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Encircle the correct answer. 20 pts.


1.) How long did it take for God to

create the world?
a. Seven thousand years
b. An instant, right after huge explosion
c. Six days
d. Seven days
2.) Which day did God create plants?
a. Sixth day
c. Second day
b. Fifth day
d. Third day
3.) I was the first man God created.
a. Adam
c. Noah
b. David
d. Paul
4.) I was created from the rib of the
first man.
a. Ruth
c. Rachel
b. Sarah
d. Eve
5.) God saved me and my family from
the great flood.
a. David
c. Adam
b. Noah
d. Paul
6.) I killed a very tall man with a very
small weapon.
a. Adam
c. Noah
b. Paul
d. David
7.) I was very strong and had very
long hair.
a. Paul
c. Noah
b. Abraham
d. Samson
8.) I changed my name from Saul and
started many churches.
a. David
c. Samson
b. Solomon
d. Paul
9.) I almost sacrificed my soon, Isaac,
before God stopped me.
a. Jacob
c. Noah
b. Adam
d. Abraham
10.) I violated the instructions
regarding the devoted things from
a. Achan
c. Joshua
b. Paul
d. None

11.) I was a carpenter and Marys

a. John
c. Jesus
b. Abraham
d. Joseph
12.) I am the Son of God and came to the
earth to die for your sins.
a. Paul
c. Peter
b. Jesus
d. John
13.) I am Jesus human mother.
a. Ruth
c. Esther
b. Naomi
d. Mary
14.) God spoke to me through the burning
a. Abraham
c. Moses
b. Daniel
d. Joshua
15.) In what bible verse do we find the
first and greatest commandment?
a. Mark12: 30
c. Luke 10:10
b. Matthew 16: 30
d. Acts 15:11
16.) What is the second greatest
a. Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and mind.
b. Love your enemies.
c. Love your neighbors as yourself.
d. All of the above
18.) How many of each animal did Moses
bring into the Ark?
a. a pair of every kind of animal
b. 50
c. 40
d. None
19.) What is the symbol of God's promise
to Noah?
a. Dove

c. flood

b. Rainbow

d. none of the above

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