How Did I Learn To Hear God S Voice

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How did I learn to hear Gods voice?
Sample of a Recorded Live Personal Prophecy
First, I had to surrender to God with a childlike trust, laying every other
source or crutch down on the altar. My passion had to be hearing God and Him
alone. I begin by binding any other spirit voice but the voice of the Holy Spirit, so
that I would know that every inner voice I heard is either mine or Father Gods all
day long. Once I have bound every other spirit voice, I choose to believe that Father
God, who has asked me to minister, will be faithful to fill my mouth, if I will open it
in faith. Hearing God's voice belongs to the sheep. I am His sheep and His sheep
hear His voice.
John 10:27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. NIV
I commanded my mind to yield to my spirit. My thoughts sound analytic or
like reason, but Gods voice sounds like a spontaneous thought that would not
usually come from my natural mind. Satans voice is often high pressure, accusing,
condemning, divisive or destructive. Gods voice edifies, encourages, comforts,
teaches, creates, loves, heals and gives life. I repented of doubt and unbelief and
presented my ears and eyes to God, inviting Him to speak to me or to give me

My next challenge was to receive confidence that I was hearing God's

voice.. Gods voice is a spontaneous flow that comes from communion with Him as
a life-style, being one spirit with His Spirit. (1 Cor. 6:17, Jn.15) I am a branch grafted
into the vine and His sap flows through me. The Bible describes Gods prophetic
voice as naba which literally means to bubble up. Gods voice is like a river
within me that bubbles up all through the day. When I am yielded to Him, it is as
simple as taking dictation but far more exciting because I am taking dictation from
the God of the universe! (It takes no great talent or effort on my part to hear.)
I know that God may cause me to sense something or see something in
the spirit. For verses about sensing and seeing in the spirit, see Seeing in the Spirit is not new

age. From Genesis to Revelation God has wanted us to have open spiritual eyes. I
choose to believe that God is pouring out His Spirit on ALL flesh and ALL will be able
to see spiritual visions and dream spiritual dreams. (Acts 2:17)
My biggest challenge was to trust my spiritual ears to hear God's voice
for others. The Holy Spirit convinced me that I didnt have to know precisely how
every prophetic word applied in order to deliver it. I pressed in to know God and His
voice. At first, it was kind of like going from written letters to E-mail to Instant
Messenger. Now, after years of "constant use," I can discern Him readily, no matter
where I am. I joke and say I have a wireless high speed connection now. Apostle
Paul said our spiritual senses are trained by "constant use;" I began to trust my
spiritual eyes, ears and senses to discern rightly. (Heb. 5:14)
God often tells us more than He wants to speak to others. Just ask, and He
will clarify what is to be prayed, what is to be shared with leadership and what is to
be prophesied to the receiver. Prophetic words will usually be for exhortation,
encouragement or consolation unless we are leadership over the receiver(s) or are
authorized to speak with correction, direction or reproof. (1 Cor. 12, 14) God will
anoint one who is accountable to Him and to Godly leadership.
My fulfillment comes as I lay all else on the altar in order to hear God's
voice, His heart and His desires. God fills me with His compassion and motivation
to impart clarity, healing, vision, faith, peace and the power to fulfill His calling.
Prophetic words usually come gently across my spirit, as a still small voice. They
are more healing, nurturing, loving, encouraging, wise and more knowledgeable
than my natural thoughts are. (1 Kings 19:12)
In 1 Corinthians 14, God commands us to desire spiritual gifts and to
covet to prophesy. I had to attend a school of the prophets (see 1 Samuel) for
12 weeks before I began to have confidence that I could hear God's voice and that I
wouldnt hurt people! They didnt give me a gift but they taught me how to minister
in the anointing and to be accountable.
When I began to see or sense things in my spirit, I would ask Father God, "Is
that you?" I soon realized that I had been sensing and hearing our Father all along
but I had been grouping all my thoughts together without distinguishing His
spontaneous thoughts in my spiritual mind from reasoning in my natural mind. Like
Jesus said, My sheep hear my voice.
I learned to place the Cross of Christ between me and any self-centered
flesh (that I was not aware of or had not finished bringing it to death on the cross.)
I didnt want soulish attitudes or motivations to color pure prophetic words. Jesus
only speaks the words the Father has spoken to Him (John 5:19-20) and I choose to
submit to Gods voice too.

Yes, like Jesus, we are only to say what our Father says to say and do what
our Father says to do. God never asked us to figure out what to do or say in our
own strength. To do so is to walk after the flesh, instead of the Spirit. As believers,
who have made Jesus Lord of our lives, we have the mind of Christ because we have
Christ in us, our hope of glory. This is the mystery of the Gospel: Christ alone can
live the Christian life - in us and through us - for God's glory.
Col 1:27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious
riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. NIV
Now I am blessed as I partner with God to minister words of knowledge,
wisdom or prophetic words that fill the heart of the receiver with a knowing that
their God knows their hearts desire and He is ready to respond. It was Gods desire
from the beginning to walk in the cool of the garden with His people, sharing heart
to heart - spirit to spirit. We can choose to believe that we too are one spirit with
His Spirit, we are His sheep, we hear His voice and we obey.
John 18:37b . Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice. NKJV
How do you begin? I would suggest that you begin like King David
began. As a shepherd boy, he would get alone, worship God, listen to God's voice
and journal his experiences. We know them as Psalms. He had a strong passion to
hear God's voice. If you will do what David did for even a month, you will notice
that you are becoming a person after Gods heart too. It doesnt have to be a long
time. God can say a lot in a few minutes.
1. Recognize God's voice as spontaneous thoughts that light upon your mind
2. Quiet yourself before God, away from distractions
3. Watch to see what God will say to you (look for vision)
4. Journal what God is saying and your response to God
Rev 3:20-21 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and
opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 21 To him
who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat
down with My Father on His throne. NKJV
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please contact us and let us know.
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