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The origins of the Portuguese Naval Aviation date back to 1916, when two Navy

officers were sent to France to undergo flight training[8] as part of a larger effort
started in 1913 to create a military aviation school capable of serving as the basis
for the creation of both the Army's and Navy's aviation services.[9] These two Navy
officers 1TEN Artur de Sacadura Cabral and GMAR AN Antnio Joaquim Caseiro
underwent basic flight training at Chartres and flying boat flight training at SaintRaphal, Var.[3][10][11]

During Sacadura Cabral's stay in France, he was also appointed by the Navy
Ministry to establish contact with the French aviation industry to study the existing
hydroplane models to equip a future Portuguese naval air service.[11]

Upon their return, both were appointed flight instructors at the Military Aviation
School of Vila Nova da Rainha (Portuguese: Escola de Aviao Militar de Vila Nova da
Rainha), the navy's section of the Army's School of Military Aeronautics (Portuguese:
Escola de Aeronutica Militar, EAM), with Sacadura Cabral being appointed
instruction director.[10] Meanwhile, Navy personnel started receiving flight training
and aircraft maintenance instruction at the school and abroad, in France.[8][12]

Also upon his return to Portugal, Sacadura Cabral was asked by the War Minis

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