CHAPTER 3 Force and Pressure

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P = F/A B = wair – wwater or P = pressure B = Buoyant force

F2 – F1
P = pressure in liquid ρ = density of liquid

 Pressure – F/A (rate of change force acting per area. Pascal or Nm-2)

 Pressure in water – ρgh ( g is constant 9.8Nkg-1)

 Kinetic theory – gas alaways moving freely and gas pressure always perpendicular to the surface

 Bourdon gauge – to measure pressure

 Monometer – to measure the different in pressure between 2 side of the u tube

P = Patm + h2ρg

Patm = 76cmHg or

 Pressure in liquid – act in all direction and increased with depth

 Pascal principle – Py = Px
• (pressure applied to an enclosed liquid is tramistted equallly to every part of liquid)

 Buoyant force – F = ρVg = mg

• (upward force resulting from object being wholly or partially immersed in a fluid)

 Archimedes’ principle – buoyant force equal to weight of fluid displace

• Eg : hydrometer, hot ballon and submarine

 Bernoulli’s principle – speed ,pressure

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