down a group. (p92, r2)
The electrons being removed are, on average,
farther from the nucleus.
As n increases, the size of the orbital
increases, and the electron is easier to remove.
(p92, r2)


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